THE GIFT of the MARCIA A. RICHTER UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP By Kaitlin Kahn ’21 This past year, I was blessed with the gift of the Marcia A.
before. The impact and significance of this go beyond what
Richter Scholarship. I remember receiving the letter and the
meets the eye. Knowing that I will have to pay back less means
feeling I felt at that exact moment. The joy, relief, and gratitude
that more money can be dedicated to bettering myself and my
that poured over me was immense. To be in the College of
classroom. As a future educator, this is incredibly helpful and
Education at Butler University is a blessing in and of itself. But
relieving to know that there is less burden as a first-year teacher.
then, to be honored a scholarship by a distinguished donor added a whole new layer of gratitude.
accomplish in the future. The first dream I have is to become
I am an Elementary Education
a general elementary school teacher.
Major with a Sports and Recreation
Within my classroom, I hope to inspire
Studies Minor. I chose Butler and
the next generation and equip them
the College of Education because
with the tools and support to make
of the family dynamic, incredible
that happen. Secondly, I have a passion
opportunities, and the feeling of
for wellness and fitness. Within my
home I felt. While worth every
classroom, I want to educate the
penny, Butler comes at a steep
children on nutrition and exercise. I
price. This scholarship helped me
envision doing this through exercise
continue towards my goals, with
as brain breaks and fruit/vegetable
less stress. I am someone who
discovery during morning meetings.
is very conscious of others, my
But, I also want to extend this to my
environment, and the sacrifices
colleagues. My goal is to create an after
others are making for me. Because
or before school workout program,
of this, I often worry about the
led by myself or other local trainers,
stability of my loved ones, financially.
that give staff an outlet to care for
Because of the generosity of the
themselves. Teachers struggle with
College of Education and Marcia A.
stress and burning themselves out. I
Richter, I was able to go about this
would love to provide some wellness
semester with some weight taken
tools that they can use to improve
off my shoulders. With less stress, I
themselves as people and educators.
truly took an even deeper dive into
When I boil it down, I just have a dream
my studies and educational work.
to impact people and help them reach
I believe I took an even stronger
their fullest potential.
approach to my education because I was representing more than just myself. I was representing my family, my professors, Marcia A. Richter, and all those in the College of Education. I know that I have made them all proud thus far and will continue forward with a strong sense of my work and what it represents. As I enter the profession, one thing that crosses my mind is salary and paying back debt. Because of the generosity of this scholarship, I will be coming out of school with less debt than 8
Lastly, I have big dreams and hopes for what I want to
Through the tools I have been given within the College of Education and from the outstanding support of people like Marcia A. Richter, I am confident these dreams can become reality. Words cannot express what this scholarship has meant to me and all that it has provided me. I look forward to positively representing the College of Education and those like Marcia A. Richter, in the future.