4 minute read

Argumentative Essay On Climate Control

Dawson Sanders

Mr. Coomes


ENGL 1301, Fall 2016

4 November 2016

Mankind's Climate Control

Will mankind be able to live on Earth in 100 years? The controversy about whether human activity affects climate change has been pestering scientists, journalists, and politicians alike. Some scientists believe that global warming is significantly due to human activity, while others believe global warming is a scam. Mankind should begin to make major changes to prevent further global warming. Global warming is a major issue for all of humanity, and it should be addressed with the utmost attention. However, there are those who disagree and would argue that mankind's lifestyles should not be altered to prevent further damage to earth's environment. In the article "Climate Change Science, Not Hype," those who oppose state, "The very fact that we take mainstream climate science seriously will paint us a partisan on hacks in the eyes of those who insist the whole thing is a scam and that includes some scientist with doctorates of their own" (Lemonick). Some scientists think global warming is not true, and that it is just another excuse to scare people. According to the article, "The False Alert of Global Warming" by Tom Bethell states, "Whether man–made carbon–dioxide emissions have caused measurable temperature increases over the last 30 years is...show more content...

Therefore, does society want to risk the harmful effects of global warming? The effects of global warming will result in a hotter climate, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather. Mankind will not like the outcome of global warming. The damage to Earth can never be undone, therefore humans must take action now. Society must reduce fossil fuel emissions andgreenhouse gas emissions, if not the results will be devastating. Global warming is an important topic and society needs to realize that the future is in mankind's

Global warming is the constant increase of temperature in the earth's atmosphere that is caused by the increase of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, greenhouse gases and many other pollutants. Chlorofluorocarbons are any type of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine which are harmful to the ozone layer.Global warming can affect many things, one example is the rising of temperature which can result in different types of disasters like storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts. Global warming also causes Higher death rates, Dirtier air, Higher wildlife extinction rates, the increase of Acidic Oceans, and Higher seas levels. In this essay, I will provide information that will show how harmful global warming can be to not only the earth but to humans and animals, and what we can do to prevent it from increasing. Greenhouse gases are compounds in the atmosphere that can trap and hold extra heat, which increases the temperature in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases is the cause of the greenhouse effect that leads up to global warming. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun's warmth in the lower atmosphere that is due to the visible radiation from the sun. The solar radiation reaches the Earth's atmosphere, then the rest of the sun's energy is absorbed by the oceans and lands which result in the heating of the Earth. After that the heat from the Earth goes towards space, some of the heat is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouses gases which make the Earth warm enough to tolerate living life. The burning of fossil fuels and land clearing start to increase the number of greenhouse gases which travels into the atmosphere. The result of trapping extra heat cause the Earth's temperature to rise. Scientist's has proven that the constant increase of heat in the atmosphere is caused by humans. The reason humans are proven guilty for the increase of global warming is because of the amount of carbon that is put into the atmosphere. Carbon is released from burning coal, oil, and gas or cutting down and burning forests. Carbon (CO2) is known as the main source of heat–trapping gas which is mainly responsible for the increase of warming over the years. The removal of trees is another cause of global Get

Climate Zombies and Creating Convincing Climate Change Arguments

The Zombie theories are conspiracy theories that that have been disproven by scientists in the scientific community for many years now. Despite, social media and news stations continue to broadcast it this is how the theories live on. With the age of technology and cellphones, the news tends to feed off people's emotions anyway they can to gain viewers and trends. As more zombie theories become developed, they more they all become proven incorrect. Dr. Marshall explained several zombie theories to ease the tension and fears, but it is proving to be challenging for some. The one theory that has stuck in my head that has been disproven is that the Earth has not become warmer since 1998 (T, 2013). I found this to be funning because of what I learned as a child in middle school and people still believe that the planet isn't warming. Hugh Steadman, who wrote for, the New Zealand International Review, suggested thatclimate change is from excessive burning of fossil fuels that started from the rise of the Industrial Revolution. Hugh Steadman, presented statistical charts as evidence that was consistent and factual to the ...show more content...

I would like for my son to grow up healthy and strong, as well as his kids. Climate change is real, and there are ways to inform people through the media with factual and credible information, on what we find as climate scientist in our research. We as people need to inform and present our data about how humans are destroying the planet with fossil fuel emission or Carbon dioxide (CO2) which makes up the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions. We need to be able to breathe and eat better, but most importantly we need to curve the problems causing climate change. We need to not only start in the atmosphere but also in the ground that we are using up. If we don't, I fear that Earth will quit giving us what we Get more content

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