Bus Tours Magazine Volume XLIV, Number 1 September - October 2022

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P l a c e s f o r S u m m e r 2 0 2 3 p a g e 7 S t u d e n t a n d S e n i o r To u r s p a g e 2 6 H i s t o r i c a l A t t r a c t i o n s a n d M u s e u m s p a g e 1 4 Volume XLIV, Number 1 • September/October 2022

Newport Aquarium, Newport, Kentucky – Photo by Newport Aquarium

March 10-12. With

Ark Encounter, Williamstown, Kentucky – Photo by Ark Encounter Northern Kentucky) destinations and sellable group Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Ontario, tour new sales tactics, suppliers

Don’t miss out! Register for the 2023 Heartland Travel Showcase today. Contact sarah@ohiotravel.org or visit heartlandtravelshowcase.com to learn more. Heartland Travel Showcase March 10-12, 2023 • Cincy Region Join the group travel show that works! Heartland Travel Showcase 2023 will be held in the Cincy Region, (Cincinnati and

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, Ohio – Photo by Mark BealerNorthern Kentucky Skyline with Roebling Suspension Bridge – Photo by Liz Dufour

focused on helping you get business. #OnlyInTheHeartland

The Beast Roller Coaster at Kings Island, Mason, Ohio – Photo by Kings Island

experiences, learn

Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal, Cincinnati, Ohio – Photo by Robert Webber

and meet with excited, unique

ideas in

Heartland Travel Showcase is unmatched. Discover innovative

Here are some locations inviting bus tours for summer 2023 and looking for ward to welcoming them

Historical locations have always been among the most popular stops on bus tours Regardless of their age, pas sengers tend to enjoy looking back on how things were Here are several his torical attractions plus interesting and unique museums that invite bus tours to their location


M a n y b u s t o u r s a r e g e a r e d t o s p e c i f i c g r o u p s l i k e s t u d e n t s a n d seniors Here are some places that

Typesetting/Page Layout Sherr y Mekeel


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30 ADVERTISERS INDEX 30 DOWN THE ROAD contents SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 Volume XLV, Number 1 7 10 26 14

Guides (Continued)


Tr e a t y o u r g r o u p t o a s t o p i n S m a l l Town America for a change of pace. Here, you are likely to find things that are new and different that will interest and please your passengers

I n 1 6 2 0 t h e p i l g r i m s a r r i v e d i n t h e N e w

w e l c o m e b u s t o u r s a n d c o u l d b e a good addition to specialized or general bus tours

And More News and notes of interest to the bus tour industry Paulette Isoldi


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The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in par t without the written consent of the publisher The name BUS TOURS MAGAZINE and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of National Bus Trader, Inc


Editorial Assistant Paulette Isoldi

Founded in 1979 BUS TOURS MAGAZINE is the oldest inde pendent magazine in the bus and group tour market Circulation includes bus and group tour planners in the United States and Canada regardless of affiliation or whether commercial, private or corporate or group leader

World on the Mayflower and landed at Ply mouth Rock, thus starting the colonies that became the United States of America The rock is now protected by this monument L i k e t h e p i l g r i m s , b u s t o u r s c o m e t o P l y mouth, Massachusetts today to enjoy what the area has to offer SEE PLYMOUTH HAWK

It is impossible to put together a bus tour without shopping, dining and lodg ing The big question is where to stop Here are some places that welcome bus tours and can be a nice addition to your next bus tour

Great things come in small packages




Many tour planners are already looking for places to go in the summer of 2023

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 3

B U S T O U R S M A G A Z I N E ( I S S N 0 1 9 9 6 0 9 6 ) i s p u b l i s h e d s i x times annually by National Bus Trader Inc 9698 W Judson Road Polo, Illinois 61064 Subscriptions, $15 (in US funds) annually, Canadian & International $20 (in US funds) Printed in U S A Peri odicals postage paid at Polo Illinois 61064 and at additional mail ing offices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BUS TOURS MAG AZINE, 9698 W Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064


Bus Tours Magazine

9698 W. Judson Road Polo, Illinois 61064-9015

Fax: (815) 946-2347

Among the garments featured is a proto type replica of the original Jogbra, which was constructed out of two jockstraps The orig inal Jogbra was developed in 1977, when Lin dahl wanted to develop a more supportive bra for greater comfort while she ran She then teamed up with Smith, who sewed the original prototype

News and notes for bus tour planners

From world famous photos from the 1999 FIFA Women’s World Cup to gyms worldwide, t h e s p o r t s b r a h a s h e l p e d p r o v i d e s p o r t s equity, health and quality of life for women and girls worldwide In recognition of this invention and the contributions of women

T h e N a t i o n a l I n v e n t o r s H a l l o f F a m e Museum is located at the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s Madison Building in Alexandria, Virginia Open Monday through Friday from 10 a m to 5 p m and the first Sat urday of each month from 11 a m to 3 p m , admission to the museum is free and open t o t h e p u b l i c F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t invent.org/museum.

D o l l y P a r t o n r e c e n t l y a n n o u n c e d t h e n e w e s t a d d i t i o n t o D o l l y w o o d P a r k s & Resorts, “Big Bear Mountain,” a $25 million r o l l e r c o a s t e r t h a t w i l l t a k e g u e s t s o n a n unforgettable expedition through the Smok ies in search of the elusive “Big Bear ” Stretch

i n g c h a l l e n g e s w i t h i n t e g r i t y T h e s e i c o n s include Wilma Rudolph, the first American woman to win three gold medals in track and field at a single Olympics; Junko Tabei, the first woman to summit Mount Everest; and Sonia Sotomayor, the third woman and first Hispanic justice appointed to the U S Supreme Court

This exhibit, now available for viewing in t h e n e w l y r e o p e n e d N I H F M u s e u m , c e l e b r a t e s g r o u n d b r e a k i n g w o m e n i n c l u d i n g N I H F I n d u c t e e s L i s a L i n d a h l , H i n d a M i l l e r and Polly Smith, inventors of the Jogbra® the world’s first sports bra.

“Champion stands for inclusion in sports,” s a i d M a r i a Te z a , s e n i o r v i c e p r e s i d e n t o f Champion North America “We’re proud to partner with the National Inventors Hall of Fame to honor women in sports and from all walks of life who exemplify an entrepreneur ial spirit and the heart of a champion ”

A wall sized timeline spanning the Cham pion brand’s history traces how the brand h a s c o n t i n u e d t o r a i s e t h e b a r i n c o m f o r t , style and innovation.

Champions of Innovation Exhibit Honors Sports Bra Inventors and Women Who Changed the World Alexandria, Virginia

Another key feature of the “Champions of Innovation” exhibit is a panel honoring women in diverse fields who have persevered by meet

Additionally, the exhibit features an inter a c t i v e “ C r e a t e a C h a m p i o n ” e x p e r i e n c e, challenging everyone to be an innovator. Vis itors are invited to swap out pieces of Cham pion fabric to make their own designs, pair t h e m w i t h a n u m b e r o f i n s p i r i n g q u a l i t i e s a n d t h e n s h a r e t h e i r c r e a t i o n s o n s o c i a l media using #createachampion The exhibit runs through June 2023

To t e l l t h e s t o r y o f t h e s p o r t s b r a , t h i s exhibit highlights its inventors and features artifacts that show its evolution

The sports bra was patented in 1979 Miller and Lindahl commercialized the invention as the Jogbra and co founded their company, Jog bra Inc , which was later renamed JBI

Big Bear Mountain Roller Coaster to Open at Dollywood Next Spring

National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum

i n n ov a t o r s , t h e N a t i o n a l I nv e n t o r s H a l l o f Fame® (NIHF) Museum, in partnership with the global lifestyle and athletic wear brand C h a m p i o n ® , a n n o u n c e s a n e w e x h i b i t , Champions of Innovation

`The Jogbra launched a multi billion dollar industry Playtex Apparel bought JBI Inc in 1990, and in 1991, Sara Lee the owner of Champion Products Inc bought Playtex and formed the Champion Jogbra division

Buzz on the Bus

4 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022

ing an incredible 3,990 feet as it extends the perimeter of Dollywood’s Wildwood Grove area, which opened in 2019, Big Bear Moun t a i n w i l l b e t h e l o n g e s t r o l l e r c o a s t e r e v e r built at Parton’s legendary theme park

estate’s new winery cave, distinctive for its complex engineering, size, function and ded ication to specificity and customization, has been completed The new winery will be used for the first time for this year’s harvest

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 5 Buzz on the Bu s

Francis Ford Coppola, the proprietor of I n g l e n o o k , i s p l e a s e d t o a n n o u n c e t h e

It is anticipated that Big Bear Mountain will open in the spring of 2023 F o r m o r e information about Big Bear Mountain, visit Dollywood com/BigBearMountain

The coaster’s massive structure will hug six acres of undulating topography that runs along the border of Wildwood Grove, with riders rac ing through the wilderness before soaring high above the forest on the search for a legendary bear Featuring a top speed of 48 m p h , Big Bear Mountain will take guests through three separate launches, multiple airtime hills, high speed carousel turns and tunnels, including a breathtaking pass behind a waterfall

Taking a cue from winemaking facilities from centuries ago, Inglenook’s new winery is eco friendly and does not require heating a n d c o o l i n g , a s c a v e s n a t u r a l l y m a i n t a i n c o o l e r t e m p e r a t u r e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r Novel in its approach and tucked beneath a knoll on the south side of the estate, the cave

“The Smokies are all about adventure and g o i n g e x p l o r i n g , ” D o l l y P a r t o n s a i d “ I ’ m excited our guests will be able to head out on their own trip into the Smokies to see if they can find that Big Bear Whether he’s out there or not, I’m sure they’ll find a lot of mem ories along the way that they’ll keep forever ”

Dollywood’s Big Bear Mountain Roller Coaster

In addition to becoming the longest roller coaster at Dollywood, Big Bear Mountain will also be the first attraction at the park to fea ture on board audio. The sound system will provide auditory thrills to match the ride’s d y n a m i c m ov e m e n t s T h o u g h t h e c o a s t e r will offer plenty of excitement, its minimum h e i g h t r e q u i r e m e n t i s 3 9 i n c h e s , w h i c h means that even younger adventurers can come along for this ride

“ M o s t w i n e r i e s d e s i g n c a v e s f o r b a r r e l aging and storage, but we are proud that ours stands out as a 22,000 square foot produc tion cave where our winemaking team can craft Inglenook’s world renowned, elegant wines Our new winery cave is so astound ing, extensive and spectacular in its visuals, dimensions, and sheer audacity,” said Cop pola “Together with my family, I am just the third steward of this legendary estate Since i t w a s f o u n d e d i n N a p a Va l l e y i n 1 8 7 9 , Inglenook has been recognized around the world for its innovation and industry leader ship. This new production cave is another shining achievement in Inglenook’s illustri ous 143 year history ”

22,000 Square Foot Winery Cave Rutherford, California

Inglenook Unveils Spectacular

through Wildwood Grove for as long as any one can remember While no one has ever seen him, telltale signs regularly appear in the hills surrounding the Grove Guests will be i nv i t e d t o j o i n Wi l d w o o d G r ov e ’s r e s i d e n t wilderness explorer, Ned Oakley, on an adven ture to find Big Bear From his base camp, Oak ley will take adventurers for the ride of their lives in his specially outfitted “four wheel drive SUVs ” (The innovative coaster cars look like tiny off roading vehicles )

The coaster will follow a fictional back story: According to local legend, Big Bear is a massive black bear that has been roaming

During harvest, Inglenook’s organically farmed fruit will be carefully sorted by hand in the portal and bottling will occur in that same area later in the year.

q 6 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 Buzz on the Bu s

Photo courtesy of Alexander Rubin

Inglenook Chateau

This is also where Inglenook’s new cave connects with the winery’s pre existing, 16,000 square foot cave, which was excavated in 2003 to house the wines as they age in barrel beneath the estate’s chateau A gentle two foot slope from the back of the winery to the front, plus trench drains throughout, ensure that run off from the winery and its crush pad will not flow into the estate’s storm drains

Because winery caves are not usually equipped for production, adapting Inglenook’s new winemaking facility to a cave environment was an intricate engineering challenge that ultimately centralized winemaking operations to optimize production flow. One of the most notable features is the addition of 120 brand new insulated, remotely controlled stainless steel fermentation tanks each assigned to a dif f e r e n t n u a n c e d b l o c k i n I n g l e n o o k ’s 2 3 5 a c r e o r g a n i c a l l y f a r m e d vineyard It is remarkable for a winery that produces fewer than 30,000 cases of wine per year to have 120 dedicated tanks While perhaps more common in Bordeaux, this is an extraordinary feat in Napa Val ley Thirty miles of electrical and communications wiring run through six miles of conduit in the new cave, underneath more than 1,000 cubic yards of low CO2 concrete

Inglenook’s founder, Gustave Niebaum, won accolades in Paris and Australia and swiftly garnered international acclaim for Inglenook’s wines in 1889, just 10 years after he founded the celebrated Napa Valley estate That success was continued by his nephew, John Daniel, Jr Most notably, Daniel’s 1941 Cabernet Sauvignon is still widely regarded by wine critics as one of the best wines of the 20th century Sadly, Daniel sold Inglenook to a corporation in 1964 and for 11 years the people running Inglenook dismantled the original estate and strayed from its previous leaders’ commitment to excellence.

The Inglenook team broke ground on the new winery at the end of 2018. The cave was excavated under a hillside vineyard near the e s t a t e ’s m a j e s t i c c h a t e a u , w h i c h w a s b u i l t i n 1 8 8 7 F o r s t r u c t u r a l integrity, a diamond shaped cave was excavated around a solid, cen tral mass making it similar to a baseball diamond The “pitcher ’s mound” is the solid central support, surrounded by a diamond shaped tunnel that extends from “home plate” at the cave’s eastern entrance, north to “first base,” west to “second base,” south to “third base,” and back to home plate, the cave’s portal The portal’s look was inspired by the design of the entrance to the caves at Château Lafite Rothschild

An elaborate panel that controls all of the electricity, utilities, Wi Fi and customized controls for each tank, extends along the wall near “first base,” in the northern corner of the diamond shaped tunnel

In 1975, Francis Ford Coppola and his wife, Eleanor, were searching for a modest vacation cottage and instead ended up purchasing Gustave Niebaum’s home and a portion of the original Inglenook estate The Coppolas soon discovered the inherent treasure in what they h a d a c q u i r e d a n d v o w e d t o r e u n i t e t h e v i n e y a r d s o f t h e o r i g i n a l e s t a t e a n d r e s t o r e Inglenook’s esteemed reputa tion Over the next 47 years the Coppola family produced their fi r s t v i n t a g e o f R u b i c o n , I n g l e n o o k ’s p r e m i e r w i n e (1978); purchased the estate’s iconic chateau (1995); reunited all of the contiguous vineyards of the original Inglenook estate ( 1 9 9 5 ) ; a n d b o u g h t b a c k Inglenook’s name and trade mark (2011)

Winery Cave

is also safe from the occasional threat of wildfire No flammable ele ments were used, and the entire cave is protected by sprinklers

Discover White Pines Lodge, where you w i l l fi n d t i m e t o r e l a x a n d u n w i n d i n t h i s peaceful forest Phone (815) 655 2400 or go to visitwhitepines com for details

Bar Harbor Historical Society

mastime, when you can take a horse drawn wagon ride, visit with Santa, buy a freshly cut Christmas tree and more

Places for Summer 2023

Bar Harbor, Maine

This quaint, 1930’s era Lodge is nestled deep in the forest of White Pines State Park The restaurant is known far and wide for its delicious home style cuisine, generous por tions and friendly staff Guests enjoy tasty h o m e m a d e d i s h e s f o r b r e a k f a s t , l u n c h o r dinner in this treasured landmark Whether you are stopping by on a motorcoach or for a family outing, wedding reception, business

White Pines Lodge is the hidden gem of O g l e C o u n t y I f y o u h a v e n e v e r b e e n t o Mount Morris, Illinois, you now have a new reason to plan a trip there One of life’s joys i s f i n d i n g a d e s t i n a t i o n l i k e t h i s l e s s t h a n two hours from Chicago Tour groups truly e n j o y t h e h i g h q u a l i t y e n t e r t a i n m e n t b r o u g h t t o t h e s t a g e o f t h e L o d g e ’s P i n e s D i n n e r T h e a t e r R e s e r v a t i o n s a r e n o w b e i n g t a k e n f o r 2 0 2 3 m a t i n e e s w h i c h i n c l u d e a d e l i c i o u s h o t l u n c h b u f f e t .

Visit Historic White Pines Lodge Mt. Morris, Illinois

retreat or Christmas party, White Pines takes pride in ensuring that every guest who steps t h r o u g h t h e d o o r h a s a g r e a t e x p e r i e n c e A d j a c e n t t o t h e l a n d m a r k r e s t a u r a n t i s a charming and rustic gift shop filled with jew elry, locally made soaps, nostalgic gift items and souvenirs which will become precious mementos

A u t h e n t i c , c o z y l o g c a b i n s p r o v i d e overnight lodging just a stone’s throw from the lodge Natural beauty abounds with miles of hiking trails that crisscross over bubbling streams and along moss covered limestone b l u f f s T h i s l o v e l y d e s t i n a t i o n i s i d e a l f o r relaxation, romantic escapes, family outings, corporate retreats, wedding receptions and weekend getaways Be sure to visit at Christ

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 7

Few destinations offer a more personal immersive historic and cultural experience than the LaRochelle Mansion and Museum in Bar Harbor, Maine

O p e r a t e d b y t h e B a r H a r b o r H i s t o r i c a l Society, the 13,000 square foot, waterfront, Colonial Revival Chateaux styled mansion w a s b u i l t i n 1 9 0 3 f o r t h e B o w d o i n f a m i l y (George Bowdoin was the great grandson of Alexander Hamilton) during the peak years o f B a r H a r b o r ’s G o l d e n A g e I t w a s a t i m e w h e n t h e w e a l t h y e l i t e a n d a r t i s t i c a l l y

A s t h e l u s h g r e e n c a n o p y o f s u m m e r begins to turn to fall, a walk in the park is a w o n d e r f u l w a y t o s p e n d a f e w h o u r s o u t d o o r s s o a k i n g u p t h e a w e s o m e c o l o r s o f autumn.

White Pines Lodge

inclined from Boston, New York, Philadelphia and other major cities flocked to Maine to escape the stifling heat and foul effluvia of a chaotic urban landscape These summer “cottagers,” created a grand summer society whose members included a who’s who of industrialists, diplo mats, socialites and politicians include J P Morgan, Joseph Pulitzer, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Acadia National Park co founder George Dorr Their passions, interests and fortunes led to the creation of what is today one of America’s most popular national parks, a destination and institution whose fortunes are inseparably intertwined with the communities of Mount Desert Island LaRochelle is the only mansion of its kind accessible to the public Referred to by some as the “Downton Abby” of Maine, LaRochelle features more than two floors of exhibits, displays and ornate period rooms bestowed with many of their original furnishings Marvel at the intricate table setting in the formal dining room, while at the same time experience the sparse yet dignified quarters occupied by the head house keeper. Featured exhibits profile the area’s earliest Native American inhabitants as well as what every aspect of life was like for both summer people and year round residents Some include rare and original audio and video recordings; The Great Fire of 1947, which leveled dozens of estates and burned tens of thousands of acres is covered in depth

r e n o w n l

Bar Harbor LaRochelle Mansion & Museum

E x b y a n d s c a p e gardener Beatrix Farrand, surround the towering brick structure with its hand cut slate roof

Combined, the house, contents and exhibits tell the stories of peo ple from every walk of life and station in society who have been drawn to this special place that continues to resonate with, and inspire, as much today as it did more than 100 years ago

8 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 Guide: Places for Summer 2023 Subscribe by phone at (815) 946-2341

p a n s i v e l aw n s a n d g a r d e n s , d e s i g n e d

p 21st century power generation meets 19th century living will at the Blenheim Gilboa Visitors Center and Historic Lansing Manor Housed in a 19th century dairy barn, the visitors center features inter active exhibits demonstrating the unique way the Blenheim Gilboa Pumped Storage Power Project makes power Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the Lansing Manor is an early American country estate filled with authentic furnishings and a classic example of Federal period architecture


Enjoy hours of free “Powerful Fun” at the New York Power Author ity’s Visitors Centers across the state They are easy to get to and with features to make all bus tours welcome, including ample free bus parking, driver rest areas, guided tours, dining areas for catered meals and brown bag lunches and handicap access

LaRochelle Mansion and Museum is open seasonally from May through the end of October Group tours are encouraged and rates vary There is a small gift shop on premises and designated bus parking and drop off spots on street at the edge of the property Find out more by visiting barharborhistorical org or phoning (207) 288 0000

New York Power Authority

An electrifying experience awaits at all four of the New York Power Authority’s Visitors Centers Contact the Visitors Centers to preregister g r o u p t o u r s a t : N i a g a r a P o w e r Vi s t a ( 7 1 6 ) 2 8 6 6 6 6 1 ; B l e n h e i m Gilboa (800) 724 0309; Hawkins Point (Massena) (315) 764 6679; NY Energy Zone (Utica) (315) 792 8720 q Places for Summer

p Enjoy the power generation journey in a dramatic setting at the F r a n k S M c C u l l o u g h , J r H aw k i n s P o i n t Vi s i t o r s C e n t e r a n d B o a t L a u n c h a t t h e S t L aw r e n c e F D R P r o j e c t Yo u w i l l fi n d p a n o r a m i c views of the power project and St. Lawrence River. Interactive exhibits help you understand hydropower and electricity

New York Power Authority’s Visitors Centers

Zoo At New York State’s only learning center for everything electric, you will be immersed in famed cinematographer Douglas Trumbull’s 3 D movie Imagination! Test your skill as a drone pilot flying over huge transmission towers Tinker in an old fashioned electricity lab like Thomas Edison Learn about the history of electricity

p Journey through the past, present and future of electricity at the John S Dyson New York Energy Zone in Utica, adjacent to the Utica

New York

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 9 Guide:

p Niagara Power Vista is just minutes from Niagara Falls at the Niagara Power Project in Lewiston, New York Discover more than 50 interactive energy and STEM focused exhibits, plus stunning views from 350 feet above the Niagara River Gorge See the largest single producer of electricity in New York State the Niagara Power Pro j e c t o w n e d a n d o p e r a t e d b y t h e N e w Yo r k P o w e r Au t h o r i t y, t h e largest state electric utility in the nation

10 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022

The Biblical History Center is one of the few places outside Israel where you can see Middle East On loan from the Israeli Antiquity Authority, the exhibits include pot tery, ceramics and tools, as well as a life size recreation of a biblical village Walk in the Archeological Replica Garden and you will feel like you are wandering through excava tions in Isreal, Malta or Jordan The center also offers a four course Biblical meal and a shepherd’s bread making experience

This unexpectedly beautiful and surpris ingly sophisticated town is with every thing a savvy traveler craves an authentic cultural experience, incredible food and inter esting attractions without the hefty price tag of bigger cities

m o r e t h a n 2 5 0 g e n u i n e a r t i f a c t s f r o m t h e ancient


LaGrange, Georgia L a G r a n g e , G e o r g i a i s o n e o f t h o s e c h a r m i n g A m e r i c a n t o w n s t h a t h a s r e i n v e n t e d i t s e l f , w h i l e s t i l l p r e s e r v i n g w h a t makes it unique An hour south of Atlanta, LaGrange is home to one of a kind attrac t i o n s , a s t o r y b o o k d o w n t o w n , g o r g e o u s r e c r e a t i o n a r e a s , i n t r i g u i n g m u s e u m s a n d other cultural attractions, nearby wineries, m u l t i p l e b r e w e r i e s , a f o r m i d a b l e a n t i q u e s h o p p i n g s c e n e a n d p l e n t y o f t h r i l l i n g a c t i v i t i e s


Small Town America

Travel back in time, where you’ll have an experience of a lifetime. xplore 2000 years of history and inspiration at The Biblical History Center in LaGrange—one of only seven such museums in the world. Journey through archeological replicas, experience Biblical meal presentations, and see exact replicas of ancient Middle Eastern life settings. From archaeology to ancient history to cutting-edge teaching, you’ll witness ancient stories of the Bible brought to life. VisitLaGrange.com Historical Attractions & Museums Oh, The Stories You’ll Tell

When you visit Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, you will not only tour one of the finest homes in America today, but you will experience magnificent 130 year old gardens created in the 1890s by Sarah Fer rell Tour the magnificent Classic Revival residence of textile magnate Fuller Callaway, and soak in the beauty of manicured terraces, rose bowers, dwarf boxwood parterres, and wooded pathways, which provide spectacular foliage each and every season

There are so many photo opportunities to capture and so many s t o r i e s t o b e t o l d i n L a G r a n g e , G e o r g i a B u s a n d g r o u p t o u r planners will find what they need to plan an authentic, one of a kind v i s i t b y c o n t a c t i n g Vi s i t L a G r a n g e G e o r g i a a t ( 7 0 6 ) 6 6 8 5 5 5 5 o r

L a G r a n g e ’s b e a u t i f u l , h i s t o r i c d o w n t o w n i s f i l l e d w i t h l o c a l boutiques and antique stores where you can shop for unique cloth i n g , a r t i f a c t s , v i n t a g e p i e c e s a n d f u r n i t u r e Vi s i t a f a m i l y o w n e d d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e s e l l i n g p o p u l a r b r a n d s t h a t h a s b e e n a n i c o n i c l a n d m a r k s i n c e 1 9 3 2 B r o w s e a t w o s t o r y e m p o r i u m o f f e r i n g a n i n c r e d i b l e s e l e c t i o n o f a n t i q u e s , f u r n i t u r e a n d h o m e a c c e s s o r i e s Explore other local retailers with everything from handmade jew elry and higher end women’s fashions to holiday accessories and d e l i c i o u s g o u r m e t f o o d i t e m s

VisitLaGrange com

W h i l e v i s i t i n g C G I C M l e a r n a b o u t t h e L e g e n d o f C o y o t e “ T h e Creator” and Tsagaglalal “She Who Watches,” a female Indian Chief of the Wishram people frozen in time Look as well into local village life from fishing, plank homes, to the first Native American Woman in Washington to own land, Kalliah known as “Indian Mary ” Also, v i e w a r e p l i c a o f t h e l a r g e s t a r c h a e o l o g i c a l fi n d i n Wa s h i n g t o n , “Clahclehlah” Village, where one half a million artifacts were found and preserved

The museum is dedicated to preserving the stories and culture of the Columbia River Gorge and the incredible people that traveled and forged a path through time and rock It also features a Rosary

P r i o r t o t h e b u i l d i n g o f t h e d a m s , t h e p o r t i o n o f t h e C o l u m b i a River bordering today’s Skamania County was known for its rapid waters (Skamania is a Chinook term meaning “swift waters”) The Cascade Rapids, seven miles long, historically served as a trading hub for more than a dozen Native American tribes throughout the area, including the Cascade, Chinook, Yakima and Wishram Indians On display at the museum is a wide variety of petroglyphs, baskets, tools, and jewelry highlighting the creativity and beauty of Skama nia’s First People

12 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 Feature: Small Tow n Amer ica

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum

The Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum (CGICM) is in the heart of the Columbia River Gorge in beautiful Stevenson Wash ington, Skamania County. Stop in and explore the diverse and unique heritage of the first nations that fished and traded on the Columbia River to the first settlers to arrive via the Oregon Trail in search of a new beginning

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum Stevenson, Washington

C o l l e c t i o n f e a t u r e d i n t h e G u i n n e s s B o o k o f W o r l d R e c o r d s ; a 1 9 1 7 C u r t i s s B i P l a n e, a s w e l l a s R u s s i a n a n d J a p a n e s e h e r i t a g e L e a r n h o w S k a m a n i a C o u n t y b e c a m e W a s h i n g t o n ’s fi r s t “ S a s q u a t c h Refuge,” and why 1,000s of couples have anxiously runn to Steven s o n t o t i e t h e k n o t The Museum is open seven days a week, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., for more i n f o r m a t i o n / a d m i s s i o n c o s t g o t o c o l u m b i a g o r g e o r g B e o n t h e l o o k o u t f o r C G I C M ’s M a s c o t “ G i f f o r d P Tw i g g s , ” t h e i r f r i e n d l y Sasquatch, as you dive into the rich history, geology, and culture of the Columbia River Gorge welcome to Small Town USA q Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 13 Marvel at the of dining, shopping and entertainment. Texas sized collection visitthecolonytx.com Grandscape in The Colony is the ultimate indoor outdoor entertainment -Feature: Small Tow n Amer ica Moving? Let us know at least 60 days in advance to ensure that your next issue of Bus Tours Mag azine will reach your new address Please retur n your mailing label infor mation along with your new address either by phone ( 8 1 5 ) 9 4 6 - 2 3 4 1 , f a x ( 8 1 5 ) 9 4 6 - 2 3 4 7 , s n a i l mail or email subscriptions@busmag com

I t ’s b e i n g r e n e w e d f o r a n e w g e n e r a t i o n , ” said David Bruce, executive vice president o f t h e B i l l y G r a h a m L i b r a r y a n d t h e B i l l y G r a h a m A r c h i v e a n d R e s e a r c h C e n t e r

Soon, visitors to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina, will hear that same m e s s a g e f o r m a n y d e c a d e s t o c o m e through the Library’s newly refreshed Journey of Faith tour

14 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022

In addition to The Journey of Faith updates, the Library will also unveil a new event space, updates to the Graham Brothers Dairy Bar a n d a n e x p a n d e d s e l e c t i o n i n R u t h ’s A t t i c bookstore

Historical Attractions and Museums

Since 2007, more than 1 7 million people have visited the Library. Now, 15 years later, T h e J o u r n e y o f F a i t h t o u r w i l l i n c o r p o r a t e m u l t i m e d i a e n h a n c e m e n t s , u p d a t e d e x h i b i t s a n d n e w t e c h n o l o g y B i l l y G r a h a m ’s s t o r y w i l l c o m e a l i v e t o v i s i t o r s from his public life as a global preacher and c o u n s e l o r t o w o r l d l e a d e r s , t o h i s p r i v a t e l i f e w i t h h i s f a m i l y F o r i n s t a n c e, a r e p l i c a of the Graham’s living room will be featured on the tour, giving guests a glimpse into the

Billy Graham Library Charlotte, North Carolina

“ T h e L i b r a r y i s b u i l t o n t h e r e f l e c t i o n o f a s t r o n g p a s t , b u t n o w a n e x c i t i n g f u t u r e

A d j a c e n t t o t h e L i b r a r y, a n e w l y c o n s t r u c t e d A r c h i v e a n d R e s e a r c h C e n t e r w i l l open in 2022 This state of the art building w i l l h o u s e s e r m o n n o t e s , p h o t o s , v i d e o s , a u d i o a n d c o r r e s p o n d e n c e w i t h g l o b a l l e a d e r s T h o s e w h o w a n t t o e x p l o r e t h e h i s t o r i c a l d e t a i l s o f B i l l y G r a h a m ’s t i m e

Billy Graham

During nearly 80 years of ministry, Billy Graham shared a message of hope with more t h a n 2 1 5 m i l l i o n p e o p l e i n l i v e a u d i e n c e s a c r o s s 1 8 5 c o u n t r i e s a n d t e r r i t o r i e s . H u n dreds of millions more have been reached through television, video, film and webcasts

family’s home life in the Blue Ridge Moun t a i n s o f N o r t h C a r o l i n a

Main Street USA display at the Billy Graham Library Bring your group to see a powerful story of hope unfold at the Billy Graham Library. You’ll see exciting changes including multimedia enhancements, updated exhibits, and new technology. Come discover how God used a dairy farmer’s son to tell the world about His love—and see for yourself how this never-changing message changes everything. REOPENING SOON: COMING SUMMER 2022 Experience it for yourself. FREE ADMISSION Mon.–Sat., 9:30–5:00 | BillyGrahamLibrary.org | 704.401.3200 | 4330 Westmont Drive, Charlotte, NC ©2022 BGEA A MINISTRY OF BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION

t e s t e d m e t h o d s o f e v a n g e l i s m w i l l b e a b l e

t o d o s o w i t h i n t h i s n e w f a c i l i t y

George H W Bush had already garnered an impressive list of titles before his election

C o m e d i s c o v e r h o w G o d u s e d a d a i r y farmer’s son to tell the world about His love and see for yourself how this never changing message can change everything More infor mation, as well as special event listings and g r o u p b o o k i n g d e t a i l s a r e a v a i l a b l e a t BillyGrahamLibrary org

as the nation’s 41st President Bush served as a U S Congressman, Ambassador to the

Guide: Hi stor ical Attraction s & Mu seum s

George H.W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum

T h e B i l l y G r a h a m L i b r a r y h a s r e c e i v e d a c c o l a d e s f r o m v a r i o u s g r o u p s i n c l u d i n g being named #1 attraction in Charlotte and C e r t i fi c a t e o f E x c e l l e n c e r e c i p i e n t f r o m TripAdvisor; “Top 10 Religious Attractions” by Religious Planning Guide; and “Best of the Best” from the American Bus Association

Panhandle Plains Historical Museum

George H W Bush Library & Museum photo courtesy of George H W Bush Presidential Library & Museum

18 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022

United Nations, Republican Party chairman, Chief Liaison to China, Director of the Central

C o n t a c t S t e p h a n i e P r i c e a t sprice@wtamu.edu to help build your trip or visit Texas show com to order all your dis counted group tickets in one place

West College Station, Texas

Canyon, Texas

Yo u c a n e n j o y a g r e a t f u l l i t i n e r a r y i n Canyon from the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum to the TEXAS Outdoor Musical to m a n y w o n d e r f u l s h o p s a n d r e s t a u r a n t s i n between You will be welcomed with history and hospitality

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 19 travelwv.com 304.264.8801

The Bush Center grounds have much to o f f e r Vi s i t o r s c a n v i e w t h e s c u l p t u r e “ T h e D a y t h e Wa l l C a m e D o w n , ” a c o m p o s i t i o n of five bronze horses leaping over a repro d u c t i o n o f B e r l i n W a l l r u b b l e , s i g n i f y i n g t h e l o n g aw a i t e d f r e e d o m o f t h e E a s t G e r m a n p e o p l e I n t h e c e n t e r o f t h e p l a z a i s a s t a t u e o f G e o r g e B u s h , w h i c h i s e i g h t f e e t t a l l a n d c o m p o s e d o f g r a n i t e a n d b r o n z e T h e B a r b a r a B u s h R o s e G a r d e n s a n d t h e P r e s i d e n t i a l P o n d p r ov i d e a n a r e a t o r e l a x a n d r e f l e c t , a n d h a v e b e e n t h e b a c k d r o p f o r c o u n t l e s s m a r r i a g e p r o p o s a l s , f a m i l y a n d g r o u p p h o t o s , p i c n i c s a n d p e a c e f u l strolls Fishing is allowed in the pond, pro vided it is catch and release with barbless h o o k s o n l y.

F r o m t h e M a y fl o w e r t o a i r c o n d i t i o n e d motorcoaches, groups have been making the pilgrimage to Plymouth since 1620

Intelligence Agency and Vice President This illustrious past, his term as president, his mil itary service during World War II and his suc cessful business career are detailed through out the exhibitions and archives of the Bush Library and Museum.

Plymouth County, Massachusetts

For more information, visit Bush41 org

c o u n t l e s s p o n d s a n d l a k e s I t s k n o w n w o r l d w i d e a s t h e l a n d i n g p l a c e o f t h e M a y f l o w e r , b u t v i s i t o r s f l o c k t o P l y m o u t h C o u n t y f o r t h e h i s t o r y a n d s o m u c h m o r e D i s c o v e r t h e l o c a l c h a r m a n d w e l l p r e s e r v e d h i s t o r i c a l a t t r a c t i o n s t h a t b e c k o n v i s i t o r s f r o m a l l a r o u n d t h e w o r l d

It is no surprise that Plymouth County is home to some of the most renowned mon u m e n t s a n d m u s e u m s i n c l u d i n g P i l g r i m H a l l M u s e u m ( A m e r i c a ' s o l d e s t c o n t i n u o u s l y o p e r a t e d p u b l i c m u s e u m ) , t h e aw e inspiring National Monument to the Fore f a t h e r s , P l i m o t h P a t u x e t M u s e u m s , M a y fl o w e r I I , F u l l e r C r a f t M u s e u m a n d o f course, Plymouth Rock

M u s e u m h i g h l i g h t s i n c l u d e a c t u a l f i l m f o o t a g e o f B u s h ’s s u b m a r i n e r e s c u e a f t e r his plane was shot down over the island of C h i c h i J i m a i n S e p t e m b e r 1 9 4 4 ; a n i n t e r a c t i v e s t u d y o f t h e t i m e l i n e l e a d i n g u p t o t h e G u l f W a r ; e x a m p l e s o f g i f t s g i v e n t o P r e s i d e n t B u s h w h e n h e m e t w i t h f o r e i g n h e a d s o f s t a t e ; r e p l i c a s o f b o t h t h e O v a l O f f i c e a n d t h e o f f i c e a t C a m p D a v i d a n d m u c h m o r e T h e m u s e u m a l s o f e a t u r e s t e m p o r a r y e x h i b i t s o n a v a r i e t y o f t o p i c s , p r ov i d i n g r e p e a t g u e s t s a n e w e x p e r i e n c e e v e r y t i m e

From familiar hotel brands ready to wel come you to luxury resorts ready to pamper y o u , P l y m o u t h b o a s t s s o m e o f t h e m o s t a m a z i n g h o t e l s a n d a c c o m m o d a t i o n s Whether it is a spa resort, quaint inn or a cen trally located waterfront hotel, you will find the perfect place to stay in Plymouth

The Bush Library and Museum is excited to welcome Mandela: The Official Exhibition, detailing the life of one of the world’s most famous freedom fighters The epic story of Nelson Mandela is told in a series of experi e n t i a l g a l l e r i e s , f r o m h i s r u r a l c h i l d h o o d h o m e t h r o u g h y e a r s o f t u r b u l e n t s t r u g g l e against the apartheid regime, to his eventual vindication and final years as South Africa’s first democratically elected president The e x h i b i t i o n i s o p e n n o w t h r o u g h A p r i l 2 3 , 2023

Plymouth County Photo courtesy of Plimoth Patuxet Museums

Many of those same qualities that drew t h e P i l g r i m s t o s e t t l e i n w h a t w a s t h e vacant Wampanoag village of Patuxet con t i n u e t o a t t r a c t v i s i t o r s t o t h e P l y m o u t h area more than 400 years later. Everything from beautiful coastal landscapes and pic t u r e s q u e w a t e r f r o n t a r e a s t o b a c k r o a d s blanketed with cranberries, pine trees and

20 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 Guide: Hi stor ical Attraction s & Mu seum s

Welcoming Groups Since 1620 P LY M O U T H Plymouth County Convention & Visitors BureauDestination Plymouth Town of PLYMOUTHvisitma.com MassachusettsCranberries DiscoverQuincy Holiday Inn Express Plymouth SEE PLYMOUTHGroups See Plymouth SeePlymouth.com Cranberries.org DiscoverQuincy.com bit.ly/HolidayInnExpressPlymouth SeePlymouth.com/Groups

At the edge of Plymouth County sits his toric Quincy, Massachusetts, the birthplace o f t h e s e c o n d a n d s i x t h U S P r e s i d e n t s , John Adams and son, John Quincy Adams Q u i n c y i s h o m e t o t h e A d a m s N a t i o n a l P a r k , t h e A d a m s C r y p t a n d g o r g e o u s M a r i n a B a y C r a n b e r r i e s h a v e b e e n c u l t i v a t e d f o r more than 200 years throughout southeast e r n M a s s a c h u s e t t s P l y m o u t h C o u n t y h a s s o m e o f t h e t o p g r o w e r s i n t h e c o u n t r y C r a n b e r r i e s a r e b e a u t i f u l l y u b i q u i t o u s i n m u c h o f t h e r e g i o n a n d t h e i r u n i q u e h a r v e s t s e a s o n d r a w s v i s i t o r s f r o m a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d e a c h f a l l Visit SeePlymouth com for more tips on group tour planning, events to attend, lodging and so much more so you can focus on your memorable trip to America’s Hometown and Plymouth County q 22 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 Guide: Hi stor ical Attraction s & Mu seum s Lose DiscoverYourselfYourselfDillonMontana Bus Tours Welcomed VisitDillonMT.com406-683-5511 * &KHJNOKFPJOLKGPM1F8OHKNGHPJAON8@APJAM#JEP(ONK1P"LCCM/PON5P$HFMNCL,P!%E'ON84HPLG9PFALOJMOHPBMCFN5MEP0;I7D-I7??:2PP6LO6*JOLKGOK9MENO@BBBEJOLKGOK9MENO@

From top notch dining experiences, lux u r y h o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n s , s p e c t a c u l a r entertainment and more, Atlantic City is the p e r f e c t d e s t i n a t i o n f o r a f u n a n d s a f e g e t away

Whether a tour at one of the region’s his torical wineries or a trip to nearby Smithville Village for its quaint shops, any time is a good time to visit Atlantic City and the surrounding areasIfyou are winding down after a long day o r m e e t i n g u p w i t h f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s , Atlantic City offers a host of happy hour spe cials suitable for all budgets Sip, sample, and let the conversations flow

Just a short drive away The seaside des tination is the perfect location for visitors to t r a v e l t o i n t h e c o m f o r t o f a c a r o r m o t o r coach. Atlantic City is located within a few hours drive of nearly one third of the nation's p o p u l a t i o n a n d i s e a s i l y a c c e s s i b l e f r o m many cities along the Northeast

S e c r e t j u s t t o n a m e a f e w. N e e d o u t d o o r attire, equipment or accessories? Bass Pro S h o p s i s t h e u l t i m a t e o u t d o o r w o r l d a n d offers the area’s largest selection for hunting, fishing, camping, boating and more Did you know that Atlantic City is home to more than 50 murals? Stories behind the artists’ works are as touching and moving as the murals they create, and these permanent p u b l i c w o r k s o f a r t s h o w t h e h e a r t b e a t o f Atlantic City

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 23

Shopping, Dining & Lodging

S h o p p i n g n e v e r g o e s o u t o f s e a s o n Atlantic City’s Tanger Outlets The Walk on Michigan and Atlantic Avenues feature more t h an 5 0 n a ti o na l r eta il br an d ou t let s tores s u c h a s M i c h a e l Ko r s , C o a c h , K a t e S p a d e N e w Yo r k , U n d e r A r m o u r a n d Vi c t o r i a ’s

Atlantic City New Jersey

A t l a n t i c C i t y i s a h i d d e n g e m a l o n g t h e New Jersey shoreline, offering visitors much more than a seaside destination Atlantic City started as a health resort, the tradition today with our clean, safe, and healthy protocols is continued today

Looking to relax and recharge? Atlantic City has the answer Pamper yourself at one of our world class spas where you will be taken on a journey of pure relaxation From a Himalayan Salt Grotto to Rhythm & Motion rooms, each spa offers an experience of its own

Atlantic City

Is sports more your speed? Atlantic City’s l a n d b a s e d s p o r t s b o o k s a r e t h e h o t t e s t venues in town From the Boardwalk to the M a r i n a D i s t r i c t , f a n s c a n s c a n p i c k t h e i r favorite teams, relax in plush seats and enjoy the action on multiple LED screens. With all Atlantic City’s nine casino resorts offering s t a t e o f t h e a r t s p o r t s b o o k s , n o s p o r t i n g event is likely to be missed

Epworth by the Sea St. Simons, Georgia

n y s i z e g r o u p V i s i t

c c o m m o d a t e

Great local dining and a variety of activ i a b e t o a a epworthbythesea org for more information

t i e s a w a i t G r o u p r a t e s a r e a v a i l

Stay at the hidden gem of the Golden Isles, Epworth By The Sea, on St Simons Island, G e o r g i a L e t i t b e y o u r h o m e a w a y f r o m home while exploring the rich history and experiencing the natural wonder of Georgia’s barrier islands The spacious accommoda tions have recently been renovated and the river view rooms offer balconies perfect for enjoying the gorgeous sunset.

Complete Atlantic City information and knowledgeable staff are available to assist you For more information, visit touratlanticcity com

a n d p h o n e g r o u p r e s e r v a t i o n s a t ( 9 1 2 ) 6 3 8 8 6 8 8 t o b o o k y o u r b u s t o u r t o d a y

Crawford County, Pennsylvania

Guide: Shopping, Dining & Lodging 24 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022


Crawford County offers a variety of dining options for every meal of the day Need fam i l y f r i e n d l y a n d a f f o r d a b l e c o m f o r t f o o d ? Crawford County has it A BBQ lunch you will r a v e a b o u t f o r m o n t h s t o c o m e Yo u h a v e options here Perhaps a bite to satisfy a global palate? It is all right here Whether you know what you like or are ready to try something new, it is coming right up at one of the local restaurants Not to mention, there is also a great variety of breweries, wineries, cideries and distilleries to add to your dining experi enceWhether you are looking for an immersive cultural stay or a getaway steep in nature, Crawford County has unique overnight stays you simply can not find anywhere else If you want to fill your days with outdoor fun, get ting lost in local boutiques or sampling craft beer and wines, you will be happy to lie your head at a cozy place to match Your pick from a c l a s s i c v a c a t i o n i n a t r a d i t i o n a l h o t e l , a night under the stars in the camping loca

t i o n s , a h o m e a w a y f r o m h o m e i n t h e A i r B’nBs, or cozy historical say in the adorable bed and breakfasts W i t h s e v e r a l i n t i m a t e a n d i n n o v a t i v e downtown areas, Crawford County is burst i n g w i t h s m a l l b u s i n e s s e s t h a t b r i n g t h e i r unique wares and flares to local shopping Outdoorsmen can grab their gear from out door experts or more casual enthusiasts can rent equipment for a day of adventure If you are looking for some fresh produce, Crawford C o u n t y ’s f a r m s a n d o r c h a r d s h a v e i t Yo u m i g h t e v e n c a t c h a l o c a l f a r m e r ’s m a r k e t Put your most fashionable foot forward by stepping into one of the clothing boutiques for your next on trend look. Spiritual seekers will find alternative shops and apothecaries Do not forget that sweet treat from a local bakery or candy store For more information or to plan your visit, check out VisitCrawford org q Guide: Shopping, Dining & Lodging @5;<:=>%@5;<:=>,6=>@3@79<:4;;;9-5;<:=>&6'>@0@79<:40=76?*1?=>@?>*22@1?4@#<?=>@?(<+2@1?)3+@3-5;<:=>?,6?=>@?0@79$!/."8/8.88 ( Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 25

Crawford County, Pennsylvania

Anderson/Madison County Anderson, Indiana

lanterns light your way along the side aisles

C o n t a c t a n d e r s o n p a r a m o u n t c o m o r phone( 765) 642 1234

You are transported Begun in 1928 and completed in 1929 as an Eberson atmospheric theater, the Para mount was one of 155 Meant to be seven stories with an adjoining hotel, the Depres sion altered the plans and the size Another very special focal point of the theater is its Grand Page Organ, one of only three remain ing in their original theater installations Now used as a concert and event venue, one can experience the new with the old The staff of the Paramount welcomes tour buses and is honored to share this historical gem with all who come

Anderson Paramount Theatre

by Cheryl Shank

26 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022

The moment you enter the Historic Para mount Theatre you are taken back to a time when theaters were not just a big room with a screen, you were in a palace From the open ing on August 20, 1929, to present day, walking across the terra cotta façade of the lobby of handset tiles into the auditorium, you are trans ported to a Spanish Villa at nightfall The ceiling is alight with twinkling stars set against a dark blue sky with wispy clouds seemingly moving across the expanse Wrought iron gates with ornate twists and turns, open on to statues of Venus and Hebe, the Goddess of Youth, swirled c o l u m n s l i n e t h e w a l l s a n d s c o n c e s w i t h

No trip to Anderson and Madison County is complete without a stop at Harrah’s Hoosier Park Racing and Casino Live Standardbred Racing begins at 6:15 p m Wednesday through S a t u r d a y t h r o u g h O c t o b e r a n d T h u r s d a y through Saturday through December 10 The casino is always open, so come anytime for exciting gaming fun While in town, let Uranus Fudge Factory pack a pound of their fabulous fudge and enjoy the merry mayhem while vis iting their shop A classic vintage club experi ence awaits you when you dine at The Edge Open Tuesdays through Sundays for lunch and dinner, they will not disappoint Finish your days’ travels with a restful night at Best Western Plus or the Holiday Inn Express View visitandersonmadisoncounty com for more details

Student & Senior Tours

Looking for a taste of the West in the Southeast? Prestonsburg is the perfect mountain destination for those looking for fresh tours that deliver big experiences While Kentucky is often associated with bour bon and horses, head east and discover a world of mountains, moon shine, music and magical creatures The region of Prestonsburg is home to the second largest elk population in America, which your

Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 • 27 Guide: Student & Senior Tours


Unforgettable Experienc

Prestonburg, Kentucky

VisitAndersonMadisonCounty.com 800.533.6569

Prestonburg Tourism


Snuggled by The Three Sisters Mountains, Sisters, Oregon brings coziness and art to a new level with the renowned Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show (SOQS) Seated at the base of the C a s c a d e M o u n t a i n s a n d t h e e d g e o f t h e Deschutes National Forest, Sisters is the pre miere destination for artists, outdoors enthu siasts and families

W h i l e r i c h i n m u s i c a n d h i s t o r y, s o m e may be surprised to learn that Prestonsburg is home to one of the world’s most techno logically advanced planetariums Although, n o t h i n g r e a l l y b e a t s s k y g a z i n g i n t h e m o u n t a i n s T h e J e n n y Wi l e y S t a t e R e s o r t Park offers a wide variety of outdoor explo rations, including elk viewing tours, nature h i k e s a n d p o n t o o n r i d e s a r o u n d D e w e y L a k e w i t h p a r k n a t u r a l i s t s

“We believe every client should receive a n e x p e r i e n c e c o m p l e t e l y u n i q u e t o t h e i r motorcoach and one that guests couldn’t have any other way than with a bus tour That’s what separates group tours from every type of travel planning,” says Prestonsburg Tourism’s Exec utive Director Samantha Johnson

Prestonsburg attractions are truly remark a b l e , b u t i t i s t h e l o c a l s t h a t h a v e g u e s t s falling in love and ready to return again and again That is established with the free local step on guide that remains with your group from arrival to departure. Re enactors, his torians and entertainers bring every stop to l i f e J u s t a s k U n c l e S h i n e d u r i n g P r e s t o n s burg’s staple Moonshine Tour

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show

e x h i b i t o r s ’ h a n d i w o r k , t h i s q u i l t s h o w enlivens visitors

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show Sisters, Oregon

The show began in July 1975 when founder Jean Wells Keenan hung a dozen quilts made by her students outside her quilt shop one Sat urday At that time, there was one quilt shop in Sisters Forty four years later, central Oregon boasts 10 shops and a dozen active quilt guilds The show is stronger than ever

While Nashville is often referred to as the birthplace of country music, eastern Kentucky is the birthplace of country music legends With iconic names like Loretta Lynn, Chris S t a p l e t o n , T h e J u d d s a n d m o r e a l l h a i l i n g from the hills and hollers along U.S. 23, the corridor became known as the Country Music Highway Here, groups tour Lynn’s famous original Butcher Holler cabin Then, guests will be mesmerized by a private tour and per formance at the Mountain Arts Center, where Ly n n p e r f o r m e d t o s o l d o u t c r o w d s I n P r e s t o n s b u r g , i t i s a b o u t s e e i n g , f e e l i n g , being, and understanding

Many of the quilts may be purchased with a portion of the proceeds supporting SOQS, the non profit organization producing this free quilt show and fiber arts activities year r o u n d T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ’s m i s s i o n i s t o e d u c a t e t h e p u b l i c a b o u t t h e a r t , s k i l l a n d h e r i t a g e o f t r a d i t i o n a l a n d c o n t e m p o r a r y quilts and fiber arts. Through this show and more, the organization enriches the cultural vitality of Sisters and central Oregon

With natural wonders in all directions and more than 100 quilt shops in the state of Ore gon, SOQS fulfills the bucket list of quilters from around the world For more informa tion, phone SOQS at (541) 549 0989 q Student & Senior Tours

The week prior to the show, Quilt Week, m a s t e r q u i l t m a k e r s t e a c h c l a s s e s T h e i r quilts are later displayed at the annual show Show and Tell exhibits house hundreds of quilts, allowing makers and viewers a chance to meet Quilt artists range in age from five to 94 years and come from all over the world

28 • Bus Tours Magazine / September, 2022 Guide:

Held annually on the second Saturday in J u l y, t h e S O Q S i s t h e l a r g e s t o u t d o o r q u i l t s h o w i n t h e w o r l d M o r e t h a n 1 , 2 0 0 q u i l t s from around the world are on display Every year, 10,000 visitors from 23 countries and all 50 states flock to this small town for this one day event A walk down the charming Old West streets of Sisters will heighten vis itors’ senses From the scent of fresh coffee and cinnamon rolls to the laughter and the a d m i r a t i o n h e a r d f r o m g u e s t s v i e w i n g

group can witness and learn the calls Did y o u k n o w e l k o f t e n w e i g h a r o u n d 7 0 0 pounds These amazing sightings are at their peak during fall foliage

We all know that this is a different world we are living in since before COVID We can not be careful enough regarding the safety of our employees and all who travel with us We hope these tips will help you to survive and prosper

13. Hand Washing. Before disembarking at any rest stops, remind people to wash their hands thoroughly this means 20 seconds of washing with soap and warm water While people are off the bus, you might want to wipe areas of constant contact, such as hand rails getting on and off

1. COVID Regulations. Every state and individual areas have different expectations and parameters regarding COVID You must m a k e y o u r s e l f a w a r e o f t h e m a n d k e e p u p d a t e d o n c h a n g i n g n o r m s T h i s w o u l d include not only your point of embarkation, but also any place you might visit on a trip Yo u c a n c a l l t h e D H E C C a r e L i n e a t ( 8 5 5 ) 472 3432 between 8 a m a nd 6 p m Monday Friday Messages left after hours and on Sat urdays and Sundays will be returned

12. Garbage Bags. Give out garbage bags to each client This keeps the bus clean with minimal detritus A clean bus is a safer bus

8. COVID Gift Bag. Give a “COVID Gift Bag ” This should include all of the following: sanitary wipes, antiseptic spray, a mask and gloves Also, anything else you feel is neces sary

7 . S e a t i n g . O n b o o k i n g a t r i p , s e a t i n g should be permanent and on a first come, first served basis In the past this might not have been necessary, but in today’s world it is This c u t s d o w n o n g e r m s s p r e a d i n g f r o m a s e a t being used by different people, it allows people to keep their seat as clean as they feel neces sary, and a great side benefit it gets people

11. Snacks. If you give out snacks and what is a trip without snacks have them indi vidually packaged

20 Tips For Bus Tour Planners

5. Testing Positive. Have in place what y o u w i l l d o i f a p e r s o n o r p e r s o n s c o n t r a c t COVID or show signs of COVID while you are o n y o u r t r i p . I w o u l d r e c o m m e n d y o u h a v e COVID test kits with you free from the fed eral government Do you cancel or go ahead? What medical facilities are nearby? Can you isolate these people on the bus or do you send them home?

to book ASAP The actual seat number should be given out at this time

9 O n b o a rd S u p p l i e s M a k e s u r e y o u r basic medical supplies include throat cough drops with zinc

4. Vaccinations? Will you require vacci nations or not? If not, will you require some proof of passenger health? Clients must sign a waiver absolving you of all liability in case C O V I D i s e n c o u n t e r e d C h e c k w i t h y o u r lawyer about this document and make sure it is valid and enforceable Will you require a C OV I D t e s t o f c l i e n t s b e f o r e e m b a r k a t i o n ? Right now this does not seem to be necessary, but anything could change at any time

6. Insurance. Make insurance manda tory and make sure it covers COVID Be sure you are using a reputable insurance company If a person does get sick, they might need to be sent home Make sure they get insurance that covers those costs. Know in advance how to do this

10. Restroom Cleanliness. If using the bus bathroom, try to make sure that people take some wipes and use them before leaving the area.

15. Hotel Cleanliness and Amenities. If you are using a hotel, especially for more than one night, make sure people are aware of whether or not the room will be cleaned

by Paulette Isoldi

Bus Tours Magazine / September 2022 • 29

20 Tips for Bus Tour Operators in a Post COVID World

14. Safety Measures. Before going into an attraction, make sure people are aware of any safety measures that are in place

2. Cancellation Policy. Make sure you have a cancellation policy in place, especially regarding COVID This has always been impor t a n t , b u t n o w m o r e t h a n e v e r I f t h e r e i s another outbreak, who makes the decision r e g a r d i n g c a n c e l l a t i o n , a n d w h a t a b o u t r e f u n d s ( b u s c o m p a n y, h o t e l s , a t t r a c t i o n s , restaurants) both for yourself and the clients?

3. Bus Company Policies. When booking with a bus company, make sure you are aware o f t h e i r C OV I D p o l i c i e s H o w c l e a n d o t h e y keep their buses, including the baggage com p a r t m e n t s ? A r e t h e y d i s i n f e c t e d a f t e r e a c h group?

May you and your clients be safe, happy and healthy Have wonderful trips and make a lot of money.

30 • Bus Tours Magazine / September 2022 20 T ips

February 2 8, 2023. American Bus A s s o c i a t i o n M a r k e t p l a c e 2 0 2 3 . Detroit, Michigan

Beaverhead Chamber of Commerce 22

Billy Graham Library 15

Martinsburg Berkeley County CVB 19

Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad 20

Coming events of interest to readers of BUS TOURS MAGAZINE. Submissions for the department should be directed to the editor Unless otherwise indicated, events are not open to the general public

Epworth By The Sea 25

Minnesota Transportation Museum 22

Ronald Reagan

17. Buying Open Seats. About one or two weeks before the trip, if you have any seats open, allow people to buy their adjoining seat at a cost based rate This gives those people who are leery about the trip because they do not know who they might be sitting next to, to travel with peace of mind You might even con sider putting aside a certain number of seats on each trip, just for this purpose

Paulette Isoldi has been in the travel indus try since 1974 She and her husband started t h e i r o w n t o u r c o m p a n y i n 1 9 9 2 c a l l e d P a u l M a r c T o u r s S i n c e t h e n , t h e y h a v e taken people to visit 41 states and many dif ferent countries Their specialties are reunion groups, student groups and “foodies ” Please feel free to send feedback and suggestions to paul marc@verizon net Suggestions on how to get more people visiting bustours magazine com Web site and getting loca tions to invite bus tours are welcome.

Plymouth County CVB 21

Visit LaGrange 11

Visit The Colony 13

Outlets of Mississippi 24

Down The Road

19 Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Frankenmuth CVB 16, 17

Crawford County CVB 24

20 Keep a Positive Attitude Have as much of a positive attitude as possible If you

Historical Museum 18

Atlantic City 32

Bar Harbor Historical Society . . . . . . . .8

Historic Ft Steuben 19

Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center 25

Presidential Foundation 19

Town of Lexington 22

Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center 12

Anderson Madison County CVB . . . . .27

New York Power Authority . . . . . . . . .31

If you want to give any feedback on this article or make suggestions for future articles, please e mail Paulette Isoldi, Paul Marc Tours at paul marc@verizon net q

Advertiser ’s Index

Bay Area Electric Railroad Association 13

Aviation Museum 22

Nicholas Beazley

November 13 16, 2022. Ontario Motor Coach Association (OMCA) Marketplace. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

e a c h d a y a n d w h a t a m e n i t i e s w i l l b e p r o vided I would strongly urge that this be made part of pre trip instructions If you do nothing else for pre trip instructions, this is a must 1 6 R e s t a u r a n t S u g g e s t i o n s W h e n booking a restaurant, find out if they have any COVID criteria in place Try to make sure the group is seated together to cut down on interaction with other people who are pos sible transmitters of germs If going to a buf fet, try to be there when it opens and make sure people use gloves when they are getting their food If a particular dish looks like it has been compromised, tell them to avoid it

are prepared for all contingencies, I believe they are less likely to happen and if they do, you know what to do

January 12 16, 2023 UMA Motorcoach Expo 2023. Orlando, Florida For more infor mation view motorcoach expo com

Heartland Travel Showcase . . . . . . . . .2

Panhandle Plains

Prestonburg Tourism 27

Rabbit Run Theater 13

Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show 28

N o v e m b e r 1 3 1 6 , 2 0 2 2 N TA Tr a v e l E x c h a n g e . R e n o Ta h o e , Nevada

This has always been true in this business, but now more than ever you need to be vig ilant and ready for anything Make sure the guide/tour escort has emergency numbers of whom to contact if there is an emergency r e g a r d i n g C OV I D, o r a n y t h i n g e l s e . T h e y need to know who will make decisions on w h e t h e r o r n o t t o s e n d s o m e o n e h o m e , cancel the trip or who to deal with if some thing happens

George Bush Library & Museum 18

White Pines Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

18. Pre Trip Information Sheet. Make sure you send out a pre trip instruction sheet with everything from the previous trips that people will need to know ahead of time The more you can tell your client what to expect, the better off you are. Of course, there are those people who never read anything you send them, or if they do, they do not remem ber any of it That is why every step along the way, repeat important instructions

M a r c h 1 0 1 2 , 2 0 2 3 H e a r t l a n d Travel Showcase. Cincinnati Region. F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n v i e w h e a r t l a n d travelshowcase com

Scan for Details Contact Visitors Centers to Preregister Groups New York Power Authority Visitors Centers WELCOME BUS TOUR GROUPS Powerful Fun Across New York State New York Energy Zone UticaBlenheim-Gilboa Visitors Center & Historic Lansing Manor N orth Blenheim Niagara Power Vista M inutes from Falls Hawkins Point Visitors Center M assena • Explore History & Future of Electricity • Fascinating & Fun Interactive Exhibits • Student, Group & Senior Tours • Driver Rest Area & Bus Parking • Indoor & Outdoor Dining Areas for Catered or Brown Bag Lunches • Open Daily 9 am — 5 pm (except certain holidays) • AccessibleHandicapped ALWAYS FREE ADMISSION & PARKING NY Energy Zone Blenheim-Gilboa Hawkins Point Niagara Power Vista Oneida County Schoharie County St. Lawrence County Niagara County Exhilarating, Educational & Electrifying


Excitement awaits in Atlantic City, including miles of sandy beaches, our world-famous Boardwalk and the thrilling Steel Pier. Enjoy tax-free shopping, award-winning dining, live entertainment and other great attractions. Here you can experience the ultimate getaway and create a lifetime of


Atlantic City Expert Heather Colache is available at 609-318-6097 or hcolache@meetac.com to make sure you enjoy Atlantic City as it was meant to be experienced.

Meet AC received funding through a grant from the New Jersey Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism.

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Visit us at www.bustoursmagazine.com Please fill out the Reader Service Card on the back wrapper. 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064 September/October, 2022 • Frankenmuth CVB page 16, 17 • Panhandle Plains Historical Museum page 18 • Prestonburg Tourism page 27 • See Plymouth page 21 Moving Ahead With 2023 Tours

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