Disaster of Bangladesh Essay
Bangladeshi disaster: What price those ВЈ10 chinos now?
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Primark, BonmarchГ© and Western consumers must take a share of the responsibility for the deaths in the Bangladeshi clothing factory.
By: David Blair
Published By: The Telegraph
Date: 25 Apr 2013
This article is about the distressing incident which took place in Bangladesh where 228 people died in the fall down of eight storey's Rana Plaza. Rana Plaza had shops, offices and factories crowded with many people. But due to its substandard construction building got collapsed and fell down killing many people. While many of them got trapped and seriously wounded and the Bangladeshi government confirmed a day of national grief.
Rana Plaza contained four...show more content...
On the other hand the Governments of big retailers have to impose certain statutory regulations which will protect their manufacturers/suppliers in countries like Bangladesh. Lastly consumers have to play their role by using the purchasing power to force big retailers to follow a book of rule. I would like to add similar incidents which happened in the factories, commercial and residential buildings of Pakistan. Garment factories in the Pakistani cities of Karachi and Lahore caught fire on 11 September 2012. The fires occurred in a textilefactory in the western part of Karachi and in a shoemaking factory in Lahore. The fires are considered to be the most deadly and worst industrial factory fires in Pakistan's history, killing 257 people and seriously injuring more than 600. The garment factory "Ali Enterprises", which is located in Plot 67, Hub Road, Baldia Town, Karachi, used to export its garments to Europe and the United, and had employed between 1,200 and 1,500 workers. Ali Enterprises
manufactured denim, knitted garments, and hosiery, and had capital of between $10 million and $50 million. Workers at Ali Enterprises said they earned between 5,000 and 10,000 rupees ($52 to $104) a month for their labour.
Margalla TowersIslamabad, Pakistan got collapsed in year 2005. All of these incidents usually take place in developing countries due to the negligence of building owners, lack of construction
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Natural disaster is one of the major issues that the world is facing now a day. Natural disaster is caused by nature they are difficult to predict when it's going to happen, how to handle it and it's impossible to stop it. Weather is one of the major natural disaster that is going around this year it may include hurricanes, tornadoes and the weather conditions being so cold or so hot. It's very important to be prepared for these kinds of events when they happen especially in the countries that are not prepared for this particular disaster.
Hurricanes over the past years have made landfall in the United States, causing billions of dollars in damage, leading to massive evacuations and leaving devastated cities to rebuild. In the...show more content...
The President met with the resident, state, and national executives to discuss how the affected people could get assistance.
The damage in Houston from the storm caused a lot financial contributions. After a week of the Hurricane caused a huge disaster in the country, organizations had promised more than $157 million in assistance for the victims, and 69 organizations had contributed $1, 000, 000 or more. People from all different level of the society offered their support for the victims through donations. One prominent celebrity who assisted supplement the efforts of the government was Houston Texans defensive lineman J.J. Watt. He assisted raise $37 million before closing his fundraising effort. Moreover, all the living former presidents of the United States joined the course through helping raise money to assist the affected people (Chokshi& Astor, 2017).
Following the damages caused by the storm, the President of the United States on 8th September signed a bill that would set aside emergency finances for the storm relief. The bill comprised approximately $22 billion for FEMA'S calamity aid fund, implying that there was an extra $15 billion. FEMA was given $ 5.03 billion to be provided for the victims and for all the disaster that happened. Moreover, the fund will be reloaded with an extra $6.7 billion in October once the new financial year begins.
The Role of the Media
The media played important role in the pre–disaster management efforts and in the
Natural Disaster
Essay on The Effects of Natural Disasters
Our Earth has suffered a great deal from reoccurring natural disasters that have repeatedly put a strain on people's lives. A natural disaster is a sudden event, an accident or a natural havoc, that causes great extents of damage or multiple deaths. Over these past years a numerous amount of these disasters has been seen happening all around the world. Tragedies of towns getting torn apart were reported as well as the occurrence of many deaths, disabilities and shelter damage. People have been losing relatives, friends, shelter and property. Even though these disasters cannot be stopped from occurring, recognizing their danger and their effects is essential.
Natural disasters may occur in many different forms including but not limited to...show more content...
The Indian Oceantsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa and still arrived with sufficient force to kill people and destroy property.
The earthquake that led to a tsunami resulted in at least 155,000 deaths, 500,000 injuries, and damages that exceeded 10 billion dollars. Estimation was also made that approximately 5 million people lost their homes during this A final example of natural disasters would be Hurricane Pauline. Hurricane Pauline is one of the most destructive and deadly Pacific hurricanes to make land in Mexico. On it's way up the Mexican coastline. The hurricane killed roughly 250–400 people and left 300,000 people with no shelter. Other than all the lives and houses that were destroyed Hurricane Pauline caused a massive amount of damage, exceeding $7.5 billion (USD 1997).
All in all natural disasters cannot be handled, delayed, or stopped. They happen according to natural reasons in our environment. Natural disasters are very dangerous and life threatening. They occur in many different ways according to the cause of the disaster. One disaster might bring along the other just like what happened to the earthquake in the Indian Ocean. It started a tsunami that caused even more damage. In India they didn't have indicators of tsunami for the Indian Ocean, which could have saved a lot of peoples lives. Fearing the catastrophe may actually save your life,

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Causes Of Natural Disasters
How many devastating natural disasters have you read about or seen on the news in the past six months? It is astonishing how many hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters that have been occurring recently. With disasters come news stories, and with news stories come many biases. The media is constantly using bias to convince the audience to be in favor or against a certain idea. Biases are seen in both mass and niche media. It is essential to use critical thinking skills to look into these biases before creating an opinion. There is controversy in the world today about what causes natural disasters. It is vital to first know what a natural disaster is before forming any ideas as to what cause them. A natural disaster is "defined as a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes" ("Natural Disaster", 2017). It is also beneficial to have an idea what climate change is before forming an opinion on it. The article "Climate change causes: A blanket around the Earth" states: "Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"–warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space" ("Climate change causes", 2017). Many scientists think the cause of climate change is from man made resources, while others think it happens
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What is an Earthquake?
An Earthquake is the shaking of the earth's surface caused by rapid movement of the earth's rocky outer layer. The sudden shaking of the ground that occurs when masses of rock change position below the Earth's surface is called an earthquake. The shifting masses send out shock waves that may be powerful enough to alter the surface of the Earth, thrusting up cliffs and opening great cracks in the ground. Earthquakes, called temblors by scientists, occur almost continuously. Fortunately, most of them can be detected only by sensitive instruments called seismographs. Others are felt as small tremors. Some of the rest, however, cause major catastrophes. They...show more content...
Although it is certain that violent Earth tremors in themselves are destructive, there are often other kinds of Earth movements that are triggered by earthquake shock waves. Thus, the violent shaking that accompanies many earthquakes often causes rockslides, snow avalanches, and landslides. In some areas these events are frequently more devastating than the Earth tremor itself.
Floods and fires are also caused by earthquakes. Floods arise from tsunamis along coast lines, from large–scale seiches in enclosed bodies of water such as lakes and canals, and from the failure of dams. Fire produced the greatest property loss following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, when 521 blocks in the city center burned uncontrollably for three days. Fire also followed the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, causing much damage and hardship for the citizens.
Most of the worst earthquakes are associated with changes in the shape of the Earth's outermost shell, particularly the crust. These so called tectonic earthquakes are generated by the rapid release of strain energy that is stored within the rocks of the crust, which on continents is about 22 miles thick. A small proportion of earthquakes are associated with human activity. Dynamite or atomic explosions, for example, can sometimes cause mild quakes. The injection of liquid wastes deep into the Earth and the pressures
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