May Digital Business Women eMagazine

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Digital Business Women





Thank you for joining us in this journey!


I’d like to welcome you all to the second issue of Digital Business Women magazine. This magazine is a way to keep the debate active inspiring women around the globe and talk free-flowing between our face to face business events. The second issue is all about women who believe in changes and transformation - a very pesonal journey or one that reach millions - no matter what their stories and winsdow will ressonate to you. Thank you for accepting my invitation to speak out loud about your life and business expertise. The main goal is support women in business with genuine advise and techniques. If you are looking for support and collaboration, you have found your place here - we believe in collaboration and serious business.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this one. CANDYCE COSTA founder



Our Mission and Vision is to empower serious business women to achieve their dreams... Some of our goals are improving skills through business workshops and talks about digital and innovation in business, talks about personal experiences in business sharing hands on information and advise, cases studies to reveal the though process of creating a business, and all is to enable you to learn, implement and find the success that you deserve.

Our Mission To empower and nurture women in business and life to achieve their true potential and connecting them to create a collaborative and powerful community. Our Vision To create the most collaborative and encouraging platform to accelerate the change of the role of women in business and the modern society.

Anna McAfee, AM Consulting.

ANNA MCAFEE Tell us about your business. Through consulting work I help businesses and entrepreneurs define their digital strategy and create opportunity through genuine connection and storytelling on LinkedIn. What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? I've always loved both IT and people, and seek to find ways that technology can support our interactions with others. My mission is to help others grow their business by facilitating genuine connection and building community on LinkedIn.

What did you learn from your biggest failure? Failure has always taught me that I must never assume I have all the answers and to take responsibility for the failure, so that I could learn from it and grow. Acknowledgement of the problem, moving on and adapting to change and resolve situations differently has been the outcome of failure for me.

What is unique about your business? To my clients I bring both my knowledge of the soft skills behind relationship building with people, as well as the technical know-how of LinkedIn and its functions.

What's your productivity secret? I am passionately driven to do what I do and help others achieve success, so I never tire of all things LinkedIn related! I am also an advocate of switching off from social media on Sundays to maintain focus, make better decisions and be more creative.

ANNA What service(s) or product(s) do you offer. 1-1 Coaching for individuals or team members, Group Workshops, and speaking engagements on social media and LinkedIn. Have you ever turned down a client? Yes, when I have not had sufficient time to fully devote myself to the project. This has been due to other client commitments in the past. How do you find inspiration? By surrounding myself with people who believe in me, have similar goals or mindset, and that lift others up, not bring them down.


What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? That it really doesn't matter what others think of you. In the end the only person's opinion that truly matter is your own. Be what you want to be, and not what the world wants you to be. You've got to listen to your own heart as its the only one that knows what's right. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Be open to opportunities and new ideas. Build a strong network of people, help others and add value to those around you. Respect and value other people and their time. Trust the process and know that the path before you may have many twists and turns, but in the end you will learn more by taking a leap of faith into a new role or industry, than never trying in the first place

To what do you attribute your success? I've always worked hard, and valued the opportunity and belief others had in me. Personal development (podcasts and books) have also been a big part of my success because its allowed me to develop resilience and see the value in my own ideas. What's your favourite quote? "If you have the opportunity, build a bigger table, not a taller fence." .

Anna McAfee, AM Consulting, Owner,

Beckie Coupe, Infinity with Beckie Coupe.

BECKIE COUPE What's your favorite quote? Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority," and see how that feels. - Laura Vanderkam. What's your productivity secret? Work with your creativity. There are some tasks that you can complete no matter what mood you're in, but creativity is easily scared away. Trying to force creativity when you're not in the right frame of mind will result in you wasting time and producing less than inspired work. Likewise, if creativity hits then embrace it! Make the most of those times when the creative juices are flowing.

What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? My mission is to help soulful entrepreneurs make sense of social media so that they can make the best possible use of it to grow the business of their dreams. I help my clients find their voice, refine their message and make an impact online. It's all about building a business that is infused with passion, soul and integrity.

Tell us about you and your business. I am a social media expert, founder of Infinity and author of The Social Media Handbook for Soulful Entrepreneurs. Having worked in the world of social media marketing for over a decade, I now share my knowledge and experience with business owners across a wide range of different sectors, from all over the world.

BECKIE What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? As well as providing social media management services, I deliver training through online programmes and my monthly email subscription product The Social Media Acccelerator. I also work with clients on a 1-2-1 basis, teaching them how to use social media effectively in their businesses. In January 2018 I published by first book “The Social Media Handbook for Soulful Entrepreneurs." To what do you attribute your success? Aside from hard work and determination, over the years I have met and surrounded myself with so many incredible fellow entrepreneurs who I'm now extremely lucky to call my friends. I have such a strong support network, both on and offline, of people who get it. They have honestly kept me going through the best and the hardest of times. What did you learn from your biggest failure? That it's OK to focus on the parts of your work that truly light you up. When I decided to narrow my focus from digital marketing to social media marketing it was terrifying at first as I had to start saying no to work that didn't fall within my new vision and I worried that there wouldn't be enough work doing only social media. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made.


How do you find inspiration? I find inspiration by listening to my clients. Every time I speak to one of my clients about their business or I have a conversation with one of my social media followers, I learn something new about their wants and needs. The smallest comment can inspire me, whether it be to write and record content, or create a product or service. What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? I wish I'd known that it's OK to be yourself. In fact, it's more than OK; when you are an integral part of your brand then being yourself and letting everything that makes you unique shine through is absolutely essential. It's the difference between a successful business and a successful business and clients that truly make your heart sing.

What is unique about your business? Many of my clients have come across mainstream social media advice that they feel uncomfortable with implementing in their business; often because it's focused on making an impression rather than an impact. I teach soulful social media strategies which focus on making an impact and I help my clients make those strategies their own, because there is no one size fits all solution. Have you ever turned down a client? I have turned down clients in the past because I knew that we weren't a great fit. The strategies I teach achieve fantastic results but the client has to be fully invested and committed to their success to achieve that. I have worked hard over the years to get my message out to the soulful entrepreneurs that I am here to serve, so it is now very rare that I have to turn a potential client away. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? What others think of you is none of your business. You'll soon find that everyone has an opinion or feedback and, no matter how well-meaning, the smallest comment can easily throw you off course, particularly in the early days. Use discretion when taking on board other peoples' feedback and dont be afraid to say thank you and then keep on doing your thing. .

Social Media Marketing Expert *

Carol Stewart, Abounding Solutions, The Coach for High Achieving Introverted Women.

CAROL STEWART What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? I believe if all women achieve their full potential they will powerfully do their bit to make a positive difference in their spheres of influence. My mission is that ALL women I work with achieve their full potential and excel in their careers and businesses as authentic, bold, confident leaders, making a positive impact through their work. In particular, introverted senior women becoming quietly visible and lead with influence and impact. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? I provide one to one coaching and mentoring, group workshops, training, webinars, and talks.

Tell us about you and your business. I help women to overcome the challenges and barriers to their career and business success. I help them to be authentic, bold, confident leaders who excel at what they do. I also help organisations to develop their women employees so that they are at their optimal in their careers, and so that more of them make it to senior management roles. In 2015, I was named as one of Britain’s Top 50 Business Advisers by Enterprise Nation, and in December 2017, named as a LinkedIn Top Voice UK.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Have a vision and a plan for your business, and be clear about what you need to do, and take focused, consistent action. .

CAROL STEWART What is unique about your business? I am THE coach for high achieving introverted women, and the choice for corporate women's networks to engage, educate and empower their members in how they can authentically, boldly and confidently excel in their careers. To what do you attribute your success? I attribute my success to having confidence in myself and my abilities to do what I do and constantly challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone and go for opportunities. Listening to the voices of those who my services are geared for and providing them with solutions. Also, being a lifelong learner, I strive to be the best that I can be, in order to make a positive impact through my work. Ultimately though, I owe my ability to do and achieve all of this to God. What's your favourite quote? I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Have you ever turned down a client? Yes, when it would appear that the potential client would benefit more from receiving counselling than coaching.

What's your productivity secret? Having a big why. A big motivation for doing what I do. When I am doing work that I am passionate about and utilising my strengths, my productivity levels sky rocket.

What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? You don't have to do everything just because everyone else is doing it. Be yourself and find what works best for you and your business.

What did you learn from your biggest failure? Get clear on who my target audience is and make sure my messages speak clearly to them, so that they understand why they need my services. How do you find inspiration? Learning from others who have been before me. Listening to what is said and not said. Knowing that my work is making a difference in the lives of others. Surrounding myself with like minded  people. Journaling. Writing. Being creative. Being at my optimal. *

Carolyn Kiel, creator and host of the Beyond 6 Seconds podcast.

CAROLYN KIEL What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? I want to help people achieve their goals by developing and sharing their talents. I believe that we all have the potential to make a positive difference in the world and we all need help and support to do that. I try to provide some of that help in my work: my training helps people refine their skills and my podcast provides a platform to share stories while inspiring and connecting people. How do you find inspiration? There is inspiration everywhere. I am inspired by my podcast guests who share their stories with my listeners and me. They renew my faith in humanity.

What is unique about your business? I feature stories that people haven't heard before. My guests' stories portray the road to success honestly and realistically: how they overcome incredible challenges and use their own resourcefulness and unique talents to make the world a better place. Some of my guests are also looking for work, so the podcast helps showcase their talents and accomplishments publicly.

Tell us about you and your business. I live in New Jersey USA, where I design and plan employee training programs at large companies. In 2018, I started a podcast called Beyond 6 Seconds. It features the extraordinary stories of everyday people who overcome challenges and make a positive impact on the world.

CAROLYN KIEL Have you ever turned down a client? I have not had to turn down a guest for my podcast yet. I would turn someone down if I sense the guest's work might be trying to exploit or hurt people. Fortunately I have not been in that situation yet. What's your productivity secret? I'm a big fan of to-do lists, and of setting aside a few hours each week after work to record and edit podcasts. I also use Calendly to manage my bookings and calendar. What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? Networking and meeting new people have been crucial to my career progression. I wish I had understood good networking earlier in my career: that it's really about building relationships and helping each other over the long term, instead of asking for favors short-term. Listening and giving is so important in networking! What's your favorite quote? "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."- Henry Ford

What did you learn from your biggest failure? My biggest failure was in trying to make a significant career change within the company where I worked at the time. I thought that would be easy, but it turned out that it was easier to make the change by joining a new company where I could start fresh in a new role & environment. I succeeded in the end, but only after I spent a long time being frustrated by an approach that wasn't working. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? In my training career, I have worked on and managed global organizational change initiatives (including corporate culture change, risk management and IT data management) and built employee training programs that develop talent. On my podcast, which is separate from my training work, I interview entrepreneurs, leaders of community initiatives and people working with new technology, to share inspiring stories that you haven't heard before!

To what do you attribute your success? Resilience and persistence. Sometimes I feel like the stream of water that erodes through the tough rock. I have goals but I also try to keep an open mind about my future, realizing that I may not be able to imagine the opportunities now that I'll discover in the future. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Learn by doing as much as possible: don't worry if you don't know what you want to do with your life, just try stuff and see if you like it and where else it may lead you. .

Carolyn Kiel, creator and host of the Beyond 6 Seconds podcast, ,



Chantel Soumis, Stardust Creative LLC, Founder & Creative Director.

CHANTEL SOUMIS Tell us about you and your business. Each business is unique and their marketing strategy should be too. Stardust works with organizations to understand target persona(s) and build a methodical, cohesive marketing strategy for an ultimate lead generation initiative along with optional personal branding coaching and consulting.

What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? To build a stellar brand for your business, highlighting all strengths and differentiators to make the most impact. Have you ever turned down a client? Yes. We have turned down clients that don't match our organization's values.

What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? Personal Branding Coaching Marketing Consulting Marketing Strategy Brand Building Content Strategy & Creation Logo & Sales Sheet Design Website & UX Optimization.



What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? Confidence - just dive right in.

What is unique about your business? Our team is passionate about what we do because we all come from backgrounds of different-abilities. As warriors with various chronic health conditions, we understand the value of loving what we do so that's why the quality of our work is unparalleled.

What did you learn from your biggest failure? That everything will always work out. Failure isn't the end of the world, just the beginning of a beautiful learning opportunity.

What's your productivity secret? Scheduling everything and managing lists! To what do you attribute your success? It's definitely been a strong mixture between the most supportive parents in the world (in my opinion) and the adversity I have faced with my physical and mental health. After battling a debilitating relapse of Multiple Sclerosis where I lost my vision, my hearing, and my ability to walk effectively, I developed a newfound strength and desire to dazzle to make the most out of each and every day!

How do you find inspiration? I find inspiration in every day. Just by waking up and experiencing the present brings so much inspiration for creativity and enjoyment of each project.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? I would tell them to be confident. You are the only you and the only one with the exact same story as you - in the entire universe. That makes you very special and you need to share your gifts with the world. Be confident in yourself and just start. . What's your favourite quote? "Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it." Brene Brown Â

Stardust Creative LLC, Founder & Creative Director


Fanny Myth, the Frenchie Marketeur, Founder of Fanny Myth.



Tell us about you and your business. Adventure & Dog Lover, Fanny Myth has been an online influencer in Personal and Business Branding for over 5 years, empowering coaches and consultants to 10x their impact and confidently grow their business. What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? "From Unknown to Authority". I help Coaches create Powerful & Unforgettable Personal Brands so they can become Charismatic Leaders, attract their Ideal Clients & build their Tribe. How? 6 years of International Experience in Sales & Branding, my mentors' secrets & my Unique ability to quickly connect the dots are my Superpowers to get Proven Results.

What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? In less than 4 months, I became a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, International Speaker and Influencer in my space. I've been invited to workshops, conferences, digital summits and interviews where I’ve shared my cutting-edge brand strategies. Because I am all about VALUE first, I've produced more than 100 pieces of free online content, especially in my "Facebook Ads & Personal Branding Tribe," a Facebook community of passionate and ambitious actiontakers. While known for my Personal Branding Academy & online courses, I also attracted into my network successful mentors, killer partnerships and high-end coaching and Facebook Ad clients.

What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? I wish I could have found my own mentors from Day 1. They have the experience and wisdom I don't. They help me avoid tons of mistakes and save me money and time. But at the same time, without my mistakes, I certainly would not have my current mindset and killer determination to crush it. It may be hard to believe, but I wish to do nothing differently from my Day 1.

FANNY Have you ever turned down a client? Yes, I still turn down leads. I learned that taking on a client who is not my IDEAL clients is the worst way to serve them (and myself). By having the wrong mindset, not valuing your talent, draining your energy and questioning your skills, how can you give the BEST results? After 6 months taking on that one type of coaching client, I simply said, "Stop." It was a life lesson. What's your productivity secret? Get a good night sleep. Go for a walk with my puppy. Then head to the gym with some cool beats. Fresh mind, fresh body. Ready to kick my daily goals in a cool bar/restaurant before coming back home to get on Zoom calls with my coaching clients/Academy students and check Ad campaigns. How do you find inspiration? I learn something NEW everyday and take time for myself. To stay creative, you need to be curious and expand your comfort zone. But you also need to take time to reset and do what you're passionate about. One of my BEST sources of inspiration is meeting new people. I love listening to inspiring stories, learning from others, discussing a wide range of topics and having fun while doing it! fb group : Personal Branding & Facebook Ads Tribe, Fanny Myth on Facebook or @fannymythofficial on IG.


To what do you attribute your success? My inner voice, without a doubt. My intuition has always been my "best friend." I simply listen and execute. This is how I ended up travelling the world, starting my entrepreneurial adventure, connecting with authentic and passionate people, and pushing myself to become my BEST self while inspiring and helping coaches reach their fullest potential. What's your favorite quote? Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and focus on what could go right." Too many people stay in their comfort zone-wishing, dreaming, but not taking action, scared to "fail." I've made a promise to myself: see positivity in everything. If I fail, I learn. Better done than perfect. Train, train, train, until you master it. And remember, the journey matters WAY more than the end goal. What did you learn from your biggest failure? When you hustle for 6 months without getting any results, you feel like a failure. Your body is drained and your mindset is in the wrong place. Working hard doesn't automatically mean becoming financially free or feeling fulfilled. I worked my butt off for months and learned a TON about myself, how to run a business and not let your business control your Life.

What is unique about your business? I teach what I've done myself first. Being French and doing business in English is already unique. But the Secret Sauce I teach that gets results without having to spend endless hours on social media is based on the brand strategies I've learned working internationally, the business hacks my mentors taught me and my unique ability to naturally connect the dots to create killer digital strategies. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? If you have haters, it means you're doing something RIGHT. I've quickly learned that when we are relentless, ready to crush it and dedicated to making it happen, we end up making some people jealous. They simply project their fears onto us. And it's ok. If you've attracted haters, it means you also have a Tribe of Raving Supporters who are ready to help you, guide you, learn from you and buy from you.

Michele Attias, Mindset Expert, Coach, International Speaker & Author.



Tell us about you and your business. I'm a Mindset Expert with a background of 20 years in mental health, and my unique methodology combines the most powerful aspects of Coaching, Deep Mindset Work and Life design. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? One to one Coaching tailored and bespoke to my clients, I start with a powerful 6 Week Coaching Accelerator, then offer 3-6 month Programmes. I also speak at events in London and internationally, and recently published my new book 'Look inside: Stop Seeking Start Living.'

What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? My mission is to help smart people who have an entrepreneurial spirit, are open to new experiences and ready to optimise their mindset. My goal is to help them create better decision making and action taking without the stress, anxiety or burnout, saving time, energy and leading to a substantially more fulfilled life. Divorcing my clients from their stories and helping them claim their truth, a solid foundation in which to build their lives. This is created through coaching sessions, resources and accountability. Have you ever turned down a client? Rarely, but I only if they weren't invested enough in coaching, were not coachable or receptive to feedback.

What's your favourite quote? "People will forget what you say, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel" Maya Angelou. .

MICHELEATTIAS What is unique about your business? I've spent over 20 years in the mental health sector as I was previously a qualified Therapist. As a mindset expert, I coach professionals to stop overthinking and start doing. I'm passionate about customisation and quality, and specialise in eliminating stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. I'm successful in helping clients make decisions, have more energy, and expand their business with ease. How do you find inspiration? Walking, gaining wisdom from my elderly parents, listening to my daughters give me their take on the world, reading both novels and biographies, writing, exercising and travelling. What's your productivity secret? The one hour a day rule. When I want to create a project, service or write my next book, I carve out one hour a day of uninterrupted time - no wifi, or distractions, just focus for one hour. Also to break up my day into tasks and having a stopwatch timing me, and an alarm to let me know that I need to move on to the next task. Otherwise I can spend too long or distracted on certain tasks

What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? If only I would have paused more, and thought about things more practically, I wouldn't have bought into products and services I didn't need.

What did you learn from your biggest failure? To not be an avoider, to face things head on, otherwise it has a habit of creeping up on you.

To what do you attribute your success? Building relationships over the years with my networks, whether it be at networking events or online, building solid and trusting relationships takes time, but it's a great way to build a business. Always showing up, being proactive, never giving up, being determined, tenatious and connecting with people for inspiration, coaching or mentoring when I've needed to.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Stay in your job and on the side, build up your business, so that at least financially you will feel secure and relieve some of the anxiety in starting out. Commit to what you want to create, but don't have any illusions about the work it takes to pull it off. Get yourself a mentor or coach, they will keep you on the path when self doubt sets in.

Michele Attias Coaching, Mindset Expert, Coach, International Speaker & Author of the book 'Look Inside: Stop Seeking Start Living' *

Milenne Tanganelli, Founder and Director or Digital Pop-Ups Augmented Reality Experiences.


What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? My mission is to enhance communication by helping people to see beyond what it is in front of them. And we do that by bringing digital content onto the real world in order inspire, engage and educate audiences so we can help them to make better and more informed decisions.


What is unique about your business? We help businesses to stand out, increase their exposure and engagement with their target audience through Augmented Reality Technology. What's your favourite quote? I have many favourite quotes... but here you go: this is one: "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." Seneca

Tell us about you and your business. I am a professional in visual communication, 3D animation and digital media. I have recently setup Digital Pop-Ups where I use augmented reality technology to enhance communication between businesses and their target audiences. Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digital content onto real world – providing an ‘Augmented’ experience. We strongly believe that we can change people’s perceptions about a product or service by allowing them to see beyond what is in front of them. What that means is that we make print come to life with interactive digital content like video, audio, animations, 3D objects… through mobile devices.

What did you learn from your biggest failure? The word failure is misunderstood. Failure is part of the learning. If you are not prepare to fail means that you are not prepared to learn



What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? Augmented Reality is not something that a lot of people have experienced yet. Although is becoming more well known, it is not yet mainstream. What I wish I knew before I started: that it takes longer than what you think, that the business needs to change and evolve and that is all part of the fun but then you have to be prepared to think on your feet, listen to what people tell you and reflect on what is working and what you need to change. Also that finding the right people to work with is essential and that is not easy either. I have learned so much and keep learning. I think the key is to invest in your own self-development and finding the right mentor who can help you. The word failure is misunderstood. Failure is part of the learning. If you are not prepared to fail means that you are not prepared to learn. What's your productivity secret? Having the right team and positive culture.

How do you find inspiration? I find inspiration from meditating, having a daily routine brain retraining with positive affirmations, relaxation and looking after myself. Then I find inspiration by attending events and positive minded people and Successful entrepreneurs, people who don't find excuses for why it didn't work but how can we do better next time. I also avoid having toxic people around. To what do you attribute your success? I think a change in the mindset is a success in its own right. By becoming more aware of my limiting beliefs and repeated negative patterns I was able to reverse negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. We also focus too much on success as a final result. To me, success is to recognise that I am moving towards my goal every day and that I am enjoying the journey. It is also key to find 3 things to be grateful for every day, to be kind to oneself and others. Â If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Not to start if are just having a go to see what happens. You must have a reason why you do it and be prepared to fall flat on your face several times and get up again. It is important to have a life and enjoy the journey. Without a doubt, stress and negative thoughts are the enemies. So taking care of body and mind every day is essential as well as investing in your personal and professional development.

What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? We bring any print to life with interactive digital content that can be triggered via mobile devices. Our AR experiences are immersive creating deeper levels of communication and greater customer engagement. AR is an exciting marketing tool that can be used in many areas like Events, Tourism, Real Estate, Retail, Packaging, Education and many others.. Have you ever turned down a client? Not yet. However, we have very strong environmental and ethical values. We will only work with conscious businesses that contribute to positive social change for a more sustainable world. This is what we believe and it is our responsibility to make sure we do not work with companies that are not aligned with our ethos.

Digital Pop-Ups Augmented Reality Experiences. www. email: .

Nazia Sarkar, Director Kadou Learning, Co-Founder MentorYou (MU) App.

NAZIA SARKAR What is unique about your business? We are very compatible. You do not have to change your organisational needs or processes to use our products, we make our products fit for purpose for your organisation. Have you ever turned down a client? Yes, when we have felt that we are not the best fit for their brief or when their expectations have been unrealistic.

What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? To help create a learning environment and develop effective tools to connect, learn and share knowledge and experiences. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? Mentoring app - MentorYou (MU) Learning Management Systems Pearformance Management Sytems Business Process Apps

Tell us about you and your business. We are learning technology specialists, helping organisations bridge the gap between Learning & Development and technology. .

NAZIA What's your productivity secret? Keep it simple and make it easy. What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? Ways to fund or investment opportunities.


What did you learn from your biggest failure? That there is no failure but it is all a learning process. If you look at everything that did not go your way as a failure, you will never focus on how to get things right. How do you find inspiration? When I look around in my life and see what I have been blessed with, it inspires me to want to do what I can to help others achieve that same appreciation and content. To what do you attribute your success? Perseverance and commitment. I do not do anything halfheartedly or give up easily.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Commit, dedicate time and effort, most importantly be ready to learn. On a more personal level, be patient and focused, celebrate your achievements, celebrate your team or support network, stay realistic and stay grounded. What's your favourite quote? Aim for the stars, the least you would do is reach the mountain top.

Nazia Sarkar Director Kadou Learning Co-Founder MentorYou (MU) App

Tabitha Trent Cavanagh, ThinkingAhead Executive Search IT & Gaming Recruiter.

TABITHA TRENT CAVANAGH Tell us about you and your business. I am passionate about people! I help facilitate connections between clients, candidates and industry professionals. I value building new relationships in the Information Technology and gaming spaces. I'm beyond excited about the emerging technologies and thankful to be a small part of it!

What's your productivity secret? Devote yourself to the process, regardless of the immediate outcome. Your efforts, when consistent, WILL pay off! Also, be authentic ALWAYS! Authenticity will attract your tribe and weed out those who you don't need to be surrounded by! What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? Everyone views the world through a different lens. It's important to respect and welcome other viewpoints, but it's never okay to take a beating. Do what you believe in and don't lose your passion. Your enthusiasm will attract the right people. Whatever you do, just keep going. Never give up!

What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? At ThinkingAhead Executive Search, we don't just "find" talent, we ATTRACT it. We are a unique, collaborative boutique style search firm. Quality matters most. We handle the details, so you can focus on the opportunity!



What is your mission? (or) What's your company  goals? My mission is to show other [women] that, despite our struggles, we can do hard things. We can turn our challenges into blessings AND lessons! As long as you're reading this right now, it's never too late. What are you waiting for? To what do you attribute your success? Consistency. Not every day is filled with rainbows and unicorns. You won't always "feel inspired". Some days are filled with tears and frustration. It happens. Let yourself feel what you need to feel, but don't stay there. Challenge yourself and practice positive self-talk! Be your own biggest advocate! What did you learn from your biggest failure? I'm only failing if I'm not learning. As long as I give something my best effort, I feel good about it. I know not everything will work out "in my favor", but I always feel like I'm right where I'm needed. My biggest struggle to date has been my battle with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. Now, THAT I learned a lot from! My journey taught me to make peace with my decisions regardless of the outcome!

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? Wake up with a grateful heart every single day. Before your feet even hit the floor in the morning, find gratitude. You won't always "love" your career, but choose to find the good in it. Be relentless in the pursuit of what you want and never, ever stand in your own way! How do you find inspiration? Wow. That's a loaded question! Inspiration is all around me. I believe you can choose to be inspired by most things. I find great inspiration from my daughter, my family, my colleagues, my candidates, my boss and a lot of my connections on LinkedIn! Never underestimate the power of putting your car in drive, rolling the windows down and turning up the music! What's your favourite quote? This verse got me through my cancer journey. "Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; BE STRONG and do it." - Ezra 10:4

What is unique about your business? Our multi-step process is 100% transparent. We truly value each professional we work with and take the necessary time to really learn about your passion, your goals and your life to understand what an ideal alignment would look like! Have you ever turned down a client? I think it's important to know your capabilities, as well as the environment you're walking into. I'm never scared of a good challenge, but sometimes it's not a fit. You have to know when to recognize that and walk away with your head held high! Never compromise your values for money!

"Tabitha Trent Cavanagh Thinking Ahead Executive Search IT & Gaming Recruiter"

EZRA 10:4’

‘ARISE, FOR IT IS YOUR TASK, AND WE ARE WITH YOU; BE STRONG AND DO IT. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? This verse got me through my cancer journey - Tabitha Trent Cavanagh

Tamara Baranova, 6-Figure Facebook Ads & Launch Strategist.

TAMARA BARANOVA What's your productivity secret? When I need to be extra productive I make sure I'm clear on what I'm working on, why and have the resources I need to hand. Then I switch off any distractions like social media notifications, Slack messages or email pings. Put some happy dancing music on - and dive into what I need to do. This helps me to get into a flow state pretty quickly.

What is your mission? (or) What’s your company’s goals? I help coaches, consultants and course creators create 6-figure product launches and 5-figure recurring revenue funnels... so they can scale their business without working more hours. Successful launches and ad campaigns I create not only transform the business of my clients, but also help them create a bigger impact in the world by putting their products and programs into hands of more people. Have you ever turned down a client? We often say no to potential clients if we don't feel they are a fit for what we can offer or if out of integrity we feel that we won't be able to help them reach their goals. .

What is unique about your business? Many marketing consultants don't offer implementation leaving it at just advice and coaching. We can not only create customised effective funnels to convert more leads into buyers and clients, but also generate leads using low-cost highconverting ad campaigns on social media. Plus we specialise in coaching, consulting and info-product niche so have a wealth of knowledge what really work here.



How do you find inspiration? Sometimes inspiration comes from my clients and projects they invite me to work on with them. I can get ridiculously excited about new ideas, marketing campaigns or strategies and then work doesn't even feel like work. Sometimes inspiration comes from seeing a wrong in the marketplace and wanting to share a better way of doing things so that other people can avoid the same mistakes. To what do you attribute your success? It's important to keep learning, testing and improving. If you stay still for too long relying on tactics that are working right now, then very quickly these tactics will become far less effective. On a personal level tenacity, dedication to excellence, and truly caring about our clients, often doing way more than planned because that's the right thing to do. If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be? With an online business you can test different ideas, markets, products, niches before you choose something as "the one thing" you want to really specialise in. Remember that your audience (on social media and as your email list) is the most important asset for an online business so always focus on building up and nurturing your subscribers and fans.

What do you wish you knew before you started your first business? I wish I knew more about marketing and sales before I started my business. Being great at what you do is only part of making your business successful because if no one knows about your greatness you can't make money or help people. I had to learn about it all during the first year so I've probably made every mistake in the book! What did you learn from your biggest failure? Our lowest point was in December 2013 when our largest client (by volume and income) decided to take the work inhouse and cancelled our contract. Overnight we went from a 6-figure business to £512. This taught me to never stop marketing in order to keep the leads pipeline always active, to have better contracts and not rely on one client or one source of income 80% or more. What's your favourite quote? Steve Jobs said: Stay hungry, stay foolish. Keep learning, improving your systems and processes, set ambitious goals. But on the other hand - stay curious about what you are actually passionate about. Failure isn't final unless you decide to quit trying.

Tell us about you and your business. My clients call me their 6Figure Launch Goddess because in 2017 I have sold nearly $2mil worth of their products using effective marketing & advertising campaigns. I'm a certified Facebook ads manager, funnels & automation specialist, and a launch strategist. What service(s) or product(s) do you offer? We offer marketing strategy of how to effectively promote an online b usiness and get more clients through cutting-edge marketing funnels and campaigns. Clients can either implement advice with coaching support or we can do this all for them throughfunnel design and setup, ad management and lead generation services. * *

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