In modern living, it seems so many of us are at odds with the question "Am I living my life, right?", with so many thoughts and opinions on our everyday lives, how can one not question their lifestyle. Our current society is living in one of the most opinionated times, with any and everyone's thoughts and feelings at the touch of our fingers. Life has become so complicated, and messy, and disorganized for so many; with journalists, internet celebrities, and memes persuading the public of some new fad that will truly lead to this overall peace or happiness. This modern way of living is exhausting. We as a people have become obsessed with these ideas of algorithms for happiness, the thought of "if I do this, this, this, and not this, I will truly be happy!". These "algorithms" seem to range from all organic diets, living off the grid, and simply minimalism, it is overwhelming. Society seems to have always looked for a "miracle pill" to fix these problems. While these many writers and thinkers have many differing opinions and thoughts on what will lead to well–being, most seem to agree that cleanliness or tidiness have a positive impact on one's well–being. Merriam–Webster defines well–being as "the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous". As a country so obsessed with the idea of our personal rights, most would agree that our pursuit to happiness is probably the most significant of those rights. After reading through countless articles of well–being, and means of Get
Family Experience Born in December of 1977, I was an early Christmas present to a young couple. My parents chose to adopt because they were told that they could not have children. I was adopted as an infant and my parents were able to take custody of me almost immediately after birth. I was actually the second child that my parents adopted. I have an older sister that was adopted as well. My mother always wanted a large family and she got her wish. My mother went on to give birth to two more children despite the earlier information from her doctors that stated she could not have children. Since I can remember, my parents have told me that I was an adopted child. My baby book has photographs of me in the arms of my mother more content...
Now that I am a husband and a father it is a goal of mine to ensure I keep my work and family life balanced. I strive to focus on the quality of time I spend with my family when I am not able to get the quantity that I wish. I have a challenging career that requires a significant amount of my time and going back to school definitely makes it more challenging. I know that investing my time and energy in my education will allow me to spend more time with my family in the end and enable me to become a better provider. Educational Experience I was raised in a private Christian school as a child. I attended this school until I was in the sixth grade. In the sixth grade, my parents transitioned me to the public school system. I believe the lessons and faith I learned in the private school system have helped me become a better person. When I was younger, I took a great interest in school and did well. After transitioning to the public school system, I lost interest and my grades began to decline. School was never a priority for me and I put very little effort into studying or getting good grades. I have always seemed to retain information rather easily and did well enough on tests to pass classes despite not turning in many assignments. It seemed I always did just enough to pass. In fact, my GPA was just enough for me to graduate. As I got older, I realized the value of education and had flashbacks of all the educators of my past that said, "One Get more content
The Meaning of Life
My few years on this planet have been a bit confusing. I have learned of many aspects of life from which one can draw meaning, if indeed such meaning can be drawn. I have also learned that there can be no singular meaning of life to stand for us all, or even any one of us. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. This is not to be confused with the idea that life has no meaning, for life certainly has meaning. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined – life is different for us all. Therefore, rather than define life for an entire planet, I shall try to explain what life means as I perceive it, and why it means more content...
Life is a complicated twist of suffering, laughing, and learning all merging to tell a great story – or great many stories. Based on this view, "it is not the end goal or outcome of life that gives life meaning but rather the quality of the story, the quality with which one lives out and develops his or her role."
At the time, this event seemed rather insignificant and did not merit remembrance. However, its catastrophic effects on my attitude that evening may have helped to mold me into the person I have become. I learned that suffering through such an event, as childish as it was, is quite necessary in any life. Such pains are part of an interminable cycle and only generate balance in one's life (p. 62, 'Life as Suffering'). Despite my horrid time spent that evening, the laughter brought since the incident is a worthy tradeoff. Laughter is an all too necessary function of life, just as suffering and the wide range of other emotions. "Some thinkers would emphasize the importance of sophistication in humor, but others would say that laughter itself is what is important." Whatever the case may be, laughter is an important ingredient in life, and must not be taken for granted nor ignored.
Despite such emotional ties to life, I have also learned that life is not only about emotions. Those emotions are generated from the chain reactions created endlessly in
During the course of my life I have had many encounters with people from different walks of life than my own, this comes from me moving between different homes due to the joint custody my parents shared over me. Due to the constant change of the surrounding environment I was always in constant flux of having to reacquaint myself with those around me, this led to it being easier for me to accept those that had differing personalities and views from me because I was looking for a type of comradery, however in recent years while I'm not that quick to seek out comradery in such a fashion it doesn't mean that I've become any less accepting of those who have differing views in fact I appreciate it when others have differing views from me for that gives a chance to learn and become more personally invested in another person since it requires learning more about them to get a better understanding of them. When it comes to being nonjudgmental personally I have a policy about being judgmental that was instilled in me from the moment I was born which was further enforced from the constant bullying and teasing I received for my size and odd nature during my youth. My mother used to tell me not to judge anyone for I know not of their home life or what they may be going through at any point and time so I made that a rule to live by. Another example I have of being nonjudgmental was over the summer when I worked as a day camp counselor at the YMCA I worked with a lot of children and most Get
Many people think having a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and having everything you ever wanted. But in my mind, that isn't the perfect life. The perfect life to me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won't forget and creating friendships that last forever. Many people think that when something bad happens in life it is the devil trying to get to you, but you have to use that to motivate yourself to be the greatest you can be. Now here are some of my lifelong lasting memories and stories that motivate me to be the greatest I can be. To start off, I have had many pets in the 13 years I have been alive. But I have one that meant the world to me. Her name was Kemi, and she was an more content...
I remember thinking that they had magical powers to fix almost anything, and they always worked like a charm. This has been the greatest gift I have ever received and I don't know if I would be who I am today if it weren't for those hearts. I have had a lot of memories as a child, but there is one that sticks out the most. A few years ago my family went to Brevard for vacation. Now, this is a place in the middle of nowhere, I was just surrounded by woods. But there was this place we went to down there called sliding rock. Now, this is just a waterfall but runs down a hill so it is like a really long slip and slide. Even though the water was freezing cold, everyone in my family goes in even my dog. This is one of my greatest memories because that was the perfect day in my mind. A person who has the biggest influence on me in my life is a girl named Rachel... she lives in Ireland and came over to spend a summer with my family. She opened my eyes to how life was like in different areas of the world. Even though she only stayed for a summer I formed a lifelong bond and lifelong memories. One of the greatest thing I remember is how she told us there were no bugs in Ireland. That alone was enough to make my mom want to move. We are going to go visit her this summer. You have to learn to see the good in the bad and you have to be the one there when people need you most. If you get this down then you will
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It is indeed true that the finer things in life are free, but what most people fall short to notice is that the greater things in life, however, come with an enormous amount of sacrifice, hardship, persistence, hard work, and determination. Everybody takes advantage of the finer things, after all, they are free and easy! Not everyone, however, takes advantage the greatest things life has to offer. I do not blame them, in all simplicity, It is extremely easy to be indolent. Why put elbow grease in one, when the other is easy? I will tell you why. This is a story of hard work, sacrifice, devastation, confidence, hopelessness, perseverance, and determination. My name is Maria de Los Angeles Delaz, and this is my story.
I was a more content...
To the fifteen year old Maria; life could not be better.
October thirtieth two thousand and seven at eight thirty at night, my Father barged into our home, walked into his room, grabbed a few clothing items and stormed out into the night. An hour later he returned, gave me a kiss on the forehead, told me to tell my sister and brother he loved them very much and left. It is tremendously difficult for me to describe what I felt. It was as if my heart broke in half, my stomach was being punched by a two thousand pound gorilla, and my breath...well my breath was missing in action. To this day, I still believe the pain I felt that night, is greater than the pain in giving natural birth. I recall hurling myself onto my bed and bawling until my mother came home, with my brother and sister in tow.
It was the hardest, most devastating time I have ever gone through. A couple of weeks after my Mother told us that my Father and her determined to finalize the divorce, Mom told us that she had decided to share her life with Stacie, a close friend of hers. I am a very opened minded person, but the change from seeing my Mother hug my Father, to seeing her hug a woman, was something I needed more time to adjust to. Stacie was and still is astounding with my family and I. Stacie helped us fill the void the divorce had caused inside our hearts with love and new activities the family began to
As a very small child I don't remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen through a child's eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory's with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student.
Its funny how as a child you look at things. As time passes, those same child memories become life experiences as an adult. It is stated that Environmental assessment is closely related to the impact environment makes more content...
I lost my little brother in 1982 at age 22 in an accident at my parent's home. Robbie was taking down a C.B. antenna and it struck a high power line that ran into the local General Motors plant. Robbie was killed instantly. As Erickson's stated in his psychosocial development theory, "which refers to the development within the social environment in which a person lives, primarily focusing on relationships with other people" (Simanowitz & Pearce. 2003). This had brought back memories of how my relationship was when we were little. I was always kind of upset with Robbie because he was one of those kids that had that natural athletic ability. Robbie could run faster and throw better, do everything better when it came to sports, but the real reason I was mad at Robbie most of my childhood life was because every time something went wrong, I always got the blame and in trouble. Mom would say "You're older you should have known better" Yes she was right most of the time I did know better. I was the middle child and I was always the one that got into trouble even though Robbie might have done it first. I had a good childhood for the most part, I can't remember not doing without the things that I really needed as a child. Things like clothes, food, shelter and love from a family. I recall having my favorite things
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When my teacher said "good morning" to me on the very first day of school, I knew that she would be teaching a tough subject. She didn't get any answer for that greeting because back then, I knew nothing about "good morning". Surprisingly, as I went through the class session on that day, I realized that "good morning" wasn't the first English phrase that I'd known. English has been rooted in my society long before my country achieved its independence and shockingly I've used some of its words in my daily speech without realizing it because the words were fully modified by the society so that they could be installed smoothly into our language. Learning English was always an interesting yet tough more content...
When someone speaks English in my society, he or she feels a sense of withdrawal because they are set apart to a very small group in the society. People tend to belittle this group for speaking other languages, and normally they will end up speaking their first language to comply with the larger group in the society. With all these reasons, my interest towards English was completely gone when I enrolled in secondary school, six years after my formal `encounter' with the English language. For having this negative feeling, I became a member of a large group of students who had never realized the significance of the English language. One day was unusually dull. I was waiting for the teacher to come to the class and instead of revising my past English lessons that I rarely cared about, I prayed that she wouldn't show up that day. After ten minutes' wait, she entered the class saying "good morning". The greeting didn't bother me much, but when she came to me asking for the assignment that she gave the day before, I was speechless and I just gave her the blank handout that I was supposed to complete for that day. Her face showed no emotion and with that she ripped the paper into pieces. That day marked a massive change in my attitude toward English lessons and the English language in general. The incident was very important to me because I then realized that even in a subtle way, language represents people and to respect the language means to respect
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Every person in life must go through changes in their lifetime. Some are drastic changes and some are minor changes, but either way, a person must learn to cope with all of sorts of them. Change can take the best out of someone or it can bring the worst out in someone, for example, going to a new school, getting a new haircut, anything can make a difference in a persons life. In my situation, the most enormous change must have been coming to the United States with my family and trying to adjust to a new lifestyle. While growing up in a family of five people including myself, coming to a new country was a horrid experience. Being ten years old myself, things became harder more content... Since I began to be very fluent in English, I would always speak it. School friends would come over and we would speak English, it slowly became my first language and I began to slowly drift from speaking Armenian. Although I never forgot Armenian, while watching television everyday in English or reading English books, my life involved speaking more English than Armenian. Throughout all of this, there was one negative part, while speaking a language my grandmother did not understand at all, she began to think I was hiding things from her or keeping secrets, which was not the case at all, I was just used to speaking English. There was a great amount of improvement, which was needed in all of this, so my family and I came up with a plan to fix all of this. My parents began to go to night class to learn English while I began to speak to them in English so we can all get used to it. While all of us were not on the same wavelength as each other, it all seemed to fall into place one way or another. This seemed to reduce tensions in our family and released a large amount of stress off me. My family and I went through many tough times together, but we all seemed to get through all of it. My father had always been the backbone of the family, but since he came to an unfamiliar place,
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My Life
I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica. He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my twosiblings, and I to join him in California.
My more content...
I was in ESL programs until I entered junior high school. Learning the language, and trying to keep up with the class work was a challenge for me. Having friends who spoke my language, and the English language as well was an advantage I had. Having that extra help and support really made my school experience challenging, but exciting as well. Remembering the support I received from those friends creates a need in me to do the same for other people. I don't only believe that the support that I can give to migrant students as a Mini–Corps student will help them in succeeding in school, but I believe that an appreciation for school can be gained as well, and hopefully bring insight for continuing their studies beyond high school. As I improved in my English I also grew an interest in writing. I enjoyed my English classes, along with my math classes too. My interest grew and grew, and I joined summer girl programs. After participating two year, I became a mentor to those new peers coming into the program. I worked with teachers in Science, and in Math classes. I also participated in the volleyball activities, and group activities. This is when I realized I wanted to work with youth my whole life. My interest in English, and my interest in being a role model to youth made me decide to become an English teacher, especially working with students whose first language is not English.
Now, I am a college student. I first went to UC Santa Barbara, where I dealt with more
Road trips make for great writing, especially if you are driving alone. All you have is the road and your thoughts. Even the radio is turned off eventually, as silence takes precedent. This was my experience a few weeks ago, driving home from a pseudo–family reunion. My first thoughts were basic; what I had to do the following week, how great it had been to see all my friends, and how good Jordan had looked that weekend. Yet, as my drive progressed, my thoughts began to wander. I began thinking about my life; what I had already accomplished and what was still waiting for me. I realized that there are so many things that I want to do before I die. I quickly sorted through them in my mind and this is what I discovered.
I want more content...
Just once, I would like to see the smile on a child's face who is receiving a Christmas gift for the first time. This would be an exceptionally humbling and rewarding opportunity.
My sister and I have always dreamt of backpacking through Europe. I would like to share that experience with her. So that someday when we are old and forgetful, we can make inside jokes about the beautiful men we flirted with in Prague and smile at the memories of brownies in Amsterdam. I long to spend my honeymoon strolling down the Champs–Elysee in Paris, standing in the corridor of Notre Dame, and kissing my husband on the top of the Eiffel Tower. I want to travel. I've been to many places, including Australia, Russia, and Costa Rica, but there are still many places that I would like to visit. I want to stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial and feel pride for my country. I would like to walk on a glacier in Alaska. Someday I would enjoy the pleasure of walking through the tulips in the Netherlands and scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. These are the places I've seen in my dreams.
There are so many things I want to learn how to do. I want to learn how to take photos. Not just simple pictures, but those masterpieces that make people stand back and admire them. I want to learn how to sail; someday standing on the bow of a boat, staring at the horizon. Just me and the water. Someday I want to be able to play the great pieces of Mozart and
One's dream and aspirations to supersede in life must be stronger and greater than limitations set forth by others. The experience that were bestowed to me during my short life has elevated me to the woman I am today. Please walk with me as I give you the opportunity to see the world from my eyes:
To be the person that I am now, I had to reflect and accept accountability of my past actions. My past is one that many would love to erase from their memory, a past, which remained dormant, until I found myself. The steps involved in regaining myself encompassed letting go of my anger and self pity. I had to look within myself and see my self's worth, which lead to my belief that I
ran away to college to forget my past.
During the more content... Put education first and everything else will fall into place." I didn't realize how true these words were, until I came face to face with my past. My last year in college, changed the whole course of my life. Near the end of my junior year, I befriended a guy, who never would become my boyfriend. I knew he was infatuated with me, so I lead him on. He ended up stalking me and making several death threats. I never understood the phrase "in fear of your life", until then. Tallahassee Police Department(TPD) got involved but there wasn't much they could do except file a police report and wait. This was a very frightening time in my life and consequently I became very disconnected with life. I never provided TPD with my stalker's name, in fear that he would kill me if I did. I moved to a different apartment complex across town, thinking that it would make all my problems go away. He ended up finding me and making more serious death threats against me and my family if I didn't leave Tallahassee.
I had a mental breakdown after the last death threat and I left Florida State University my senior year, I went back home to deal with my traumatic ordeal. I quickly transferred to Florida International University and graduated the following year with my graduating class at Florida State. Graduation day should have been one of the happiest days of my life, but instead I was terrified Get
This explains the beginning of my life all the way to the end of my life. My life from the beginning was very fun as I grew up living with my mom's friend and my friend. But there were a lot of fights and I was very hyper back then. I have ADHD so back then when I was little; I was very hyper and wouldn't stop moving around the place. I always was annoying back then and never seemed to get my homework done at school. I was born at Kaiser Hospital during the year 1996. The first place I lived was on the street Via Harriet and was right next to a train. It was always noisy when the train passed by because it shook the house and scared all the animals. It wasn't the best place to live, but we eventually moved to the hills, I don't more content...
Overall I know that I'm going to graduate because I'm pushing hard and all I need to finish is my Cyber High and keep up my grades and I will graduate. I want to go to Chabot College because it's the closest place to go to. I am planning to get my associates degree then transfer to Cal State East Bay University. I don't exactly know the requirements of classes to get into Cal State, but as long as I get my AA degree I should be fine. I am focused on technology and computers; I like to choose classes that can be similar to wiring or soldering. I am not that sure if I would be more focused on computers or wiring, I think an Internship might help me out. My career would be Technician or Electrician because I'm focused on electricity and wanting to discover what would happen without getting electrocuted. I'm still unsure if I just want to work on physical components on the computer. I used to work on computers a lot, but it got boring and I can't do it as great now. Soldering is interesting for me because I get to repair broken wires, being able to strip a wire. When striping a wire, you get to know how the wire is connected. I think a life event for me is to grab my master's degree, which is what I'm focused on. That's like the best degree to get, but it's really difficult to receive. I wouldn't like going to years and years of education, but it's totally worth it. Getting a higher degree affects the amount
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