The title of your publicationThesis Statement For Friendship Essay

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Theme Of Friendship In The Great Gatsby

Friendship, the most concrete connection that two people can have. Friendship is described as the strongest form of interpersonal bond between two individuals. I believe that friendship is about being there for him or her, trusting that person, and when something dramatic happens, that person is there for you. The friendships that are presented in Fitzgerald's, The Great Gatsby, are Nick and Daisy, Nick and Gatsby,and then finally the friendship between Daisy and Jordan. Nick and Gatsby's friendship though questionable in the beginning ends in something real and meaningful. Daisy and Nick are family, but don't have a close relationship, Nick doesn't like that she wants so much attention. Daisy and Jordan are friends of circumstance, seemingly only to the fact that they are both female and come from money. This astonishing novel is about a gentlemen named Nick Carraway and his narrative on his life at a very dramatic and confusing time. He travels to visit his cousin, Daisy Buchanan who is married to Tom Buchanan in the town called West Egg. Daisy and Tom are wealthy like Nick but unlike Nick, they are selfish. Nick meets a interesting man named Jay Gatsby who is also wealthy but holds many secrets. Gatsby befriends Nick because he has a fascination for Daisy and thinks he will get to be around her more. Daisy and Gatsby start an affair. Tom has many affairs but with one women in particular named Myrtle Wilson. Tom finds out about Gatsby and Daisy's affair and tells George

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Argumentative Essay About Friendship

Do you have friends? Most likely, you answered yes, but I'm asking do you have "true friends"? I use quotes because my understanding of the general populous concludes me to believe people don't have real honest, genuine, friends. These superficial friendships I speak of lead to a disastrous chaos, betrayal, and most importantly: a broken heart. Friends are those who look out for each other, those who will abort any personal objective for you at the drop of a hat. These aspects show a real friend, these aspects describe Rachel Stephenson. Rachel and I have a loaded history of friendship over the past seven years. We've seen each other through thick and thin and have always supported each other through each trial. Rachel is someone I consider a true friend from her loyalty to empathize with me, no matter the situation. This girl has stood by my side through my drooling days of elementary schools, always willing to talk to me: the new dorky kid at school. In my awkward preteen days, I would practically stick to her like glue yet she never got annoyed. Rachel would never mind countless teachers screaming at her just so she could talk to me in class. She's always bought me a Christmas present every year, with the most sentiment a person could ever receive. Though it has been trifling years of anguish for the loss of loved ones and melancholy situations, Rachel has never abandoned me. One time, Rachel stood up to my father while I was getting screamed at for failing the seventh

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Maintaining a True Friendship

Making friends for a lot of us comes naturally, but maintaining these friendships may become somewhat difficult. This is because true friendship cannot survive without these three aspects: Love, Respect and Honesty. If any of these aspects are lacking in thefriendship, it will slowly disintegrate. True friendship needs equal shares oflove, respect and honesty. Therefore, to maintain true friendship, you need the whole package, just not apart of it.

Love is naturally a part of any relationship. In a friendship, love can mean so many things. It means being there when your friend needs you, no matter what the circumstances may be. It means listening to your friend's problems and giving them advice more content... Love ties in to respect, which is another important part of true friendship.

Respect in a friendship is just not given, it's earned. Friends usually earn this respect by showing how much they love and care for eachother. But respect is also giving eachother personal space and knowing when to back off if they invaded in that space. Also respecting eachothers opinions, even though they might not be the same as yours. Standing behind your friend when they are facing a problem caused by another person or situation also shows respect for eachother. When each person in the friendship feels loved and respected, they feel that the can trust eachother and that's where honesty comes into the picture.

Honesty is a fragile aspect of true friendship. It can easily make or break a relationship. Honesty means to be yourself, do not pretend to be someone else. Your friend will love you for who you are. Don't keep secrets that could destroy your friendship, if they ever came to surface. Tell your friend the secret as soon as you can and they will respect you even more for being so honest. The biggest part of honesty is betrayal. Never betray your friend by talking behind their backs because once you say something, even if you don't mean it, you can never take it back.

In conclusion, one could realize that it takes not one, not two, but the three aspects that we just covered to maintain true friendship. Love, Respect and Honesty all tie into one

Essay about Maintaining a True Friendship
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In life you have good friends and bad friends,which includes many types of friendships.An example of friendship can be found in John Steinbeck's novella "Of Mice and Men". The two main characters George and Lennie seemed to have a good friendship.After reading and analyzing this novella, I believe that George overall was not a good friend to Lennie.

George tells Lennie that if he was alone , life would be so easy. How do you tell your "friend" that? Then he mentions how if he was alone , he could get a job and work with no trouble. He talks about Lennie as if he was a bother. George also mentions how he could eat alone at any place he wants,hotel or any place and order anything he could think of.

George is overall rude and constantly more content...

That is not "caring" for someone and also I think that the main reason he stayed with Lennie and stuck by him was of pure guilt .George would also repeat how life would be easier if he was alone and basically what he could do without Lennie.One key concept and evidence that George is not a good friend to Lennie is that you do not under any circumstance kill your friend.

In conclusion, I believe that overall in the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck ,George was not a good friend to Lennie. George did take care of Lennie but,in my point of view, not because he actually cared for Lennie.George never once mentions how he cares for Lennie or how much he loves his companionship but does mention how easy life would be without him and if if they were related he would kill himself .Yes George looked over him and stuck by him but in most cases Lennie would have been better of being with someone

Why Is George Not A Good Friend To Lennie
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Thesis Statements


Question: Is it easier to keep in touch with your relatives and friends who are living abroad with the help of Facebook?

Thesis: If Facebook is interested in getting people to use it as a platform for connectivity to bridge the physical distance should improve effectiveness of its facilities.

Unlike the old days now it is quite easy to communicate with friends and family thanks to Facebook. It doesn't matter if the person who you want to contact is living in another country or if the person is your neighbour you can talk to them through Facebook.


Question: – Organizations who advertise on facebook do they have a bigger customer base compared to the ones who don't?

Thesis: – Organizations more content... They consist of ideas, typically encased in circles or boxes of some sort, and connections between ideas demonstrated by an interfacing line connecting two ideas. Concept maps were developed in 1972 in the course of Novak's research program at Cornell University where he sought to follow and understand changes in children's knowledge of science. Over the span of the exploration exertion, it turned out to be certain that concept maps were valuable not exclusively to speak to the adjustment in youngsters' comprehension of a theme, yet they were likewise an astounding apparatus for the partaking graduate understudies to express their comprehension of their courses. (, 2017)

Concept maps gives an awesome help for understudies to produce and conceptualize new thoughts, find new ideas by associating each other and

Thesis Statement On Facebook

incorporates more seasoned ideas

With new ones enabling them to or giving them the capacity to effectively assess any given point easily. What's more, the learning could be extraordinarily improved by assessing such. By shaping a contention through possess thinking and intensive investigation done on the said point, it makes the Concept outline more profitable archive. As it requires particular wording to represent the required thought, it even encourages an understudy to grow their

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Thesis About Family

Chapter I


1. Introduction

Family is very important part of our everyday life. It helps us in improving our personality. It also helps us in shaping our life. It teaches us the value of love, affection, care, truthfulness and self–confidence and provides us tools and suggestions which are necessary to get success in life. Family is a place where you can be yourself. It is a place where you are accepted for what you are. This is where you are completely tension free and everyone is there to help you. Family encourages you when you are surrounded by problems. It helps you survive through tough times and bring joy and happiness into life.

Decency is very important in the communication of daily life. more content...

Psychologists believe that a child learns the most from his or her family life. The way your family members deal with you has a life long effect on your personality. Keeping in view all these facts the importance of your family life cannot be denied. Family unit happens to be the most important part of your life till you grow up. The children are usually closer to their parents and their siblings as compared to any other person in the world. As the children grow up they find good friends, spouses, their own kids and colleagues to share their lives with. Although time brings this change but the importance of family remains there. The children who have a sound family background and who belong to a family with strong family ties are almost always happier. Thus one cannot deny the importance of family life.

The life with your family is very important it plays a major role in your development into the person you become. The goals you set for yourself in your life are very much dependent on the life you have with your family. Those children who belong to the families which have a rich education background tend to learn more. They are interested in learning more and thus it is easy for their parents to get them educated. Similarly, for example, children who belong to a family from which a few of the people are in the field of professional sports, the kids tend to have an interest in sports and they also

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Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying

Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that possesses on social media.

For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills, however, negative effects which is cyberbullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content...

There are many causes for Cyberbullying to occur.

The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of

several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things.

Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our

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Breakup of a Friendship"

A friendship is a bond and connection between two people who are able to trust, support, understand, communicate, and love each other. A friendship also provides a shoulder to lean on when in need. If a friendship does not have those qualities then it is not a real friendship. All friendships are not perfect, but friends still care for one another regardless of the situation. A friend supposed to be there for each other for better or for worse and through thick and thin. I have many friends, but sometimes I find myself forgetting the true meaning of a real friend. Therefore, I have to ask myself who is really here for me. Do I really have many friends? Who is a friend and who is an associate, or do I have neither? Knowing the difference between an associate and a friend can be hard sometimes. There are more selfish ways with an associate than a friend. Associates are only there when they feel they need to be there. You also cannot tell if they are here for the good or for the bad. They will talk about a person behind their back and misguide them at the same time. A true friend will assist you instead of hurt you, unlike associates. Chelsee is someone that I've known for years. I like to socialize with her because she is different. She is a great person with a great personality. Her sense of humor keeps me laughing, and I love that she is out–going. She is also talkative, active, smart, and unique. Although she has so many great qualities, Get

Personal Essay : The Breakup Of A Friendship
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My Experience With My Friends

Growing up I could identify my friends whom I found to be more sensitive, friendly and imaginative. These were the friends that I could turn to when I had a problem I needed to talk through or someone who was sincere and honest in their advice while being mindful of my feelings. I could also identify with these friends because I have always been one to make sure everyone else is taken care of before myself. These "blues" are the most genuine people I have met throughout life, but I have also found in my classroom. Just three days ago, one of my students answered a question that normally does not volunteer to participate. He answered correctly and his fellow peer whom he is not within the same social circle could not be more proud of him. She was astonished and proud of his answer and continued to whisper (loudly) across the room good job with her thumbs up until he realized her recognition and smiled back with a thank you. I was so proud to have this student in my classroom showing such compassion for another student. This generation is criticized for only thinking of themselves and although not untrue, it is moments like that, that remind me of how lucky I am to have blues in the classroom. As blues strengths including caring for others and sharing their emotions are compromised by them feeling hurt or treated unjustly, they take it personally. It's important to reassure and validate their feelings. Lastly are the students who carefully analyze my words, actions,

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There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content...

They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition. We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even thething we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed. Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get the best scores

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Thesis Statement: The success of any relationship relies on one's ability to communicate well. Communication is important in relationships as it allows us to share our interest, concerns, support each other; organize our lives and make decisions; and it allows us to work together. Effective communication is based on the way we talk and listen, how we respond and our body language. We can all learn how to improve the way we communicate. It takes more than words to create a safe, exciting and secure relationship. Too often the signals we send are not those we intend to send. When this happens, both connection and trust are lost in our relationships. When we communicate, we can say a lot without speaking. Our body, our posture, tone more content...

There is nothing that keeps a relationship strong and going healthy, better than understanding and once established communication is created many become more familiar with communication and the different ways we can communicate.. When communication involves talking to our family, friends, people in general, people tend to turn to their others first (partner, spouse, friends etc) when things are not running so smoothly in their relationship. They automatically start pointing the things that is or isn't doing well. People always tend to turn to their partner first when things are not running so smoothly in their relationship. Remember, it is very easy to see other people's mistakes, but not as easy when taking a look at yourself, it is much harder to accept criticism, even from yourself– because no one wants to be wrong. This is where we need to get real about things. Communication is not about who is right or wrong, but instead about helping each other see things from each other's perspective, so that you can be on the page and avoid any misunderstanding that will cause unneeded arguments. Communication is not so complicated, once there is understanding in addition to understanding what the right way communicating is and what methods of communication works for you and your communication best. Effective communication cannot happen on its own or with the efforts of only one person.

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Everyone has their own definition of what a friend is and what qualities they should obtain. To many individuals true friendship is represented by how long an individual has known someone and maintained to stay close with them through that time. However true friendship means more than just a timestamp or who lives down the block from one another. Truefriendship is a trait that is not found in every person met throughout a lifetime. It's not always measured by the amount of time individuals have spent together but it's more about the relationship created during the time spent with one another. To many individuals true friendship means having someone who respects them and supports them through every aspect of their life

There are many friendships that can last twice as long but at the end of the day the friendship is not as strong as the one of two years. Being able to have someone that can be trusted with anything and everything, and knowing that at the end of the day everyday they will always be there, that is true friendship. No matter the distance, time, and any other factors, at the end of the day, they're still there. Being there does not have to be a physical gesture as much as it must be a mentality that they will never leave. Being able to provide support and advice, that is true friendship. Being able to put others before themselves in order to make everyone else happy. That is true friendship. True friendship is based off of qualities not a label or time stamp. There are many friendships that can last two times as many years but at the end of the day the friendship is not as strong as the one of multiple years. Personally I have experienced both ends of the spectrum as I have kept strong relationships with people through the years but still manage to be closer with people I have known for half the amount of time. This is evident in my life when I look back and see how I have known two of my best friends, Jenny Koerner and Kendra Paez for only four years now, but they have shown me more in these years than an individual I have been friends with since birth. This is shown through their support of me the last few years. All my life I was the bigger kid when it came to size and when I got to highschool

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Friendship Essay: What Makes A Good Friend?

A friend is someone difficult to find. A friend is someone you can always count on when times are tough. The dictionary's definition of a good friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A good friend is there when you are struggling. For example, when a boy breaks your heart a good friend walks you through it and offers a shoulder to cry on. According to Bree Neff, a good friend is someone who is trustworthy, doesn't talk behind your back, listens to your problems, gives good advice and tries to lend humor along with his or her support. There are also bad friends, those who pretend to care and then turn around gossiping and starting drama. Good and bad friends are all around you, involved more content...

You want friends that show they care and do not resent your achievements. A good friend sees good in your accomplishments; because of this they will not want you to do poorly and will always be looking out for you, hoping you do your best. A trustworthy friend is someone you can count on no matter what. They are someone you can call in the middle of the night and vent to, or just talk. They are someone who, if they say they are going to do something, they do it and don't bail out. Good friends are people with whom you can talk to and trust with your secrets. You can tell a friend anything and know they won't open their mouth just for the fun of it because they like and respect you too much to hurt you. If you have something you feel like you can't tell anyone about, they are the friends you can tell. A good friend is someone who when you tell them personal stuff you don't have to worry, you know your secret is safe. Trusted friends are those you can tell your flaws to and know your revelations are safe. Sometimes after you tell people certain information you think: "What in the world was I thinking?" but a trustworthy person won't ever make you feel like that. What is a loyal friend? A loyal friend is someone who never lets you down. They are someone who does things with you even though these things maybe totally boring, but they still do them. Loyal friends won't back out at the last second. They stick with Get more content

Novel Study – Sula Sula by Toni Morrison highlights the themes and expectations that we have been discussing throughout the course. This story illustrates the community expectations for women. A strong basis for a thesis statement for the book Sula could be betrayal. Betrayal in the novel Sula is the central theme that changes the course of life for all characters involved. One example of betrayal happens when Sula sleeps with Nel's husband. Another basis for a thesis statement could be a mother's love. In Sula, Morrison revitalizes a theme that is explored in much of her writing: the nature and limits of a mother's love. When you consider the character of Eva, she is an example of what a mother's love is and the lengths a more content...

Sula wanted nothing to do with a husband that would betray her and cheat on her and come home and just be horribly mean to her. I think the biggest emotional obstacle Sula endured was watching her mother burn to death. Sula went through an obstacle course of emotions and relationships. Poor choices were made, which led to her ultimate demise, however, her demise was her own choice. It was pretty ironic how the dislike for Sula brought the community together. With their dislike for Sula they forgot about the problems they had with each other. The climax of the story is when Nel finally confronts Sula. Each girl carried demons, guilt, and frustration over their lives and their choices. Nel finally vents her anger and pain and asks for an explanation from Sula. Nel's " thighs were truly empty and dead too, and it was Sula who had taken the life from them" (Morrison pg. 110–111). After leaving Eva at the home, Nel is so upset that she heads to Sula's grave. She sadly thinks about how none of the townspeople mourned her death. Nel calls out for Sula and it is then she finally forgives her for cheating with Jude. She starts crying, for the first time in years. Nel finally finds peace by grieving for Sula. When reading that part I think it was then that she realized it was Sula who she was missing & not Jude. When reading the story I couldn't help but feel mixed emotions for Sula. It was a combination of sadness for all

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Nowadays, making friends on internet has been popular throughout the world. People search for new friends, soul mates, or confidants. The internet has become an important tool to connect people with each other. Since the internet is so convenient, making friends may no longer be a problem. On the other hand, Internet Friendship may lead to some troubles because some people make get cheated online. I strongly disagree with the establishment of relationships through internet because I think friends on internet friends are different from real life friends. No one knows what their purpose is. From my past experience, the relationship with internet friends does not last long because they often come and go easily. There are some negative more content...

Some parents are not aware of dangers of internet that brings to their children particularly making friends through internet. For example, their children might get cheated with someone else on internet and their children will not tell what happen to them when they encounter danger. According to BBC News, a 47 year old man defrauded a 13 year old girl online and asked to meet face to face. Luckily, the girl's mother found out beforehand or else her daughter might be in danger. From this news, we can see that there internet friends are not always honest and they are more likely to consider as un–trustful strangers. Therefore, parents should concern more about their children, teach them about the dangers of making friends on internet, and avoid them from going out with a stranger. With the development of internet, people are able to meet new friends who have the same interest or hobby through the internet. Although, it is easy to make friends on internet, people do not know whether the person they are talking to is good or bad. Some people will also spend most of their time on internet which leads them to less interaction with friends and family. Parents should concern more about their children while they are meeting new friends on internet. Although the internet allows people to stay in touch with distant family and friends, I think the negative effects

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Making Friends Through Internet

Love vs Friendship

Friendship, on the other hand, is the mutual affection established between two people. It can be called an interpersonal bond established between two individuals. A bond established out of sympathy, care, honesty, altruism, understanding and enjoyment.

Love is a feeling that cannot be defined in words. It's an expression; an unsolicited expression. It is a feeling that comes in our heart in an unanticipated manner. It is indeed an expression which never follows the laws of nature. The passions seems to be inflated when someone happens to fall in love. Love is unpredictable, it cannot be justified, but can just be intensified.

There is a very minor difference between the definitions of Love and that of friendship. more content...

The utmost care for the day long, the continuous meets and the friendly dates began to change the scenario. And it was not the girl's fault when she began to feel for her so called just–friend. Love cannot be planned! As simple as that. He knew that she was somebody else's girlfriend. She knew she had to keep herself bound to the relation of friendship. But, then you cannot go against the laws of the heart! Because heart has no laws. You cannot stop anyone from feeling anything. So, within a month, they became far more than the "so called friends". They did realise that. But, they remained under the label of friendship. They didn't acknowledge their feelings for each other. However, they had everything which did not happen between friends. The label of friends was still there. It was something which was leading towards disaster. She was still someone else's! She was COMMITTED. So the love begun to show it's way, once again. This time not between, Isha and Tanuj, but between she and her boyfriend. She realised that she was doing something wrong. And then at times, love settles all complications, frustations everything. The feeling of being in Love does that. So the love overtook again.

With no second thoughts, she dismissed her friendship with her

Love And Friendship Essay: Love Vs. Friendship
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English 3

May 18, 2015 A Persuasive Thesis Statement on Youth and the Internet Dangers of the Internet, Fact or Fiction?

Today's youth are tomorrow's leaders. They are our future. So what kind of leaders are we creating? What affects the way our children grow up today? Popular opinion today says that excessive use of the internet is damaging to the youth of the world in many ways. One of the most significant beliefs is that kids today don't exercise enough because they are on the computer all the time and that this will lead to a host of serious health problems including obesity but also other types of physical damage to the body such as "harmful impacts on their eyes, backs, and wrists" (Shields and Behrman). Another significant belief is that children are hurt emotionally because they become more isolated (Shields and Behrman). This would seem to imply that the future of our world was in jeopardy. But Even though spending too much time on the computer takes time away from exercise and social interactions, the popular belief that excessive use of the internet is damaging today 's youth is not accurate because the internet, including social media, allows youth to keep up with technology and its vast amounts of information while actually feeling more connected to the world, not isolated. Furthermore, this connection allows youth to participate more freely in the world around them giving them more power in the world (Castells).

Much study

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Friendship Pie Thesis

Students worked together to come up with words to describe friendship. Each student added one word to the friendship pie to show different ingredients it took to make the pie. After that, students picked 4 friendship ingredients and created their own recipe. Students gave detailed instructions to how they made their friendship

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Through my experiences I have come to realize that there are basically three types of friends a person can have. There are friends that I call "sometimes" friends, these people appear to be your friend but only when you are face to face with them, and when you are not around them they act more like a foe. They are often referred to as two faced or a back stabber. These types of friends are not very reliable nor should they be trusted. Another type of friend a person can have, and the best kind, is a "true" friend. A true friend is someone you know you can always trust and rely on no matter what. The last type of friend is the "acquaintance". These are the type of friends that you do not necessarily hate, but at the same time you more content...

These people are not very reliable and should not be trusted with things of a personal matter or with things of great importance. You should confront this person and let them know how you are feeling about the way they are treating you. Let them know how things look from your point of view. If they are a true friend they will try to correct their ways and start acting like a real friend would act. If they do not change their ways and they continue to take advantage of you, it would probably be smart of you not to associate with them anymore. An "acquaintance" friend is someone who you will usually encounter every so often for business needs or for some other reason. You most likely are on good terms with these people, but they are not considered close friends whom you would talk to about personal problems. They could be someone at the grocery store where you shop at, the place where you work, the barber shop or salon where you get your hair cut, or maybe the convenience store where you get gas at. They usually seem as if they are good people and friendly. The acquaintance friend has the potential to become somewhat closer over time if there are enough meetings between the two of you. Most friends that people say are good friends were just an acquaintance at some point in time, but became closer as they got to know each other better. Last,

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Three Types of Friends Essay examples

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