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Welcometothe MarchMagazine

Hello everyone!

Though the snowdrops have been in bloom for a couple of weeks now and, as I write this in the last week of February, there are already daffodils to be seen flowering in more sheltered places than ours, spring is definitely on her way, and March heralds her arrival “proper”. We pass the equinox this month, and so there can be no return to those long dark winter nights, though there may well still be some cold weather still to come. Like me, gardeners everywhere are impatient to begin the new growing season, but up here on the chilly Mendips at least, I need to restrain myself for another two or three weeks yet. Still, I will have lots to keep me busy as my long-awaited chickens will be arriving this month. There are two lovely feathered ladies to stitch in this issue, as well as a pair of my favourite garden birds - those cheeky, irreverent sparrows! There are bunnies too in anticipation of Easter, and some lovely new recipes to enjoy in our kitchen section.


I hope you enjoy this issue and the April Magazine will be published on Thursday 30 March, in five weeks time. Until then I hope you have a lovely month lots of time for stitching!

Very best wishes

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