Job Satisfaction and Its Consequences
A person may attend work even when dissatisfied with her job because she cannot afford economically to miss work.
A person may be absent from his job when satisfied with his job because of a number of reasons such as personal illness, illness of a child, transportation issues (i.e., car broken down). In such circumstances, he may want to attend (have the behavioral intention of attending) but is unable to attend.
Here are some factors that change the relationship between job dissatisfaction and absenteeism and more content... High performers are less likely to quit their jobs in response to job dissatisfaction than are low performers.
A person who is dissatisfied with his job may perform his job well because he needs the money from the job and/or wants to make sure he retains his job in an economic downturn.
A person who is satisfied with her job may perform it poorly because her manager is weak and doesn't enforce performance standards and discipline. In this case, this person is a slacker and the less she does or is required to do at work the happier she is.
A person who is part of a team is satisfied with her job and wants to do a good job is performing at an average level because her job requires the pre–work of another team member. This team members' pre–work is often late and of poor quality which causes her job performance to suffer as well.
Here are some factors that change the relationship between job satisfaction and performance.
1) Job Complexity. As the job becomes more complex, there is a stronger relationship between job satisfaction and performance. As a job becomes more complex, the individual job holder has more freedom/autonomy in performing her job. This is similar to a weak situation. In a weak situation, a person's attitude will have more of Get
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REVIEW ON JOB SATISFACTION: ABSTRACT: Job satisfaction is one of the prime areas which the current managers are facing in order to handle their employees. The job satisfaction has multivariate impact on workers right from creating motivation thereby to productivity which led to enhanced performance of the organisation. In spite of being its positive effects on employees and organisation it has not received proper attention both from the researchers and the organisation mangers of various business organisation.
OF JOB SATISFACTION The fact that there is no proper definition to describe what the job satisfaction represents despite its usage in various scientific research analysis and day to day more content...
Affective loyalty – when an employee feels an emotional connection with the organisation, Normative loyalty– when an employee feels like he owes something to the company Continuity loyalty – is a result that the employee does not have an opportunity to find a job somewhere else. Research conducted by Vanderberg and Lance (1992) showed a strong relations between job satisfaction and employee loyalty. Their research proved that the degree of job satisfaction is directly related to the level of employee loyalty. It has been found that high employee satisfaction leads to low absenteeism ; low satisfaction marks with high absenteeism.
5. CONCLUSIONS Job satisfaction is one of the most important areas in which today's managers concentrating in order retain their best employees and thereby to increase the productivity in an organisation. Many studies have found an unusually greater impact of job satisfaction on the motivation of workers which in turn has an impact on productivity and also on performance of business of the
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Essay On Job Satisfaction
Introduction In industry today employers seek the best for employees that are looking for Job Satisfaction in the workplace. Mainly because nowadays workers are clocking–in earlier and clocking–out later in the day at work, which means that they are not only getting in more time on their pay check but are setting their selves up for an slow moving injury. Since employers are aware of the longer time durations; they are in the bid to keep production going at almost any cost. A finding from the conference board explains that up to only 46% of todays employees have higher job satisfaction of where their employed (Anik, Aknin, Norton, Dunn, & Quoidbach 2013). Which tells us that this is the amount of jobs today that are provided that are safe and comfortable working environments. Just to name off a few factors that influence an employee's Job Satisfaction the most nowadays due to the fact of longer hours would have to do with "Bonuses, Coworkers and Job Rotations". The main approach with employers giving out bonuses is to reward employees with money that they may spend when and however they want and to keep them satisfied with their occupation (Anik, Aknin, Norton, Dunn, & Quoidbach 2013). Bonuses are to help persuade the worker to stay motivated and to keep coming back to work every day and to stay in content. Coworkers are to be for your help and guidance at work and intend to be helpful, but with everywhere you go there will always be positives and negative sides
Job Satisfaction At The Workplace Essay
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Assignment On Job Satisfaction
Motivation and Performance Management Latitisha Hendricks Dr. Valery Shumate BUS.322–Organizational Behavior November 7, 2017 Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment "Compare the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment." Job satisfaction is how happy an individual is with his or her job, their supervisors, coworkers, and the job itself. According to our textbook, organizational commitment is "the strength of an individual's identification with an organization." (Nelson and Quick, p.61) In some cases, the individual may not enjoy or like certain areas of their job, which can affect job satisfaction also. "There are five dimensions which can lead to satisfaction on the job, they are challenging work, valued rewards, opportunities for advancement, competent supervision, and supportive coworkers." (Nelson and Quick, p.58) So how do we know that employees are happy with their jobs? One way to measure job satisfaction is the Job Descriptive Index(JDI), "by asking employees specific questions and having them reply with yes, no, or cannot decide". (Nelson and Quick, p.58) The other way to measure job satisfaction is the MSQ or the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. By using a five–point scale, ranging from very dissatisfied to very satisfied., employers are asked to rate their job satisfaction. (Nelson and Quick, 2015) Based on the five dimensions mentioned earlier, The Clorox Company offers opportunities for advancement through Get more content
Job Satisfaction
RUNNING HEADER: Job Satisfaction Team Paper
Job Satisfaction Team Paper
June 21, 2010
Maria Cuddy–Casey
Job Satisfaction Team Paper
With today's ever–changing, stressful environment individual job satisfaction is critical to the success of any organization. Today's individuals are looking for more than a job; they are searching for a career that will challenge them, allowing them to grow and progress within the organization. They need a sense of accomplishment while allowing the flexibility to be creative. It is these employees who find satisfaction in their positions. They are more productive, efficient, and effective; contributing to success of the company. The purpose of this paper is to define job more content...
These employees are not only unhappy at work but also in their personal lives. An employer can do little to satisfy these employees. However, some employees are satisfied with their job and enjoy being at work. These employees tend to see situations in a positive manner, make work fun, and poses self–confidence. When employers recruit they try to gauge a person's attitude as well as his or her technical skills. Health benefits and competitive salaries can also contribute to employee satisfaction. Promotional opportunities encourage employees to produce superior work it also provides them with an attainable goal. Management styles have changed and are geared more toward the employee's needs. Some employees need independence in which others need guidance, and feedback on his or her performance. Flex work schedules are becoming more prevalent as people try to juggle work and family life. A workplace with high employee morale indicates a low stress environment. Toxic relationships between employees can have a negative effect on job satisfaction
Impact of Organizational Socialization Organizational socialization has a major impact on employee job satisfaction. Researchers have determined new employees who have adapted positively to the organizational culture experience have increased productivity and performance. New employees experience several stages in the process of
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Do people really like their jobs? Definitely, everyone knows from the news about dissatisfied workers going on strike or even acting violently toward their supervisors, directors, but overall people are quite satisfied with their jobs. A Conference Board study found that 58.6 percent of Americans were satisfied with their jobs in 1995. By the year 2000, that percentage was down to 50.7. But in Uzbekistan (the country of Central Asia where I was born), people generally aren't satisfied with their job. The reason lays in lack of job choices and payment. People do their job without any satisfaction because they have to earn some money to survive. I think that the main reasons why the people in Uzbekistan are not satisfied with the work more content...
Thus, for instance, research, dedicated to job characteristics and carried out in correlation with working place projecting, testify that the very content of work and autonomy by its implementation represent two most important motivation factors correlated with labor. As research indicated, other main components of job satisfaction are interesting and difficult job without time for tedium and job giving a man one certain status.4 Payment. The system of money rewards is considered as a significant but multicomplex and multisided job satisfaction factor. Money not only gives people an opportunity to satisfy their primary needs, but also fosters satisfaction of higher levels needs. Employees more often perceive their salary's level as a reflection of that how management estimates their contribution to the company's activity. Additional indulgences are also important, but their role is less meaningful. One of the reasons is that employee more often have no the slightest idea about the amount of received as indulgences. Moreover, many are prone to underestimate these indulgences; insofar they do not see their practical value.5 Nonetheless, recent research indicated that if employees have an opportunity to choose themselves to some extent independently indulgences from the whole package rendered by the company that is named a flexible indulgences system, then they receive greater satisfaction from indulgences receivables and the job in the whole.6
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Job Satisfaction
The purpose of this article is to explain the construct of job satisfaction and how job satisfaction can make failure on the performance of employees in an organization. This article will be modified to the positive and negative effects of Job satisfaction. Secondly, the essay review will discuss the relationship between employee motivation, job satisfaction and employee achievement. Organizational goal of high arrangement has also been reach of high level of achievement through productivity and effectiveness (Locke and Lathan, 2000,p.p248–250). In other to obtain that, there is a need for achieving high level of performance improvement of an Organization. Happy worker leads to more and increased job performance. That is why every organization tries to make a contributive and pleased work force to reach the wellbeing of the organization. There is confusion and controversy among of employee attitudes and job satisfaction indeed at a time when employees are progressively important for organizational success and competing. As recommended indirectly in a study of HR professionals the major manager knowledge gaps in this area are:
1. The lead of employee attitudes
2.The results of positive or negative job satisfactions
3.How to measure and influence employee attitudes.
1. Job Satisfaction There have been so many explanation of Job satisfaction by academic differently. Nevertheless the definition used greater is that (Saari and Timothy, 2004, Pp. 395–407). who
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Job Satisfaction
Workplace Relationships
If a company is interested in growth and profit, it must establish positive relationships and good rapport with its employees. People will be happier in their jobs if the environment that surrounds them is made comfortable and positive. Three main factors aid positive workplace relationships: trust, respect and teamwork. Positive workplace relationships are easy to develop when time is taken with each factor. Overall, these factors benefit everyone. People are the "heart" of an organization and care should be taken to foster a positive work environment.
Workplace relationships are important in job satisfaction. In fact, studies show that an employee's directsupervisor has the more content...
This is because Jensen notes that some people certainly can be happy in repetitive tasks for years, but many people require challenge and variety to remain satisfied.
Although training and education may not be the number one key to job satisfaction, it is definitely a very important factor in it. A company that fosters personal and professional development at every level has a greater edge in building and keeping great staff. Making learning opportunities available to every employee who seeks to take advantage of them is essential to a company's success. This is because training and education not only increase knowledge and skills of the employees who are actually doing the job, but they also increase motivation and loyalty among those employees. Education improves the chances of advancement, improves morale and pride in performance and increases quality and productivity within a company. All of these attributes combined contribute to increased job satisfaction within the work environment.
According to Reiner and Zhao's journal article, "The Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among United States Air Force Police," people who have completed higher levels of education tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than those who are less educated. Learning provides the skills, insights and competence to
Essay on The Keys to Job Satisfaction
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Job satisfaction is the very important factor in general quality of life because it is closely connected with working life (e.g. Argyle, 1989; Bang & Lee, 2006), with family life, everyday life, and mental health (Orpen, 1978; Schmitt and Bedeian, 1982; Faragher, Cass & Cooper, 2005). Level of job satisfaction is also highly related to turnover, absenteeism rate, work productivity or accomplishment (Muchinsky, 1977; Organ, 1977). Many researchers (e.g. Cherrington, 1994; Acorn, Ratner & Crawford, 1997; Ostroff, 1992; Spector, 1997) state that employees who experience high job satisfaction contribute to organisational commitment, job involvement, their physical, mental health and overall well–being are improved. Job dissatisfaction on more content...
To understand the concept of job satisfaction the research has identified two aspects of it, they are, the facets satisfaction and overall satisfaction (Cherrington,1994; Fields, 2002). Individuals can be satisfied or dissatisfied with their overall job (Ironson, Smith, Brannick, Gibson, & Paul, 1989) and with specific job facets, such as the level of pay, promotion opportunities, co–workers, working conditions and supervision, contingent rewards, benefits, nature of work, or communication (Spector, 1997; Locke, 1976; Smith, Kendall & Hulin, 1969). The evidence shows that distinctive job facets such as pay satisfaction, opportunities for promotion, relationships with co–workers and supervisors have significant effects on job satisfaction (Ting, 1997; Ellickson & Logsdon, 2002; Pohlmann; 1999). The overall satisfaction is considered in terms of good salary, compassionate supervisors and co–operative co–workers. Conversely, the job dissatisfaction derives for instance form low pay or incompetent supervisors. Therefore, the feeling of overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction depends on the intensity and frequency of positive and negative experiences with job (Cherrington, 1994; Ironson, Smith, Brannick, Gibson, & Paul,
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Job Satisfaction Essay
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how motivation is instilled in the workplace with co–workers and oneself. In addition, objects that make the job satisfying will be discussed. Body
Motivation is something that can come and go in an instant. The workplace often can be a fun and enjoyable place, but other times it can be the pit of hell. Not only do most of us cope with stress, fatigue, mental and physical anguish, but we must also complete the mission that is set forth for us. Motivation is delivered in many different ways. Each person may be different, but sometimes we share the same types of motivation with others. A soldiers motivation usually starts more content... These songs or chants are usually something funny, but can be very serious.
Being an officer in the United States Army has provided me with many opportunities to meet new people and gain new friends. When one of those people I have met is shipped away to a foreign land to fight for the freedoms we so graciously have been given it provides another great sense of motivation. One that is not over in the sandy desert can only hope and pray that those who are there will all come home alive. This motivates men and women around the world to do what is right and just. People often wonder why we are there doing what we do, but it really can't be described until you go there, once you see how little these people have and the way they have been forced to live, you would hope that all humanity could live like we do here, Free. Freedom in itself should be enough motivation for all of us to strive to do the best we can at whatever it is we are tasked.
In addition to the Army, I have a great want for more knowledge about God. I am a believer in God and gain much motivation from the Bible as well as from the local minister. The parish that we attend has a minister who uses God to show how things today tie into real life and examples of how he lived much like we hope and want to live. One great example was the Memorial Day sermon, this sermon talked about
Job Satisfaction and Employee Motivation Essay
fighting wars and being a great soldier. Jesus was a Get more content
Pearson and Seiler (1983) found in their research on 336 faculty members from 24 universities in Unites States, predictors for job satisfaction were tenure, teaching load, gender, institution type as in private or public, and age. Salary and ranking on the other hand surprising did not play a big role in influencing perceived job satisfaction. In comparison, it was found that those in professional colleges reported higher job satisfaction than those in general college. Those who reported higher job satisfaction were those with higher salaries, lower teaching loads, and speedier promotion rate. The researchers further explain the possibilities to why lecturers from professional colleges reported higher satisfaction was because of the job more content...
According to Olsen, work stress or job related stress were related to time management conflicts, compensation issues such as salary, feedback and job security. The level of job stress will play a role in determining job satisfaction level as suggested by the research done by Usman and colleagues in Punjab in 2011. The researchers posited that the higher work stress experienced by the faculty members, the lower will be their satisfaction with their job. High job stress will also lead to lower organizational commitment (Usman, Ahmed, Ahmed, & Akbar, 2011). The researchers suggested that by minimizing role ambiguity, it will directly reduce the role stress experience by the teaching members and indirectly lower job stress as a whole. Thompson and Dey (1998) found that sources of stress for African American college and university faculty were time constraints, promotion concerns, and overall stress. Thompson and Dey also found that stress regardless of sources negatively affecting job satisfaction. The most prominent evidence in the researchers finding was the negative effect of stress in regarding of promotion towards the level of job satisfaction. In fact the researchers found that the more stress the respondents were about promotion, the least satisfied they were about aspects such as
Thesis Statement On Job Satisfaction
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Rationale of the Study
Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs. As it is generally assessed, job satisfaction is an attitudinal variable. In the past, job satisfaction was approached by some researchers from the perspective of need fulfilment – that is, whether or not the job met the employee's physical and psychological needs for the things provided by work (Cote S., and Morgan LM, 2002).
In a report on job satisfaction by the National Center for Education Statistics (2003) revealed many factors that contributed to more content...
Taking in to account that most of these teachers are working away from their home and family and could only go home weekly, or the least once a month due to the distance of the schools they are assigned.
However, districts located in the hinterland such as Paquibato, had most number of teacher applicants every year. Reason of this scenario could be the fact that many teachers are applying for transfer to the nearby schools after a one or two years of service and that applicant could be hired easily. Nevertheless, some teachers had tenured in this district up to their retirement period and some had flourished and raised their professional status and positions.
The ground for conducting this study is that it is intended to shed light on what influences how teachers feel about their work and profession so that positive job–related attitudes may be cultivated.
Theoretical Background
The Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, amotivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. It is founded in the premise that goals or needs underpin by being the fundamental source of all desires.
This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life – physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self–esteem needs, and self–actualization. In the levels of the five basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first
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2.0 Introduction This chapter discusses the concept of job satisfaction, human resource management, human resource practices, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, employee relation, safety and health issues relating job satisfaction. The literature review is conducted in a systematic manner to unfold the disciplines of human resource management and job satisfaction.
2.1 The Concept of Job Satisfaction
A few researchers characterized job satisfaction or employment fulfillment as a general state of mind of the specialists constituted by their methodology towards the wages, working environment, organize, advancement relate more content...
This is because of general acknowledgment that occupation fulfillment can be one of the real determinants of authoritative execution and viability (Angle and Perry, 1981; Riketta, 2002). Demand (2003) contended the outcomes on performance lead to a better occupation satisfaction, and diminishment in withdrawal, and counterproductive conduct. In other related studies, work fulfillment was generally regarded as a basic result variable in association (Judge and Hulin, 1993; Judge and Watanabe, 1994). Having examined altogether on the idea of employment fulfillment, it is recommended that variables affecting occupation fulfillment are: pay, sort of occupation, physical conditions, relations with partners, security, advancement opportunities, strengthening, status, monetary and spirit recompenses, preparing, being included in choice making, correspondence, social exercises, strategy and administration of
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Job satisfaction is a key factor that leads to success in the world of corporations. Job satisfaction is defined as, "the extent to which people like or dislike their jobs". It can influence a company at the individual level, the group level and even to the point of impacting a corporation as a whole. Employee contentment can also affect a company on the economic level. Job satisfaction influences nearly every aspect of a corporation. Therefore, understanding job satisfaction is important to the success of a company. It is important to be aware of what job satisfaction really is, the positive effects of job satisfaction, and the negative effects of job dissatisfaction. The more that you become familiarized with an understanding more content...
This would mean for a manager to have employees that are satisfied with their jobs, he would need to motivate them and provide a very clean, hygienic work place. This would help to explain why often people who are employed in gas stations are likely to have a lower level of contentment with their jobs. A gas station environment is likely not be as hygienic, and in addition does not provide a great deal ofmotivation for those working there. The two factors of hygiene and motivation seem very different, but actually they complement each other and work together to help provide job satisfaction. However, this theory is highly debated with experts. Some think that it is false due to the fact that this theory is not considering differences in regard to individual preferences. The main argument is that if the Affect Theory were taken into full account, then this would only be a small factor that affects only some people, rather than all employees The Job Characteristics Model, or JCM, is the framework that ultimately links many of the previous models together. It breaks down job satisfaction into five main characteristics. These are "skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback". These characteristics can also be seen as motivators in the workplace. The model also states that these characteristics are what decide the psychological
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Essay On Job Satisfaction
3.4 Determinants of job satisfaction
of job
satisfaction are various features of the job environment and which are considered the causes of job satisfaction. These features include characteristics of jobs and job tasks, as well as various aspects of the organization (Spector, 2000). According to Spector (1997), determinants of job satisfaction can be classified into two major categories; First, the job environment itself and factors associated with the job are important influences on job satisfaction. This includes how people are treated, the nature of job tasks, relations with other people in the workplace, and rewards. Second, there are individual factors that the person brings to the job. This includes both personality and prior experiences; both categories of the determinants often work together to influence employee job satisfaction. While Furnham (1992) and Ting (1996, 1997) noted that despite the variety of variables suggested as having a major, minor or moderating effects on job satisfaction, it is possible to divide these factors into three distinct groups (1) Job characteristics, these included five sub variables: supervisory position, skill utilization, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with the tasks, and satisfaction with working conditions (2) Organizational characteristics, these included two more content...
This classification is similar to the previous one; the author mixed between the job characteristics and the organizational characteristics and put them in one factor (work situation). The individual characteristics equal to the personality factor in the new classification. George and Jones (2000) only added one new factor in this classification. It is the social influence. The study explains each of them as Get
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Motivation and Productivity Related to Job Satisfaction Abstract
The relationship between job satisfaction, motivation, and efficiency or productivity is very important in the business industry as well as in personal life. Long term research has found that the single greatest predictor of longevity is work satisfaction. Work is one third to one half of a persons' lifetime, and if frustrated the mental and physical effects are very costly. Job characteristics including skill variety, task identity, and task significance lead to psychological conditions in which in turn leads to increased motivation, performance and job satisfaction. It is important to investigate this area in order to determine how much of an effect does more content...
Personal characteristics of workers also has an impact on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction increases age. Whites have greater job satisfaction than non–whites. The level of education is slightly negatively related to job satisfaction. If personal skills and abilities are not required by a job, job satisfaction decreases. When a person is more adjusted personally, they will be more satisfied with work. Most of all having a job with decent and fair wage may be the most important variable to job satisfaction. High job satisfaction is associated with low turnover and low absenteeism and with high commitment. Although the evidence is not conclusive, high job satisfaction is associated with high performance and prosocial behaviors. Motivation at work stimulates the interest of a person in an activity. Motivation at works is very complex because there are multiple motives operating at the same time. Goals motivate and guide workers' behaviors. Specific goals are better than general goals and little difficulty is better than easy goals. The degree of expectancy determines how much effort is put forth, people will work hard if they expect the effort will pay off. Increased job enrichment which includes more control at work and a high number of tasks to perform leads to high motivation. Stress on the job reduces motivation and productivity. The specific needs to achieve and
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What is Job Satisfaction?
Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job,an affective reaction to one's job and an attitude towards one's job.
Job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect emotion,beliefs and behaviours.This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors.
In fact, job satisfaction can be seen in three ways, namely as a function of :
the actual features of the job the opinions of other people in the workplace the individual personality type more content...
While Hertzberg 's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Hertzberg 's original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifact. Furthermore, the theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees will react in an identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors. Finally, the model has been criticised in that it does not specify how motivating/hygiene factors are to be measured.
Job Characteristics Model
Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job Characteristics Model, which is widely used as a framework to study how particular job characteristics impact on job outcomes, including job satisfaction. The model states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback) which impact three critical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of the actual results), in turn influencing work outcomes (job satisfaction, absenteeism, work motivation, etc.). The
Job Satisfaction
five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a job is to affect an employee 's attitudes and behaviors.
How to measure Job
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The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by hoppock (1935). He revived 35 studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction is combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances. That causes a person to say. "I m satisfied with my job". Such a description indicate the variety of variables that influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the nature of Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by pestonjee (1973) as a job, management, personal adjustment & social requirement. Morse (1953) considers Job satisfaction as dependent upon more content...
For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity– the quantity and quality of output per hour worked– seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. However, studies dating back to Herzberg's (1957) have shown at least low correlation between high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend to add more value to an organization. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of loss of job, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and also as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline. Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale. Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good indicator of longevity. Although only little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity, Brown (1996) notes that some employers have found that satisfying or delighting employees is a prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus
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Job Satisfaction
Why did you choose this concept to research? In my personal opinion I believe job satisfaction is a very important attitude that every worker has about their job and that's why it is extremely significant to fit the right candidate in the right position because if a worker has no interest in the position in where they have been placed, they might not put their greatest effort and it will reduce the workers aspiration to come to work. Also is an important part of peoples lives as most of them spend a great part of it working, which indicates that companies should understand the reasons why job satisfaction its fundamental in the employees performance. Speaking from personal experience, I can describe how many different jobs I have had in my life have made me believe that job satisfaction is a very important concept in a companies success; an example can be demonstrated by giving the employees rewards once they have over achieved a certain goal, this will make the employees work harder for the company and feel satisfied about coming into work. I also chose this concept because I believe companies should do their very best to satisfy their employees as they are the reason why the company is as successful/unsuccessful. Job satisfaction can lead to reduction of cost by reducing the amount of money spent in hiring new employees, decreases absences and work conflicts . How did practitioners /researchers define the concept beyond the definition provided by the textbook?
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Personal Opinion On
Job Satisfaction