Thank you to our sponsor of this digital issue Jackson Hole Playhouse
Located in beautiful Jackson Hole, Wyoming, one block west of the town square in Jackson's or iginal town site at 145 West Delone y Avenue
For more than 27 year s we have been presenting a var iety of your favor ite wester n Broadway hits We continually pr ide our selves in br inging together the best musical theatre talent from all over the countr y to produce professional theatre for our guests from around the world
We are pleased to announce the upcoming 2023 summer season, sure to be one of the rowdy wester n musicals you have grown to love!We cordially invite you to come visit with us and exper ience Dinner & Show at the Jackson Hole Playhouse & SaddleRock Saloon Enjoy the tr uly wester n atmosphere of our histor ic theatre and hospitality of our famous saloon, where our singing and dancing enter tainer s are also your ser ver s and bartender s!
The Saloon provides dining for all our theatre guests. The menu is a selection of the finest entrees and
desser ts Whether it is a r ib-e ye steak or a sizzling filet of salmon, we continue the tradition of providing you the best uniquely wester n upscale cuisine!
Our season opens June 1, 2023 and r uns through Januar y 7, 2024 and will r un Monday Saturday evenings Featur ing your favor ite rowdy wester n musicals, Halloween shows and Chr istmas enter tainment year round
We encourage you to make your reser vations well in advance of your ar r ival to ensure your group will have reser vations at the SaddleRock Saloon and great seats in the theatre! Your stay in Jackson Hole is not complete without a visit to the histor ic Jackson Hole Playhouse building that brought live theatre to the Grand Teton Countr y
Please make your reser vations by sending the following infor mationAttention: Vicki or Austin Tel: 307 733 6994 Fax: 307 739 0414 Email: jhplayhouse@wyoming com or Mail: PO Box 2788, Jackson Hole, WY 83001 www jhplayhouse com Bus Tours
Exper ience Rowdy Wester n Elegance at the Histor ic Jackson Hole Playhouse Dinner Theatre!Guides
Historical places and sites are always a winner with bus tour groups Historical topics can include railroads, important people from the past, historical museums and historical places. Each has a story to tell and can add to the enjoyment of your bus tour
Shopping, dining and lodging are all important parts of every bus tour While dining and lodging are required, most everyone on the bus is also looking to d o s o m e s h o p p i n g . H e r e a r e a f e w suggestions you can include in your next bus tour
Coming up with a good bus tour stop may include going down Luray Caverns offers some impressive sights that are only seen underground In addition, other adjacent attractions include a farming community restoration, the Stoney Mann Mining Company, the Car and Carriage Caravan as well as Toy Town Junction.
Many bus tour locations appeal to stud e n t a n d s e n i o r g r o u p s H e r e , w e explore the experience of Atlantic City a n d t h e e x c i t e m e n t o f t h e D e t r o i t
Princess Riverboat, two great additions to you next bus tour.
Editor & Publisher Larr y Plachno
Business Manager Nancy Ann Plachno
Typesetting/Page Layout Sherr y Mekeel
Web site Jake Ron Plaras
Adver tising Charles Hinkle Editorial Assistant Paulette Isoldi
Bus Tours Magazine 9698 W. Judson Road Polo, Illinois 61064-9015
Phone: (815) 946-2341 Fax: (815) 946-2347 Web site: bustoursmagazine com
Central/International central@busmag com – (815) 946-2341 West midwest@busmag com – (815) 946-2341 Midwest midwest@busmag com – (815) 946-2341 Northeast bustoursmag@gmail com – (815) 946-2341 tourgroups@busmag com – (815) 946-2341 Southeast southeast@busmag com – (815) 946-2341
The Railway Village Museum in Boothbay, Maine, runs the popular North Pole Express each December Families ride the vintage train to visit Santa at the North Pole The event is part of the month-long community event “Boothbay Lights ” The museum is located minutes from one of the most picturesque harbors on the coast of Maine. BOB CRINK PHOTOGRAPHY.
The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in par t without the written consent of the publisher The name BUS TOURS MAGAZINE and the logo incorporating the passengers, bus and destinations are trade marks of National Bus Trader Inc
Historical Attractions & Museums
Minnesota Transportation Museum
Paul, Minnesota
Enjoy all the sensations of a bygone era by riding the vintage Osceola & St Croix Valley Railway Round-trip excursions depart from the historic Soo Line Depot in Osceola, Wisconsin The 45 to 90-minute trips provide stunning vistas of Bridal Veil Falls, Buttermilk Falls and the Cedar Bend Drawbridge that crosses the beautiful St Croix River
Ta k e a r i d e i n a v i n t a g e , t u r n - o f - t h ecentury railcar, or in an air-conditioned, firstclass streamliner car Pizza cars are popular with adults and kids, and periodic brunch, dinner or wine-tasting trains offer adults a t r u l y r o m a n t i c r a i l w a y a d v e n t u r e T h e seasonal operation runs from May through October
Special events include fireworks trains, the popular Pumpkin Express at Halloween
time and the spectacular beauty of Autumn on our Fall Colors trains
P r i v a t e c o a c h r e n t a l s a n d e n t i r e t r a i n charters are available for family and group events
Bus tours are also welcome to visit us at t h e M i n n e s o t a Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n M u s e u m i n Saint Paul, Minnesota The historic Jackson Street Roundhouse is open from 10 a m to 4 p m on Wednesdays and Saturdays The building houses a museum to railroad history, railroad restoration shops, vintage machine shop and blacksmith shop One of the few remaining operational railroad turntables in the nation is also available on-site Saturday visitors will be given a short ride in a vintage caboose through the rail yard
Whether it is a ride on the romantic Osceola & St Croix Valley Railway, a visit to the Minnesota Transportation Museum or both, b u s t o u r p a t r o n s w i l l h a v e a m e m o r a b l e
e x p e r i e n c e t h a t t h e y w i l l s h a r e w i t h t h e i r f a m i l i e s a n d n e i g h b o r s C o m e v i s i t f o r a n adventure of a lifetime
P h o n e t h e o f fi c e a t ( 6 5 1 ) 2 2 8 - 0 2 6 3 f o r
more information
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
College Station, Texas
George H W Bush had already garnered an impressive list of titles before his election as the nation’s 41st President. Bush served as a U S Congressman, Ambassador to the United Nations, Republican Party chairman, Chief Liaison to China, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Vice President This illustrious past, his four years as president, his military service during World War II and his successful business career are detailed throughout the exhibitions and archives of the Bush Library and Museum
Museum highlights include film footage of Bush’s rescue by the U S S Finback after his plane was shot down over the island of Chichi Jima in September 1944; an interactive study of the timeline leading up to the Gulf Wa r ; e x a m p l e s o f g i f t s g i v e n t o P r e s i d e n t Bush from foreign heads of state; replicas of both the Oval Office and the Camp David Laurel Office and much more The museum also features temporary exhibits on a variety of topics, providing repeat guests a new experience every visit
The Bush Library and Museum is excited to welcome Mandela: The Official Exhibition, detailing the life of one of the world’s most famous freedom fighters The epic story of N e l s o n M a n d e l a i s t o l d i n a s e r i e s o f e x p er i e n t i a l g a l l e r i e s , f r o m h i s r u r a l c h i l d h o o d h o m e t h r o u g h y e a r s o f t u r b u l e n t s t r u g g l e a g a i n s t t h e a p a r t h e i d r e g i m e, t o h i s e v e nt u a l v i n d i c a t i o n a n d f i n a l y e a r s a s S o u t h A f r i c a ’s f i r s t d e m o c r a t i c a l l y - e l e c t e d p r e si d e n t M a n d e l a i s o n e x h i b i t i n t h e A n s a r y
George H W Bush Presidential Library & Museum
h A p r i l 2 3 , 2 0 2 3
m a t i c e f f o r t s d u r i n g t h e fi n a l y e a r s o f t h e apartheid regime in South Africa Featuring newly declassified documents, this exhibit gives visitors a new insight into the behindGuide: Hi stor ical Attraction s & Mu seum s +>><,8<9=%83>=*:9;:1 .6.=)7=*3(8:0<,=)"7 &<>>;90<; +$=-6/55 , /)*(!.+#/&%')/, --/$./+ *./-" $9A#: <@A88A59A<4@A4@=6<A: A<4@ %59 :29A&@65<=0@A.6@= 455 =664!4-/4 2227'<>>;90<;(83>1:9;:178#'
the-scenes conversations between George Bush and F W De Klerk, Nelson Mandela and other leaders in the region of Southern Africa during this pivotal time in world history It is open now in the Fidelity Gallery through April 2, 2023
Looking Back: A George H W Bush Presidential Library and Museum Retrospective brings back past rotating exhibits that have been showcased during the past 25 years at the museum Exhibits that have been highlighted include the following: Barbara Bush: An Extraordinary
Fathers and Sons: Two Families, Four Presidents, From the Moon and B
Library It is open now in the Fidelity Gallery through April 2, 2023
The Bush Center grounds have much to offer Visitors can view the sculpture “The Day the Wall Came Down,” a composition of five bronze horses leaping over a reproduction of Berlin Wall rubble, signifying the long-awaited freedom of the East German people In the center of the plaza is a larger-than-life bronze statue of George Bush, by renowned artist Chaz Fagan The Barbara Bush Rose Gardens and the Presidential Pond provide an area to relax and reflect, and have been the backdrop for countless marriage proposals, family and group photos, picnics and peaceful strolls Fishing is allowed in the pond, provided it is catch-and-release with barbless hooks only
For more information, visit Bush41 org
Columbia Gorge Intepretive Center Museum Stevenson, Washington
The Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum (CGICM) is in the heart of the Columbia River Gorge in beautiful Stevenson Washington, Skamania County Stop in and explore the diverse and unique heritage of the first nations that fished and traded on the Columbia River to the first settlers to arrive via the Oregon Trail in search of a new beginning.
Prior to the building of the dams, the portion of the Columbia River bordering today’s Skamania County was known for its rapid waters (Skamania is a Chinook term meaning “Swift Waters”) The Cascade Rapids, seven miles long, historically served as a trading hub for more than a dozen Native American Tribes throughout the area, including the Cascade, Chinook, Yakima and Wishram Indians On display at the museum is a wide variety of petroglyphs, baskets, tools and jewelry highlighting the creativity and beauty of Skamania’s First People
While visiting CGICM, learn about the Legend of Coyote “The Creator” and Tsagaglalal “She Who Watches,” a female Indian Chief of the Wishram people frozen in time. Look into local village life from fishing, plank homes, to the first Native American Woman in Washington to own land, Kalliah known as “Indian Mary ” Also, view a replica of the largest archaeological find in Washington, “Clahclehlah” Village, where one-half million artifacts were found and preserved
The museum is dedicated to preserving the stories and culture of the Columbia River Gorge and the incredible people that traveled and forged a path through time and rock It also features a Rosary Collection featured in the Guinness Book of World Records, a 1917 Curtiss Bi-Plane, as well as Russian and Japanese heritage Learn how Skamania County
became Washington’s first “Sasquatch Refuge,” and why 1,000s of couples have anxiously ran to Stevenson to tie the knot
The Museum is open seven days a week, 9 a m t o 5 p m F o
o n / admission costs, go to
Martinsburg-Berkeley County West Virginia
Berkeley County, West Virginia The area's rich history links to events from before the R
Martinsburg is surrounded by historical sites and provides the perfect picturesque downtown for hub-and-spoke tours or good oldfashioned shopping sprees
It is time to park the bus and let tour passengers explore The peaceful and delightful town of Martinsburg has great finds at every turn With innumerable shopping opportunities, the quaint Norman Rockwellesque down-
town will charm visitors The store windows shine with artisan décor, unique finds, spaworthy luxuries and antiques only available in such a historic place Word to the wise: pack an empty suitcase to carry all the new treasures one will find at the downtown shops.
Are you feeling peckish after shopping? Groups find a selection of tasty eats at Martinsburg's locally-owned restaurants Choose b e t w e e n w o r l d c u i s i n e s o r g o s t r a i g h t t o dessert Visiting DeFluri's Fine Chocolates and Everything Cheesecake will satisfy anyone's sweet tooth
For more eclectic shopping and eateries, groups head 15 minutes east to Shepherds t o w n , t h e o l d e s t t o w n i n We s t Vi r g i n i a Groups visiting Shepherdstown find that hospitality is the only thing more alive than the local arts scene
It is easy to make a group tour historical in Berkeley County Historic sites like Morgan Cabin – the home of the area's first white sett l e r s ; G e n e r a l A d a m S t e p h e n H o u s e – t h e
f o u n d e r o f M a r t i n s b u r g , a n d T h e G e o r g e Washington Heritage Trail pull history from the past and into today Groups can even see
G e o r g e Wa s h i n g t o n ' s o u t d o o r b a t h t u b i n nearby Berkeley Springs There is an ample amount of Civil War sites, as well.
G r o u p s c a n v i s i t t h e M a r t i n s b u r g B & O
Roundhouse to see the place once destroyed by Stonewall Jackson's troops in 1861 Men, of course, are not the only participants in the war Check out the Berkeley County Museum, located in the home of Confederate spy Belle Boyd at the aptly named Belle Boyd House
T h e s e o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d m o r e w a i t f o r m o t o r c o a c h t o u r s i n B e r k e l e y C o u n t y F o r i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t t r a v e l w v c o m o r p h o n e (304) 264-8801.
Tri-State Museum and Visitor Center Belle Fourche, South Dakota S m a c k - d a b i n t h e m i d d l e o f t h e U n i t e d States is Belle Fourche, South Dakota – and
514 Poplar St., Columbia, PA www. .org
t h a t i s w h e r e y o u w i l l fi n d t h e Tr i - S t a t e M u s e u m a n d Vi s i t o r C e n t e r T h e c o m p l e x includes not just the museum and visitor cent e r b u t a l s o t h e b e a u t i f u l g r a n i t e c o m p a s s rose Center of the Nation monument, noting t h e t o w n ’s d i s t i n c t i v e s t a t u s , a n d t h e f u l l y furnished Johnny Spaulding Cabin, one of the few two-story pioneer cabins to have survived since the 1870s
Surrounded by lawns dotted with flower gardens and only steps away from the city’s R i v e r W a l k i n f r o n t o f t h e h i s t o r i c B e l l e Fourche River, the Tri-State Museum and Vis-
itor Center is a great place to stop on the road between Mt Rushmore and Devil’s Tower, for a tour of sites as well as a picnic lunch
The museum proper includes exhibits on pioneers, ranching, rodeos, the sheep industry and local business history. Natural history exhibits include geologic and archaeological fi n d s , a s w e l l a s s o m e d i n o s a u r f o s s i l s unearthed from nearby paleontological dig sites
S i g n i fi c a n t e x h i b i t s i n c l u d e p h o t o s a n d information on Belle Fourche WWII hero Don Smith, one of the pilots in the Doolittle Raid
T h e m u s e u m a l s o i n c l u d e s t h e l e s s t h a n heroic story of the most bungled bank robb e r y e v e r , w h i c h o c c u r r e d i n 1 8 9 7 a n d involved an extremely inebriated Tom O’Day
In addition to permanent collections, the museum also features three temporary exhibits and three mini-exhibits which change througho u t t h e y e a r E x h i b i t s f o r t h e 2 0 2 3 s e a s o n include ones on the history of cosmetics, westerns in film and TV, the origins of baseball plus quilting and modern homesteading
The town of Belle Fourche is a little one big in history The name comes from the river that flows there, visited by the famed French fur trappers of the early 1800s The town itself was founded by Seth Bullock, a larger-thanlife western character who was featured in the TV series Deadwood It soon became the place for the internationally-known Black Hills Roundup, now in its 103rd year of showcasing classic rodeo action
T h e O l d We s t l i v e s o n i n t h e m i d d l e –a n d a t t h e Tr i - S t a t e M u s e u m a n d Vi s i t o r Center
Shopping, Dining and Lodging
Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center
Oglesby, Illinois
Starved Rock Lodge, located in Oglesby, I l l i n o i s , i s n e s t l e d i n t h e m i d d l e o f s c e n i c Starved Rock State Park (a National Historic
L a n d m a r k ) f e a t u r i n g s t u n n i n g s a n d s t o n e c a n y o n s a n d s e a s o n a l w a t e r f a l l s S t a r v e d Rock Lodge is the only lodging facility located within the park Built by the Civilian Conserv a t i o n C o r p s i n t h e 1 9 3 0 s , t h e l o d g e i s a u n i q u e, a r c h i t e c t u r a l m a s t e r p i e c e w i t h a
G u e s t s r e m a r k t h a t t h e a m b i a n c e i s m u c h like that of lodges in national parks
T h e m o s t p o p u l a r g r o u p t o u r a c t i v i t i e s a r e t h e l o d g e ’s Tribute to the Stars s e r i e s o f
massive Great Hall anchored by the largest, two-sided limestone fireplace in the Midwestmusical performances The talented singers and performers take guests on a walk down memory lane with their renditions of famous h i t s b y E l v i s P
lunch is included in the ticket price The setting is the historic Great Hall
Trolleys play an important role in the tours offered by Starved Rock Lodge, providing a comfortable way see the region Land and water cruises aboard the Eagle I riverboat offer guests a slow-paced cruise o n t h
h e forests, foliage and wildlife from the Illinois River Tours of the Lodge and guided hikes are often added to enhance the guest’s experience
Starved Rock Lodge features comfy hotel rooms, cabins, an indoor pool complex, the Back Door Lounge, Main Dining Room and Café –all under one roof In warm weather, outdoor dining on the Veranda offers a stunning view of scenic LaSalle County and the Illinois River Valley Starved Rock Lodge is more than a day trip – it is a lasting memory.
View starvedrocklodge com for more information or phone the Lodge at (815) 667-4211 or (800) 868-7625
Outlets of Mississippi Pearl,
At 325,000 square feet, Outlets of Mississippi is the largest outlet shopping destination in the state Offering luxury shopping experiences
at outlet pricing, top-name brands include Polo Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors, Coach and Coach Men, Banana Republic, Gap Outlet, Johnston & Murphy, Cole Haan, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, PUMA, Carter’s Babies and Kids, and many more.
Located minutes from the capital city of Jackson in the city of Pearl, Outlets of Mississippi is the perfect stopping place at the “Crossroads of the South” at the junction of interstates 55/20 and highways 80/49
Yo u w i l l n o t l e a v e h u n g r y a t O u t l e t s o f Mississippi With five restaurants and several snack vendors, there is something for everyo n e E n j o y C h i n e s e a n d J a p a n e s e f o o d , Southern cuisines, a Mexican Bar & Grill, as w e l l a s c l a s s i c A m e r i c a n d i s h e s l i k e h a mburgers and chicken wings Snack vendors offer fresh popcorn, cookies, brownies, sodas and candies, chocolates and frozen yogurt Shoppers can also enjoy ice-cold beers and daiquiris which can be carried around the property
Guests will also find special discounts, a VIP coupon brochure and plenty of tourism information for The Hospitality State at the Vi s i t o r S e r v i c e s We l c o m e C e n t e r W h e e lchairs, strollers and other amenities are also f o u n d a t Vi s i t o r S e r v i c e s w h i c h i s c o n v e -
niently located across from the Food Court and near the bus tour drop-off area
Entertainment is abundant at this family-
f r i e n d l y o u t d o o r s h o p p i n g c e n t e r a n d includes axe throwing lanes and pool tables, e s c a p e r o o m s , s m a s h r o o m s a n d a r c a d e games
O u t l e t s o f M i s s i s s i p p i i s c o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d i n s i d e “ T h e C o n n e c t i o n ” w h i c h i s
within walking distance to some of Mississippi’s best attractions including the state’s o n l y B a s s P r o S h o p s , C a v e n d e r ’s We s t e r n Outfitter, Holiday Inn, Huey Magoo’s Chicken Te n d e r s a n d Tr u s t m a r k P a r k , h o m e t o t h e Mississippi Braves (Double-A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves)
View the Outlets of Mississippi Web site f o r a f u l l b r a n d d i r e c t o r y a n d m a p , s a l e s , e v e n t s a n d m o r e a t O u t e t s o f M S c o m q
P l e a s e l e t u s k n o w a t l e a s t 6 0 d a y s i n a d v a n c e t o e n s u r e t h a t y o u r n e x t i s s u e o f B U S T O U R S M A G A Z I N E r e a c h e s y o u r n e w address. Postcards with changeof-address forms are available at your local post office.
Traveling along Interstate 81, especially in the Virginia area, there are a multitude of caverns that promote t h e i r p r o d u c t W h i c h o n e t o p i c k m i g h t b e hard to decide Luray Caverns is heavily recommended to be your first choice On-site they have a multitude of attractions in addit i o n t o t h e c a v e s , a n d t h e y a r e e x t r e m e l y group-friendly
I f y o u h a v e v i s i t e d t h e C a v e r n s i n t h e p a s t , y o u m i g h t r e m e m b e r t h e 6 8 s t e p s i t took to go down them That is no longer a p r o b l e m R e c e n t u p d a t e s n o w p r o v i d e a sloping path that eliminates the steps The temperature is a constant 54 degrees If you a r e a n i n d i v i d u a l , t h e t o u r s a r e n o w s e l fguided, but groups still have the option of having a guide and it is one that should be taken advantage of
A b o u t o n e h o u r l o n g , y o u t r a v e l a l o n g w e l l - l i t , g r a d u a t e d p a v e d w a l k w a y s T h e chambers are enormous with up to 10-storyhigh ceilings and a seemingly infinite display of stalagmites and stalactites You will see incredibly colorful crystalline cascades, “fried eggs,” clear pools, huge stone columns and breathtaking “draperies ” For many the highlight is when you get a chance to listen to the Great Stalacpipe Organ which you will not find at any symphony orchestra A wonder to behold and awe-inspiring, it is considered the world’s largest musical instrument
On leaving the Caverns there is a wonderful gift shop with an amazing variety of goods at affordable prices next, one can visit the Shenandoah Heritage Village Located on the grounds, it is a short and easy walk It is best to start off with a tour of the Luray Valley Museum It concentrates on the regin’s Shenandoah culture from the 1950s through the 1920s The transitions are well done and it has good flow the centerpiece of the collection is a 1536 Swiss Bible Other highlights are their decorative arts and Civil War displays
Outside the museum is a seven-acre recreation of a small 19th century framing community that includes two houses, a meeting house, a school, a barn, a blacksmith shop,
Luray Caver ns
cottage style gardens and a small vineyard
The Elk Run Dunkard Church served as a barracks for hundreds of both Confederate and Union soldiers during the Civil War It is both remarkable and sad to see the signatures and notes that still are on the walls
Do not miss the Stoney Man Mining Company, which as been carefully recreated and
i s c o m p l e t e o p e r a t i o n s I t i s a f u n w a y t o t e a c h h i s t o r y a n d g e o l o g y T h e H e a r t p i n e
Cafe is not always open but if booked beforeh a n d , y o u m i g h t b e a b l e t o u s e i t f o r y o u r groups
T h e C a r a n d C a r r i a g e C a r a v a n t e l l s t h e
story of transportation from 1725 Besides carriages, coaches and cars, there are also
Highlights include a Conestoga Wagon, a 1908 Baker Electric (and you thought Tesla was the first) and an 1898 Benz that is one of the oldest cars in the country that is still in operating condition
Not to be missed is Toy Town Junction which has a fairly recently acquired collection that includes more than 30 trains Besides the trains there are Playschool sets, lunch boxes, dolls, cars and trucks and circus miniatures Attached to Toy Town Junction is the Stalactite Cafe and Restaurant It has a very limited menu, but is great for a fast meal stop Group packages can be arranged
All the above are included in the cost of admission Add-ons include outside vendors who offer a Garden Maze and a Rope Adventure Park – great for youth groups
Things to Know So That you Book:
• Group rates are very affordable
• There are lower tour operator rates
• It is wheelchair-friendly
• The site has plenty of parking for buses
Any questions, concerns or needs will be handled professionally and in a timely manner For more information contact Luray Caverns, 101 Cave Hill Road, Luray, Virginia, view at LurayCaverns com or phone (888) 443-6551 or (540) 743-6551 q
Welcome to geology’s hall of fame.
Baseball has one. Rock and roll has one. And although it took millions of years, the earth has one, too. And with well-lit, well-paved walkways stretching throughout, you can easily stroll through rooms 10 stories high, marvel at the enormous columns and crystal-clear pools, and of course, hear the world’s largest musical instrument, the Great Stalacpipe Organ.
It’s time to discover the most cavernous caverns on the East Coast. It’s time to discover Luray. For a free brochure, call (540) 743-6551 or visit us online at
The artifacts are accompanied by notes regarding their historiesStudent and Senior Tours
Experience Atlantic City New Jersey
A p i c t u r e t e l l s a s t o r y, m a k e y o u r s a n adventure in Atlantic City, New Jersey A hidd e n g e m a l o n g t h e N e w J e r s e y s h o r e l i n e, Atlantic City offers visitors much more than a seaside destination
Just a short drive away, the destination is the perfect location for visitors to travel to in the comfort of a motorcoach Atlantic City is l o c a t e d w i t h i n a f e w h o u r s d r i v e o f n e a r l y one-third of the nation's population and is easily accessible from many cities along the Northeast
From top-notch dining experiences, luxu r y h o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n s , s p e c t a c u l a r e n t e r t a i n m e n t a n d m o r e , A t l a n t i c C i t y i s ready to entertain you
Looking to relax and recharge? Atlantic City has the answer Pamper yourself at one of our
world-class spas where you will be taken on a journey of pure relaxation From a Himalayan Salt Grotto to Rhythm & Motion rooms, each spa offers an experience of its own Shopping never goes out of season and Atlantic City’s Tanger Outlets The Walk on Michigan and Atlantic Avenues feature more t h an 5 0 n a ti o na l r eta il br an d ou t let s tores s u c h a s M i c h a e l Ko r s , C o a c h , K a t e S p a d e N e w Yo r k , U n d e r A r m o u r a n d Vi c t o r i a ’s S e c r e t j u s t t o n a m e a f e w. N e e d o u t d o o r attire, equipment or accessories? Bass Pro S h o p s i s t h e u l t i m a t e o u t d o o r w o r l d a n d offers the area’s largest selection for hunting, fishing, camping, boating and more
Did you know that Atlantic City is home to more than 50 murals? Stories behind the artists’ w o r k s a r e a s t o u c h i n g a n d m o v i n g a s t h e murals they create, and these permanent public works of art show the heartbeat of Atlantic City
Whether a tour at one of the region’s historical wineries or a trip to nearby Smithville Village for its quaint shops, any time is a good time to visit Atlantic City and the surrounding areas
If you are winding down after a long day o r m e e t i n g u p w i t h f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s , Atlantic City offers a host of happy hour specials suitable for all budgets Sip, sample and let the conversations flow
C o m p l e t e A t l a n t i c C i t y i n f o r m a t i o n a n d k n o w l e d g e a b l e s t a f f a r e a v a i l a b l e t o a s s i s t y o u F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t meetac com/groups
Detroit Princess Riverboat
Grand Ledge, Michigan
T h e a t m o s p h e r e a n d c r u i s e e x p e r i e n c e on the Detroit Princess Riverboat, the largest d i n n e r b o a t i n t h e M i d w e s t , i s u n i q u e a n d
m e m o r a b l e C o n v e n i e n t l y l o c a t e d a l o n g D e t r o i t ’s R i v e r w a l k f o r t h e p a s t 1 8 y e a r s , s h e i s a m e m b e r o f t h e P r i n c e s s R i v e r b o a t s s t a t e - w i d e f l e e t a n d c r u i s e s o n t h e D e t r o i t R i v e r A p r i l t h r o u g h O c t o b e r
A c r u i s e e x p e r i e n c e i n c l u d e s r e s e r v e d s e a t i n g i n a n e l e g a n t , c l i m a t e - c o n t r o l l e d s e t t i n g , a d e l i c i o u s l u n c h o r d i n n e r b u f f e t a n d a c l a s s i c l i v e M o t o w n R e v u e p e r f o r m a n c e G u e s t s h a v e a c c e s s t o outdoor observation decks with seating for enjoyment of the spec-
tacular views, including Detroit and Winds o r, C a n a d a r i v e r f r o n t s a n d s k y l i n e s , h i st o r i c B e l l e I s l e a n d i c o n i c A m b a s s a d o r B r
i d g e
Each event includes a two-hour active cruise with three-to-four hours onboard for guests to enjoy all amenities, including hand-crafted cocktails, gift shop and souvenir photos
Although reserved seating in the premiere a n d s h a r e d b a n q u e t r o o m w i t h i n c l u d e d entertainment is popular, exclusive charter o f a p r i v a t e r o o m l e v e l i s a v a i l a b l e a s r e q u e s t e d f o r w e d d i n g s , f a m i l y r e u n i o n s , graduations, proms, birthday parties and corp o r a t e e v e n t s E a c h p r i v a t e r o o m l e v e l includes a dance floor with a stage for entertainment options.
In addition to Motown lunch and dinner cruises, beer and wine tasting cruises, murd e r m y s t e r y d i n n e r t h e a t e r a n d l i v e j a z z entertainment are offered on select dates R e s e r v e t i c k e t s e a r l y f o r t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e view of the Detroit Fireworks Enjoy a buffet
dinner, cash bar, Motown and DJ entertainment and end the night with the spectacular fireworks display bursting overhead Ticket
s a l e s a r e l i m i t e d w i t h g u a r a n t e e d c l e a rview outdoor seating during this dockside event.
A variety of personalized packages are available to make a private event one your company, friends and family or clients will n e v e r f o r g e t S i n g l e - t i c k e t s a l e s a r e a l s o available for everyone to enjoy the amenities offered
Reservations are available now; contact for group and association discount pricing Dedicated bus parking is five-minutes from the riverfront with passenger drop-off next t o t h e b o a t . T h e v e s s e l i s A DA - c o m p l i a n t w i t h a n e l e v a t o r a n d i s w h e e l c h a i r a n d motorized scooter accessible for passenger c o n v e n i e n c e V i s i t u s o n l i n e a t d e t r o i tp r i n c e s s c o m o r p h o n e a t ( 5 1 7 ) 6 2 7 - 2 1 5 4 for group rates q
20 Ti ps For Succ es s in the Student market
20 Tips on Familiarization Trips (FAMS)
What they are and the best way to utilize them
1. Familiarization Trips. A familiarization trip is just what it says it is – an opportunity to familiarize yourself or get to know an area It is for professionals in the travel industry Take advantage of them There is no better way to sell an area than to know it well The knowledge that you can acquire in a short period of time beats anything you can do online or just through phone conversations, brochures, etc
2 N o t a Va c a t i o n . Do not go on FAMS for a free vacation This hurts everyone in the industry Budgets are limited and money must be spent wisely – that is, on people who want to actively market an area In fact, the best thing to do is to go when you are planning a trip to that destination, or have the intention of putting a trip together for it
3. Sponsorship. Most FAMS are sponsored by CVBs However, there are some that are sponsored by hotels, attractions or usually very large tour companies. The best ones are the CVBs Their only agenda is getting you to come to their area in order to learn as much as you can about it The large tour companies w a n t y o u t o u s e t h e i r p r o d u c t s I f y o u a r e a small or new company, this might work for you
4. Groups and Individuals. Most FAMS are for groups of tour operators, especially the ones sponsored by CVBs However, because these are so costly and require a certain num-
ber to attend or it might be cancelled, some CVBs have gone to individual site inspections That is, you have a potential group going to the area and you need to get to know it better Group FAMS are nice because you get to n e t w o r k w i t h o t h e r s i n y o u r fi e l d a n d exchange ideas Also, if a particular place is no good for your groups, someone else might be able to use it Individual sites hone in on your particular needs; it is always unfortunate when someone has gone out of their way, but their product is just not a good mix
5. How You Dress. Dress nicely How you dress reflects who and what you are and messy jeans, flipflops, t-shirts, etc do not give a good impression Wearing polo shirts with your company brand is a good investment Whatever else y o u d o , m a k e s u r e y o u r c l o t h e s a r e c l e a n ; smelling of body odor or even cigarettes is not the way to make friends and influence people
6 . D o N o t B e R u d e . Yo u a r e t h e r e t o learn and talking while someone else is giving a presentation is just not the right thing to do I n f a c t , b e s u r e t o b e c o m p l i m e n t a r y a b o u t what it is you like about what you are seeing.
7. Do Not Be Negative. You are being subsidized by a group, and they do not want to hear your negative comments If you think something needs to be addressed, do so surreptitiously and with the motive of helping, not hindering, a situation
8. Cell Phone Use. Use your cell phone discriminately Try to make time during the day when you have breaks to call your office
by Paulette Isoldior answer e-mails, texts, etc If you can not stay away from your phone because you have too much going on back at the office, do not go on the trip Send someone who can give their full attention to what is going on
9. Physical Limitations. If you have physical limitations that hinder you from doing the itinerary, do not go We once were on a FAM to Barbados and there was a person with a walker who constantly had to be accommodated This a c t u a l l y k e p t t h e g r o u p f r o m d o i n g w h a t i t should have been able to do because so much time was spent taking care of that person If you have any doubts about you being able to do a FAM because of any problems, be honest and explain those problems to whomever is running the trip and let them make the decision as to whether or not you should go on it
10 Bring Snacks Always bring some snacks with you Many FAMS supply goodies, but some do not You never know when something happens and a meal is delayed or takes time getting to you If you have dietary restrictions, make sure your host knows what they are. Whatever happens, keep your mouth shut and do not complain Just because you do not like something does not mean everyone else does not like it Remember that complaints are like snowballs; they might gather slowly but roll swiftly People spent a lot of time, effort and money on this trip
11. Food and Drink. When it comes to food – if you have certain dietary needs, make sure you tell someone ahead of time If you
do not like what you are served, keep it to yourself
When it comes to alcoholic beverages, be temperate, Yes, if you are at a wine tasting, taste the wines If you are offered something at dinner, one glass is fine. It is deplorable how some people think when free drinks are offered they take blatant advantage of it and end up inebriated Sometimes they can not even function the next day because they have such a bad hangover You are adults This is not a night out with your friends Limit yourself It is the professional thing to do
12. Travel Lightly. You might have to t a k e y o u r l u g g a g e t o y o u r r o o m D o n o t depend on anyone else having to help you
1 3 . E m e rg e n cy C o n t a c t . M a k e s u r e that you give the people in charge a contact name in case of an emergency
14. Get Business Cards. Get business cards (physical or a phone picture) of everyone involved You might think that you might not need a contact, but you never know Better to have and not need, than need and not have
15. Plan Ahead. Before you go familiarize yourself as much as possible with the itinerary so you have some background to fully benefit from what you will be seeing
16 Take Note Take notes of important h i g h l i g h t s a n d t h i n g s y o u n e e d t o h a v e answers to and did not have time to ask
17. Prepare for the Next Day. At night go over the next day Try to figure out if there are questions you need answered Then look at the itinerary and determine what you want to learn
18. Appropriate Tipping. Make sure bus drivers, waiters, hotel maids, etc are tipped appropriately If you can not afford to do this, stay home It is important to be appreciative of what you encountered. It is always nice to take a collection for the host(s) of the FAM –something that reflects how well you were treated A card with everyone’s name on it and some comments should also be included
19 Say Thank You Once back at the office, take the time to e-mail or text thank yous for all the people who made your trip a
success Try to individualize them as much as possible If you are going to use any in the future, make sure they know that
20. Scrapbook. After the trip, keep a scrapbook of it This helps to refresh what you did and saw and is a great reminder of everything It keeps in one place contacts, attractions, hotels, entertainment, restaurants, shopping, etc
Be thankful that there are CVBs out there who make your business a lot easier q
Paulette Isoldi has been in the travel industry since 1974 She and her husband started t h e i r o w n t o u r c o m p a n y i n 1 9 9 2 c a l l e d P a u l - M a r c T o u r s S i n c e t h e n , t h e y h a v e taken people to visit 41 states and many different countries Their specialties are reunion groups, student groups and “foodies ” Please feel free to send feedback and suggestions to paul-marc@verizon net Suggestions on how to get more people visiting bustoursmagazine com Web site and getting locations to invite bus tours are welcome.
Adirondack Railroad 22
Angelo’s Steak & Pasta 12
Atlantic City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Boothbay Railway Village 22
Columbia Gorge
Interpretive Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Conway Scenic Railroad . . . . . . . . . . .23
Detroit Princess Riverboats 19
Galesburg Tourism & Visitor Bureau 17
George Bush Library & Museum . . . . . .6
Heartland Travel Showcase . . . . . . . . .5
Illinois Coal Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Luray Caverns Corporation 15
Martinsburg-Berkeley County CVB . . . .8
Minnesota Transportation Museum . . .6
National Watch & Clock Museum . . . . .9
New York Power Authority . . . . . . . . . .2
Nicholas Beasley Aviation Museum . .18
Outlets of Mississippi 13
Prestonsburg Tourism 17
Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
St Louis Symphony Orchestra 18
Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center 12
Tabasco Factory Tours & Museum . . .18
The Windmill Farm & Craft Market 22
Tri-State Museum & Visitor Center 10
Visit Roswell 21
Visit The Colony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10