Essay Modes

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In the writings of Karl Marx and the Marxist theory of historical materialism, a mode of production (in German: Produktionsweise, meaning 'the way of producing ') is a specific combination of: * productive forces: these include human labour power and available knowledge given the level of technology in the means of production (e.g. tools, equipment, buildings and technologies, materials, and improved land). * social and technical relations of production: these include the property, power and control relations governing society 's productive assets, often codified in law, cooperative work relations and forms of association, relations between people and the objects of their work, and the relations between social classes. more content...

The modes of production in history

In a broad outline, Marxist theory recognizes several distinctive modes of production characteristic of different epochs in human history: * Primitive communism

Human society is seen as organized in traditional tribe structures, typified by shared values and consumption of the entire social product. As no permanent surplus product is produced, there is also no possibility of a ruling class coming into existence. As this mode of production lacks differentiation into classes, it is said to be classless. Palaeolithic and Neolithic tools, pre– and early–agricultural production, and rigorous ritualized social control have often been said to be the typifying productive forces of this mode of production. However, the foraging mode of production still exists, and often typified in contemporary hunter–gatherer societies. Past theories of the foraging mode of production have focused on lack of control over food production. More recent scholarship has argued that hunter–gatherers use the foraging mode of production to maintain a specific set of social relations that, perhaps controversially, are said to emphasize egalitarianism and the collective appropriation of resources. * Asiatic mode of production

This is a controversial contribution to Marxist theory, initially used to explain pre–slave and pre–feudal large earthwork

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Marxist Mode Of Production Essay

Modes Of Persuasion Analysis

For the completion of Journal One, the five key terms that I have implemented directly or indirectly from Chapter One and Chapter Two are Ethos, Pathos, Worldview, Facts, and Brainstorming. First, two of the three terms of Modes of Persuasion that I have used directly are Ethos and Pathos. The first time that I have learned to use the Modes of Persuasion terms of Ethos and Pathos in my writing and speaking skills was when I attended a Speech Communication course at Rock Valley College. During the Speech Communication course, not only did I completed multiple papers on the basis on how Ethos and Pathos helps writers and speakers address their point of views for their readers and audiences. Nonetheless, the Speech Communication course has also

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Modes Of Being

Often when I sleep, I neither feel myself (my senses), nor have I dreams. But, when I wake up, my intellect instantly apprehends different things. I feel things, I see things, I taste things, I smell things, and I hear things. Thus, it is true, the first thing grasped by the intellect is being. As, Avicenna said: "that which the intellect first conceives as, in a way, the most evident, and to which it reduces all its concepts, isbeing"1. Then, if all beings from the smallest particle to God himself, is being, or if being is universal, how do I differentiate the diversity of all that I perceive each time when I awake? St. Thomas said there two ways being is expressed, or two ways to of adding to being. But why do we add to being as if more content...

The term used positively is a thing. The essence make a thing what it is, different from all other thing. Therefore a thing expresses the essence of a being whereas the being express the existence of a thing or the ' to be'. The second term used while considering every being is itself is One. One is negative, because when being is considered per se, it cannot be divide, in other words is One. Thus, the term One is used the express the undividedness of a being. Then again, as I mentioned above, the general modes can be considered in two ways. The second mode necessitate to follow every being in relation to others. This first way is the distinction between a being to another being. The distinction between one being to another being is called another. For example: ' Mum my job is finish now, can you give me another one. The term another make a distinction to one thing to another. The second way is the correspondence of one being to another being. This is possible only as St. Thomas explained: "if something which is such that it agrees with every being. Such a being is the soul, which, as is said in The Soul, in some way is all things"3. The soul on the other hand has the knowing and the appetitive powers. As Aristotle said ' good is what men desires' it follows that Good expresses the correspondence of being through the appetitive power. And Truth is the

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Rhetorical Modes Matrix

Associate Program Material Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. Rhetorical Mode Purpose Explain when or why each rhetorical mode is used. Structure Explain what organizational method works best with each rhetorical mode. Provide 2 tips for writing in each rhetorical mode. Narration Narration describes details of an event. Narration is similar to a sequenced list, but it is written in paragraph form. The narration paper is generally short. Narration is well suited to history writing. Narration, like any good writing, is strongest when written in the active voice. The writer should create an introductory paragraph that provides a very brief overview of the narration that is to follow.

Illustration Writers use the Illustration Mode when they provide detailed examples to clarify general or abstract ideas. The writer can use any one of a variety of words and phrases to make the segue from general or abstract to the clarifying Illustration, including "for example," or "Suppose one has"

В¦" An Illustration is meaningful only if it can be understood by a wide audience. The illustration cannot clarify if the reference is as obscure as the idea it is meant to explain. In some instances, more

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Modes of Communication


The paper develops a theory of communication in which the sender's and receiver's motivations and abilities to communicate and process information endogenously determine the communication mode and the transfer of knowledge. In contrast with the economic literature, which focuses on the (mostly costless) transmission of soft and hard information, it models communication as a moral–hazard–in–team problem, in which the sender and receiver select persuasion and message elaboration eп¬Ђorts. The paper shows how strategies and outcomes depend on whether the receiver needs to absorb the content in order to act (executive decision–making) or uses more content...

By contrast, the information contained in the paper becomes harder as your ability, time and motivation to understand the proof increase and as the author has put more eп¬Ђort in drafting it. The theory of communication developed in this paper embodies both obstacles, imperfect congruence and moral hazard in team. A sender (S) is endowed with information that is relevant to the decision maker, the receiver (R). The communication's informativeness increases with the sender's communication eп¬Ђort and with the receiver's attention eп¬Ђort, as well as with exogenous factors such as the commonality of the two parties' background, language or references. For simplicity, we assume that the two eп¬Ђorts jointly determine the probability p that the information remains soft.3 (More generally, the coarseness of the receiver's post–communication partition could be a stochastic and monotonic function of the two eп¬Ђorts). The eп¬Ђectiveness of communication then hinges on the alignment of the parties' objectives. As one would expect, R exerts less eп¬Ђort to understand S's message when he has less of a "stake" in their joint project. First, R is then less likely to make use of or to beneп¬Ѓt from the information when he understands it. For example, a politician is less likely to try to understand the rationale behind some economic advice if he knows that the corresponding policy would be unpopular anyway, and so that he would be unlikely to adopt the policy even if he

Modes of Communication∠Mathias Dewatripont†and Jean Tirole‡ December 7, 2004
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Key Modes Of Persuasion

There are three key modes of persuasion or rhetorical methods used in forming an argument – ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos, the Greek word meaning "character", is an appeal to the author's credibility; logos, the Greek word meaning "logic", is an appeal to the audience's judgement; pathos, the Greek word meaning "emotion", is an appeal to the audience's personal thoughts and biases. There are many ways these methods can be implemented, but not all works make use of them all. We can study the implementation of specific methods, in this example, the use of ethos, through examining their use in various works, such as Pavel Zemliansky's "Methods of Discovery". First, ethos must be more clearly defined. Classically,Aristotle did not include more content...

In the first section concerning argument, he writes, "Some years ago, I heard a conference speaker define argument as...". When defining "rhetoric", he uses outside sources: "Examples of this misuse [of rhetoric] abound. Here are some examples." This passage is followed by references to news articles from CNN, political websites, and personal videos. This is followed up with quoting Aristotle's definition of rhetoric. Later, he uses more examples from Aristotle,Plato, and Sophist teachers, all of whom are, unquestionably, the supreme authorities on the use of rhetoric. He also quotes the authors of Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, who he describes as "modern rhetoricians" and states that he agrees with them concerning the use of pathos and emotional appeals. He quotes the widely known "parlor scenario" passage from The Philosophy of Literary Form in his discussion of the audience. One could argue that his wide use of references and quotes from ancient as well as modern prevalent voices in academia is a use of ethos in and of itself, as a way of proving his own knowledge on the subject. Overall, "Methods of Discovery" by Pavel Zemliansky employs ethos throughout the text, and does so without fallacy or false appeals. Above other methods of implementation, referring to other authorities is the most commonly used tool in this piece. Logos and pathos are also employed by Zemliansky, as they are necessary for any solid argument to stand. However, the prevalent use of ethos allows him to build on the shoulders of

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My Rhetorical Modes

In my rhetorical modes essay, I selected compare and contrast for the prompt, and the three other rhetorical modes I included were narration, definition as well as description. I first used narration establish a closer connection to the topic, and relate my personal experiences that seem like an antithesis to the topic of Trump's xenophobic and anti immigrant attitude. To mark the transition into this mode I employed the first person perspective, describing a brief anecdote of my parents who immigrated from their country of origin, to illustrate the point that the image of the thieving and malicious immigrant that Donald Trump propagates through hisrhetoric is completely false. I used this mode to base myself off a degree of credibility,

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Language Modes

Language arts is the term typically used by educators to describe the curriculum area that includes four modes of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language arts teaching constitutes a particularly important area in teacher education, since listening, speaking, reading, and writing permeate the curriculum; they are essential to learning and to the demonstration of learning in every content area. Teachers are charged with guiding students toward proficiency in these four language modes, which can be compared and contrasted in several ways. Listening and speaking involve oral language and are often referred to as primary modes since they are acquired naturally in home and community environments before children come more content...

The curriculum is not determined by texts and tests; rather, this model stresses the encouragement of language processes that lead to growth in the language competencies (both written and oral) of students, as well as exposure to broad content. The interests and needs of the students, along with the knowledge and interests of the teacher, determine the specific curriculum. Thus reading materials, writing genres and topics, and discussion activities will vary from classroom to classroom and even from student to student within a classroom.

"Authentic" assessment is the rule in these classrooms, that is, assessment that grows from the real language work of the students rather than from formal tests. Clearly the process model leads to more flexible and varied curriculum and instruction than the other two models. While the heritage and competencies models have come under criticism for being too rigid and unresponsive to student differences, the process model has been criticized as too unstructured and inconsistent to dependably give all students sufficient grounding in language content and skills. In actuality, teachers of language arts generally strive to help their students develop proficiency in language use, develop understanding of their own and other cultures, and experience and practice the processes of reading and writing. Thus it seems that the three models are not mutually

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Modes of Power for Women

The struggle for control over birth transcends centuries and continents. Gloria Steinem, a women's rights advocate of the 1990s describes how "the traditional design of most patriarchal buildings of worship imitates the female body" in order that "men [can] take over the yoni–power of creation by giving birth symbolically" (Steinem XV). The struggle for control over the power of procreation between the sexes existed in Ancient Greece. It is apparent in the Theogony, an account of the creation of Greek deities, composed by Hesiod sometime between the eighth and seventh centuries. The Theogony depicts how males attempted to subvert control of procreation by monitoring the womb, through force, and more content...

Ouranos exerts control over Gaia's womb: "with joy in his wicked work [he] hid [offspring] / in Gaia's womb and did not let [them] return to the light" (157–158). Gaia's power over procreation is compromised. Ouranos can prevent Gaia's womb from releasing children. The compromise of control is also found in the relationship between two other deities, Rhea and Kronos. Kronos "gulped down his own children to Rhea's endless grief" (467). Even though Rhea gives birth to the children, Kronos determines their survival. With males involved in creation, female's absolute control over birth is compromised.

The Theogony describes instances of sexual force, another tactic that reduces female control over birth. In describing a coupling between Zeus and Hekate, Hesiod says, "The son of Kronos did not use force on her" (423) indicating force is sometimes employed. A specific instance of forced procreation is when "Jason, shepherd of the people, made her submit / to his passion, and she bore Medeios" (1000–1001). On this occasion Hesiod writes, "Zeus's design was fulfilled" (1002). Not only does Jason force the woman to procreate, Zeus designs it as such giving Zeus, a male god, influence over procreation.

Gods subvert female power of procreation by undermining mother–child relationships. Zeus succeeds in destroying the bond between his first wife, Metis, and her children by swallowing Metis. He swallows his wife because it is fated she will bear children

Essay Modes of Power for Women
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Types of Communication Methods


Communication Methods Communication is the sharing or transfer of information, ideas, command or request through a communication means or mode (Tantawy, 2013). The means of communication are written or spoken words, pictures, gestures, symbols, body language and looks. The primary modes are the written letter or memo, telephone, voice mail, e–mail, fax and electronic medical record (Tantawy). The types used in organizations, including healthcare organizations, are downward, upward, and lateral or horizontal (Tantawy, 2013). A downwardcommunication emanates from a senior official to a subordinate. It is highly directive, that is, it issues orders, assigns responsibilities, informs, transmits a feedback or asks for it, emphasizes problems and other intents. Upward communication is the opposite. It comes from subordinate ranks to provide feedback, progress or issues; or seek approval. And lateral or horizontal communication is sent among those in the same levels or ranks to share information for updating or sharing and to save time (Tantawy).

Addressing a Negative Media Report

The communications coordinator must weigh and evaluate his choices carefully. Responding may help the complainant and the public see the organization in a new and better light. At other times, it may be better to withhold a response if it will only expose the organization to more criticism and more negative report (Barone, 2009). But in this

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DNA And The Modes Of Inheritance

This week in Biology, we learned about DNA and the Modes of Inheritance. The most important thing I learned is how the modes of inheritance works and how there can be blends or show of both genes on the organism. The assignment that I spent the most time on was the packet that I got on Tuesday because it was a new topic for me. I can tell I am learning because I got a new packet I would've finished over Thanksgiving Break, but I am almost done. I am having trouble learning the incomplete dominance and the co–dominance. One assignment I was struggling with was my packet, but I got help already. If I were watching myself in class, I would think that I should push myself further and ask more questions. Looking forward I expect next week to be awesome since it is Thanksgiving Break and we don't have school. We also hardly have any homework. more content...

The most important thing I learned was that she was a black woman, but she was the first to have their play performed at a big theater. The assignment I spent the most time on was the new packet Mr.Washington gave us. In the packet, there were instructions for completing the work. I struggled a lot with this assignment because it was so much. I also had many questions, but didn't know how to approach the teacher and tell him. I can tell I am learning because my grades are still good. If I were watching myself in class, I would be disappointed that I wasn't participating in class and I would put more effort into my work. One thing that helped me push myself was my

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Knowledge is by no means subordinate when it comes to being a good doctor. There are those who will say it is more important than anything else, what could possibly be more important? And while it is true that knowing to perform the Allen's test or knowing that there is a separate procedure for the anaesthesia of patients suffering from Myasthenia Gravis, could and has saved many lives, that does not make one a good doctor. If a good doctor was simply defined as someone who knew Gray's Anatomy from cover to cover then it wouldn't be long before the industry was automated. There's something to be said for walking into your local GP's practice and being remembered and treated with a kind heart and gentle hands, being treated as if you were one of more content...

This biomedical perspective focuses on the mechanism of a disease or condition and assumes that the psychological and social factors are not essential to understanding and treating patients. A more modern form of treatment is the biopsychosocial model. This model encompasses an array of potential contributing factors to a patient's health problem and recognises that it is not always simply an anatomical or physiological issue. The biopsychosocial model takes into account the variable interaction of biological factors, psychological factors and social factors, all of which must be fully assessed and given time in the treatment of the patient. Therefore, to fully treat a patient it is not only necessary to have a knowledge of human biology, but also to be able to comprehend and empathise with the patient's psychological and social state, the be able to visualise what they are going through and adjust your treatment accordingly. In order to be a good doctor you mustn't neglect two thirds of your patient's condition, two thirds which I believe cannot be learned from a

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Essay On

Modes Of Inquiry And Social Media

Modes of Inquiry and Social Media In some way or another, we have all been personally affected by social media. Today, so many people worry about how social media has shaped and dictated our lives, and if for the worse or for the better. Luckily, we have many different ways of inquiring similar questions. The Arts & Sciences Department at the University of Louisville gives us 3 distinctive divisions: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. These divisions are home to all of the different majors and thereby help us look at issues from multiple angles. Specifically, we can answer questions about social media by glancing through the lenses of Biology, Geography, and the English Language. First of all, research is sparked by a question. In this case, I wondered: Do users perceive positive media and negative media differently? Surprisingly, Biological cues in humans can be observed to help deduce answers. But first of all, what even defines Biology? Biology can loosely be defined by the study of living organisms, divided into their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution. In the article I found, researchers let subjects watch television with a tablet also in view. On the television, subjects viewed both positive and negative newscasts; and on the tablet, both positive and negative tweets. Researchers measured the subject's time of attention to either the television or the tablet by making the subjects wear "SMI Eye–tracking Glasses"2 and

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Modes of Acceptance

What are the modes of acceptance recognised under the Contracts Act 1950 (Revised 1974) and common law. Support your answers with reference to decided cases.

An acceptance must be communicated for it to be effective and valid. The mental assent of both parties is not required but the external manifestation should exist. The acceptor must dos something in order to notify his acceptance. For example, he should communicate his acceptance of the offeror. This can be illustrated in the case of Brogden v Metropolitan Railway Co (1877) 2 App Cas 666. In this case, the defendants had for some years supplied the plaintiffs with coals. It was suggested by the defendants that a contract should be entered into more content...

Defendant banked in a sum of money to gain the confidence of the public. Plaintiff bought and used the ball in the manner prescribed and caught influenza. She claimed for the compensation but the defendant refused to compensate her. She then sued the defendant. Defendant contended that the advertisement was a mere puff and was not intended to create a binding obligation. Court of Appeal held that an offer can be made to the world and it becomes a contract when any person performs the condition. It was also mentioned in Section 7(b) of the Contracts Act that where the mode of acceptance is specified in the offer, the acceptor must communicate his acceptance in that mode. If no mode is specified, acceptance by any usual and reasonable manner which shows the acceptor 's intention to accept is sufficient.

There are a few types of communication of acceptance. First is via post or telegram. There is a difficulty in this type os communication of acceptance due to the time lag between sending and receiving and in situations where the acceptance is not received by the offeror without the fault of either party. The general rule at common law is that acceptance is complete when it is brought to the notice of the offeror. But it was stated in the postal rule that an acceptance is complete when the letter containing such acceptance is posted, or when the telegram containing such acceptance is handed in. This can be seen in the case of

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Modes of Verbs

Modes of verb

Mode is the manner in which the action, the being, or the state is asserted. Mode does not show the manner of the action or state, but the manner of its assertion.

The action or state may be asserted: as something that may, can, or must take place. as something imagined or supposed which is placed under a condition. as something desired.

In written English, the mode or manner of the action or state is expressed by means of limiting words. For example The soldier fought (a reality) bravely (manner of the act). The soldier may fight (something imagined) bravely (manner of the supposed act).

The infinitive is not properly a mode of the verb. Since it does not assert action at all, it cannot be said to more content...

If an equal to an equal, it is an exhortation or an entreaty.

If an inferior to a superior, it is a prayer or a supplication. The imperative mode is made subordinate only in a direct quotation. For example God said, "Let there be light."

The imperative mode may be elegantly put for a conditional clause. For example Let but the commons hear this testament– Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read– And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds Shakespeare

The Infinitive Mode and Participles

The infinitive is used in abridged propositions, and hence is wholly dependent, being incorporated as an element of another proposition. The infinitive does not assert any thing. It is not limited by the number and the person of a subject, and hence its name, the infinitive. Infinitive suggests unlimited in contrast with finite, which is applied to all verbs used in construction with a subject. Finite verbs are limited by the number and person of their subjects.

The infinitive is used as an abstract noun. It also may be associated with the subject from which it has been abstracted. For example The soldier faints (finite). for the soldier to faint (infinitive) He goes. for him to go We told Anne, "Go." We told Anne to go.

Voice of verb

In grammar, the voice (also called diathesis) of a verb describes the relationship between the action (or state) that the verb expresses and the Get

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Models Of Reflective Practices

After reading the models of reflections I tend to lean on Schon, the reason being that his concept focuses on to use reflection as a tool to help go back to experiences whether productive experience or not. This gives the learner the ability to explore their understanding of their actions and experience, and the impact of these on themselves and others. Incorporating this into my reflective process will give me the opportunity to adopt a structured approach that models reflective practices whether successful or not to learn from my mistakes to become better in my area of practice. Modeling this if I were to ever be in the classroom will help open various ways for me to provide a framework to my students to help them apply and transfer skills

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Ventilation Modes

The Effects of Different Ventilation Modes on Sleep Quality in Critically Ill Patients Who require Mechanical Ventilation


Sleep is a physiological process essential to the human body to rest and maintain overall health1. One complication of acute illness is sleep deprivation seen as ineffective nocturnal sleep, reduced (NREM) and (REM) sleep, and an increase in the waking hours within the circadian rhythms2. Recent studies suggest that invasive mechanical ventilation influences the sleep quality in intubated patients with respiratory failure3. Mechanically ventilated patients describe sleep deprivation as a source of stress that depresses both mental and physical states4. Sleep deprivation can cause anxiety, depression, agitation, more content...

They applied low–pressure strategy to achieve a mean Vt of about 6.6 ml/kg4. Three patients only developed central sleep apnea. However, the pre–set pressure level in PSV doesn't allow the patient to regulate ventilator–delivered support during slow wave sleep. Therefore, the patient–ventilator asynchronies were higher in PSV compared to PAV4. Also, the number of arousals during the total sleep time was 16/hr in PSV and 9/hr in PAV4. Patient–ventilator asynchronies include auto–triggering, doubled triggering, ineffective triggering, and delayed cycling4. Total asynchronies were two times larger in PSV4. Although the entire sleep time was similar in PSV and PAV, better sleep architecture with less sleep fragmentation was seen with

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Mean, Median, Mode, and Range

Mean, median, and mode are three kinds of "averages". There are many "averages" in statistics, but these are, I think, the three most common, and are certainly the three you are most likely to encounter in your pre–statistics courses, if the topic comes up at all.

The "mean" is the "average" you 're used to, where you add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers. The "median" is the "middle" value in the list of numbers. To find the median, your numbers have to be listed in numerical order, so you may have to rewrite your list first. The "mode" is the value that occurs most often. If no number is repeated, then there is no mode for the list.

The "range" is just the more content...

So if you 're not certain how you should answer the "mode" part of the above example, ask your instructor before the next test.

About the only hard part of finding the mean, median, and mode is keeping straight which "average" is which. Just remember the following:

mean: regular meaning of "average" median: middle value mode: most often

(In the above, I 've used the term "average" rather casually. The technical definition of "average" is thearithmetic mean: adding up the values and then dividing by the number of values. Since you 're probably more familiar with the concept of "average" than with "measure of central tendency", I used the more comfortable term.)

A student has gotten the following grades on his tests: 87, 95, 76, and 88. He wants an 85 or better overall. What is the minimum grade he must get on the last test in order to achieve that average?

The unknown score is "x". Then the desired average is:

Mean, Median, Mode

Multiplying through by 5 and simplifying, I get: 87 + 95 + 76 + 88 + x = 425 346 + x = 425 x = 79

He needs to get at least a 79 on the last test.

You can use the Mathway widget below to practice "Data Measurement and Statistics", subtopic "Finding the Median". Try the entered exercise, use the "Select Topic" menu to practice modes and means, or type in your own exercise. Then

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(87 + 95 + 76 + 88 + x) Г· 5 = 85

5 Modes of Transportation

In order to have easy mobility of persons and goods, it is necessary to have a sophisticated and widespread transportation system. This system is made up of five primary areas of transportation, which are: – Motor vehicles – Railroad transportation – Air transportation – Water transportation – Pipelines

Each of these five modes consists of different subsystems which make up the system. Each mode is used to transport persons or goods, but in many instances, one mode may be favored over the others. All five modes require some primary source of funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. These funds may come from a number more content...

They range from small single passenger aircraft to large jumbo jet aircraft. Transportation of freight is another area of air transport. Most common is the express and freight and mail carriers. Most of this material is carried by local passenger/cargo carriers. Some military aircraft is used in the transportation of much larger freight. The materials transported by air may include anything from raw materials to finished products. Another mode of transporting passengers and freight is by water. The transportation of passengers is slow and inconvenient, therefore it is not used very often except for pleasure. The size of water craft may vary from small single seater jet skis to large cruise ships. The most common use of water transportation is for freight. The type of freight moved is usually limited to those classes that are bulky and of low cost per unit volume. Pipelines are mainly used to transport oil and oil products or natural gas. Oil pipelines are divided between gathering lines and trunk lines, while gas pipelines are divided between field lines and trunk lines. Each mode must have sufficient funds for building and maintaining the infrastructure. For the highway system, funds come from several different areas. The United States highway system is publicly owned, therefore much of the funds are received from the federal government, however, most of the funds are received from highway user taxes. Federal

Modes of Transportation Essay
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Models of Public Administration

Studying the Models of Public Administration


Before going to the models, it is important to understand the different terminologies used in the subject:


An Approach is based primarily on one central concept. That is thought to be especially useful in studying basic features ofpublic administration. Approaches are general in nature.

2. MODELS: Models can be considered as a refined and more specific version of approaches. We can say that approaches are the factories of models. Within one approach, several models can be developed. Models are very specific towards a particular study.

3. THEORY: Theory is a more sophisticated tool than models. But according more content...

2. There should be a clear division of labor with authority and responsibility, clearly designated, maximizing specializing and expertise. 3. The arrangement of positions in hierarchy of authority.

Written rules and regulations should be there to control and fixed the official jurisdictions

4. Officials should be appointed on the basis of qualification. 5. Work should be viewed as a vocation and full time occupation. 6. There should be uniformity and impersonality regardless of persons.


There is a lot of criticism against Weber's ideal model as a general, identifying criteria for comparative purpose. 1. Ideal type can never exist at all. And even if it exists the model by definition does not lend itself to explain dynamic imperial situations. 2. Schmitt was against the concept of legal, rational authority. According to him legitimacy is based entirely on accepted legal procedures which abandon all moral arguments of legitimacy. 3. Another scientist, Eric Strauss criticizes Weber in these words "It's unfortunate that Weber used the termbureaucracy to define his rational form of administration."

4. Talcott Parson concluded by saying that "Weber's model is highly developed and is broadly applicable conceptual scheme in any comparative field."


By studying different models presented by different scientists and regardless of different criticism on Weber's bureaucratic model it is obvious that

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