Personal Professional Experience
1.Please explain how your past personal and professional experience make you a quality candidate for the position for which you are applying. I have been involved with student learning for the past 14 years. I have experience with a wide spectrum of students in traditional and alternative settings. I have proven success engaging and teaching all types of students, particularly with at risk students. I have been a lifelong learner and have an extensive academic background and the knowledge of teaching history and social studies. Additionally, I continue take courses in the core subject areas, math, science, and English to expand my knowledge and provide in–depth instruction. I have traveled extensively through military service with several
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To be a professional teacher, it takes skill to train young minds. Education is extremely important to go through. Teachers have many different philosophies to choose from when teaching in a classroom. Out of the five philosophies, I ranked the highest in Essentialism and Progressivism. Both of these philosophies are taught entirely different from each other. Essentialism is teacher–centered learning and expresses the teaching by the core curriculum. Progressivism is student–centered learning and expresses the teaching by doing group work. I believe that a classroom should be divided between using both philosophies. I believe that a teacher should stick to the core curriculum, but a teacher should also let the students learn by working together in small groups. The teacher is still giving lectures in front of the classroom, but there is still group work throughout the week. From experience, I think a combination of both would make the perfect classroom setting. When a classroom is both teacher–centered and student–centered, students will gain a better education in my opinion. The purpose of education is to further the knowledge of a student. Education is meant to teach students the essentials of education and to create a better understanding of real–world experiences. From the philosophies, I agree with, education is working towards students with their knowledge and living in society. Education needs to help students to not only become smarter, but also be able to work in
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I Am A Professional Teacher Essay
As people go through life, they most likely come upon a person who affects their life for the better, and sends them in the right direction. For some, however, they may never have a person who gives them this push, or perhaps someone had the opportunity to be that person who does the pushing, but does not. Many people have been propelled to success because of the care of another person. Some of these positive influences may include a parent, minister, or a friend. Though all three of these persons embody the needs of everybody from time to time, it is the teacher who connects these together and gives a person more that just an education. In every human's life, they will come in direct contact with a teacher, whether more content...
I think that teaching a student to have a good character is more important that reading, writing, and arithmetic. I think the greatest profession that a person will endeavor upon is that of a parent. Most of the students that go through my classroom will become parents one day, and I want them to have the character that is needed to raise a child in the right ways. I believe that character development is the greatest reward of an education. I want students to look to me as a model of a good person. I think that is the greatest reward that a teacher can achieve. The feeling of someone going out learning how to be a good person and doing it based upon my actions is priceless, and will benefit more many more than I may ever know about.
My classroom methods would mostly resemble a traditional classroom in that there is a certain base of knowledge that students should learn before they can move on. I agree with the essentialist theory because I think that there is much to be learned from the classical material. It has stood the test of time and much of today's society is based around it. I do not however want to be a lecture–dominated instructor. In college I have grown to like lecture classrooms because I have the discipline to follow the teacher and take notes, but when I was in high school a lecture class bored me and I would be daydreaming within five minutes. I think there should be variety in presenting the essential knowledge. Along with Get more content
Professional Essay examples
"To write is human, to write well is divine" (Anonymous, 2010). So, why is it important to write professionally and what constitutes professional writing? Contrary to popular belief, professional writing is not merely being paid to write; although, professional writers are paid well. In short, professional writing is writing at the next level with a purpose. It is important to show the basic aspects of professional writing (knowing the audience, knowing the purpose, being persuasive, and getting to the point) so that one is able to accomplish the act of communicating effectively and looking professional in doing so.
Let's not confuse professional writing (business writing) with recreational writing (creative writing). When more content... Writing the message with the audience in mind will not only help shape the style of the message itself but the tone in which it is presented as well as the formality of the language used. Tone is the main tool used to effectively and efficiently sell the message and its purpose. Advanced word usage (conversational yet professional, positive, courteous, inclusive and familiar to the reader) is important in writing. Use of active or passive voice, emphasis through style, coherent sentence structure, coherent paragraph structure and placement of the main idea within the message are all used to set the tone and shape the readers frame of mind. Tone also dictates the clarity in which the message is delivered. The most important thing is to format the document and design the content of your message with the reader in mind so that they will understand the message clearly and quickly as well as accept the message readily. Professional writing is not industry specific or medium specific. For that matter it is not just for professionals or professional purposes. It is not just for writing a novel or a business letter or inter–office memo. It can be used for direct messages that require action, making requests, delivery of bad news, giving instruction, reports or proposals, marketing, school research projects, goodwill messages, or something as informal as sending an email to a family member. Is the address correct? Does the subject line summarize the idea of the
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Professional Writing Essay
College is an institution designed to prepare and improve people for the workplace. There are many similarities and differences between the two; however, especially in writing. Grammar appears to be the largest similarity. Without the proper use of grammar, writers in either college or the workplace will not be taken seriously. Grammar gives the audience a sense of confidence in the writer. Along with grammar, being credible is another similarity. Many students have failed papers for lacking credible sources, and like wise people in the workforce have been fired for not having accurate information. In addition, format and content in writing are usually the same in college and professional writing.
Professional Writing Vs College
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Professional Reflection Essay
Being professional in everything I do is very important to me. First and foremost, it is essential to be professional in the counseling aspect (AR –professional). However, I have found in order to be a respected, professional counselor, organization is crucial. The school counselor's job description is so varied; he or she cannot do an effective job without this skill. We must constantly be on top of things because we work closely with so many people: students, teachers, parents, administrators, school–based mental health counselors, school secretaries, cafeteria workers, janitors, professionals outside of the school district such as DHS, other counselors and community leaders (AR –knowledge and Delivery). Fortunately, I have always been somewhat organized. However, I have learned that If I want to stay one step ahead of the game, I must manage work demands and prioritize my time to the fullest. Perhaps the most enriching aspect of this internship has been the internal reflection I have done concerning my abilities as a future counselor (AR knowledge). I have not always been more content... Sometimes the thought of graduating frighten me because this part of my learning will end. I have enjoyed sharing my graduate school experiences with the other cohort members and the teachers I work with, I have learned so much from the professors. It will now be critical that I continue this learning with meaningful professional development opportunities to keep me current on the latest strategies and improvements in the profession (AR prof and delivery). Many counselors I know do not take the Arkansas School Counseling Standards into consideration when planning programs. I will work hard to make sure this doesn't happen to me so I might develop my curriculum with current researched–based, ethical approaches in mind (AR
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Being a teacher is not an easy task as many people could think. To be a teacher does not only imply to know the subject to be taught, it also includes being willing to constantly improve oneself integrally, as much as updating the resources and materials one uses in teaching. Reflecting and analyzing over and over again the best way to teach to learn and how to make students to extend what has been learned. The many hours spend in the classroom will never be enough to plan lessons, prepare materials, review pupils tasks and exams, as well, all the administrative requirements one has to cover for whatever institution we work. Besides all this a good teacher, a professional one, will have to find the time to keep preparing to more content...
It has not been easy but challenging and interesting. Unfortunately in this present job I have no colleagues, institution authorities or supervisors, which means anything I do in the classroom hardly ever provides me any feedback of what I am doing. Except of course for the eventual commentaries I receive from my students and the annual performance evaluation. Therefore I had this urgent necessity of obtaining some refreshment and reviewing of what I am doing in my classroom. I need to make a stop to reflect about how effective my teaching is. If the things I am doing are adequate and suitable to take my pupils to achieve their goal to communicate in the target language. Teaching in this context was at the beginning of the journey a frightening and stressing episode, first of all because I did not know anything about mining, geology, finance and accounting, just to mention some and not to make myself look like a complete ignorant. Secondly the atmosphere in a corporate has nothing to do with the informal ambience in an elementary school and thirdly but not least important, the students expectations and perceptions are not the same. Thus, I had to remake myself. Everything started when I was invited to work with them; I did the typical searching about the company and the leaders, anyone would do for that first good desirable impression one wants to give in the job interview. That was my first contact with the mining
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Professionalism is an adherence to a set of values comprising both a formally agreed–upon code of conduct and the informal expectations of colleagues, clients and society. The key values include acting in a patient's interest, responsiveness to the health needs of society, maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the practice of medicine and in the generation and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, as well as social responsibility and sensitivity to people's culture and beliefs. All these qualities are expected of members of highly trained professions.
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To be a person who is deemed professional you have to have a sense of leadership. Leadership in the healthcare field means you have to be willing to teach others. You help build and maintain a culture that facilitates professionalism. As a leader you do not participate in workplace pranks. Another important aspect of professionalism is honor and integrity. To have honor and integrity in the workplace you need to be forthcoming with information; and not hold important information for your own benefit. You can admit your own errors. You deal with confidential information discreetly and appropriately. One of the most important attributes regarding professionalism is respect. You have to respect institutional staff and all staff representatives. You have to respect patients rights and dignity and their privacy and confidentiality. A person who is professional has to have caring, compassionate and have communication. You treat the patient as an individual taking into account lifestyle, religious beliefs, and ethnicity. You communicate bad news with sincerity and compassion. You deal with sickness, death, and dying in a professional manner with the patient and the patient's family members. Being a radiation therapist means you are a part of a multi disciplinary approach to curing cancer. Being part of a multi disciplinary approach means you have to have the professional aspect of teamwork. Teamwork is an intracle part of every
Professionalism In The Health Field Essay
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Professionalism is defined as one's conduct at work. The quality of professionalism is not restricted to those in occupations with high level of education or high earnings. Any worker regardless of their level of education or occupation should demonstrate a high level of this trait (, 2013). Acting professionally at workplace makes others think of you as reliable, respectful, and competent. Professionalism, however, can take on many different forms which depend on where you work and the type of job responsibility you have. There are few common traits when it comes to being professional (Monster, 2013). This includes being Competent. This traits means that you are good at what you do–and you have the skills and knowledge more content...
The professional person should always tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand. Consistency, admitting and correcting the mistakes, and being fair and truthful are all intertwined to the makeup of one's personal integrity (, 2013). Dishonestly never makes anyone look good, whether it's lying on one's resume or calling in sick. A true professional is upfront, so if you aren't qualified for the job either does not apply for it or send in your application anyway and explain why you'd be perfect for the job in spite of it (, 2013).
Also the dishonesty is to lie about being sick, if you need a day off take a personal or vacation day. Professionalism means respect, not misrepresent, discriminate, or harass others. Showing respect and treating all people as if they mattered are good characters that always make difference in workplace. It is expected that there will be disagreements with your co–workers, or even your boss, but do not lose control. No matter how upset you are or how strongly you believe you are right, screaming is not allowed, nor is name calling or door slamming (, 2013). Physical attacks should always be avoided, no matter what. Professional person should calmly explain his or her opinion and be ready to walk away if the other person. Professional worker is supposed to be having a positive altitude. No one likes a constant pessimist. Having an upbeat attitude and trying to be
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The Importance of Professionalism at Work Essay
Professional Competency Essay
Professional competence can mean various things to different people. Competency in any career or profession has many basic requirements that are learned in a classroom environment as well as many essential elements that must be learned through formal, on–the–job training in order to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to function adequately as a professional in a workplace setting. Competency in the counseling field is not a 'once learned, always known' type of knowledge; it requires a combination of classroom education, internship training to acquire confidence, knowledge, skills, and experience, and an obligation of continuing education on a life–long basis. Commitment to continuous development of competency depends more content...
327) Together with critique from co–workers, supervisors, and one's own desire to make an honest assessment of competence, these evaluations could be utilized throughout ones professional career in providing useful information on what areas of skills, knowledge and abilities could be further improved and developed. In the textbook, Issues and Ethics in the Healing Professions, a number of excerpts from various Codes of Ethics give short, general references to practitioner's competence within various professional associations. In the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors, it states; "Marriage and family therapists do not attempt to diagnose or treat problems beyond the scope of their training and abilities. They do not engage in specialized counseling interventions or techniques unless they have received appropriate training and preparation in the methods." For the American Psychiatric Association, the guidelines state; "A Psychiatrist who regularly practices outside his or her area of professional competence should be considered unethical. Determination of professional competence should be made by peer review boards or other appropriate bodies." (Corey, Corey, & Callanan, 2011, 2007 , Eighth Edition) Although the actual definitions of "beyond the scope of their training and abilities" and "practices outside his or her area of professional competence" cannot be defined
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To begin with in order to be successful as a Human Services Professional one have to know exactly the required duties and main goal of being in this field. This occupation is not an easy one you will face many obstacles working with several of different personality's clients. The occupation of Human Services is well–defined as outstandingly targeting the objective of providing to human needs, aiming on the avoidance of negative solution to life problems that can be escaped and sustaining an obligation to improving the complete excellence of life of service inhabitants. There are many titles of occupation in the Human Service workers such as: Child Advocate, Alcohol Counselor, Social Work Assistant, Social Work Assistant, Therapeutic Assistant, Probation Officer, and Juvenile Court Liaison, social worker and the list goes on. To be a successful Human Service Professional you defiantly need to be a strong leader. Be willing to take charge of any situation that may come your way. Also, while dealing with these situations try not to get your personal feelings involved. Think thoroughly through the situation and narrow down the best solution or solutions that fit your client's need. This field of study is for strong minded individuals that are leaders and can take charge of any giving situation planning effective steps and goals to help the client overcome their problem.
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If I had the choice to choose exactly what area I want to study and work in as a Human Survives Professional
Introduction The statement 'Teaching– reflections, questions, decisions' sums up what it means to be an effective teacher. Teachers are constantly making decisions about professionalism and ethics, teaching strategies, classroom management, and how to keep their students motivated. These decisions can have a major impact on student learning and how effective they are as teachers. Questioning is an essential–and one of the most important–instructional skills that a teacher can possess. Teachers need to be able to ask the appropriate types and levels of questions, such as the high and low order questions based on Bloom's taxonomy, as well as being skilled in responding to students answers. Teachers also need to be constantly evaluating more content...
It is essential to encompass all of these behaviours and standards to succeed in being an effective teacher, as they are in an authoritative position and therefore need to lead by example. Teacher professionalism is also dependant on professional judgement, which involves making decisions on what is the right thing to do in certain situations, and ethical behaviour. The code of ethics is based on respect, caring, integrity, diligence and open communication (Groundwater–Smith, Ewing & Le Cornu, 2007, p. 332). Sometimes teachers can come across 'ethical dilemmas' which are complex problems that have more than one solution, and in turn, each solution has different advantages and disadvantages, therefore having no clear correct answer (Groundwater–Smith et al., 2007, p. 336). For example, "You observe another teacher publicly humiliate a child who is known to have previously bullied other students. What do you do? Do you say anything?" Ethical dilemmas require teachers to explore all situations and outcomes, and make a decision on what is right and just. Professionalism and ethics together, as relevant to teachers, demands all of these appropriate behaviours and responses in any circumstance (Whitton et al., 2010, p. 123). Constructivism Teaching techniques and strategies, such as proactive teaching, collaborative learning and constructivism, can also affect the quality of
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Professional Teacher Essay
An Effective,
The overall education level of the population around the world has been increasing, and more people entering the work force have a college degree. Here are some professional employment tips to help recent college graduates to stand out when searching for a job.
"The Real World" Recent graduate students have a hard time adjusting to the "real world" because the way they behaved incollege should not be carried on to the work force. The most common mistake inexperienced job seekers make is dressing inappropriately in an interview, where first impressions are critical. According to Tuhro, "You should dress within the appropriate parameters of the title you are interviewing for, with a touch of personal style" (Tuhro, 2014). People judge more content...
However, there are still a lot of job opportunities for people, and they need to find the correct and smart way to look for a job. People should put effort into looking for a job and take time to prepare for the job interview. Then, during the interview they should dress appropriately and advertise their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Lastly, people should cover up all the private information of themselves on social media and use the Internet as a platform to expand their network and brand themselves nicely. After doing all the tips above, people's chances for getting a job is
Professional Interview Essay
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Reflection On My Professional Practice
Regarding developments to my professional practice; to improve my role and responsibility, I must continue to strive for further investigation into students and continue to follow my instincts, regarding an incident. It is my responsibility to ensure that students are safe and I must be able to adequately identify concerning behaviour exhibited by a child. The significant role of safeguarding as shown by Stanley (2009) displays the effect that can occur by disregarding certain behaviours. This could have long term impacts and could help facilitate neglect that may be experienced outside of the educational environment, if concerns are not raised by staff. Concerning student A, who has fallen through the safeguarding system an abundance more content...
Teenagers rarely disclose information about events that are particularly damaging, for example domestic violence, as noted by Sterne and Poole (2010) who identified that the stigma around these events and the vulnerability of students makes them particularly susceptible to harm and easy to indoctrinate into silence. Hence, the necessity for the use of instincts and intuition when working with students, due to the restriction on communication surrounding harm to children vocalised by victims or peers.
I found that if staff members raise concerns, they must have a certain stature within the school to be taken seriously. When I have raised concerns about behaviours, often I am disregarded due to my status as a teaching assistant (TA). In my circumstance, I teach students in groups and often, TAs will know the students better than the teacher will due to the time constraints of teaching.
Kauppinen (2013) demonstrated that intuition imposes a moral emotive response and links to the quasi–perceptualist theory of emotion which enforces the cruciality that strong emotions cause motivation for a solely positive desire for a good outcome. Therefore, it is my responsibility as a TA to ensure that all students are safe, demonstrates a positive reasoning for pursuing interventions and additional help for student A. Using Gibbs (1998) who stressed the importance of
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What Are Professional Ethics
The nature of ethics in a professional setting are a frame work of agreements and understandings that have come together in order to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship between all parties. This is the case in any kind of business relationship was well as the in the field of the helping profession. However I think it is more so the case in the helping profession than any other due to the nature of the relationship. In a business venture the parties are more or less equal relatively speaking. They seek out and engage in practices that are profitable; however, sometimes a lack of ethics can overtake and lead them astray. Instances of insider trading are an example of this, unbalanced and therefore more content...
More simply put ethics keep "us" and "them" on an even keel. They allow us to navigate when all points of reference are lost in a fog and the only guide we have is our own moral compass.
What I Have Learned
I feel like this course has affirmed many of the ethical principles I have always held. Although, this is not to say that I did not learn anything. I think that the questions and situations posed in this class were indeed some of the harder I have ever seen and had been asked to answer. This by default only serves to broaden my ethical standpoint and fine tune my ethical compass. But at the same time I feel that I was not able to answer some of the questions without leaving some kind of shortfall of one party or the other. I think this speaks to the complexity and density of the situations we were asked to traverse. On the same token I think in some instances we were asked to circumvent the rules in order to arrive at the best possible answer for the person involved. While this, in some cases, can deliver a positive outcome it exposes the provider by eliminating certain safe guards that are meant to protect both client and counselor. These instance need to be taken case by case and combine with a certain level of finesse in order to deliver positive results. Although these situations can arise at any given time the must be carefully weighed out and tread through very lightly.
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Professional Ethics
Health Care Professionals Essay
Professional Development Assignment 4 Michelle Turner Aspen University Healthcare Systems N–502 Dawn Deem October 14, 2014
Professional Development Assignment 4 The various kinds of health professionals are educated in separate schools but with considerable overlap in curricula and training requirements. They are, however, expected to integrate their training and work together after graduation. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to professional education in terms of costs, educational efficiency, and patient care quality. List one advantage and one disadvantage for each. The structure of the U.S heath care system is certainly a topic greatly debated. Whether it is discussing the cost of health care, more content...
There are two main measures of medical underservice in the U.S., health professional shortage areas and medically underserved areas and some special need populations. Both measures require communities to apply for designation. These designations allow the government to target resources to those determined to be most in need (Colwill and Cultice, 2003). There are two principal conditions leading to physician shortages in rural communities according to Wright and colleagues. They are "demand–deficient", meaning they have insufficient populations and resources to support a physician practice, they are "ambiance–challenged," meaning they are isolated, lack quality services and amenities, and/or are in geographically unattractive settings, or a combination of the two sets of conditions. Inner–city physician shortages are a more recently recognized issue. They are affected by the same conditions, though the specifics are different (Wright, Andrilla, and Hart 2001). Living in rural Iowa this is an issue and a problem I have seen and experienced far too many times. One example I can think of would be my grandmother was in her seventies and was as spry as she had been in her fifties. She was in charge of anything and everything she could be in charge of. She spent her life working as an administrator in a popular company and was very prominent in her small community. She was popular with her peers
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Proper Military and Professional Bearing Essay
Proper Military and Professional Bearing, Order, Discipline, and Respect IAW AR 600–20 & FM 6–22
1. Military Discipline a. Military discipline is founded upon self–discipline, respect for properly constituted authority, and the embracing of the professional Army ethic with its supporting individual values. Military discipline will be developed by individual and group training to create a mental attitude resulting in proper conduct and prompt obedience to lawful military authority. b. While military discipline is the result of effective training, it is affected by every feature of military life. It is manifested in individuals and units by cohesion, bonding, and a spirit of teamwork; by smartness of appearance and action; more content...
Those exercising this authority should do so with judgment and tact. Personnel so apprehended will be returned to the jurisdiction of their respective Service as soon as practical. Confinement of females will be according to AR 190–47. 6. Exercising Military Authority a. Military authority is exercised promptly, firmly, courteously and fairly. Commanders should consider administrative corrective measures before deciding to impose nonjudicial punishment. Trial by court–martial is ordinarily inappropriate for minor offenses unless lesser forms of administering discipline would be ineffective (see MCM, Part V, and chap 3, AR 27–10). b. One of the most effective administrative corrective measures is extra training or instruction (including on–the–spot correction). For example, if Soldiers appear in an improper uniform, they are required to correct it immediately; if they do not maintain their housing area properly, they must correct the deficiency in a timely manner. If Soldiers have training deficiencies, they will be required to take extra training or instruction in subjects directly related to the shortcoming. (1) The training, instruction, or correction given to a Soldier to correct deficiencies must be directly related to the deficiency. It must be oriented to improving the Soldier's performance in his or her problem area. Corrective measures may be taken after normal duty hours. Such measures assume the nature of training or instruction, not
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Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career choice I want. From professional athletes that we see on television, to the educators that have taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive study. They have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a pediatrician. I want to also master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be near, but with extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This is more content...
My working experience with Dr. Sure has taught me that to exercise good clinical judgment required extensive study, practice, and endless hours of work. As a pediatrician, I will strive to make every effort to empower and educate my own patients with the knowledge that will give them control over there aliments. With each visit I hope that we can work together for a brighter and healthier tomorrow.
Naturally, my eagerness to learn came about at a very young age. I always wanted to know how the human body worked. Growing up in the age of YouTube, I often poured over countless hours of videoslearning simple concepts that I could easily understand at that time. As I grew I was always looking to learn something new. Finally, in high school I took advantage of College Now, a program where students in high school had access to college classes on a college campus while receiving college credits. While I was there, I earned a Certificate in Computer Science from CUNY Queens College. This eagerness to learn came about of a very simple reason. My parents had high aspirations for me since no one on either side of their families had ever gone beyond a high school education. They wanted me to be the first in the family to achieve a Bachelor's degree. Finally in 2012, I graduated from St. Johns University with a
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My Professional Goals
Abstract Information technology, or IT for short, is the backbone of today's advanced technology. Network and computer systems administrators design, install, and support business's computer systems. Responsibilities include maintaining a LAN or WAN, Internet and intranet structures. These IT professionals maintain network hardware/software, analyze and repair problems, and oversee networks to make sure it is available to users. Administrators tailor the company'scomputer network to be unique and efficient to that specific business. Benefits of being a network and computer systems administrator abound. They range from a comfortable lifestyle to all the different areas you can get into as an IT professional. An individual seeking more content...
I will also present the educational requirements, typical daily schedule, and the types of companies searching for individuals in this field, what the steps are to enter this field and the benefits to this rewarding area of IT. So, why have I chosen this career? What sparked my interest? What do you have to know? What do people do at this job? These are common questions high school students ask as they make their career choices. Sometimes it can be helpful for a student to speak with someone in the field of particular personal interest to base a career choice on. Since you are reading this paper, it can be assumed you are seeking guidance towards a career as a network and computer systems administrator. Let us take a brief moment to answer these questions before we get into the nitty–gritty of this exciting career. I chose this career for a wide variety of reasons, but the main reason was a natural aptitude for computers. Early on I discovered I had a natural ability to use computers and understood how they worked as stand alone units as well as how they interacted on a network. My interest was sparked with much the same reason. I thought to myself about 13 years ago that it would be nice to have a computer in the house to keep track of expenses and maybe play some solitaire or space invaders on; the hottest gaming console at the time was the SegaВ® Genesisв„ў.Computer gaming as it is known today did not yet exist. The first computer I owned was a blazing fast
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Your Career As An IT Professional Essays
For the past eleven years I have been working in the web designing and development field, specifically for colleges and universities. Beginning at Peirce College, while pursuing my undergraduate degree in information technology, and working as a work–study student on the college's website, I was able to acquire experience and web development and design techniques that are used in a higher educational setting. After graduation from Peirce, I was employed as the web manager and eventually assistant director of web communications at Philadelphia University, where I continued to learn techniques specific for universities, such as how to design site that appeal to prospective students, how to manage different faculty, staff, more content...
Communicating technical issues – technical people tend to talk in a way that a person that is others may know fully understand. Being in a public relations setting, as well as conducting technical training, I have acquired skills to relay technical web processes to these users and helping to get to feel more comfortable using web systems.
Knowledge of how to market universities to target audiences – Involvement with these different universities over the years, learning what the tendencies of users, from studying site statistics, conducting focus groups, and studying best practices in the market, I have a firm understanding of how to create usable site architecture, that could be beneficial to universities.
Introvert tendencies – When working on projects, I sometimes like to just be alone, with music and just focus completely on that one project. I also tend to not speak up in meetings and group settings, even if I have a great idea, I usually dwell on it and the idea get presented by someone else or I just don't get my idea across as well as I would have liked to.
Lacks of business savvy – I feel like I lack that know–how of how to start a business, where to get capital, legal information, or writing a business plan.
Tell ideas as opposed to sell ideas–
Essay Professional and Personal Goals
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