Buy and Sell Weekly Classifieds

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Issu e # 13 Vo l. 4

“ I S aw Yo u r Ad i n B u y & S e l l We e k l y Cl a s s i f i e d s”


2010 DODGE AVENGER SXT – 79,000 miles, 2.4L 4 cyl, body is in mint cond, pw, ps & mirrors, Sirius XM radio, mp3, Aux port, Custom 18” Pacer rims, blt-in beer/soda cooler, $20,600 obo (501)653-0166 DID YOU KNOW? – There’s an opera house on the U.S.– Canada border where the stage is in one country and half the audience is in another!

2007 BMW 328I - 85,000 miles 3.0L 6 Cyl Manumatic, Black sapphire metallic. Original owner, Leather interior with aluminum trim, Moonroof, iDrive system, voice command, bluetooth, Sirius ready, xlnt cond (501)610-0308 2005 LEXUS IS300 – Auto trans, black lthr int, 17” alloy wheels, cross-drilled & slotted brake rotors, 3.0L, RWD, $16,000 obo (501)636-6567

To Adver tis e: Call 634-0400

22nd April - 28th April 2014





Issu e # 13 Vo l. 4

“ I S aw Yo u r Ad i n B u y & S e l l We e k l y Cl a s s i f i e d s”

99 KIA SPORTAGE – 4 cylinder, $5000 (501)630-9990


2004 BUICK RENDEZVOUS – 6 Cyl Auto, Lthr Int, Spacious 7 Seater, 107K miles, $16,000 (501)610-0180 DID YOU KNOW? – Our Ad Deadline is Sat @ 12 noon!

2002 HYUNDAI SANTA FE – 6 Cylinder, 2.7L engine, V6 FI DOHC 24V F4, Automatic trans, All-Wheel Drive, Low mileage, $16,000 (501)669-8086

2002 VW JETTA – 4 Cylinder, Automatic, $9500 or best offer (501)623-8246 DYK? OUR PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW FREE! 2000 FORD FOCUS – Black, 4 cylinders, 123K miles, standard transmission, serious inquiries only, more info (501)623-1531

2012 ISUZU D-MAX LS – 4X4 Manual Transmission, Mint Cond, perf for off road (501)629-7524 2008 ISUZU D-MAX – 4 cyl 3.0 diesel Manual Trans, 42k miles, mint condition, (501)629-7524 FOR MORE INFO 2005 FORD ESCAPE – Limited Edition, 4Cyl, 4X4, Leather Interior, $17,000 (501)610-0180 DID YOU KNOW? – A pig’s orgasm lasts 30 minutes and a male lion mates up to 50 times a day!

To Adver tis e: Call 634-0400

2005 KIA SORENTO – 6 Cyl Automatic, 4X4, Power Locks/Windows, Good Working Condition, $15,500 obo (501)610-0180 DID YOU KNOW? – The largest snowflake ever recorded reportedly measured 15 inches across!

22nd April - 28th April 2014

2004 MITSUBISHI GALANT ES – 2.4 4cyl, Automatic Trans, Power Window, Locks, Freezing AC, Clean Spacious interior, 18 inch Chromes, ABS Breaks, Cruise control, Just got Fully serviced, Engine and transmission oils and


filters changed, Licensed and insured for an entire year, $13,000 obo (501)605-5709 DID YOU KNOW? – 10,000 Dutch cows pass through the Amsterdam airport each year!


2004 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 HD – 4x4, 80,000 miles, orig owner, crew cab w /8’bed, cap incl, new tires, parts, 10 disc CD Player, excellent cond, duty paid, $45,000 (501)621-4191




Issu e # 13 Vo l. 4

“ I S aw Yo u r Ad i n B u y & S e l l We e k l y Cl a s s i f i e d s”

To Adver tis e: Call 634-0400

2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER – 5000 miles, saddlebags, windshield, blue, $17,000 (501)621-4191 1993 SUZUKI INTRUDER – 800cc, gd condition, $5000 (501)668-8013 DID YOU KNOW? – That completely blind people don’t see blackness, they see nothing!

2001 MAZDA TRIBUTE – Has a great engine, Now $13,500, clean int, located in belize city (501)624-9999 99 KIA SPORTAGE – 4 Cylinder, $5000 (501)630-9990

1998 TOYOTA RAV 4 – Very clean, 2.0 engine, $12,000 (501)621- 1469 1997 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER – 4x4, Fully Loaded, xlnt cond, (501)668-5357 OR 664-6089

1994 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO – 6 Cylinder, $9000 obo (501) 630-4512 91 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER – 4 cylinder 4x4, $6000 obo (501)670-7296

MOTORCYCLES 2012 HONDA ELITE 125 SCOOTER – Good on gas & easy to operate, its fully auto, $2500 (501)622-5086

22nd April - 28th April 2014

90 HARLEY DAVIDSON FATBOY – 25000 miles, grey ghost classic, saddlebags, windshield chromed out, original owner, $35,000 (501)621-4191 DID YOU KNOW? – If you eat a polar bear liver, you will die. Humans can’t handle that much vitamin A!



BELMOPAN – Perfect for UB student, Altun Ha Street, Includes light and water, access to Living area, kitchen and shared bathroom (501)607-9019 DID YOU KNOW? – 100% of lottery winners do gain weight!





HILLVIEW, SANTA ELENA – 2 bdrm with mountain view, Fully Fenced with burglar bars and located on a large parcel. $110,000 BZ (501)669-6689 DID YOU KNOW? – 3.9% of all women do not wear underwear!

Issu e # 13 Vo l. 4


BELIZE RIVER – 23 Acre parcel w frontage on Belize River, w elec, cleared w large orchard of mangoes, $199,000 USD (501)824-4050 DID YOU KNOW? – 60% of all people using the Internet, use it for pornography!

“ I S aw Yo u r Ad i n B u y & S e l l We e k l y Cl a s s i f i e d s”


SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 – 16GB, Smart, not activated! Case, Screen Protector, xlnt cond, $700 (501)620-0644


FISHING ROD & EQUIPMENTS – Good condition, $400 (501)621-9843


INDUSTRIAL POPCORN MACHINE – Machine at Brown Sugar Market Place 90 North Front Street, suite 126, Belize City, $1000 obo (501)2231200 OR 663-5957 DYK? – Our Private party classifieds are now FREE!!

To Adver tis e: Call 634-0400

22nd April - 28th April 2014

Eating Rules for 5 Smart Runners

1 . Fo cu s o n u npro ces s ed fo o ds. Tr y to ke e p yo u r fr i dg e a n d p a nt r y s to c ke d w i t h fo o ds t h at ma ke u p a n u t r i t i o u s, h e a r t- h e a l t hy di e t, s u c h a s w h o l e gra i n s, fi s h , l e a n me at s, ve g e t a b l e s a n d fr u i t s. Th e y ’l l p rovi de e s s e nt i a l n u t r i e nt s, h e l p fu e l yo u r wo r ko u t s p ro p e r l y a n d a i d i n yo u r p o s t- r u n re cove r y. Tr y to mi n i mi ze t h e a mo u nt o f p ro ce s s e d fo o ds yo u e at.



2 . Eat s mal l meal s t hro u g ho u t t he day. Th row t h e n o t i o n o f t h re e l a rg e me a l s a day o u t t h e w i n dow - - i t do e s n’t wo r k fo r r u n n e r s. Yo u n e e d mo re c a l o r i e s du r i n g t h e day t h a n s e de nt a r y p e o p l e, s o i t ’s b e t te r to s p re a d t h e m o u t w i t h a s ma l l me a l e ve r y t h re e to fo u r h o u r s. Yo u’l l fi n d t h at e at i n g mi n i me a l s w i l l h e l p ma i nt a i n yo u r e n e rg y l e ve l s t h ro u g ho u t t h e day a n d ke e p yo u fro m fe e li n g h u n gr y a l l t h e t i me. 3 . D o n’t deny yo u r s el f t he fo o ds yo u l ove. We a l l k n ow w h at h a p p e n s i f yo u do n’t gi ve i n to yo u r favo r i te fo o ds :



Issu e # 13 Vo l. 4

“ I S aw Yo u r Ad i n B u y & S e l l We e k l y Cl a s s i f i e d s”

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11 Issue 13 Vol. 4

4. M i x t h i n g s u p.

Tr y to n o t g e t into th e h a bi t o f eating th e s am e fo o ds day a f ter day. Pa sta o f te n b e co mes a sta pl e o f a r un n e r ’s d i e t, b u t th ere a re l o ts o f other he al t h f u l an d i nteresti n g ca r b cho i ce s fo r ru n n e r s, su ch a s co u s-

cous, r ice or q uinoa. Different fr uit s and veget ab les sup p ly d ifferent nut r ient s, so it ’s im p or t ant t hat you eat a var iet y of fr uit s and veget ab les too. 5. D o n’t fo rg et ab o u t pro tein . Runner s foc us so muc h on consuming t heir c ar b s t hat t heir p rotein need s somet im es get forgot ten. Pro tein is used for some energy and to rep air t issue d amaged d ur ing t raining. Protein should make up ab out 15% of your d aily int ake. Runner s, esp ec ially t hose t raining for long d ist ances suc h as marat hons, should consum e . 5 to . 75 grams of p rotein p er p ound of b od y weight. G ood sources of p rotein are fish, lean m eat, p oult r y, b eans, nut s, whole grains, egg whites, low-fat milk , lowfat c heese and some veget ab les. l

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

On e d ay yo u’ l l h ave a mo n ster craving a nd e n d u p over i n du l gi n g. I t ’s bette r i f yo u al l ow yo u rsel f sma l l po r t i o n s o f t h e fo ods yo u l ove a n d not force yo u rs e l f to eat fo o ds yo u rea lly d o n’t l i k e. I n th e l o n g ru n , i t wil l save yo u cal o r i es, beca u se yo u’l l fee l m ore s at i s fi e d a n d yo u’l l be l ess lik ely to b i n g e an d eat mi n dl essl y. Eat i ng i n m o d e rat io n i s th e key.

From chef-designed dishes to streetside food vendors, the dining options in Cayo are wide and varied. Listings below are sorted alphabetically by neighborhood /type.

Wanna get Listed? Dining establishments are encouraged to e-mail their listings to’s FREE! Send us your restaurant name, location, cuisine and menu price range. Also include Happy Hours, etc. It’s FREE!


CALADIUM RESTAURANT| Belizean cuisine| 822-2754


CARIMBOU’S DINER| Belizean cuisine, Market Square |604-6703/668-4190

AL RUSTICO BAR & GRILL| Humming Bird Hwy, Cor

CORKERS RESTAURANT & WINE BAR| Belizean / American cuisine, Top Floor Hibiscus Plaza|

A & R BELIZEAN FOOD| Belizean cuisine, Market Square| 620-3189 Ramirez St & Las Flores|

ALWIN RESTAURANT| Mountain View Blvd| ARCH SEAFOOD| Belizean cuisine, 46.5 Miles Western Hwy| 822-3258 BROWN’S DELI| Belizean, 24 Stann Creek St | 607-8900

CHON SAAN PALACE| Chinese, 7069 George Price Blvd| 822-3388

DEL NORTE CEVICHE PLACE| Cevecheria /Belizean cuisine, 6 San Martin / Saint Paul Road| DIAMOND RESTAURANT| Chinese cuisine, 1900 Constitution Dr | 822-0373




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13 Issue 13 Vol. 4

Issue 13 Vol. 4

TABU RESTAURANT| Benque Resort & Spa, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner| | 632-0688

DQ’S FAST FOOD| Belizean cuisine, 21 Stann Creek St | 822-3784

FORMOSA| Nim Li Punit St, Gourmet Coffee, Espressos, Lattes, Machiatos, Smoothies| 822-0888

EL RANCHO RESTAURANT & BAR| Belizean / American, 47 Miles Western Highway|

ICE POINT | 22 Stann Creek St, Coffee, Iced Tea, Juice, Fast Food, 10% Off Smoothies on Saturdays | 822-0661

GARDEN CITY RESTAURANT| Chinese cuisine, Mountain View Blvd|


Forest Drive | 822-4663


Off Ring Rd | 822-0666 /822-0667

GUANG DONG RESTAURANT| Chinese, Constitution Drive | 822-3672 JIA KANG RESTAURANT| Chinese cuisine, 4424 Nim Li Punit Street | 604-0588 LA CABANA RESTAURANT & BAR| Belizean cuisine, 1 Zultana St, Las Flores village | TER’S DELIGHTS| Belizean cuisine, #2 Stann Creek Street | 620-7406 THE MEATING PLACE| Roaring River Golf Course, Mile 50 ¼ Western Hwy, Steaks, more| 820-2031/ 669-1960 TROPICAL RESTAURANT|11 Cemetario Street San Martin | 663-3969



ANGELUS PRESS| Constitution Dr| 822-3861 /822-3863

CYBERCOM INTERNET CENTER| Libertad Maria St | 822-2317 EZ KAFE| Brodies Complex| 672-0007

GS-COM BELMOPAN| 16 Garden City Plaza |822-2588 INTEGRICOMP INTERNET CAFE & IT TRAINING| 18 Trinity Boulevard | 665-7001 /629-0189 PC.COM| Market Square| 822-2449 PROSS COMPUTERS | Constitution Drive| 822-0656

WING STOP| Garden City, Sports Bar cuisine, Delicious Wings n Things, 10am - midnight| 628-4498

Be nqu e/su cco tz

YIM SAAN RESTAURANT & BAR| Chinese cuisine, Hummingbird Hwy| 822-1263




BENNY’S KITCHEN| Belizean /Mayan dishes, Internet service for kids | 823-2541 /607-1929


AGUADA HOTEL & RESTAURANT| Santa Elena, Belizean /American cuisine, full service restaurant & bar, catering, event planning | 804-3609 ANNIE’S BELIZEAN FOOD & PIZZA| Savannah area, across from San Ignacio Market, Breakfast & Lunch, Mon-Sat, Cash only | CENAIDA’S BELIZEAN| West St, Belizean Cuisine, Lunch & Dinner | 631-2526 DEL CARMEN BAR & GRILL| 12 Joseph Andrews Dr., 10am-8pm Tue - Sat, Meat Loafs, Kabobs, Roast Pork, Chicken Wings, Ice Cold Beers, Cash Only | 600-4294 ERVA’S| 4 West Street, San Ignacio, Belizean cuisine | 824-2821 FLAYVA’S| Belizean/American /Vegetarian| 804-2267 FUEGO BAR & GRILL| The New face of cuisine, #2 San Ignacio Welcome Center | 824-FOOD (3663) GUAVA LIMB CAFE| Light fresh fusion cuisine, dessert specialties, coffees in a quaint setting overlooking the Macal Park, Credit cards, $8 - $30 | 824-4837 HAMS BBQ| In Hot Mama’s parking lot, Mile 60 George Price Hwy | 630-8058

HODES PLACE| Savannah Area, Belizean/American /Italian|

Family restaurant,

HOT TACO SNACK SHACK| Bullet Tree Rd, Hard Shell & Soft Tacos, Burritos, Burgers, etc., | 675-7000 KO’-OX HAN-NAH| Indian /Asian /American Cuisine, Burns Ave| MARTHA’S KITCHEN| 10 West Street, Downtown San Ignacio, Belizean /American cuisine|

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

PIZZAS TO GO| Pizzeria, Besides Long Lucky, $18 - Large, $28 - 14”, Pizza by the slice, Open 24 hours | 651-3663




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15 Issue 13 Vol. 4

Issue 13 Vol. 4

TAI SAN CHINESE RESTAURANT | 9 Burns Avenue, San Ignacio |824-2257 THE WING STOP| Burns Avenue, Sports Bar cuisine, Delicious Wings n Things, 10am - midnight| 880-0048

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide


JJ’S UP THE HILL| Benque Rd, Belizean /American cuisine| 604-3041 MELUCHIS| Joseph Andrew Dr., by Graveyard, Belizean/American cuisine|


MASABADUGA| San Ignacio Welcome Center, Belizean Cuisine, We do delivery, 7am-9:30pm Mon-Sat |600-4057 & 629-4355 MAXIMS| Downtown San Ignacio, Chinese cuisine|

THE OLD FRENCH BAKERY| San Ignacio Welcome Center, Savannah area, Wide variety of pastries, breads, etc.| 804-0054 SWEET TING| Joseph Andrews Dr, Cakes, Pastries, etc.|


MERCY’S KITCHEN| Santa Elena, Saint Andrews St., Traditional & American Food, Ask about our Delicious Daily Specials, 6am-9pm Monday-Saturday | 635-1714

YOLI’S PIZZA| San Ignacio Welcome Center, Pizza, Ice Cream, Pastries| 824-4187

ORANGE GALLERY GUEST HOUSE & CAFE| Unitedville on the Western Hwy, Belizean /Continental cuisine|


POPS RESTAURANT| West St, Breakfast/ Sandwiches| 824-3366 ROLSON’S| Off the Benque Rd., Bar/Cantina/ Hotel, Belizean/ Mexican/ American cuisine| ROOTS WRAPS & SMOOTHIES | 38 West Street at Hotel Tia Maria, Healthy Lunch Bar serving raw, vegan and vegetarian food for the whole family, Mon-Fri 7am3pm Sat 9am-5pm, Free Delivery | 666-2889 ROSITA’S FAST FOOD| Joseph Andrews, by Sacred Heart High School, Delicious Belizean cuisine, Excellent prices| RUNNING W STEAK HOUSE| Inside the San Ignacio Resort hotel SANNY’S GRILL| 18th St, Grilled Steaks, Pork Chops, Jerk Pork | 824-2988 SERENDIB RESTAURANT| Burns Ave., Sri-Lankan/ Belizean cusine | 824-2302 SNOOTY FOX GRILL HOUSE| Benque Viejo Road, open Thursday - Sunday, 11 am to 8:30 pm. Open-air dining, American cuisine, $10-$25. |623-9694

MR. GREEDY’S PIZZERIA & BAR| Burns Ave., Pizzas, wings, Belizean/ American, Bfst/Lunch/Dinner| 804-4688 CAYO TWIST| Corner of Benque Rd & Joseph Andrews

AMIGOS BAR AND RESTAURANT | Happy Hours from 5 to 7 pm daily. Our menu includes delicious Belizean, American and International cuisine, PLUS a pizza Special on Fridays. FREE WI-FI too!

AMORE MIO GELATO| Burns Ave, 10am - 8pm Mon Sat| 602-8365


VIVIAN’S COFFEE HOUSE| Joseph Andrews Dr, Next to Sacred Heart High School, Coffees, Lattes, Smoothies, etc.| 804-4664


TRADE WINDS| Hudson St, High Speed Internet, printing, scanning, copying| 824-2396



GOLDEN CORRAL| Route 20 West, American cuisine, Catering| 823-0421 WESTERN DAIRY| Pizza, Ice Cream, etc.|


BLUE ANGELS NIGHTCLUB| San Ignacio, 11 Hudson St. $2.50 Local Beer, Happy Hour 5pm-7pm CAMP 6 SPORTS BAR| San Ignacio, in front of the Macal Park, Tuesday $3 Beer all day, $3 Rum & Coke on Wednesdays, Pool tables MR. GREEDY’S PIZZERIA & BAR| San Ignacio, Burns Ave., $3 Local Beer & $2.50 Local Rum, Happy Hour 3pm-6pm ICE BAR AT MIDAS RESORT| Happy Hour starts Monday to Friday 6pm to 8pm Beers $3.50 Rum & Soda $3.50, selected cocktails $7.50

JJ’S UP THE HILL| (formerly Cappello’s, San Ignacio, Happy Hour 5pm-9pm Daily except Sundays (closed)




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seeking to experience the best of Belize’s cultural, historical and eco-adventure attractions!

Horticulture TRAINING Horticulture Training at Belize Botanic Gardens is a 10-week course comprised of mornings in the classroom learning to about various plants, how to identify them, where and when to plant them and afternoons doing practical training in

plant ID, propagation, grafting, pruning, weeding, watering, landscape design –and more.

to obtain a job as a gardener. A number of our students have started their own nursery and lawn care businesses so there is opportunity for entrepreneurs.

On The Job Training (OJT) is a 12-week course of practical training which teaches students all of the necessary skills

With the growth of the tourism industry in Belize hotel owners and other businesses are requiring skilled gardeners to

BLUE ANGELS NIGHTCLUB| San Ignacio, 11 Hudson Street, DJ /or Band Dance on Fridays & Saturdays, open every day, Hip Hop, Reggae, Soca, Punta, etc. JJ’S UP THE HILL| (formerly Cappello’s) San Ignacio, DJ Dance on weekends, karaoke, Cover charge on special events. 604-3041 /604-6138 LA CABANA| Belmopan, just off the Southern Hwy in Las Flores, DJ Dance on weekends, Reggae, Dancehall, Hip Hop, Top 40

help maintain their grounds so this job market is wide-open for the dedicated individual. We have trained both men and women from youths as young as 16 to mature people in their 40’s and 50’s. The main requirement is a love for gardening and the wish to become employed.

MELUCHI’S| San Ignacio, DJ Dance on weekends, Reggae, Top 40, 80’s NEXT LOUNGE| San Ignacio, in Princess Casino, DJ Dance, Dancehall, Hip Hop, Euro House, Cover RUMORS RESORT HOTEL| San Ignacio, on Benque Rd, Special events. 824-2795 WANNA GET LISTED? Place your event listing with us here... it is Free! Send us your info to buyandsellbelize@

What to do? Visit Rumors Hotel in San Ignacio! Rumors Resort Hotel is a proud Belizean family-owned and operated hotel

situated in what was once the heart of a great Mayan civilization. Perched on a hilltop, it offers a relatively fresh/ windy ambiance with impressive panoramic views.

They cater to travelers seeking a tranquil getaway from the buzz of town (San Ignacio) while still keeping its conveniences within easy access. Situated near all

major attractions in the Cayo District, it is an ideal outpost for the adventure travelers seeking to experience the best of Belize’s cultural, historical and ecoadventure attrac-

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

Rumors Hotel... an ideal outpost for the adventure travelers

Issue 13 Vol. 4

Issue 13 Vol. 4

fun exploration





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19 Issue 13 Vol. 4

Issue 13 Vol. 4

Their onsite restaurant is a great place to try some authentic Belizean gourmet as well as international dishes.

self at the bar after a long day of tours and enjoy a great Belizean dinner such as the popular Rice & Beans or pasta dishes.

Hector’s outstanding skills and craftsmanship in the construction industry took on full swing and became evident in his ever-developing masterpiece Enjoy their popular Belizean breakfast before taking off on your planned adventure for the day. Refresh your-

HISTORY Hector Montero, proprietor and CEO of Rumors Resort Hotel is a profes-

sional building contractor. His projects can be traced along all corners of this country and off the mainland. His career development led him to study and work abroad in the USA for a period of time. As a recreational activity there, he would frequent a particular Restaurant and Bar lounge by the name of Rumors in Winter Heaven Florida, back in the mid 80’s.

open its doors in 1998 to the public as Rumors restaurant and bar on the same premises as his residence and the place he grew up in. The name evidently reflecting that of his favorite recreational spot in his earlier days.

It was planned to be a joint venture along with his younger brother who would manage the facility while he continued his construction busiIn the summer of ness. The partner1995 he set off to ship thrived for a layout the founda- period of time until tions of what would it broke off in 2000.

as a guesthouse, offering accommodations without the food and beverage amenities.

mind, with the joint blood and sweat of his sons. The challenge was great as it demanded

try as a resort hotel lead to their most recent expansion projects which include six additional

Hector’s outstanding skills and craftsmanship in the construction industry took on full swing and became evident in his everdeveloping masterpiece – he gradually laid out each piece of it as envisioned right off his

them to live double lives – separate jobs in their own field of work and their commitment to the continual development and maintenance of this establishment.

and upgraded rooms, a kiddies playground & built-in swimming pool, and a scenic elevated wooden deck along with fully operational food and beverage facilities and tours desk. (501)824-2795 l

Plans of entering the tourism indus-

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide

2 2 nd Apr i l - 28th Apr i l 2014 Buy & Sell Weekly Classifieds Entertainment Guide


The establishment then took on a different function as an events venue, exclusive of food and beverage amenities. It hosted all sorts of celebrations from Christenings, proms, wedding receptions, birthday parties, anniversaries to pageants and conventions. These were occasional events which would fit uninterruptedly with the continual expansion of facilities and the addition of our first seven accommodations. Rumors consequently commenced operation

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