Architecture Essay Topics

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My Future Career : My Career As An Architect

My Future career consists of becoming an Architect. Being an architect means that one is a licensed professional who works with designing a structure that is both attractive, safe, and functional. Dan Rice mentions that, "There are three forms of visual art: Painting is art to look at, sculpture is art you can walk around, and architecture is art you can walk through" architects are involved in every phase of the buildings development and construction. In order to work in the architecture field the skills required are being able to design and draw, using a methodical or logical approach, being analytical, having excellent math skills, being able to communicate and negotiate, and have IT skills. My dream job has always been to plan out a project and make it come to life. Being an Architect has its benefits including traveling the world to visually see the structure of ancient buildings and how other architects are using their creative minds to manipulate the complexity of a building. Another benefit is being able to see different types of art and gather inspiration through everything. Although becoming an architect is my passion there is a downside to the process. One of the negative effects consist of a long training period that lasts up to 8 years or longer. Within those 8 years of training includes a 5–year bachelor degree and a 3 year internship. Another con is trying to pass all 7 (ARE) Architect Registration Exam to complete the IDP, and if you don't pass you

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Ancient Near East has always been one of the major themes studied within Western Art. Many impressive constructions characterize this culture: temples, gates, palaces and sculptures pieces. Architecture and the development of large cities, such as Persepolis Palace, is a widely interesting matter. This type of design provides the essential information on who build it, why it was build, for whom and what it signifies to the people; it offers information of the communities ' thoughts, beliefs and form of living. It was around 520 BCE when Darius I began the construction of the ambitious Persepolis Palace, covering a 125.000 square–meter. The construction of this, located in the Plateau of the Zagros lands or Fars Providence, Iran, made the workers acknowledge many international styles. To the people, it was a constant reminder of an entrance of all people. While grey limestone was the main material used, other supplies found around the whole empire also helped with the construction: cedar coming from Lebanon, yaka wood coming from Gandhara and Carmania and bricks coming from Babylon. With great material used, the structure came to include courts, halls, and columns. The Persepolis Palace, constructed by the great Darius I, expresses an internationalist style that establishes the respectable knowledge of a powerful leader who depicted hospitality and the centralization of the nation's government within the palace. By also tracing a historical and cultural background of the

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Persepolis House Essay

Statement Of Purpose To Study Architecture

I choose to study Architecture as my profession because number one it has the ability to speak to people at large, two it is a work of art, three I want to be active and thinking openly about new creative possibilities, four I think that it is a great asset to the world. Ever since I was a little boy I would draw and create scenes of combat in imaginary cities with my toys. I would create angles and all sorts of perspectives to add effect. Creating was a part of me, I even made a plan for a reform of my elementary school's backyard and it ended up getting approved and a playground that I had mentioned in my letter was built and running in a couple of years. I say all of this to mention just some of my reasons for choosing architecture. I think it allows me the ability to speak to a larger crowd through ideas and a building. I wanted to be an architect at a relatively old age, growing up I knew I wanted to do something where I would engage my environment, engage people, and create something. more content...

I remember always getting together with friends in my neighborhood and going to different places just to explore and eat candy and skateboard in the nearby park. I remember writing a card to the parks commissioner asking for a skatepark, he responded thanking for my concerns about the exposed youth and creating a place that's safe for us. A couple of months later a park nearby was renovated. It was very far though and I always wished we had something closer to home. Maybe a skatepark isn't necessary for every park, maybe parks would benefit from small areas for skateboarding, where the kids that don't play competitive sports like basketball and football, or baseball, could come together to share jokes and get creative on a skateboard, perhaps a rail and a quarter pipe will Get more content



Climate change is an important topic as it affects all of society as well as the globes ecosystems. Many professions have the ability to combat climate change and its effects. This essay will look at the roles and responsibilities of an Architect and the influence they can have on the mitigation and adaption of climate climate change through the profession. The following discussion will focus on defining and explaining climate change, defining an architect and outlining their roles and responsibilities and finally addressing how the profession of architect can influence mitigation and adaption strategies. An architect does play a significant role in the influence more content...

In the last century the climate of the earth has morphed and changed as a result of global warming. The rise in temperature has contributed to the decreasing size of glaciers and ice sheets as well as contributing the the rise of sea levels due to warmer oceans. The current evidence points to human activity as a contributing factor. With the evidence currently available if can be predicted that with continuinggreenhouse gas emissions, the earth 's air temperature will warm by 4В°C by the year 2100. Furthermore there are likely to be many flow–on effects from this temperature change (Australian Academy of Science 2015)

With the change in climate the impacts of this process has altered the frequency and strength of daily temperatures in terms of more hot days and warmer days as well as a drop in the quantity of cooler days. Furthermore as a result the amount of more extreme weather events such as cyclones and heavy rain patterns has increased as a result of warmer climates as well as warmer water temperatures (Australian Academy of Science 2015). Over the last century sea level rise has occurred as a result of expansion of the ocean due to warmer temperatures as well as the decreasing size of ice packs and glaciers. This has caused a global sea level change of 10–25cm (IPCC 1995). Climate change influences the

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Roman Architecture Essay

Roman Architecture

Many centuries before the birth of Christ, the city of Rome grew, prospered, and developed into a thriving Republic. As in most cultures, Rome's buildings became more elaborate and impressive. They developed fantastic building technologies and ideas. The feats of Roman engineers were groundbreaking, and many structures built by this culture still stand today. With knowledge borrowed from the Greeks, Rome made impressive architectural achievements, these were namely major attributes of buildings, colossal structures, and a legacy that would influence later buildings (Cornell and Matthews 11).

According to legend, the city of Rome was founded in about 753 BC, by a group of shepherds. It sat at an more content... The ancient Romans created and borrowed fundamental types of concepts that made up buildings. The ideas that the Romans borrowed were basic ideas such as the column. A column is a vertical shaped pillar with the chief design concern of supporting a building. Most columns consist of three parts, the base, the shaft, and the capital. The shaft is usually cylindrical in shape. The Greeks had three basic types of columns, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. All three types have narrow fillets on them. These were small vertical slits that ran the length of the column. The Romans modified the column and added two types, Truscan and Composile. The columns became widely used in homes and temples in Greece and later in Rome ("Architecture").

The Romans also borrowed from the Greeks other major structural designs. On the top of a column on most temples and public buildings rested an Entablature. This is a classic triangular shaped façade, or front of a building. The Entablature consists of four parts. The lowest part is the Architrave, which sits on top of the capital or upper part of a column. On top of that, the frieze was typically decorated with horizontal bands. The Cornice forms the upper part of the Entablature and extols beyond the frieze on the sides. On the very top sits a Pediment, a triangular segment between the lower Entablature and the roof ("Architecture").

The Romans borrowed the

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An Architect As A Future Career

I am most interested in being an Architect as a future career. An Architect plan and design houses, factories and any other structures. This kind of matches my career workstyles because my number one work style was investigative and this somewhat matches it because I guess this job could involve some of that because all the new stuff you learn from it but it 's more of a creative job, which was my second highest one. It's more of a creative job because you 're building things and drawing and you need to be very creative to do that (which I am) and you need to be creative because this job requires a lot of thinking. When you build the models you need to think about all kinds of things like is it safe, is it built right and many more questions you will need to constantly ask yourself. I want to be an Architect because I always wanted to design my own house. I wanted to be an Architect for a while now. I have always liked building and designing things and just being able to see the finished process, so this is why I want to be an Architect. An Architect helps designs houses for people or for a business. He does this by using a computer program, doing it on paper or making a 3D model of the house. I would enjoy this job because I like to draw and use a computer and I like to help build things. This relates to my work behavior style because I will be getting paid good and I don 't have designated hours to work on it, I would just need to have it done before a certain time. The Get more content

Essay On Ancient Egyptian Architecture

The architecture in ancient Egypt is one of the largest and most beautiful civilizations in the whole history according to the big monuments and famous places like temples, pyramids. And in this essay I'll be talking about the history of the architecture in ancient Egypt and how they built some of the large monuments. To begin with, in ancientEgypt they hadn't much wood for building so they used sun–baked mud bricks and stones, also they used the stones to build tombs and temples; in addition, they used bricks to build castles and royal palaces; but, before they put any stone or brick they used granite as a carcass for building. Furthermore, ancient Egyptians used mud to build their houses after collecting it from the Nile River and putting the mud into molds and dry it by using the sun. To continue with, the architectures inancient Egypt built a large temple located more content...

A rectangular colonnade connects with a 36 meter–high twin pylon or gateway, leading to the temple's inner sanctuary. It was built in around 200 years starting in 237 BC by Ptolemy III; the Horus temple is popular with the sculptures that cover the temple and its entrance that shows Ptolemy XII defeats his enemies. Of all the temple remains in Egypt, the Temple of Horus at Edfu is the most well–preserved and the only one we know to have been completed. Built from sandstone blocks the huge Ptolemaic temple was constructed over the site of a smaller earlier temple, oriented east to west, towards the river, there are also many views in the temple that shows the architectures work in ancient Egypt like the strange shape of champers, decorations in every corner of the temple, and the sculptures that shows kings and the slaves serving

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What is 'Community Architecture'?

The 'Community Architecture' is kind of architectural practice between architects and users. Also, it can be described as architect follow the wish of users or community to design the building fit the requirement by using local materials and helps the residents to build the structure. Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) described 'Community Architecture' should follow the idea about "The aim of community architecture is to improve the quality of the environment by involving people in the design and management of the buildings and spaces they inhabit." () In general, architect call 'Conventional Architecture' product, nevertheless 'Community Architecture' represents the process rather than the product and most proponents claim that the built product of 'Community Architecture' is often better than the product of conventional architecture. "Community architecture means that the personal who inhabit it are involved in and may even be instigators of, its creation and its management as well. The inhabitants are the clients; and the architect works for, or at least with them in contrast to the typical situation where architects and user never meet." () The ' community architecture' was the newly invented notion that user participation in the environment is more important than any of another architectural concept, especially in contrast to 'conventional architecture'. The reasons of that could be limited resources, materials and

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Introduction: The Problem

Being a third year architecture student who has just completed my Bachelor of Architecture Studies back in 2014, I was hit by the challenging reality upon my first internship experience in the architecture profession. Although I was equipped with the understanding of theories and concepts taught in the university, the work in the professional practice is complex, which inevitably demands various skills.

These experiences had provided me with valuable insights as I had acquired various skills which were not taught in my degree. I was so taken a back that I needed to learn most of the things from scratch. In particular, the work assigned in codes building and drawing were completely new to me. Although the work was challenging, I managed to pick the skills up through the hands–on practice and research.

The issues of concern is that school of architecture do not adequately preparing graduates to operate for the practical realities of working practice. School of architecture, appears to be preparing students for models of practice that are no longer in full accord with the current professional context (Nicol.D & Pilling.S, 2000, p.6). But what is it about design education that is not supportive of the needs of professional practice (Nicol.D & Pilling.S, 2000, p.6) ?

Therefore, this essay contains of my personal reflections on criticisms of the current architecture education system and the change I would like to see based on my observations to help

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Becoming A Third Year Architecture Student Essay

There are too many reason why I want to further my studies in Architecture Programme at United Kingdom. The reason I choose UK as one of the platform to continue my study in Architecture because UK is one a friendly community country, welcoming place for people of all countries and of course, UK is one of my dream place to further my studies. If I As a student in the UK, I will get to know people from all over the world, and I will learn about many different cultures form other people. As we know, UK is one of the focal point/ centre where all the different people gathering, visiting at there and directly makes UK one of the multi–faiths society because of many major religious are practiced and celebrated there. As I can say for now, more content...

My hobby is loved to travel and I enjoy travelling to another country and places on different cities and learn their architecture, culture and urbanism as a whole. Nowadays, sustainable architecture its one of the most factors we need to think and care about for user at the future because I believe that someday that Sustainable Architecture will become a vital role and become the most important thing and have potential to improve user's quality of life at the future. So, nowadays architecture was one of the important roles to upgrade and provided a vital role to a community daily life at the future. I choose UK one of the places that I want further my study in Architecture because I hope that can adapt with community around the world to make me more matured and sensitive about the local culture. I also choose to further my study in Architecture especially in UK because I believe that strong communities between another races are created from good neighborhoods. From there we can communicate each other, exchange views and learns together because I believe we can more matured enough in study, working and improved our views in architecture if we learn and gets a feedback from other people, community and Get

To Study In Architecture Essay
Why I Want
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My Passion For Architectural Design

I have always had a passion for being practical for as long as I can remember, I often sought pleasure from helping my parents build dreaded flat pack furniture. Over the years this passion for being practical and building things has just developed into a love for structures and especially in the last few I have been able to hone my passion down to architecture. What could be greater than wanting to design these great edifices and seeing your design built for people to integrate into part of the lives. My application to your university derives from my eagerness to study at one of the best universities in the UK and from my desire to create well designed spaces that are both practical and gratifying to the eye. It also hopes to ensure a satisfaction for my passion for practicality, my appreciation of architecture and hopefully in the future it should secure me a place among some of the architectural greats.

As a designer, I am constantly studying the world around me and looking at ways in which I can change and mould it to make it more appealing and suitable for the tasks we undertake in our everyday lives. This is reflected in my Extended Project Qualification that I completed earlier this year which looks into the influence of architecture on human behaviour and how this compelling link between the health and satisfaction of the human body that is largely determined by the fundamental design of buildings can often be ignored by many of the architectural designers today.

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Architecture is the blueprint in creating a world, it consists of creativity and many brilliant people to help create our homes, communities, and cities. Architecture is very unique because it allows humans to create what they want for their economy. Generations of humans have all contributed in building the world as we know it. Through architecture, there are architects. Architects are known as people people who organizes space. They design copious amounts of different structures. They design houses and small buildings and sometimes even a city's whole skyline. There are various structures, as a result, there are different branches of architectures. In the field of architecture; the branches of it includes residential architect, commercial architect, landscape architect, interior design, more content...

Getting your bachelor's degree usually takes four years, but a lot of people spend at least five years in order to get their bachelor's degree.

Secondly, to become an architect, everyone has to apply for a paid internship. A paid internship will allow you to gain knowledge and experience. Internships are very important and hold a lot of gravity on your way to becoming an architect. You will learn a lot of valuable knowledge and will prepare you when you are an licensed architect. Finally, the last step you must take in becoming an architect is by passing your architecture exam. By passing the exam, you officially become a licensed architect. The exam is split into seven sections and the average of students completing all seven sections, took an average of 33.5 hours. The passing rate of all seven sections of the exam is sixty–seven percent. The seven sections are: the construction documents and services(CDS), programming , planning, and practice (PPP), site planning and design(SPD),schematics design, structural systems, building systems,and building design with construction

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Speech About
An Architect

Architecture Vs. Buildings Architecture Essay

Architecture vs. Buildings When I read the book Seven Lamps of Architecture, John Ruskin opened my mind to the idea that a "building does not become architecture merely by the stability of what it erects". Architecture is more than just a mere building. "Architecture is the art which so disposes and adorns the edifices raised by man, for whatsoever uses, that the sight of them may contribute to his mental health, power, and pleasure." (John Ruskin) Even though all architectures is buildings not all buildings are architectural. Many people believe that a building is just a building, but just like there is a difference between a building designer and an architect, there is a difference between a building and an architectural feat. Take for example, the modern day skyscraper, a tall box that isolates its inhabitants. Where it is impressive it does not constitute for architecture. Architecture is like (as Ole Scheeren puts it) a human body. Each person is different and yet we all have the same organs. Even though different buildings must have the same functions that does not mean that they must look the same. So, there 's a difference but why should I care? A project was created to answer the question "Why Architecture?" There they discover that, "Our conception of reality is not a product of our individual beliefs, nor is it merely the presence of something that exists outside of us. Our conception of reality is built. The fact that we share a similar view of reality

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The organic concept is borrowed from biology, organism is related to the organism or evolved from the organism. The organic nature of the building is an analogy of the building's organism in nature, and the architect seeks to show Similar to the natural order, to seek the building of their own elements and the building and the environment between a harmonious and unified relationship. The architectural organic embodied in many aspects, I would mainly from the architectural point of view to explore the organic building.

Talking about comparison of forms of Organic Designarchitecture. Organic design is more modernist and progressive style in the history. Until now we still can see Organic shape and form in some other designs. Kunsthaus more content...

This holistic design has been described as "living art". As early as the Middle Ages, sculptors had studied plant morphology and understood that the external form of plants was always manifested as a function or subject to the needs of the organism; in the mid–eighteenth century, after the combination of aesthetic research and psychology, Constitute the comparison in the organic sector, it is not seen as made, but as if the plant as a natural foundation from the vitality of the natural growth. Just as Danish design leader Kay said "The things we create should be lifeful, there are beats in the heart, and there should be vitality and warmth." Similarly, the Swedish Industrial Design Association also believes that everything should reach the purpose it is trying to achieve, a chair to sit up to be comfortable, a table can give a comfortable work or dining, – bed sleep should be comfortable. In general, the organic design is to learn the things of nature combined with the idea of the designer to create a harmonious theme of man and

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Architecture is a wonderful thing. We all use it, see it and interact with it every day, whether it be in our homes or the spaces we work and play in. Great architecture drives passion, awe and marvel in those that see it, inspires those that use it and brings security to those within it. We live in it, work in it, eat in it, play, move interact and experience in it. It's through our relationships with the buildings and spaces (and partly due to Kevin McCloud) that our collective love affair with architecture grows, and every year the number of students wishing to pursue a career in architect increases.

Today, I want to try and convince the majority of those applying to university to study architecture not to bother. If architecture is more content...

Super? Not really. All tutors are not created equal, and unfortunately for every great tutor you encounter, you meet a couple of misguided souls intent on highlighting the construction qualities of cheese (true story). The less students means the retention of quality teaching and the trimming of staff fat. Please, no one should have to be taught by a man who believes its OK to leave final crits in the middle to go get coffee... bastard.

We are angry people, it's the red bull man

Maybe that was slightly harsh, but by the end of the year, the architecture student body is made up of young people with a dangerous reliance to caffeine drinks, and tempers fray very easily. Seriously though, it is a really trying period in any architects career. The long hours, constant criticism and lack of sunlight lead to a collection of people on their last legs. Don't take the decision to study architecture likely, its a serious commitment, and if you're in, its all the way or not at all.

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Persuasive Speech For Architect
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The Importance Of Architecture

In everyday life, most people experience the work of Architects in many forms, like a school, or perhaps a house. However, architecture is much more than just the design of buildings and houses. It is a vital part of the construction process, which is a main component of the Gross Domestic Product, and can effect or be effected by local or national economies. Its importance is undervalued in the workforce, and its effect on the economy is underrated. Architecture is effected by the amount of raw materials, and the willingness of people to spend money on new developments or buildings. Architecture affects the economy by supplying new sources of revenue, such as new sports arenas, shopping malls, and infrastructure projects, more content...

If these are not present, there is no opportunity to break ground on, and even plan new projects. The demand for architecture is directly related to the economic state at a current time. As the economy grows in prosperity, the demand for architecture increases. This is because architecture relies on the ability to spend money to buy land and develop buildings. When an economy is in a recession, there is less money circulating in an economic system, meaning less can be used to develop land or to buy land. "In a recession people tend to save money because there is a fall in confidence. If people expect to be made unemployed then you don't want to spend and borrow, it is less risky to save" (Pettinger 2008). In 2008, the United States was struck by a recession, which caused a massive downturn in the production of the industries of architecture and construction. "The financial crisis of 2008 had an outsized impact on the design and construction industries. No sector of the economy was hit harder than were construction (both residential and nonresidential), architecture, and engineering." (O'Brien 2014) The fields of Architecture and Construction were hit unprecedentedly hard due to the fact that the housing bubble had burst, and the ownership for houses reached its lowest rate since 1967 in 2015 according to CNBC.


Architecture is a vital component of a major portion of the United States' Gross Get

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Architecture Career Research Paper

There was a day that i was thinking of what i was going to do with the rest of my life outside of highschool and i came up blank. I tried to think of my skills and i could only think of two skills that would help me in life, and those skills are art and my great math mind. The professions that i could think of that need a good foundation of math and art is architecture. They need math so that they can tell how much weight the structure can take the angles that will help support the buildings and to get the exact size of the building. The art needed to become a architect is for the architect may make a layout of the building, to design a efficient building, and to design a building that will be pleasing to the design weather it be the coloring of the inside or the outside or the shape of the windows or the building in general.

I have taken two years of art and two years of more content...

I have blown the conch shell since the sixth grade because I started out with a bamboo shoot that had a hole carved at one end and the other side cut right before the section that covers it completely. We went caroling at the elderly homes, the hospital, and the food court in waimea. I went on a island round volunteer work with a group. The project was called traveling missions we went around the island and cleaned up the ground of churches for no charge with a group of around fifty kids and a couple of adults. This included raking the leaves, cutting the grass, creating a rock wall for a cemetery, chopping down trees and etc. we did this for five days. When the enormity of the fact that my decision to go to college or not to go to college hit me I decided to put all my efforts into getting into college. I started by talking with my school counselor so that I can organize all my information so that I could make informed decisions and not blunder through my college

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Looking at Architecture

My family and I commonly go to Curtis Hixon Park and Kiley Gardens, they are extremely family friendly and very welcoming. The specific day I went to observe the parks was on Tuesday, July 25th around 4 pm. I sat in the parks for an hour, analyzing the architecture and people who walked by. From the time i sat on a bench observing I noticed many people walked by, all whom were from different demographics. Curtis Hixon is a great family park, it has an open field and a playground, which is equipped with modern toys that aren't typically seen in regular playgrounds. If you walk just a step away from the playground there will be misty fountains, and at the front of the park there are additional water fountains. In Front of the the park there is a gorgeous view of TampaBay, where you will commonly see the crew team from UT or private boats just roaming around. The Kiley Gardens are less busy than Curtis Hixon, but that's simply because it has different elements. The Kiley Gardens provide a peaceful serenity on an elevated platform to easily catch a view of the bay. What is the significance and value of the park and garden? Why is it important that they exist in downtown Tampa's urban environment? I'll be answering these questions by firstly analyzing the architecture in these spaces, second by looking at the atmosphere in the parks, and thirdly discovering their unique qualities. We must ask the question: what was the architect trying to tell

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My Favorite Style Of Architecture

I was inspired by the ongoing careful restoration of my own home to pursue a career in architecture. My favourite style of architecture is currently one which focuses on preserving traditional heritage, as opposed to the monolithic tower blocks, generic cladding, excessive glass, and general "modernist" architecture. I feel that architecture should have a distinctive style that resembles the country's architecture and is sympathetic to the environment and setting. I can also appreciate contemporary modern architecture when used sensitively and can shine in its own right.

I have had work experience with Blair Gratton (traditional), Frank Shaws and Associates (corporate architecture), Duffield Property Services and TPL Merrigan design and planning (landscaping).

I have also studied case studies on engineering and structural design, including vortex shedding, mass dampers, and The Hyatt Regency Collapse, which has given me an insight into proper engineering as an integral part of the architecture.

While I think I have had a good grounding in a variety of styles and have an understanding of architecture, I am drawn in pursuing a greater understanding of architecture.

I mainly want to focus on an architecture utilising natural ventilation and light sources, with a more ecological design. This was inspired from my experiences abroad where I noted the huge number of buildings utilising air conditioning units which sap energy, and contrasted this with the traditional buildings

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Architecture Analysis

When humans described architecture common synonyms that they might use would being design, building, planning, engineering, shape, color and more other words. My definition of architecture is by using the combination of art and math. The architect main goal to design a structure that is going to make the client comfortable. In order to give the client what they need and what they have to be comfortable in the space that the architect is planning for them. It's important for architects to know the average measurement for thinks like the hallway, room, bathroom, etc. Knowing all those measurement is where math comes to play. You have a piece of land and by using math you have to measure out everything in order to organize how to fix everything you need. Without coming to the client uncomfortable by having everything to big or too small. No matter what you're dealing with if it's a house, hotel, office building in order for an architecture to construct a functional and comfortable structure its have to within the guidelines of the more content...

That's been art comes to play. The art of architecture is what make a client in invest in the structure. Having art gives the structured life. For the architect, their canvas is the plot of land that they have to build. It's up to the architect to create the structure into a masterpiece for the community. Is math is to make the structure safe and the art is hat makes the structure appealing to the humans eyes. You can define architecture many ways and they all can be right. Architecture is a different language that only a few set of individual can learn Get

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