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Literary Elements Of A Short Story

Short stories have many different literary elements and, you can compare all of them. All stories have something in common and something different about them, that make them unique. The short stories, Contents of a Deadman's Pocket, The Leap, and The Trip all have elements of literature in them. The elements that are the most important are theme, characters, setting and conflict. One of the similarities between The Leap and The Trip is theme. Both stories have a theme of, sometimes taking risks can lead to a much better life. In The Leap Anna marries a new man after her first husband died in a tragic accident, which is a big risk. In the story, the narrator describes her mother's ex–husband dying as "When her hands did not meet her...show more content...

Both characters work hard to make a better life for themselves and their families. Murad works all day but it does not pay enough to help his family. On page fifty, Murad thinks to himself "sometime on this flimsy boat and then a job, he'll work in the fields like everyone else, but he'll look for something better." Murad even tries to go to another country to a good paying job for himself and his family. Tom works nonstop day and night to climb the social ladder at work. The author describes Tom working as "On four long Saturday afternoons he had stood in supermarkets counting the people who passed certain displays...gone over page by page in scattered half hours at work and during lunch breaks evenings at home." Tom works hard to make money for him and his wife. However, Anna from The Leap is different. She does not need to work hard for her family because she is blind. Her daughter describes it as "Until now that is, and it remains the greatest difficulty of her blindness." Anna could do anything until she went blind and now her children must work hard for her, so she does not have to work hard. Tom and Murad have similarities but Anna has different characteristics then both. The stories Contents of a Deadman's Pocket, The Trip and The Leap are all similar in the way that the setting causes the conflict. In The Trip, Murad lives in Morocco by he tries to get to Spain and when he gets there problems occur. On page 55 when he


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