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I Have A Dream

By Martin Luther King Jr.

The speech "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr. was an inspirational part of history that still presents truths to this present day. It was originally given on the 28th of August in 1963 at Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., and it was one of the marks of history that one could say took the world by storm. The speech given referenced racism and segregation that had been occurring between white Americans of those of color, whether African Americans or Asians and even Native Americans. Martin Luther King Jr. mentions the ideas of the Founding Fathers and their declaration of freedom for all men because they were all created equal and that was the true purpose of splitting from the motherland and suffering onto "unexplored" territories. In King's speech, he gives his beliefs on what he believes is right and what he knows is right and just for all people. Rather than trying to belittle or insult other groups, he tries to solve issues and brings up his own dreams and the dreams of all those that are suffering and trying to make their American dream come true. Many variables and instances of the speech are memorable even to this day because of its importance and of how it resonates with the hearts of others. King uses various elements and literary techniques that draw the attention of the audience such as the modes of persuasion, as well as repetition, imagery, and allusion. Through modes of persuasion, King effectively uses pathos, logos, and ethos to convey his thoughts


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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In the Speech I have a dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. uses his speech to advocate for the right of people of color in the United States. In a hopeful tone, Dr. Martin Luther King uses natural imagery to encourage African Americans to be hopeful that their right will be enforce. In his speech Martin Luther King focus on the positive aspect of nature to enforce his message on not losing hope. By using positive and negative aspects of nature, Dr. King tell his audience that even when nature is showing them a bad aspect of current situations, same nature will also show a strong and positive outcome. One nature expect highlighted in Dr. King's speech is light to signify hope. To motivate his audience to not give up on the demand, he uses...show more content...

For example, in his speech Dr. King says, "Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood." In this quote, Dr. King tell his audience to fight and take the nation out of inconsistence and weak support system and instead, place it in a strong and solid foundation. This quote shows how Dr. King uses natural sources, in this case a rock to symbolic the capacity of a brotherhood. He suggests the rock be the strong and united bond that the nation needs. In the speech we also see the negative and destructive aspect of nature representing the current situation of nation. For example, Dr. King says, "flame of withering injustice." This quote means that the flames are creating the inconvertibility among the people, and all because of injustices. "sweltering with the heat of injustice." This means that people are suffering because of the injustice in the nation. In two quotes represent how Dr. King is symbolize the effect of injustice with fire and heat as a way of symbolizing that injustice is making them suffer. This shows the negative impact that nature is having in society. By using the fames and its heat, Dr. King present an imagery where injustice is causing people to be humiliated, uncountable and not well treated. To

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