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Technology and Sustainable Development

Technology and Sustainable Development Political activist George Bernard Shaw once said, "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." Unconventional entrepreneurs who are solving some of the world's most intractable economic, social, and environmental problems are also creating rapidly expanding markets around the world. Because the unreasonable man doesn't adapt to society, he is always creating innovation and expanding markets. If he simply followed society like the reasonable man, economies and markets would remain stagnant, and current problems would persist. Nothing would improve, and great minds would never be given the opportunity to shine. Therefore, innovation and progress depends on the unreasonable man and his ability to change society's perception of entrepreneurialism. Richard Jefferson disrupted the way business was done when he saw a need for information sharing to benefit the greater good. He played a major role in the open source movement. Jefferson said that biological innovation in agriculture used to be cooperative for hundreds of years, but the recent explosion in the power of science to improve agriculture, medicine, health, and environment came with privatization of this knowledge that was once shared by all. He wanted to relieve restrictions from patents that constrained or hindered development and advancement of Get


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