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Once there was a little girl called Milly, who was having tea with her Mummy when the telephone rang.

'I wonder who that can be' said Milly's Mummy. 'It can't be the milkman as we don't have one, and it can't be Daddy as he's upstairs. I'd better answer the phone and find out'. So, Milly's Mummy answered the phone and it was Buxton International Festival who needed somewhere for one of their tenors to stay. Milly's Mummy said 'yes, of course', and a few days later Nico the tenor arrived.

Milly and her mummy showed the tenor the spare room, and offered him some tea, but he didn't drink all the tea in the teapot, and he didn't eat all the food in the cupboard, and he didn't drink all of daddy's beer, or use up all the hot water. A week later Nico said 'Thank you for my nice stay' and he left!

That evening, Milly's mummy and daddy walked down the road to Buxton Opera House to see Nico's critically acclaimed performance in ‘La donna del lago’ and they had a very nice evening. They’re now looking forward to seeing Nico in La sonnambula this summer.

The next day they contacted Lee Barnes (Lee.barnes@buxtonfestival.co.uk) to let him know they'd love to have a singer to stay again, and they hope they will!

BIF features the most promising rising stars in the performing arts world, as well as prominent international singers, musicians and literary figures.

Each July our visiting artists need to find accommodation and this is where you can help. The Festival has put together an accommodation list of local people who have kindly offered a spare room in their home for an artist to stay. As the Festival continues to grow in scale we need to find more hosts to welcome artists in to their homes. Those offering accommodation are able to charge rent, though many don't, with hosts asking for up to £100 per week to cover their expenses. Typically hosts will allow a guest staying with them to share their kitchen facilities so they can make their own meals.

If you are able to offer a room for a performer to stay in your home, then we would very much like to hear from you. Please give Lee Barnes a call on 01298 70395 or email lee.barnes@buxtonfestival.co.uk

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