Bus Tours Magazine September/October 2015

Page 1

Volume XXXVI, Number 1 • September/October, 2015

Hidden Gems pages 12 and 20

Lodging and Dining page 26

Native American and Western Heritage page 14




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Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 3

! ! " Newnan-Coweta

Museum and easily accessible by foot, dates

Academy Museum, groups may be dropped

Historical Society

from the mid-1800s. It has connections to

off on the sidewalk directly in front of the

Newnan, Georgia

the Civil War era, when the entire town of

museum and buses parked at the McRitchie-

Newnan served as one large hospital. This

Hollis lot two blocks away.

Welcome to charming and historic Newnan, Georgia. Known as the “City of Homes,�

building was moved several times before

Museum hours are Tuesday to Saturday 10

Newnan is located 40 miles south of Atlanta

being returned to its present location and

a.m.-3 p.m. or by appointment. For more infor-

but feels a world away. Newnan boasts six

opening as a museum in 1978. It currently

mation go to newnancowetahistoricalsoci-

National Register Historic Districts and a

houses an exhibit focused on quilts which

ety.com or phone (770) 251-0207. To make

lively downtown area with restaurants and

will run through spring of 2016.

reservations or schedule a visit, e-mail wjeff-

shopping. The picturesque downtown area

Both museums can comfortably accom-

is home to the McRitchie-Hollis Museum and

modate groups of 50 people with larger

the Male Academy Museum, both operated

groups split between the two locations.

by the Newnan-Coweta Historical Society.

Groups of 20 or more qualify for a 50 percent

Located in Estero, Florida, Miromar Out-

The area is the hometown of country music

discount with a joint admission price of $5

lets has been voted The Best Shopping Cen-

singer Alan Jackson and author Erskine Cald-

for adults and $2 for seniors and students.

ter in southwest Florida featuring more than

well, and the “back lot� of world-famous TV

Admission is waived for all drivers and

140 top designer and brand name outlets with

show, “The Walking Dead.�

escorts. A single group payment may be

savings of up to 70 percent off retail prices.


Miromar Outlets

Built in 1937 by wealthy mill owners, the

made at the door or in advance by check or

A superb blend of outlets, architecture

McRitchie-Hollis Museum brings to mind an

credit card. Reservations are strongly encour-

and dining has established Miromar Outlets

era of gracious living. The elegant house

aged to ensure appropriate stafďŹ ng.

as the premiere shopping and dining desti-

Bus parking is available on-site at the

nation in southwest Florida for international

out the year. Upcoming exhibitions will fea-

McRitchie-Hollis Museum free of charge.

tourists, vacationers, seasonal and year-

ture several well-known regional artists.

When visiting this location, pick-up and drop-

round residents. Children, from toddlers to

The Male Academy Museum, located two

off are in the bus parking lot directly behind

12, can enjoy the award-winning covered

blocks away from the McRitchie-Hollis

the McRitchie-Hollis Museum. At the Male


hosts a variety of changing exhibits through-

4 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

Miromar Outlets is located at exit 123 off

family in 1900. At this time they added the

Interstate 75 on Miromar Outlets Boulevard

Classical Revival details found in the home

in Estero, between Naples and Fort Myers.

today – the front portico's massive

Store hours are Monday through Satur-

Corinthian columns, gambrel roof, wain-

day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from

scoting, mantels and staircase. Electricity

11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information phone

was added shortly before 1907 and a new

(239) 948-3766 or you can visit them online

kitchen, pantry, breakfast room, bathrooms

at MiromarOutlets.com.

and back sitting porch in the 1920s. Adsmore was the home of the Smith-

Find great savings on top names includ-

Adsmore Museum

Garrett family from 1900 to 1984. John

Princeton, Kentucky

Parker Smith and Nancy Bond Kevil Smith

ing Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH, Neiman Mar-

Upon the death of Miss Katharine Garrett

had five children: Mayme, Kate, Shell,

cus Last Call, Bloomingdale’s The Outlet

in September, 1984, the Board of Trustees of

James Urey and Selina. Tours center on

Store, American Eagle OutďŹ tters, Ann Tay-

the George Coon Public Library inherited the

events, which took place in the lives of the

lor Factory Store, Abercrombie & Fitch,

historic home called Adsmore to be used as

family at the turn of the century, 1901-

Brooks Brothers Factory Store, Calvin Klein,

a museum. By her will, Garrett established a

1914. While touring the home, visitors learn

Coach Factory, Cole Haan Outlet, Columbia

trust with which to restore the home and par-

about Mayme and Robert Garrett, parents

Sportswear Crocs, DKNY, Greg Norman,

tially provide for its upkeep and operation.

of Katharine.

GUESS Factory, J.Crew Factory, Justice, The

The museum opened to the public in 1986.

The house is mainly furnished with hand-

North Face, Lacoste, Levi’s Outlet, Lucky

Built circa 1857 for Mr. Higgins, a

crafted American antiques. Nearly everything

Brand, Michael Kors, Nike Factory Store,

Princeton dry goods merchant, the Greek

displayed in the house belonged to family

OshKosh B’Gosh, Polo Ralph Lauren Factory

Revival house is listed in the Kentucky and

members. Personal belongings of both

Store, Quicksilver, TUMI, Tommy HilďŹ ger,

National Register of Historic Places. The

Osbornes and Kate Smith Williams were

True Religion and many more.

home was purchased by the Smith-Garrett

returned to the house upon their deaths. The attic was a storehouse of beautiful old clothes

packed in trunks. The collection of china, sil-


ver, clocks, mirrors and ďŹ ne portraits enhance


Save up to 70% Off Retail Prices


7 " Ê* ÊUÊ "" Ê / 6 É"1/ "",Ê ÊUÊ , Ê6 *Ê- 6 -Ê ," 1, Visit MiromarOutlets.com for details and to register your group today.

Step back in time and visit Adsmore, a living house museum. Leave the present behind and enter into an era of top hats and fans, graphophones, lavender scented sheets, elegant china and crystal, and button shoes. Adsmore, meticulously restored, reflects the lifestyle of the prominent Smith-Garret family at the close of the “Golden Age.� Guided Tours Tuesday-Saturday 11 AM to 4 PM


In Southwest Florida off I-75, Exit 123, Corkscrew Road iĂŒĂœiiÂ˜ĂŠ >ÂŤÂ?iĂƒĂŠ>˜`ĂŠ ÂœĂ€ĂŒĂŠ ĂžiĂ€ĂƒĂŠUĂŠ­Ă“ΙŽÊ™{nÂ‡ĂŽĂ‡ĂˆĂˆ

Step back in time... NEWNAN, GEORGIA


(770) 251-0207

Home of Alan Jackson & Erskine Caldwell / Location for “Walking Dead� / Antebellum & Victorian Homes / Shopping / 3 Museums


20 miles from Atlanta... but a whole world away! Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 5

this elegant home. Step back in time and visit Adsmore. View adsmore.org or phone (270) 365-3114.

Prestonburg, Kentucky They say, “Load up the coach and come visit Prestonsburg.� They have set the stage for music entertainment and heritage tours. The

General Jackson Showboat

Mountain Arts Center is the home of Billie Jeans’ Kentucky Opry, the

Nashville, Tennessee

best show this side of Branson. Other shows are the Front Porch

Cruise the beautiful Cumberland River while enjoying a delightful Southern meal and world-class entertainment on one of Music

Pickin’, national recording stars, talent searches and regular country, bluegrass and gospel performances.

City’s premiere attractions, the General Jackson Showboat. The majestic 300-foot pad-



dlewheel riverboat is one of the largest showboats country



the four

massive decks and an opulent two-story Victorian Theater, which offers amazing live shows. Group rates are offered to groups of 10 or more. They offer planning and catering for special group

The Jenny Wiley Theatre located at Jenny Wiley State Resort Park,

events and can assist with creating a truly unforgettable cruise,

is nationally acclaimed for rotating drama and musicals during the

dining and entertainment experience for your guests. Phone (615)

summer. Spend an enchanted evening under the stars.

458-3900 or visit GeneralJackson.com for show schedules and

Music is just a way of life in Prestonsburg. Local restaurants host the best-of-the-best local singing and pickin’ during the week

ticket information.

((615) 615) 4458-3900 58-3900 | GGeneralJackson.com ener alJackson.com 2812 2812 OOpryland pr y land DDrive r i ve | NNashville, ash v ille, TTNN 337214 7214

Choose from 3

Come Come experience experience the the

Amazing Shows!

W World orl d Famous Famou s

Wildhorse Wild i dhors e S Saloon! aloo n!

JJoin oin us us oon n oone ne of o

AAmerica’s merica’s Most Most

Located in the Heart of

Downtown Nashville!

120 1 20 Second Ave. Ave. N North or th • N Nashville, ashville, TN 37201 37201

6615.902.8200 15.902.8200 • WildhorseSaloon.com Wiild dhors eSa aloo n .co m 6 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

EEntertaining nterttaiinniinng Cruises! Cruises!

days throughout the year, including Tues-

day destination packages. They also have fun,

Join one of their groups or create a cus-

day Nights Song Writers Night. Some of

fabulous single-day foodie tours and a variety

tom trip. All of their getaways focus on local

these talented folks have formed bands or

of tours and area activities in New Orleans,

activities and culture with a culinary twist.

combos and are available anytime for cus-

Louisiana and in Paris, France. They extend to

Their culinary getaway is for the novice or

tom made performances for tour groups.

Chicago, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana and Paris.

the trained individual who just wants to get

The “Moon Shine Band� and the “ Big Sandy

New cities are coming soon.

away. Choose one of their prearranged trips

Do it like the locals. While on your bus tour

or let their local chefs and knowledgeable

of choice, participate in tastings, demonstra-

guides create an all inclusive gastronomi-

River Boat Band� combine old fashion country and Dixie land sounds.

cal experience

The daytime heritage attractions are

tions, modiďŹ ed

highlighted by a visit to Loretta Lynn’s

hands-on and

Butcher Hollow Home, the 100-year-old

total hands-on

a few of their

Mayo Methodist Church, the Mountain



Homeplace, the US 23 Country Music High-

and learn the

`````• Must

way Museum which highlights the famous

area’s culture

NOLA is excit-

country music stars who grew up there; Billy

through its food.

ing – everything

Ray Cyrus, The Judds, Ricky Skaggs, Tom T.

It is perfect for

New Orleans to

Hall, the late Keith Whitley and Gary Stew-

those who want

Cajun Country.

art, Loretta Lynn, Crystal Gayle, Dwight


New Orleans by

Yoakam and Patti Loveless.

cooking experi-


for you. Here are





Also included on the daytime tours are the

ence in their bus tour itinerary in addition to

East Kentucky Science Center and Planetar-

tours and eclectic restaurant dining. Other

Enjoy good food, drinks and explore New

ium, the Middle Creek National Battle Field

hosted options and a variety of tours and activ-

Orleans. The tour includes cooking

site an the Samuel May House, which was

ities are choices that will introduce you many

classes/demonstrations. Stops include a

once a recruiting station during the Civil War.

of the areas options with experienced guides.

variety of bars, restaurants, chefs, cooks and

tastings, walking tours of New Orleans.

Jenny Wiley State Resort Park features rustic lodging facilities and full-service restaurant availability. See the art of “moon shining,� take a boat ride, have a Bar-B-Q Dinner and kick back to the sounds of the

Moonshine, Music & Mountains

Moon Shine Band. Do not miss the elk viewing tours. During the day, special meals are prepared at the lunchtime attractions. The evening

#1 Group Tour Destination in Eastern KY

1-800-844-4704 prestonsburgky.org

meals are at four suburb restaurants. There

Jenny Wiley State Resort Park

New! Moonshine Hideaway Tours

staff will help devise an itinerary and provide

• Mountain Arts Center &

free step-on guide service. Explore the Web

Kentucky Opry • Jenny Wiley Theatre • East KY Science Center & Planetarium • Loretta Lynn’s Home Place

• Pontoon Ride & Storytelling • Moonshine Band “Mountain Favoritesâ€? • Moonshine Still Demonstration • Bar-be-que “Mountain Culinary - home cookingâ€?

are four other modern hotels from which to choose your lodging. The Prestonburg tourism

site at prestonsburgky.org or phone (800) 8444704 to learn more.

Destination Kitchen New Orleans, Lousiana

Call for group tour itineraries • Step-on Guide • Escort Guide Available Videos • YouTube Links • Printable Shells for your Company’s Itinerary

DK Tours and Travel (Destination Kitchen) offers a variety of area tour options and epicurean travel that engenders simple richness, casual and affordable trips. For travelers who are interested in a full immersion culinary or non-culinary travel experience, they offer multiBus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 7

!&$)% ($)&' * #(

culinary culture, even a Food Network’s


Chopped Champion. Also featured are Cajun Country culinary and distillery tours. [MustDoNola.com (855) 353.6634, (504) 484.9135] • French Quarter Walking Tours with a Twist are for the early bird starting at 8:30 a.m. Tour includes Garden District; French Quarter history walking tours with cafÊ au lait and beignets; St. Charles Avenue food and cocktail crawl/ tour at 3:45 p.m. French

& $()&! ' % # ! " !'(%&* "% ( !$ % !" +' %" '( %# APHN CSHRGDV 1 =QKGDV 43;33 D2M2 1 7;33 P2M2 >HNHQDL <GMKRRKON; 8233 ATHQ 95+ SNGHQ 45; 7233 6233 UUU2MOEKLHMHGKFDLMSRHSM2OQI W 584 7841443: 4997 BPQKNIJKLL <THNSH+ @OEKLH+ <? 69937

-45/1+5/21 "/5,.-1 (2634 (3+7-0 H\ee `hj Ljhmi Ick]hmglko9 Khj Qmelc<Pcgam\e Whmjk QmklIhRhe\=]hf n I_klcg\lchg<Ocl]b_g=]hf DBB<@B@<CC@A n B>A<ADA<E?@B cg`hF^_klcg\lchg<dcl]b_g=]hf

Quarter Cocktail and Food starts at 5 p.m. You can also include Uptown / Oak Street food and cocktail tour/ Oretha Castle Haley and Taste of The Lake with a city tour. Tours and services include getaways, team-building, celebrations, tour planning, itinerary building and concierge services. They offer multilingual tours (Spanish and French) and love to host international


BET IT. TASTE IT. Shreveport-Bossier, Louisiana

groups. Phone (855) 353-6634 or visit destination-kitchen.com for tickets. You can also e-mail them at info@destinationkitchen.com.

Book New Group Experiences: • All About the Roses • Backstage Municipal Auditorium Tour • Musical Legends & Legacy Tour

• Red River District & Sightseeing Cruise • Science is Fun • Wine & Chocolate Tasting

Erica Howard, group tour sales manager, will help you plan the perfect itinerary and select a hotel based on your budget. Call her today at 800-551-8682 ext. 104 or ehoward@sbctb.org

shreveport-bossier.org/groups 8 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

Step Into Yesterday, Be Inspired for Tomorrow At Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City, the experiences you’ll find are as grand as the legacy they’re built upon. • Guided tours of Arbor Lodge, a 52-room mansion belonging to J. Sterling Morton, the founder of Arbor Day – the tree planter’s holiday

Arbor Lodge

• Nature-based, hands-on exhibits and miles of hiking trails at the Tree Adventure • World-class accommodations and locallysourced dining at the all-new Lied Lodge • Wine tasting, unique shopping, and bus parking available

R. Neibel

Nebraska City, Nebraska Tree Adventure

Lied Lodge

arbordayfarm.org • (402) 873-8717

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 9

ereal magnate W. K. Kellogg’s home

Dutch windmill and a lakeside Pagoda. The

Additional self-guided tours are offered of

and the gardens surrounding the

Manor House was used by W. K. Kellogg, his

the beautiful grounds where guests can


Manor House have been restored

second wife and the Kellogg children and

visit the historic Dutch Windmill and many

and the house is once again a beautiful and

grandchildren as a summer home until 1942,

Champion Trees. During the Christmas hol-

stately residence in a lovely lakeside setting.

when Mr. Kellogg vacated the estate to allow

iday the Manor is decorated in the spirit of

Close to Battle Creek and Kalamazoo, the

it to be used by the Coast Guard as an induc-

the holiday and special tours are offered.

Kellogg Manor House is a wonderful day trip

tion and training center. As the war drew to a

The Kellogg Bird Sanctuary is just a mile

for those interested in the history of the area,

close, the site was used by Percy Jones Hospi-

from the site offering guided or self-guided

of Michigan and of W.K. Kellogg and his phi-

tal in nearby Battle Creek as a rehabilitation

tours and is open daily from dawn until

losophy of philanthropy and education.

center for wounded servicemen. On October


Information Cereal magnate W. K. Kellogg was also an

6, 1951, W.K. Kellogg passed away. The fol-

It is located between Kalamazoo and Bat-

lowing year, the foundation gave the estate to

tle Creek, Michigan (about 65 miles from the

Michigan State College, now MSU.

main Michigan State University campus in

environmentalist who understood the importance of preserving the land and its resources.

East Lansing) and just minutes from the


Gilmore Car Museum and the new National

The W. K. Kellogg summer estate was built in

A guided tour is docent-led and lasts

Miniatures Trust Museum. They are open

1925-1926 on the highest point overlooking

approximately one hour. Prices are $5 for

Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Gull Lake. Kellogg and his second wife, Dr.

adults; $4 for senior citizens (65 and older);

Due to many weekend events Saturday and

Carrie Staines, designed a Tudor-style house

$4 for students (ages six-18); Free for chil-

Sunday times uctuate. Contact them by vis-

on 32 acres of eroded cornďŹ eld. The site also

dren five and under. Motorcoach groups

iting kbs.msu.edu/manorhouse or phoning

includes a Carriage House with chauffeur res-

try a tour with a meal. Arrangements can

(269) 671-2160. The Kellogg Manor House is

idence, a Greenhouse with potting shed, a

be made for meals in the Kellogg Manor

located at 3700 East Gull Lake Drive, Hick-

Caretaker Cottage, a Boathouse, an authentic

House living room or McCrary Dining Hall.

ory Corners, MI 49060.

10 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 11

Sable Points Lighthouse Ludington, Michigan

Photo courtesy of Colette Kufahl ome experience four of Michigan’s

The Ludington North Breakwater Light-

All four of their lights are open for climb-

iconic lighthouses which grace 60

house was built in 1926 to guide ships into

ing and exploring. Three of the four light-

miles of the Lake Michigan’s eastern

the Ludington harbor. The breakwater

houses also maintain gift shops that are

shoreline. The White River Light Station is a

sticks out three-quarters of a mile from

lighthouse specific. Lighthouses are

unique lighthouse in that it is a harbor light.

downtown Ludington into Lake Michigan

manned by volunteer keepers who donate

The lighthouse sits on the channel between

and makes for a pleasant stroll out to the

a week or two to stay at the lights and keep

White Lake and Lake Michigan. This was and

light. Big Sable Point Lighthouse, located

them open. SPLKA invites you to come

still is the home of Captain William Robin-

in the Ludington State Park, stands 112 feet

experience western Michigan’s hospital-


son, White River’s first lighthouse keeper,

tall and is preserved with the original keep-

ity, along with visiting or volunteering at

and two floors of local maritime museum

er’s quarters. It is a magnificent structure

the lighthouses.

space. Little Sable, located in the Silver Lake

which contains lots of local history and a

State Park, appears out of place, almost sur-

friendly ghost or two.

Bus groups regularly visit the lighthouses and the association offers a special discount

real as it stands 115 feet tall alone on the

The Sable Points Lighthouse Keepers

package for groups that wish to visit all four

beach. The catwalk, windows and roof reveal

Association manages these four castles

lighthouses. Visitors are welcome to climb

it was a beacon for mariners, with a history

that grace the lakeshore. Their mission is

the structures to enjoy amazing views and

worth knowing. Little Sable Point still houses

to preserve, promote and educate the pub-

feel the history of these fabled lighthouses.

its third order, 140-year-old, Fresnel lens.

lic and make their lighthouses accessible.

Visit splka.org for more information.

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

ble Points Lig Sa h

BIG SABLE LIGHT Open May 1 - Oct. 25






e Keepers ous th


ia t

io n

LUDINGTON N. BREAKWATER Open May 22 - Sept. 25

Come climb a

Lighthouse! All 4 of our lights are open to the public for self guided tours & tower climbs. Each Lake Michigan light is unique.

LITTLE SABLE LIGHT Open May 22 - Oct. 31


P.O. Box 673 Ludington, MI 49431

231-845-7417 www.splka.org

four lights • one mission Preserving Lake Michigan Lighthouses

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815.220.7386 www.starvedrocklodge.com www .starvedrocklodge.com Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 13


Native American and Western Heritage Skä•noĂąh – Great Law

The first section will provide a welcome to

at Haudenosaunee Contributions and Influ-

of Peace Center

the facility, introduce the concept of

ences on the American way of life by exam-

The Onondaga Historical Association is

Skä•noĂąh, begin the orientation to the

ining subjects such as food, agriculture,

currently repurposing the Onondaga

Haudenosaunee perspective with the use

environmental awareness and conserva-

County facility known as “Sainte Marie

of native language and explain the oral his-

tion, music, sports and democracy.

Among the Iroquois� located in Onondaga

tory tradition of the Longhouse. The

The Skä•noĂąh Center is located on the

Lake Park on the eastern shore of

Thanksgiving Address and Creation Story

eastern shore of Onondaga Lake, which is a

Onondaga Lake in Liverpool, New York (in

exhibit areas are where visitors will learn

sacred place for the Haudenosaunee because

the ancestral homeland of the Onondaga

about the close connection that the Hau-

it is where ďŹ ve nations (Mohawk, Oneida,

Nation) into a Haudenosaunee (Iroquois)

denosaunee have to the natural world and

Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and later Tus-

heritage center named the Skä•noĂąh-Great

the importance of respecting the environ-

carora) came together in peace. The

Law of Peace Center. Skä•noĂąh (pro-

ment. The Great Law of Peace section will

Onondaga Nation, who are the Central Fire

nounced “ska-no�) is an Onondaga wel-

explore the concepts of peaceful coexis-

of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, remain

coming greeting meaning Peace and Well-

tence and the unification of the Hau-

among the last sovereign Indigenous peo-

ness. Renovations are underway and

denosaunee Confederacy. The next section

ples in the United States who still govern

should be completed by November of this

will deal with the controversial subject of

themselves by their ancient ceremonial Long-


European/Native American contact from

house practices. As such, the “Great Law of

There will be six main permanent exhi-

the native perspective, both on a general

Peace� has been continuously active from

bition sections plus a temporary exhibition

scale and at the local level in central New

time immemorial until today. This tradition

gallery in the renovated center in addition

York with the Jesuit mission Sainte Marie

is reected in the living community of the

to a re-creation of a 1650s Jesuit mission.

de Ganentaa. The final exhibits will look

Onondaga Nation.

14 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

The Skä•noĂąh Center will honor the Haudenosaunee oral history tradition by provid-

Mari Sandoz High Plains

after decades of planning and gathering of

Heritage Center

private contributions. Named for renowned

Chadron, Nebraska

Nebraska author, Mari Sandoz, the Center is

ing an oral history experience for the visitor that will relate Haudenosaunee history, cul-

The Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage

housed in the renovated former Carnegie-

ture and values from the Haudenosaunee

Center on the campus of Chadron State Col-

style College Library, which is on the National

perspective in their own words as these con-

lege, Chadron, Nebraska, opened in 2002

cepts have been handed down from generation to generation. This will be a unique

experience for visitors and will be the only such facility in central New York, the ancestral homeland of the Onondaga Nation which is the spiritual and political center of the Confederacy. The Skä•noĂąh Center will help build a cultural bridge with the Haudenosaunee and show how their resilience in regards to culture, customs, language and an oral history tradition that began over a thousand years ago that still continues through the present day. For more information and the latest updates on renovations and events visit skanonhcenter.org or phone (315) 428-1864, Ext.319.

Experience 15,000 Y Years eears off Histor History! ry! y to explore b 23,000 square feet b

Meeting and event rentals

group ra b Family and tes - b Open 10am 5pm daily

The Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center in Chadron offffers a vaariety of services for your group during your visit to Pine Ridge region of Northwest Nebraska or on your way to the Black Hills. The Center features exhib bits on cattle ranching, loca caal and regional topics, and a SHUPDQHQW H[KLELW RQ RQH RI 1HEUDVND¡V SUHPLHU authors³ Maari Sandoz

www.columbiagorge.org 990 SW Rock Creek Dr. Stevenson, WA

For more inform mation, please ca alll 308-432-6401, visit us at www.san ndozcentter.com, or see our article in th his issue.



SPONSORED BY The City of Stevenson and Skamania County Chamber

of Commerce Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 15

Register of Historic Places as part of the Chadron State College The-

These exhibits are planned 18 to 24 months in advance, allowing

matic Resource.

tour planners and visitors to better plan their visits. Guided tours

Sandoz’s novels, essays and short stories comprise a body of work that many consider to be one of the best available records of the North


of the Center and of CSC are available to groups with advance notice.

American High Plains. Sandoz was

An adjacent, two-story atrium provides additional space for catered

a passionate, life-long advocate for

lunches and dinners, seminars, workshops and hands-on activities

Native American rights. As a child,

for groups of different sizes and ages. The Center also features his-

the Lakota would camp on the San-

toric and scientiďŹ c exhibits, an archival library, reading room and

doz family’s property and she played

mediated conference room.

with the children who came to visit.

The area surrounding the Center supports the work that goes

She had knowledge of the Native

on inside. These areas include the campus-wide arboretum, the

Americans, primarily the Lakota,

hiking-biking heritage trail and the heritage gardens. The Heritage

which even authors of her day could

Gardens project has received national attention for its concept and

only dream of having. That intimate

implementation of design showing plants in thematic plantings,

knowledge came through her work,

such as Lakota medicinal plants and low-water/no-water gardens.

speciďŹ cally her book Crazy Horse.

The hiking-biking heritage trail is a mile-long, eight-foot wide trail

The Center houses Sandoz’s papers

winding through the Thompson Natural History. Both guided and

and personal items. These materials are on display in Center’s per-

self-guided tours of the all outdoor spaces are available through

manent exhibit gallery.

the Center.

The Coffee Gallery, located on the lower level of the Center,

The Center also works with its campus partners for tour packages.

tells the history of the cattle ranching industry for the High Plains

These include the College’s Planetarium, featuring Lakota Star Lore; the

Region. A temporary exhibit gallery located on the first floor of

Eleanor Barbour Cook Museum of Geology and Department of Geo-

the Center hosts several different shows throughout the year.

science; and Chadron State College Athletics including football and rodeo.

16 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

Surround yourself with great food and big game at Ole’s Featuring Nebraska Beef Come Come to Ole’s Ole’s Big Game Steakhouse & L Lounge ounge wher wheree agiant polar b bear ear will gr greet eet y you ou a att the fr front ont do door or and wher wheree y you ou can eatt buffalo ea buffalo steak with an elephant lo looking oking o over ver y your our shoulder!

1/2 Mile N of I-80, exit 145 Paxton, NE • 308-239-4500 • www.olesbiggame.com Oles@nebnet.net

A Once-In-A-Lifet Once-In-A-Lifetime O nce--In-A A-Lifeetime t me Exp tim Experience perieence • Limited Li Limiteed En Engagemen Engagement ngageemen nt • Opens Open ns M March h 6, 2016 2

A Journey Journey Through Thrrouggh Th h Faith Faiiitth and an nd d Art Art

Photo © Cittá del Vaticano

A 10,000 10 10,0 0,00 000 000 square squa squ squ ree foot ex exhibition xhibitio xxhi xhibition bitioon including nccludin cludingg an an extraordinary extrao extra extr ordinary rddinar dinary collection ccoollecti llection of of historical histor hist ical i al and an nd religious relligiou igiouus objects, oobbjects, jects, some som soome of whic hi h date d bac bback k to the th fir rst century rst ent y, y, and ndd w orks off artt by orks by Mic M Mi heelangelo, helangelo, nge Bernini, nii Guercino G rcii andd others. other ot rs. Objects Object Ob ts include ncll which first century, works Michelangelo, b e fragments fragmen agg nts of Sai n Peter nt Peter et too personal persona rs al items em off Saint in John John oh hn Paul Paul a II. III. This This hi exhibit exxh hibit it comprises com mprises se one on ne off the t largest la largest a ges bone Saint Vaatican ati ticcan an n collections ccollectio collecct on colle ns eever ns veer to ver to tour North No Norrtth h America. Am meri eric rica. ca. a. Many Man Many items items have h ve ha ve never ne nevver ver before before been been een ee n on n public public blic view. blic vie vi view. From From m culture cuulture ultture ure to t Vatican histooryy to art, art a , explore xplo plo l how h w the ho t Papacy th Papacy pacy acy has haas impacted-and impacte impact mpa ed-and mp andd been beeen impacted impac imp ctedd by-the im bbyy-the y e world y-th world orl throughout or th hroughou ough ug ut the he centuries. he centu c uries. ries es history

Tickets T ickets e s include et inclu incl includee admission admi adm mis issi ssion ion on to t the he Reagan he Reeaggan gan Library. Library Libr Lib Lib aarryy. Touch Touc To ouucch an authentic authentic au hentic henti piece ec ooff the he Berlin Be B rlin in nW Wall, al all, a l, and nd cli climb imb mbb aboard aboa ab a ard Air Air F Force orce rce ce On O One n & Marine ne Mar M rine nee One! One O e! TThe he exhibition he exhibit exh bittion tiion tio on iss organized organiz orga org n edd and circulated circul circula cir late ated edd in conjunction con ccoonju juunction nction cttion on with wit w th the tthhe Congregazione Congrega Congreeg zione Congr onnee per l'Evangelizzazione l'Eva l'Ev l Eva vaangelizzazione anggelizza angelizzazion gelizzazzi nee dei dei Popoli Pop Popoli of o the he Vatican Vatican aticcan C at City ity ty State. State. e Exhibitions Museum. TThe hee exhibition eexhibitio hibitionn is produced rooduced duced byy Evergreen EEvvergree ergreen Ex Exhibitions hibbitions itions in association assssociatio ociation with w thh the Ronald Ronal Rona Ro Ronalld Reagan Reagan Presidential Pr P esidential siddential entia Library Librar Lib Libr braarry and Muse M useeum. eum. eu m.

For F orr more m re information inform i nfo f mation ma ttii on visit i sit i t www.REAGANLIBRARY.com www w .R R EA E AGANLIBRAR GA GA AN NL N L IB LI B RA R AR A RY RY.co . co om or o r call call l 805-577-2 805-577-2704 805 8 577 27044 THE TH H E REAGAN REA R GAN G AN LIBRARY L IBRAR IBR RAR RY ∙ 40 RY 0 Presidential Presid Pree sid den dential entiall Drive, Driv ve, Simi Siimi Valley, Valle y, California Caaliforrnia 93065 9 306 3065 65 Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 17

The Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center is designed to be a place where people of all generations and backgrounds are invited to learn about the culture and heritage of the High Plains. For more information, phone (308) 432-6401, e-mail spolak@csc.edu, visit sandozcenter.com or see their advertisement in this issue.

&" # $"

Ole’s Big Game Steakhouse

made soups. Free ice cream is served at

Paxton, Nebraska

the end of all meals. There is a private din-

There is a tresure awaiting you at Paxton, Nebraska. At Interstate 80, Exit 145,

ing area for groups and a group menu available.

you will find everything you need to enjoy

The owner is available for presentations

a comfortable, interesting, downright plea-

of the restaurant’s unique history. He can also

surable stop on your road to anywhere. It

provide step-on tours for the Platte River Val-

all comes under the heading of Ole’s. Ole’s

ley and the surrounding Sandhills area.

Big Game Steakhouse and Lounge in

Place Ole’s Big Game Steakhouse on your

downtown Paxton has been known for

tour schedule today. Visit the Web site at

eight decades as a place where good

olesbiggame.com or phone (308) 239-4500.

friends gather, enjoy each other’s company,

You can also contact by e-mail at

grab a bite to eat, play KENO and spin a


yarn or two. More than 200 big game trophies and countless mementos of Ole’s worldwide safaris make this visit to history and adventure a treat for the whole group.

Opened in 1933, Ole’s Big Game Steakhouse is steeped in tradition. With more than seven decades of charm and character, Ole’s has welcomed buses and groups for more than 25 years. You are welcome to enjoy great steaks with more than 200 trophy mounts from all

Columnist Wanted

Bus Tours Magazine is looking for someone interested in writing a regular column to appear in each issue. If you have information to share on some aspect of the bus and group tour business, or if you are an expert in some facet of this business, you may be the person we are seeking.

over the world, bagged by Ole himself. Ole’s provides an unforgettable setting for any group. Ole’s is proud of their local hometown atmosphere and high- quality homemade food, featuring Nebraska beef and home18 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

Bus Tours Magazine (815) 946-2341 btm@busmag.com


Celebrate, Discover and Explore Natchitoches, Louisiana

!& $!& % "

here is no place quite like Natchi-

upstream at Grand Ecore. After the river

tic Main Streets� - Front Street; voyage up

toches (pronounced “Nack-a-tish�),

altered its course, steamboat access into the

Cane River Lake on a boat tour, take a walk-


Louisiana. Natchitoches is a favorite

city of Natchitoches became a sporadic thing,

ing or carriage ride tour; see ďŹ lm sites from

destination for visitors from around the

possible only during high water periods so

the 1989 hit movie Steel Magnolias; shop for

world. It is perfectly positioned off Interstate

the city decided to block access and the

gifts and souvenirs; savor a famous meat

49 in northwest Louisiana and is nestled

oxbow of Red River became Cane River Lake.

pie and occupy a French Colonial fort.

along the beautiful banks of Cane River Lake.

Cane River Lake is currently used for recre-

Guided streetcar tours are offered daily

Natchitoches is amazingly charming, full of

ation and farming purposes only. A great deal

though the district, Steel Magnolias ďŹ lming

culture, history, recreation, shopping and

of Natchitoches' charm can be directly attrib-

sites, Northwestern State University and

much more.

uted to the change of the river channel. There

other historic sites. Group rates are offered

Established in 1714 by French soldier

has been little “out of character� modern-

for groups of 20 or more. Phone (318) 356-

Louis Jouchereau de St. Denis, it is the old-

ization and many individual preservation

8687. Tours are 45 minutes to one hour long.

est permanent settlement in the entire

projects that have kept Natchitoches in its

Groups can also choose to explore the 33

Louisiana Purchase. The French settlement

original glory.

blocks of restaurants, shops, antique shops,

had two purposes; to establish trade with the Spanish in Texas, and at the same time, to

arts and crafts, book stores, art galleries and

Reasons to Visit Natchitoches

deter Spanish advances into Louisiana.

Overlooking beautiful Cane River Lake,

historic homes at their own pace or as part of a walk/drive tour. Recommended time

Natchitoches soon became a ourishing trad-

the National Historic Landmark District is a

ing village with the Red River owing straight

historic hub full of memory-making oppor-

is two to three hours. The Cane River National Heritage Trail

through and being in a central location for

tunities. Stroll along one of the “Most Roman-

(nps.gov/crha), a Louisiana scenic byway, is

the French and Spanish. It gave rise to vast

where you can discover culture and tradi-

cotton kingdoms along the river as well;

tions of the region through a glimpse into the

planters built magniďŹ cent plantation homes along the river and constructed ďŹ ne townhomes in the downtown area for social events. More than a century after 1714, the ďŹ ckle Red River altered the course of its main channel, as rivers in the low

past. Tour the national park at Oakland and Magnolia plantations, both National Historic Landmarks and Bicentennial Farms. Experience Melrose Plantation, a National Historic Landmark, established by free people of color; known as an artist retreat and

lying Gulf Coast region have done cease-

is home to famous primitive folk-artist,

lessly, cutting across a bend some four miles

Clementine Hunter. The site includes the

20 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

African House, recently designated as a

Crafts Festival, Girls Getaway – Steel Magno-

night bites, sweet treats, and the world-

“National Treasure� by the National Trust for

lias style, Return to the ‘50s Car Show, Fall

famous meat pies all followed by local brews

Historic Preservation. For information on

Tour of Homes, and the famed Christmas Fes-

and cocktails. It is easy to be satisďŹ ed. Savor

admission fees for the sites on the Cane

tival of Lights. This Louisiana premier holi-

the local cuisine culture while listening to



day celebration begins the Saturday before

live entertainment such as jazz, R and B, and

Natchitoches.com or phone (800) 259-1714.




Thanksgiving and is 45 nights of Christmas

zydeco. Take your pick from dining within

Explore the interactive Louisiana Sports

lights illuminating the Historic District and

the Historic District, to overlooking Cane

Hall of Fame in its celebration of Louisiana

Cane River Lake. Festivities include the famed

River Lake, eating like a local off the beaten

athletes, coaches and sports stars accom-

Festival of Lights parade and ďŹ reworks, live

path or enjoying an evening watching the

plishments. Then journey through the North-

entertainment, arts and crafts; tours, galas

sun set over Sibley Lake. For some

west Louisiana History Museum as it brings

and spectacular ďŹ rework shows every Sat-

suggestions for group-friendly restaurants

3,000 years of interactive history forward to

urday. This festival is great fun for groups of


the cultural traditions that survived and thrive

all ages who travel in buses from all over the


in the region today. The multi-million dollar

country to attend. Learn more about the his-

For the foodie lovers in your group, tour

complex has won esteemed awards for its

tory of this major holiday festival and see a

Natchitoches and the tasty treats that Natchi-

exterior and interior architecture. Group rates

schedule of planned events and activities at

toches and Louisiana have to offer. From the

are offered to groups of 20 or more. Visit


Cajun potato to creamy and savory shrimp

ct.state.la.us/museum/properties/ LSMbr.Apex for more information.





Natchitoches is home to mouth-watering

and grits, Natchitoches is sure to delight your

Southern cuisine with restaurants catering

taste buds. Natchitoches is home to the

Celebrate rich history, culture and tradi-

to every culinary taste. From handcrafted

famous meat pie and can be enjoyed in its

tions with many events like Mardi Gras, the

burgers and tapas, fresh Gulf seafood,

purity at Lasyone's Meat Pie Kitchen. Perch

Jazz and R and B Festival, Melrose Arts and

delightful sandwiches, specialty pastas, late-

up at a restaurant and dine on menu items

Explore Natchitoches with this Two-Day Itinerary

of exploring, dine on Front Street and enjoy cuisines varying from Southern cuisine, Italian, Creole and American.

Day One – Begin your journey in the National Historic Landmark

Day Two – Travel around Cane River National Heritage Trail, a

District, a 33-block area featuring architectural styled buildings,

Louisiana Scenic Byway and discover Natchitoches' rich culture.

historic homes, shops and more. Downtown Front Street is paved

Cane River Creole National Historical Park, Oakland Plantation

with bricks that date back more than 100 years and is ďŹ lled with

Unit, a National Historic Landmark and a Bicentennial Farm, is the

charming shops and restaurants overlooking the riverbank and

most complete Creole Plantation in the South and consists of the

Cane River Lake. Step back into the 19th century General Store

main house, plantation store and 20 plus outbuildings. Melrose

and experience the charm and eclecticism of Louisiana's oldest

Plantation, a National Historic Landmark, tells the stories of being

general store, KafďŹ e-Frederick's General Mercantile. Go Holly-

an artist retreat, the life of Marie Therese Coincoin and famous

wood and visit the St. Denis Walk of Honor and take a tour of the

primitive artist, Clementine Hunter. Venture further south and tour

Historic District, including the Steel Magnolia house. Lunch time

Magnolia Plantation Unit, also part of the Cane River Creole His-

offers authentic Louisiana cuisine; discover the taste of down-

torical Park, a Bicentennial Farm and a National Historic Land-

home goodness with a Natchitoches Meat Pie. Walk off lunch with

mark. Magnolia includes 18 outbuildings, including the only

a visit to the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame and Northwest Louisiana

wooden cotton press still in its original location along with rare

History Museum. The complex celebrates the achievements of

masonry slave cabins. The home is still privately owned by the

Louisiana athletes and sports ďŹ gures. The history museum explores

family. Finally, explore St. Augustine Catholic Church and Ceme-

the evolution of unique cultural traditions from early Native Amer-

tery. Founded in 1803 by Augustine Metoyer, it is the ďŹ rst Roman

ican civilizations to the present. View Clementine Hunter's mural

Catholic Church established by and for the people of color in the

and other artifacts in a special exhibit being shown until early April

United States. It was also the ďŹ lm site for Shelby's wedding in Steel

2016. Discover Fort St. Jean Baptiste, Historic Site, a full-scale

Magnolias. Check with the Natchitoches Convention and Visitors

replica of the 18th century Fort built on the banks of Cane River

Bureau and see what celebrations are taking place during your

Lake, formerly part of Red River. A costumed interpreter will guide

visit for additional fun and excitement.

you through the site and history of Natchitoches. After a full day Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 21

such as fried oysters, fresh

childlike magic and Christ-

seafood own in fresh,

mas glow.

juicy burgers and fries,

With accolades like, "Best

tender ďŹ let minion, hand-

Travel Destination for

made pastas with savory

Louisiana" by CNN Travel,

sauces, and much more –

"Third Best Light Show in

not to mention Creole

the Nation" by Yahoo.com

delights around every cor-

and the two most recent

ner. Did you know, as a

accolades, "Best South-

group trip, when you book

ern Small Town - 2015"

your plantation tours, you

by USA Today Top Ten

can add a handmade Cre-

Best and "Most Beautiful

ole lunch on the grounds

Small Town in Louisiana"

to your tour? Talk about a

by House Beautiful and

true experience to write

Good Housekeeping in July

home about.

2015. Come “Celebrate,

Planning a Christmas

Discover, and Explore�

trip to the City of Lights?


Take this as a guide

Louisiana has been the


destination of travelers





since 1714. For more

Natchitoches has been called the "City of Lights" since 1926, when

information visit Natchitoches.com and plan your trip by phoning

the city's chief electrician, Max Burgdof, decided to string Christmas

(800) 259-1714.

lights along Front Street. To complement the lights, Burgdof and Charlie Solomon built the ďŹ rst set piece, an eight-foot tall Christmas star. His gesture has evolved into 45 nights of Christmas known as the renowned "Festival of Lights.â€? Christmas in Natchitoches is a magical time as the city lights up with more than 300,000 lights within the Historic District and more than 100 set pieces ank Cane River Lake making it glow with all the festive colors of the season. Natchitoches kicks off the Christmas season the Saturday before Thanksgiving with all-day celebrations like live music, children's activities and shopping. The start of the holiday season ends with turning on the Christmas lights and an exciting ďŹ rework show. The legendary Christmas Festival parade is always the ďŹ rst Saturday in December and is a favorite among young and old. The parade features about 20 oats, local and surrounding state schools and dance teams, including Northwestern State University band and of course, Santa Claus makes an appearance. Fireworks are every Saturday evening including the largest ďŹ reworks display on Christmas Festival day. Other celebrations during the six-week season includes the Holiday Tour of Homes by the Natchitoches Historic Foundation, the annual

s e h c o t i h c t Na


Louisiana’s Oldest City and the Destination of Travelers since 1714

Stroll along one of the Nation’s ’ Top 5 Most Romantic Main Streets. Visit our new state of the art Louisiana State Museum in the National Historic Landmark District. Travel back in time at one of the Cane River Creole National a Historical Park Plantations. Eat a meat pie, Shop on Front Street and make plans today to come Playy and Stay.

Christmas Gala performed by the Creative And Performing Arts department at Northwestern State University, arts and crafts shows, visits with Santa Claus on the riverbank, and Fete de Hiver at the Fort. Do not forget to stroll the riverbank all while you snack on a corn dog and funnel cake. There is so much to see and do during the Christmas season. Come to Natchitoches and discover your childhood again with 22 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015



ho does not love

Tulare Outlets, Tulare, California

a bargain? Your group will deďŹ -



nitely enjoy some time

want to save signiďŹ -

exploring an outlet mall to


ďŹ nd that perfect treasure or

favorite stores they

gift – at a price much lower

head straight to

than retail. We invite you to

Tulare Outlets. (Also,

check out the following

they certainly never

excellent outlet malls, all of

forget to pick up an

which love to see motor-



coaches of happy shoppers



pulling up to their properties.

when they arrive.)



Centrally located

The Outlets

off Highway 99 and

of Mississippi

Prosperity Avenue,


Pearl, Mississippi Proudly



Greater Jackson, Mississippi region, the Outlets of Mississippi is the state’s largest



proudly serves the Fresno/BakersďŹ eld

The Perfect Group Outlet

marketplace. Featuring


What is more, both local shoppers and

Mediterranean-style architecture, its col-

Located at the intersection of interstates

tourists alike can experience a taste of the

lection of more than 50 leading designer

55 and 80 in the city of Pearl, just minutes

great state of Mississippi by exploring its

and name brands includes Banana Repub-

away from the capital city of Jackson, the

array of informative displays throughout the

lic Factory Store, Gap Outlet, Coach Outlet,

325,000-square-foot outlet center features

property. These include a two-sided mar-

Express Factory Outlet and Nike Factory

a collection of more than 80 leading

ble monument showcasing the state’s famed

Store, among many more, which offer sav-

designer and top brand names such as Saks

Blues and Country Music Trails; a mural cre-

ings of up to 65 percent off regular retail

Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH, Coach Outlet,

ated by a local artist which depicts the

prices every day.

Michael Kors, Banana Republic Factory

state’s ďŹ ve distinctive regions; and iconic

Store, Gap Factory Store, J.Crew Factory,

and education signage and boards which

women’s apparel, shoe and accessory brands

Forever 21, Nike Factory Store and Under

educate about the unique personality of Mis-

such as Calvin Klein, Levi’s Outlet, Tommy

Armour, among many more, where shop-

sissippi’s regions, rich history, noteworthy

HilďŹ ger, LOFT Outlet and Forever 21 just to

pers enjoy savings up to 65 percent off reg-

events and citizens.

name a few, the shopping destination also

shopping destination.

ular retail every day.

Along with a wide array of men’s and

Groups of 15 or more with advance

features a robust store selection that helps

As a leading tourism attraction, the Out-

notice can receive a meet-and-greet,

parents save on everything the kids need,

lets of Mississippi offers much more than

complementary coupon books and escort

too. From OshKosh B’gosh, Carter’s and

its grand collection of favorite brands at

gift cards. E-mail Marketing Director Angela

Gymboree Outlet to Aeropostale, Justice and

dramatic discounts. Housed inside its Vis-

Shepard at ashepard@outletsofms.com

Journey’s, Tulare Outlets caters to babies,

itors Services Center, out-of-town visitors

for more information. You can ďŹ ll out an

tots and teens – all at incredible savings.

will ďŹ nd the Mississippi Development


Authority with representatives available to






Food choices at Tulare Outlets are plentiful. Shoppers rarely miss a chance to visit

assist in planning a memorable trip to the

For more information, including a com-

region. Interactive touch screens, which

plete store directory, speciďŹ c store sale and

Additional food options include Subway,

highlight points of interest throughout the

event information and driving directions visit

Togo’s, Auntie Anne's Hand-Rolled Soft Pret-

Bravo Farms Restaurant and Cheese Shop.

state, along with a collection of informa-

outletsofms.com. While there, shoppers are

zels, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and

tive directories and brochures, are avail-

also able to join its free VIP Club to receive

Baskin Robbins.

able inside as well.

advance and exclusive special offers, discounts and much more.

When the shopping is done, why not relax and take in a movie? Popular Galaxy Theater Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 23

comfortable bus parking. To schedule your

Asheville Outlets

group, just visit shopashevilleoutlets.com

Asheville, North Car-

or contact Tammy Cox at tcox@nedevel-


opment.com; (828) 333-6282

Nestled in the moun-

Asheville Outlets is conveniently located

tains of Asheville,

at the intersection of two major interstates –



I-40 and I-26 at Brevard Road (Route 191). To

Asheville Outlets, a

keep up-to-date on all the happenings at

new open-air outlet

Asheville Outlets, follow on Facebook and

center, features close

Instagram @ashevilleoutlets and Twitter

to 75 outlets including


name brand favorites Coach, J. Crew Factory, Nike Factory Store, Abercrombie & Fitch, Brooks Brothers Facnow features select auditoriums with reclin-

tory Store, Vera Bradley Outlet, Cole Haan,

ing luxury seating. In addition to traditional

West Elm Outlet, Dillard's Clearance Center,

popcorn, candy and soda, the establishment

Field & Stream (opening October 2015) and

now serves alcoholic beverages along with a

more. Shoppers enjoy savings up to 70 per-

full selection of specialized hot dogs. It is a

cent off (store offers vary) at this new shop-

perfect way to end a successful day of saving.

ping destination that features covered breeze-

A popular stop for tour groups and buses –

ways that provide natural airow, a beautiful

especially those headed to Sequoia National

ďŹ re and water fountain, soft seating areas and

Forest and Yosemite National Park – Tulare Out-

year-round events and entertainment.

lets also offers convenient Shop and Stay Packages for out-of-town visitors.

There is something for everyone at Asheville Outlets from women's and men's favorites at

One bit of advice: before visiting Tulare

Tommy HilďŹ ger, Johnston & Murphy Factory

Outlets do not forget to visit its Web site at

Store and Under Armour, to children's brands

tulareoutletcenter.com. Along with a com-

at Carter's Babies & Kids, The Children's Place,

plete store listing, driving directions and

Gap Factory Store and Justice. For must-have

speciďŹ c store sale information, the outlet

footwear check out Famous Footwear, Rack

center also offers a free VIP Club where

Room Shoes, ASICS and more.

members receive both exclusive and

Asheville Outlets has a covered bus

advance notice of special sales, exciting

unloading and reloading area with ample

offers and cannot miss seasonal events.

seating, plus, special discounts and gifts

Tulare Outlets welcomes tour groups and

for all group tour guests, coordinators and

tour buses. All tour groups are asked to reg-

drivers. In addition, there is ample and

ister at the Nike Factory store where they will receive Tulare Outlets Savings Coupon Books.

Better Brands. Better Prices. Fall into Savings of 25%–65% Every Day at Over 50 Stores.

Tour escort and driver incentives include discounts throughout the center and vary upon number of visits annually. Details are provided at time of registration. Tulare Outlets is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. with extended holiday shopping hours throughout the year. 24 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

TulareOutletCenter.com 1407 Retherford St., Tulare, CA 93274 559-684-9091

Introduce your tours to the magic of Broadway at Walton Arts Center!



Photo by Matthew Murphy

Groups of 10 or more receive discounts on all Broadway performances.

The 2015/16 P&G Broadway Series includes: Pippin | Nov. 10-15, 2015 Kinky Boots | Jan. 19-24, 2016 Mamma Mia! | Feb. 9-14, 2016 Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella | March 1-6, 2016 The Bridges of Madison County | April 19-24, 2016 Bring your group to Northwest Arkansas for an amazing arts experience and save money at the same time! Call our group sales concierge at 479.571.2719 for more information about group benefits and book your tickets today. Broadway sponsor:

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SAVE 25% TO 65% EVERY DAY AT OVER 80 STORES INCLUDING: Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH • Coach Outlet • J. Crew Factory • Michael Kors • Gap Outlet Kay Jewelers Outlet • Ann Taylor Factory Store • Nike Factory Store • Chico’s Outlet Banana Republic Factory Store • White House | Black Market • BCBGMAXAZRIA Gymboree Outlet • Carter’s Babies and Kids • Under Armour® • Cole Haan • Fossil Forever 21 • LOFT Outlet • Nine West Outlet • And many more... Pearl, MS • Intersection of I-55 & I-20 Show this ad to Visitors Services and receive a FREE VIP COUPON BOOK. (Code M-BTM2015)

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 25

hether your group is looking for

masts and is anchored in a 250,000-gallon

night packed with stunts, aerial artistry, spe-

the comforts of home after a long

indoor lagoon with night sky lighting. Sur-

cial effects and fun on the High Seas.


day of touring or an escape to a

rounding the lagoon is a six-sided showroom

Delicious dining is part of the experience.

fantasy world, your guests can relax and dine

of six additional “ships� where the audience

They offer complimentary appetizers, a

in style at these group-friendly lodging prop-

is seated.

preshow, the main show and a three-course

erties and entertaining dinner show.

The adventure, Rise of the Sea Dragon, is

meal with every ticket. The meal includes a

set during the night of the 10th Annual Gov-

variety of appetizers, choice of vegetable

Pirate’s Dinner Adventure

ernor's Gala, a celebration of the defeat of

soup or fresh garden salad, bottomless

Buena Park, California

the dreaded Captain Sebastian the Black and

roasted chicken with a barbeque beef kabob,

his horde of pirates. In attendance at the gala

mashed potatoes and seasoned mixed veg-

Marvel at an astonishing display of spe-

is her Royal Highness, Princess Anita and her

etables. For dessert they offer a fudge

cial-effects wizardry, aerial artistry, swash-

fellow guests. An unimaginable discovery

brownie a la mode. Guests can also enjoy

buckling swordplay and dynamic duels, while

has been made. It is revealed that the last

unlimited soft drinks, tea, lemonade and cof-

dining on ďŹ ne grub and grog at Pirate's Din-

descendant of a fabled gypsy tribe has been

fee during the show. A cash bar is also avail-

ner Adventure. The classic tale of good ver-

found. The golden gypsy is said to hold the

able. Options of vegetarian and kids meals are available upon request.

sus evil offers the perfect blend of action, com-

key to a legendary pirate treasure. The cov-

edy and romance, along with the opportunity

eted treasure is hidden in a secret cove and

for the audience to interact in the action.

guarded by a terrifying sea dragon.

They welcome bus groups with a special group rate and offer comps to drivers and

The stage is set on an authentically repli-

Will anyone survive when the fearsome

escorts depending on the show’s availability.

cated 18th-century Spanish galleon mea-

sea dragon rises above the ship deck to

Reservations must be made in advance. They

suring 46 feet long, 18 feet wide with 40-foot

defend his pirate treasure? Find out during a

will collect a ďŹ nal headcount and ďŹ nal pay-

26 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

ment ďŹ ve business days prior to the show. There is free designated bus parking located on-site. To book your group, or for more information,

! !

contact the group sales department at (866) 439-2469. Visit piratesdinneradventureca.com for more details on this unique dinner theater experience.

The St. James Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana

The St. James Hotel reects the charm and rich history of New Orleans. This beautifully restored hotel is housed in the Banks Arcade, a 19th century landmark that was once the center of the Caribbean sugar and coffee trade. Today, the St. James Hotel offers a boutique accommodation experience in the heart of the city. High-ceilinged rooms peek into intimate courtyards and period furnishings reect the building’s rich history. Classic interiors are

Inspired by the romance of the British West Indies, you will soon notice the reďŹ ned luxury of a true New Orleans gem.

complemented by contemporary details and modern conveniences.

The St. James Hotel welcomes tour bus groups and offers group

Special touches include marble baths, large at screen televisions,

rates. Contact Group Sales Manager Meghan Webster at (504) 962-

complimentary Wi-Fi and a complimentary breakfast served directly

0782 for information. Bus parking is done off-site and there is a charge

to your room.

of $60 to $100 a night. One of the parking locations is located across

Located in Downtown New Orleans, the St. James Hotel is within

the street from the hotel. Their other site is further away and a valet

walking distance to the French Quarter, Convention Center and many

will accompany the bus driver to take the bus to the parking area and

of the city’s top restaurants and attractions.

arrange for transportation back to the hotel.

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 27

To learn more about the many great

amenities at the St. James Hotel visit saint-

lic spaces, consults with ďŹ tness-focused staff to assist with exercise workouts, and use of the ďŹ tness center and seasonal outdoor,


rooftop pool on the 40th oor.

Hampton and Homewood Suites

Extended group rates are offered to

Chicago, Illinois

groups booked over a Thursday or a Sunday. Recommended overnight coach parking is

One of downtown Chicago’s most storied

at McCormick Place which is about four miles

tourist and shopping attractions – MagniďŹ -

from the property. The cost is $20 a day with unlimited in and out privileges. Parking is

cent Mile – now has two new hotel options as Hilton Worldwide has opened the dual-

Breakfast bag™ for guests heading out early

branded, 352-room Hampton Inn (hamp-

Monday through Friday.

toninn3.hilton.com) and Homewood Suites

Homewood Suites is perfect for extended-

by Hilton (homewoodsuites3.hilton.com)

stay guests and all of its one- and two-bed-

Chicago Downtown/MagniďŹ cent Mile.

room suites feature full kitchens with refrig-

located in a fenced lot with security patrol. For sales inquiries or more information contact the sales ofďŹ ce at (312) 440-3764 or e-mail lohara@dhmhotels.com

The 40-story development, a conversion

erators, microwaves, two-burner stoves and

Wingate Northwest Indianapolis

of the former Crowne Plaza Hotel, combines

dishwashers. Guests at this Homewood

Indianapolis, Indiana

225 Hampton and 127 Homewood Suites

Suites hotel will enjoy a range of perks,

rooms across all oors – a ďŹ rst for Hilton

including a full hot breakfast each morning,

The Wingate Northwest Indianapolis is

Worldwide. Located at 160 E. Huron Street

and evening dinner and drinks Monday

located at 6240 Intech Commons Drive,

the property includes the addition of a new

through Thursday. Both included as part of

Indianapolis, Indiana. The Wingate North-

5,000-square-foot restaurant, the Windsor,

the stay.

west is located at the intersection of 71st

from the Chicago-based Four Star Restaurant Group. Each hotel will always maintain its brand’s identity and allow guests to be offered a greater variety of options such as enhanced common areas like ďŹ tness centers and pools, and a greater choice of differentpriced experiences under the one roof. Just steps from Michigan Avenue’s Magnificent Mile, Hampton Inn and Homewood Suites Chicago Downtown/Magnificent Mile guestrooms provide stunning views of Lake Michigan. The hotel’s location is convenient for numerous dining and shopping options. Guests at Hampton will feel at home in a comfortable and spacious guest room

Guests of both brands can enjoy compli-

and the 465 Loop which is 15 minutes north

mentary Internet access in the hotel’s pub-

of the Indianapolis Speedway, home of the


“Your “Y Your o Indy Hotel Connection� Co $10 offf 2nd and 3rd nights nights, and Sundays Comp room for every 20 paid rooms Comp breakfast & Manager Reception M-T M-Trr

6240 Intech Commons Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 Ph. (317) 275-7000 www.wingateindianapolis.com www.wingateindianapolis.com

equipped with free Wi-Fi, a 37-inch atscreen HDTV and a clean and fresh Hampton bedŽ. Guests needing a little extra room can upgrade to a suite for more space and amenities, including a pull-out sofa bed and a mini refrigerator. Hampton’s free hot breakfast comes with fresh wafes and hearty, topped oatmeal, plus Hampton’s On the Run

Mileage from m Greater Indianapolis Branson, Br anson, MO ............................ 500 miles Chicago,, IL .............................. 180 miles Chicago Detroit, MI ............................... 300 miles Grand Gr and R Rapids, apids, MI....................... 300 miles Memphis, TN ............................ 470 miles Nashville, Nash ville, TN ............................ 285 mile miles s Pittsburgh, P PA A .......... ........................... ................. 370 miles Toronto, T o oronto, ON ............................. 536 miles Birmingham, AL ........................ 480 miles Madison, WI ............................. 330 miles Des Moines, IA ......................... 500 miles


! 1 Ramada Drive East Hanover, NJ 07936

• Discounted Inclusive Tour Group Rates! • Full Service Hotel with Full Breakfast/WiFi • Visit www.fairbridgeinns.com • Contact: Mello Culpepper, DOS • Phone: (973) 386-5622 ext. 1631 • Email: mculpepper@ehfairbridge.com

" # ! 901 Dual Highway Hagerstown, MD 21740

• Discounted Inclusive Tour Group Rates! • Full Service Hotel with Full Breakfast/WiFi • Indoor/Outdoor Pool! • Visit www.choicehotels.com/rodeway-inn • Contact: Ashok Bhatt, Manager • Phone: (415) 269-2907 • Email: roadwayh@yahoo.com

spec¡ta¡cle a. something that can be seen or viewed, especially something of a remarkable or impressive nature b. Naper Settlement • A spectacular 12-acre history museum near the Riverwalk in the heart of downtown Naperville with lots of shopping and restaurants. • Featuring a Victorian Mansion, blacksmith and print shops, one-room schoolhouse, chapel, special events and more. • Group rates available.

Webster St., Naperville, IL 523 S. Webster 630.420.6010 • napersettlement.org




Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 29

Indianapolis 500 and the All State 400, 20 minutes north of down-

coffeemaker, a safe to keep all of your valued personal belong-

town Indianapolis and Lucas Oil Stadium, and 30 minutes from

ings and a telephone with free local calls within the 317 area code.

Grand Park in WestďŹ eld, Indiana.

The Wingate also offers complimentary laundry facilities to guest

When looking for comfort while travelling, the Wingate North-

at no charge and a valet laundry service. There are several local din-

west can offer a complimentary hot breakfast buffet from 6 a.m.

ing options within walking distance of the Intech Commons Park,

to 10 a.m. Monday through Friday and to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays

and there is room service that is available through several local restau-

and Sundays. Other amenities include an indoor pool and

rants. The Wingate also features a 24-hour business center, 24-hour



! ! " !#


ďŹ tness facility and 24-hour surveillance

wireless Internet

of the interior and



the exterior perime-

Wingate is home to

ters of the hotel. The




Wingate Northwest


looks forward to

rooms and features

serving your group,



and strives to make

suites. Each of the

your stay relaxing


and comfortable.


include a 32-inch

You can learn

flat screen televi-

more by visiting

sion player,






lis.com or phoning

fridge, microwave,

(317) 275-7000.

H Harriet’s arriet’s ’s R Restaurant Ha Resta aurant arriet a esta

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Seating 250 250 $ % for for # 1 Breakfast Buffet Buffet $8.80 $8.80 / / 1 plus T Ta Tax ax & & Tip Tip $11.00 $11.00 ! % +% Boxed Lunches Lunches with with FREE FREE Local Deliver Delivery y $10.00 # Local Deliver 1 Adult Groups & %Groups # &!$ 1 Lunch & & Dinner Dinner & + #Buffets Buffets & %$ Lunch $14.40 $14.40 plus plus tax tax & tip & $19.00 tip $19.00 perperson per person 1 Dinner ! % +% $16.00 $16.00 plus plus tax tax & tip & $20.00 tip $20.00 per per son % % per ! person 1 Full liquor, beer and and wine wine license license & liquor, "& # beer # ( ' # $% &$





& % !

& $ ( %



! # ! #$



30 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

' #*

! # ! #$


# ! #$

1 Washington, DC C Close to: 1 1 1 Ford’s Theatre 1 Convention Center 1 1 F.B.I. 1 Old PostOfďŹ ce 1 White House 1 1 Private room for 40 people 1 Receptions, Meetings, Portable Stages, 1 Wireless Mics, WiFi 1 Legal Curb Cut for Drop Off and 1 Picking Up Passengers 1 ! ! Open 6:30 AM - 11:00 PM 1 % Street, $%# % (NW 432 11th 1 Washington, W ashington, DC 20004 ( $ % + www.harrietsfamilyrestaurant.com www .harrietsfamilyrestaurant.com ((( ## %$ *# $% &# % 1 FOR RESERVATIONS RESER VATIONS T $ #+# $ #' % Call or email John 202-255-2707 # 1

johnwilliamboyle johnwilliamboyle@aol.com 1 ( * Complimentary Meals for All Coach Operators and Guides

New, Improved and Different

" ' '% " "" *# $ ! % Columbus, Ohio Food Experiences

out for a tour, offering an unforgettable

events feature local chefs using her organi-

opportunity to learn about the best practices

cally-grown herbs and produce.

for growing, cooking and preserving the most Renowned for its dynamic food scene,

wholesome food.

With a focus on teaching homesteading, nearby Glass Rooster Cannery (glassroost-

Columbus' proximity to rich, proliďŹ c farms

Just outside Columbus, Jorgensen Farm

ercannery.com) cooking school and farm

provides food purveyors with access to the

(jorgensen-farms.com) produces herbs, veg-

opens its dreamy licensed professional

freshest locally grown ingredients. Beyond

etables, owers, lamb and more on-site and

kitchen to visitors. From fermenting sauer-

enjoying locally grown produce at local

for sale at local markets. Farmer Val Jorgen-

kraut and yogurt to baking bread or putting

restaurants, travelers to Columbus can also

son educates visitors about the best way to

up beans, the farm's gifted chefs, Jeannie

visit farmers markets well into the fall to sam-

grow herbs and produce, while also demon-

Seabrook and Susie Schmidhammer, lead

ple and even bring home fresh fruits, veg-

strating many ways to use herbs at home in

classes in how to can, preserve and cook the

etables, honey, owers and more. Some of

recipes as well as medicinally. Her scheduled

region's wonderful produce. Visitors to the

the region's farmers invite visitors to come

farm tours, open houses and other planned

sprawling pastoral farm in Sunbury, just 30

32 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

minutes northeast of Columbus, can access resources to grow and

The recently renovated Quarry Exhibit Hall gives visitors an up-

buy in-season produce, plants and seeds. They can also take a tour,

close experience with world-famous dinosaur skeletons," said Sonya

host a dinner or event and purchase canned goods, soup and bread

Popelka, the monument's interpretive operations supervisor. "A por-

mixes and even art and antiques in the Art Gallery Barn.

tion of the Wall of Bones is even open for a hands-on experience where you


public market. With more than 30 permanent merchants and dozens

The historic North Market (northmarket.com) is Columbus' true



more rotating farmers and vendors at the weekly Farmers Market

a c t u a l

Saturday, travelers could spend hours eating, exploring and roam-


ing. The minute visitors arrive, they are welcomed by the buzz of the


market's colorful sights and sounds. The freshest produce, meat,

While the

seafood, ethnic prepared foods and more are offered by the region's


top vendors. There are sweet treats such as Jeni's Ice Cream, artisan

monument is

baked goods and cheeses and handmade chocolates, as well as rich,

marking its

locally roasted coffee. Located in downtown Columbus' Short North


Arts District, the North Market is open daily. Farmers Market Satur-

this year, the dinosaur fossils have been around just a bit longer –

day features annual, perennial, herb and vegetable plants; fresh pro-

somewhere in the neighborhood of 149 million years. The 100-year

duce; grass-fed cheeses; organic honey; fresh owers and more and

celebration is seen as a kick-starter to the National Park Service's

runs from 8 a.m. until the farmers sell out.

centennial milestone in 2016.

!$ &# & ##* ) %

In Olde Town East, a few blocks from the city center Franklin Park

"Dinosaur National Monument was established on October 4,

Conservatory (fpconservatory.org/The-Experience/Events/For-

1915, and this season will be full of special events recognizing the

Adults) holds a market where visitors can browse a wide selection

Dinosaur Centennial throughout 2015," said Monument Superin-

of local, seasonal vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy and baked

tendent Mark Foust.

goods. In addition to fruits and vegetables, this one features venders

Foust said the monthly activities will focus on the various reasons

selling locally made soaps and candles. Guests are invited to grab

why the monument remains an important place for scientists, his-

dinner from one of the on-site local food trucks and enjoy the sights,

tory buffs, artists and adventure enthusiasts.

aroma and setting of Franklin Park Conservatory, a premier botani-

The Wall of Bones is just the beginning of the fossil-friendly attrac-

cal landmark and cultural attraction. Visit this market Wednesdays,

tions found in Utah's Dinosaurland. The Utah Field House of Natural

June through September, 3:30-6:30 p.m.

History State Park Museum features a Dinosaur Garden with life-size




pearlmarket) is a quick walk from anywhere in downtown Colum-

dinosaur replicas, and Red Fleet State Park is covered with hundreds of three-toed dinosaur tracks.

bus. Tucked into the alleyways between Broad, High, Gay and Third

Whitewater rafting through Dinosaur National Monument on the

streets, Pearl Market energizes downtown on Tuesdays and Fridays,

Green River has also become a popular must-do thrill for families

10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., mid-May through October. This unique urban

seeking an unforgettable experience. Nearby Flaming Gorge Reser-

market delivers live music and a merchant mix that reects Colum-

voir is known across the West for its excellent ďŹ shing.

bus' rich cultural diversity, including a wide array of locally grown

Visitors can also do some dinosaur tracking along the Dinosaur

produce, gorgeous hand-crafted jewelry and delicious food, while

Diamond National Scenic Byway. The prehistoric journey travels

providing a retail incubator for local entrepreneurs. Major credit

along a 512-mile loop where motorists can see excavation sites,

cards are accepted at the Pearl Market Tent in exchange for tokens

Native American petroglyphs and sought-after wilderness areas like

that may be used at any of the vendors.

Canyonlands and Arches national parks. Located three hours east of Salt Lake City in Vernal, Utah's Dinosaur-

Utah's Dinosaur National Monument

land is a hidden gem of adventure and discovery. The area is home to one of the most productive Jurassic Period dinosaur quarries in the world at Dinosaur National Monument. Bucket-list destinations include

Dinosaur National Monument provides a rare glimpse into the

the Wall of Bones and its 1,500 exposed dinosaur bones and the Dinosaur

past with nearly 1,500 exposed bones captured in their ďŹ nal resting

Garden. From dinosaur bones and ancient petroglyphs, to trophy ďŹ sh-

place. The one-of-a-kind Wall of Bones measures 50 feet high and

ing and epic road trips, Dinosaurland provides something for every-

200 feet long and features the remains of at least 100 intertwined

one. To easily plan your trip, visit dinoland.com.

dinosaurs. Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 33


oday’s bus group patrons are more

active than ever. All ages can enjoy a walking tour, be it a pleasant

leisurely stroll to admire small town charm, taking a look at a famed or fascinating neighborhood, or seeing major historic sites in larger cities. Walking is not only great exercise, it is an excellent way to see sites up close and personally. Many people love getting out in the fresh air and moving after a long day of sitting and riding. When developing a walking tour for a group, there are several things you should consider. Who takes walking tours? Just about anyone. Student groups, senior groups, special interest groups, photography buffs, history buffs, even locals have been known to take walking tours in their own hometown. An important thing you need to consider is the age, health, mobility and stamina of your group. Senior groups will appreciate slowerpaced strolls with lots of interesting stories about the past (especially if they can remi-

nisce about events in their own lifetime).

Youth groups will be able to handle a faster paced and longer walk, but you may need to

make sure you are not trespassing or dis-

lar activity is geocaching, where people use

keep it action orientated and interactive by

turbing someone’s privacy.

their smart phones to ďŹ nd hidden tokens at

including activities that will engage them in

Many towns have compact historic dis-

locations that can be found with GPS coordi-

the walk like scavenger hunts or geocaching.

tricts, which make a walking tour a breeze

nates. At the end of the tour, offer prizes to

When starting to plan a walking tour, you

because of the proximity of all the sites. Major

those participated or found the most treasures.

need to begin with the location. It is helpful to

cities and tourist attractions like Niagara Falls

Once you have selected locations, it is

get a map or visitor guide of the city you are

and Salem, Massachusetts have interesting

time to research. Find out interesting facts

touring and mark locations that would be of

sites all in close range of each other. Places

about the locations. Did any historic events

interest to your tour group. Convention and

with fascinating downtown areas full of fun

take place there? What signiďŹ cance does this

visitors bureaus, historical societies and pro-

things to see and discover are another option.

site hold to the community’s past and pre-

fessional tour guides often have established

Downtown walking tours can be a delightful

sent? Do some story telling to immerse your

and proven walking guides that you can take

diversion for groups who wish to do their own

guests in the experience. The Internet, travel

or use as a guide for creating your own walk-

thing, especially if the downtown area has a

guides and history books are great resources

ing tour. Themed tours such as architecture,

lot of unique shops, points of interest and

of information, as are convention and visi-

“haunted� locations or cemeteries, gardens

eateries. A scavenger hunt game can be a fun

tor bureaus. Often local tour guides are avail-

and landscaping, places of historical signiďŹ -

way to enhance a downtown walking tour.

able for hire to lead walking tours. Some-

cance or just the unusual or quirky are possi-

Make a list of markers for your group to ďŹ nd

times hearing the anecdotes of someone who

ble choices. Plot your locations on a map and

and photograph with their digital cameras or

grew up in the area can make a tour more

determine the walking length, difďŹ culty (steep-

phones. For example: a building with its date

entertaining and personal. A local would also

ness, trafďŹ c, restrictions to pedestrians) and

of construction carved into the exterior, a spe-

be able to answer speciďŹ c questions that you just might not have in your escort notes.

general safety of the area. Check to see if the

ciďŹ c street sign, a “selďŹ eâ€? with the owner of

walk will be comfortable. Are there shady

the local ice cream shop (get his/her permis-

When planning your route, consider

places or places to stop and rest? Are there

sion ďŹ rst, of course). You can look on the Inter-

where the tour should start and stop. You

any restrictions from property owners? Always

net for scavenger hunt ideas. Another popu-

could do a loop tour that starts and ends at

34 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

the same place or perhaps have the bus drop the group off and be

Always be prepared; guests should be advised to wear comfort-

waiting at the end of the walk. In larger cities it may not be possible

able, broken in shoes and weather appropriate clothing when walk-

to park a bus for an extended period of time, so leaving and then pick-

ing. If it is a hot day, offer everyone a bottle of water to carry along

ing the group up at the end of the walking tour would be the best

with them to stay hydrated. If it looks like rain, bring umbrellas or

option. Sometimes it is possible to do a combination walk/drive tour,

waterproof ponchos. (You may be surprised that some groups will

where the group does some walking and then reboards the bus to

enjoy a walk with a light rain but high winds, lightning or extreme

head to another part of the city for more walking. Another idea is end

hot or cold are not favorable to walking.) Of course, be prepared for

your tour with a meal, snack or beverage at a group-friendly restau-

emergencies with a first aid kit and have someone available to come

rant or pub. Your group might like to end at a park with boxed lunches

and pick up anyone who becomes ill or exhausted on the walk. Often-

waiting for them. Even a stop for an ice cream or bakery treat is some-

times a walking tour’s guide will carry something like a stick or an

thing you can consider after the tour. Find a place for your group to

umbrella that their tour group members can see in a crowd. It is always

sit and relax after their walk.

a good idea to tell people where you will be gathering at the end of

A good rule of thumb is to keep the tour to about an hour – longer

the tour in case someone gets separated from the group. Make sure

walks can be tiring especially if it is a hot day. An hour allows enough

everyone has the group leader’s cell phone number handy just in case

time to get out in the fresh air, get moving and see the sights with-

someone gets lost.

out being overwhelming, especially for older tour members. Try to

With a little planning and creativity, a specially designed walking

limit tours to no more than 10 stops. This is about the maximum num-

tour could be a highlight of any group tour. If you need ideas, check

ber of places your guests will be able to remember for interpretive

CVB Web sites (many of them have pre-planned walking itineraries)

walks. Again, be sure to check for traffic patterns, walking conditions

or local receptives. Great input can come from simply asking your

and overall value the location might have to your tour guests. Another

tour clients what they would like to see and do on a walking tour and

consideration is group size. If your tour group is 50 people, it may be

start from there.

a good option to split the group into two or even three smaller groups if everyone is walking together, each with their own tour guide.

An exciting and unforgettable journey often starts with a single step. Have fun on your next walking adventure.

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Don Knotts Hometown Tour

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 35

ABA’s Marketplace is Where Business Gets Done January 9-12, 2016 Louisville, Kentucky


he motorcoach industry is booming. The American Bus Asso-

ciation Foundation’s most recent census from 2013 shows the industry is second only to the airlines in terms of the total

number of annual passengers, providing 605 million passenger trips

per year. Two recent reports from Chicago’s DePaul University showed that nearly 10 million people rode all types of motorcoaches during the 2015 Memorial Day holiday weekend. Each day nearly 1.7 million people ride a motorcoach. It may be a scheduled service trip from one city to another, it could be a group travel trip to one of the country’s great vacation destinations, or it might be a charter bus with professional, college or high school athletes. The motorcoach industry is so versatile and ABA members can create almost any type of customized service your company needs. ABA’s annual tour and travel meeting, Marketplace, gives all ABA members the opportunity to meet face-to-face and create and

event, as well as their hotel and food. These operators come year after year because it is the must-attend tour and travel event of the year.

customize motorcoach travel for all types and sizes of groups. Hundreds of ABA operators meet with travel industry professionals in

Marketplace Pre-Scheduled

seven-minute prescheduled appointments at Marketplace. The

Appointments Are The Key

three-day appointment format allows buyers and sellers the oppor-

When you arrive at Marketplace, you will already have three days

tunity to conduct a year’s worth of business in one location in just

of pre-scheduled, seven-minute appointments where motorcoach

a few days.

and tour operator buyers exchange information and create long-term business

ABA’s Marketplace Works The economic consulting firm John Dunham and Associates surveyed the attendees from ABA’s 2015 Marketplace in St. Louis.

industry relationships with travel industry sellers. These one-to-one appointments are the core of Marketplace.

The results are astounding. Nearly $55 million in business was

Operator buyer appointment taking

booked during the four days of Marketplace and immediately after-

delegates are seated at individual, pri-

wards for the nearly 3,500 delegates who attended. As a motor-

vate booths for the entire time, and have

coach owner/operator, you cannot afford to pass up this type of

appointments all day. These appointments give operator buyers

opportunity to meet so many potentially great business partners.

the opportunity to meet with destinations, hotels and high-quality attractions from all across the United States and Canada. The

Many motorcoach operators say

Marketplace business floor is vibrant

that if they do just one or two deals at

and active. During the entire show,

Marketplace, they have more than

you can meet people, exchange busi-

made up for what they are spending

ness cards and make deals.

on transportation to and from the 36 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015







WWW.BUSES.ORG #abalouisville

ABA’s Marketplace is the premier event for the tour and travel industry. Nearly 3,500 motorcoach/tour operators, destinations, hoteliers, attractions and service/hardware exhibitors come together to kick off a new year of business opportunity and growth.

Limitless Networking Marketplace lives up to its name. It really is a true “Marketplace� with the product and service associate members exhibiting alongside destinations, attractions and hoteliers promoting their products to the motorcoach and group travel industry. We encourage you to bring multiple members of your team to Marketplace. We promise you they will be busy, they will enjoy the Marketplace experience and they will book business.

Decision Makers Come to Marketplace to Do Business If you want to meet with people who are making the decisions where to do business in the motorcoach, travel and tourism industry, then the ABA’s Marketplace is the place to be. Some twothirds of all of the motorcoaches on the highways and roads in the U.S. and Canada are operated by ABA-member motorcoaches.

“The business appointments that my staff and I participate in at Marketplace are second to none. It gives us an excellent opportunity to enhance the destinations we serve, and it allows us to

• Networking oor access

introduce new products for our clients,� said Bryan Cole, the pres-

• Professional education seminars presented by leading industry

ident of Orlando’s Super Holiday Tours. Cole is also serving this

professionals occur throughout the week. Education tracks are

year as ABA’s Marketplace chairman. “ABA has such a diverse

designed to keep you up to date with professional development, tech-

membership of small, medium and large motorcoach owners and

nology, operations and sales and marketing.

operators and it’s one of our real strengths.�

• Sightseeing tours

ABA Operators Come from

• Personalized passport and company proďŹ le information

Every Part of the U.S.

• Complimentary Wi-Fi service inside the convention center

and Canada

• Complimentary airport transportation and shuttles to all events

• Online research tours and exclusive onsite service centers

You will meet motorcoach,

• The Bus Industry Safety Council whose mission is to continu-

travel and tourism professionals

ally raise the level of safety in the intercity bus and motorcoach indus-

from all across the United States

try through collaborative efforts of professionals in a workshop and

and Canada. That is because ABA

educational environment

members do business everywhere.

• BusMARC is the ABA’s newest council, and it will hold its first meeting in Louisville. BusMARC’s mission is to raise the level

Louisville – Our Host City Louisville is one of the country’s vibrant cities with an exciting downtown and plenty of attractions to keep the ABA’s estimated 3,300 delegates busy when they are not on the Marketplace oor.

of maintenance awareness in the intercity and motorcoach industry, providing shop managers the tools they need to build and improve their existing programs. • This year the International Motorcoach Group will hold its Maintenance and Safety forum at Marketplace in conjunction with

Marketplace’s All Inclusive

ABA. This is another excellent opportunity to meet and network

Registration includes:

with motorcoach industry leaders who have hundreds of years of

• Full week-participation • Three all-delegate lunches

combined experience in the business. Register online now at buses.org/marketplace. If you need per-

• Three all-delegate evening events

sonal assistance, phone the ABA ofďŹ ce at (800) 283-2877 or e-mail

• Three operator-only breakfasts


38 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

THE CURIOUS TOUR PLANNER Number 9 of a Series “The Curious Tour Planner” is a question and answer column that provides simple answers to simple questions involving bus and group tours. It is patterned after a very successful similar column in our sister publication, NATIONAL BUS TRADER, that has run for about 20 years with more than 200 installments. We will accept reasonably simple technical or operating historical questions on bus and group tours and their operations by letter, fax, e-mail or telephone. Unless otherwise indicated, the simpler questions will be answered by our editor, Larry Plachno, who has owned buses and planned tours for more than 50 years. If our staff is unable to answer them, we will call upon our panel of experts. Names and addresses should be submitted with your questions, but we will withhold names from publication on request. We reserve the right to modify questions to make them more useful to our readers. Q. Now that the NTSB has issued a preliminary report on the Orland crash, should tour operators take note of any of the recommendations? –– Western Tour Planner A. The Orland crash was particularly unusual in that it did not involve driver fatigue, drugs, alcohol, bad weather or any type of mechanical failure. In fact, if the bus had been running even 30 seconds earlier, this accident probably would not have happened. Hence, this is one of those accidents where chance played the biggest part. This accident took place on Interstate 5 in Orland, California, on April 10, 2014. It involved a three-coach movement of high school students who were going from the Los Angeles area to Humboldt University in Arcata, California to participate in a spring preview event for potential future attendees. There were 43 students and three adult chaperones as well as the driver on board the bus involved in the accident. Nearly half of the students came from the Los Angeles Unified School District. The coaches left Los Angeles in the morning and drove approximately 400 miles north to Sacramento. Since the entire trip

was close to 700 miles, a driver change was scheduled in Sacramento and each of the buses received a fresh driver. After leaving Sacramento in the midafternoon, the buses still had about 300 more miles to go and were driving north in the right lane of I-5 approximately 100 miles north of Sacramento at Orland. Meanwhile a FedEx truck with two short trailers left Sacramento that same morning and drove approximately 230 miles north to Weed, California. At about 3 p.m. the truck left Weed with two short trailers, one half full and one empty, returning to Sacramento. At about 5:40 p.m. the truck was southbound in the right lane of I-5 near Orland when it began to move to the left even though there was no need to avoid another vehicle or roadway obstruction. It crossed the left lane and ran through the 58-foot center median with a row of oleander bushes in the center. No skid marks or evidence of braking were found. The truck then entered the northbound lanes. A car in the northbound lanes had just passed the bus and was struck in the left rear by the truck. As a result, the car spun around and left the roadway to the right. Both the driver and passenger survived without serious injury. The truck then continued south in the northbound lanes and hit the coach nearly head on. Investigators found 145-feet of tire marks showing that the bus driver attempted to brake to avoid the oncoming truck. The accident was particularly bad because in addition to serious damage to the front of the bus including the door, the truck fuel tank ruptured and spewed diesel fuel inside the bus that caught fire and created dark smoke. There were injuries because passengers did not make use of the seat belts. The students found the door for the wheelchair lift but could not open it. Most of them survived by escaping after kicking out the windows of the bus. Sadly, 10 people died in the crash. This included the two drivers, three adult chaperones and five students. Twin girls elected to board different buses. One survived and the other did not.

A preliminary report has come from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the federal agency charged with investigating this type of accident. The report suggests that the probable cause of the accident was the inability of the truck driver to maintain control of his vehicle because of his unresponsiveness. Some of the NTSB recommendations are beyond the scope of tour planners and operators. For example, there was a recommendation for better data recorder survivability since the recorders on both the truck and bus failed to survive the crash and resulting fire. Because of the dark smoke, there was a recommendation for better lighting in the event of an emergency. However, since the lights are normally controlled from the driver’s dash, which was destroyed in this accident, this might take some special engineering. Improved interior flammability standards were recommended, although in this situation the ruptured truck fuel tank was a major factor. However, the NSTB noted that neither driver had made a pre-trip briefing that mentioned the push-out emergency escape windows and encouraging the use of seat belts. As a result, several passengers were injured because they were not wearing seat belts, In addition, escape was delayed because the passengers did not know how to unlatch the push-out escape windows. The message to tour planners and tour operators is obvious. Starting in October, 2016, seat belts will be required on new coaches. While you hope that something like this never happens on one of your tours, the accident will be more survivable if passengers are given a pre-trip briefing (like on airplanes) mentioning the emergency push-out windows and the use of seat belts. You can work with bus companies and drivers to make sure that this happens. The NTSB also mentioned the possibility of having a second door on buses. This is typical on European tour coaches but relatively less popular here. Answers not credited to other individuals are provided by Larry Plachno, Editor. Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 39

20 Tips For Bus Tour Planners by: Dr. Charleen Jaeb

3 Passenger’s packing for single-day bus

6. Packing tips for drivers: Follow com-

One question everyone has to know the

trips: My large carry-on bag usually contains

pany regulations which usually include a bus

answer to before boarding the bus is what

bottle of water, cup holder, an apple, snacks,

pre-boarding checklist, driver’s license, rout-

and how to pack. The tips will focus on com-

book, magazine or newspaper, plus my purse

ing directions, map, passenger manifest, trip

fort, clothing, safety, electronics, entertain-

which holds glasses, wallet, money, credit

Itinerary, emergency phone numbers, cell

ment and food but most importantly pack-

card, appointment calendar, lipstick, tissues,

phone, GPS, EZ pass, credit card, First Aid

ing light, right and cheap. Suggestions will

pills, Lifesavers, iPhone and camera. Some

Kit, approved movies, safety video or pre-

be based on single-day and multi-day trips

passengers bring small pillows, blankets or

pared speech on safety, stops, policies,

for passengers, group leaders, bus tour plan-

inflatable neck cushions.

departure times plus a box of tissues and

20 Tips on Packing for Bus Trips

ners and drivers.

4. Group Leader/Trip Escort’s carry-on

company trip catalogs as well as cleaning

Most of the information comes from my

Items: In addition to items listed above,

supplies such as window cleaner, paper tow-

experience, talking to frequent bus travelers,

these are some I usually put on my check-

els and trash bags. Optional: coolers, ice,

others in the bus business and reading pack-

list to bring: Passenger ’s list including

water, beverages, snacks, hand sanitizers

ing tips from experts on the Internet.

names, phone numbers, seat assignments,

and large umbrella.

The following 20 tips will start with pack-

badge for myself and nametags for passen-

7. Follow dress codes: Most bus compa-

ing for one-day trips followed by multi-day

gers, pen and notebook, markers to iden-

nies require drivers to dress professionally –

trips and ending with optional items to bring

tify shopping bags placed under the bus,

white shirt, tie, dark slacks and shoes, badge

and packing for overseas trips. Most of these

snacks, wrapped candy, games, prizes for

showing driver and bus company name and

tips are guidelines which have worked for me.

games, cup holders, water, itinerary of trip

an appropriate casual jacket. Some bus and

Modify them to fit your needs.

with phone numbers of stops, bus catalogs,

travel companies require trip escorts to wear

1. Before packing read: Bus company or

list of my upcoming trips, trip evaluation

jackets of the same color and dark slacks or

travel agency literature regarding size, weight

sheets, birthday cards and thank you card

skirts and a badge with their name and com-

and number of suitcases, types of clothing

for driver.

pany or title. Clothing should be clean, pressed

to bring and documents to carry. Check the

5. Casino Stops on single or multiday trips.

and fit properly. Fun groups traveling together

Internet. Ask your bus tour planner and other

Carry your driver’s license or government

sometimes wear outfits designating their

photo ID and birthdate, glasses, casino reward

group (e.g., Red Hat Ladies), occasion, desti-

2. Make a packing list. Less is best. It is

card, money, credit card, good luck charm,

nation or favorite sports team, political can-

standard for buses to allow one suitcase and

phone, pen and paper close to your body in a

didate, etc.


a carry-on bag or bags. On multi-day trips, lay

pocket, vest or small shoulder strap purse

8. Packing for comfort: Layer your cloth-

out your clothes days or weeks ahead and

worn diagonally on your body. If you choose

ing. Bring a sweater and/or a light rain

decide which items you absolutely need. It

to bring a larger bag into the casino, you can

jacket on the bus, possibly socks. Wear com-

will give you time to make a complete list plus

check it at valet service; e.g. if you prefer to

fortable attractive walking shoes, tennis

purchase or borrow additional items you

spend part of your day reading a book, knit-

shoes or sandals. Consider bringing a blan-

might need.

ting or exploring outdoors.

ket and pillow or inflatable neck pillow. Ear

40 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

plugs are handy if you prefer silence; eye

books, magazines and electronic devices

wheelchairs, wheelchair lifts or medical con-

masks if you like darkness. The older I get

such as iPhones, iPads, digital cameras, e-

ditions, note the information on your initial

the more I am comforted to have luggage

readers, laptop computers and soon Apple

reservation forms to determine if your

with wheels.

watches. Modern motorcoaches usually

request can be accommodated. Those who

9. What to pack in luggage for multi-

have Wi-Fi and 110-volt outlets. If you will

have chronic conditions should bring needed

day trips: Your suitcase should include what

be listening to an iPod or other music

medicines and apparatus as mentioned in

was recommended for single-day trips plus

device, consider downloading an audio

the previous tip. Those with memory or hear-

clothing, electronics, toiletries, medicines

book instead of movies; most offer 10-20

ing problems should bring a companion who

and medical apparatus, described below

hours of listening and allow you to con-

can assist them in taking their medications,

plus inexpensive jewelry, an address book

tinue with the book after dark. Books con-

using apparatus, arriving on time for bus

and postage stamps, make-up bags or seal-

serve battery life. Download apps, e-Books

departures and making sure they do not get

able plastic baggies for inexpensive jew-

and music before you leave. If you plan to

lost while off the bus

elry, cosmetics, toiletry items or medicines

read after dark, pack a small flashlight or

16. Reduce risk of loss of luggage or its

plus a smartphone battery charger as well

headlamp to use as a reading light in case

contents. Place your name, address, phone,

as optional items and for trips out of this

seat lights on the bus do not work. Bring

e-mail on a card inside your luggage and


battery chargers for iPhones, cell phones

name tag outside. Put address stickers on

10. How to pack for multi-day trips: Roll

and digital cameras, USB flash drives, extra

iPhones, cameras, etc. If you bring expen-

softer garments such as underwear, T-shirts,

memory card for digital cameras on

sive jewelry and watches, wear them. Place

jeans, cotton pants, knitwear. Fold stiffer

overnight trips.

something outside your suitcase that makes

ones such as shirts, slacks, and jackets. Put

13. Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste,

it stand out from others; e.g. a decal, pom-

in three levels: rolled items on bottom, folded

dental floss, razor, shaving cream, deodor-

pom, or secure a colorful striped band

garments next, top with large plastic bag,

ant, shampoo/conditioner, mouthwash, nail

around it. Lock luggage and carry key with

then clothes you will need first such as swim-

clippers, file, tweezers, feminine hygiene

you. On long trips which require airplane

suits or pajamas. Place belts around the

products, brush/comb, sunscreen, spare

connections, consider packing half your

perimeter of suitcase. Wrap fragile items or

glasses and cosmetics can be packed in Dopp

items in your companion’s suitcase and put

liquor in sturdy clothing, plastic wrap and

kits, cosmetic bags and Ziploc bags inside

half of theirs in yours. Lost luggage is usu-

place in center of your bag. I usually fold knit

your luggage. Hand sanitizers and insect

ally found, but it can take several days to

shirts around a rectangular cardboard tem-

repellant work best in carry-ons. Good hotels

catch up with you.

plate and place them in a plastic bag or a

supply you with lotion, shampoo, condi-

Space Bag, which allows you to expel air

tioner, Kleenex and hairdryers.

17. Optional Items to pack: Small amount of duct tape (e.g. which can be used as a fix

14. Medicines and medical apparatus:

for torn clothing or a broken strap on a bag,

11. Clothing for multi-day trips: One rain-

If you take many pills daily, put them in

an ankle brace or a strong band aid), insect

proof hooded jacket, two to three pairs of

seven-day plastic containers. Take a list of

repellants, sun screen, sewing kit, sun

shoes, which could include comfortable

all prescription drugs with physician’s name

glasses, hats, binoculars and Swiss Army

walking, sturdy tennis shoes or sandals, two

and phone number or take drugs in origi-

knife with scissors . Bring portable twisted

pairs of shorts/capris, two pairs of pants (one

nal containers. OTC remedies that work for

rubber travel clothesline that does not require

dressy, one casual), swimsuit, five pairs of

you such as decongestants, antacids, pain

clothespins, stain remover, soap, travel-size

making extra room.

socks, five pairs of underwear, one extra bra,

killers, laxatives, vitamins and aspirins in

packet of detergent and sink stopper to wash

four to six shirts of various colors, one light

case of leg pain or chest pain (symptom of

clothes in your room.

cardigan, colorful ties or scarves. Coordinate

heart attack) should be packed in your

18. What to do prior to taking overseas

colors. Wear your expensive jewelry and

carry-on bag. Apparatus such as Epi-Pens,

trips: Buy travel insurance. Medicare does

watch. Optional are: dress, skirt, hat, belt,

inhalers, Levemir insulin pens and glucose

not cover you outside United States. Purchase

vest, flip-flops, dressy shoes, multiple-use

monitoring kits should also be placed in

or borrow phrase books and travel guides.

clothing such as shorts with zip-on legs, long

carry-on bags. Walkers and wheelchairs

Make photocopies of your passport; get a

knit shirts that can be used as night gowns

are placed under the bus.

couple extra copies of passport photos. E-

15. Special needs: If a passenger should

mail your credit information, medical pre-

12. Electronics and entertainment: To

have a problem requiring special room fea-

scriptions and insurance information to your-

keep you entertained bring a variety of

tures, special menus, special bus seating,

self so it is assessable if lost. Purchase foreign

and beach cover-ups.

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015 • 41

currency from banks, AAA or travel agen-

20. Author’s comments: Most long bus

Thank you to my readers who recom-

cies Compare rates. Read “Tips for Traveling

trips stop for food and often retail therapy.

mended packing as a topic they were inter-

Abroad” at travel.state.gov/travel/tips. Buy

Do not bring food on board if it needs refrig-

ested in. Your comments on this column are

small “mixed” wallet for under your clothes.

erated or has a bad odor. Most hotels furnish

always welcome as well as ideas for future

Leave a copy of your itinerary with your fam-

hairdryers, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, tis-


ily members and office.

sues, TV listings, newspapers, coffee, ice,

cdjaeb@wowway.com. Happy traveling,






19. Packing for overseas bus trips. Include

vending machines, information on churches

all of the things mentioned above plus

and are located in close proximity to drug

adapters and converters, your passport, copies

stores and shopping. What you forgot, you

of your passport and few passport pictures,

can buy. For me shopping is a highlight of

My column for the November/Decem-

travel journal, address book or labels of peo-

travel. Consider bringing disposable cloth-

ber issue of Bus Tours Magazine will

ple to send post cards, gifts for hosts such as

ing which you can give away, throw away or

focus on student tours. I am also plan-

unique souvenirs from your hometown or

trade to make room for souvenirs. Stay out

ning a column on ways tour planners,

state. If your bus trip includes airplane travel,

of disputes on the bus. Smile, be kind and be

group leaders and bus companies can

learn baggage and carry-on regulations.


give back to the community by way of

Tips, Comments or Ideas

service, charity or other means. Giving back not only helps your company and With degrees from four universities, Dr. Charleen Jaeb has been a business professor at Cuya-

improves your community, it feels good

hoga Community College. After her retirement in 2000, she became a trip planner for the CCC

to do so. If you have some tips, com-

retirees and Middleburg Heights Women’s Club, filling as many as 15 buses each year. Jaeb and her husband escorted trips for Lakefront Lines in Cleveland, Ohio. She says, “It was wonderful and somewhat unbelievable in retirement to be able to do what you love to do and get paid for doing it.”

ments or ideas that could be included in either of these columns, I would appreciate hearing from you. You can contact me at cdjaeb@wowway.com. Thank you.

Advertiser’s Index Adsmore House/Garden . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Mobile Medical Museum . . . . . . . . . . . .8

American Bus Association . . . . . . . . .37

Naper Settlement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

Arbor Day Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Natchitoches CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Atlantic City CVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

Newnan-Coweta Historical Society . . .5

City of Aztec, New Mexico . . . . . . . . .17

Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad . . . . . . .8

Columbia Gorge Interpretive

Ole’s Big Game Steakhouse . . . . . . . .17

Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Outlets of Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Cumbres Toltec Scenic Railroad . . . . . .9

Pirate’s Dinner Adventure . . . . . . . . . .27

Destination Kitchen Tours & Travel . . .8

Presque Isle Downs & Casino . . . . . . . .2

Durbin & Greenbrier

Prestonburg Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Valley Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Elk City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Entertainment Cruises . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Fair Oaks Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Rapid City CVB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Sable Points Lighthouse

FairBridge Inn – East Hannover . . . . .29

Keepers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Greater Morgantown CVB . . . . . . . . . .35

St. James Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Harriet’s Family Restaurant . . . . . . . .30

Secwepemc Museum

Heartland Travel Showcase . . . . . . . .43 Holiday Inn Resort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Kellogg Manor House . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Mari Sandoz High Plains

& Heritage Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourism Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Heritage Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Tulare Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Walton Arts Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Mid-Lakes Navigation Co. . . . . . . . . . .29

Wild Horse Saloon/

42 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2015

Bus Tours Magazine is looking for someone interested in writing a regular column to appear in each issue. If you have information to share on some aspect of the bus and group tour business, or if you are an expert in some facet of this business, you may be the person we are seeking.

Starved Rock Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Maumee Bay Lodge & Conference . . .29 Miromar Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Columnist Wanted

General Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Bus Tours Magazine (815) 946-2341 btm@busmag.com

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