BUS TOURS Magazine Volume XLI, Number 5 ● May/June, 2020

Page 1

Volume XLI, Number 5 • May/June, 2020

Historical Attractions and Museums page 10

Have We Missed the Bus in Planning Bus Tours? page 23

Grants, Loans and Programs to Help Survive COVID-19 page 4


here’s nowhere else quite like the Billy Graham Library. The interactive Journey of Faith tour is a trip through history for all ages. See how God’s love changed millions as you experience inspiring videos, photo galleries, and memorabilia. Explore Billy Graham’s childhood home, stroll the peaceful Memorial Prayer Garden, relax over lunch and specialty coffees, or shop the Christian bookstore. An extraordinary journey starts here.



“#1 thing to do in Charlotte”


“They were all amazed at the majesty of God.”

—LUKE 9:43, NKJV

Monday to Saturday, 9:30–5:00 • BillyGrahamLibrary.org • 704-401-3200 • Reservations required for groups of 10 or more; email LibraryTours@bgea.org or call 704-401-3270. • 4330 Westmont Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina A ministry of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Franklin Graham, President

09567 Library_May-June 2020 Bus Tours Magazine Ad.indd 1

©2019 BGEA

3/11/20 2:13 PM


MAY/JUNE 2020 Volume XLI, Number 5



8 20

Editor & Publisher . . . . . . . . Larry Plachno Business Manager . . Nancy Ann Plachno Bookkeeping . . . . . . . . . Melanie L. Beilke Typesetting/Page Layout . . Sherry Mekeel Production/Design/Web . Nick Schleitwiler Editorial Assistant . . . . . . . Melissa Stanek Bus Tours Magazine 9698 W. Judson Road Polo, Illinois 61064-9015 (815) 946-2341 Fax: (815) 946-2347 Web site: www.bustoursmagazine.com Advertising

Central/International West

central@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341



Guides 8



NICHE & SPECIALTY TOURS Specialized stops that are sure to please such as the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island and the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum in Stevenson, Washington.

HISTORICAL ATTRACTIONS & MUSEUMS From railroads to the Reagan Library, here are several popular bus tour stops that allow you to add a little history to your bus tour.

STOPS ALONG THE WAY Getting there is half of the fun when you find interesting places to stop at. Here are two popular cities located on the Mississippi River that welcome bus tour grooups.

Specials 4

GRANTS, LOANS AND PROGRAMS TO HELP TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES SURVIVE COVID-19 BUSINESS DISRUPTION Matthew W. Daus, Esq., partner and chairman of Windels Marx Transportation Practice Group provides a review


of some of the more poular grants and loans that might be hepful in getting you through the current Coronavirus problems.

HAVE WE MISSED THE BUS IN PLANNING BUS TOURS? Your editor encourages everyone to start planning tours today so that tours will be available in the future, and particularly the spring and summer of 2021, for those who are interested. He then offers some popular suggestions for getting started with tour planning.

Features 18

REGIONAL ROUNDUP Rediscover Atlantic City with its new visitor attractions like the Steel Pier Observation Wheel. Or look at the many group attractions you can see in Jackson, Michigan

And More 27 28 30


by Catherine Heeg


by Melissa Stanek


info@kerhgroup.com – (888) 537-4858 Midwest


midwest@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341 Southeast

tourgroups@busmag.com – (815) 946-2341

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The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan has been a favorite of bus tour people for generations. Groups that do not stay here often visit for their highly regarded luncheon event. Since autos are not allowed on the island, transportation and the island tour is provided by real horse power.The result is an experience unlike any other. BUS TOURS MAGAZINE. BUS TOURS MAGAZINE (ISSN 0199-6096) is published six times annually by National Bus Trader, Inc., 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064. Subscriptions, $15 (in US funds) annually, Canadian & International $20 (in US funds). Printed in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Polo, Illinois 61064 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BUS TOURS MAGAZINE, 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064. Change of Address: Please send old mailing label (or old address and computer number) as well as new address. Advertising: Display advertising rates sent on request. Advertising deadline is the last day of the second month preceding publication. Founded in 1979, BUS TOURS MAGAZINE is the oldest independent magazine in the bus and group tour market. Circulation includes bus and group tour planners in the United States and Canada regardless of affiliation or whether commercial, private or corporate or group leader. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The name BUS TOURS MAGAZINE and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of National Bus Trader, Inc.

Bus Tours Magazine /May, 2020 • 3

Grants, Loans and Programs to Help Transportation Companies Survive COVID-19 Business Disruption By Matthew W. Daus, Esq.


he public health impact on society and the economic impact of the

novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) on

most businesses and on the entire transportation industry has been nothing short of catastrophic, putting it mildly. This new normal is beyond surreal, and our world in gen-

eral, and the mobility world, will never be the same again. In just days, business dropped to a stand-still and most transportation companies have ceased operations, laid off employees, deactivated drivers, received account and event cancellations or bill collection deferment requests, and are struggling to manage cash flow and to reduce costs to a trickle to live to fight another day. Some carriers saw commuter service reduced by more than 90%, tour companies suspended services, many routes and service lines have either been suspended or cut back dramatically. The “safe-distance” recommendation requirements were a hit to bus ridership, routes became immediately unsustainable from “hot zones,” and all routes had reduced ridership. One bright spot to note is that some school districts will pay bus operators a percentage of the contract even though the schools are closed. Bus companies were initially struggling for ways to hold onto their drivers until business returns by furloughing workers so they would not file for unemployment or find jobs with Amazon

their vendors, clients, and suppliers did not

plines: labor and employment, tax, contracts,

have contingency plans in place – and every-

finance, civil rights, torts and insurance, reg-

In general, COVID-19 reactions, facts, and

one is making it up as they go along. To fill

ulatory and legislative. The webinar, held on

to provide package delivery.

policies at are constantly changing by the

this information gap, the Transportation Prac-

Friday, March 20, 2020, is entitled “Emer-

hour. Since this is the first time in modern

tice Group that I chair at the law firm of

gency Webinar on COVID-19 Transporta-

history that anything like this has happened,

Windels Marx put together a comprehensive

tion Industry Risk Mitigation & Resiliency,”

many bus and motor coach companies and

presentation including the following disci-

and can be viewed for free, on demand, at

4 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

this link: https://bit.ly/3duv3PF Also, the following resources from the webinar are available: • COVID-19 Resource Guide for Transportation Companies (https://bit.ly/3bnV 9l8) • FAQs by Transportation Companies About COVID-19 (https://bit.ly/2WHp43N) • COVID-19 Risk Management Checklist for Transportation Companies (https://bit.ly/39cKRDg)

The most important and urgent issues within the last several weeks are the federal, state, and local emergency grants and loans that have been made available. Below is a brief description of the federal loan and grant programs available to many bus companies,

mdaus@windelsmarx.com and we will

which provide immediate cash relief to retain

respond promptly. Also, we have recently

payroll, pay expenses and try to get through

released FAQs for the CARES Act Payroll Pro-

the next few months. In addition, many states



The “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eco-

and localities are developing their own pro-

Checklist/Worksheet/Calculator to help bus

nomic Security Act” or the “CARES Act” –

grams. As a courtesy to BUS TOURS MAGAZINE

companies apply for this loan:

the $2 trillion federal stimulus package that




CARES Act Payroll Protection Program

readers, my law firm is providing free

• PPP Frequently Asked Questions

was passed on March 27, 2020 – included

advice on answering grant and loan ques-

(FAQs) for Transportation Providers

provisions that could deliver critical relief to

tions and has developed a COVID-19 Trans-


bus companies impacted by the COVID-19

portation Law hotline to answer questions

• Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

pandemic – including fully forgivable loans

around the country – 212-237-1106; or

Document Checklist & Worksheet

and emergency grants – if they can find a

email your requests and questions to


lender. The CARES Act included $349 billion to fund the Payroll Protection Program, which provides forgivable low-interest loans for businesses with fewer than 500 employees, including sole proprietorships, independent contractors, and self-employed persons who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The first round of PPP funding ran out quickly. Even though Congress replenished the funding in legislation enacted on Friday, April 24, 2020, the second round of funding is also expected to go quickly. The PPP loan is designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on payroll by providing the businesses with funds to maintain payroll for up to eight weeks and to pay interest on mortgages, rent, and utilities. The U.S. Treasury said the loan funds will be issued on the same day the loan application is approved, yet that does not seem to Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 5

be the case so far. The PPP loans are available

pensation levels are maintained or restored

miums; and payment of any retirement ben-

directly from private lenders, which will be

before June 30, 2020, then they will have the

efit; and

paid fees by the U.S. Small Business Admin-

loan forgiven.

• State and local taxes assessed on compensation.

istration (“SBA”) for processing the loans.

All PPP loans have an interest rate of 1%

The lenders may not collect any fees from

(fixed rate) and a term of two years. However,

the PPP loan applicant. The processing fees

up to 100% of the loan is forgivable. Borrow-

CARES Act Loans for Independent

are based on the balance of the financing

ers will not be responsible for any loan pay-

Contractors – Including Bus Drivers

outstanding at the time of final disbursement:

ment if they use the loan only to cover payroll

5% for loans less than $350,000; 3% for loans

costs, interest on mortgage obligations, rent,

The SBA also made clear in its proposed

of $350,000–$2,000,000; and 1% for loans of

and utilities in the eight-week period after

rules that independent contractors have the

at least $2,000,000.

the loan is made and maintain employee and

ability to apply for a PPP loan on their own

Due to the overwhelming volume of appli-

compensation levels during that time. As a

and will not be included in another bor-

cants and background check requirements

requirement for forgiveness, at least 75% of

rower’s PPP loan calculation or loan forgive-

placed on lenders, many lenders are restrict-

the forgiven amount must be used for payroll

ness. The CARES Act arguably allowed busi-

ing applicants to those with whom they have


nesses to use loan proceeds to pay their

pre-existing business relationships, such as a business checking account or lending history. While the SBA is requiring only limited underwriting on these loans, lenders still

Payroll costs consist of compensation paid to employees, including:

independent contractors, but that loophole – which could have allowed for double-dip-

• Salary, wages, commissions, or tips

ping – was closed by the SBA rules. For a

(capped at $100,000 on an annualized basis

sole proprietor or independent contractor,

for each employee);

payroll costs include wages, commissions,

must verify that a borrower was in operation

• Employee benefits including costs for

income, or net earnings from self-employ-

on February 15, 2020, and had employees.

vacation, parental, family, medical, or sick

ment, capped at $100,000 on an annualized

The lenders must also verify the dollar

leave; allowance for separation or dismissal;

basis. While initially bus companies were

amount of average monthly payroll costs and

payments required for the provisions of group

concerned about losing drivers to package

follow applicable Bank Secrecy Act require-

health care benefits including insurance pre-

delivery services, the passage of the CARES

ments. Lending to existing clients can expedite the application process. Businesses that have not needed to borrow money in the recent past may have difficulty locating a lender at this time. There was a lag in the initial PPP roll out because the SBA issued proposed rules for the program the night before the first day lenders could start accepting applications. The proposed rules, released late on April 2, 2020, made significant changes to earlier guidance issued by the Treasury Department. For example, the SBA increased the interest rate from 0.50% to 1%, and required that no more than 25% of the PPP loan proceeds approved for loan forgiveness may be used for non-payroll costs. Those who secure a loan will have eight weeks to use it for their payroll costs, interest on mortgage obligations incurred before February 15, 2020, rent under lease agreements in force before February 15, 2020, and utilities, for which service began before February 15, 2020. If they do, and employee and com6- • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Act’s PPP and the additional unemployment

insurance made available by Congress essen-

Businesses may receive an EIDL and a PPP

tially solves that problem, as most bus drivers

CARES Act Extension of SBA Eco-

loan, as long as the EIDL is not being used

will earn more compensation under the PPP

nomic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)

to pay for the same expenses as the PPP loan.

or through unemployment than before the COVID-19 pandemic started.

Our Transportation Practice Group proThe CARES Act also extended the eligi-

vides regulatory and legal counselling to bus

bility for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans

and motorcoach companies, including rep-

CARES Act Loan Forgiveness &

to any business fewer than 500 employees,

resenting those companies with private sec-

Payment Deferral

sole proprietors, and independent contrac-

tor and government procurement and con-

tors, among others. Within three days of

tract makers. We represent bus companies

applying, EIDL applicants may receive a

in federal (FMCSA) & state DOT audits &

or quickly rehiring full-time employees and

$10,000 advance that does not have to be

compliance; carrier, vehicle & base licensing;

maintaining salary levels. The forgiveness

repaid if it is used for maintaining payroll,

airport permits; commuter bus permits;

amount will be reduced if full-time headcount

paid leave, increased costs due to supply

administrative hearings; and litigation. We

declines or if salaries and wages decrease

chain disruption, mortgage, utility, or lease

also provide legislative monitoring and guid-

by more than 25% for any employee that

payments, or repaying obligations that can-

ance to assist bus and motorcoach compa-

made less than $100,000 in 2019. However,

not be met due to revenue losses.

nies comply with the complex and ever-

Forgiveness is also based on maintaining

there is a cure period. Borrowers will have

EIDLs provide up to $2 million at 3.75 %

until June 30, 2020, to restore full-time

interest, plus principal and interest deferment

employment and salary levels for any

for up to four years, and a maximum term of

changes made between February 15, 2020,

30 years. Unlike the PPP loans, this loan is

Contact: mdaus@windelsmarx.com

changing federal, state, and local laws and regula,ons governing the industry.

and April 26, 2020. Because there is a funding

processed directly through the SBA. SBA

156 West 56th Street

cap, the U.S. Treasury is encouraging busi-

approval is based on an applicant’s credit

New York, NY 10019

nesses to apply as quickly possible. Loans

score. No personal guarantee is required for

T. 212.237.1106 | F. 212.262.1215

can be for up to 2.5 times the average

EIDLs under $200,000, but loans over

monthly payroll costs (described above) from

$200,000 must be guaranteed by any owner


Matthew W. Daus, Esq., is partner and

the previous twelve months, plus the out-

having a 20% or greater interest in the appli-

chairman of the Transportation Practice Group

standing amount of an Economic Injury Dis-


at the Windels Marx law firm in New York City,

aster Loan (EIDL) made between January 31,

Emergency EIDL grants will be made

president of the International Association of

2020 and April 3, 2020, capped at $10 million.

through December 31, 2020. However, like

Transportation Regulators, and transportation

The EIDL program also ran out of money, but

PPP loans, funding is limited. Applicants who

technology chair at the City University of New

$60 million was added as part of the legisla-

received an SBA EIDL from January 31, 2020,

York’s transportation research center at the City

tion that replenished the PPP loan program.

to April 3, 2020, can apply for a PPP loan.

College of New York.

Staff at Transportation Practice Group

Matthew W. Daus Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 7

Grand Hotel

Niche & Specialty Tours Grand Hotel

after 6:30 p.m. Groups visiting for the day can

ride to Mackinac Island. Grand Hotel and

America’s Summer Place

enjoy our legendary Grand Luncheon Buffet

Mackinac Island offer many activities includ-

Mackinac Island, Michigan

in the Main Dining Room. A multi-year win-

ing swimming, a spa, garden tours, After-

ner of the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excel-

noon Tea in the Parlor, croquet and bocci in

Since 1887, America’s Summer Place beck-

lence, the Grand Luncheon Buffet includes

the Tea Garden, golfing on The Jewel, unique

ons you to a bygone era of old-world hospi-

an assortment of options, including fresh sal-

shops or relaxing in a rocking chair on the

tality and charm. Family owned for three gen-

ads, slow-roasted meats, seafood and fresh-

world’s longest porch. Mackinac Island has

erations, this National Historic Landmark is

baked pastries. After lunch, tour the grounds,

many things to do, such as bicycling, horse-

truly one of a kind. You will return to a time

explore the hotel and take in the views from

drawn carriage rides, hiking, exploring his-

of horse drawn carriages, afternoon tea, cro-

a rocking chair on the world’s longest porch.

toric Fort Mackinac and shopping downtown.

quet on an endless lawn and live music

An overnight stay in one of 393 uniquely dec-

Please visit us at grandhotel.com, email

throughout the day and evening.

orated guest rooms includes a full breakfast

grouptours@grandhotel.com, or call 1-800-

and dinner daily.

33GRAND and ask for our Group Tour Coor-

Throughout Grand Hotel’s history, dining has been an exceptional feature of the guest

Getting there is part of the fun! Leave the

experience, including dressing up for dinner

mainland and board the ferry for a 15-minute

8 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

dinator for more information.

Guide: Niche & Specialty Tours Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum Stevenson, Washington Come experience 15,000 years of history at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum. Located in the middle of the National Scenic Area in Stevenson, Washington, the museum is ideally situated to interpret the natural and cultural history of this beautiful region. The first floor introduces the culture of the First Peoples, the Cascade Chinook. Discover the impact contact with other cultures had on them, the emigration struggle to the West, early community development, transporta-


tion, and the harvesting of resources. In the

between the Cascade Chinook technique of

Experience the history and unique hospitality of Grand Hotel. Stay overnight and enjoy a full breakfast and five-course dinner daily. Or visit for the day and enjoy our legendary Grand Luncheon Buffet, a multiple-year winner of the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence.

dip netting for fish and the mechanical device,

Call Julia Luckey at 517-349-4600 or grouptours@grandhotel.com

the fish wheel. Let our massive Corliss steam

1-800-33GRAND • gr andhotel.com

grand gallery see for yourself the differences

engine and our 1921 Mack log truck pique an interest in the history of the timber industry and the machinery of days past. Hanging in the grand gallery is a 1917 JN-4 Curtiss airplane, affectionately known as “The Jenny.” This type of plane was commonly used in

Grand Hotel

mail deliveries, crop-dusting, and daredevil stunts called barnstorming. The mezzanine level emphasizes natural history with displays about geology, botany, and entomology. An exciting explanation of the geological creation of the Gorge is presented in a 12-minute program in the main theater. The theater comfortably accommodates 45-60. The second floor galleries tell the stories of real people who left their mark on local communities and concludes with an eight-minute DVD program. Enjoy this lighthearted approach to the past and the future of the Gorge in a theater seating 24. Other exhibits to explore include: the Spiritual Quest Gallery; the Rosary Collection; and many outdoor exhibits, which include a diesel locomotive, cedar log carvings, logging equipment, a portion of the Broughton flume, and an interpretive kiosk. There is also an art gallery that hosts a variety of temporary Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 9

Guide: Niche & Specialty Tours

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum and changing exhibits. The museum store offers a selection of souvenirs, gifts, books, and collectibles that pertain to the Gorge and the history and culture of the region. For more information contact the museum by phone at (800) 9912338, by e-mail at info@columbiagorge.org, or at Facebook at facep


Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum


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10 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Cumbres & Toltec

Historical Attractions and Museums


istorical attractions and museums

sunshine, a light breeze from the leisurely

Grande Railroad, is a living museum on rails.

have been traditional favorites of

speed of the train, the sound of the steam

Taking passengers on a 64-mile journey

bus tour groups. They provide a

engine chugging along, and the wheels click-

through Colorado and New Mexico, showing

glimpse into the past and tell the story of peo-

ity-clacking on the rails. Now imagine trav-

many splendors only accessible by train. This

ple and things from prior generations. Pas-

eling through aspen valleys, pine forests,

all-day excursion can be enjoyed in three dif-

sengers like these attractions because they

watching volcanic formations passing by,

ferent coach classes, includes a hot lunch at

enjoy new experiences and learning about

and entering a tunnel, the light disappearing

Osier Station, and comes with staff and vol-

new things regardless of their ages.

until you are in complete darkness. Then, a

unteers who love talking to guests and

slight glowing light, growing as the train

answering questions about their beloved

Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad

nears the other end of the tunnel. This

train. Some who are 4th and 5th generation

Antonito, Colorado

imagery is a sample of what you will expe-

railroaders on the line!

Chama, New Mexico

rience on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.

Take a ride on the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad to see for yourself what is

Imagine, standing out in an open-air car,

The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad,

causing the buzz. Ranking #1 for USA Today’s

surrounded by the bright blue sky with warm

originally built in 1880 by the Denver and Rio

Reader’s Choice 10 Best Awards as 2016 Best Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 11

Guide: Historical Attractions and Museums Scenic Railroad, 2017 Best Attraction in CO,

museum with two floors of fascinating

2017 Best Attraction in NM, and Best Scenic

exhibits, and a gateway to more than 85 awe-

Railroad again in 2018, guaranteeing a rail-

inspiring tours available by boat, bus, foot,

road experience of a lifetime.

and “L” train. The Chicago City Model Expe-

The railroad runs from Memorial Day

rience provides an interactive trip through

Weekend through Mid-Oct with departures

the city’s history, with more than 4,250

out of Antonito, CO and Chama, NM daily at

incredibly detailed miniature buildings,

10:00 am. The Group Friendly facilities

enlivened by cinematic elements. Upstairs,

include bus parking, large restrooms, and a

the “Building Tall” exhibit highlights our long-

large dining facility making this the perfect

standing, international influence in design

activity for groups large and small. It is a

and construction, through super-sized mod-

wonderful addition to Colorado Train Tours,

els of skyscrapers from around the globe.

National Park Tours, and the Balloon Fiesta.

Bring your group to the CAC and experi-

Call 1-877-890-2737 today to speak to the

ence Architectural Highlights by Bus, our



most comprehensive tour. The tour covers

groups@cumbrestoltec.com for more infor-



more than a century of great design along its


30-mile route through the Loop and the Gold

Chicago Architecture Center

Coast, as well as Hyde Park and other areas

Chicago Architecture Center

of the South Side. Stops—some with interior

Chicago, Illinois

building tours—are made in the Loop, on the Museum Campus and at Mies van der Rohe’s

The Chicago Architecture Center is where

IIT campus and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie

the story of the city begins. The CAC is an all-

House. Discover the exciting diversity of

in-one architecture experience: a riverfront

Chicago architecture on this wide-ranging

Book The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad! Come and see how glaciers carved, and volcanoes formed the Authentic West. With 64 Steam-driven miles of untouched history, the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad transports you back in time to 1880. Don’t miss your chance to see the 700’ deep gorge, cross 100’ tall trestles, see the light at the end of our tunnels, and enjoy the splendor in between. Group Rates Available ~ Includes Lunch ~ Group Friendly Facilities Trains Run Daily out of Antonito, CO and Chama, NM Memorial Day Weekend Thru Mid-October www.cumbrestoltec.com/groups * 1-877-890-2737

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Guide: Historical Attractions and Museums odyssey, which traces the city’s development from its founding through present day. Make your group reservations for the river cruise! Experience the “#1 tour in Chicago” according to TripAdvisor users. Discover secrets and stories of the city—only on the Chicago Architecture Foundation Center River Cruise aboard Chicago’s First Lady. For more than 25 years, the CAC’s expertly trained docents have led these cruises, sharing fascinating stories behind more than 50 buildings along the Chicago River. Hear how Chicago grew from a small settlement into one of the world’s largest cities in less than 100 years. Get the only official overview of Chicago’s architecture in just 90 minutes. Please contact our group sales department for more information or to book your group tour by phone at 312.322.1130 or email groupsales@architecture.org. Learn more at architecture.org.


Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 13

Guide: Historical Attractions and Museums Bradford House Museum and Whiskey Rebellion Education and Visitor Center Washington, Pennslyvania It was rare to have a stone house in frontier America late in the Eighteenth Century. But the Bradford House in Washington, Pennsylvania, is such an example. Built in 1788 by David Bradford, a prominent lawyer in southwestern Pennsylvania, it played an important role in the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794. This house is the oldest structure in Washington and one of the oldest in Western Pennsylvania. It is the centerpiece of a rich local history that a group of loyal and dedicated citizens actively work to preserve. After undergoing many changes in ownership and usage over the decades, the house was acquired by the Pennsylvania Historical and

Bradford House

Museum Commission in 1959 and underwent an extensive restoration. It is now a valuable and historical jewel. The House was formally dedicated as a museum in ceremonies held

14 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Guide: Historical Attractions and Museums in the garden of the Bradford House in 1965. Docents lead tours of the Bradford House Museum, the gardens, as well as the log kitchen.

• Historic tours promoting the history and heritage of the David Bradford House In addition, tours can be built to accommodate your specific needs. The Bradford

found here. The following historic sites offer a comprehensive view of the area’s history, and are a fun experience for visitors of all ages.

Directly across the street a brand-new

House is available for guided tours seven

attraction awaits, the Whiskey Rebellion Edu-

days a week except major holidays. There

cation and Visitor Center. This walk-through

are several restaurants that can accommo-

center features displays, artifacts, copies of

date groups within walking distance. We

Powel Crosley built this Florida winter home

artwork, and detailed accounts of the 1791-

work together with local restaurants, hotels

for his wife, Gwendolyn, in 1929. The two-

Powel Crosley Estate American inventor and entrepreneur

94 frontier insurrection. Exhibits include a

and attractions to create the best possible

and-a-half-story Mediterranean mansion is

reproduction of a distilling operation and a

experience for your group. To schedule a

11,000-square-feet, features 21 rooms and

timeline of the most significant event of the

tour contact the Bradford House at bradford-

10 baths, and sits on a 60-acre parcel of land

first twenty-five years of the United States

house@verizon.net or 724-222-3604.

on Sarasota Bay adjacent to the John Ringling

Constitution in what was a critical test of federal sovereignty.

Estate. Explore the estate at: BradentonGul-

Come Explore the History

We offer a variety of tour options such as:

of Real Authentic Florida

• Taste of the 18th Century tours sam-

Bradenton, Florida

potpourri sachets • Wine Sampling tours partnering with local wineries • Whiskey Sampling tours partnering with local distilleries

Florida Maritime Museum Housed in a historic 1912 Schoolhouse

pling period-appropriate treats • Scents of the 18th Century tours making


Bradenton, Anna Maria Island, Longboat

and surrounded by the Cortez Nature Pre-

Key, also known as Florida’s West Coast, is

serve, learn more about Florida’s maritime

home to beautiful island beaches, sprawling

history. Exhibits include historic photographs,

nature preserves, waterfront restaurants,

boat models, tools, instruments, and other

and so much more. However, there’s also a

historically significant materials that were a

rich and unique history and culture only

part of Florida’s maritime culture and history.

Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 15

Guide: Historical Attractions and Museums Bradenton, Florida

For more information, visit: FloridaMaritimeMuseum.org

Manatee County Agricultural Museum Established to preserve, share, and educate the community about Manatee County’s agricultural heritage, this museum also looks to the future and supports local agriculture today. Museum exhibits feature everything from historic photographs to authentic farm and citrus grove equipment, a restored 1925 Model-T, and more. See more at ManateeCountyAgMuseum.com

Manatee Village Historical Park Preserving, sharing, and educating visitors about the founding period of Manatee

pret the scientific and cultural knowledge of

tions. Open since 1991, but wholly renovated

County, 1840-1918, this village features his-

Florida, the world, and our universe. With

in 2011, the galleries were designed to bring

torical and replica buildings reflecting this

the addition of a manatee habitat, planetar-

history to life. Where else in California can

crucial time in our county’s history. Explore

ium, and interactive Backyard Universe

visitors walk onboard an actual Air Force

exhibits recreating the daily lives of early

there’s something for everyone at this

One aircraft that flew seven U.S. presidents,

Manatee County residents, and enjoy special

museum. See all the exhibits at: Bishop-

touch an authentic piece of the Berlin Wall,

events like lectures, book signings, festivals,


or lay a hand on a real steel beam recovered from the World Trade Center after 9-11?

workshops, and demonstrations. Learn more online at: ManateeVillage.org

Reagan Presidential Library Simi Valley, California

The Bishop Museum of Science and Nature

Visitors immerse themselves in Ronald Reagan’s path to the White House. Starting back in his days as a sports radio announcer

Perched atop a hill with sweeping views

to his years as a Warner Brothers movie actor

The largest natural and cultural history

of the southland, the Ronald Reagan Presi-

and then the host of GE Theater, visitors step

museum on Florida’s West Coast, enjoy

dential Library and Museum is one of Cali-

into his shoes, through the use of Green

exhibits and educational programs that inter-

fornia’s most beautiful and unique destina-

Screen technology, and call a Cubs game,

Reagan Presidential Library 16 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Guide: Historical Attractions and Museums introduce a GE Theater, and even act in a

In addition, the Reagan Library features

movie! Follow President Reagan to the White

many world-class traveling exhibits. It is

House and deliver the Presidential Inaugu-

always best to go on the Library’s website

ration through the use of a teleprompter.

(www.reaganlibrary.com) or to call (800-410-

Travel the world on diplomatic missions on

8354) to see what exhibits may be open for

board Air Force One. Explore the White

touring during your visit. Upcoming exhibits

House Oval Office and the White House East

from 2020-2022 include FBI: From to Al


Qaeda: Beyond the Vikings, and Dead Sea

Visitors may also enjoy the Library’s out-


door grounds, where you can stroll through

Open seven days a week, the Reagan

a replica of the White House Rose Garden or

Library is only closed on Thanksgiving Day,

the White House West Lawn, or pay your

Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.



respects at President and Mrs. Reagan’s Memorial Site. The Reagan Library is also home to two restaurants, Reagan’s Country Café and The Ronald Reagan Pub. From Air Force One to historic photos and video to interactive games to exquisite landscaped grounds, the Reagan Library is sure to be a fun, entertaining and educational experience for everyone, of every age, in your group.

Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 17

Regional Roundup

Northeast Rediscover Atlantic City Atlantic City, the East Coast’s original place to play! Championship golf courses, world renowned entertainment, vibrant nightlife, the latest casino games and a shopper’s paradise with discount outlet shopping. Experience Atlantic City with an endless array of options. Atlantic City is constantly on the move

Atlantic City

with new visitor attractions like the Steel Pier Observation Wheel, which is the third largest in the U.S. and stands 220 feet high with 40 climate controlled gondolas. This attraction

icana and The Pool at Harrah’s. The variety

lights up the ever-changing skyline of Atlantic

of night clubs allow patrons the opportunity

City and is open year round.

to dance and party the night away until the

Of course our favorite pastime is shop-

wee hours of the morning.

ping, and it’s tax-free! Don’t forget about the

When you come to Atlantic City, come

hottest shopping around, Tanger Outlets The

hungry because our culinary menu is a

Walk. The Walk has more than 100 retail

delightfully tasty mix of gourmet restaurants

establishments including, Pandora, Coach,

with an amazing array of internationally

Michael Kors, Guess, Banana Republic Fac-

acclaimed chefs. Atlantic City offers many

tory and more.

choices that are sure to please any picky


For visitors who like to be entertained,

palate and price conscious visitors. Dishes

the nightlife options in Atlantic City are lim-

from all ethnic backgrounds, such as Mexi-

itless. From country and rock to rodeos, box-

can, American, Italian, Vietnamese, Asian

ing and midget car racing, all performed

Indian, Southern, Cuban, Mediterranean and

under the bright lights at Atlantic City’s casino

more, can be found at dozens of restaurants

resorts or Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall

throughout the city and along the Boardwalk.

Jackson, Michigan wasted no time leaving

Jackson, Michigan

When the sun goes down, the action is

We offer complete Atlantic City information

an impression on both state and national cul-

just heating up at the many night clubs, such

and knowledgeable staff to assist you. For

ture. As the birthplace of the Republican

as Premier at Borgata, DAER at Hard Rock,

more information, please visit: www.tourat-

Party, we represented a turning point in the

HQ2 at Ocean Casino, Boogie Nights at Trop-


events leading up to the Civil War. A key stop

18 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Feature: Regional Roundup on the Underground Railroad, you can trace

ually operating passenger rail station in the

something for everyone. Your entire group,

its footsteps through town on an intriguing

country – Jackson Station.

big or small, will enjoy spending one, two,

self-guided walking tour. If you find prison history as fascinating as we do, then you are

or three days here experiencing planned The Original Motor City


in for a real treat.

A Prison Experience You Never Expected

With five tours to choose from, there are Our start in the transportation industry

plenty of fascinating attractions to keep

began with wagon wheels, but quickly

everyone busy. Group tour options include:

evolved into the manufacturing of automo-

Prison History, 1850-1900, 1900-1950, Arts

biles. At our height, we were home to 25 auto

& Culture, and Civil War & the Underground

Jackson is most well-known for our

manufacturers and have since been known

impact on Michigan’s history as the place

as the original Motor City. Ye Ole Carriage

selected to house Michigan’s first state prison

Shop provides a first-hand look at 18

in 1837. Jackson Journeys will take you

one-and-only cars that were made right

behind these imposing stone walls to tell you

here in Jackson.

Railroad. Download all the tour itineraries

today at ExperienceJackson.com/Tours. p

the unimaginable tales that happened at what was once the largest walled prison in

Your Group Tour Starts Here

the world. Housing Michigan’s first state prison put

If you want a unique destination

Jackson on the map. It brought tremendous

that’s unforgettable, look no further than

growth and success as it beckoned the need

Jackson, Michigan! Conveniently located

for rail lines to pass through and provided

at the intersection of I-94 and U.S. 127,

the workforce needed for manufacturing. To

we have become a go-to overnight stop

this day, you can board a train in the heart of

for many groups touring the Midwest.

downtown Jackson from the oldest contin-

While in Jackson, you will see there is

Jackson, Michigan


Cultural Revolution Reliving the most significant times in America’s history is easier than you may think. Stand on the very spot the Republican Party was born, experience the journey of the Underground Railroad, read the diaries of brave soldiers who fought and won the Civil War, and so much more. You’ll be transported back in time when your group visits Jackson, Michigan. With several itineraries to choose from, Jackson is just the destination for your group tour!

See all the tour itineraries for Jackson, Michigan at ExperienceJackson.com/Tours

exper ence 517-764-4440

Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 19

Ft. Madison

Stops Along the Way


bus tours. This is particularly true

was transportation. From highways to

orders on the United States government,

when you plan interesting stops

bridges, the United States’ navigational sys-

developed a system of locks and dams that

along the way. Breaking up a longer journey

tems were updated and improved, creating

would create pools of water that were miles

with an overnight stop or something that

jobs for the unemployed. The lesser famous

long. They also began dredging the river, to

catches the attention of your group because

changes to transportation happened on bod-

create a nine foot deep channel that was no

etting there may be half the fun of

Great Depression, one of its key components

The Army Corp of Engineers, under direct

it is attractive or entertaining makes your

ies of water, including the Mississippi River.

less than 400 feet wide. This created a series

tour more valuable and memorable. Here are

Navigating the river proved to be perilous.

of steps that boats could either climb up or

a couple of locations that qualify because of

Lacking a consistently deep enough channel,

descend down, making the river more hos-

their attractive location and bus tour options.

the depth and width of the channel ebbed

pitable to river travel and commerce. This

and changed with the flow of the river, mak-

changed the 670 miles of river that runs

The Great River Historic Loop

ing its navigation both dangerous and

between Minneapolis-St. Paul and St. Louis.

Fort Madison, Iowa

tedious. The river had claimed many steam-

The river’s natural 3,537,600 feet of river

boats and cargo was lost, along with numer-

only changed its depth 1 percent per foot.

ous lives.

The locks and dams were never built with

In the 1930s, when F.D.R’s New Deal was adopted, trying successfully and quell the 20 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Guide: Stops Along the Way the concept of controlling flood waters. They

also available in Illinois that are easily acces-

were quite simply put there to manage river

sible via the Fort Madison Swing Span Bridge,

travel. Modern day adaptions and uses do

come enjoy the location where Iowa first

control heavy rains, though. The dams allow



control of water as it moves downstream, helping to control flood waters, when they come.

Clinton, Iowa CVB Clinton, Iowa

Located on this northern portion of the

While the Mississippi riverfront is one of

Mississippi’s path, is an area called “The

Clinton, Iowa’s main attractions, there is so

Great River Historic Loop”. This area along

much more for groups to discover in this

the lower portion of the Mississippi’s Pool 19

Iowa city. From a mansion to a windmill and

rambles between Illinois and Iowa. Three

museums, there is no end to the historical

communities act as the hubs, with great

discoveries waiting for bus tour groups.

scenic views and amazing historical sites available to tour.

A tour through Clinton can start at the George M. Curtis Mansion. With original

The City of Fort Madison, which is

Tiffany glass windows, delicately carved ban-

arguably the most historic, is the location of

isters, ornate wood trim and massive fire-

the 1st United States Military outpost. This

places, one can see the prosperity that dec-

outpost has been reconstructed and acts as

orated Clinton when it was the “Lumber

one of the Great River Road’s Interpretive

Capital of the World.” The home is a prime

Centers. This quaint Iowa community is also

example of Victorian architecture and décor

home to numerous National Park Service

and is rightfully listed on the National Register

Historic locations. With interesting locations

of Historic Places.

Visit our website at: visitfortmadison.com

1-800-210-TOUR (8687)

Curtis Mansion, Clinton, Iowa Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 21

Guide: Stops Along the Way Further history can be explored at the Clinton County Historical Society Museum. Since its establishment in 1964, the museum has amassed artifacts from Clinton County. With the addition of an impressive collection of work by local artisans, the museum’s exhibits and galleries take up two floors. For enriching displays of local art, artifacts, history, antique musical instruments and much more, make sure to add the Clinton County Historical Society Museum to a tour. Hear the buzz of the sawmill as logs are cut into lumber and envision the workings of the Struve Mill with a visit to The Sawmill Museum. Groups will witness life in a lumber camp and explore authentic sawmill equipment throughout the museum. As lumber was an essential resource in Clinton, not only for the construction of buildings, but also for how the industry beckoned the railroad, immigrants and entrepreneurs, no visit to Clinton is complete without a stop at The Sawmill Museum. Just across the river in Fulton, Illinois, the DE Immigrant Windmill stands proudly. At 90 feet tall, this fully operational windmill honors the local Dutch heritage. Built specifically for Fulton in Heiligerlee, the Netherlands, this windmill is as authentic as beautiful. Visit the Windmill Cultural Center to purchase some of the flour it produces. To learn more about adding Clinton, Iowa to an itinerary, phone CVB Director Mary Seely at (563) 559-2193, e-Mail mseely@clintonia.com or visit clintonia.com.

22 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020


Have We Missed the Bus in Planning Bus Tours? . . . And Some Tour Suggestions From The Editor By Larry Plachno, Editor


substantial numbers. Weeks of shel-

and regular transportation is provided by

tering in place will encourage people to get

horse drawn carriages makes Mackinac

out, get on the bus, and go places. However,

Island a somewhat different world for most

the question is whether bus tours will be


everal experts in the industry are pre-

island at the Grand Hotel or elsewhere. The

dicting that bus tours will return in

fact that private automobiles are not allowed

available to accommodate those people or will they be disappointed?

Even if they have been there before, your passengers will enjoy the carriage ride with

Anyone who has been involved with bus

a look at some of the more important places

tours for a reasonable time is aware that on

and historical sites. Groups like the butterfly

anything more than a one- or two-day tour,

conservatory and shopping downtown. Fort

there is a delay between starting to plan tours

Mackinac offers different programs for pas-

and their departure. Some people suggest at

sengers of all ages. If you do not stay at the

least six months although many are closer

Grand Hotel, bring your group for their

and the Ohio River, it is easy to reach and

to a year. If you want to plan bus tours or

impressive luncheon. And remember to

makes an interesting bus tour stop.

invite them, how soon in advance should you

remind them to bring some fudge home for

start planning?

their family and friends.

Louisville Slugger

While everyone has heard of baseball, few people are aware of the details surrounding

Even a quick review shows we are miss-

• Louisville, Kentucky – With interstate

baseball bats and how they are made. At

ing the bus. This May/June issue of B US

highways heading in virtually every direction,

Louisville Slugger, your group is given a tour

T OURS M AGAZINE gets tour people started

Louisville has become a major junction point

that follows the making of baseball bats from

planning for Spring 2021 tours while the next

for bus tours. Regardless of whether you are

the original lumber through various

few issues are appropriate for summer 2021

just passing trough or spending a few nights,

machines and procedures to the finished

tours. If we want to bring back the bus tour

one of the best attractions for tour groups is

bats.They will learn that bats can vary sub-

industry we need to get those tours planned

Louisville Slugger. Located near the interstate

stantially and some baseball pros are very

and available as soon as possible. By way of encouragement, our staff has suggested that I offer some ideas on places to go to get people started now planning tours for 2021. All of these suggestions are

particular about their bats. There are also

Mackinac Island

displays showing different bats and information as well as a company store. • The Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, Champion, Wisconsin – Marian apparition

popular and have been well received by

sites are very popular for religious tours. Our

tours. Your editor has visited them in the past

Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico gets as many

few years with groups or magazine staff and

as 20 million visitors annually while Lourdes

all of the photos come from my own camera.

in France and Fatima in Portugal typically get

Hopefully, these suggestions will get people

as many as six million visitors annually. Many

planning for 2021 bus tours.

tour planners are not aware that there is a

• Mackinac Island, Michigan – My parents introduced me to Mackinac Island when

Church-approved apparition site in the United States, just east of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

I was a youngster and I began running tours

This site was saved by a miracle in 1871

to the island in the 1980s when we owned

when the famous Peshtigo Fire spared it by

Wisconsin Illinois Stages. Hopefully your

going over and around it. The current chapel

group can spend one or more nights on the

was built in 1942 and it has become increasBus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 23

ingly popular with bus groups. In addition to a large parking, there are restroom facilities to accommodate groups. Mass is celebrated at 11 a.m. and meals can be catered in for groups. With sufficient prior notice, the staff at the shrine may be able to provide guided tours. • San Antonio, Texas – One of my favorite places for groups is San Antonio. A stop at the Alamo is a must. It plays a big part in the history of Texas and its proud independent heritage. Bus tour passengers will hear the story of how people like William Travis,

Our Lady of Good Help

Soo Locks

Marie, Ontario. The route is very scenic and

distance is the Tower of History that provides

James Bowie and Davy Crockett stood firm

offers a pleasant ride up to Agawa Canyon.

some local history as well as some great

in defending Texas. Visiting it can be a mov-

Here, you have time for a picnic or explore

views of both sides of the river and the locks.

ing experience for many. Literally within walking distance of the Alamo is the famous Riverwalk. Part of it fol-

the scenery including a path to a waterfall.

• Washington, D.C. – Washington is a

There is also a casino and a shopping mall

great place for student tours although older

adjacent to the train terminal.

folks may be equally impressed. More than

lows the San Antonio River but additions

The international bridge across the St.

one person has commented that you will run

have been made to extend it east to hotels

Marys River to Michigan is the only ground

out of parking spots long before you run out

and the convention center. In addition to rid-

crossing between the countries for hundreds

of attractions and monuments to see. Even

ing boats up and down the waterway, you

of miles in each direction. On the Michigan

when you have seen most everything at the

can walk adjacent to it where you will find

side you will find several attractions that are

Mall, you still have nearby attractions includ-

restaurants and even a drug store. Several

popular with groups. You can become a spec-

ing Arlington National Cemetery and Mount

people like San Antonio because of its ethnic

tator and view the Soo Locks that allow giant


and Mexican food.

boats to travel from Lake Superior to the St. Marys River and then to the other Great Lakes. Or, you can ride on a boat and go

Washington, D.C.

through the locks yourself. One of my favorite attractions is the Valley Camp, a Great Lakes freighter that you can explore. In the hold is a museum that includes a section on the Edmund Fitzgerald, an iron ore carrier that sank a little ways west of the Soo Locks in Lake Superior. Within walking

Algoma Central • Metropolis, Illinois – One of the more interesting attractions we have found is the Superman statue in Metropolis, Illinois on I-

San Antonio

24 near the Ohio River and Kentucky. The detour to see the statue can take less than an hour and is a hit with student tours and even with some seniors. From the I-24 inter-

• Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario/Michigan

change, head west on Highway 45. When

– Tour passengers love to ride trains. One of

Highway 45 turns north on Ferry Street, con-

the better train rides is on the Algoma Central

tinue ahead one more block to what is some-

Railroad that operates north from Sault Ste.

what of a town square then make a right turn

24 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

Chicago, Illinois

and go around to the back of the square. There is usually room to park a bus here. People line up and take turns getting photographed with the Superman statue. There is also a Superman store across from the statue so make sure you do not leave anyone behind. If you allow 15-20 minutes for photographs and about 10 minutes to drive in and out, your entire detour is less than an hour but could make a good break in a long day of travel. If you are looking for a rest area, there is one on the southeast corner of the I24/Hwy. 45 interchange, or a very nice rest

Metropolis, Illinois • Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, Ten-

bringing your group to Navy Pier, consider

area in nearby Paducah that is built into a

nessee – Another long-standing favorite

adding a luncheon or dinner cruse to your

historical home.

with groups is Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg,

itinerary. Entertainment Cruises has several

• San Francisco, California – One of

Tennessee. There is so much to see and do

options and does a great job with groups

the most popular cities for groups on the West

that even a novice tour planner can put

while on board.

Coast is San Francisco. It has always been a

together a great itinerary for students, seniors

There are also numerous other interesting

city that appreciates public transportation

or any other age group. In addition, the area

attractions nearby. The East Troy Trolley

and can claim more different types of public

offers entertainment and a wide range of din-

Museum in East Troy, Wisconsin offers

transportation than any other city in the

ing options.

catered meals on historic interurban cars –

United States. One of the advantages for bus tours is that

I never get tired of going to the Titanic

the only place where you can do this. For

Museum. It is very conveniently located in

those planning faith-based tours, you should

several great attractions are located in a rel-

Pigeon Forge with plenty of parking for buses.

check out The Shrine of Christ’s Passion in

atively small area. The Fisherman’s Wharf

Upon entering, you are given the name of

northwestern Indiana.

area with its dining and shops extends down

one of the passengers and you can follow the

• Route 66 – Other possible ideas for

to Ghirardelli Square where you can watch

exhibits and see if your passenger survived.

bus tours would include specialized interest

the cable cars turn around. Up the hill from

I like the aquarium in Gatlinburg and suggest

attractions such as photography, lighthouses,

there is San Francisco’s famous Chinatown.

you take in one or more of the shows while

historical attractions, military museums and

There are also numerous other attractions

you are there.

transportation museums.

in the area such as the Winchester Mystery

A few years ago we drove a historical

House in San Jose and the wineries of Napa

Scenicruiser on a tour down Route 66, stop-


ping at several attractions along the way. What we discovered is that the people at the attractions were as interested in our bus as we were in what they had.


Pigeon Forge, Tennessee • Chicago, Illinois – Chicago and the surrounding area also has a great deal to offer. One of the best stops for tour groups is Navy Pier, just north of downtown Chicago.

Fisherman’s Wharf

There is a lot to do here so you can turn your group loose for a couple of hours. If you are

Rt. 66, Arcadia, Oklahoma Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 25

Social Marketing for Tourism by catherine Heeg

How to Take the Vex out of Video

tor/id1305099161?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4]. This free tool is available for iPhone and iPad users.

Do you love going live, and now want to make even more of your

Video Blog Post

time and effort? Do you HATE going live and wonder if it’s worth jumping onto the

Don’t you love it when you can read a blog post and then see a short video showing you how to complete a project? When you embed

bandwagon now? No matter which end of the spectrum you fall into, let’s explore

video into your travel blogs, your readers can take a mini vacation and picture themselves in your destination.

these vexing video questions. If you’re into live broadcasting now, you know how the routine

Tap into your reader’s sense of curiosity and love for video. Take

goes. (If you’re not broadcasting live yet, here’s a quick roadmap)

your live broadcast to a new set of viewers by embedding it into your

You prep for your live stream spending time:

next blog.

• Marketing your live broadcast in advance

Here’s how savvy tourism pros are making the most of this opportunity;

• Checking your lighting and audio

1. Destinations are attracting visitors by showcasing activities

• Finding the perfect background

and experiential options via video. For example, use video to show-

• Glamming-up for the camera

case activities like zip-lining, cooking classes and tour highlights. After you actually go live, what happens to your video? Does it sit

Focusing on niche markets and going behind the scenes is powerful. 2. Tour Operators are embedding video from destination into a

in your video library collecting dust? Here’s some ways you can extend the shelf life and gain even more

blog about the destination. Planning tips and a call to action add finesse to their production.

exposure from all your hard work.

Attractions amplify their reach by going behind the scenes and

Audio Only

pulling back the curtain on upcoming events and new offerings. For

Today people are craving to consume content on the fly; commut-

example, entice people to visit the newest area in your attraction with

ing, sitting at the airport, working out at the gym. Podcasts are the

a video highlighting the spectacle of the final phase of construction

perfect channel to tap into this type of audience. It’s easy to create

or the spectacle of grand opening.

an audio podcast once you’ve recorded your live video. Just strip out the audio and use it as a podcast.

To embed a video into your next blog post, simply end the live broadcast and grab the embed code. Place this code into your blog

Once you’ve created your live broadcast check out tools like:

or website. Make sure to adjust the size of the video player and max-

1. On

imize viewer ease.





converter.com/]. With this free tool you can easily extract the audio from a video and convert it to a variety of audio formats. 2. Quick Time Player

Video in E-Blast While most e-blast providers don’t support video within an e-blast

[https://www.idownloadblog.com/tag/quicktime/]. Designed for

you can provide your readers with the power of video. With a bit of


magic, and a good graphics tool, you can make it look like a video is

3. MP3 Audio Converter Audio Extractor [https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/mp3-converter-audio-extrac-

26 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020

playing right in your next e-blast. This is a super-simple way to earn more eyeballs for your live broadcast.

Heeg Here’s a step by step roadmap:

7. Now when a reader clicks on your graphic, they’ll be redirected to your video

1. Create your video and upload it to your favorite video platform 2. Copy the URL link for your video

keep your content fresh in your client’s minds.

playing on your favorite video platform. 8. See the example below. Note the thumbnail with the player button added.

3. Create a video thumbnail graphic.

Catherine Heeg, international speaker and trainer, focuses on social media marketing

a. Create your thumbnail by selecting

strategies for the tourism and hospitality

a favorite frame from the video

industry. Join the conversation and connect

b. Use a tool like PicMonkey, Canva

with her at cmsspeaking.com and socially.

or Stencil and add this frame as an overlay on a new graphic. c. Then add an overlay of a video player button on top of your thumbnail. This will ensure readers know to click the graphic d. Add any text, video title or brand-

A lot of preparation and behind the scenes work goes into creating memorable live

ing e. Size the graphic to 1280 x 720 pix-

stream videos. But people’s memories are often short, so why not extend the life of your

els 4. Add this thumbnail into your e-blast

live video by repurposing it into different for-

5. Pop in a border around the graphic (see


below) 6. Hyperlink the thumbnail to your video

Podcasts, video blogs and e-blasts are a great way to reach a larger audience and



www.travelwv.com 304.264.8801 Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020 • 27

20 Tips For Bus Tour Planners by: Melissa Stanek 20 Tips for Senior Trips

with that one relative ordained to “keep track

sure the hallways are wide enough for a

of grandma.” How tacky!

walker or wheelchair, that there is a wheel-

They have seen a lot, but they will never

Your bus tour is their vacation. Make sure

chair-accessible entrance and that the full

see it all (especially with the cataracts kick-

that while on vacation, your senior passen-

house is available to guests with mobility

ing in). They are seniors. Today’s seniors are

gers’ needs and speeds are prioritized. When

aids. As many historic houses were built with

a far cry from the seniors of yesteryear. Baby

the group is out and about, move more

cramped, narrow halls and stairs, you may

Boomers are more active, mentally and

slowly than you usually would. Do not rush

need to leave historic buildings off of senior

physically, than seniors from the Silent Gen-

them, and be careful of any impatient non-

itineraries. Abraham Lincoln’s house in

eration or “The Greatest Generation.”

verbal signals you may be sending (toe tap-

Springfield, for example, is not accessible to

(Quotes added, because people should not

ping, huffing sighs and more). They may be

motorized wheelchairs, and only the first

be allowed to name their own generation.)

afraid of being left behind at an attraction,

floor is otherwise accessible to people with

While I mean no disrespect to our predeces-

too. Quiet their fears with a simple

mobility aids.

sors, the fact remains that Baby Boomers

announcement at the start of the tour that

5. Add a page where travelers can list

are “with it” in ways their parents and grand-

the group will move as fast as its slowest-

any mobility concerns upon booking. This

parents were not.

moving passenger.

is important for any tour, as people of any

Baby Boomers spend their retirements

2. Consider breaking the group into

age can find themselves needing mobility

traveling, doing, spending and learning (if

two. In case there are two obviously differ-

aids. From the start of their experience with

they retire at all). Unfortunately, the fact

ent walking speeds amongst your group,

you, this will make passengers feel seen.

remains that seniors in general face certain

consider breaking the gang into two. Clump

6. Remember energy levels fade as

health problems and risks that should be

the faster folk together and the slower trav-

people age. Not everyone can guzzle energy

considered by anyone planning a trip for

elers together. This way no one feels stifled

drinks to make up for it, either. Forgo early-

them. Running into any of these age-related

or rushed.

morning and late-night adventures. The last

snags will only make a senior passenger feel

3. Be wary of stairs. Do your research

thing you want to do is make your passen-

the full brunt of their years, when they should

to make sure that attractions, restaurants

gers too exhausted to enjoy themselves.

just be feeling the thrill of a grand adventure

and lodging all have wheelchair-accessible

Stress and fatigue also lower the immune

on your bus tour. Follow these tips so that

entrances and bathrooms. Your passengers

system’s capabilities, so unless you want

your senior passengers can feel as young as

may not have wheelchairs, but they may

sick and dragging passengers – take it easy.

they ever did.

have a shuffling gait, a walker or a cane. If

7.Give aids a discount. Some seniors

1. Make sure your passengers know

there is more than one floor wherever you

require aids or companions, but that should

they will not be left behind. In general (and

are traveling, call ahead to make sure that

not bar them from traveling. Consider letting

there are a lot of generalizations coming)

there is a public elevator for people with

aids come at cost. This way, your company

seniors move more slowly than other adults.

mobility issues.

seems sympathetic to the needs of seniors,

Perhaps, when in public or traveling with

4. Send scouts to historic houses. If

and you cater to a larger group of passengers

family, they are used to being left in the dust

you cannot send a scout, call head to make

that previously stayed at home since they

28 • Bus Tours Magazine /May, 2020

20 Tips while recommending measles, mumps,

peaks on the main highway when my nose

make the brain swell. While it may be frus-

seasonal flu, rubella and tetanus vaccines.

began to bleed and the headaches kicked

trating, plan to travel slowly through moun-

in. We slept at 9,035 feet above sea level

tainous regions.

20+. If you go through the mountains, increase the altitude incrementally. This

after starting the day at 712 feet.

When it is all said and done, traveling

tip only pertains to tours in mountainous

We were fortunate, because altitude

with a group of seniors is no different than

areas, but it is an important one. Older peo-

sickness can come with substantial symp-

traveling with younger people. In either

ple are more sensitive to altitude sickness.

toms. Trouble breathing, fatigue, pins and

case, you must pay attention to passengers’

While this seems like something that can

needles sensations, speeding pulse, vom-

limitations, cater to their experience and

be dismissed as a mountain-climbers prob-

iting and other altitude sickness symptoms

always put their health first. No matter the

lem, that is not the case. Driving from

can compound health issues in aging or

age of your tour attendees, they are des-

Lamar, Colorado to Silverthorne, Colorado

chronically ill travelers. Extreme altitude

tined for a fabulous trip when their planner

would take only four hours, but the altitude

sickness can build up fluid in the lungs or

is truly considerate.

difference could make a person sick. The CDC advises people to avoid traveling from a low altitude to a place at 9,000 feet or more above sea level in one day. They also advise that one should not sleep at 9,000 feet above sea level if they started out the day in a place of low altitude. For example, my brother and I drove from Illinois to Nevada, crossing through the Rocky Mountains. As beautiful as they were, we were only about halfway up the

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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 North Carolina Transportation Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Ronald Reagan

City of Fort Madison . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Presidential Foundation . . . . . . . . . .17

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Rutherford County CVB . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center . .10

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Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum . .14

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West Point Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Meet AC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Windmill Craft Farm and Market . . . .30

Morse Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

30 • Bus Tours Magazine / May, 2020



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