The Life Path of Thomas Jefferson The key to President Jefferson's personality is freedom. Thomas loves travel, adventure, variety and meeting new folks. He has got the curiosity of a cat and longs to experience all life have to offer. Thomas likes to be involved in several things at the same time as long as he is not tied down to any single area. President Jefferson likes change, new things and new horizons. He makes friends easily; his upbeat and frequently inspiring personality attracts Thomas has a way with words and an intriguing capability to inspire others. He can be extremely successful in sales, advertising, PR, promotion, politics or any profession that requires communication skills and understanding of people. Thomas Jefferson Quotes are real joy to read. He can also be rash, doing or expressing things he regrets later. Freedom and a need for adventure often isn't properly controlled by those born with this Life Path, causing problems with drug abuse, overindulgence in food or sex, or generally abusing the gift of life. Thomas Jefferson is sensuous and loves to experience firsthand all of life. Sex, food and other sensory experiences are necessary to the delight in his life. He finds it difficult to commit to one relationship, but once committed, President Jefferson can be as faithful as an old dog. Other famous male celebrities that share the 5 Lifepath are: George Michael, Eric Bana, Ryan Gosling, Simon Cowell, Paul Walker, Cat Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, Howard Dean, Willie Nelson, and Gary Cooper.
He is multi-talented and has got a spread of various abilities. However, discipline and focus are the true keys to Thomas' success. Without these, many of the undertakings President Jefferson starts will remain half-finished and he will fail to realize the true fruits of his capabilities. However, with hard work and perseverance the sky's the limit. President Jefferson could be perceived as a wild child by adults, and a source of doubt and worry by his family. However, he should not be forced to hurry his choice of career. He is frequently a latebloomer and needs to experience life before he can truly know and make a commitment to his heart's desire. Thomas Jefferson's challenge is to learn the actual facts about freedom. Change is constant in his world, requiring adaptability and courage. Thomas Jefferson yearns for freedom, and self-employment pulls him powerfully. His challenge is to settle into one area to cultivate his capability adequately to earn money and attain success. Once Thomas Jefferson unearths his niche, the motivation and inspiration he provides others with will bring him much in return, and Thomas will find his friends and comrades supporting and promoting him on the path to success.