7 minute read

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

National Bus Trader The Magazine of Bus Equipment for the United States and Canada



Editor & Publisher Larry Plachno Business Manager Nancy Ann Plachno Typesetting/Page Layout Sherry Mekeel Production/Design/Web Jake Ron Plaras


Safety and Liability Ned Einstein

Dave Millhouser

NATIoNAL BuS TRADER (ISSN 0194-939X) is published monthly by National Bus Trader, Inc., 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064-9015. Subscriptions, $30 (in uS funds) annually.. Printed in u.S.A. Periodicals postage paid in Polo, Illinois 61064 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to National Bus Trader, 9698 W. Judson Road, Polo, Illinois 61064-9015. Change of Address: Please send old mailing label (or old address and computer number) as well as new address. Advertising: Classified ad rate is $30 for first 25 words, 25¢ for each additional word. Rate includes Internet access. Name, address, and phone number are not included in word count. Display advertising rates sent on request. Advertising deadline is the fifteenth day of the 2nd preceding month unless otherwise indicated. Affiliations and Memberships: American Bus Association, The Bus History Association, Family Motor Coach Association, International Bus Collectors, North American Trackless Trolley Association, Motor Bus Society, omnibus Society of America, Tourist Railway Association, united Motorcoach Association.

NATIoNAL BuS TRADER is THE MagazineofBusEquipmentforthe UnitedStatesandCanada.

The contents of this publication may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The name National Bus Trader, the logo incorporating the outline of the united States, and the pricing guide to used buses are trade marks of National Bus Trader, Inc.

National Bus Trader 9698 W. Judson Road Polo, Illinois 61064-9015 Phone: (815) 946-2341 Web site: www.busmag.com Volume XLIV Number 2 January, 2021


A Look into the Future of the Bus Industry (by Larry Plachno) . . .16 Following several requests from readers, your editor tracks down predictions from several experts, organizations and groups on what to expect in the future and applies them to the bus industry. ABA’s Women in Buses Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary of Council Being Part of Industry Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 January of 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the founding of the ABA Women in Buses Council in 2011 to recognize the significant role of women in the motorcoach and tour/travel industry. Who Knew There Would be Math? (by Dave Millhouser) . . . . . . .26 Based on driving an ancient Brill with questionable brakes that required thinking ahead, Dave Millhouser suggests that operating buses also requires long-term thinking, particularly when picking bus suppliers.


We Have Decided to Support the Bus Industry by Going Digital (by Larry Plachno) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Facing the worst problem to ever hit the bus industry, our editor explains why going digital lets us continue to serve the bus industry.

Cover Photo

The MCI J4500 has been the most popular coach on the American market for a decade and a half. This night photo brings out the attractive appearance of this model. To look where the bus industry is going in the future, see the article starting on page 16. MCI.


Equipment News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Bus Equipment People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Safety and Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

We Have Decided to Support the Bus Industry by Going Digital

The first issue of NATIONAL BUS TRADER in December of 1977 consisted of three sheets of paper. Within months the bus industry gave its approval and by the end of the year NATIONAL BUS TRADER was a slick-paper color magazine. Our November 2020 issue completed 43 years of publication. We survived the fuel crisis of 1979, the recession of 1991 and the tragedy of 9/11/01. However, the current pandemic is unprecedented and has had a disastrous impact on the bus industry.

Never before have the bus and hospitality industries been faced with a situation like this. Some attractions have been able to reopen by requiring guests to wear masks and adhere to social distancing. Some buses have been modified and can be used with smaller groups. The overall impact of the pandemic has been devastating. One source says that more than 400 bus operations shut down in 2020. Both the bus and hospitality industries are struggling to survive.

NATIONAL BUS TRADER has been caught in the impact of the pandemic. While many bus operations are struggling to get back on their feet, the industry itself has slowed considerably. Sales of new buses and supplies have declined substantially. While the experts recommend continued marketing in a recession to let customers know you are here for them, many if not most industry suppliers are holding back on marketing for 2021.

The result of this is that NATIONAL BUS TRADER has been faced with an inability to continue offering a print publication. We had only two choices. One was to quit entirely while the other was to switch to a digital format. We have elected to continue to support the bus industry with a digital format until the situation improves.

Many readers and advertisers have recommended for several years that we keep up with the times and go digital. Our sister publication, BUS TOURS MAGAZINE,has offered a digital version since 2003 and has developed a strong digital following. There are several advantages for both readers and advertisers with a digital format.

Readers will appreciate the fact that with eliminating the need for printing and mailing, the digital edition can be available as much as two weeks earlier. Another major advantage is that with many people now working outside of the office, the digital edition can be sourced from home, from the office and even while on the road. Another advantage is that going digital will eliminate the need for address changes when moving.

Advertisers will appreciate the fact that in going digital, we can reduce rates while substantially increasing circulation. There is also a major advantage in marketing since we can hyperlink digital ads to your Web site or order page –thus taking advantage of immediate response from readers.

There are also other advantages. Going digital will eliminate the problems of mailing copies to readers in Canada and other foreign countries. The digital format will also eliminate the need to edit things down to a specific number of pages to fit on the printing press. This will provide more leeway in including material and in offering more articles and more pages.

We ask your patience while we make these changes. Here are the basics:

•Advertisers can phone us at (815) 946-2341 or e-mail us at adv@busmag.com or Nancy@busmag.com to get your message into the digital NATIONAL BUS TRADER.

•Digital editions will be available on our updated Web site at busmag.com.

•For subscribers, if we have your e-mail address we are working on establishing a program to get an e-mail out to you.

•Paid subscribers who have not provided their e-mail address should send them to readers@busmag.com so we can add your e-mail to our list.

•Free issues will be available for those who are not subscribers.

•If you would like to see a return of the print edition, you can encourage industry suppliers to increase their marketing budgets.

Thank you for your past support. We appreciate your continued support in the future so we can continue to help the bus industry in this difficult time.

Larry Plachno Editor

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