Cause and effect is noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others. Most things that happening in life have a cause and effect relationship. Almost everything you do is a cause and will have an effect, or most things you do is an effect of something that happened or what you done before your actions. An example of a cause and effect relationship is last year I was in the state tournament, and I was in the semi–finals. I ended up losing, and I was very angry with myself. I wanted to make it to the finals so bad, but me not making it made me stronger and it made me push myself for this season. It made me more confident and more determined. Most situations in every aspect of life is a cause and effect situation and you can control that situation most of the time. Almost every situation in life is a cause and effect relationship occurring. For example, right now you are probably in school studying, or doing an assignment and probably at the end of the week you will have a test on whatever you are working on. And the results of your test will be the effect to the cause you are doing right now. Most of the time, what you are doing right now is a cause and later on there will be an effect to what you are doing now. But you have control over that situation and you get to choose what gets to happen in that situation. But most people don't realize they could've controlled that situation and done better until after it happens, but after it happens it is too late and you just have to make another situation. Sometimes cause and effect can be easy to understand, like if you have dominos lined up and you push the first one and the others start to fall after you push that first one, that is a cause and effect situation. You pushing the first one is the cause and the others falling is the effect. But there is sometimes they can be long situations and hard to understand. For example, when I wrestle almost every single move I make or every move I make there I an effect to it, like if I see a kid barely moves his leg and I take a shot and land it, the cause is him barely moving his leg and the result of that is me taking a shot and landing it. Another long situation
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Cause And Effect Essay
In the first part of the experiment, students will use observation to study the cause and effect of four different chemicals brought together and changed occurring. The four chemicals that will be looked closely at are Calcium Chloride (CaCl2), Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3), Phenol Red Solution, and Deionized Water (H2O). The chemical changes students will mainly look for is if there is a change of color, heat and/or light generated, gas produced and precipitate formation. Applying these principles in a practical manner will be used to determine the underlying factors responsible for the particular observations.The second section of this experiment is carried out a series of controlled experiments to determine the cause of change in more content...
Prior to starting the experimentation, students must wear their appropriate personal laboratory attire including, a lab coat, safety goggles, nonlatex gloves, and chemistry lab manual. After successfully conducting the experiment, students must empty contents in a waste disposal bin provided when all reactions are subsided. Students must clean plastic bag with a little water and dispose of it in a bag in the trash. To determine what combinations of chemicals are responsible for each observed changed, students may conduct a series of controlled experiments with the same quantities of chemicals. If chemicals are spilled on a student's body or caught on fire, the best method to put it down is he or she must go to the safety shower, take off their clothes entirely and rinse off the chemicals for at least 15 minutes as recommended by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The same goes if chemicals get caught into the eyes or hands. Remember to carefully handle the chemicals in a cautious and efficient manner, and notify the instructor of any incidents.
Phenol red or water mixed with calcium chloride produced heat. It seems as though all calcium chloride needs is a liquid to increase in temperature. No, the controlled experiments became both hot and cold, and so did the overall reaction. For
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I. Introduction
A. Hook/Attention getter (2 marks): What is beauty? Beauty have a lot of definition and very subjective. There are many kinds of beauty has given and loaned to us by the creators, ALLAH, such as the vast blue ocean, high mountains clawed the sky, the planets rotate in the orbit, the rainbow that appeared after the rain, the green forest, the fresh air and many others. All of this beauty will give the peace of mind and make everyone be grateful for this lovely creation especially for nature lovers.
B. General statement (2 marks):
However, these amazing creation nowadays slowly start to destroyed from day by day. The destruction occurs due to the bad attitudes some of irresponsible people who are only thinks about their more content...
a.Sub–supporting Point 1:
People nowadays are too busy with their daily life activities and they don't have much time to take care about other silly thing such as about environment. So, to make their work easier, they are burning the rubbish such as bottles, plastics bag,paper in the open place without thinking of the effect will occur in future.
B. Topic sentence 2 (2 marks):
Secondly, due to an increasing in the number of vehicles the sky has become very hazy.
1.Supporting Point 1 (2 marks) : Vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, trucks and others are need to make life comfortable eventhough the smoke produce by the vehicle is a harmful smoke and seriously influence the air pollution.
a.Sub–supporting point 1:
In this high–tech era, people need to be aggressive in everything they do and move as fast as they could. Therefore, it dominated the increase in demand for vehicles. The vehicle have been the necessary thing to make their life moving smoothly
a.Sub–supporting point 2: Example, people going to work early in the morning to avoid traffic
Thesis Statement On Air Pollution
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Essay on Education: Causes & Effects
Education: Causes and Effects
In many situations, higher education separates people from their families, social backgrounds, and cultures. This often causes mixed emotions, awkward feelings, and other conflicts. Some of these conflicts are described in works such as "Aria" by Richard Rodriguez, and "The Right to Write" by Frederic Douglass.
"Aria" comes from the biography of Richard Rodriguez, the son of two Mexican immigrants. He describes his struggle to grow up in a primarily white, English–speaking area. As a young child knowing less than fifty English words, Rodriguez began his schooling in Sacramento, California. He not only faced the more content...
However, as Richard grew older, language became a real problem for him. He developed negative feelings towards his parents because of their English. He felt a sense of embarrassment around them in a social atmosphere. He says, "It was troubling for me to hear my parents speak in public." Hearing them speak broken English also brought him a feeling of insecurity. "It was unsettling to hear my parents struggle with English. Hearing them, I'd grow nervous, my clutching trust in their protection and power weakened," said Rodriguez. The language barrier was a disadvantage for Rodriguez because it created a barrier between his home and public. He felt comfortable at home, speaking Spanish with his family, as he had his whole life. However,
he became hesitant to go into public at all because of his language. He says, "I'd rarely leave home at all alone or without reluctance." The language barrier affected Rodriguez both emotionally and socially.
As and adult, Rodriguez became an award–winning writer. Despite the emotional and social problems that Rodriguez dealt with earlier in his life, he learned to adapt and use the English language for his advantage.
In "The Right to Write," the situation is much different. Frederick Douglass, the son of a slave woman and
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Cause And Effect Of Vaccination
"Each year, millions of American adults become sick from illnesses that could have been prevented by vaccination" RAND HEALTH. Every year, the rate of deaths of preventable illnesses, goes up. Every year, millions of americans became deathly ill, from a virus that is preventable from a simple vaccination. There are americans that believe that vaccinations are evil, they do more harm than good, the fear of the unknown side affects, autism , and damage/stress to our immune system. Then there are others who believe vaccinations keep us healthy, helps us fight off anything that can harm us, and that protect us from virus our bodies can't fight off. According to Shot@Life, a United Nations Foundation partner organization, vaccines save 2.5 million children from preventable diseases every year [44], which equates to roughly 285 children saved every hour. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 732,000 American children were saved from death and 322 million cases of childhood illnesses were prevented between 1994 and 2014 due to vaccination. Virus that are from the late 1950s, are making their way back into our lives because there are so many americans that do not vaccinate. Measles is the most popular virus that came back. In 2014, there was a measle outbreak in 15 states,since then the number of states and cases reported, increases. In 2014,667 cases of measles, a virus that is preventable from a simple vaccinations. Another would be ; Mumps, a illness that has 99% Get
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Causes of Suicide Essay
Causes of Suicide
*No Works Cited
Suicide can best be described as the destructive act of voluntarily taking one's own life. Suicide often presents a real and often tragic puzzle to be solved by friends and family, and any other professionals who have been involved with someone who has committedsuicide. To be able to definitively answer the question as to why an individual would commit such a deadly act seems to be a highly complex task. The victim himself or herself, is perhaps the least aware of the answer to this ninth leading cause of death. Scientists have discovered that the cause of this fatal behavior can be found both within and without the individual. Whether biological, more content...
Every year there are seven hundred seventy–five thousand suicide attempts in the United States. It is estimated that five million Americans have attempted suicide. For every male suicide attempt there are three female attempts. The majority of overdose attempts is unsuccessful and account for seventy percent of suicide attempts (SFSP: U.S. Suicide Statistics, 1996).
It is estimated that for every suicide there is six survivors close to the victims that are affected. The statistics are stunning. How can we understand better why individuals would take their own life (McIntosh, 1997)
The conclusion that suicide is closely related to psychiatric illness is what researchers have come up with. The three diagnoses with the highest risk are depression, alcoholism and schizophrenia. Seventy percent of suicides would have been diagnosed with major depression. Fifteen percent would have been diagnosed with alcoholism and four percent from schizophrenia. Researchers have used two methods to come up with these findings. The first one, the researchers find out what proportion of people who have committed suicide have been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness in their past. The second method of research involves what is called psychological autopsy. Psychological autopsy involves carefully questioning the family members and friends of the suicide victim. These questions are in reference to the individual state of mind, mood and behavior of the deceased
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Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects
Stress: Causes and Effects
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things to more content...
Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22).
Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer.
Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone
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Cause And Effect Essay On Climate Change
The Earth is warmer today by about two degrees Fahrenheit since 1880 when record keeping of the temperature began. That also includes the ocean waters. The warming is more over land and evident in the poles of the Arctic and Antarctica. Generally, the Earth varies in temperature from year to year by a fraction of a degree. A rise of two degrees is significant. These differences are shown by the rising global temperatures and warmer oceans. Climate change is a natural short term weather condition of variable temperatures, winds, and rainfalls. However over for decades and centuries, a pattern of weather changes may be apparent. These weather changes which affect the planet and its people are commonly called Climate Change. The effects of climate change are differences caused by changes in the weather. The emissions of carbon dioxide and sulfur gases are created by mankind with the use of fossil fuels. This has resulted in heat to amass in the Earth like a few hundred thousand atomic bombs detonating daily. It is known as the greenhouse effect and calledglobal warming. Global warming and climate change are words often used to mean the same thing (Ananth). If greenhouse gases remain high, then there could be a large temperature rise of up to eight degrees Fahrenheit. Global warming would cause drastic changes to Earth and If these gases elevate over time then the temperature rise could exceed 8 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature rise like that would change the world and damage
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What is climate change? Climate change is the seasonal changes for a period of time in the world. These climate patterns play an important role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them. The changes in climate can affect how people, plants and animal live, such as food production and health risks. The world is now worried about the changes that are occurring today and how it has been speeding up and seriously affecting human's lives. In 2007, scientists from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted that warming oceans and melting glaciers due to global warming and climate change could cause sea levels to rise 7–23 inches by the year 2100. Have you ever noticed how the Earth's temperature has been rising over these past years? In the future, climate change will have a significant impact on every aspect of our daily lives. The climate changes in our Earth are affecting our lives psychologically, physically and emotionally. Most of these climate changes are due to small variations in Earth's orbit that change the amount of solar energy the planet receives (NASA,2017). It can cause lots of affects for the growth of crops. If icecaps melt and areas flood as it is predicted, our entire population will be forced to move to higher ground. All these massive hurricanes for example, hurricane Harvey in Texas, are a great demonstration of how we are putting are planet in danger. The disappointing thing about all this topic
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Cause And Effect Essay On Climate Change
Pollution has become a prevalent issue worldwide and has begun to affect the air used to breathe, the soil used to grow food, and the water used to drink. All of these effects result in commonly occurring destruction of health and wildlife that one may have seen on the news or heard from peers. In order to live, one needs food, water, clothing, and shelter. If the water and food that society consumes gets contaminated, a major component of life has been eradicated, which can only have negative consequences. If more people are educated as to what effects the environment, the world has a chance to counteract the effects of pollution. The main causes of pollution are the burning of fossil fuels such as with car exhausts, littering as a result of societal norms and laziness, and factory waste as a result of lax waste regulation, and can result in mass destruction of the environment and catastrophic effects on the everyday lives of contemporary people.
The amount of factories and industries has grown immensely through the previous years which has resulted in an expansion in the consumption of petroleum products. Innovation has begun to increase and has promoted the expansion of the production of cars. As stated by the Air Quality Research Center, "Air pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental problems, causing many adverse health effects and responsible for 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year" (Air Pollution and Health – Air Quality Research Center.). The smog and
Cause And Effect Essay On Air Pollution
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: Causes And Effects Of Climate Change
Climate is a general weather condition in an area during a long period of time. An example that can be used to visualize what climate actually is can be New York's climate, which is hot and humid over the summertime and mild during the winter. Because of many human activities, which harm the environment, rates of climate change have risen. Climate change is the pattern of change that Earth's climate experiences over several years. Though climate change may occur through natural instances, it is now starting to become a problem because of human contribution. The things that cause climate change are the effects of living in an industrialized time period. For example, carbon dioxide emissions which are now increasing because of the mass burning of fossil fuels make the Earth warmer. COв‚‚ is only an example of the many greenhouse gases that are being released more frequently, which contribute to the Earth getting warmer. Greenhouse gases are any gaseous compounds that are able to trap longwave radiation into the atmosphere, therefore, making the Earth warmer. The increase of the greenhouse gases lead up to what is known as the "Greenhouse Effect." The "Greenhouse Effect" means that the sun gives off energy that heats our planet. This energy bounces off the Earth's surface back into space. With the Earth's natural greenhouse gases, organisms do not become too cold because the gases trap heat into the Earth. However, by increasing the number of greenhouse gases, the Earth gets Get more content
Most of us learned when we were very young that we should not judge by appearances. But, in the aftermath of massacres in schools everywhere, a sane person has to take seriously what the material world shows – and pass judgment. After all, a lack of judgment and subsequent action may lead to further youth violence.
This event has been thoroughly dissected by a whole herd of politicians and pundits over a period of some months. But they have, unfortunately, failed to reach the heart of the matter.
For the heart of the matter is theological, a category that does not often appear in American public discourse. Instead, we hear talk about psychology, community, exclusion– the narrow, modern litany of cause and effect. David Mandel, more content... But it really conceals an attitude for which there is a technical theological term: Gnosticism. Gnosticism was one of the early Church's chief rivals. Unlike biblical creationism and the more optimistic views of nature found in some pagan philosophers, Gnostics saw the world as the product of an evil or, at best, indifferent, god; the true God was to be found only beyond material things. Evil was built in the foundations of this world.
If you want a rough idea of what this means in practice, you need look no further than Star Wars. The two sides of the Force are in perpetual conflict with one another. Neither Good nor Evil are ultimate principles, merely two parts of a whole. We are supposed to root for the good guys. But the dark side is always there, too, and has its "meaning and beauty" for some souls. In similar fashion, our culture does not wholly accept groups like the Trench Coat Mafia. Many principals and teachers are engaged in a daily struggle to keep groups like them under control. Any school, for example, that lets gang insignias and graffiti go unchecked is headed for disaster. So administrators are quick to check them whenever possible.
But the black trench coat presents a different kind of problem. It is not hard to imagine the outcry from the ACLU and other groups if schools move to ban otherwise harmless articles of clothing. And wherever the argument begins to be made that such fringe
Effect Essay
Cause and
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Examples Of Cause And Effect Diagram
1.4.1 Cause – and – Effect Diagram:
A cause and effect diagram examines why something happened or might happen by organizing potential causes into smaller categories. It can also be useful for showing relationships between contributing factors. One of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality, it is often referred to as a fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram. It was founded by Karou Ishikawa in 1968. One of the reasons cause & effect diagram is also called as fishbone diagram is because the completed diagram ends up looking like a fish's skeleton with the fish head to the right of the diagram and the bones branching off behind it to the left.
To begin making a cause and effect diagram, write the main issue or problem to be analyzed in a box that is typically on the right. A line called the "spine" or "backbone" should extend to the left starting from the edge of the main box. Next, angle branches off of the spine, each represent a cause or effect of the main issue. Each of these branches can contain additional branches. In the manufacturing industry, the causes are referred to as the 6Ms:
Manpower / People
Mother Nature / Environment
Do you have too little of your workforce devoted to a process? Are new more content...
The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. A graph that ranks data classifications in descending order from left to right; if useful many are clubbed under 'other', place this category on the far right. Horizontal scale in Pareto is a category. It is used to identify most important problems (Top 3 defects). It is applicable to problem identification & measurement of
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Causes and Effects of Stress
According to HeartMath LLC,"Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness and disease". Stress is a huge problem in the world today and affects many people. Everyone has different stress triggers. For example, work, school, and children are all parts of life that many people struggle with and cause them to go into overload. Stress can take a toll on many people's bodies and can cause serious problems. In opposition to the people who think that stress is a negative, some people say that it is a positive. They claim that it motivates them, boosts their adrenaline, and makes them smarter.
Many people in the world experience stress in their everyday lives. Adults experience most of their stress in the workplace. Long hours, a heavy workload, and changes in the company are some of the attributions to why they are so stressed. Long hours can cause tension because of the lack of sleep that adults get, working more than they are used to. A heavy workload can seem very overwhelming and extreme deadlines make it even worse. Changes in a company can also cause tension because changes often lead to more work or a different environment. For example, if the company hires a new person, someone else is responsible for giving them the training they need to fit the job. Also, if the chemistry of the coworkers is not good, that causes tension and makes it harder to work in that environment. Maritta Kinnunen–Amoroso and Juha Liira suggest that, "The Get more content
Cause and Effect: Online Classes
Cause and effect: Online classes "A recent report in the Chronicle for Higher Education found that institutions report dropout rates ranging from 20 to 50 percent for distance learners. And administrators of online courses concur dropout rates are often 10 to 20 percentage points higher in distance offerings than in their face–to–face counterparts" (Frankola, n.d). The reason for this higher rate, according to the Chronicle, was unclear. However there are a number of possible causes for this effect. The first is that the nature of online education may be less motivating for students, because it lacks the real–life solidarity provided by teachers and peers. It may be more difficult for students to obtain effective help from their teachers in a virtual format, particularly if they have difficulty expressing themselves in written prose. However, some of the causes may have to do with the nature of students more apt to select online learning. They are often more likely to be juggling multiple commitments from work and school. They may choose online learning because they believe it will be easier, or require less participation in class. They may have been intimidated in school environments in the past and hope the passivity and distanced nature of the format will enable them to get by but instead find that the online learning process merely exposes their weaknesses without providing them with additional support. This has the effect of an increased rate of online dropouts,
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School bullying is a major issue that can contribute to depression, talking about or showing an interest in death or dying, and engaging in dangerous or harmful activities. School tormenting goes unnoticed and this is the reason nothing is being done about this national travesty. Harassing conduct is not another issue, however in spite of the endeavors of numerous, the issue keeps on plaguing our understudies and schools (Lawrence). More than 14 percent of secondary school understudies have considered suicide, and just about 7 percent have endeavored it (Cohn,et. al). Bullying can hurt the strongest of people and it will tear you apart if you do not get help.
School bullying contributes to deep depression. People do not realize what a person really goes through on a regular basis and bullying pushes it even further. "Dr. Andre Sourander, a professor of child psychiatry at the University of Turku in Finland, reported that children who are bullied in early childhood have an increased risk of depressive disorders and need psychiatric treatment later in life" (Cari Nierenberg of Live Science.). Moreover, kids who are being exploited to depression may even progress toward becoming harassers themselves to remove a portion of the weight. This impact is what drives bullying to new links and never seems to end. Saying hurtful things to a child who has not even reached the age of adulthood can have a lasting impact on them that causes depression can linger for the rest of their life.
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Cause And Effect Essay On School Bullying
Bad Drinking Habits: Causes and Effects Drinking is something that majority of grown people, and even youngsters, would do for fun. It is really a mind thing that would occur in these human beings. Although drinking could be very fun, there are people that would drink for negative purposes. Some causes of bad drinking habits are having stressful problems, and just being influenced by others that would drink a lot. If people don't have self–control of their drinking habits, it can become something that can affect their lives in different ways. The effects of a bad drinking habit are health problems, furthering stress, driving while intoxicated, and having an urge to be violent. The most important cause of a bad drinking habit more content...
People that drinks would sometimes have the urge to want to drive while being intoxicated. Some people are successful at driving while drunk, and there are some that are not. People that drive drunk are putting themselves and others at risk. They could easily crash into other cars, trees, light poles, or drive into a ditch. The police would detect drunk drivers because they tend to swerve, drive close to the shoulder, or crash. When the police catch them, they would probably get a charge and a ticket. They would also get their car towed and have to pay to get it back. That's why drunk drivers would usually have a designated driver to help them. The last effect that occurs while drinking a lot is violence. People can be very violent when they drink a lot. When they get liquor into their system, they tend to trash talk and engage into a physical altercation. The altercations can be very minor, such as a fight, or very major, such as a killing. This could cause them to go to jail for a short or long time. It can also destroy someone's record and prevent them from getting a job. In conclusion, there are people with bad drinking habits. The causes of drinking a lot is stressing a lot, and being influenced by other people that drink a lot. The effects are bad health, furthering stress, drunk driving, and violence. People think that drinking is for fun, but it can be used to relieve stress, or just to fit in. Some
Cause effect
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An Example Of A Cause And Effect Claim
1.An example of a fact claim would be that World War I was one of the most devastating wars of all times. 2.An example of a cause and effect claim would be because factories put of fumes and fumes pollute our ozone layer, factories are to blame for the damage to our ozone layers. 3.An example of a value claim would be it is inhumane to take part in euthanasia because murder is wrong no matter in what form. 4.An example of a procedure claim would be to should I turn in my unfinished homework or finish it tonight and turn it in tomorrow? You should tell the teacher and ask if you could turn it in tomorrow and just have a little late paper deduction instead of a 0 in the gradebook. If she says yes, finish the paper and thank your teacher for
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Cause and Effect Essay – The Impact of Stereotypes
In today's society, our natural reaction is to put people into a specific class that we feel they fit into upon our first impression. When we were in high school, they were called clicks. There were your jocks and your cheerleaders, who were usually the most popular students. Along with stoners, nerds, and then the people who really didn't fit into any crowd, they were just there. When we were in high school, all of us wanted to be in the "cool crowd". As described in When I was growing Up byNellie Wong, "I discovered the rich white girls...imported cotton dresses...and thought that I too should have what these lucky girls had..." In stereotyping people, we perhaps more content... However, it is more likely that they never tried because of the discrimination or stereotyping of them in high school. Our minds remember the things that are repeated daily and are implanted in our minds. If you were always thought of as a failure, after a while you begin to believe that you are. If no one has given you a chance to prove yourself, you're going to stop trying after awhile.
Some very smart people were stereotyped in high school so badly they never wanted to try again. Those popular cheerleaders seem to think that they were only worth a "rah, rah", and stoners didn't think that they were worth anything. In talking with a few of the different professionals that come into my work, I asked them what type of a person they were in high school. A couple said that they were they book nerd type, but the majority said they were the stoner type with long hair and leather jackets, or they were the cheerleaders that we thought couldn't do anything. I also talked to a mother who's son was considered a stoner in school, got bad grades, and never seemed like he was going to amount to anything. Then, unexpectedly, he came to her and said that he had been accepted into a culinary school in New Orleans. She was so excited for him then, but she is more proud now. He has become a well know chef in a very prestigious restaurant called Casey's. The general consensus between all of them
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Cause and Effect Essay
Mike Reel Cause and Effect Essay The Cause and Effects of Parenting Styles What are the cause and effects of different styles of parenting?
Essentially, there are three types of parenting; authoritarian, authoritative and permissive. I believe there are no lines drawn in the sand separating these styles. In other words, a parent could actually entertain all three. I hope after reading this essay you will have a better understanding of the cause and effect of each style of parenting. The first style of parenting I will discuss is the authoritarian style. The authoritarian style is what I like to call the communist style. Children are told to do something without ever giving them a reason, except for because I said so. more content...
Located somewhere in the middle of these two styles lies a combination style of parenting. Authoritative parenting is an even balance of authoritarian and permissive. This is democracy style of parenting. In other words both the parent and the child have a stake in it. The rules and punishments are discussed and agreed upon by both parties. If the expectations are not met the child will be spoken to on how to improve. Unlike permissive style there is punishment. Under this style a child is not led by fear. Punishments are to there to help a child learn and remember from their mistake. Authoritative parenting styles tend to result in children who are happy, capable and successful. I believe a child raised by parents who are both a perfect balance of this will have the best success in raising their child. In conclusion there are three types of parenting. The authoritarian style or communist style which is; do it this way because I said so. This leads to children who are obedient and proficient, but they rank lower in happiness, social competence and self–esteem. Second was the permissive or indulgent parent. This parent usually has very limited or no boundaries or punishment if crossed. Permissive parenting often results in children who rank low in happiness and self control. I believe this leads to a child that will have a problem with authority
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Cause and Effects of Parenting Essay examples