January 2018 Hereford World

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January 2018 Hereford World

The voice of the American Hereford Association | January 2018

A Market-led Cross Doolittle Wagner Ranch LLC is bringing Hereford back into its black-hided herd. by Julie Mais


successful business doesn’t happen by accident. Keeping a careful watch on market trends, penning accurate records and taking advantage of new technologies help keep any business venture thriving. Jim Doolittle and Karen Wagner of Doolittle Wagner Ranch LLC in Buffalo, S.D., have built upon their lifelong passion of ranching to establish a progressive commercial cattle operation by making market-led decisions, maintaining extensive records and utilizing new practices in their herd.

Natives of western South Dakota, the couple grew up in farming and ranching families. Karen’s grandfather homesteaded in Harding County, where her parents eventually farmed, cut hay and ran cattle. Jim’s grandparents also homesteaded in the area around the turn of the century. On the open range, his grandfather grazed sheep and later converted to raising cattle. “My family had Hereford cattle, and at that time Hereford was the majority breed in the region,” Jim says. continued on page 24...

Annual Bull Sale F e b r u a ry 1 2 , 2 0 1 8

BB Top Shelf 7013

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT SC CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ CEZ$ BII$ CHB$ 0.1 3.3 52 95 25 51 -0.3 104 0.90 0.90 0.4 74 0.006 0.55 0.14 17 12 16 32

BB Top Shelf 7028

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 0.. 3.4 52 95 25 51 -0.3 105 .90 .90 74 0.006 0.51 0.14 17 16 32

BB 386 Domino 7042

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ - 0.3 3.8 54 94 29 56 0.3 104 1.00 1.00 77 0.026 0.50 0.05 20 18 32

BB 0130 Domino 7054 ET

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 0.1 2.8 56 89 31 59 -5.8 99 1.10 1.15 75 0.026 0.55 0.02 18 16 30

BB Top Shelf 6187

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 0.4 3.6 51 91 24 49 2.1 89 0.90 0.90 75 -0.004 0.56 0.17 18 16 33

BB Top Shelf 6185

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -1.9 4.4 51 91 28 53 1.3 101 1.10 1.00 77 0.006 0.58 0.06 20 17 33

BB 994 Domino 6188

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -1.5 4.6 47 81 21 44 -1.4 88 1.20 1.20 69 0.016 0.60 0.09 19 16 31

BB 1003 Mark Class 6194

CE BW WW YW MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -0.6 3.6 40 69 20 40 1.0 76 1.10 1.20 52 -0.034 0.18 -0.04 14 12 25

SELLIING: Hereford Bulls

80 Spring and Winter Calves • 50 Coming 2-Year Olds 5 Coming 2-Year Old Polled Bulls

SELLIING: Angus Bulls

20 Spring and Winter Calves • 15 Coming 2-Year Olds

Cattle Co.

Bill Bennett and Family Box 36, Connell, WA 99326 509-234-4361

Bill’s cell 509-551-6102 Jay’s cell 509-551-6101 Joe’s cell 509-551-6104 Leslie’s cell 509-551-6622 bbcattle@bossig.com www.bbcattle.com NFAC

Katie Colyer • 208-599-2962 Please watch our website the end of January for videos of all the bulls.


January 2018 |




CONTENTS January 2018

The voice of the American Hereford Association

For over a century, 5 generations of Wiese’s have been committed to the betterment of the Hereford breed and the Beef Industry!


A great selection of bulls ready for the spring breeding season!

Economic Outlook for ’18

Large beef supplies likely to temper cattle prices in 2018. — by Kindra Gordon



Learn about the causes and treatment options for retained placentas in your cow herd. — by Heather Smith Thomas

Good Nutrition Vital for Pregnant Cows


Producers need to review their anticipated calving dates, cow body condition scores and cows’ diet. — by NDSU Extension Service


The critical leg of the journey from replacement heifer to mature cow. — by Karla H. Jenkins

page 34

• Over 150+ breeding age bulls available to select from. 50 2-year-olds, 100 yearlings. • Developed in near natural and rugged conditions for the ease of adaptation and to thrive in any environment. • Whether you’re seeking calving ease or a few extra pounds at weaning. We offer a wide variety of genetics to assist you in meeting your production goals all while adding profit to the bottom line.

Retained Placentas and How to Treat Them

Maternal Maturity

AHA Releases Updated Genetic Evaluation

The American Hereford Association recently launched its updated genetic evaluation. — by Julie Mais

The End of an Era 58



• With years of careful genetic selection, let us help you get the most out of your cow herd with females known for their longevity, mothering ability, udder quality and docility!

Calving section starts on page 36


Bred and open replacement heifers available throughout the year! Call for availability!



A Careful Eye


Knowing when and how to check a cow during labor is crucial. — by Heather Smith Thomas


Tips for producers on predicting a calving date. — by Heather Smith Thomas

When Will She Calve?


Nancy Thomas retires from the American Hereford Association after 49 years. — by Kayla Jennings

Certified Hereford Beef Meets Consumer Demand

A panel of industry experts shed light onto the positive attributes present in CHB® products. — by Kayla Jennings

Cost Control

Benchmarking your herd to improve profitability. — by Randy Saner

2017 State Tours in Review

Summary of last year’s state tours and field days hosted by Hereford breeders.

Louisville Hereford Show Champions Selected

Results of the 2017 North American International Livestock Exposition National Hereford Show in Louisville, Ky.

Understanding Your Hereford World Subscription

A few tips and tricks to make sure you don’t miss the next issue of Hereford World.


COLUMNS 6 | Breed Focus

Call today! Gene 712-249-6559 Dave 712-210-6378 Chance 712-210-6893 Shayne 712-210-6895 Office 712-653-3678 Fax 712-653-3027 wiese@mmctsu.com

8 | Performance Matters

www.wieseandsons.com Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter We welcome your interest 31552 Delta Ave. Manning, IA 51455 4

| January 2018

Bald-Faced Facts Hereford offers maternal heterosis advantages without sacrificing end-product merit. The Right Direction With the release of the new genetic evaluation, the AHA offers three profit indexes to utilize based on production goals.

10 | What’s New?

Association News and Events

14 | Member Service

Customer Service Tips and Tricks Learn more about how to utilize MyHerd.org to your advantage.

16 | CHB Bites

Certified Hereford Beef News Certified Hereford Beef makes strides in sharing the brand.

18 | Beef Talk

The Challenge of Cow Size and Beef Growth Performance Continues to Be Stable

6 Contacts 78 Hereford Mom Diaries 82 From the Field 88 New Members 104 Sales Digest 118 Calendar of Events 120 Advertisers’ Index

Hereford World (ISSN 1085-9896), Vol. 108, No. 8 , published monthly (except June) by Hereford Publications Inc., 1501 Wyandotte St., P.O. Box 014059, Kansas City, MO 64101. Periodical postage paid at Kansas City, Mo., and additional entries. Subscription rates, $35 a year. Postmaster: Send address changes to Hereford World, P.O. Box 014059, Kansas City, MO 64101. Hereford World agreement #1803689



January 2018 |


Breed Focus

Bald-Faced Facts

by Jack Ward

Hereford offers maternal heterosis advantages without sacrificing end-product merit.

Jack Ward is the executive vice president of the American Hereford Association. He can be reached at jward@hereford.org.

The Hereford breed has been widely accepted in commercial herds as the choice to add heterosis. The American Hereford Association (AHA) 2017-20 Strategic Plan directs the AHA Board of Directors, staff and its members to stay committed to adopting new technologies for genetic improvement and to educate the industry on the benefits of using Hereford genetics. Over the course of the past two years, the AHA has worked to implement a single-step genomic evaluation using the Biometric Open Language Tools (BOLT) software and to produce two new traits — Sustained Cow Fertility (SCF) and Dry Matter Intake (DMI). The introduction of BOLT has allowed the AHA to add genotypes, pedigree and performance information simultaneously into an evaluation that runs more efficiently and produces a more reliable set of expected progeny differences (EPDs) for breeders and their customers. The AHA is focused on producing economically relevant traits (ERTs) to use in profit ($) indexes, which can help your customers make selection decisions based on their production system. You should work with your customers to identify their needs and to help them understand the definition

of the $Indexes. In some cases, it may be best for your customers to develop their own form of an index to identify the genetics they need or to customize the existing $Indexes. An example of this might be customers that like to buy one set of bulls for both heifers and bulls. If they have a British, predominately blackhided cow herd, they would want to use a set of bulls that excel for Baldie Maternal Index (BMI$) with a threshold on Calving Ease-Direct (CED). This approach allows them to select bulls in your offering that provide profitability in a system that retains heifers and then retains ownership in calves through harvest.

Across breed adjustments This spring, help your customers understand the value of heterosis and the advantages of using Hereford bulls to improve end-product merit when breeding a set of Angus-based commercial cows. The U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC; USDA Agricultural Research Service), Clay Center, Neb., has provided tools for commercial cattlemen to adjust EPDs across breeds and to look at the value of heterosis in a breeding program through

the Germ Plasm Evaluation (GPE) program, which has been using semen from multiple breeds for decades. Researchers evaluate all traits of economic importance including calving ease, growth, carcass, feed efficiency, fertility and others. Included in this research is the value of heterosis. The across breed adjustments are a tool to help compare EPDs across breeds and to allow cattlemen to identify favorable genetics for traits of economic importance. Calving ease is still ranked at the top of the list for traits of importance for cattlemen. The USMARC across-breedadjustments table does not include CED for a variety of reasons (you can find more details in the January 2017 Performance Matters column), but USMARC developed a breeding study to quantify the differences in Calving Difficulty (CD) and Maternal Calving Difficulty (MCD) among breeds. A total of 4,579 first-calf heifers were utilized from the GPE program, and within the British breeds, Hereford had the most desirable breed effect for CD and the second most desirable effect for MCD. If you look further into the information provided from the continued on page 12...

Contacts | American Hereford Association Mailing address: P.O. Box 014059, Kansas City, MO 64101-0059 Physical address: 1501 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, MO 64108 816-842-3757 • Fax 816-842-6931 hworld@hereford.org • Hereford.org


President Kevin Schultz, Haviland, Kan. Vice president Pete Atkins, Tea, S.D. Directors Term expires 2018 Jim Mickelson, Santa Rosa, Calif. Bob Thompson, Rolla, Mo. Term expires 2019 Jim Bellis, Aurora, Mo. Kyle Pérez, Nara Visa, N.M. Term expires 2020 Joel Birdwell, Kingfisher, Okla. Tommy Mead, Midville, Ga. Bruce Thomas, Gold Creek, Mont. Term expires 2021 Nate Frederickson, Spearfish, S.D. Mark St. Pierre, El Nido, Calif. Joe Waggoner, Carthage, Miss.


Executive vice president Jack Ward, jward@hereford.org Chief operating officer and director of breed improvement Shane Bedwell, sbedwell@hereford.org Chief financial officer Leslie Mathews, lmathews@hereford.org

Director of records department Stacy Sanders, ssanders@hereford.org Director of commercial programs Trey Befort, tbefort@herefordbeef.org Director of youth activities Amy Cowan, acowan@hereford.org National shows coordinator and youth activities assistant Bailey Clanton, bclanton@hereford.org Records supervisor Tena Martin, tmartin@hereford.org Education coordinator Laura Loschke, lloschke@hereford.org Marketing and communications coordinators Kaylen Alexander, kalexander@hereford.org Kendra Davis, kdavis@hereford.org

| Certified Hereford Beef Staff Chief operating officer Amari Seiferman, aseiferman@herefordbeef.org Regional brand managers Donald Lucero, dlucero@herefordbeef.org Tim Norsten, tnorsten@herefordbeef.org Business analyst Anne Stuart, astuart@hereford.org For information about marketing Herefordinfluenced feeder cattle or about the Hereford Verified program, call Trey Befort at 816-842-3758 or visit HerefordFeederCattle.com.

Member of

| Hereford World Staff

| Field Staff

Director of field management and seedstock marketing Joe Rickabaugh, jrick@hereford.org Production manager Caryn Vaught, cvaught@hereford.org Editor Julie Mais, jmais@hereford.org Editorial assistant Kayla Jennings, kjennings@hereford.org Advertising coordinator Alison Marx, amarx@hereford.org Creative Services coordinator Abigail Engel, aengel@hereford.org Editorial designer/assistant Christy Benigno Graphic designers Sharon Blank and Sean Jersett Production assistant Debbie Rush Contributing writers Kindra Gordon and Heather Smith Thomas

Member Cattle Registration Fees Age of calf

Regular Electronic

Up to 4 months



4-8 months



8-12 months



More than 12 months



Western Region – Mark Holt Ariz., Calif., Idaho, Nev., Ore., Utah and Wash. 4247 S. Road C, Vale, OR 97918 208-369-7425, mholt@hereford.org Mountain Region – Lander Nicodemus Colo., Mont., Wyo. and western Canadian provinces 947 Road 146, Burns, WY 82053 307-421-8141, lnicodem304@gmail.com North Central Region – Levi Landers Kan., Minn., Neb., N.D. and S.D. 1017 40 Rd., Minden, NE 68959 308-730-1396, llanders@hereford.org Upper Midwest Region – John Meents Ill., Ind., Ky., Md., Mich., Ohio, Pa., W.Va. and Wis. 21555 S.R. 698, Jenera, OH 45841 419-306-7480, jmeents@hereford.org Advertising Representative – Juston Stelzer Ark., La., N.M., Okla. and Texas 13601 S. 4050 Rd., Oologah, OK 74053 817-992-7059, jcshereford@gmail.com Eastern Region – Tommy Coley Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tenn. and Va. 1284 Stage Coach Rd., Sewanee, TN 37375 815-988-7051, tcoley@hereford.org Central Region – Joe Rickabaugh Iowa and Mo. 1501 Wyandotte St., Kansas City, MO 64108 785-633-3188, jrick@hereford.org Northeast Region – Contact the AHA Conn., Del., D.C., Maine, Mass., N.H., N.J., N.Y., R.I., Vt. and eastern Canadian provinces

The publisher reserves the right to decline any advertising for any reason at any time without liability, even though previously acknowledged or accepted.


| January 2018



January 2018 |


Performance Matters

The Right Direction

by Shane Bedwell

With the release of the new genetic evaluation, the AHA offers three profit indexes to utilize based on production goals.

Shane Bedwell is the chief operating officer and director of breed improvement of the American Hereford Association. He can be reached at sbedwell@hereford.org.

I hope those of you who have started calving season are off to a strong start and are excited with the progress you have made. Bull sale season is upon us, and the updated genetic evaluation implemented in late 2017 (see Page 34) provides access to a progressive set of tools, allowing cattlemen to make more informed selection decisions. Along with updating some of the parameters with the updated genetic evaluation, the American Hereford Association (AHA) implemented two key economically relevant traits (ERTs) into the suite of traits produced for every animal — Sustained Cow Fertility (SCF) and Dry Matter Intake (DMI).

New traits SCF is a prediction of a cow’s ability to continue to calve from 3 to 12 years of age, given she calved as a 2-yearold. The expected progeny difference (EPD) is expressed as a deviation in the proportion of the 10 possible calvings to 12 years old expressed as a probability. For example, the daughters of a bull with a 30 EPD would have the genetic potential to have one more calf by age


Figure 1: Change in EPD (genetic SD) per SD change in CHB$

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40

Standardized change in EPD

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40

Standardized change in EPD


Profit indexes These two traits are now incorporated in the three profit ($) indexes AHA produces for commercial producers, as well as the other key ERTs AHA is producing in its genetic evaluation. The Baldie Maternal Index (BMI$) is a maternally focused index based on a production system that uses HerefordAngus cross cows. Progeny of these cows are directed toward Certified Hereford Beef (CHB®). This index has significant weight on SCF, which predicts fertility and longevity of females. There is a slightly positive weight on Weaning Weight (WW), Mature Cow Weight (MCW) and Maternal Milk (MM), which accounts for enough growth but ensures females do not increase inputs. There is some negative emphasis on DMI, but a positive weighting on Carcass Weight (CW), which is anticipated to provide profitability from finishing of non-replacement females and castrated males. Marbling (MARB) and Ribeye Area (REA) are also positively weighted to keep harvested progeny successful for CHB. This index is geared to identify Hereford bulls that will be profitable when used in a rotational cross with mature commercial Angus cows. The Brahman Influence Index (BII$) is a maternally focused index based on a production system that uses Hereford-Brahman cross cows. Progeny

| January 2018

of these cows are directed toward a commodity beef market since CHB does not accept Brahman-influenced cattle. This index also has significant weight on SCF. There is a slightly positive weight on WW, MCW and MM, which accounts for enough growth but ensures females do not increase inputs. There is some negative emphasis on DMI, but a positive weighting on CW, which is anticipated to provide profitability in finishing non-replacement females and castrated males. MARB and REA are also positively weighted to keep harvested progeny successful for a variety of commodity-based programs. This index targets producers that use Hereford bulls on Brahman-influenced cows. The Certified Hereford Beef Index (CHB$) is a terminal-sire index built on a production system where Hereford bulls are mated to mature commercial Angus cows and all progeny will be targeted for CHB after the finishing phase. This index has significant weight on CW to ensure profit on the rail. There is a positive weighting for average daily gain, along with a negative weighting on DMI to ensure efficient pounds of growth in the finishing phase. Keep in mind, this production system takes advantage of complementary breeding with the commercial Angus cow. Although MARB is weighted positively in this index, a positive weighting for REA and a negative weighting for Rib Fat (FAT) are a greater priority in this index to allow for optimum end-product merit. This is the only index with no emphasis on fertility. Remember, no replacement heifers are being retained in this scenerio. Utilizing these $indexes appropriately is critical for their success. All three economic indexes simulate potential profit relative to the production scenario given in the definitions of the index. If you are a commercial producer who is wanting to keep back females, then CHB$ is continued on page 12...

Figure 3: Change in EPD (genetic SD) per SD change in BII$



Figure 2: Change in EPD (genetic SD) per SD change in BMI$

12 than the daughters from a bull with a 20 EPD. In other words, the daughters from the 30 EPD bull would have a 10% greater probability of having one more calf than the daughters from the bull with a 20 EPD. This is equivalent to saying the daughters are 10% more likely to remain in the herd to age 12. DMI predicts the daily consumption of pounds of feed. For example, if sire A has a DMI EPD of 1.1 and sire B has a DMI EPD of 0.1, you would expect sire B’s progeny, if comparably mated, to consume on average 1 lb. of feed less per day.

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB -0.20 -0.10 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40

Standardized change in EPD Hereford.org


January 2018 |



A. Goff & Sons

1661 Hazelgreen Rd., Harrisville, WV 26362 304-643-2196 • agoffandsons@yahoo.com Since 1910

Celebrating our 107th Year

October 20, 2018

What’s New?

Association News and Events

“What’s New?” is a column designed to keep you in-the-know about Hereford happenings. You can also sign up for Hereford eNews, a weekly electronic newsletter from the American Hereford Association (AHA). Send an e-mail to eNews@hereford.org to subscribe. Archived issues are posted at Hereford.org.

Oldest continuous Polled Hereford Herd in America

AHA releases BOLT genetic evaluation

Herd Sires:

The American Hereford Association (AHA) released the first updated expected progeny differences (EPDs) and corresponding accuracies using the Biometric Open Language Tools (BOLT) genetic evaluation software Dec. 4. The new genetic evaluation also includes two new traits, Sustained Cow Fertility (SCF) and Dry Matter Intake (DMI), and updated profit ($) indexes. Turn to Page 34 to learn more.

G Mr Headline 719T 355 THM True To Form 5081




Rick and Joella Collins 1549 Stephens Fork Rd., Mineral Wells, WV 26150 304-483-6240 • 304-483-3499 jocollins3499@gmail.com Herd Sire: G Wrangler Supreme 537

Registered Polled Hereford Cattle

W.C. Taylor Family 20 Cottage Hill Rd., Petersburg, WV 26847 Sonny 304-257-1557 Michael 304-257-1040 mtaylor@frontiernet.net


Calling all Hereford females The AHA is seeking to obtain more genomic profiles on Hereford cows. The Cow DNA Project offers breeders the opportunity to DNA test their

entire cow herd inventory for the special price of $20 per cow when using a Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) for DNA collection. To participate in the Cow DNA Project, contact AHA Records Supervisor Tena Martin at 816-842-3757 or email Tena at tmartin@hereford.org.

Take advantage of Herefordinfluenced feeder calf sales

Don’t Miss “American Rancher” episodes featuring Herefords

Greater Midwest Certified Hereford Feeder Calf Sale www.carthagelivestock.com Date: Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2018 Location: Carthage Livestock Auction, Carthage, Ill. Contact: Brent Lowderman, 309-221-9621

The AHA and Hereford cattle will be featured in January on RFD-TV’s “American Rancher.” The “American Rancher” episode will air at 8 p.m. central time Monday, Jan. 8, 2018.

Hereford exhibitors, breeders and enthusiasts will make their way to Denver Jan. 10-13 for the National Western Stock Show (NWSS). Hereford events in Denver will begin with the National Hereford Junior Heifer Show in the Stadium Arena on the Hill Wednesday, Jan. 10, at 8 a.m., with the National Hereford Bull Show to be on Thursday, Jan. 11, at 8 a.m. on the Hill. Friday’s highlights begin in the Yards with the pen and carload show at 8 a.m. The Mile High Night National Hereford Sale on Friday evening promises to be another great event, featuring 32 lots from consignors across the U.S. Kicking off the Mile High Night National Hereford Sale that evening will be Lot 1, MF 104Y Eve 109 19E ET, a female donated by McDonald Farm, Grand Rapids, Mich. All proceeds will go to

192 Ruger Dr., Harrisville, WV 26362 Butch 304-643-4438

Certified and Accredited lawherefords.bravehost.com lawherefords@yahoo.com

GRASSY RUN 5683 Rocky Step Rd. Winfield, WV 25213 www.grassyfunfarms.com Gary Kale, Owner Aaron Glascock, General Manager, 304-312-7060 Derik Billman, Herdsman, 330-432-3267 Josh Rardin, Herdsman, 304-593-5112

McDonald Polled Herefords W. Michael McDonald

Rt. 2, Box 215A, Jane Lew, WV 26378 304-884-6669 Home 304-745-3870 Office 304-677-5944 Cell


| January 2018

continued on page 12...

Herefords headin’ to Denver

Polled Herefords Since 1954


Consigning Hereford and Herefordinfluenced calves to a special Hereford sale not only provides a great outlet for buyers interested in Hereford genetics but also may result in a premium for the seller. Contact these organizers today for the specific requirements of each sale.

the Hereford Youth Foundation of America (HYFA) “Growing a Lasting Legacy” campaign to ensure the sustainability of future JNHEs and leadership events for generations to come. “A big thank you goes to McDonald Farm for donating this phenomenal heifer calf to highlight the 2018 Mile High Sale in Denver and to support Hereford youth,” says Amy Cowan, AHA director of youth activities and the foundation. Eve (registration no. 43826516) is a Jan. 14, 2017, daughter of CRR 719 Catapult 109 and out of MF 914W About Yasmine 104Y. Hereford events conclude Saturday morning with the National Hereford Female Show in the Stadium Arena on the Hill at 8 a.m. Judging the National Hereford Show on the Hill will be Eldon, Krebs, Gordon, Neb., along with associate judge Bob May, Mineral Point, Wis. Pen and carload show judges are John McCurry, Burrton, Kan.; Cody Sankey, Economy, Ind.; and Dale Micheli, Ft. Bridger, Wyo. Evaluating the junior show is Mark Johnson, Orlando, Okla. Those unable to attend the NWSS can find Hereford show results online at Hereford.org. Stop in to mingle with Hereford breeders and take some time to shop the latest Hereford apparel and goods at the Hereford General Store and Lounge this year at the NWSS. Sponsored by Hereford breeders, the General Store and Lounge will be on the third floor of the Exchange Building and open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 10, through Thursday, Jan. 11, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 12.

MF 104Y Eve 109 19E ET

Schedule of Events

Hotel and Shuttle Information

Wednesday, Jan. 10 8 a.m. — Junior Hereford Show, Stadium Arena of the Hill 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. — Hereford General Store and Lounge open, Exchange Building Thursday, Jan. 11 8 a.m. — National Hereford Bull Show, Stadium Arena on the Hill 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. — Hereford General Store and Lounge open, Exchange Building Friday, Jan. 12 8 a.m. — Hereford Pen of Three Female Show, Livestock Center Arena in the Yards 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. — Hereford General Store and Lounge open, Exchange Building 9:30 a.m. — Hereford Pen and Carload Bull Show, Livestock Center Arena in the Yards 6:30 p.m. — Mile High Night National Hereford Sale, Stadium Arena on the Hill Saturday, Jan. 13 8 a.m. — National Hereford Female Show, Stadium Arena on the Hill

Hereford breeders can make reservations at the following hotels. Both have AHA rates for the NWSS: Renaissance Denver Hotel 3801 Quebec St., Denver, CO 80207 800-468-3571 Rate: $117 The Renaissance offers a free shuttle to the NWSS and to and from the airport. Drury Inn & Suites Denver Stapleton 4550 N. Central Park Blvd. Stapleton, CO 80238 303-373-1983 Rate: $117 Please note: The Drury Inn does not offer a shuttle to the stock show.


CRR 719 Catapult 109

CRR 109 Catapult 322

CRR 028X Roll Tide 612

CRR 5280


Look for CRR bulls in the Yards in Denver!

real-world western range program developed to add to your bottom line. A program with a proven track record of calving ease, maternal efficiency, and growth with carcass data. Backed by dependable, problem-free cows who work for a living. Look to CRR for your source of commercial bulls in volume, herd bulls and productive females. Call today for more information.

18300 CR 43 • LaSalle, CO 80645 Jane Evans Cornelius 970-284-6878 970-371-0500 Cell

Hampton and Kay 970-396-2935 Cell

Katie and Lee 970-396-8320

www.coyoteridgeherefords.com Hereford.org

January 2018 |


...What’s New continued from page 10

...Breed Focus continued from page 6

Use F for 2018 The year letter code for 2018 is F. This notice is for producers who use letter codes in their identification systems. For more on tattoo and identification tips, visit Herd Management Tools under Member Service at Hereford.org.

Hereford offers summer internship, ambassador program The AHA is offering opportunities for college students hoping to gain valuable real-world experience working with youth activities. Junior activities internship — The AHA youth department is offering college juniors or seniors the opportunity to assist with the planning and execution of junior shows and leadership events, and to gain experience in association work.

Applicants must be enrolled in an agriculture-related major and should be self-starters who are detailoriented, outgoing and have the ability to work well with all types of people. Travel to the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE) and other shows should be expected as part of the internship. The internship will span from approximately mid-May to midAugust, with specific starting and ending dates depending on the applicant’s availability. Applicants for the junior activities intern can send a cover letter, their résumé and references by Feb. 15 to Amy Cowan, AHA director of youth activities, acowan@hereford.org or P.O. Box 014059, Kansas City, MO 64101. For more information,

contact Cowan at 816-842-3757 or acowan@hereford.org. JNHE ambassador program — College students may also apply for the JNHE ambassador program. The 2018 ambassadors will assist the Natioal Junior Hereford Association board and AHA staff throughout the JNHE week — July 1-7 — in Grand Island, Neb., and the week prior to the show in the Kansas City office. Candidates must be a 2018 high school graduate, or older, and must have had national show experience. Ambassadors cannot be exhibitors or competitors at the 2018 JNHE. Ambassador applications are available online at hereford.org/youth/njha/ internships-ambassador-program/ and are due March 15.

USMARC GPE program, you will discover heterosis can positively affect end product. The Angus mean is 13.66 sq. in. ribeye area, 5.66 marbling score and 932.3 lb. for carcass weight. Using an alternate bull, Hereford, the heterosis effect on these traits is estimated at 0.26 sq. in. for ribeye area, -0.06 units for marbling score and 31.21 lb. for carcass weight using the GPE data. You must remember a 5.00 marbling score is equivalent to Sm 00 — so even with a slightly unfavorable change for marbling, you will still have a product that grades Choice or better. These numbers are produced through the germplasm project, and your customers may have a different mean to start, but this tool should give your customers some comfort if they are concerned about the harvest value of a set of black baldie steers. This information, along with the maternal heterosis advantage of the baldie female, continues to solidify the “Bald Face Truth About Hereford Genetics.” ...Performance Matters continued from page 8


Horn and Poll Hereford Bulls February 8, 2018

Jordan Cattle Auction

Bull Consignment Sale Sale starts at 10 a.m. (CST) 1310 W. Hwy. 190 San Saba, Texas

View the catalog online at https://hereford.org/ marketing/hereford-sales/ production-catalogs/

“Pursuing Sound Functional Cattle, Superior Carcass Quality Grade” Jon and Beth Averhoff P.O. Box 186 Hamilton, TX 76531 254-463-2202 • 713-823-5783 cell 12

| January 2018

not the index you would use, as it is strictly terminally focused. You would use BMI$ or BII$ for selection pressure, given your cow base fits the scenario of the $Index — Angusbased cows for BMI$ and Brahmanbased cows for BII$. The $index value of animals shows how they rank compared to other animals for the respective scenarios — the actual numbers do not translate into actual economic dollars. For example, if you had a bull at a 35 CHB$ and another at a 25 CHB$, the difference is 10. This difference doesn’t equate to $10 per head; it only signifies the sire with a 35 for CHB$ will be more profitable when used in this scenario than when compared to the sire with a 25 for CHB$. What’s best to look at is the impact of putting selection pressure on an individual $Index. Often, in selection and breed improvement, producers think of moving traits or indexes one standard deviation above the mean. This step helps to identify the animals that can move your herd forward in the specific trait or index of interest. More importantly, $Indexes help show what the resulting net effects will be on the traits that drive these indexes if you make progress by moving the individual index up one standard deviation. On Page 8 are three graphs showing the change in EPD genetic standard deviation due to the change of moving the $Index one standard deviation forward. Given CHB$ (Figure 1) is a terminal $Index, you would expect some of the maternal traits not to progress or even go backward on some traits. When looking at BMI$ (Figure 2) and BII$ (Figure 3), you can see progress can be made in the right direction in most every trait. It’s critical to select the right $Index for your needs. Hereford.org


January 2018 |


Member Service

Customer Service Tips and Tricks

by Laura Loschke

Be sure to turn in spring 2018 inventories by Jan. 15 in order to receive the early bird discount of 25-cents-per-head on every female maintained on inventory. The final inventory deadline is March 1 to avoid the $2-per-head surcharge. MyHerd.org users should remember to hit the “submit job now to bill inventory” for the final inventory to be billed. Pay for pending transactions to complete the work. If the spring 2018 inventory has not been received,

contact American Hereford Association (AHA) customer service.

What can MyHerd do for you?

• Provide easy access to any animal in the herd

• Enable calf registrations and transfer of animals

• Request DNA tests, check the status

of a current test or view DNA results

• Release artificial insemination (AI) certificates or view a list of available AI certificates

• Edit membership/contact information • Submit Whole Herd Total TM)

Performance Records (TPR information and analyze the calf crop • View reports (packing slips, monthly statements, calf crop worksheet, EPDs, etc.) • Store registration papers electronically and release them as needed • Pay bills and store card information for easy payment for both the AHA and Hereford Publication Inc.

MyHerd FAQs Q: My owned animals and Whole Herd TPR to-do lists are empty when I log into MyHerd.org. Why is this happening? A: When logging into MyHerd and there are no owned animals or data in the to-do lists, check the browser compatibility with the recommendations below: PC (Windows) – Please use Google Chrome or Internet Explorer Google Chrome – Download and install Google Chrome and then log into MyHerd.org. Internet Explorer – • Open your Internet Explorer browser. • Click the “Tools” icon in the top right-hand corner. (It looks like a gear.) • Click “Compatibility View Settings.” • Enter MyHerd.org and click “Add” to add MyHerd.org to the compatibility list. Mac (Apple) – Download and install Google Chrome and then log into MyHerd.org. Q: I’m trying to register a calf and keep getting the error “Breeder does not have access to sire at mating. Signature of sire owner required.” What do I need to do? A: Place the animal on hold so the animal’s information will be saved. The owner of the service sire needs to contact AHA customer service to provide permission to register a calf out of his/her bull. The owner can either call or email this permission. If the sire owner has already given his/ her permission, call customer service, and an individual there will push the registration through from the office. Q: I have a dam that is multi-owned. How do I register her calf in both owners’ names? A: When registering a calf out of a multi-owned dam, the calf can be registered with only one breeder and the original owner. Then transfer the calf at registration to both owners of the dam. The day after the calf’s birthdate can be used as the date of transfer. If you are doing your registration on MyHerd, you can do all of this (the registration and the transfer) on the same page. If you are submitting the paper registration application, be sure to fill out the transfer information on the page to put the calf in both owners’ names. To sign up for MyHerd, email your member number to myherd@hereford.org Laura Loschke is the education and information service coordinator of the American Hereford Association. She can be reached at lloschke@hereford.org.


| January 2018



January 2018 |


CHB Bites

Certified Hereford Beef News

by Kaylen Alexander

“CHB Bites” is a column designed to keep you in-the-know about the Certified Hereford Beef (CHB®) program. To get involved with CHB on social media, search Certified Hereford Beef on Facebook and Pinterest, @certifiedherefordbeef on Instagram and @crtherefordbeef on Twitter.

Investing in Our Youth

create awareness of our brand in those who will be leading the industry in the future. These events are great ways to teach these students the benefits of Certified Hereford Beef and the impact we can make in foodservice and retail.” The future of agriculture is bright due to the upcoming generation of young agriculturalists with a keen interest in the industry. CHB is dedicated to fostering the education of these individuals who will someday make an impact on the beef industry. “The passion these students have for the meat industry is very unique,” says Deidrea Mabry, AMSA director of scientific communications and technical programs. “By partnering with Certified Hereford Beef, we can continue to create new opportunities of learning CHB sponsored a bowling activity for intercollegiate meatand networking to enrich judging teams in October before the 2017 Elanco American AMSA programs.” Royal Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest in Omaha, Neb.

CHB sponsored a bowling activity for 124 students from 23 intercollegiate meat-judging teams in October before the 2017 Elanco American Royal Intercollegiate Meat Judging Contest in Omaha, Neb. CHB provided cups for the students and signage for the event hosted by the American Meat Science Association (AMSA). “We are proud to support youth with an interest in the meat industry,” says CHB Chief Operating Officer Amari Seiferman. “It is important to


| January 2018

Aroma Culinary Studio Hosts CHB Dinner The Aroma Culinary Studio, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, hosted a CHB Steakhouse Dinner with Executive Chef Jason Huggins. The “Steakhouse Experience” dinner featured a CHB New York strip and ribeye steak seasoned perfectly and grilled to each guest’s liking. It was presented with creamy mashed potatoes, sautéed mushrooms and creamed spinach. The four-course meal also came with a wedge salad, shrimp cocktail and crème brulee for dessert. The “Steakhouse Experience” dinner cost guests $550 to attend and sample the high-quality Hereford beef product. The Aroma Culinary Studio is a television production kitchen studio that hosts signature culinary events. Event attendees enjoyed interactive dining experiences with top local chefs in the Trinidad and Tobago area. CHB has launched into the international

The Aroma Culinary Studio, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, hosted a CHB Steakhouse Dinner with Executive Chef Jason Huggins on October 28, 2017.

market and can be found in numerous countries including Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Chile and Costa Rica. Kaylen Alexander is the marketing and communications coordinator for Certified Hereford Beef. She can be reached at kalexander@hereford.org.



January 2018 |


Beef Talk by Kris Ringwall

The Challenge of Cow Size The solution is finding moderately sized cows that produce steers to meet current market desires and specifications.

Size has been the common denominator in revenue generation for cow-calf, backgrounding and feedlot operators. The process of raising cattle has been quite steady, with a general acknowledgment that growth is key to success. Calf weight, the product of the cow-calf producer, and carcass weight, the product of the feedlot, drive total dollars. Additionally, bigger cows produce bigger calves, but the discussion becomes clouded when factoring in mature cow size. Often, cow size discussions open debate rather than offer further understanding of the issue. Dollars generated as take-home pay depend on net return above expenses and offer a return on assets, which are not totally driven by the physical growth of the calf. The challenge is realizing this issue has three distinct players: the cow, the bull and the calf — which have grown in physical size.

Cow size affects bottom line The impact on the maternal and paternal animals and progeny is simply larger cattle. Calf growth, at least among those harvested, is a function of time. Bulls are selected to produce

progeny that fit market specifications — mission accomplished. The same is true for the cows, except herds have more cows, and they must be maintained year-around. The cow is the progenitor and the caregiver for the progeny, which means she carries the bulk of the expenses. As a result, cost control and production efficiency must come from the cow. Heifers are a byproduct of a very finetuned steer production system. Thus the dilemma — How are the cows replaced and appropriately sized if they are simply the counterpart of fast-growing steers? Producers need to be cognizant as expenses creep upward while trying to maintain an ever-increasing size of the maternal unit. The solution is finding moderately sized cows that produce steers that meet current market desires and specifications. Simply put, cattle are not near their maximum capacity for growth and mature size. Somewhere, producers must implement breeding systems that will develop cattle that moderate maternal growth.

The impact Let’s focus on 300 lb. of cow rather than the actual size of the cow. Regardless of the size of a cow, the

issue for the day is 300 lb. What does that mean, and how does 300 lb. of additional cow weight impact beef production? The Dickinson Research Extension Center has focused on two cow herds that differ in mature weight by 300 lb. The numbers are not exact, but the principle is there. Let’s just say, as a beef producer, one can decide to add or subtract 300 lb. to the mature weight of the cow herd. For the past three years, the center has been feeding heifers individually to get a handle on the difference between the calves from large-framed cows and smaller-framed cows. The heifers’ daily diets have been the same. Essentially, the heifers have been eating approximately 2.2% of their body weight. Assume these heifers will continue to eat 2.2% of their body weight for their productive lives. Feed consumption will change through time, but again, let’s not get lost in the decimal places. The extra 300 lb. times 2.2% is 6.6 lb. of feed per day. In a year, 6.6 lb. times 365 days means 2,409 lb. of feed may be consumed to sustain the extra 300 lb. of mature cow weight. Let’s review the two cow sizes at the center. Based on total cow weight, a

1,400-lb. cow would consume 30.8 lb. a day, or 11,242 lb. per year. In four years, the cow would have consumed 44,968 lb. of feed. The 1,100-lb. cow would have consumed 24.2 lb. per day, or 8,833 lb. per year. In four years, the cow would have consumed 35,332 lb. of feed, or 9,636 lb. less than the 1,400-lb. cow. That 9,636 lb. of feed directly relates to the 9,636 lb. of extra feed needed to add 300 lb. of mature weight to a cow. In simple terms, reducing cow size 300 lb. saves enough feed to support one additional cow for four years. Yes, cattle growth is important, but controlling expenses is important as well. The actual size of a cow is not as critical as the concept of simply lowering cow weight to lower expenses. At the same time, those 20% more cows will offer 20% more calves, the real benefit of trying to lower cow size within a herd. What is the right cow size? The answer will vary, but think about it. The impact is real.

Beef Growth Performance Continues to Be Stable The current growth benchmark for actual weaning weight is 554 lb. at 192 days of age, with an average daily gain of 2.5 lb. Beef cattle performance growth trends, as calculated through the Cow Herd Appraisal of Performance Software (CHAPS), are very stable. The North Dakota State University Extension Service and the North Dakota Beef Cattle Improvement Association (NDBCIA) collect and analyze the CHAPS data to produce meaningful


| January 2018

annual benchmarks. The current growth benchmark for actual weaning weight is 554 lb. at 192 days of age, with an average daily gain of 2.5 lb. These calves are a 5.2 frame score.

Herd performance benchmarks The NDBCIA uses the CHAPS program to calculate five-year rolling benchmark values for average herd performance, which have been quite consistent. Let’s look closer at age and weaning, weaning weight, average daily gain, and frame score benchmarks in the table to the left. Perhaps the commercial beef cattle business could be called mature, at least for growth on the cow-calf side of the business. A producer needs to decide what level of performance is expected and how much he or she is willing to expend to get that performance. Performance is really herd output, a function of age and growth.

The benchmarks provide a tool for herd evaluation, a review of growth annual trends and a number on which to base future goals for the operation. Interestingly, producers continue to market cattle with considerable growth potential, based on current trends for expected progeny difference (EPDs) within available herd sires offered for sale. They’re actually selling calves at historical weights, thus allowing the feeding industry to capture the additional growth potential bred into the cattle.

Managing growth Historical marketing brings comfort to established cow-calf programs. However, historical marketing programs apparently do not allow for expression and payback for the growth potential hidden within the phenotypes of the calves brought for sale. Ironically, the heifer mates to these cattle are retained at the homeplace. The heifers grow into cows and their mature weight is naturally similar to the steers that were sent to the feedlot. They have gotten bigger, so producers face some challenges —

growth genetics that are not being captured as the progeny are marketed and subsequently larger mother cows that cost more to keep. The real answer to the management of growth genetics needs to return to where it started — sound breeding systems combined with more flexibility in the marketing of the offspring. Historically, breeding systems were intended to allow producers to maintain the most efficient maternal cow at home, to purchase good terminal-type sires and to produce a terminal offspring that was intended for the feedyard. At some point, another breeding system would be utilized to produce the replacement maternal cow — thus, the best of both worlds. Cattle breeding systems with additional marketing options may well be the better answer. Producers need to implement terminal and maternal breeding systems with additional marketing flexibility. Kris Ringwall is a beef specialist at North Dakota State University Extension Service. He can be reached at kris.ringwall@ndsu.edu.



January 2018 |


POWERFUL PERFORMERS 52nd ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE Monday, March 12, 2018 At the Ranch, Valier, Mont.


Bulls sell with complete performance and ultrasound data. 100% of sale offering has GE-EPDs Free delivery on purchases totaling $5,000 or more.


Sire: CL1 DOMINO 5110C Dam: HH MISS ADVANCE 6033S ET BW 3.1; WW 51; YW 83; MM 27; M&G 52; REA 0.29; MARB 0.30; CHB$ 27 • Thick topped, well-marked, extra fancy and a maternal brother to the 6007D bull that topped our 2017 sale. Elite prospect.


Sire: CL1 DOMINO 5110C Dam: HH MISS ADVANCE 0041X ET BW 2.0; WW 51; YW 87; MM 30; M&G 56; REA 0.48; MARB -0.01; CHB$ 30 • Moderate framed, stout made, well-marked and easy fleshing and out of a daughter of the 5139R donor cow.


Sire: CL1 DOMINO 5110C Dam: CL 1 DOMINETTE 1177Y 1ET BW 4.1; WW 60; YW 100; MM 32; M&G 62; REA 0.36; MARB 0.06; CHB$ 26 • Big time powerhouse with extra volume, length of body and muscle. Pedigree combines two of Cooper’s best females in 055X and 440P.


• $130,000 high selling bull in Cooper’s 2016 sale • His first sons are outstanding with extra volume, fleshing ability, muscle expression and eye appeal.

3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. • Valier, MT 59486 www.holdenherefords.com • jtholden@3rivers.net 3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. • Valier, MT 59486 • 406-297-3301 406-450-1029 Jack’s Cell • 406-450-0129 Jay D. Evans 406-590-3307 Brad Holden • 406-600-3118 Eric Lawyer


| January 2018



BW 3.7; WW 56; YW 84; MM 23; M&G 51; REA 0.65; MARB 0.28; CHB$ 38 • The $240,000 high selling bull from our 2015 sale. 4075B is one of the most exciting young sires in the breed. His progeny are big bellied, easy fleshing, thick made, high carcass cattle with extra style. 30 sons sell!


Sire: HH ADVANCE 4075B ET • MGS: HH ADVANCE 8050U ET BW 2.4; WW 44; YW 65; MM 26; M&G 48; REA 0.43; MARB 0.19; CHB$ 30 • Elite herd bull prospect with a flawless phenotype and structure. Moderate framed, well-marked, thick and super fancy and out of a top 8050U daughter.


Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 1131Y 1ET • MGS: HH ADVANCE 8203U ET BW 4.7; WW 60; YW 90; MM 34; M&G 64; REA 0.38; MARB 0.46; CHB$ 32 • Maternal brother to the 4075B herd sire. Loads of mass, volume and muscle combined with extra pigment.


Sire: HH ADVANCE 4075B ET • MGS: HH ADVANCE 9144W BW 4.5; WW 56; YW 91; MM 29; M&G 57; REA 0.27; MARB 0.17; CHB$ 32 • Powerhouse 4075B son out of the great 1010Y donor cow. Exceptional growth, length of body and carcass strength combined with excellent EPDs.


Sire: HH ADVANCE 3006A • MGS: HH ADVANCE 7034T ET BW 2.2; WW 66; YW 93; MM 31; M&G 64; REA 0.40; MARB 0.13; CHB$ 27 • Herd bull prospect that is big, stout and has extra depth of side. Outstanding EPD profile and out of the 1126Y donor cow.


Sire: HH ADVANCE 3006A • MGS: HH ADVANCE 9144W BW 3.6; WW 65; YW 102; MM 38; M&G 71; REA 0.34; MARB 0.20; CHB$ 28 • Big time beef bull that has all the bells and whistles. Maternal brother to the 7162E bull. Cow power, EPDs and a great phenotype.


Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 420B 1ET • MGS: HH ADVANCE 8050U ET BW -0.2; WW 51; YW 72; MM 24; M&G 49; REA 0.49; MARB 0.15; CHB$ 27 • Classy made, moderate framed, extra thick herd bull prospect that is out of a daughter of the 5139R donor cow. Curve bender EPDs.


Sire: CL1 DOMINO 4150B • HH ADVANCE 4055P BW 1.7; WW 62; YW 94; MM 28; M&G 59; REA 0.43; MARB 0.29; CHB$ 31 • Great all-around prospect that combines phenotype, curve bending EPDs and cow power deluxe. Loads of potential. Maternal brother to the 5044C and 5027C bulls.


Broadcast Live on

Avg. 205-day wt. 750 lb. • Avg. 365-day wt. 1,310 lb.

Average EPDs on sale bulls:

DVDs of sale cattle will be available.

BW 2.6; WW 57; YW 87; MM 29; M&G 58; REA 0.38; MARB 0.15; CHB$ 30

Please call or e-mail and we will be glad to send you one.

Please send a catalog to: Name

3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. Valier, MT 59486

www.holdenherefords.com • jtholden@3rivers.net 3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. • Valier, MT 59486 • 406-297-3301 406-450-1029 Jack’s Cell • 406-450-0129 Jay D. Evans 406-590-3307 Brad Holden • 406-600-3118 Eric Lawyer Hereford.org

Address City/State/Zip Phone

Return to Holden Herefords 3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. • Valier, MT 59486 January 2018 |



| January 2018



January 2018 |


... A Market-led Cross continued from the cover

are desirable for those who want replacement females and feedlot steers,” she says. Jim adds, “Obviously with black baldies there’s going to be better production. In our region, there’s some premium for F1s. There’s a good market for those females.” Jim says the improved temperament Hereford brings to their herd is important for safety on their operation. “Herefords are docile and not as high strung,” he says. Most recently, Jim and Karen participated in a major program for cross-fencing and pipeline access in their area through the National Resource Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). “Our pastures are similar to the Sandhills of Nebraska,” Karen says. “We had large pastures that were never utilized because of their distance from water.” Through EQIP, Doolittle Wagner Ranch developed wells and a pipeline along with crossfencing and implemented rotational grazing. “This has improved water quality and grass utilization and, in turn, allows for better producing cattle” she says. “It will be interesting to see with those Jim and Karen of Doolittle Wagner Ranch are working today to establish a legacy for their children. rotational options, the quality that can come out of Jim and Karen, who both worked full-time in education these crossbred calves. It was a major upgrade but well worth and administration, eventually purchased the ranch from Jim’s it. Plus,” she laughs, “we won’t have to ride as far to check or to parents. The property is not tillable, and the 13,000 acres are move cattle with our rotational system.” best used for grazing. Jim and Karen are working today to establish a legacy they In 2009 the couple dispersed the cows, retained the calves and, can pass on to the next generation. Their three children, Charles, for the past 20 years, have been raising a mostly black-hided herd. Samantha and Leslie, and their families still play roles in the Each year they calve out around 500 cows with the majority of operation. Charles recently helped AI during breeding season, and them being artificially inseminated (AI). Jim was an early adopter Samantha is making plans to eventually take the lead in overseeing of AI and has been utilizing the technology for more than 50 the ranch. years — both he and Karen are AI technicians. “There are so many things happening in the industry in terms They also employ Chase and Angela Kari, who have young of research and improved genetics,” Jim says. “We are right in the children Sage and Tenley, to help run the day-to-day management. beginning stages of some unbelievable things happening, and The cows are bred AI in groups of 150 to 200 using an AI young people will have the advantage of making those changes.” protocol. Heifers are bred to calve in late February and into March, and older cows are bred to calve at the end of March. Helping the industry Because of their extensive use of AI, Jim and Karen have In 2017 Doolittle Wagner Ranch became one of two new young kept detailed breeding records along with health records. sire test herds for the American Hereford Association’s (AHA) Vaccination schedules for the herd are put in place with input National Reference Sire Program (NRSP). “When we were from their veterinarian. approached about this program I was intrigued,” Karen says. Today, Doolittle Wagner Ranch focuses on moderate birth “We have a strong commercial herd with high quality cows. weight and strong performance to market bred heifers. “We have Participating in the NRSP is a way we can help the cattle industry.” repeat buyers,” Karen says. “We have people coming back to In June, Jim and Karen bred 190 females to their selected purchase heifers because of the quality.” Hereford bulls and are awaiting calving season for pastures full of black baldie calves. With a few minor tweaks to their already Bringing back Hereford comprehensive recordkeeping system, they are prepared for While Jim and Karen have utilized Hereford genetics in the past, collecting necessary data. it wasn’t until a few years ago they again started breeding a group Jim says offering F1 females will provide them better prospects of their Angus-based cows to Hereford bulls. “We understand the to market bred females than in the past. “The AHA offers ways for advantages of crossbreeding,” Jim says. cattlemen like us to have more exposure through online marketing Karen adds, “Our choice to add Herefords back in about three options, and we’re definitely going to have better quality.” years ago was market-led. There’s a demand for F1s. We like this Jim says cattlemen can capitalize on the advantages of cross and have used them in the past.” crossbreeding. “There are a lot of opportunities right now in In a cross with Angus, Karen says Hereford adds performance the replacement female market as well as top performance and growth — qualities she says pay in their area. “The F1 baldies feedlot cattle,” he says. “We want to be a part of that.”

Adding Hereford sires into an Angus-based herd added performance and growth into Jim Doolittle and Karen Wagner's herd.


| January 2018


The Churchill Bull Sale Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 • 1 p.m.

CHURCHILL TRIDENT 742E CE 4.3; BW 2.9; WW 65; YW 91; MM 34; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.40; REA 0.59; MARB 0.22; CHB$ 33

BW 84 lb., WW 779 lb. Trident will produce the kind of bulls and heifers that are in strong demand at Churchill, so he will be used heavily in the horned program at Churchill. He looks like a shining star after the new EPD run ranking in the top 10% of 10 important traits! He is very wide based, thick quartered, wide topped, deep in the rib and full in the heart. His color, pigment, disposition and foot and leg structure are ideal. Sired by Churchill Gallatin5211C and out of a fantastic, efficient, great uddered Sensation cow! His maternal heritage insures him to be a cowherd builder! Selling one-half interest January 23rd. Get in on the ground floor on Trident!


CE 11.1; BW 1.8; WW 58; YW 100; MM 34; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.70; MARB 0.37; CHB$ 35 BW 78 lb., WW 827 lb. Incredible Mark Domino 1321 son out of a Churchill A1 daughter! Top 10% CE, YW, SC, MM, CW, FAT, REA and MARB! Calving ease, eye appeal, power and quality!



CE 12.4; BW 0.2; WW 49; YW 93; MM 25; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.10; REA 0.66; MARB 0.38; CHB$ 34 BW 76 lb., WW 742 lb. Top 1% calving ease with outstanding carcass and CHB! This Mark Domino son is oozing with eye appeal and quality!

January 2018 |


The Churchill Bull Sale

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018 • 1 p.m. 125 Hereford bulls sell with Quality and Integrity CHURCHILL BIG HORN 7172E ET

CE 4.5; BW 4.4; WW 66; YW 105; MM 35; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.50; REA 0.84; MARB 0.15; CHB$ 38 BW 84 lb., WW 835 lb. Incredible Advance 5044C son out of the $60,000 Miles daughter! Loaded with power, quality, structure and pigment! Cowboy’s kind! Top 5% in WW, YW, SC, MM, TEAT, CW, REA and CHB!


CE 12.4; BW 0.0; WW 62; YW 96; MM 32; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.50; REA 0.53; MARB 0.39; CHB$ 31 BW 87 lb., WW 776 lb. Huge birth to growth spread in this 5044C son out of the great Sensation donor 284Z! 20 of his three-quarter brothers also sell. Top 5% CE, BW, MM, TEAT, CW and MARB!







CE 10.9; BW -1.3; WW 55; YW 79; MM 42; UDDR 1.50; TEAT 1.60; REA 0.74; MARB 0.19; CHB$ 32 BW 72 lb., WW 793 lb. One of our best calving ease prospects ever! Sensation out of a 0130X heifer out of the super cow 002X! Loaded with eye appeal and quality! Top 5% CE, BW, MM, MCW, UDDR, TEAT, CW and REA!

CE 10.2; BW 0.4; WW 60; YW 92; MM 32; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.50; REA 0.54; MARB 0.19; CHB$ 29 BW 68 lb.,WW 790 lb. Powerhouse calving ease bull with unique genetics! Sired by Toro and out of a Red Bull daughter with a picture-perfect udder. Loaded with rib and pigment.

Elite Females selling January 23rd! • Two tremendous donor cows • 20 Top end fall born open yearling heifers. In the past we had been breeding these heifers and selling them in September and now they sell in January. They will be tremendous cows with several potential donors in the group.


CE 9.5; BW 0.8; WW 51; YW 79; MM 29; UDDR 1.40; TEAT 1.40; REA 0.45; MARB 0.43 ; CHB$ 32 Beautiful 4075B heifer out of the super Sensation donor 284Z! This great future donor has tremendous CE and MARB EPDs. Her maternal sister topped out bred heifers in September at $20,000!


| January 2018

CE 3.2; BW 3.7; WW 49; YW 85; MM 31; UDDR 1.10; TEAT 1.10; REA 0.42; MARB -0.02 ; CHB$ 31 Straight horned elite donor that is ideal in udder, teat, structure and size! We love this cow, but want to offer our best! Open and ready to flush.

CE 7.5; BW 0.6; WW 56; YW 82; MM 42; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.40; REA 0.51; MARB 0.22 ; CHB$ 30 Awesome future donor prospect out of Sensation and a terrific Bakken cow! Big time numbers with big time quality!

CE -2.3; BW 4.3; WW 48; YW 77; MM 25; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.47; MARB 0.08 ; CHB$ 27 Proven donor out of Outcross 18U and a super P606 cow! The Outcross cows are phenomenal and this one can be mated many ways. Open and ready to flush.

CE 4.1; BW 3.2; WW 56; YW 91; MM 31; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.50; MARB 0.27 ; CHB$ 30 Super good 10Y heifer out of an Outcross cow with ideal udder! She will be a gorgeous cow with excellent numbers!



CE 7.7; BW 2.1; WW 61; YW 117; MM 27; UDDR 1.40; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.94; MARB 0.20; CHB$ 42 BW 82 lb., WW 817 lb. Amazing polled bull with very unique genetics and big time numbers! A Mark Domino out of the power cow Ladysport 2205. Top 10% CE with top 10% growth and super carcass!


CE -2.7; BW 4.2; WW 70; YW 117; MM 27; UDDR 1.40; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.90; MARB -0.18; CHB$ 40 BW 96 lb., WW 893 lb. Maybe as much power as we have produced in this homozygous polled Stud out of Ladysport 2205! Top 10% WW, YW, UDDR, CW, REA and CHB! Ideal pigment.







CE -4.7; BW 4.4; WW 67; YW 102; MM 31; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.20; REA 0.95; MARB 0.21; CHB$ 40 BW 84 lb., WW 757 lb. He could make a huge impact! Wildcat out of a great Outcross cow – his full sister topped our female sale last year at $50,000! He is a great looking bull with all the profit indexes in the top 1%

CE 4.6; BW 2.0; WW 56; YW 92; MM 27; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.40; REA 0.30; MARB 0.01; CHB$ 23 BW 80 lb., WW 790 lb. Powerful Kickstart son loaded with body, muscle and pigment! Homozygous polled out of a DOD Helton cow with a super udder.

CE -4.3; BW 4.7; WW 62; YW 100; MM 30; UDDR 1.50; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.78; MARB 0.35; CHB$ 41 BW 87 lb., WW 844 lb. Powerhouse Wildcat out of an Outcross with monster numbers! Top 10% WW, YW, MM, UDDR, CW, REA, MARB, BMI and CHB.

CE 3.2; BW 1.4; WW 60; YW 91; MM 27; UDDR 1.50; TEAT 1.60; REA 0.52; MARB -0.05; CHB$ 27 BW 82 lb., WW 804 lb. Homozygous polled Kickstart out of one of the best young cows on the ranch 566! Tremendous birth to growth spread with the very best in udder quality.

CE -0.7; BW 3.4; WW 65; YW 111; MM 33; UDDR 1.50; TEAT 1.50; REA 0.54; MARB 0.28; CHB$ 39 BW 84 lb., WW 721 lb. Totally complete homozygous polled Wildcat out of a super Outcross cow! This guy has it all: the look, the pigment and top 5% WW, YW, SC, MM, UDDR, TEAT, CW< MAB, BMI and CHB!

CE 4.1; BW 2.3; WW 58; YW 96; MM 28; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.30; REA 0.62; MARB 0.09; CHB$ 35 BW 85 lb., WW 804 lb. Homozygous polled Victor 33Z that goes back to 002! Very high quality bull with top 1% CHB and other numbers very balanced. Four full brothers also sell.

Catalogs on Request • Videos of all sale bulls at www.churchillcattle.com We pay half the delivery cost anywhere!

Dale and Nancy Venhuizen 1862 Yadon Rd. • Manhattan, MT 59741 406-580-6421 • 406-284-6421 dale@churchillcattle.com • www.churchillcattle.com


January 2018 |



Hereford & Angus Production Sale Monday, Feb. 12, 2018 • 1 p.m. (CST) Valentine Livestock Auction • Valentine, Neb.

Selling: 75 2-year-old Hereford bulls 40 yearling Angus bulls and 75 2-year-old Angus bulls

‘Winter Moms’

Our sale bulls are backed by cows that get it done without creep or special treatment. Some sires represented are: NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET




BW 2.2; WW 59; YW 101; MM 36; M&G 65; REA 0.50; MARB 0.38

BW 0.2; WW 60; YW 99; MM 35; M&G 64; REA 0.69; MARB 0.20

For more information, contact: Dwight Logterman Home 605-429-3209/Cell 402-389-1165 Rob Logterman Cell 402-389-1328

BW 1.4; WW 70; YW 112; MM 27; M&G 62; REA 0.50; MARB 0.28

BW 1.8; WW 62; YW 86; MM 22; M&G 53; REA 0.39; MARB 0.13

Video can be found on our website www.logterman.com

ALSO SELLING: 40 bred registered Herefords and 30 bred registered Angus heifers. Online buyers must register with cattleusa.com


| January 2018





BULL SALE THE SOURCE FOR QUALITY Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Lunch at 12 noon

Sale at 1 pm • Rockland, Idaho

EPDs —

EPDs —

BW 2.2 WW 59 YW 101 MM 36

BW -5.2 WW 55 YW 91 MM 13

NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET

5L Defender 560-30Z

135 BULLS AND 50 HEIFERS Hereford, Red Angus, Black Angus 2-year-olds and yearling bulls.



Pie The Cowboy Kind 343 Churchill Sensation 2122Z LSF Prospect 2035Z UCC Victor 403 LSF Saga 1040Y

EPDs — BW 4.1 WW 70 YW 133 MM 20

BLACK ANGUS SIRES Connealy Black Granite Barstow Bankroll B73

S A V Resource 1441

George 208-226-7857 • Cell 208-221-2277 James 208-221-1909 • jamesudy@hotmail.com Fax 208-226-7671

Sale Location

Sale Broadcast on

Nine miles south of Rockland, Idaho

Sale Day Phones Information online at:

udycattle.com Hereford.org

208-221-1909 208-548-2277

January 2018 |



Outlook for ’18 Large beef supplies likely to temper cattle prices in 2018. by Kindra Gordon


s we all turn the calendar to a new year, folks are having fun making predictions for the months ahead. It seems plausible that the race to bring “self-driving cars” to the commercial market may actually become reality in 2018. Less certain are predictions of what may happen within the Trump administration, how Bitcoin will fare or if consumers will embrace meatless meat. As the saying goes, “Only time will tell.” What about the cattle sector; what will 2018 bring? The current cattle inventory has been expanding over the last few years, with the calf crop in 2018 to be the largest inventory in a decade, according to Jim Robb, director of the Livestock Marketing Information Center. He projects 28 billion lb. of beef will be produced in the U.S. in 2018. Robb calls the herd expansion over the last couple of years “unprecedented.” That said, in the next couple of years, expansion is expected to continue, but the rate of growth is expected to slow down — and could slow

considerably if drought sets in. Robb calls beef’s future expansion pace “manageable” from a supply and demand standpoint but says the concern will be the additional production and supply of pork and poultry. “The biggest risk in the marketplace is the sheer volume of protein,” he says, and adds, “There’s going to be more [meat] out there and the question will be are we going to be able to swim our way through it?” In offering an outlook on market prices, Robb anticipates that with the abundant supply over the next two years, cattle prices will trend lower. But, by 2020 and 2021, he expects they may be stronger again.

2017’s surprise Looking back at calf prices during the fourth quarter of 2017, Robb notes that the strong market compared to a year ago was a “pleasant surprise.” Slaughter steer prices also fared above a year ago. While cattle markets did not reach the highs seen from 2011 through 2015, Robb notes that

2017 was a favorable year for all sectors of the beef industry. As testament, he shares, “U.S. packers had their best year in history, so they wanted more cattle to kill.” As a result, Robb explains, “The markets pulled animals through the feedlot; usually we are trying to push them through.” Additional factors that helped the market remain robust, according to Robb, included the domestic retail sector featuring beef as an item to draw customers in and buy, as well as continuing growth in export markets. Of retail, Robb notes that with so many consumers now buying products online, retail groceries have recognized that their fresh meat case is one major leverage point. He says grocery executives have learned that when beef is featured on sale, it brings people in. With regard to exports, U.S. beef exports should mark $7 billion in 2017 — a 7.5% growth compared to the previous year. Continued export growth of 5% is projected by the U.S. Meat Export Federation for 2018, which could help manage some of the

Weather outlook for ’18: warm and dry La Niña forecast predicted for the year ahead. A La Niña weather pattern is setting in for 2018, according to the Climate Prediction Center (CPC). And that means the Southwest and Southeast will likely be warmer and drier than average and the Northwest and Midwest have the potential to be colder and wetter. Specifically, weather models suggest that during the first few months of 2018, the bottom two-thirds of the continental U.S. will likely experience warmer-than-normal conditions. Most of the upper one-third of the country — South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan — is in the category of “equal chances” for a normal temperature winter. From North Dakota west to Washington, a sliver of the country along the Canadian border is projected to have cooler temperatures than normal (See Figure 1). As to the big question of who will get moisture — the outlook is somewhat grim. Only the northern Rockies and the Midwest are forecast to receive above-average precipitation, according to the CPC. The center of the country is forecast to have “equal chances” for precipitation, meaning it could be dry or wet but, most likely, dry. And, the Southern Tier across the Carolinas, Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California is dry — and already

Figure 1


Figure 2

| January 2018

seeing that trend set in (See Figure 2). In fact, the D-word — drought — is already being used by some. Colorado weather forecaster and ag producer Brian Bledsoe confirms that drought is already setting in across the Southwest and Southern Plains — and even creeping into the Northern Plains. In looking at weather prediction models forecasting all the way out to June, Bledsoe says they indicate, “The dryness continues.” He tells producers to never anticipate an “average” forecast. Instead, he suggests preparing for “too much or not enough” with regard to moisture. Looking at 2018, he anticipates drought will impact many producers, especially in the Southern Plains. But to Northern Plains producers he says, “I won’t say you will be wet, you will be less dry.” Given these dry trends, Bledsoe advocates that producers be cautious about overextending their resources — financial and feed — in the coming months. He believes hay prices will double quickly. And, he stresses the need to have a drought plan ready and written down. The plan should detail which groups of cattle your operation will sell off by which date if it does not rain. Editor’s note: Follow more of Bledsoe’s forecast on Twitter @BrianBledsoe or visit his website at weather5280.com.

extra beef supply that is expected. If domestic consumer demand for beef holds together, that too would bode well for handling the beef supply.

Plan and prepare Because no one has a crystal ball to the future, the best advice to producers is to be prepared for a price downturn to mitigate risk. Of the unexpected profits producers may have garnered from 2017 calf prices, Robb advises, “Use that money wisely.” He adds, “Be prepared to swim upstream. As soon as the market turns, you’ve got to plan better.” Likewise, CattleFax economist Ethan Oberst is encouraging producers to get their risk management tools in order as the cattle cycle prepares to change in 2018. He says, “High prices are behind us. Profitability has peaked. Margins will narrow, but remain positive [for a time], but that’s going to change.” His number one tool for managing risk is to calculate and know breakeven costs. Additionally, he emphasizes knowing animal inventory and suggests that cow herd operations especially look at running some yearlings, which allows for stocking flexibility depending on changes in markets or available forage. With regard to marketing, Oberst says knowing the seasonal market trends is one relatively easy way to employ risk management and to capitalize on price upswings. As examples, he points to data that showed in marketing 550 lb. calves, the seasonal price trend indicates it may be more advantageous to market them via summer video auction as opposed to the cash market. Whereas, 850 lb. calves garnered similar prices on video and cash market, making either option viable. For cull cows, Oberst says they follow “one of the most consistent seasonal price markets there is.” March through May or June sees the highs, while October and November see the lows. Thus, he advises producers, “Holding cull cows until spring can return $60/ head on average.” As additional risk management tools, Oberst cites retaining ownership, using basis contracts, hedging and securing livestock risk protection (LRP) insurance. Hereford.org

COLYER HEREFORDS Selling Sunday night: 40 Hereford Females 11 Angus Females 50 preg recips due fall 2018

Selling Monday: 150 Hereford and 65 Angus bulls Includes 2-year-olds, junior and senior bulls. Complete performance data including EPDs, Scrotal Measurement, Ultrasound and Carcass Data.

Sale catalog is available on our website www.hereford.com

325 Head Sell!!!

38th Annual Production Sale Monday, February 26, 2018 At the Ranch — Bruneau, Idaho BW 2.1 WW 57 YW 83 MM 39 REA 0.63 MARB -0.01 Lot 13 • C 5280 105Y CATAPULT 7036 ET

A calving ease, maternal young sire with power. He is well made with lots of body and muscle. His mother, 4038, is one of the good young donors in the breed. She is the daughter of, 1311, a full sister to Miles and the donor dam of 2017 National Champion, Double Your Miles.

BW 1.7 WW 54 YW 87 MM 30 REA 0.52 MARB 0.17 Lot 21 • C 4212 BLACK HAWK 7057 ET

One of the unique breeding tools in the offering. First son of the two time Fort Worth Champion, Black Hawk Down, out of a full sister to Wildcat. Low birth with tremendous performance and look. He is a rare combination.

Lot 84 • C CJC 5280 MCKEE 7257 ET

First sons of herd sire, 5192, who was a member of the 2016 pen of bulls and sold to King, Micheli and Sonoma Mountain. This is a well-bred prospect who blends together some of our most elite donors, 2052 and Bailee, into one pedigree. He is a deep sided, soggy made horned calf.

This one has as much look and eye appeal as any. Smooth made and great front end with a perfect hip and hind leg. He should sire some tremendous females. His mother is one of our standout young donors that has a great udder.

BW 3.8 WW 59 YW 84 MM 33 REA 0.68 MARB 0.02

BW 2.0 WW 46 YW 75 MM 28 REA 0.52 MARB 0.12

Lot 108 • C VMHG 1311 5280 E505 ET

Full brother to National Champion, Double Your Miles and 2017 high selling bull, Special Edition. Solid set of EPDs and a moderate sized muscular horned prospect.

Lot 50 • C 5280 KAT 7138 ET

Tremendous phenotype and quality in this young polled prospect. His full sisters have topped past sales and we will have two full sisters to him in the Denver string. He will be a member of our Denver pen.

BW 3.4 WW 57 YW 84 MM 27 REA 0.61 MARB 0.06

BW 4.7 WW 58 YW 90 MM 28 REA 0.61 MARB 0.16 Lot 59 • C 5192 BAILEES VIC 7180 ET

BW 3.2 WW 55 YW 75 MM 28 REA 0.47 MARB 0.01

Lot 248 • C BLACK HAWK LADY 7301

This is a great group of females being offered this year and this daughter of Black Hawk Down is one of the best. She is so sweet necked and up headed with a great hip and profile. These will show and make excellent cows.

BW 2.8 WW 50 YW 78 MM 37 REA 0.54 MARB 0.37 Lot 89 • C 4088 WILDCAT 7270 ET

Unique individual that has a much red as you could want on one. Powerful built and out of a great young donor, 4088. One of the most maternal oriented young sires available that blends together some of the breeds most consistent cow maker's. With his look and genetics, he should sire the cattlemen’s kind in volume.

BW 4.6 WW 57 YW 92 MM 35 REA 0.59 MARB -0.02 Lot 256 • C 1008X 7325 ET

March polled female that has all the right pieces. She blends together Bailee and 1008X, who have been the most consistent producers of national champions for us. She is a dark red, deep sided female that will make a great breeding tool.

Guy, Sherry and Katie Colyer 208-845-2313 Kyle and Bobby Jean 208-845-2098 Ray and Bonnie Colyer 208-845-2312 Fax 208-845-2314 • Guy Cell 208-599-0340 Kyle Cell 208-250-3924 31058 Colyer Rd. • Bruneau, ID 83604 guy@hereford.com • www.hereford.com Hereford.org

Live Internet Bidding For more information, visit www.liveauctions.tv

January 2018 |







Production Sale at the Ranch February 15, 2018

• Special consignment: Two elite L1 heifer Selling 52 bulls: calves from Vernie and Shiloh Doehring • 29 2-year olds of Noack Herefords — 43799634 and • 5 fall 18-month olds 43799629, see their ad on page 63. • 18 2017 bull calves including • 20-30 consignment black and red baldie heifer calves out of Fisher Hereford bulls our Denver carload • 40 registered 2017 heifer calves

Selling one Pick of the Cow herd flush Sires include: CL 1 Domino 589C, CL 1 Domino 314A, CL 1 Domino 0145X, Ponca King Pin 204, Sensation and B&D L1 Domino 300 Online bidding available on sale day, if you can't attend in person. Register early. Videos available for viewing by mid-January.

Summered on hill pasture with no grain until October 15th.







| January 2018


COME SEE OUR DENVER CARLOAD IN THE YARDS! They all sell in our Feb. 15th sale




Sire: CL1 DOMINO 589C Dam: PONCA 930 M LIFTER LADY 246


Selling many right off the top end of our 2017 heifers. Raised on pasture grass and their mothers until weaned Nov. 20th (no creep).



Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 314A Dam: PONCA 0145X DOMINETTE 553

Sire: CL1 DOMINO 589C Dam: PONCA MEGAN 466

Sire: CL1 DOMINO 589C Dam: PONCA 0145X DOMINETTE 285

6109 and 6154 sell Jan. 28, 2018 at the Fort Worth Cowtown Sale










Est. 1943 – 48979 Nordic Rd. – Spencer, NE 68777 Lowell and Carol 402-589-1347 402-340-6084 cell Hereford.org

Steven and Dalene Fisher 918-440-4848

Nathan Gillaspie, Herdsman 816-401-9677 January 2018 |



AHA Releases Updated Genetic Evaluation The American Hereford Association recently launched its updated genetic evaluation. by Julie Mais


he American Hereford Association (AHA) released the Holden says. “BOLT will give us better, more accurate indications first updated expected progeny differences (EPDs) and of genetic potential in our animals. Any time we can identify that corresponding accuracies using the Biometric Open quicker, along with finding cattle that fit phenotypically, we can Language Tools (BOLT) genetic evaluation software Dec. 4. make faster genetic progress to improve our herd.” The new genetic evaluation also includes two new traits, Sustained New traits and updated $Indexes Cow Fertility (SCF) and Dry Matter Intake (DMI), as well as Released with the new genetic evaluation are two new traits: updated profit ($) indexes. SCF and DMI. The AHA’s new SCF EPD is a prediction of a “It’s long been our goal to provide Hereford breeders the most cow’s ability to continue to calve from three years of age through advanced and reliable genetic evaluation possible,” says AHA 12 years of age, given she calved as a two-year-old. The EPD is President Kevin Schultz. “This new genetic evaluation gives us expressed as a deviation in the proportion one of the best tools to identify breed-leading of the 10 possible calvings to 12 years old genetics at a faster pace than ever before.” BOLT provides a more expressed as a probability. Due to the industry-leading Whole Herd “The new SCF EPD is a powerful tool,” Total Performance Records (TPR™) program, robust evaluation in its 17th year, with 53,000 Hereford Schultz says. “In a commercial cow herd, by calculating true genotypes on record, the AHA is poised longevity and fertility are profit drivers. We’re for a stronghold in the DNA era — making providing a new tool for that purpose.” accuracy on animals. Hereford cattle even more predictable. Feed intake records from AHA research Last year the Association pursued a genetic — Shane Bedwell projects and breeder data collection have been evaluation overhaul to allow for better use of analyzed in a genetic evaluation to predict genomics in its evaluation. the DMI EPD. Reported in pounds of feed “BOLT provides a more robust evaluation by calculating true consumed per day, this EPD characterizes genetics for intake, with accuracy on animals,” says AHA Chief Operating Officer and a lower numeric value being associated with less feed consumed on Director of Breed Improvement Shane Bedwell. a dry matter basis. Utilizing BOLT, all factors associated with contemporary group SCF and DMI will now be included in the AHA $Indexes, along makeup will be accounted for in the calculation of true accuracy. with other economically relevant traits (ERTs) including carcass This genetic evaluation system moves away from a full multi-trait weight (CW) and mature cow weight (MCW). model, decoupling models to better estimate traits of interest. It “Adding these ERTs into the profit indexes will provide a more also modifies contemporary group structure to allow for as much robust and comprehensive selection tool for commercial producers to data as possible to affect the evaluation. select Hereford bulls to be used on Angus based cows,” Bedwell says. In addition, BOLT utilizes a cutoff strategy which only includes DMI and CW will be included in all three AHA $Indexes to animals born after 2001 and animals related by three generations help predict the cost associated with feed inputs and to measure of pedigrees. the end-product pounds that are critical for profit. “A genetic evaluation backed solely by Whole Herd TPR data “SCF will replace scrotal circumference as the predictor of strengthens the evaluation and takes out selection bias that fertility and be a large contributor to both maternal indexes,” occurred pre-Whole Herd TPR,” Bedwell says. Bedwell says. “Because of the inclusion of these key ERTs, animal Hereford breeder Jack Holden, Valier, Mont., was a member index values may change.” of the advisory committee — comprised of cattlemen and the EPDs will be released once a week, an increase in frequency scientific community — which was tasked with reviewing the new from the previous 10 times a year. genetic evaluation. Editor’s note: For more information on the updated genetic evaluation, visit “The process of generating the new genetic evaluation was Hereford.org or read Page 28 of 2017 the December Hereford World. really outstanding, and I feel comfortable with where we’re at now,”


| January 2018



2018 Efficiency Experts R ange R aised Cattle Sale Friday, Feb. 2, 2018 • 12:30 p.m.

The hunt is over for great polled cattle!

At the Ranch • 7 miles east of Idaho Falls at 5080 E. Sunnyside Rd. Elkington Polled Herefords is the source for polled outcross genetics. Unique pedigrees throughout the entire offering. Dixon Farms

We have been buying bulls from the Elkington sale for years. Their bulls are very gentle and sound. We have never had an issue with health or longevity. They have deeply improved the genetics of our herd for steers that will sell and heifers you want to keep. Overall, the whole buying experience is honest and worth your bottom line’s time. Buy one, get a dog for free! — Paul Dixon

Judy R anch

Elkington Polled Herefords has made a positive impact on our cow herd. When we sorted our replacement heifers, most of the Hereford cross calves retained were sired by Elkington bulls. There are high volume, deep ribbed females that will make moderate-framed, easy fleshing cows that we appreciate in our family operation. We plan to add more Elkington Bulls this year. — Judy Ranch, Blackfoot, Idaho

Lot 200D — EPHR ELKER BLAZER 724A 200D

• Moderate framed, long and smooth • Goggle-eyed • A heifer bull • Check out his ratios • BW 70 lb., WR 109, YR 113, REA 121, IMF 136 CE 7.3; BW 0.8; WW 59; YW 95; SC 0.5; MM 23; M&G 52; MCE 3.9; MCW 107; UDDR 1.00; TEAT 0.90; CW 77; FAT 0.016; REA 0.61; MARB 0.24; BMI$ 27; BII$ 23; CHB$ 31


• A show bull with a ton of thickness and meat • This is a special bull. • A heifer bull • BW 79 lb., WW 127, YR 118, REA 119, IMF 154 CE -3.0; BW 3.6; WW 58; YW 89; SC 0.5; MM 26; M&G 55; MCE -0.6; MCW 94; UDDR 1.00; TEAT 0.90; CW 69; FAT -0.004; REA 0.54; MARB 0.09; BMI$ 27; BII$ 23; CHB$ 27

SELLING: 91 Bulls — Sound, easy keeping, range raised coming 2-year-old bulls born in March and April. 70 Polled Herefords 23 South Devons — 14 black, 9 red 25 Bred Polled Hereford Heifers 6 South Devon Bred Heifers View catalog online at Elkington Polled Herefords.com or on Facebook at Elkington Polled Herefords


• Piper’s show bull. He showed very well this summer: Grand Champion at the Idaho Junior Hereford Show, Grand at Idaho Junior Beef Expo, division winner at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. After breeding some heifers, a great complete son of Stock Broker. • Dark thick and good. A heifer bull with awesome ratios • One of the heaviest weaning weights we have ever had at 800 lb. • BW 77 lb. WR 155, YR 125, REA 108, IMF 129 CE 4.3; BW 2.4; WW 63; YW 102; SC 1.2; MM 24; M&G 55; MCE 2.3; MCW 104; UDDR 0.90; TEAT 0.90; CW 70; FAT 0.016; REA 0.69; MARB 0.03; BMI$ 28; BII$ 24; CHB$ 30


• Thick, moderate and good • Goggle-eyed, red-necked, classy • BW 86 lb. Ratios: WR 96, YR 97, REA 108, IMF 133 CE 3.5; BW 1.6; WW 45; YW 70; SC -0.1; MM 22; M&G 44; MCE 4.2; MCW 88; UDDR 0.80; TEAT 0.80; CW 63; FAT 0.026; REA 0.33; MARB 0.18; BMI$ 25; BII$ 21; CHB$ 28


• A son of Churchill Sure Bet • A heifer bull • Goggle-eyed and red-necked • A grandson of the great 6A cow • BW 73 lb. Ratios: WR 114, YR 105, REA 99, IMF 111 CE 11.1; BW -0.9; WW 47; YW 73; SC 0.5; MM 32; M&G 56; MCE 4.8; MCW 58; UDDR 1.10; TEAT 1.20; CW 65; FAT 0.026; REA 0.42; MARB 0.20; BMI$ 25; BII$ 21; CHB$ 30


• A great outcross pedigree out of a Cooper bred cow. • Smooth, polled and classy • A heifer bull • BW 70 lb. Ratios: WR 106, YR 106, REA 98 CE 5.3; BW 1.6; WW 52; YW 83; SC 1.4; MM 30; M&G 56; MCE 2.7; MCW 94; UDDR 1.00; TEAT 1.00; CW 61; FAT 0.016; REA 0.43; MARB -0.02; BMI$ 24; BII$ 20; CHB$ 27

For more information, contact:

Elkington Polled Herefords

5080 E. Sunnyside Rd., Idaho Falls, ID 83406 Keith 208-523-2286 • 208-521-1774 Cell Brent 208-523-6461 Layne 208-681-0765 Cell Cattle available for viewing anytime in beautiful eastern Idaho. We will help with all delivery arrangements. Check us out on Facebook!

Heifers like her sell!!

Free delivery: West of Mississippi on $4,000 bull purchases. We will pay ½: East of Mississippi on $4,000 bull purchases and on nationwide heifer purchases. Hereford.org

Lot 286D — EBS ELKER 1121 286D

• A good, big, black South Devon bull • A bull we used this summer. He has power and style. • Should add pounds to his calves with plenty of class • BW 84 lb., WW 625 lb., YW 1,210 lb. BW 1.9; WW 47; YW 87; SC 0.0; MM 28; MW 52

Sale broadcast on LiveAuctions.TV January 2018 |



A Careful Eye

Knowing when and how to check a cow during labor is crucial. by Heather Smith Thomas


ost cows and heifers progress normally through the three stages of labor — early labor, active labor with abdominal straining, and then expulsion of the placenta after delivery of the calf. Uterine contractions in early labor get the calf aimed toward the birth canal, the cervix dilates and the calf starts through. The water sac and the calf entering the birth canal stimulates abdominal straining — which is the hallmark of second stage labor — to push the calf out. Sometimes, however, the calf does not start into the birth canal, and the cow does not begin hard straining. This may be confused with the first stage labor. If she is not checked and no intervention is made, the cow and calf’s lives are at risk. Knowing when to check a cow and watching her to determine how long she has been in labor is crucial.

Stages of labor Bethany Funnell, clinical assistant professor at Purdue University, says it’s important to make sure the cow or heifer is actually in labor. She’s had clients who thought a cow was in labor because the cow was uncomfortable, had her tail up and was kicking at her belly. Abdominal discomfort can be due to several other things, or simply the fetus shifting position. “The producer thinks the cow is in labor, gets her in and checks her, and she’s not dilated,” Funnell explains. “Then the producer panics. Thus it’s important to make sure the cow is in labor and the signs you are seeing are not from some other cause of discomfort.” Funnel says she is a big proponent of early intervention, within reason. If a cow is acting like she’s in labor, Funnell says she should make progress every 15 minutes. A heifer should make progress every 30 minutes. Progress means she is actually starting to dilate, or she is actually starting to move the fetus into the birth canal. Funnell says these things are difficult to assess externally. “You have to clean the cow’s hind end, put on a sleeve and reach into the birth canal to assess the situation,” she advises. “You may have to repeat the same procedure 30 minutes later. Then you have a better handle on whether progress is being made.” If the cow or heifer is acting uncomfortable, and you’ve seen fluid expelled or membranes hanging out, within an hour there should be feet showing. In another hour the calf should be born. “If she is not making that kind of progress, you need to intervene and assist,” Funnell advises. If you see feet, it’s easier to assess progress, but when everything is still internal, it can be difficult. She says there is no visible way to assess early progress, but these situations require early intervention or the calf may be lost. Eventually the placenta is compromised, and the calf dies.

Normal stages of labor Stage I – Early labor — preparatory stage lasting one to four hours when the cervix dilates and uterine contractions move the fetus toward the birth canal. Stage II – Active labor — abdominal straining lasting 30 minutes to two hours resulting in expulsion of the calf. Stage III – Expulsion of the placenta after delivery of the calf. 36

| January 2018


Cody Creelman, Veterinary Agri-Health says. “There is no harm to the calf by doing The general rule Services, Airdrie, Alberta, says the first thing he a vaginal exam.” Yet, he says, sometimes a of thumb when tells producers is to be familiar with the stages producer is afraid to do anything until it’s of labor, so they know what should happen too late. Gentle handling, good restraint and monitoring the with a normal birth. “In stage one the cow or cleanliness are key. calving cow is to heifer is restless, and we may see softening of If the producer has never experienced a the pelvic ligament,” he notes. “She usually breech calf or a uterine torsion, and feels inside look for progression separates herself from the herd and goes into the cow to find no feet, more assistance may nesting mode, circling, seeking a good place to every hour. If a heifer be needed. “With a torsion, you can’t find the lie down and calve.” cervix,” he explains. “You can only feel a soft, or cow is actively She may pace the fence if she’s confined. fleshy mass between the calf’s head and the He says she may get up and down a lot or just birth canal.” straining for more seem more alert than usual. “Another clue If you find an unusual situation, call for than one hour with that an old cowboy taught me is to look for the assistance. The worst-case scenario occurs when tail kink,” Creelman advises. “The tail usually the cow was restless all day yesterday, but the no progress, you drops straight down, but when the cow is in producer didn’t call for help until today. need to check her. early labor the tail is out a little and kinked off Creelman says if the producer waited to the side a bit.” too long, the cow is tired. In contrast, if the — Cody Creelman He says early labor usually lasts one to four producer tried for too long without calling hours, but it’s still normal for it to last up to 24 help, the veterinarian can’t utilize the producer hours — or longer on first calving heifers. fully for help later and there is more vaginal swelling. The swelling Stage two is when the calf is entering the cow’s pelvis. He narrows the birth canal, which makes everything more difficult. says she’s had some uterine contractions and weak abdominal The chance of having a live calf decreases for every hour the cramping up to that point, but once the calf starts into the proper interventions aren’t made. The cervix may be closing down pelvis, strong abdominal contractions begin. The water sac again if the calf is breech, or some other problem may be present, is usually seen emerging from the vulva or the water begins that has prevented it from entering the birth canal. rushing out as it breaks. “If you’ve been manipulating the calf, the sac around the calf This stage, active labor, usually lasts between 30 minutes to two has been broken for too long, and the calf gets dry,” Creelman hours, depending on the cow and whether she is upset by moving explains. “There’s no lubrication left because all the fluids have her into a calving pen or into the barn. He says stage 2 ends with now been expelled and the uterus starts contracting down around expulsion of the calf. that calf. It becomes more difficult to manipulate the calf to “The general rule of thumb when monitoring the calving cow is correct a problem. I have to make a decision whether to pump the to look for progression every hour,” he advises. “If a heifer or cow uterus full of lubrication and try to extract the calf vaginally, or go is actively straining for more than one hour with no progress, you ahead with a C-section. I don’t want to put fluid in there if I have need to check her,” he says. If it’s an older cow that usually calves to do a C-section. Filling the uterus with lube — especially J-lube — quickly and nothing is happening, you definitely should check her. can cause a lot of problems if I have to do surgery.” If any of that This is also true if she’s taking more time than usual in early labor lube leaks out into the abdomen during the surgery, it can be fatal — never progressing into active labor. This can be an indication to the cow. something is wrong. Is the calf too large? “On the other hand, the cow may be taking her full two hours,” Sometimes the calf isn’t progressing through the birth canal he notes. “If you are seeing progress — the water bag, then the because it’s too large. In this situation, the cow is checked to feet, then the nose — you can give her a little more time.” determine whether the calf is too large to be pulled. If so, a However, if only the water bag is visible and she stalls, it is time veterinarian needs to be called in case a C-section is required. to check. On rare occasion, a producer may see placental tissue “There are two things I go by to determine if the calf is too coming out with no feet, which means the calf is detaching and large for vaginal delivery,” he explains. “One clue is the feet can’t live much longer. This is an emergency and the cow needs crossing. If it’s a normal presentation where the calf is in diving restrained, so the producer can check to see what’s happening and position, if those legs are crossing over each other, it’s usually deliver the calf. “There are some other odd things that might happen, such as continued on page 38... the calf coming breech — just a tail in the birth canal — or we see the calf’s intestines coming out of the cow, or abnormal hemorrhaging from the cow,” Creelman explains. “If we see something unusual we need to check her immediately.”

Checking the cow It’s important to be very clean. Creelman says to scrub her perineal area, and your arms. Additionally, he says to go in clean using long plastic gloves, and apply sterile lube. “If you decide you need to manipulate the calf to correct a problem, the rule of thumb is to take no longer than 30 minutes,” he advises. “If you’ve attempted a correction for more than 30 minutes, it’s time to call your veterinarian or your neighbor for assistance.” If nothing enters the birth canal because the calf is breech or there is a uterine torsion, the cow may not begin abdominal straining. She may seem as if she is still in early labor, so it is common to keep waiting for something to happen. However, if she goes too long, the placenta will detach from the uterus causing problems. In many cases, the producer knows the cow’s history and knows that she’s taking an abnormally long time. It’s better to check too soon than to wait too long and have a dead calf. “There is no harm in checking, as long as we handle the cow appropriately with good facilities to restrain her, and going in clean,” Creelman Hereford.org

Creelman says to go in clean using long plastic gloves, and apply sterile lube. January 2018 |


...A Careful Eye continued from page 37

because the shoulders and elbows are too large coming through the pelvis. When I see those legs crossed, very rarely will I be able to do a forced extraction through the birth canal.” Creelman says his other rule of thumb, when he reaches in to assess the situation, is to make sure there’s room over the top of the calf’s head. He says if you put your hand over the head and can’t get your fingers between the calf’s forehead and the cow’s pelvis, he’s too large to come through. “If your hand will fit and you think the pelvic area is large enough, but the birth canal is tight, you may need to take a little time stretching it before actually trying to pull the calf,” he explains. In first calf heifers especially, he says there will be some tight rings of connective tissue inside the vulva,

and even though the feet may come through, these rings have to stretch a lot more before the head can come through. “It pays to put your arms in there and stretch that tissue before you attach chains to the legs and pull the calf,” he advises.

What am I feeling? When the producer checks a cow that’s taking too long and nothing is showing at the vulva, the first thing to do is to try to find two feet, a head or two feet and a tail. “To know if these are front feet or hind feet, do a flexion test,” Creelman explains. “In the front leg, the fetlock and the knee both flex the same direction — both joints bend down. In the hind leg, the fetlock flexes one direction and the hock flexes the opposite direction.”

32nd Annual Production Sale March 19, 2018, 1 p.m. at the ranch. Selling

9 2-year-old Herefords • 30 18-month-old Herefords 10 2-year-old Angus • 22 18-month-old Angus 25 Yearling Angus • 42 BWF first calf pairs 12 Commercial Angus first calf pairs



Sometimes when there are twins, there may be extra legs trying to come into the birth canal or possibly a leg from each calf. Even if there are two front legs, it is important to make sure they belong to the same calf before chains are attached to start pulling. With a breech calf, it has to be pushed back enough to have space to manipulate each hind leg very carefully into the birth canal. “We cup a hand over the top of the foot to make sure it doesn’t tear the cow’s uterus as we flex the hock and bring it around,” he notes. “It’s crucial to position the limb at a diagonal, to come through the widest space in the pelvis.” It takes a long arm to reach the feet of a breech calf, if it’s a long-legged calf and the feet are positioned toward the front of the calf. “As long as you know which legs you have, you can make the decision on what to do and whether you can assist the birth,” he says. If there are two front legs but no head, it is critical to find the head and get it coming into the birth canal. If there are two back legs and it’s not breech, that calf can be pulled backward as long there is enough space for the calf’s hips to come through. “Reach into the birth canal and try to place your hand over the hips, and also make sure the tail is not pointing forward,” Creelman advises. If the tail is up over the calf’s back, it makes the space just that much smaller and may also injure the cow as the calf is pulled. Creelman says as long as there is a hand’s thickness width between the cow’s pelvis and the calf’s hips, the calf should pull out fine. It will usually require the effort of two people or a calf puller to pull a backward calf out quickly enough, so he can start breathing since the umbilical cord will be pinched off or pulled apart as he comes out. His front end can’t be inside the cow for very long, or he will suffocate. “Sometimes we see calves with fused joints that won’t bend or straighten, and are completely immobile — and you can’t get the legs into the birth canal,” Creelman says. “There are other abnormalities like two-headed calves, or an inside-out calf with intestines on the outside. Sometimes those are extremely difficult to remove vaginally. In many cases, we have to do a fetotomy or a C-section because the calf’s spine is fused backward and there is limited room to move it around.” Creelman says with these abnormalities, the veterinarian will have tricks for manipulating or extracting those calves. If the producer comes across something uncommon, it’s usually best to have some help. When in doubt, get professional help because the veterinarian probably has more experience on handling these unusual situations.

1350 N.E. 100 Ave. Claflin, KS 67525 620-786-9703 beranbrothers@hbcomm.net www.bdherefords.com 38

| January 2018



January 2018 |


Join us on March 12, 2018 at 1 p.m. for our annual sale at Spring Cove Ranch, Bliss, Idaho

Selling 40-head of 2-year-old Hereford and Red Angus bulls.

/S JBB/AL Boom Town 44608 P43567160 Sire: NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET Dam: /S Lady Thor 1271Y CE 9.0; BW -0.1; WW 55; YW 90; DMI 0.4; SC 1.8; SCF 8.6; MM 26; M&G 53; MCE 0.5; MCW 97; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.20; CW 69; FAT 0.046; REA 0.54; MARB 0.31; BMI$ 18; BII$ 17; CHB$ 30

Semen Available: $25/Straw; $75/Certificate

/S Lady Thor 1271Y Dam of Boom Town

JBB Boom Town 7019

Sire: /S JBB/AL Boom Town 44608 Dam: JBB 3027 Dominette 242 CE 10.0; BW 0.4; WW 57; YW 91; DMI 0.7; SC 1.6; SCF 12.8; MM 31; M&G 59; MCE 4.9; MCW 97; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.20; CW 72; FAT 0.036; REA 0.53; MARB 0.28; BMI$ 22; BII$ 20; CHB$ 29

JBB/AL Herefords James, Dawn and Jae Anderson 208-280-1505 Bryan Anderson 208-280-1964 Bev Bryan 208-934-5378 1998 S. 1500 E. Gooding, ID 83330 jbbalherefords@hotmail.com 40

| January 2018

JBB/AL Boom Town 7046

Sire: /S JBB/AL Boom Town 44608 Dam: JBB/AL Ms Rib Eye 144 ET CE 4.1; BW 2.5; WW 59; YW 97; DMI 0.5; SC 1.6; SCF 12.; MM 28; M&G 57; MCE 1.6; MCW 95; UDDR 1.20; TEAT 1.20; CW 71; FAT 0.006; REA 0.55; MARB 0.20; BMI$ 22; BII$ 19; CHB$ 31



PRESIDENTS DAY • Monday, FEB. 19, 2018 150 BULLS — 50 top end yearling bulls — 100 top end 2-year-old bulls 30 REGISTERED HEIFERS from the top end of replacement • 180 Registerable replacement heifers Every bull indexed for best use on black/red cows • Every bull indexed for calving ease AVERAGE OF SALE BULLS PICTURED 100

Calv. Ease Direct


Birth Wt.


Weaning Wt.


Yearling Wt.






Scrotal Circ.


Fat 0.017

Rib Eye Area 0.51











IMF 0.23

BMI Index


CEZ Index


CHB Index





Volume Selection


Rausch Sire Evaluation Program


Yearling Bulls



R Spartan 4417 • P43814451

Sire/MGS: UPS Spartan 2864/Hyalite On Target 017

R Bonanza 5377 • 43814547

Sire/MGS: R Bonanza 4164/Churchill A1 ET


LOT 151 The Rausch cow herd has qualified 756 females for the Breed’s Dams of Distinction List since 1980.

R Miss New York 017 • P43815129

R Miss Encore 177 • P43815223

Sire/MGS: R Leader 6964/SHF Vision R117 U38

LOT 153

LOT 156

R Encore 4137 • P43814423

GR Miss Encore 627 • P43820790

Sire/MGS: R Leader 6964/R New York 5083

LOT 152

Sire/MGS: SHF York 19H Y02/Hyalite On Target 936

LOT 25

R 4Ever 5217 • P43814531 Sire/MGS: Hyalite Foremost 515ET/SHF Vision R117 U38


Sire/MGS: R Encore 4325/R Revolution 4150

R Miss On Target 407 • P43815391

Sire/MGS: Hyalite On Target 936/R Revolution 4510

R New York 4116 • P43711574

Sire/MGS: SHF York 19H Y02/MSU Windsor 29W ET

R 3rd Revolution 4426 • P43711609

Sire/MGS: R Revolution 4510/Hyalite On Target 936

LOT 51

LOT 76

Videos of sale lots online at RauschHerefords.com Please call, write or e-mail for more information

RauschHerefords.com 14831 Hereford Rd. • Hoven, SD 57450

Jerry 605-948-2146 • Vern 605-948-2375 • Shannon 605-948-2157 rauschherf@rauschherefords.com • www.rauschherefords.com

Live viewing and bidding available sale day. Check out www.rauschherefords.com

Located two miles west of Hoven on Hwys. 20 and 47


January 2018 |



When Will She Calve? Tips for producers on predicting a calving date. by Heather Smith Thomas


ows generally calve nine months and seven days after conception. The average length of pregnancy is approximately 283 days, but this figure is just an average and very few cows calve on their estimated due date. Gestation length is partly a matter of genetics. Some breeds and some family lines within breeds tend to have varying gestation lengths, and this is a factor in calving ease. Cattle with shorter gestation lengths generally give birth to smaller calves since the fetus is growing fastest at the end of gestation. A 278-day gestation usually results in a smaller, lighter calf than a 288-day gestation. One study showed that for each extra day of gestation, there is approximately one pound of increase in the size of the calf.

Controlling gestation length One reason bull calves are usually larger and heavier than heifer calves is they tend to be carried longer — partly due to hormonal factors. A cow that calves a few days before her estimated due date often gives birth to a heifer, whereas a cow that goes overdue often has a bull calf.

To increase calving ease, a producer can select bulls with a shorter gestation length to use on the cow herd.


| January 2018

Buddy Westphal is a seedstock producer in Montana with a herd of 600 cows. He says he pulls less than 10 calves per year, but 90% of the time when he assists with the birth it’s a bull calf. “They usually go a few days past the due date and tend to be a little bigger,” Westphal explains. Actual due date can vary depending on gestation length of certain individuals. Some cows consistently tend to calve earlier or later than their projected due date. In contrast, some bulls sire calves that are regularly born earlier or later. Fetal development and rate of maturation is influenced by the genetics of both the sire and the dam. One reason a low-birthweight bull tends to sire smaller calves is his calves inherit a shorter gestation length than average. If both the sire and dam tend to have short gestation lengths, the calf will be born earlier. If either the sire or the dam has genetics for a longer gestation, the results may be mixed depending on which trait is inherited by the calf. “Birthweight of the cow has an influence on the birthweight of her calf no matter what you breed her to,” Westphal explains. “The calf may be larger than you hoped.” He has been interested in gestation length for many years — particularly as it applies to calving ease, more time for the cow to recover from calving and to breed back on time. When he started his purebred operation 45 years ago after attending Colorado State University (CSU), the cows on the ranch he bought had significant calving problems. The bulls he was using sired big calves that consistently went a week or two past their estimated due dates. “My professors at CSU, including Dr. Wiltbank who did a lot of research in Miles City with Dr. Bellows, taught us that a cow had to have a calf every 365 days to be profitable,” Westphal says. “It doesn’t matter whether you calve in spring or fall, she needs to calve on the same schedule every year.” Otherwise she falls behind with a calf that doesn’t fit the producer’s program, and she may eventually end up open. “When a cow is calving 10 days or two weeks late, especially if she has a big calf and a hard birth, she’s losing that amount of time to recover and rebreed on schedule,” he explains. “She’ll calve two to three weeks later the next year, and her calf will be 20 lb. lighter than the others.” After a few years of that cycle, she will inevitably come up open. As a result, Westphal looks for bulls that sire calves with a shorter gestation. Using those bulls enables him to get his cows bred back quicker. “I went to the Canadian Conception to Consumer test, where they verified bulls of many breeds through their testing program, and they had exact gestation lengths on all of them,” he notes. “I was looking for bulls that had a 283-day or less average gestation length. I found some bulls that fit into that category and started using those. Instead of siring a 120-pound calf, they’d sire an 80-pound calf, and it would be born a lot easier.” Thus, the calving problems were reduced, and that reduction solved the dilemma of getting the cows bred back on time. Forty years later, his calving season is much easier and 75% of his calves are coming from the Hereford.org

It doesn’t matter whether you calve in spring or fall, she needs to calve on the same schedule every year.

— Buddy Westphal


first heat cycle. “This adds fertility to the herd,” he notes. “If a cow has a huge calf, even if you don’t have to pull it, she often won’t clean up as quickly or breed back on time.” Smaller calves jump right up to nurse and stay healthier. In his experience, the smaller calves grow just as big by fall as the ones that are bigger at birth. “Many of my bull customers calve out on range pastures and can’t afford calving problems,” he says. “The key to success is having short gestation and easy-born calves.” The big question when using a new bull is what the gestation length of his calves will be. Records are kept on birthweight, but finding records on gestation length is not always possible. However, Westphal says every good breeder should be able to furnish that information, and most of his customers demand it.

Predicting calving Even with an accurate breeding date based on gestation records, the cow or heifer may calve a few days ahead or a few days later He says predicting when she will calve can sometimes be a challenge to producers. There are some clues, however. As a cow or heifer nears the end of gestation, her body makes changes to aid the birth process. One of the first signs of approaching calving is development of her udder. It may begin enlarging as early as six weeks before she calves, or it may suddenly fill during the last few days of gestation. Some cows and heifers have so much udder development that the producer would think calving is imminent, but they go many more days before the actual event — often becoming miserably uncomfortable from the udder swelling. Others may “bag up” overnight, and they may calve before the producer realizes they are ready. “Even when you have a breeding date and know that it is correct, there are a handful of cows that can fool you,” Westphal explains. One clue that calving will take place within about 24 hours is the teats filling. Even if the udder has been large for many days, the teats themselves often don’t become full and distended until the cow is nearly ready to calve. Occasionally the plug in the end of the teat will start to come out, showing a bit of secretion on the end of the teat. Other signs of impending labor include mucus discharge from the vulva as the cervical plug softens and is expelled. A long string of clear mucus may hang from the vulva. The tissues around the birth canal become soft, and the vulva is enlarged and loose so the calf can more easily push through. The loose vulva is a sign the cow or heifer is approaching her calving date, but it is important to keep in mind some individuals become enlarged and loose several weeks before calving. Another sign of calving is relaxing of the pelvic ligaments. If producers look closely at the area between a cow’s tail head and the pin bone on each side, it is relaxed, appearing somewhat loose and sunken. One of the surest ways to predict calving is to feel those pelvic ligaments. They are about an inch in diameter, connecting the pin bones to the spine. They attach to the vertebrae just ahead of where the tail starts and are easily visible on most dairy cows and on thin beef cows. The ligaments are normally very hard and tight, except for a few hours just before labor begins and just after calving. They loosen as part of the birth process that enables all parts of the birth canal to expand so the calf can come through. If a producer is checking for relaxing ligaments, the cow has to be standing for the producer to adequately feel the ligament. An adequate assessment will not be achieved if she’s just gotten up; it takes a few minutes of standing before the ligament assumes its normal tightness or looseness. Labor will usually begin approximately 12 hours after complete relaxation of those ligaments. By keeping good breeding records, producers can have a projected due date. However, the sex of the calf, age of the cow, season of year, heritability of gestation length and nutrition of the dam can all be factors in whether calves come ahead of or after their projected due date. Winter-born calves tend to go a little longer than summer-born calves. Winter-born calves may also be bigger, especially if the winter was cold. This increase in size occurs not only because they are carried longer, but also because during cold weather the cow’s blood circulation is concentrated more around the internal organs rather than the extremities. As a result, the fetus in the uterus gets more nutrients. In general a cow calving the same time every year and bred to bulls with similar bloodlines will have roughly the Hereford.org

same gestation length yearly unless she is bred to a different bull with a longer or shorter gestation length. Weather also makes a difference. There is often a flurry of calving just before a storm. The calves that might have arrived over a several-day period may all come at once. When the barometer is falling, producers can expect a lot of calves. Many cows that are ready to calve will begin labor in a low-pressure period rather than when the barometer is rising. It is very common to have an abnormally high number of cows calve just before a storm and then less calving activity in the herd for the next 48 hours.

Body temperature drop Robert Callan, Ph.D., Colorado State University, says producers who have worked with cattle and calved a lot of cows can become extremely good at noticing the details indicative of a cow that is getting close to calving. “There has also been some research —primarily in dairy cows — that shows pregnant cows undergo a drop in core body temperature during the 12 to 24 hours preceding calving,” he explains. “In beef cattle, the body temperature can be monitored with use of temperature sensor boluses.” The bolus is given orally, and it ends up in the reticulum — similarly to how a magnet is put into the cow to prevent hardware disease. The bolus transmits the cow’s temperature, which is picked up by a receiver. These temperature transmitters are useful for detecting fever and early stages of illness including pneumonia and mastitis, but they were first used during heat stress research. “This could also be a way to flag the cows that might be in early labor,” he notes. “The temperature research, relative to calving, is still in its infancy in developing the appropriate algorithms, but the technology is there.” In situations where the herd is small, the animals are valuable and near a receiver for the transmitted signals, using these boluses could be a way to detect temperature drop as a clue for calving. “The one system that I know of here in Colorado is called DVM Systems [in Greeley, Colo.] At this point in time, their TempTrack remote temperature monitor is marketed primarily for dairy cattle but might be an option for genetically valuable beef seedstock. These boluses would probably last for the life of the cow,” Callan says.

January 2018 |


MPH Z311



CE BW WW YW SC MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 6.3 -0.4 63 102 1.1 26 58 1.7 112 1.20 1.30 66 0.036 0.40 0.37 28 25 24 .32 .45 .39 .40 .27 .14 .14 .21 .31 .33 .17 .20 .17 .17



METTLER Polled Herefords

Brian and Ron Mettler 28225 431stt Ave., Menno, SD 57045 Brian 605-951-3007 • Ron 605-387-2841 bmettler@gwtc.net • www.mettlerpolledherefords.com

ROTH HEREFORD FARM Ed and Eddie Roth 1146 N.W. Hwy. J., Windsor, MO 65360 Ed’s cell 660-351-4127 • Eddie’s cell 660-351-4126


| January 2018

• Rampage has extreme eye appeal with complete eye and scrotal pigmentation and is smooth polled. Not only is he a performance powerhouse, but a maternal giant as well, coming from one of the most renowned cow families in the polled Hereford breed, the Gerber Rosy Lane family! His dam should make Dam of Distinction this year with average progeny ratios of 3 @ 84 on BW and 3 @ 116 for WW, 1 @ 116 for YW and has settled first service A.I. each year and has produced 60 oocytes in 2 IVF aspirations! • Rampage is backed by ideal udders and tons of milk – Rosie 3023A is a +29 MM and grandam X395 is a +34 MM! No active, genetically enhanced, polled bull can match his combination of negative Birth weight (-0.5), Growth (+65 WW), (+98 YW) and Maternal (+27 MM)! • Actual BW of 66 lb. (ratio 78) WW of 935 lb. (ratio 121) YW of 1,428 lb. (ratio 116) • 1/3 interest with possession available. Contact Brian for inquires. Semen: $30/Straw and $75/Certificate Hereford.org


January 2018 |



Retained Placentas and How to Treat Them Learn about the causes and treatment options for retained placentas in your cow herd. by Heather Smith Thomas


ost cows “clean” soon after calving, shedding placental membranes within two to 12 hours. If it takes longer than 12 hours, it is called a retained placenta, according to Russ Daly, Ph.D., South Dakota State University Extension veterinarian. “When I was in practice we didn’t consider doing any kind of intervention until the placenta had been retained up to 72 hours, but our understanding of how to best treat these issues has changed,” he says.

Risks Bill Lias, Ph.D., Interstate Vet Clinic, Brandon, S.D., says veterinarians used to recommend removing the placenta if a cow didn’t clean within a day or so, but research has shown it’s better to leave it alone. “When I graduated from veterinary school, standard practice was to remove those placentas,” he explains, “but in recent years we’ve discovered it’s a risk to the health of the cow and her future fertility.” He says he still get calls occasionally from people wanting him to clean a cow, and he has to explain to them why that is not the best option. There is always risk for damage to the attachment sites when trying to remove those membranes. The placenta interfaces with the uterine lining, and the caruncles in the uterus attach to the cotyledons of the placenta. A cow has a certain number of caruncles, and if any of those are torn off, they do not regenerate. Because a fair

number of caruncles are required to support a pregnancy, it is not wise to manually remove the placenta and risk damage. “We also run the risk of introducing more contaminants into the uterus when we go in to remove the placenta,” Lias notes. “The standard today, and recommendation to producers, is to leave those cows alone, and the majority of them do fine.”

Potential infection Often no treatment is required. The membranes come away on their own within 10 days, but occasionally a retained placenta can lead to serious infection. “Keep the cow in a clean, dry environment until she sheds those membranes,” he advises. “Some times of year, that’s a challenge.” In short, the cow is better off in a pasture, moving around, rather than confined in a dirty corral. He says the main complicating factor is introduction of infection when those membranes are hanging out, and she’s lying in manure or mud. The placenta can then act as a wick to bring pathogens into the uterus. Any cow that retains her placenta should be closely monitored to make sure she does not develop an infection. In those situations, the cow will go off feed and have a fever. He notes the uterus can generally handle a local infection and clean itself out, but if the infection goes systemic, the cow will definitely need help. “Our best advice is to leave the cow alone, in a clean place, and watch her,” Lias says. “Most cows will be fine, but if she starts acting sick, consult a veterinarian. If the cow remains normal, with good appetite, she doesn’t need treatment even if it takes her a week or longer to clean. If they don’t get sick, those cows clean themselves up and rebreed on schedule. Cows are very hardy animals!” Daly says in the past, veterinarians manually unhooked the attachments and removed the placenta. “We thought we had to get rid of it so the cow wouldn’t get an infection,” he notes. “We’ve learned that this intervention can damage the uterus more than just leaving it alone.” According to Daly, when the placenta is manually removed, it can delay a functional heat cycle for up to 20 days longer compared with the cows left alone to shed the placenta normally. However, a mild local infection will generally clear up and won’t affect the cow’s ability to rebreed on time. The important thing is to watch a cow to see if she shows signs of systemic infection — going off feed, being depressed, being lethargic, and having a fever. He advises producers to take her temperature once a day, and if she starts to spike a fever, to get her started on an antibiotic. “You should have a veterinarian examine the cow and recommend treatment,” he continues. “The veterinarian may prescribe systemic antibiotics and possibly some anti-inflammatory medication.”


It has been discovered in recent years removing a placenta from a cow is a risk to her health and future fertility.


| January 2018

It is better to use systemic antibiotics rather than putting anything into the uterus, according to George Barrington, Ph.D., Washington State University. “A study done years ago by a student here looked at neutrophil migration to the uterus,” Barrington explains. “He found that even putting buffered sterile saline into the uterus slowed down this migration. This suggests that putting anything into the uterus or infusing it with medication could be counterproductive.” Systemic antibiotics are more beneficial in warding off systemic infections, and they help treat any uterine infection from the retained placenta. However, Barrington says today’s producers Hereford.org

are limited on which drugs they can utilize. Fortunately, penicillin is still on the table and can help as long as the appropriate withdrawal times are observed. “Ceftiofur has historically been a good choice due to its wide spectrum,” he explains. “Current label usage includes acute metritis [along with foot rot and respiratory disease] but Excenel, Naxcel and Exceed are all prescription antibiotics available.” He advises producers to consult with a veterinarian because veterinarians can prescribe an appropriate antibiotic, as well as suggest an appropriate withdrawal period. “If you can’t get hold of a veterinarian, regular procaine penicillin G would be a good drug to use,” he explains. “Stick with the label dosage unless you can talk with a veterinarian to figure out what the withdrawal time would be if they suggest a higher dose.” It is still important to remember not all cows with a retained While cows will generally clean themselves with time, it is critical to watch them in placenta contract a serious infection. However, when they are case they generate an infection that needs treatment. infected, it is not to be taken lightly. Barrington says these For instance, some people think the placenta fails to release infections vary in severity. The result is strongly dependent on the because of low calcium, but low calcium is only one of many risk type of infection as well as the cow’s inability to handle it. factors — not the cause. He says that is one reason penicillin is a good choice — it is “We know that low vitamin E and/or selenium may also create effective against a wide variety of infections. “It works against the higher risk for retained placenta,” he notes. “Poor nutrition in regards anaerobes and gram-positive bacteria like Clostridia,” Barrington to trace minerals and negative energy balance may all be factors.” explains. “It is not as good against the gram negative bacteria like Lias says if producers start to see more than a few incidences E. coli, and this is why the ceftiofur antibiotics work very well.” of retained placenta without the common and logical causes, Antibiotic treatment will only be needed in a few cases, they should have their nutritional program evaluated. “Consult according to Daly. “If people worry about the rotten material with a nutritionist and see if vitamin and mineral levels in hanging out, they could trim that part off and leave the rest to the feed are where they need to be,” come out on its own,” he says. In the past, many cows with a retained Our best advice is to leave he advises. Feed samples and blood samples from the cows can be checked to placenta were also treated with oxytocin or the cow alone, in a clean determine their mineral status. drugs like Lutalyse and prostaglandin after Other causes for an occasional retained calving. Lias says most of the data today have place, and watch her. Most placenta happen when cows are very thin shown that these treatments are really not or very fat. Having the cows in proper body very helpful. The bovine uterus is no longer cows will be fine, but condition, with good nutrition and good receptive to oxytocin 24 hours after calving, if she starts acting sick, health, is the best prevention. and it has not shown to have much benefit Again, Barrington says ranchers often in terms of helping a cow clean. consult a veterinarian. assume that if a cow retains her placenta “Oxytocin is a drug that makes the — Bill Lias she has an infection. It is important to uterus contract,” Daly explains. “It’s not a remember all cows have a contaminated long-acting drug. It only lasts a short time in uterus after calving. “If we look at any normal cow that calves the animal’s system. We’ve found that it doesn’t really do much in easily, sheds the placenta on time, and culture the uterus a terms of hastening the shedding of fetal membranes. Squeezing week after calving, a very high proportion of these cows culture the uterus doesn’t help that connection deteriorate,” he says. positive,” Barrington explains. There is a big difference between Barrington agrees cows with a retained placenta usually have infection and disease, however. An important reason a cow doesn’t more uterine contractions than a normal cow, so it doesn’t really clear this infection within a week or so and becomes sick is that make sense to use oxytocin. If the uterus is contracting and her immune system is hindered for some reason. shrinking down on the placental tissue, it may be harder for it to “Having the placenta in there, if she hasn’t shed it, doesn’t pass through the cervix and on out. help,” he notes. “When those membranes start to break down, the “The body’s own immune system [and the cells within the placental tissue still in the uterus is irritating, and is also a great uterus that digest the inter-digitation, binding the placental tissues habitat for pathogens to thrive. We know the normal cow has an to the uterine lining] isn’t functioning properly,” he explains. “This infected uterus for at least a week after calving, but these cows may not occur right at parturition; the body may be setting itself don’t go on to develop metritis.” They soon clear the infection and up a few days ahead of calving.” rebreed on schedule.

Causes Several things may cause a retained placenta, including factors affecting the individual animal as well as herd-based conditions. Infectious causes could include diseases that lead to abortion. Abortions can result in a retained placenta. Any time a cow calves prematurely — an aborted fetus, twins or a premature calf — the placenta generally does not come away normally. It takes time for the attachments to disintegrate and come loose later. Lias says there are a number of reasons a cow might calve early — an abortion, an infection, a toxic insult, a premature calf or twins. “Nutritional deficiencies can also be a cause,” he explains. “With dairy cows, especially, the cows that are low on calcium or have milk fever have a much higher incidence. Retained placenta has also been linked to vitamin A deficiency, vitamin E and selenium deficiency, and sometimes copper. There may be more nutritional causes than we know.” According to Barrington, the actual cause occurs at the cell level, involving malfunction in the normal turning loose of the tissue attachments between the maternal and fetal sides of the placenta. However, there are several risk factors that may adversely influence the normal process. “The exact mechanism for detachment is a bit unclear, but we know that the neutrophils [white blood cells] have to go into these attachment sites and release enzymes that help digest the two sides — the maternal side and the fetal side — so it can release,” he says. The tissues have to soften up and let go, and Barrington says there is a lot of misunderstanding about how this function works. Hereford.org

Health precautions for humans Jim Logan, Ph.D., Wyoming State Veterinarian, says several diseases can cause a retained placenta including Brucellosis. “Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason that we can figure out regarding a retained placenta — it just happens,” he explains. “The key thing to be aware of is that it could be an infectious cause.” He encourages producers to keep in mind that precautionary measures when handling an infected cow or placenta are critical. If the cow was aborting because of Brucellosis, for instance, this disease can be spread to other animals and to humans who come into contact with the birth fluids or the aborted fetus or membranes. “Use protective gloves when handling dystocia or any kind of birth problem, or handling a placenta,” Logan advises. When the fetus is aborted or the placenta is shed, these tissues should always be properly disposed of rather than left lying there, in case it was an infectious situation. “Be aware of the possibility of zoonotic diseases that could potentially be spread from an aborted fetus or even from a live calf,” he says. “Any placenta — whether it’s retained or one you happen to find — it’s a good idea to properly dispose of it because the placenta can be a source of infection.” The placenta is also a good diagnostic tool. He says if there is a retained placenta, salvaging that tissue so a sample can be sent to the lab can be helpful. This sample might enable the lab to find bacterial or viral causes of abortion or illness in the newborn calf. “It’s wise to collect those membranes and keep the placenta as clean as you can in case your veterinarian recommends sending a sample for diagnosis,” he stresses.

January 2018 |



| January 2018



January 2018 |



Good Nutrition Vital for Pregnant Cows

Producers need to review their anticipated calving dates, cow body condition scores and cows’ diet.


mortality, compared with calves from dams fed high levels of nutrition.”

Ensure adequate body condition A separate study found that cows with inadequate body condition produced poorerquality colostrum, compared with cows in good body condition. Poor body condition resulted in a reduced ability to transfer immunity through colostrum to calves of underfed cows. Newborn calves need adequate colostrum because it contains antibodies and other proteins that protect calves from disease until their own immune system is totally functional. Studies also show that the need for good nutrition during pregnancy carries over to fertility the following breeding season. Cows that are thin at calving have a greater chance of not becoming pregnant the following breeding season compared with cows that calve in good body condition. Therefore, thin cows and heifers need to be on a greater plane of nutrition than older cows in good condition.

Different nutritional needs Dahlen recommends producers consider sorting heifers and thin cows into their own group for feeding if possible. If not, producers should try to spread feed out over a larger area to reduce the incidence of thin cows being pushed away from feed by older cows or cows in better condition. If facilities are available to feed in different groups, heifers and thin cows should be fed separately from mature cows. Producers should also keep temperature in mind, and protect cattle from wind and moisture to the extent possible. Even with heavy winter coats, nutrient requirements for cows begin to increase when the temperature is below the “lower critical temperature” of about 18 degrees Fahrenheit. Lower critical temperature is much greater if cattle are wet or exposed to the wind. For every degree below the lower critical temperature, energy requirements can increase by one to two percentage units of total digestible nutrients (TDN). This means the same 1,300-lb. cow that needed 12.5 lb. of TDN per day at a temperature of 18 degrees Fahrenheit may need up to 14.8 lb. of TDN per day at a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit. However, cows have a limit on how much they can eat, so producers may have to increase the quality of the feed in addition to the quantity to ensure cows are meeting their requirements. “Evaluating the nutritional status of cows now and taking appropriate action will allow you to provide appropriate nutrients to get cows into good body condition at calving while encouraging the fetus to do exactly what it needs to do: grow, baby, grow,” Dahlen says. PHOTO BY JONATHAN JOHANSEN

ecisions a cattle producer makes about pregnant cow nutrition now can have major affects on calf health in the spring and cow fertility during the next breeding season. “The great majority of fetal growth [from 75 to more than 90%, depending on the source] occurs during the last three months of pregnancy, and nutrient needs and recommended feeding strategies for the cows also are changing accordingly,” says Carl Dahlen, North Dakota State University Extension Service beef cattle specialist. “To make sure you are on track with your winter feeding, have a good look at your anticipated calving dates, cow body condition scores and the diet the cows are receiving,” he advises. “Current protein and energy content of native pastures and/or crop residues likely are not suitable for cows calving in early to mid-spring. Supplement cattle accordingly, and remember the increased plane of nutrient needs the cows are experiencing.” As mature cows move from mid to late gestation, they need a 20% increase in crude protein intake and 16% increase in total digestible nutrient intake to keep up with increasing fetal growth. This need for additional nutrients is magnified once a cow calves and must produce milk for a calf. Although some producers argue that providing fewer nutrients during gestation will lead to lighter birthweights and, therefore, fewer calving difficulties, that isn’t always the result, according to Dahlen. “Unfortunately, the smaller calves were the only potential benefit of the low feeding level in several studies,” he says. “Cows fed the high level of nutrition actually had less calving difficulty, even with slightly bigger calves. “In addition, while calf survival at birth was similar between the groups, calf survival at weaning was much greater in cows fed the high levels of nutrition,” he adds. “Calves from dams fed the low levels of nutrition had more issues with scours and scours-related

For every degree below the lower critical temperature, energy requirements can increase by one to two percentage units of total digestible nutrients.


| January 2018

Editor's note: Article courtesy of the North Dakota State University Extension Service. Hereford.org


January 2018 |


15TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE Friday, February 2, 2018 • 1:00 p.m. MST at the ranch south of Belfield, ND


CE 7.9 BW 2.6 WW 49 YW 77 MM 39 M&G 64 SC 1.2 REA 0.39 MARB 0.02 CHB$ 28


CE 0.0 BW 3.9 WW 67 YW 107 MM 24 M&G 58 SC 1.1 REA 0.54 MARB 0.07 CHB$ 33


CE 1.7 BW 4.5 WW 62 YW 104 MM 32 M&G 63 SC 1.1 REA 0.46 MARB 0.04 CHB$ 28

Sire: BCC L1 Domino 489B DOB: 2/16/17 BW: 85 205 Wt: 756

Sire: H Redline 513 ET DOB: 2/11/17 BW: 93 205 Wt: 766

Sire: CL1 Domino 5110C DOB: 3/4/17 BW: 94 205 Wt: 774


CE 10.0 BW 0.9 WW 46 YW 74 MM 36 M&G 59 SC 1.4 REA 0.35 MARB 0.04 CHB$ 27


CE 0.4 BW 3.7 WW 60 YW 98 MM 25 M&G 55 SC 1.1 REA 0.47 MARB 0.11 CHB$ 32



Sire: BCC L1 Domino 489B DOB: 1/30/17 BW: 79 205 Wt: 717

Sire: H Redline 513 ET DOB: 2/14/17 BW: 88 205 Wt: 743

Sire: CL1 Domino 412B DOB: 1/17/17 BW: 81 205 Wt: 809

7.3 1.4 50 84 37 62 0.9 0.31 -0.03 26

Selling: 70 Powerful Hereford and Angus Bulls • 20 Commercial Hereford Heifers


| January 2018



January 2018 |



Maternal Maturity The critical leg of the journey from replacement heifer to mature cow. by Karla H. Jenkins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cow-Calf Range Management Specialist


s the new year approaches, so does spring calving for most beef cattle producers. Spring also begins the most critical part of the journey for the replacement heifer becoming a cow. A spring calving replacement heifer with a target mature weight of 1,200 lb. is likely weighing about 950 lb. entering the last trimester of pregnancy and would need to gain about 2.0 lb. per day prior to calving even if she is in a moderate body condition. Producers need to remember that in the last trimester, at least half of that weight gain will be related to fetal growth and not actually contribute to the growth of the heifer herself. Feeding an ad libitum amount of hay containing 52% total digestible nutrients (TDN) and 8% crude protein (CP) along with 3.4 lb. of distillers’ grains would meet the crude protein needs of this heifer and her rumen undegradable protein needs. However, this diet is still slightly short on the energy this heifer needs. This inadequacy could be very concerning if the heifer is thinner than desired and weather conditions are particularly harsh. Blending in some higher quality hay or adding other energy feeds could improve the energy balance for this heifer.

Nutrition needs after calving Once the heifer calves and lactation starts, both her protein and energy needs will increase substantially. The very early springcalving heifer (February or March) is not likely going to have access to any green grass for a couple of months. If this now lactating heifer were fed the previously mentioned hay and 3.4 lb. of distillers’ grains, she would be well below the energy she requires. This is a critical situation for this cow. This is even more concerning if the turn out to green grass is delayed and/or the new mother is thinner than desired. Sometimes during calving, producers will have some green grass starting to become available to the cows. Assuming this now lactating heifer can find enough green grass to make up half of her diet, and the producer feeds the hay containing 52% TDN and 8% CP to make up the difference, this heifer is still slightly short on her energy needs. Supplying 2.2 lb. of distillers’ grains would help ensure this heifer’s needs were met. Additionally, supplying more nutrient dense supplemental forage would be sufficient. If enough green grass were available that she could consume green growing grass ad libitum, she could meet her needs with grass alone. Shortly after peak lactation, when nutrient needs are the highest, this heifer is asked to rebreed. Therefore, making sure her nutrient needs are being met just prior to calving through breeding is critical for her to remain in the herd. Checking feed resources for nutrient content prior to late gestation will help producers determine what needs to be fed to ensure the nutrient needs of these heifers are met. Assessing body condition score frequently will also allow producers to make necessary changes to the ration in a timely manner.


| January 2018


FRIEDT HEREFORDS Production Sale February 14, 2018 • 1 p.m. (MST)

Stockmen’s West, Dickinson, N.D. • Auctioneer: Scott Weishaar SELLING: 30 yearling bulls • 11 coming 2-year-olds 50 registered yearling Hereford heifers • 20 F1 baldie heifers from Duane and Garrett Zent

BW 3.1 WW 57 YW 97 MM 24 M&G 53 REA 0.47 MARB 0.11 CHB$ 31


43856922 — Calved: Feb. 5, 2017 A big bodied heifer with extra capacity from the SR Scope 53A bull.

BW 3.5 WW 67 YW 109 MM 25 M&G 58 REA 0.60 MARB 0.09 CHB$ 31


43840207 — Calved: Jan. 31, 2017 Here is a herd bull prospect by 215Z. He is long and thick with two red eyes and his 9-year-old dam is a never miss female.

BW 3.7 WW 58 YW 96 MM 26 M&G 55 REA 0.58 MARB 0.10 CHB$ 31


43856921 — Calved: Feb. 19, 2017 The Harrell 2185 daughters have been tremendous females. She is moderate in her frame and feminine with extra capacity.

BW 2.0 WW 61 YW 101 MM 29 M&G 60 REA 0.44 MARB 0.14 CHB$ 28


43840219 — Calved: Feb. 7, 2017 An ET 215Z calf that is one of four ET full brothers to sell. They are all stout, thick made bulls.

Online bidding

BW 3.7 WW 54 YW 92 MM 24 M&G 51 REA 0.51 MARB 0.04 CHB$ 30

Call Aaron Friedt for details at 701-590-9597 FH NAVARRO 665

43747809 — Calved: Feb. 9, 2016 This a deep sided, thick made, coming 2-year-old. Heifer 777 is from the same dam.

Selling choice of two 215Z yearling daughters!!

BW 3.9 WW 58 YW 98 MM 30 M&G 59 REA 0.46 MARB 0.13 CHB$ 28

FH 2185 DOMINO 735

43840206 — Calved: Jan. 30, 2017 This 2185 has been a stud since he was born. He is the type and kind we are trying to produce.

BW 2.9 WW 63 YW 105 MM 29 M&G 61 REA 0.44 MARB 0.12 CHB$ 28


43840220 — Calved: Feb. 9, 2017 This a powerfully made ET calf sired by 215Z and out of our prolific FH Dominette 118 dam. She had the high selling bulls in our 2015 and 2016 production sales.

Sires Represented:

FH L1 Domino 902 (43034275) H5 9131 Domino 2185 (43280136) H5 9131 Yankee 156 (43190945) FH Navarro 242 MD (43295208) Churchill Sensation 028X (43092364) CL 1 Domino 215Z (43268007) HH Advance 5019C ET (43578975) SR Scope 53A (43421724)

Catalogs and Videos available mid-January on www.friedtherefords.com Gary, Kirsten and Aaron Friedt • Megan and Dusty Dukart • Drew and Lindsey Courtney 8733 55th St. S.W. • Mott, ND 58646 701-824-2300 • 701-290-7231 Gary 701-290-7230 Megan • 701-590-9597 Aaron gfriedt@hotmail.com • www.friedtherefords.com Hereford.org

January 2018 |


The Cowman’s Kind


Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018 • 1 p.m. (MST) At the Ranch

150 Hereford and Angus Bulls — Yearlings, Fall and 2-Year-Olds plus 50 Bred and Open Females

KB L1 Domino 731E ET

TA L1 Domino 726E

Sire: CL 1 Domino 269Z 1ET • Dam: CL 1 Dominette 2143Z

Sire: HH Advance 5039C ET • Dam: Montana Miss 207 Z

BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 4.0 55 93 28 56 0.59 -0.08

BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 3.1 53 92 40 66 0.34 -0.05

• 731 is a powerful herd bull prospect. He is an exciting bull out of the great 269Z and elite 2143 donor cow.

TA L1 Domino 732E

Sire: CL 1 Domino 420B 1ET • Dam: KB L1 Dominette 1156Y

• 726 is one of the great bulls to sell in 2018. He has it all: pedigree, EPDs and total package.

KB L1 Domino 660D

Sire: CL 1 Domino 269Z 1ET • Dam: HH Miss Advance 3247A ET

KB L1 Domino 762E ET

Sire: HH Advance 3006A • Dam: Montana Miss 239 Z ET

BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 3.4 67 102 37 71 0.32 0.11 • Definite herd bull with terrific genetics and EPDs. His mother is one of our very best cows.

TA L1 Domino 708E ET

Sire: CL 1 Domino 215Z • Dam: KB L1 Markette 243

BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 1.7 49 78 24 48 0.27 0.25

BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 2.0 50 92 32 57 0.46 -0.11

BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 0.7 52 77 25 51 0.24 0.16

• 732 has caught our eye since birth. He is a heavyweight with mass, muscle and style with a highly productive mother.

• 660 has been a standout since birth. A fall bull with extreme length, depth and phenomenal mother. We used her last year’s son on heifers.

• 708 and his full brothers are all good. Sired by the great 215Z and dam 243 was a great donor that was in the herd 15 years.

HH Miss Advance 0077x

• One of the great Holden cows. Several ET sons sell!

Amdahl Landmark 712

Sire: Amdahls Block Party 557 • 712 is typical of the great Angus offering by Amdahl Angus & Hereford. Quality bulls backed by generations of performance, maternal and longevity. Uniform bulls in volume.

CL 1 Dominette 7136T • One of breeds all time greats...a legend! Sons sell!!

HERD SIRES REPRESENTED: CL 1 Domino 269Z 1ET, CL 1 Domino 215Z, HH Advance 4344B, CL 1 Domino 5110R, KB L1 Domino 406B, HH Advance 5039C ET, CL 1 Domino 9126J 1ET, HH Advance 5047C ET, CL 1 Domino 420B 1ET, CL 1 Domino 420B 1ET, HH Advance 9027W, CL1 Domino 412B.


Angus & Hereford Tim and Marcia Amdahl, J.D. & Annie Amdahl 21747 Coyote Ln., Piedmont, SD 57769 Tim@AmdahlAngus.com Tim 605-929-3717 or J.D. 605-999-6487 www.AmdahlAngusandHereford.com Raising beef cattle in South Dakota since 1884 56

| January 2018

Jim Baker Herefords

P.O. Box 2769 • Rapid City, SD 57709 • Jim Baker 605-381-9519 jbakerherefords@gmail.com • www.BakerHerefords.com

Where quality runs generations deep

1st year breeding season guarantee!


Sale will be broadcasted live on www.TheLivestockLink.com - online bidding available on sale day, if you can't attend in person. Register early. Hereford.org

Herefords ROCKS on THE


Closes at 7 p.m. (CST) RACEHORSE STYLE

OFFERING: An outstanding selection of powerful heifers and bulls. A premier selection of frozen genetics including – top embryo matings and semen Sale managed by:

Sale hosted by:

lowdermanauctionoptions.com Monte Lowderman 309-255-0110 Cody Lowderman 309-313-2171 Cody Crum 217-248-7282

Our new app based online bidding and auction broadcasting platform.


January 2018 |


One of Nancy’s biggest joys in working for the AHA was building relationships with Hereford breeders across the country.

The End of an Era

Nancy Thomas retires from the American Hereford Association after 49 years. by Kayla Jennings


lick click. Click click. Sounds of a data keypunch system were all too familiar for employees of the American Polled Hereford Association (APHA) records department in 1968. As the years progressed, the records department transitioned significantly in method, location and name. Today, the American Hereford Association (AHA) even utilizes an online registry system. Just as the idea of a keypunch machine is foreign today, the concept of online registry had not yet been imagined 49 years ago. Employees who remember those days are few and far between. In fact, the last employee of that era retired Dec. 1, 2017. Nancy Thomas, a Kansas City, Mo., native has dedicated her life to serving Hereford breeders. Many breeders, as well as staff members, will miss her always ready to lend a helping hand. “Nancy really does mark the end of an era for AHA,” says Stacy Sanders, AHA director of

the records department. “She is one of those solid rocks who is very dedicated. We will miss her in our office.”

Early days

After Nancy graduated high school in 1967, she knew she wanted to find a job in the area. Following in her aunt’s footsteps, she became certified as a keypunch operator and sought out her first job with Sears. It was not long before other career opportunities caught her eye. Nancy says she heard about the opening at the APHA and applied for the data entry position without hesitation. She knew little about the cattle industry — having grown up in urban Kansas City — but she was eager to learn. After starting April 1, 1968, she remembers the intense learning curve fondly. “It has really come a long way from when I started,” she notes. “I can’t begin to tell you everything, but we had boxes upon boxes all over the floor and full filing cabinets when I came in ’68. It looked like a nightmare.” Since the APHA had recently split off from the AHA when Nancy started, she remembers sorting through many cards to put together full pedigrees on animals. Each animal had its own keypunch card with its information. She says she and her fellow workers Nancy’s 49 years were celebrated at the AHA office with many friends. would have to pull at


| January 2018

least 15 cards to put together one registration certificate. To put it into perspective, one lady could complete 15 certificates in one hour — that was fast. In 1974 the group of data entry ladies completed 204,000 certificates utilizing the keypunch system. As time progressed, so did the technology and the environment. The keypunch era came to a close, and the progress in data entry began. Soon after, the Association adopted the utilization of computers. Nancy says the first computer screens were so small it was almost impossible to see what was being entered. While many are reluctant to changes, Nancy always viewed herself as progressive. “I really like using the computers the way they are now,” she says. “I caught on fast. To me, it was wonderful. It was important to me to understand how to utilize the new programs, so I could explain it to the breeders.” It was this desire to understand and most effectively adopt the new technology that made Nancy unique. With every new technology, she was the first to ask questions and to learn it. “Nancy is always someone who welcomes change, and she is adaptable,” Sanders says. “She has seen a lot of changes, and she is very curious about how and why things work. She is not satisfied to take it at face value. If we ever needed to test a new program, she was always involved with that because she was always the one figuring out how things worked.” Sanders says she has had a hand in everything from implementing Whole Herd Total Performance Records (TPR™) to creating the American Beef Records Association (ABRA) service. He says she is very meticulous and accurate, making it evident her work is always done well. Aside from adopting new data tracking technologies, Nancy had the opportunity to see breed improvement progress and the merging of the APHA and the AHA in 1995.

Everlasting memories In her 49 years, Nancy has had the unique opportunity to see generations of Hereford breeders grow. She recalls visiting with producers about not only their cattle but also their kids and lives. Those relationships have made this position more than just a job for her. “You would think you would get bored with the same thing over and over again, but everyday it is something new,” she explains. “You get to talk to the breeders and really get to know them personally.” She recalls a specific phone conversation recently when she asked a breeder how old his son was. The breeder said his son was 13 and reminded her he had been

calling Nancy at the office since he was 13 himself. For her, seeing generations of Hereford breeders grow up has been truly special. Sometimes, Nancy even had the opportunity to meet particularly interesting people in the office. In fact, the Alabama band lead singer, Randy Owen, registered his Hereford cattle with Nancy. She remembers the band members coming by the office to visit any time they were in the area to check on their Hereford records. “Randy was standing with Teddy Gentry one day while I was working, and he said, ‘don’t you wish you could go that fast?’ That was funny because I didn’t think I was that fast at typing,” she laughed. “They must not had seen Dorothy Bower, my supervisor — she was a really fast typist.” Aside from Hereford breeders, Nancy always enjoyed the people she worked with. When she was still with the APHA, she fondly remembers teaming up with the field staff to compete against other employees to see who could recruit the most new members each year. “It was really fun to try to persuade breeders to join the Association,” she remembers.

Exciting times ahead Outside of work, Nancy is involved with Order of the Eastern Star — a Masonic appendant body. The organization promotes leadership amongst women. Its members take trips and take part in several other community activities. Now that her time at Hereford has come to an end, she hopes to increase her participation with them and to travel. “I want to go see some of the friends I have made, and some of the people I have known for years,” she notes. “I also plan to travel with the Eastern Star to Utah and Texas, and just enjoy life.” She says she has been invited to several farms and ranches over the years, so this is the time to take people up on those visits. She has made many friends over the past 49 years, and she looks forward to spending the time to visit them all across the country. Stacy says he knows the environment of the office will be different without her around, but he and the rest of the staff are excited for her in her new chapter. “We certainly wish her the best and welcome her back to visit at any time,” Stacy says. “The AHA wants her to realize she has a ton of friends in our members that want to thank her also. We want her to know she always has a home at AHA.” Leaving the AHA after many years is bittersweet for her. “I will miss all the people in the office,” she says. “I will really miss talking to all my friends — the breeders — and making new friends.” Hereford.org


January 2018 |


Certified Hereford Beef Meets Consumer Demand A panel of industry experts shed light onto the positive attributes present in CHB® products. by Kayla Jennings


ertified Hereford Beef (CHB®) has grown to be one of the most highly recognized branded-beef programs in the country to date. CHB products can be found from coast-to-coast in restaurants and grocery stores and through other food retail avenues. Alex Tinkle, Merchants Foodservice category manager, says it is one of the best and most competitive tools they have to generate business in an aggressive arena. Merchants has approximately 75% of its inventory invested in CHB to satisfy the consumers, who demand consistency, quality, yield and value in their product. “At any given time I am competing against 65 to 85 different beef programs,” he notes. “I am competing within the southeast from Louisiana to North Carolina — we cover a quarter of the country.” With that type of competition prevalent across the country, it is exciting to see CHB rising to the top for those engaged in the beef industry from packer to end user. Restaurant owner and chef Scott Ellinger, The

Brass Rail Steakhouse, O’Fallon, Mo., says implementation of the program has been essential to remaining competitive with other restaurants in the area. “As soon as I found Certified Hereford Beef and cut it against what we were already selling, it made perfect sense — there is no comparison,” he explains. “One hundred percent of what I have in my refrigerator is Certified Hereford Beef.”

Why CHB? Mike Ritcher, Coborn’s Inc. senior meat director, says his company was seeking a program that would differentiate it from all the other packers. “I could have taken a black-hided program, because there are plenty of them out there,” he explains, “But that is the problem, there are too many out there.” When he visited a ranch in South Dakota that supplies Hereford cattle for CHB, he remembered the consistency of the cattle drawing him into the program. After Coborn’s tested the product against others, the company soon found it was

more than consistency. He says the tenderness and flavor were superior, as well. “It was the best thing I ever did,” he recalls. “It differentiated us from other competitors without a doubt.” In Tinkle’s situation, as a distributer, he is tasked with convincing retailers to make a change by adopting the CHB program. For him marketing is a huge piece of the program success in the retail setting — and it is no easy feat. “Getting a branded-beef program into a distributor like mine is a huge undertaking,” he explains. “But if you give them the right program, the payoff is substantial.” Tinkle says the marketing, paired with a consistent product, has been that payoff for his company. Similarly, Ellinger says the consistency and head-tohead cutting with other products were the selling points for his restaurant. He notes a positive influx in his customer base after the introduction of CHB.

Consistency is key As consistency is obviously a large selling point, CHB has 10 carcass specifications that

ensure consistent quality. One of those indicates a ribeye must be between 10 and 16 square inches. Ritcher, Tinkle and Ellinger all agree the size specification is critical to cater to today’s consumer. “Over the years, the consumer has changed,” Ritcher explains. “The habits have become more portion-driven.” In response to the change, his company began offering smaller steaks, which paid off. “In the end, we sell more tonnage,” he notes. “We sell more units, and we definitely satisfy the customer. Then we have them returning to the meat counter to buy beef.” Because the ribeye is indicative of the rest of the animal, the size specification assures uniformity in the remainder of the cuts. Any lack in the promised size can result in a monetary and confidence loss for the distributor aiming to sell the product to retailers. Tinkle says if the box he sells does not comply with the specification, not only does he get a negative phone call, but the buyer may also send back the product. “It goes back to that consistency,” he notes. “The expectation is, even though this is an agricultural product, to be perfect.” At the end of the day, all changes are led by consumer demand. Ellinger’s unique perspective as a restaurant owner allows him to see what consumers want firsthand. He, too, is seeing a demand for smaller ribeyes. However, that doesn’t discount the value in uniformity. “For the restaurant, the most important thing is consistency,” he notes. “Once you get one customer, you want to lock them away to make sure they don’t leave then start work on the next one.” It is evident after hearing from all sectors in the industry, the CHB program provides a consistently high-quality product, which is beneficial from all industry segments. In order to continue to spur the increase in sales with CHB, all panelists agreed — producers must continue to “Demand the Brand.”

Industry experts representing foodservice and retail segments discussed what happens after Hereford beef enters into the food supply.


| January 2018


Our commitment to you — Maternal. Efficient. Profitable. Proven.

Sires in our offering will include:

HH Advance 4105B

LCI BD 30Z Silver 319C

HH Advance 4067B ET

Annual Bull and Heifer Sale Thursday, Feb. 1st

1 p.m. (CDT) at the Ranch Sale Barn Bid from the seats, online or on Dish Channel 232

In addition to the best stacked Line 1 and Canadian genetics available, we offer trucking and self-haul rebates, Bull Breeding Guarantee and split six-month insurance. Contact us for a catalog. Watch our website for videos in late January.

CL1 Domino 5184C

Selling 175 Lots:

• 92 Two-Year-Old Bulls • 20 Yearling Bulls, including 2018 National Western Carload • 63 Yearling Open Heifers

Herd Sires:

HH Advance 4105B • HH Advance 4067B C L1 Domino 5184C • LCI BD 30Z Silver 319C HH Advance 3203A • C L1 Domino 330A HH Advance 1193Y • HH Advance 2207Z C L1 Domino 0141 John and Mary Ridder Family Callaway, Nebraska

www.ridderranch.com In the pasture, at the feedlot and on the table… nothing works like a Hereford. Hereford.org

mailbag@ridderranch.com 308.836.4430 land 402.450.0431 cell

January 2018 |



| January 2018


Something to think about at Noack Herefords:

What tools do you need to build a reliable breeding program?

CL 1 DOMINO 0145X 1ET – 43082486 Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 860U Dam: CL 1 DOMINETTE 440P 1ET

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -9.4 5.0 70 117 1.2 1.4 7.6 29 64 -10.4 140 1.50 1.60 83 0.066 0.57 -0.11 15 14 28

A sharp pencil Accurate and complete records are the foundation of any successful operation. Since you cannot improve what you do not measure, we collect every piece of data the AHA requires, and a few that they don’t. This allows us to choose bulls that fit the current needs of our herd, and select individual matings that will improve multiple traits at once.

CL1 DOMINO 5184C – 43575931 Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 215Z Dam: CL1 DOMINETTE 123Y

CE 3.3

BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 3.9 75 117 1.4 1.4 11.8 29 67 5.1 136 1.30 1.30 68 0.016 0.37 0.08 19 18 23

VSD L1 0145X DOMINETTE 700 – 43799634

VSD 0145X DOMINO 6006 – 43757315

VSD L1 5184C DOMINETTE 721 – 43799629

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -1.9 2.7 53 88 0.5 0.9 8.9 26 52 -4.1 103 1.40 1.50 68 0.056 0.39 0.02 16 15 26

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -0.5 2.4 50 80 0.3 0.8 10.3 29 54 -2.0 92 1.40 1.50 68 0.036 0.37 -0.02 18 15 27

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 2.2 4.1 59 92 0.6 1.1 12.7 25 54 2.8 112 1.30 1.40 61 0.006 0.23 0.14 20 18 24

Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 0145X 1ET Dam: P&R MS ADVANCER 934W

Sells Feb. 15th at Fisher Family Herefords

Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 0145X 1ET Dam: LN MISS BRUMMEL 7150

Sire: CL1 DOMINO 5184C Dam: BAR COWGIRL L1 026

Sells Jan. 28th at Cowtown Sale in Ft. Worth

Sells Feb. 15th at Fisher Family Herefords

A sharp eye - There is nothing more satisfying than looking out at your pasture and liking what you see. While we gladly take advantage of the insights EPDs are able to provide, we believe that breeding cattle requires both art and science. Visual appraisal for overall soundness and general appeal supplements the information we have on file and allows us to make well rounded, well informed decisions.

VSD L1 0145X DOMINO 6024 – 43758603 Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 0145X 1ET Dam: HH MISS ADVANCE 8285U ET

A sharp knife Depending on the year, 25% to 30% Noack Hereford bull calves are selected to enter the breeding population. Strict, relentless culling is the most valuable tool in any cattleman’s pocket, and we are careful to make diligent use of it. Since we apply the same selection pressure to the cow herd, we feel confident enough in our genetics to offer a 4 year guarantee on every bull we sell. These and 22 more like them are offered for sale private treaty.

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -4.8 4.4 57 100 0.6 0.6 12.2 28 56 -3.5 108 1.40 1.30 79 0.026 0.56 -0.12 20 17 31

LN MISS BRUMMEL 7150 — Dam of 6006


VSD 0145X DOMINO 6004 – 43757308 Sire: CL 1 DOMINO 0145X 1ET Dam: LN DIPLOMA 0523X

CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ -5.9 3.9 61 101 0.8 1.1 7.4 24 54 -6.1 115 1.30 1.40 72 0.046 0.40 0.01 15 14 27

Pictured here at age 11, is 7150, dam of the 6006 bull (see above). She has never missed a calf, calves in the first 30 days of the season, and her average weaning ratio is 106. Our motto is “Form follows function” and 7150 illustrates beautifully many of the goals of our program. At Noack Herefords, we believe every animal is a tool that, when used properly, will carry us one step closer to the optimum herd of cows, that uses the minimum amount of resources to produce the maximum pounds of beef. While perfection may be impossible, improvement never is.

Noack Herefords Vernie and Shiloh Doehring • Rockdale, TX 417-733-3444 • 936-827-5158 Steven Noack 979-218-0065 vldoehring@gmail.com •NoackHerefords.com 4 year guarantee Noack Hereford bulls are guaranteed to be suitable for breeding and sound in every way at time of purchase, and for the following 4 years, provided he is maintained at a body condition score (BCS) of 5 or greater. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your bull(s), we will make it right. Bulls returned less than 1 year after purchase will be replaced. If more than one year has passed, you will receive compensation equal to your loss towards the purchase of one other bull. Example 1: Your bull cost $4,000. You return him after 3 years. We credit you $1,000. Example 2: Your bull cost $12,000. You return him after 2 years. We credit you $6,000. No, you can't buy 2 bulls. We reserve the right to have our vet perform a breeding soundness exam (BSE) on all returned bulls. Trade in Program You may bring in any bull, of any age, breed, or quality, and Noack Herefords will weigh him up, and credit you top (slaughter) market price towards the purchase of one of our bulls.

January 2018 |


Table 1: Feed costs Average profit Top 35% profit of all farms Bottom 20% $ difference % difference Total feed costs $389.80 $508.01 $528.08 -$138.28 35% Pasture costs $181.71 $232.31 $236.38 -$54.67 30% Protein and minerals $30.35 $29.41 $2.00 +$28.35 93% Hay alfalfa and grass $113.31 $165.33 $151.69 -$38.38 34% Other feeds $64.43 $80.96 $138.01 -$73.58 114%

Table 2: Direct costs other than feed Average profit Top 35% profit of all farms Bottom 20% $ difference % difference Veterinary expenses $18.87 $31.02 $38.58 -$19.71 104% Breeding fees $8.19 $9.17 $9.91 -$1.72 21% Repairs $46.69 $57.04 $119.13 +$72.44 155% Total direct cost $528.63 $672.09 $829.36 -$300.73 57% Return over direct expenses $220.45 $162.32 $-133.15 -$353.60 160%

Table 3: Overhead expenses to the beef operations Average profit Top 35% profit of all farms Bottom 20% $ difference % difference Hired labor $2.45 $14.67 $26.40 -$23.95 977% Property taxes $10.24 $14.89 $38.62 -$28.38 277% Farm insurance $8.77 $15.26 $28.25 -$19.48 222% Interest $11.88 $20.49 $55.67 -$43.79 368% Depreciation $40.49 $60.00 $115.60 -$75.11 186% Total overhead expenses $109.14 $151.94 $297.87 -$188.73 173% Total direct and overhead expenses $637.11 $824.03 $1,127.22 -$490.11 77%

Table 4: Cost of production per cwt. of calf produced and production parameters Average profit Top 35% profit of all farms Bottom 20% $ difference % difference Total direct expenses per unit $79.18/cwt. $114.89/cwt. $125.36/cwt. $46.18/cwt. 58% Total direct and overhead expenses $95.53/cwt. $140.87/cwt. $170.38/cwt. $74.85/cwt. 78% With labor and management $175.73 $183.05 $222.15 $46.42/cwt. 26% Labor hours per unit 3.92 hours 4.73 hours 7.23 hours $-3.31 7.23% Average weight of beef calves sold 628 lb. 624 lb. 598 lb. -30 lb. 4.78% Culling % 12.8% 15.4% 32.3% -19.5% 152% Pounds weaned per exposed female 471 lb. 473 lb. 510 lb. 39 lb. 8.28% Average price per cwt. $204.43/cwt. $214.86/cwt. $202.35/cwt. -$1.98/cwt. 1% Cull sales $188.87 $231.32 $520.86 +$331.99 176% Gross margin $749.08 $834.41 $696.21 -$52.87 7.06% Replacement costs $72.64 $130.33 $191.78 -$119.14 164%


| January 2018

Cost Control Benchmarking your herd to improve profitability. by Randy Saner, Nebraska Extension Educator, beef.unl.edu


enchmarking your herd can be an important tool to look at cost and revenues compared to those of other beef producers. Producers can look at where their expenses are high compared to other similar cow-calf producers. Benchmarking can provide better feedback the more similar the operation. Once the high cost category or reduced revenues are identified, form a strategy to overcome the challenge. Questions to consider are::

1) Can I change price?

2) Can I change quantity, i.e., pounds?

3) If I change quantity, will it increase costs?

Remember the simple equation for profit equals total revenue minus total costs. When producers look at costs, feed costs are the largest costs they deal with. Table 1 has Nebraska and South Dakota feed costs per cow in 2015 for 34 farms. Other significant cost for beef cow-calf operations are repairs, veterinary expenses, breeding fees and total direct expenses. Table 2 shows some of these direct expenses. Overhead expenses can also have an effect on profitability. These would include building and machinery depreciation, hired labor, property taxes, farm insurance, interest and miscellaneous items (Table 3). Table 4 contains the cost of production per hundredweight (cwt.) of calf produced, as well as some of the production parameters for the different profitability groups. Cost control is the key to profitability of a cow-calf operation. In some cases, a producer may want to spend more; an example would be protein and minerals. The low profit producers spent the least amount in this area. The cow’s nutrient requirements must be met in order for adequate reproductive performance. The low profitability group had a higher culling rate. Notice the high profitability producers spent less on most costs and received a higher price per cwt. than the low profitability producers. These data were generated from the FINBIN farm financial database at the University of Minnesota and can be found at finbin.umn.edu/.



January 2018 |


2017 State Tours in Review California-Nevada Hereford Field Day and Tour The California-Nevada Hereford Field Day and Tour took place April 7-8 in Bakersfield, Calif. Attendees kicked off the weekend with an evening reception and social hosted by Dewar Farms. Snedden Ranch hosted the tour Saturday morning. Hereford breeders ate lunch at the ranch before heading to an afternoon tour at the West Kern Oil Museum. To close the events, breeders were treated to dinner at the iconic Woolgrowers Basque restaurant.

Mississippi Hereford Association Field Day Joe Waggoner hosted the first Mississippi Hereford Association (MHA) field day in several years on April 29 at his farm near Lena. The day included talks by Eric Walker, past American Hereford Association (AHA) president, and Shane Bedwell, AHA director of breed improvement. Mike Dobbins, MHA president, opened the program MHA President Mike Dobbins opens the program for the field day near Lena. with a welcome and then introduced Joe Waggoner. Joe welcomed everyone to his operation and gave some general information about his breeding program. A judging contest with expected progeny differences (EDPs) provided on all the classes and a lunch was offered to attendees. Other presenters included: Andy Berry, Mississippi Cattleman’s Association executive vice president; and Cornerstone Genetics and Tommy Coley, AHA field staff, over reproduction. Cattle from the Waggoner program were available for viewing including herd bulls, yearling heifers, embryo transfer (ET) calves and cow/calf pairs.

Richard Snedden and Mark Holt, American Hereford Association (AHA) field staff, welcome Hereford breeders to the Snedden Ranch for a tour.

Richard Snedden explains to attendees how they operate.

MHA board directors welcome attendees to the state’s first field day in several years.

Wisconsin Hereford Association Field Day More than 100 Hereford breeders gathered June 24 for the Wisconsin Hereford Field Day in central Wisconsin. The day began with a tour of Next Generation Genetics in Endeavor and ended at Pierce’s Hereford Haven in Baraboo. The Brancel family of Next Generation Genetics hosted the first stop on the tour, which included a judging class, cattle viewing, a demonstration from BioZyme® Inc. representatives and a discussion with Jack Ward, AHA executive vice president. Attendees viewed cattle on display before being brought inside for a Certified Hereford Beef (CHB®) hamburger lunch. After the meal, participants heard from Ward on the importance of genomics, breed improvement updates

AHA Executive Vice President Jack Ward addressed attendees at their first stop.


| January 2018

and the new genetic evaluation. Kevin Glaubius, director of nutrition and technical sales, and Kevin Arand, area sales manager for BioZyme Inc., were on-hand to discuss mineral programs and products as well as answer questions from attendees. BioZyme also donated heat and stress tubs as door prizes for the tour attendees. Crystal Blin, BioZyme marketing programs manager, gave participants additional information about their role in the Hereford Youth Foundation of America’s Feed the Future program and how breeders could get involved. After lunch, the tour headed to Pierce’s Hereford Haven for a pasture tour, a lesson on economic practices and a brisket dinner.

Attendees viewed cattle on both stops during the field day. Hereford.org

Whitehawk/Barnes Field Day Whitehawk Ranch and Barnes Herefords hosted a field day for Hereford breeders July 29, at their farms in west central Georgia. The event was well attended by registered and commercial breeders from nine states. The morning program began at Whitehawk Ranch, Buchanan, Ga., with a welcome by owner Gary Hedrick, County Commissioner Allen Poole, and Georgia Hereford Association President John Watson. The attendees boarded trailers for a pasture tour of the Whitehawk cow herd and Georgia Hereford Association President John a discussion of the intensive Watson welcomes attendees to the field day. grazing program utilized at Whitehawk. The group enjoyed a CHB hamburger lunch at Whitehawk and then traveled north to Barnes Herefords in Cedartown, Ga. Roy Barnes, owner, and Kevin Akins, manager, welcomed them. To start the afternoon program, the Whitehawk crew gave a tattooing and DNA collecting demonstration. Attendees then enjoyed a demonstration on utilizing the “Bud Box” by the Barnes crew at their working facility. Guests had the opportunity to tour Barnes Herefords and learn about their introduction of Georgia adapted-and-bred Alfalfa in their forage program. Trey Befort, AHA director of commercial marketing, gave an informative talk regarding marketing Hereford-influenced feeder cattle. In conclusion, the group was served a CHB ribeye dinner followed by a presentation by Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture, Gary Black. The program concluded with announcements of door prize and judging contest winners.

Kevin Akins, manager of Barnes Herefords, demonstrates the proper way to utilize the “Bud Box.”

North Carolina Hereford Association Field Day John Wheeler of Double J Farm, Traphill, N.C., hosted the North Carolina Hereford Association field day Aug. 12. The first session educated attenders about the Double J breeding program on a pasture tour. The second stop highlighted their pasture and forage program and the third stop was to view the working facilities and the cattle they had on display. From there, everyone moved Attendees enjoyed a pasture tour highlighting the pasture and to the assembly hall at a forage program at Double J Farm. nearby church where a CHB hamburger lunch was served followed by the afternoon program. Shane Bedwell, AHA director of breed improvement, led off the afternoon program by discussing making genetic selections using EPDs and the new selection tools to expect soon. Tommy Mead, AHA Board of Directors, discussed marketing Hereford bulls. Seth Church and Channing Gooden, commercial producers, led a discussion about what they look for when they buy Hereford bulls and ways to market Hereford-influenced feeder cattle. Bryan Blinson, Executive Director North Carolina Cattlemen’s Association, discussed what the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and the North Carolina Cattlemen are doing to help cattle producers and what producers can do to help them. Tommy Coley, AHA, summarized the day’s programs and presentations.

CHB hamburgers were served for attendees during lunch.

Nebraska Hereford Association Tour The Nebraska Hereford Association Tour took place Aug. 19-20, in northeast Nebraska. Saturday’s tour hosts included: Bar M Herefords, Hordville; Frenzen Polled Herefords, Fullerton; JMS Cattle Co., Cedar Rapids; Thistle Hill Herefords, Madison; Hula Herefords, Creston; TKR Herefords, Waverly; and Vernon Yost and Sons, Columbus. Attendees were treated to lunch at Frenzen Polled Herefords, and the youth had an opportunity to participate in a judging contest. Hula Herefords hosted the evening meal. Sunday tour hosts included: Blueberry Hill Farms, Norfolk; JAS Satorie Farms, Herman; TWJ Farms, Caroll; Huwaldt Herefords, Randolph; Huwaldt Cattle Co, Osmond; JB Ranch, Wayne; Laible Herefords, Bloomfield; Melcher Herefords, Page; and Kester Herefords, Clearwater. Huwaldt Herefords hosted lunch and Kester Herefords hosted the evening meal. Results of the judging contest were announced at the conclusion of dinner.

Hereford breeders enjoyed a meal and educational programs at Kester Herefords in Clearwater.

Attendees were welcomed to Bar M Herefords in Hordville to kick off the Nebraska Hereford Association Tour weekend. continued on page 68...


January 2018 |


...2017 State Tours in Review continued from page 67

Southeast Wisconsin Hereford State Tour

Kansas Hereford Tour

The Wisconsin Hereford Association hosted the Fall Southeast Wisconsin Hereford State Tour Aug. 26-27. Saturday stops included: Bacon Branch Beef, Platteville; Wildcat Cattle Company, Darlington; Thousand Hills Herefords, Stockton, Ill.; and Sand Rock Ranch, Benton. Attenders heard from Select Sires who demonstrated the Cow Manager Activity Monitoring System, and Shane Bedwell, AHA director of breed improvement, on the Young Sire Evaluation Program. Attenders enjoyed a CHB steak dinner with all the trimmings, co-sponsored by Zoetis. Sunday stops included: Plum River Ranch, Pearl City, Ill.; and Owego Stock Farm, Argyle, Wis. Sunday included cattle viewing at each stop and a barbecued beef lunch with all the fixings. Closing remarks and drawing for door prizes concluded the tour.

The Kansas Hereford Tour was hosted Aug. 26-27. The tour stops included: Oleen Cattle Company, Falun; Alexander Farms, Gypsum; Reed Seedstock, Clifton; Double S Cattle Company, Clay Center; Ringer Herefords, Concordia; Swenson Herefords, Concordia; Walnut Grove Farms, Agenda; and Jensen Brothers, Courtland. The emphasis of the weekend was the utilization of Hereford bulls on Angus cows to promote feed yard efficiency for commercial cattlemen.

Missouri Hereford Field Day The Missouri Hereford Association hosted the District 7 Missouri Field Day Sept. 9-10 in southwestern Missouri. Saturday began at Bonebrake Herefords for breakfast, a cattle tour and ultrasound demonstration by David Aborn. Attendees then visited the College of the Ozarks for lunch, an overview of the college and beef programs, and several student-led educational demonstrations. The last stop was at Butler Polled Herefords, Republic, Mo. Attenders heard from: Jimmie, Andrea and Joel Butler; Cody and Jocelyn Washam; Ace’s Polled Herefords, Danny Fanning; and Trailwood Cattle Co., Don and Kathy Sissel, on cattle tours before their steak dinner and night of entertainment. After breakfast Sunday, attenders visited the Toothache Ranch, Walnut Grove, Mo., as well as the McCorkill, Rawie and Bolin families to view cattle on display. The field day concluded at High Prairie Farms; Buffalo, Mo. High Prairie Farms invited WMC Cattle Co., Triple H Acres and the Kleinman family to display cattle and host lunch. Attendees not only gained knowledge, but they also received door prizes over the course of the weekend for participating.

Cattle were on display at Walnut Grove Farms by the Valek family in Agenda.

South Dakota Hereford Tour The South Dakota Hereford Tour took place Sept. 15-16, in western South Dakota. The Friday tour included visits to: Amdahl Hereford and Angus; Jim Baker Herefords; Snyder Ranch; Lonetree Ranch; McClure Polled Herefords; Mount Rushmore and Frederickson Ranch. Attendees enjoyed a CHB dinner at Frederickson Ranch. On Saturday, Hereford breeders toured: Carmichael Herefords with displays by Longwood Herefords, Hermann Ranch, Weishaar Herefords and Tenold Ranch, Hawks Herefords, Hovland Herefords and Thorson Herefords. Carmichael Herefords hosted a CHB lunch, and attendees enjoyed a CHB supper at Thorson Herefords.

Tennessee Hereford Association Field Day Jeremiah and Candace Malone of JM Cattle Company hosted the Tennessee Hereford Field Day Sept. 16, at their farm and sale facility in Lawrenceburg. Ben Neale, a representative from VitaFerm, gave an informative talk on the importance of nutrition in relation to cow’s productivity. Neale highlighted the importance of recognizing cattle’s current nutritional levels and needs. The educational portion of the program concluded with Wesley Klipfel, Ph.D., of Cottage Farm Genetics. Klipfel outlined the services available at Cottage Farm Genetics and spoke about fertility in bulls. Additionally, he talked on the factors that influence bull’s ability to settle cows. The group appreciated the CHB meal of ribeye steaks to finish the day. In addition to the other activities, attenders participated in a cattle-judging contest.

Deer Track Farm Field Day Bob Schaffer of Deer Track Farm hosted a commercial breeders’ field day on his farm in Spotsylvania. Attendees began the morning hearing from Shane Bedwell, AHA director of beef improvement, on improving bottom line by using genetic tools and new technology. After a BBQ lunch, David Trowbridge, Gregory Feedlots manager, and Richard Lloyd, retiree of the Virginia Department of Agriculture, discussed the best ways to market Hereford genetics. Bom Harris, DVM, Old Dominion Veterinary, concluded the day with a program on herd health. Youth in attendance enjoyed a fishing contest, and everyone was included in a drawing for door prizes. The grand prize was a yearling baldie steer.

Buckeye Hereford Association and Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Association Field Day Rick VanFleet and his family hosted a Hereford Field day Sept. 30, at their family farm in Pleasant City, Ohio. The field day was co-sponsored by the Buckeye Hereford Association and the Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Association. Guests were welcome to tour pastures and participate in a Hereford cattle-judging contest upon arrival. Christine Gelley, Oklahoma State University (OSU) agricultural Extension specialist for Noble County, led the group on a pasture walk where she gave

an informative talk on pasture fertility, pasture management, weed control and stocking rates. Additionally, Steven Boyles, OSU animal nutritionist, shared his educational perspective on cow herd management. Everyone was treated to a CHB brisket meal with all the trimmings. At the conclusion of the day, the judging contest winners were announced and prizes were given to the top adults and all the kids in attendance.

Attendees enjoyed a pasture walk to learn about pasture fertility, management, weed control and stocking rates.


| January 2018



January 2018 |


America’s Convenient AI Brand CRR 109 American Made 310

Churchill Red Bull 200Z

NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET

SULL MR Harley 5423C

H H Perfect Timing 0150 ET

CRR Catapult 109 x CRR Colorado 433 Churchill Sensation 028X x Golden Oak Outcross 18U KCF Bennett 3008 M326 x PW Victor Boomer P606 JCS Showtime x Remitall Online 122L CRR About Time 743 x HH Advance 3196N BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 2.3 56 82 21 49 0.046 0.53 0.02 0.2 60 99 35 64 0.006 0.69 0.20 3.8 68 118 38 72 -0.044 0.91 0.20 4.7 55 93 14 42 -0.044 0.42 -0.04 -0.7 46 62 19 42 0.066 0.33 -0.06

H WCC/WB 668 Wyarno 9500 ET

R Leader 6964

H Excel 8051 ET

WLB Winchester Powerball 27A

SULL TCC Mr Custom Made 340 ET

TH JWR SOP 16G 57G Tundra 63N x C -S Pure Gold 98170 Hyalite On Target 936 x MSU TCF Revolution 4R GO Excel L18 x C -S Pure Gold 98170 WLB Lego 83T 90X x Remitall Alliance 503W CRR About Time 743 x Ankonian Midas 72 BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 2.9 40 72 29 49 -0.044 0.24 0.11 1.1 65 110 27 60 0.076 0.37 0.13 4.9 58 89 27 55 -0.014 0.58 0.00 2.1 56 76 21 49 0.016 0.56 0.08 2.6 41 69 23 43 -0.034 0.32 -0.01

AH JDH Cracker Jack 26U ET

TH 60W 719T Victor 43Y

Purple MB Womanizer 14U ET

WLB Lego 83T 90X

CRR 719 Catapult 109

NJW 1Y Wrangler 19D x SHF Interstate 20X D03 TH 122 71I Victor 719T x NJW FHF 9710 Tank 45P CH Enuff Prophet 2913 x C -S Pure Gold 98170 WLB Eli 10H 83T x WLB Global 72M 50S TH 122 711 Victor 719T x THM Durango 4037 BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 3.5 50 76 20 45 0.056 0.28 0.14 0.1 48 61 25 49 -0.044 0.34 0.15 5.4 71 106 21 57 0.006 0.75 -0.18 1.2 59 79 19 49 0.036 0.61 0.06 3.3 64 98 29 61 -0.004 0.48 -0.08

NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET

CRR 028X Screenshot 511

CHAC Mason 2214

WORR OWEN Tankeray Y79D ET

DeLHawk WRB Truth 713 ET

SHF Wonder M326 W18 ET X NJW P606 72N Daydream 73S Churchill Sensation 028X x NJW 98S 100W Handshake 83Y CRR ABOUT TIME 743 x GKB 31 GRACE 7100 NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P x BR KLD ROSE MARIE D79 ET DeLHawk Kahuna 1009 ET x Purple Tonic 10M BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 2.2 59 101 36 65 0.056 0.50 0.38 0.8 59 99 44 74 0.076 0.53 0.19 5.0 57 92 23 52 -0.024 0.58 -0.09 2.3 54 95 25 52 -0.014 0.42 0.21 5.2 59 96 25 54 -0.004 0.64 -0.04

RB 6X Take A Chance 306C

MAV Premonition 414B

Elm-Lodge Xplorer 6X x MHPH 80P Tonka 207T BH MR KUTTER 3011 ET x KJ C&L J119 VICTORY 258S ET BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 3.3 42 72 15 36 -0.014 0.31 -0.02 6.9 53 80 17 43 -0.024 0.34 -0.01


| January 2018

H H Fast Forward 2268Z ET

866-356-4565 www.cattlevisions.com

TH 400U 32X Trump 206Z

KJ HVH 33N Redeem 485Tx HH Advance 3196N Haroldsons Trump 16R et x TH 605F 45P PRIMROSE 400U ET BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB -0.9 51 86 20 45 0.076 0.20 0.23 4.1 70 114 27 62 0.046 0.60 0.04



January 2018 |


Louisville Hereford Show Champions Selected NCC Breckyn C1857 ET and RJ AMC Big Chief 6033 ET won the grand champion titles at the 2017 North American International Livestock Exposition National Hereford Show on Nov. 14 in Louisville, Ky. Judge Hampton Cornelius, La Salle, Colo., sorted the 226-head open show. In the female show, grand and champion junior yearling female honors went to Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla., with NCC Breckyn C1857 ET. She is a Jan. 28, 2016, daughter of CRR About Time 743 and showed with expected progeny differences (EPDs) of birth weight (BW) 3.4, weaning weight (WW) 48, yearling weight (YW)

80, milk (MM) 22, milk and growth (M&G) 46, fat (FAT) -.02, ribeye area (REA) .49, and marbling (MARB) -.01. Reserve grand and champion intermediate female honors were awarded to Blake and Morgan Lowderman, Macomb, Ill., with BLL LCC 135 Just My Kind 675. The May 11, 2016 female is sired by RC LCC Justified 135ET and showed with EPDs of BW 3.4, WW 51, YW 80, MM 21, M&G 47, FAT -.02, REA .46 and MARB .01. Grand and champion yearling bull honors went to Rafter J Cattle Co., Abilene, Texas, and Alex and McKenzie Cosgray, Monticello, Ind.,

NCC Breckyn C1857 ET

Grand and champion junior yearling female, by Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla., with a Jan. 28, 2016, daughter of CRR About Time 743.

RJ AMC Big Chief 6033 ET

Grand and champion yearling bull, by Rafter J Cattle Co., Abilene, Texas, and Alex and McKenzie Cosgray, Monticello, Ind., with a Feb. 16, 2016, son of CHAC Mason 2214.


| January 2018

BW 3.4 WW 48 YW 80 MM 22 M&G 46 FAT -0.02 REA 0.49 MARB -0.01

BW 4.7 WW 67 YW 105 MM 26 M&G 60 FAT -0.02 REA 0.70 MARB -0.01

with RJ AMC Big Chief 6033 ET. The Feb. 16, 2016 bull is sired by CHAC Mason 2214. The champion bull showed with EPDs of BW 4.7, WW 67, YW 105, MM 26, M&G 60, Fat -.02, REA .70, and MARB -.01. Reserve grand and reserve champion yearling bull honors went to Purple Reign Cattle Co., Toulon, Ill., and Behrends Farms, Mason City, Ill., with Purple Cobain 30D ET. He is a March 2, 2016 son of CRR 719 Catapult 109 and showed with EPDs of BW 3.3, WW 63, YW 102, MM 25, M&G 56, Fat .02, REA .60, and MARB 0.00. Following the selection of the champions, Purple Reign Cattle Co.,

Toulon, Ill., won premier breeder and premier exhibitor. Aubrey Cattle Co., Monrovia, Ind., also took home premier exhibitor honors. In the junior show, Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa, led the champion female. KOLT Carly’s Harley 2858 ET is an April 3, 2016 daughter of C Miles McKee 2103 ET. Winning reserve champion female was Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla., with NCC 743 Breckyn C1857 ET, a Jan. 28, 2016 daughter of CRR About Time 743. Travis Pembrook, Fairview, Okla., judged the 156 females.

BLL LCC 135 Just My Kind 675

Reserve grand and champion intermediate female, by Blake and Morgan Lowderman, Macomb, Ill., with a May 11, 2016, daughter of RC LCC Justified 135ET.

Purple Cobain 30D ET

Reserve grand and reserve champion yearling bull, by Purple Reign Cattle Co., Toulon, Ill., and Behrends Farms, Mason City, Ill., with a March 2, 2016, son of CRR 719 Catapult 109.

BW 3.4 WW 51 YW 80 MM 21 M&G 47 FAT -0.02 REA 0.46 MARB 0.01

BW 3.3 WW 63 YW 102 MM 25 M&G 56 FAT 0.02 REA 0.60 MARB 0.00 Hereford.org

Perks 2029 Copper Lady 5101

Champion cow-calf pair, by Kade and Kendall Boatman, Rockford, Ill., with an April 17, 2015 daughter of by BR Copper 124Y and her April heifer calf by Churchill Sensation 028X.

North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Show Judge: Travis Pembrook, Fairview, Okla. • 156-head shown

KJ BJ DWE 686Z Salsa 364C ET

Reserve champion cow-calf pair, by Steven Folkman, Ixonia, Wis.; Riley Rhodes, Carlinville, Ill.; Greenview Polled Hereford Farms Inc., Screven, Ga.; and Kevin Jensen, Courtland, Kan. with a March 29, 2017 daughter of CRR 719 Catapult 109 and her April bull calf by R Leader 6964.

Champion female, by Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa with KOLT Carly’s Harley 2858 ET, 4/3/16, daughter of C Miles McKee 2103 ET.

Reserve champion female, by Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla., with NCC 743 Breckyn C1857 ET, 1/28/16, daughter of CRR About Time 743. Premier exhibitor: Aubrey Cattle Co., Monrovia, Ind.

Additional division results Spring calf champion heifer: Kirbie Day, Waxahachie, Texas, with KLD RW Monica D715 ET. Reserve spring calf champion heifer: Aubrey Cattle Co., Monrovia, Ind., and Gary and Kathy Buchholz, Waxahachie, Texas, with Aubrey’s Carly 4054 11E ET by CRR About Time 743. Junior calf champion heifer: Hadley Dunklau, Wayne, Neb., with DeLHawk Smoky Sweet 14E ET by JCS Cool Kat 6928. Reserve junior calf champion heifer: Addison and Jaelyn Koontz, Thomas, Okla., with CLL 480 Kiwi 3E ET by LCC FBF Time Traveler 480. Senior calf champion heifer: Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio, with KLL KLD Tula Rose 611D. Reserve senior calf champion heifer: Bradon Burks, Park City, Ky., with Aubrey’s Starshow 4054 D2ET. Reserve intermediate champion female: M&M Cattle Co., W. Burlington, N.Y., with M&M 556Y Destiny 627 by AH JDH Cracker Jack 26U ET. Spring yearling champion female: David Hockett, New Palestine, Ind., with Ramsey Gabrielle Goldie 40D ET by H Excel 8051 ET. Reserve spring yearling champion female: M&M Cattle Co., W. Burlington, N.Y., with M&M 561Z Dream 614 by ECR RO Tobey 430 ET. Reserve junior yearling champion female: Shilo Schaake, Westmoreland, Kan., with C 1311 5280 Lady 6147 ET. Senior yearling champion female: Bryce and Cole Hines, Patriot, Ohio, with NS 4R Rachael 512 ET by MSU TCF Revolution 4R. Reserve senior yearling champion female: Kyndall Williams, Mount Gilead, Ohio, with HH Lauren 591 by AH JDH Cracker Jack 26U ET.


Spring calf champion bull: Lowderman Cattle Co., Macomb, Ill., and Debnam Bros. Livestock, Gaithersburg, Md., with LCC Redneck Yacht Club 7671 ET by LCC FBF Time Traveler 480. Reserve spring calf champion bull: Carly Kolterman, Garland, Neb., with KOLT Rockefeller 1937 ET by CRR 719 Catapult 109. Junior calf champion bull: Kevin Jensen, Courtland Kan., and Aubrey Cattle Co., Monrovia, Ind., with KJ ACC 4054 Razz 816E ET by KJ BJ 236X Ribeye 207B ET. Reserve junior calf champion bull: Payton Vogel, Hartley, Iowa, with MAV Hamilton 702E by UPS Dominio 3027. Senior calf champion bull: Ben and Brooke Jensen, Courtland, Kan., with KJ BJ 58Z Contender D56 ET by UPS Sensation 2296 ET. Reserve senior calf champion bull: Logan Boyd, Mays Lick, Ky., Boyd Beef Cattle, Mays Lick, Ky., and Mohican West, Laurel, Mont., with Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153 by R Leader 6964. Intermediate champion bull: Kira Sayre, Arenzville, Ill., with SHF Everest 1632 by GKB 88X Laramie B293. Reserve intermediate champion bull: Jessica Goldstein, Effingham, Ill., with GF Warrior 1613 by Ogburn Goodtime 011. Senior yearling champion bull: Edy Brainard, Canadian, Texas, and Kirbie Day, Waxahachie, Texas, with KLD EB Trump D58 by WLB Global 72M 50S. Reserve senior yearling champion bull: Lowderman Cattle Co., Macomb, Ill., Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio, Foggy Bottom Farm, Keymar, Md., and John Heyl, Theplains, Va., with JTH SC Playmaker 22C ET by NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET.

January 2018 |



| January 2018



MESSNER RANCH SATURDAY, FEB. 3, 2018 • 12:30 (CST) 150 Hereford and Angus Bulls • 75 Bred Hereford and Angus Females


BW 2.9; WW 61; YW 91; MM 33; REA 0.20; MARB 0.58


BW 1.9; WW 54; YW 84; MM 33; REA 0.57; MARB 0.10


BW 2.9; WW 60; YW 95; MM 37; REA 0.54; MARB 0.17


BW 1.8; WW 58; YW 82; MM 31; REA 0.57; MARB 0.02


BW 1.5; WW 55; YW 77; MM 19; REA 0.37; MARB -0.07

M 2267 DOMINO 5165 {DLF,HYF,IEF}

BW 3.3; WW 58; YW 93; MM 27; REA 0.57; MARB 0.00

ANGUS HERD SIRES Connealy Consensus 014E

BW 0.80; WW 66; YW 100; MM 9; RE 0.75; MARB 0.54

Sitz Wisdom 723B

BW 0.30; WW 46; YW 85; MM 36; RE 0.37; MARB 0.62

Sitz Upward 472T

BW -0.30; WW 53; YW 95; MM 38; RE 0.55; MARB 0.64 Sitz Connealy IF 4925 4375 BW 1.5; WW 81; YW 133; MM 31; RE 0.61; MARB 0.91

Sitz Substantial 589D

BW 0.50; WW 58; YW 102; MM 33; RE 0.31; MARB 0.75

Sitz Epic 635D

BW -1.7; WW 60; YW 107; MM 33; RE 0.49; MARB 0.70


MESSNER HEREFORDS Rt. 2, Box 68, Laverne, OK 73848 Milton 580-273-9494, Van 580-552-1555 van1messner@gmail.com


January 2018 |

Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions



| January 2018


Commercial Cow – Cow Relevance EFBeef sires are developed under Ranch to Rail Profitability measures. The EFBeef program has 136 years of history offering seedstock Hereford genetics.

The annual EFBeef “TEST ’EM ALL FOR YOUR PROFIT” sale will be held April 14, 2018 Selling sons of: CE 2.5 Acc. .32 % rank 45%

EFBEEF RESOLUTE CEO {DLF,HYF,IEF} (P43591829) BW 4.6 .72 80%

WW 72 .59 1%

YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G 119 1.0 2.2 18.0 20 56 .56 .18 .41 .15 .23 1% 99% 1% 15% 75% 1%

MCE MCW UDDR TEAT 5.5 113 1.50 1.30 .19 .35 .40 .41 10% 90% 1% 15%

CW FAT REA MARB 87 0.046 0.89 0.41 .26 .28 .24 .26 1% 95% 1% 1%


CE 2.2 Acc. .34 % rank 45%

BW 2.9 .53 45%

WW 62 .43 10%

YW DMI SC 99 0.7 0.9 .44 .14 .39 1% 95% 40%

SCF MM M&G 19.8 13 44 .15 .22 5% 99% 75%

MCE MCW UDDR 6.9 92 1.60 .20 .31 .36 5% 55% 1%

TEAT 1.60 .37 1%

CW FAT REA MARB 78 0.026 0.80 0.50 .25 .27 .25 .26 5% 75% 1% 1%

EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF} (P43091736) Acc. % rank

CE BW WW YW 9.8 -0.8 68 99 .58 .89 .82 .81 5% 5% 5% 10%

DMI 0.6 .47 90%

SC 0.7 .67 70%

SCF 17.1 .29 20%

MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB 23 57 10.0 81 1.50 1.40 66 0.066 0.48 0.60 .50 .42 .57 .70 .70 .54 .52 .52 .52 50% 15% 1% 30% 1% 5% 35% 99% 20% 1%

EFBEEF X651 TESTED A250 {CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF} (P43440096)

CE 7.5 Acc. .40 % rank 10%

CE 1.9 Acc. .35 % rank 50%

BW WW YW DMI -0.1 65 96 0.0 .80 .71 .66 .13 5% 5% 15% 20%

SC 1.3 .45 10%

SCF 15.3 .17 35%

MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR 23 56 7.9 74 1.60 .26 .22 .33 .43 50% 15% 5% 15% 1%

TEAT 1.40 .46 5%

CW FAT REA MARB 62 0.116 0.15 0.72 .26 .31 .27 .28 55% 99% 95% 1%

KCF BENNETT X51 B20 {DLF,HYF,IEF} (P43500757) BW 2.9 .60 45%

WW 73 .50 1%

YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G 121 1.3 1.9 21.0 22 59 .51 .16 .43 .15 .24 1% 99% 1% 5% 55% 10%

MCE MCW UDDR 5.4 96 1.40 .23 .32 .40 15% 65% 5%

TEAT 1.50 .39 1%

CW FAT REA MARB 97 0.086 1.04 0.39 .26 .30 .27 .28 1% 99% 1% 5%


CE 3.3 Acc. .33 % rank 40%

BW WW YW DMI 0.7 64 105 0.8 .68 .56 .52 .17 5% 5% 5% 95%

SC 1.0 .31 30%

Our livelihood depends on offering bulls/ females to the commercial cow-calf customer. Our bulls are built on the tenets of profitable cattle production: fertility, calving ease, growth, carcass merit and sustainable cow size with longevity. We recognize that cattlemen have many choices of breeds and breeders to source their input genetics from. To compete in the commercial cow-calf world, our bulls are genetically designed, environmentally pressured and finally selected to be profit leaders. Hereford.org

SCF 17.2 .13 20%

MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR 25 58 5.8 61 1.50 .20 .17 .31 .37 35% 10% 10% 5% 1%

Phil and Joyce Ellis 26455 N. 2300th St. Chrisman, IL 61924 765-665-3207

TEAT 1.40 .36 5%

CW FAT REA MARB 80 0.066 0.84 0.33 .23 .25 .21 .23 5% 99% 1% 5%

Matt and Lisa 217-666-3438 Joe and Lauri 765-366-5390 Call us or visit our website for more information and a catalog: 765-665-3207 • www.efbeef.com EFBEEF CATTLE GENETICS

Where Profitable Ranchers Shop January 2018 |


Hereford Mom Diaries

| by Christy Couch Lee

Enjoy the Ride Recently, I was on a flight from Birmingham, Ala., to Chicago when the plane came upon some rather strong turbulence. You know the kind — it starts with just a bounce or two and then evolves into a seemingly neverending roller coaster. Your stomach begins to drop. You begin to grasp the armrests just a bit too tightly. Will this plane make a safe landing? Will this craziness ever end? Just get me off this plane. But then the plane makes it through to the other side, and the flight levels out again.

When the plane touches down, a few folks erupt in applause, and everyone breathes a bit easier. A friend of mine recently shared that her baby enjoyed the thrill of a turbulence-filled flight. To that sweet baby, it was fun. I have absolutely been there, haven’t we all? When I was in my 20s, I wouldn’t have worried a bit on that flight. What could go wrong? Crazy things like that don’t happen to people I know. We’re invincible. But then, one of my dear friends — one of the bridesmaids in our wedding

— found herself on US Airways flight 1549 on Jan. 15, 2009. The infamous flight Captain “Sully” Sullenberger landed in the Hudson River after a flock of geese caused an engine stall and a necessary emergency landing. Then I realized, those things can happen to folks I know, and they can happen to me. Life certainly took on a different twist for all who know and love that dear friend. I promise you — life definitely took on a new look for her. As I was in the midst of that flight a few weeks ago, I saw the definite

correlation between the turbulence of that plane and the crazy rides we find ourselves on during our daily lives. It’s not always life or death. Most of the time, it’s not. When it comes to family safety, or even to the noncritical issues like our children’s grades, speech contests or performance in the showring, worry and the fear of what could go wrong creep in more often than I would care to admit. When I was a kid entering that showring or stepping onto the stage for a speech contest, I didn’t worry about what could go wrong. I just went out there and had fun. Sure, I wanted to win, but that pit-in-the-stomach worry just didn’t happen. Now that I’m an adult, watching my children at the halter in the ring and seeing them take their position for their speech, I worry maybe a little too much. I now know things don’t always go as planned and life isn’t always fair. But when my child steps up to do his or her thing, it’s truly out of my hands. The judge’s decision is out of my hands, too. So what’s up with the worry? I recently listened to a podcast about anxiety, and the speaker correlated the process of worrying to rocking in a rocking chair. Both can keep you busy, but neither will get you anywhere. If worry is a concern for you, what can you do? According to various research on the topic, a few ideas continually rise to the top. Get some sleep. Lying awake at night will only lead to more exhaustion the next morning and a less-than-sunny outlook. Take a notepad to bed and write down your concerns. This act can remove those concerns from your mind and help the sleep to come. Stop with the what-ifs. Imaginary “what-ifs” can consume our thoughts but can rarely be solved. Plus, they rarely come to fruition. Decide if the problem is solvable. If so, begin brainstorming solutions. Worry does not lead to results. Action does. Embrace uncertainty. None of us knows exactly what the future holds, and not knowing is OK. Uncertainty is neither a positive nor a negative. It is what it is. Embrace that some things are just out of your control, and be at peace with it. The life of a show parent is a competitive one. No question about it. But once we learn to embrace the turbulence as part of the ride, the journey is sure to be a smoother one. Christy Couch Lee is a freelance writer from Wellington, Ill. She can be reached at christy@ceeleecommunications.com.


| January 2018



January 2018 |



| January 2018



January 2018 |


From the Field New Arrival Dalton Louis Dorran, Calgary, was born Nov. 3. Dalton is welcomed into this world by his parents, Ryan and Cassie of Didsbury, Alberta, who own and operate Dorran Marketing Inc. Dalton weighed 5 lb., 15 oz.

Dalton Dorran

In the News The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) President Craig Uden released a statement

Dec. 6, 2017, in response to the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) revision of the United States Standards for Grades of Carcass Beef (beef standards). “Today’s update to the beef standards will benefit U.S. beef producers in every segment of our industry,” Uden says. “By basing carcass quality grades on the most current scientific data available, we will improve grading accuracy and ensure that producers are getting maximum value out of each head. We are grateful to Secretary Perdue and the staff at USDA for implementing this decision, which

demonstrates their continued commitment to supporting American cattlemen and women.” Following a petition led by NCBA, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service announced Dec. 6, 2017, that dentition and documentation of actual age will now be used as additional methods for classifying maturity of carcasses. Dentition is a method for measuring the age of cattle based on their teeth. Cattle with fewer than three incisors are classified as less than 30 months of age (MOA). Three or more incisors indicate cattle are more than 30 MOA. Prior to the change, a significant portion of cattle under 30 MOA were

incorrectly deemed ineligible for USDA quality grades because of limitations in the process used to assess their age. Dentition and/or documentation of actual age provides a more accurate assessment method. Ultimately, this change will ensure more carcasses are eligible for USDA quality grades and allow producers to maximize the value of each head. A beef industry working group composed of representatives from the cow-calf, feeder and packer segments conservatively estimated that incorrect classification of carcasses cost the industry nearly $60 million annually. Carcasses incorrectly classified were sold at an estimated discount of nearly $275 per head. Dentition assessments have long been used in U.S. federally inspected plants with effective USDA Food Safety Inspection Service oversight to meet the export requirements of many U.S. trading partners.

In Passing

10th Annual

BULL SALE New Sale n Locatio

February 13, 2018 • 1:00 p.m. MDT 18061 Elbow Lane, Caldwell, ID 83607


Hereford Sires: Churchill Red Bull 200Z, EFBeef X651 Tested A250, KCF Bennett Revolution X51 Angus Sires: Baldridge Jennings, EF Commando, JMB Traction, S A V Resource, Connealy Black Granite

KCF Bennett Encore Z311 CE 0.9; BW 3.3; WW 58; YW 93; BMI$ 21; CHB$ 32

K F C Bennett Fortress CE 15; BW -0.3; WW 78; YW 134; $EN -26.94; $W 88.90; $B 132.98

R Leader 6964 CE 8.4; BW 1.1; WW 65; YW 110; BMI$ 25; CHB$ 26

S A V Renown CE 1; BW -2.6; WW 74; YW 126; $EN 7.92; $W 63.88; $B 111.55

To request a sale book, please contact: Matt Duckett 208-230-5650 cell Email: southmountainranch@gmail.com | Website: www.herefordangus.com


| January 2018

Hyalite Resource 331 CE 2.8; BW 3.2; WW 62; YW 102; BMI$ 31; CHB$ 32

 Growth  Carcass  Maternal  Calving Ease  Disposition

Sale broadcast on LiveAuctions.TV

Howard Miller, Ft. Worth, Texas, passed away Aug. 11. Howard was born in Wagoner, Okla., into a pioneer ranch family. He graduated in 1952 from Oklahoma State University with an animal husbandry degree. Upon graduation, he was the herdsman for George Nance Herefords, Canyon, Texas, and the Par-Ker Ranch, Chelsea, Okla. Additionally, he was a ranch manager at several other ranches including Corona Herefords, Corona, Calif.; Lost River Ranch, Klamath Falls, Ore.; and Earl Wakefield, Atlanta, Kan. In 1963 Howard began his career in livestock insurance. He was a representative for, and then director of, the American Livestock Insurance Co. and Harding & Harding Inc. With a partner, Neal Stinson, he founded and developed the Better Beef Business magazine, working with the pioneers of performance testing. Howard was a member of several breed associations as well as civic organizations. He is survived by daughters Kathleen Meador and Rebecca Miller Smith; son David Howard Miller; and grandchildren Lee Miller Smith and Laura Kelly Smith.



1795 E. C.R. 1000 • Basco, IL 62313 217-743-5382 • gkrieg@frontiernet.net Hereford.org


January 2018 |



| January 2018



January 2018 |


ECR HW 215 DOMINO 6001

43750256 — Calved: Jan. 1, 2016 — Tattoo: BE 6001 CL 1 DOMINO 9122W 1ET {CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF} CL 1 DOMINO 215Z {CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF} 43268007 CL 1 DOMINETTE 055X {DOD}{DLF,HYF,IEF}




CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 7.4 0.1 53 86 0.6 1.3 9.1 25 51 5.3 108 1.30 1.40 66 0.056 0.38 0.32 18 17 26

• Adj. BW 77 lb.; Adj. WW 678 lb.; Adj. YW 1,147 lb.

Thanks to everyone who purchased Bonebrake genetics this past year! Al and M.D. Bonebrake Springfield, Mo. Steve Greene, manager 417-693-7881 stevegreene@gmail.com

MISSOURI BR E E DE R S Success Breeds Success

Al and M.D. Bonebrake Springfield, MO Steve Greene, manager 417-693-7881 stevegreene@gmail.com


Jeff and Stephanie Rawie Aaron and Kylie Noble 11768 W. Farm Rd. 34 Walnut Grove, MO 65770 417-209-5538 jeffrawie24@yahoo.com

REYNOLDS HEREFORDS Gary and Frances Duvall 1082 Hwy. 97 Lockwood, MO 65682 417-232-4817 417-827-2163 cell duvallherefords@keinet.net Herdsman: Ron Applegate 417-239-4123


Matt, Barb, Tye and Makayla 1071 C.R. 1231 Huntsville, MO 65259 Cell 660-676-3788 Home 660-277-3679 reynoldscattle@cvalley.net www.reynoldsherefords.com Annual Sale Last Sunday in October

| January 2018

Rusty and Marijane Miller 20500 Sioux Dr. Lebanon, MO 65536 Rusty, cell 317-840-7811 Marijane, cell 317-341-3846 millerherefords@yahoo.com www.millerherefords.com

Tom, Siu and Clare Luthy 4789 S. Farm Rd. 193 Rogersville, MO 65742 417-861-1755 tluthy@mac.com www.l3farms.com


Mueller Polled Hereford & Angus

Brad, Shannon, Phillip and Emmalee 573-517-2999 bradmuellerph@yahoo.com Don and Diann 573-547-6732

Rick and Laurie Steinbeck 2322 Drake School Rd. Hermann, MO 65041 573-237-2668 573-680-0954 cell Polled Herefords and Red Angus Breeding Stock Available

Tom Biglieni and Jill Ewing 2109 Des Peres Rd. St.Louis, MO 63131 417-827-8482 tgbig@sbcglobal.net




An exceptionally correct and attractive son of Hometown 10Y. Tremendous depth, spring of rib, and powerful throughout. His EPD profile indicates he can be used on both heifers and mature cows to improve performance, milk, and carcass. His dam is a near ideal Hereford cow with a perfect udder!

1290 Co. Rd. 4010 Rolla, MO 65401 573-341-3820

4195 South Farm Rd. 53 Republic, MO 65738 417-732-6069


Grand Champion Missouri State Fair Grand Champion Tulsa State Fair Reserve Champion Ozark Empire Fair CE
















-1.2 103 1.30 1.50


64 0.056 0.22 0.21




Come by and see “CHIP” in the Butler Hereford show string in Denver and order your semen. Semen is available now, $40/Straw; Non-certificate Contact owners or Reed Enterprises at 417-860-3102 Thank you to all buyers and bidders that made the Show-Me Hereford Classic sale a great success.


Kadabr bra A

Cattle Company


Malone Hereford Farm Breeding Stock, Polled Hereford and Cross Steers Alton and Marie Malone

1371 Rd. F Emporia, KS 66801 Phone/Fax 620-342-7538 malone@maloneherefordfarm.com www.maloneherefordfarm.com


4joekaczmarek@gmail.com Enhancing your herd, one Hereford at a time


Marty Lueck, Manager Rt. 1, Box 85G Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-948-2669 or 417-838-1482 Fax 417-948-0509 mvlueck@centurytel.net


6200 N.E. 142nd St. Smithville, MO 64089 Gary’s cell 816-699-8831 DHF6200@aol.com

Bill and Roberta Kaczmarek P.O. Box 434 Salem, Missouri 573-729-5923 Joe Kaczmarek 417-894-1505 Tony Kaczmarek 573-368-3603

Kadabr bra A

Cattle Company

Mark, Terry, Sabrina and Brianne Abramovitz

6969 Bass Ln. Columbia, MO 65201 573-864-6475 Cell 573-441-9951 Home/Fax telwing@gmail.com www.abracattleco.com

ROTH HEREFORD FARM Home of RHF THM Supreme 2026 1146 N.E. Hwy. J Windsor, MO 65360 Ed and Carol 660-331-4127 • 660-694-0141 Fax Eddie, Mary, Lane and Levi 660-351-4126 croth745@earthlink.net

Jim D. Bellis Family

WMC Cattle Co. Est. 1926

Travis and Sarah McConnaughy 1199 Co. Rd. 116 Wasola, MO 65773 417-989-0486 t-mc2009@live.com www.wmccattleco.com

Jim and Linda Reed P.O. Box 126 Green Ridge, MO 65332 660-527-3507 • Fax 660-527-3379 reedent@iland.net • www.reedent.com Brian, Samara and Terrell Reed 416 North Drive Abernathy, TX 79311 Craig, Natalie, Macy, Mallory and Maggie Reed P.O. Box 124 Green Ridge, MO 65332

Jim D. and Carla Bellis Joanna and Jonathan Jamie and Kevin Johansen 17246 Hwy. K Aurora, MO 65605 417-466-8679 JimBellis@missouristate.edu

McMillen’s Toothacre Ranch Trent, Mary and Family 9128 W. Farm Rd. 30 Walnut Grove, MO 65770 417-788-2787 Cell 417-830-7257 Fax 417-863-6884

January 2018 |


New Members The Hereford World welcomes new members who joined the American Hereford Association July 1, 2017, through Nov. 30, 2017. 3 Wheeler Ranch Dereck and Kendra Wheeler 2111 C.R. 33 Lot 10 Danbury, TX 77534 4 Johnson Ranch Marie and Scott Johnson 251 Raven Rd. Victoria, TX 77905 4J Sanders Family Josh Sanders 5225 40th St. New Salem, N.D. 58563 4K Hay & Cattle Kyle Breland 27022 Military Rd. Angie, LA 70426 5 T Mini Farm Daniel Tomlinson 2161 W. 11660 N. Roosevelt, UT 84066 6/2 Cattle Zane Garner 43128 Old Trail Rd. Baker City, OR 97814 777 Farm Carlos Galindo 1501 Janice Dr. Plano, TX 75074 A Bar E Kim Edmondson 16281 N. Pinewood Way Hayden, ID 83835 Aces High Cattle Co. William Graebe 10001 Co. Rd. 222 Savannah, MO 64485 Michael Adams 5664 Little Canada Rd. E. Bethany, NY 14054 Ade Herefords Jake Ade 100 Paterson Plank Rd., Apt 224 Jersey City, NJ 07307 Allee Cattle Co. Larue Stoller 9813 N. 1997 Rd. Hammon, OK 73650 Antler Springs Farm LLC Matt Lavigne 6000 U.S. Hwy. 21 Jonesville, NC 28642 Arcadia Farm Joyce and Pete (William) Brice 23836 Ricauds Branch Rd. Chestertown, MD 21620 AR Farms Adam Rigdon 17845 Hwy. 80 Hickory, MS39332 Arnefarm Inc. Doug Arneson 445 410th St. Joice, IA 50446 Michael Atwell 6132 Earl Daughenbaugh Rd. Iowa, LA 70647 Austin Land and Cattle Co. Stacy Austin 21411 Fairhaven Creek Dr. Cypress, TX 77433 Avila Cattle Co. Mike and Char Avila P.O. Box 398 Clements, CA 95227 B&D Wright Farm Denise Wright 555 Ridge Rd. Franklin, GA 30217 B4 Cattle Daniel Burling 37900 W 183rd St. Edgerton, KS 66021


Bain Cattle Donald Bain 445 N.W. Paradise Valley Dr. Lawton, OK 73507 James Baldridge 7084 Rt. 96 Crestline, OH 44827 Andrea Barfield 300 Barfield Ln. New Boston, TX 75570 Barker Family Farm Bruce and Sherry Barker 15900 Mitchell Dr. Licking, MO 65542 Bar K Ranch Miniatures Amy Guenzler 1243 Windham Loop Jasper, AL 35503 Barr Farms Joshua Barr 23760 Lawrence 1210 Aurora, MO 65605 Tiffany Bawdon 39851 220th St. Alpena, SD 57312 Beaver Creek Farms Jessica McNish RR3 Box 249 Ava, MO 65608 Beckendorff Ranch Kaitlyn Beckendorff 7615 Willys Rd. New Waverly, TX 77358 Tammy Beck P.O. Box 208 Perryville, AR 72126 BeeCave Farms Kenneth McCoy 11455 F.M. 580 San Saba, TX 75677 Beratto Farms Chase and Emily Beratto 1395 N. Dixie Hill Rd. Mill Creek, OK 74856 Chris Bettis 796 Ridge Rd. Powell, WY 82435 Beulah Land Ranch David and Frankie Teel 3007 F.M. 279 Ben Wheeler, TX 75754 Bigelow Family Cattle Matthew Bigelow 14323 Blaine Ave. Rosemount, MN Big Johnson Farms Ralph Johnson 9037 23 Mile Rd. Evart, MI 49631 Billings Farm Erric Billings 99 Billings Rd. Drummonds, TN 38023 Binowoods Cattle Co. Richard Hebb II 5731 Bino Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 Black Canyon Miniature Herefords Andrea Stone 63288 Jig Rd. Montrose, CO 81401 James Black 3219 Hwy. 29 N. Belton, SC 29627 Blooming Orchards Farm Pete and Betsy Miller 64248 Long Rd. Marengo, WI 54855 Blue Sky Farms Donnie Nichols 550 Blue Sky Dr. Dallas, NC 28034

| January 2018

Jacob Blurton 21627 Weedenfeld Rd. S.W. Rochester, WA 98579 BoonDocks Cattle Farm Josh Mickle 3761 Co. Rd. 522 Hanceville, AL 65077 Boone Cattle Co. Alton Boone P.O. Box 1536 Centreville, MS39631 Borkdale Hereford Lloyd Bork 775 Fern Ave. Grand Marsh, WI 53936 Bourquin Boys Herefords Lucas Bourquin 7378 N. Fielder Rd. Warren, IL 61087 Robert Boyd 201 E. Hudson Blvd. Gastonia, NC 28054 Boyea Hereford Farms Kevin Boyea 10133 Co. Hwy. K Cadott, WI 54727 Steven Bozzo 6168 Bonlee Bennett Rd. Bear Creek, NC 27207 Broadhurst Farms Keith Massey 311 S. Wayne St. Jesup, GA31546 Broad River Mini Herefords Debra Troyer 525 VS Dalton Rd. Rutherfordton NC 28139 William Brocker 12814 Bonnywood Ln. Cypress, TX 77429 Brothers Best Cattle Co. Diego Ramirez 555 Snow Ln. Nipomo, CA 93444 Johnny Brown 919 F.M. 27 W. Streetman, TX 75859 Brush Creek Cattle Lisa/Clayton Draper and Steve/Danielle Henson 439 Co. Rd., 1850 N., Johnsonville, IL 62850 Nathan Bryan 9625 F.M. 908 S. Rockdale, TX 76567 Buckeye Cattle James Currie 6535 Midway Rd. Dixon, CA 95620 Lynn Burgess P.O. Box 523 Ramseur, NC 27316 Badger Lake Ranch Burke Cattle Co. Aaron Burke 1282 Curry Pike Harrodsburg, KY 40330 C&A Herefords Charles and Alice House 352 Liberty Rd. Steelville, MO 65565 Beatriz Cadena P.O. Box 5190 Kingsville, TX 78363 Carlson Cattle Co. Eric Carlson 1175 190th Ave. S.W. Appleton, MN 56208 Carr Land & Cattle Co. Joe and Sammie Carr 520 C.R. 2379 Alba, TX 75410

Carroll Farms and Josef Pettit Noah Carroll 17949 State Hwy. 105 Austin, MN 55912 Lucio Castro 10329 Heddings Rd. Catlett, VA 20119 Reggie Chapman 720 Stringer Rd. Belton, SC 29627 CLA Show Stock Christina Weakley 469 S. McDonnell St. Byers, CO 80103 Karen Clowers 2590 Hwy. 4 E. McGehee, AR 71654 CM2 Ranch Ronald Tanner 14097 S.W. 144th Parkway Okeechobee, FL 34974 CN Cattle Matthew and Meredith Collins 3280 Anes Station Rd. Lewisburg, TN 37091 CN Stars Cade Nickeson 316 W. Lake Hellums Rd. Enid, OK 73701 Ralph and Patty Cobb Sr. 1400 Haley Ridge Brooksville, KY 41004 Cofer Farms Steve Cofer 8621 Wagley Robertson Rd. Ft. Worth, TX 76131 Cofield Hereford Farms Logan Cofield 1042 Leander Rd. Daviston, AL 36256 Colip Farms Landon Colip 8333 W. 1200 N. Carthage, IN 46115 Consolidated Cattle Ranch Kara Haupt 1240 Co. Rd. 471 Oak Ridge, MO 63769 Cork Cattle Co. Michael Kleinman 11921 Summit St. Kansas City, MO 64145 Jay Cornelius 209 Patton St. Rogersville, AL35652 Cornman Cattle Co. Tray Cornman 5104 Washington Ave W. Piedmont, OK 73078 Cote Farms Inc. Rick Dawson 1918 W. 200 S. Morocco, IN 47963 Cottingham Farms Mike Cottingham 1577 Nevada 23 Prescott, AR 71857 Cowell Cattle Co. Matthew Cowell 4942 W. Tunnell Hill Rd. Sharpsburg, KY 40374 Shawn Cox and Garret Goble 475 Organ Church Rd. Salisbury, NC 28146 Jason Craig 395 Cardwell Rd. Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Michael Cramer 11572 Lakeview Rd. Brenham, TX 77833

Crazy P Ranch LLC Bob Grieve 227 Muddy Creek Rd. Buffalo, WY 82834 Crooked Creek Farm Ongria Dow 6395 E. Coe Rd. Shepherd, MI 48883 Curry Creek Ranch Ltd. Darren Billings, 345 Edge Falls Rd. Kendalia, TX 78027 Cutting Edge Cattle Co. Tonya Barnhart 16342 Co. Rd. 102. Nunn, CO 80648 D&R Farms LLC Donovan Chudej 1277 Co. Rd. 250 Schulenburg, TX 78956 David and Sara Day 2370 S. Boston Pekin Rd. Salem, IN 47167 Day Ridge Farm Jason and Emmy Day 361 Browing Rd. Telford, TN 37690 Bob Degrazia 636 Faunce Corner Rd. N., Dartmouth, MA 02749 DeHondt Farms Joseph DeHondt 1650 Cochrane Rd. Allenton, MI 48002 Dellinger Family Farms LLC Barry Dellinger 644 J C Dellinger Rd. Cherryville, NC 28021 Diamond Crazy R Ranch C.J. and Jennifer Radestock 11444 Soapweed Rd. Calhan, CO 80808 Diamond G Bar Cattle Co. William Griffin 988 C.R. 2937 Decatur ,TX 76234 Kevin Dorsey 20315 Bucklodge Rd. Boyds, MD 20841 Dortmans Polled Herefords Steve Dortman II 9713 Metcalf Rd. Avoca, MI 48006 Dotys Country Road Beef Aaron Doty 197 Tait Rd. Lisbon, NY 13658 Double A Brangus Jerry Anglin 9895 Coryelle Ln. Hernando, MS 38632 Double G Farms Jennifer Gibson 668 Rt. 49 Matewan, WV 25678 Double M Double Bar Ranch Mike McCrary and Peggy McGuire 139 Blanton Rd. Eagleville, TN 37060 Double R Farm Robin Norris 2196 Neros Rock Rd. Eclectic, AL 36024 Drake Farm LLC Richard Drake 4892 S. Co. Rd 590 W. French Lick, IN 47432 Drake Farms Jimmy Drake 171 Chris de Lane Starr, SC 29684-9110 Lorry Dupuy 1271 Burma Rd. Thibodaux, LA 70301 Hereford.org

Dusky Dell Farm Denise Patterson 20706 Skagit City Rd. Mt. Vernon, WA 98273 Eastex Land and Cattle Co. David James 3342 F.M. 943 Livingston, TX 77351 Echo Valley Farm Tom and Mary Knox 476 Knox Rd. 1200 E. Maquon, IL 61458 Edwards Hereford Gary Edwards 1879 W. 300 N. Greenfield, IN 46140 Edwards Herefords Jill Edwards 381 Saltillo Rd. Conway, AR 72032 Elliott Cattle Co. 20502 Curtis Blacktop Rd. Petersburg, IL 62675 EME Land and Livestock Lance Epperson 2275 Hwy. 220 Lavinia, TN 38348 Faith Farm Bo Carlyle P.O. Box 42 Purcellville, VA 20134 Fannin Miniature Herefords Ammie and Donny Fannin 307 Rebecca Lynn Dr. Rush, KY 41168 Fenton Acres LeAnn Fenton 32742 Crystal Rd. Strawberry Point, IA 52076 Carl Fish 400 Delaney Ferry Rd. Versailles, KY 40383 Diane Fisk 11576 Sprague Rd. Sand Lake, MI 49343 Five F Cattle Co. Andrew Feller P.O. Box 111 Wisner, NE 68791 Four Winds Terry Willbanks 13425 Buffalo Rd. Licking, MO 65542 Fox Cross Ranch Cary Fox 12525 Old Hwy. 75 Okmulgee, OK 74447 Fox Hollow Farm Pete Workman 12600 Old State Rd. Huntsburg, OH 44046 G&B Ranch Bryant or Dawn Blake P.O. Box 2108 Airway Heights, WA 99001 Kent Ganske 3114 Saddlebrook Trail Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Alice Gardner 34734 State Rt. 537 Graysville, OH 45734 Gieb Land and Cattle LLC Joe Gieb III P.O. Box 2434 Midland, TX 79702 Gilmore & Freeny Farms J.D. Gilmore 118 Deer Ridge Rd. Brandon, MS39042 GKT Mini Herefords Karen Smith and James Buckley 3679 Bethel Cannon Rd. Van Alstyne, TX 75495 Glasscock Chianina Ranch Doug Glasscock 3503 Prudhomme Rd. Eunice, LA 70535 Carsyn Glenn 28118 S. Walker Rd. Harrisonville, MO 64701 Hereford.org

Glover Land & Cattle LLC Matthew Glover P.O. Box 772 Oakdale, CA 95361 Gobbler Hill Farm Jim and Susan McGavran 17354 Carrico Mills Rd. Elkwood, VA 22718 Godde Cattle Co. Zach Godde 38811 Co. Rd. XX Otis, CO 80743 Golonka Cattle Co. Dave Golonka 13406 Scarface Rd. Ft. Jones, CA96032 Kenton Good 303 Strasburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17602 Goodletts Polled Herefords Kevin Goodlett 1064 Claybrook Ln. Springfield, KY 40069 Grace Farm LLC Jerry Sheffield 609 Spearman Rd. Pelzer, SC 29669 Granite Hills Farm T. Joel Loving 6115 Stage Junction Rd. Columbia, VA 23038 Brian Grantham 11705 E. Creek Ln. Farmington, AR 72730 Kara Grant 7425 Santiago Rd. S.W. Albuquerque, NM 87102 Green Top Farm James Gayheart 1418 Cow Pen Rd. Crossville, TN 38571 Grey Ghost Cattle Co. Jesse Ulrickson 146 Revolution Dr. Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 Grimm Family Farm Chad Grimm 15610 197th Rd. Keosauqua, IA 52565 James Gundell 41030 Rd. 774 Gothenburg, NE 69138 H&M Land and Cattle LLC Scott Hardegree 13715 Windsor Garden Ln. Houston, TX 77044 Haaland Farm Carl Haaland 10649 C.R. 208 Navasota, TX 77868 Sheldon Ham 7082 Hwy. 70 N. Crossville, TN 38571 Hanak Farm Joe Hanak P.O. Box 96 Columbus, TX 78934 H and H Farms Holden Asmus 49209 30th Ave. Rake, IA 50465 Jennifer Hansen P.O. Box 127 Max, NE 69037 Donovan Harbaugh 20008 Millbrook Rd. Keedysville, MD 21756 Harv’s Happy Herefords Kelly Timm 2109 510th St. Hanley Falls, MN 56245 Hayes Farms Chris Hayes 625 E. Page Ave. Malvern, AR 72104 Haygood Hereford Farm Linden Haygood 22192 State Hwy. 34 Mangum, OK 73554

Robert Haynes 684 HCR 1120 Rio Vista, TX 76093 Head Farms Matt and Shasta Head 17800 Sutton Dr. Houston, MO 65483 Healing Hands Ranch LLC Scott and Carol Harris 128 Tiner Cutoff Smithville, TX 78957 Heath Family Farm Richard Heath P.O. Box 241 Eaton, NH 03832 Hepworth Herefords Justin and Katelyn Hepworth 345 S. 450 E., Apt. 10 Salem, UT 84653 The Hereford Haus Tammy Liebhauser 9285 North Rd. Fremont, WI 54940 Mike Heslinga 3484 146th Ave. Zeeland, MI 49464 Hetrick Family Herefords John Hetrick 121 E. 125 S. Williamsport, IN 47993 Hidden Hollow Herefords Michael Weaver 1387 C.R. 658 Nova, OH 44859 Higdon Valley Farms Dana Higdon 410 Hass Rd. Jasper, TN 37347 Hillside Oaks Farm LLC Lisa Davis 1070 Nachreiner Ave. Plain, WI 53577 Holly Tree Farm Tom and Christine Hopes 7199 State Rt. 44 Ravenna, OH 44266 Hook & Arrow Farms Kenny Linden 83827 Cloverdale Rd. Creswell, OR 97426 H-Town Cattle Co. Doug Landrum 2077 S. 200 W. Huntington, IN 46750 Huck Houck 16821 72nd St. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290 Hulse Family Farm Ryan Hulse 48508 Spruce Place Hannibal, MO 63401 Hurricane Creek Farms Robert Hanks 274 Campground Ln. Drummonds, TN 38023 Garry Hurst 112 Poplar Grove Rd. Brodhead, KY 40409 Huyard Cattle Ashley and Thane Huyard 7131 Hwy. 66 Timbo, AR 72680 Iron Stone Ranch Richard and Carri Snelgrooes 600 Cole Dr. Liberty Hill, TX 78642 J&B Ranch Jay Fox 12525 Old Hwy. 75 Okmulgee, OK 74447 J&W Farms/Mylrea Co. Inc. Jacob Kolbe 4348 Hollywood Rd. Marathon, WI 54448 Jacob’s Choice Farms John Cramer 9319 Dublin Rd. Walkersville, MD 21793

Marsia Jager 222 J Oaks Rd. Nancy, KY 42544 Albert and Cynthia James 437 SW Schaeffer Rd. W. Linn, OR 97068 JC Ranch Jack Chapman 1457 E. 150 S. Washington, IN 47501 Jernigan Interests LLC Melissa Jernigan 6621 F.M. 1457 Round Top, TX 78954 JK Acres Jason Kaare 2125 120th St. Balaton, MN 56115 JKB Ranch LLC Joey Bray 10375 N. Perry Loop Rd. Stigler, OK 74462 JM2 Farms Amy Brautigam 5061 State Rt. 29 E. Sidney, OH 45365 Johnson Farm Lindell and Vickie Johnson 855 Ledford Rd. Harrisburg, IL 62946 Jonathan Johnson 1201 Young Dr. Eunice, LA 70535 Macey Jones 58 Jasper Hwy. 533 Laurel, MS 39443 Mike Jones 1485 Carter Creek Rd. Auburntown, TN 37016 Daris and Nicole Jutten 70080 Buckhorn Rd. Montrose, CO 81403 K&H Miniature Herefords Hannah Malone 2948 S. 2850 W. W. Havem, UT 84401 K&W Cattle Co. Kathy Brewer 13051 C.R. 4010 Rolla, MO 65401 Tiffany Kainer 243 Hwy. 304, Unit C Bastrop, TX 78602 Kaplan Farms LLC 4509 N. Champagne Dr. Springdale, AR 72764 K Bar T Ranch Dale Kent 53 Stateview Rd. Newcastle, WY 82701 George and Monica Kechriotis 919 Palm View Way Sarasota, FL 34240 Justin Keene 8765 F.M. 1005 Kirbyville, TX 75956 Chris and Tammy Kelln 189565 E. C.R. 47 Fargo OK 73840 Kembro Cattle Brian and Kimberly Kembro 9020 F.M. 1617 Trinity, TX 75862 Kiana Creek Ranch Andrea Slattery 3450 Big Bear Dr. Sedalia, CO 80135 Jill Pronger-Killian 13390 F.M. 2014 Stratford, TX 79084 Carrie Kirton 18800 F.M. 2816 Amarillo, TX 79119 K Jo Herefords Kellie Lasack 21054 300th St. La Motte, IA 52054 Terri Kohler 8761 Kohler Rd. Imlay City, MI 48444

Krueger Farm Earvin Krueger 35170 EW 1130 Rd. Earlsboro OK 74840 Kruse Ranch James and Katherine Kruse 240 Node Rd. Lusk, WY82225 Kuhn Farm Kathaleen Kuhn 5010 State Rt. Portsmouth, OH 45662 Laclede Farm LLC Phillip Smith 11398 Laclede Dr. Falcon, MO 65470 John Lapke 2435 Norton Ave. Logan, IA 51546 Nathan Latzke 29150 441st Ave. Gaylord, MN 55334 Lazy O Ranch Van Owen 5721 C.R. 319 Abilene, TX 79601 Lazy S Ranch Norman Smith 4573 Powell Rd. Gilmer, TX 75644 Jose Ledezma 12033 F.M. 2454 Pittsburg, TX 75686 Brian Lester 1657 Frontage Rd. Buchanan, VA 24066 Lierman Miniature Herefords Mark and Leigh Lierman Family 5489 Horse Shoe Bend Rd. Benton, WI 53803 Tom Lincoln 856 State Rt. 41 Galesburg, IL 61401 Lipscomb Cattle Co. Nathan and Vicki Lipscomb 170 Mizell Dr. Montgomery, AL 36116 Live Oak Farms Tyler McCardle 210 Max White Rd. Purvis, MS 39475 Lonestar Cattle Co. Mark Jolly 340 Sunset Dr., #1106 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Lone Willow Ranch Jeff and Jane Mazur 12727 Hogan Rd. Clinton, MI 49236 Dennis Long 2108 Wornall Rd. Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 Lott Family Farms LLC Roger Lott P.O. Box 875 Braselton, GA30517 Lowry Family Farms Jeff and Kasey Lowry 9505 W. 550 S. Francesville, IN 47946 Loyd Herefords Stephen Loyd P.O. Box 240 Mertzon, TX 76941 LR Farms Shane and Stormy Smith P.O. Box 471 Chillicothe, TX 79225 Lucky Star Farm LLC David Sears 25531 Raccoon Ford Rd. Culpeper, VA 22701 Christopher Lutt 54635 836 1/2 Ave. Battle Creek, NE 68715 M&M Herefords Mike or Miranda Medricky 106 Pearl St. Dante, SD 57329

January 2018 |

continued on page 90...


...New Members continued from page 89

M.K. Maher Mitchell Maher 46005 224th St. Nunda, SD 57050 Markley Farm Mark Smith 585 Blue Goose Rd. Crozier, VA 23039 Dustin Marsh 720 Berry Creek College Station, TX 77845 Gary Matocha 6506 Glenhill Dr. Spring, TX 77389 McCarthy Ranch John McCarthy 1034 Gaw Branch Rd. Gainesboro, TN 35862 McNeeley Enterprises LLC Patrick McNeeley 7280 N. Central Hwy. McNeal, AZ 85617 Jeff and Karen Meudt Farm Jeff and Karen Meudt 160 Co. Rd. K Blanchardville, WI 53516 Meyer Crest Cattle Daniel Meyer 1320 5th Ave. N.E. Dyersville, IA 52040 Midkiff Farms Austin Midkiff P.O. Box 51 Ronceverte, WV 24970 Atley Miller 309 Jasontown Rd. Westminster, MD 21158 Miller Farm Charles Miller Jr. 16200 Cool Springs Rd. Cleveland, NC 27013 Morgan Miller 2304 Centerville Centerville, WA 98613 Thomas Miller 22668 393rd Ave. Woonsocket, SD 57385 Mill Wheel Farm Katie Coyne N7097 Nielson Ln. Johnson Creek, WI 53038 Lucinda Minton 350 Easy Creek Rd. Sage, AR 72573 Mitchell Hereford Farm Ronnie Mitchell 847 O Johnson Rd. London, KY 40744 Steadie and Trina Mixson Farm Trina Johns Mixson 292 Bingham Rd. Whitesburg, TN 37891 MKC Ranch Mark Coffey 420 E. Peach St. Angleton, TX 77515 Moon Creek Ranch LLC Marie Cole 12186 SE 230 Rd. Talihina, OK 74571 Tim Moore 310 Cross Creek Rd. Salem, SC 29676 Lauren Morlok 11110 N.W. 601st Rd. Montrose, MO 64770 Mother Sprocket Ranch Joseph Jeanes 316 Dorsey Way Vista, CA 92083 Robert Murphy 725 Summit Rd. Big Clifty, KY 42712 Mouton Farm Nick Mouton 14905 Sweetbay Rd. Abbeville, LA 70510


N&H Herefords Nick Hoelscher 1593 F.M. 1890 Columbus, TX 78934 N&N Cattle Co. Nathan Norris 1046 Myers Rd. Nauvoo, AL 35578 Neavin Farms Keith Neavin 34375 Cadiz-Piedmont Rd. Flushing, OH 43977 Paul and Tiffany Nelson 813 220th St. Trimont, MN 56176 Newcomb Cattle Co. Bob or Jason Newcomb 290 Co. Rd. 367 Harviell, MO 63945 New Heights Farm Benjamin Irvine 37720 Old Farm Rd. Punta Gorda, FL 33982 Debbie and Joe Nivison 368 C.R. 2332 Mineola, TX 75773 Craig Nordlie 24068 E. 785 Rd. Welling, OK 74471 North Forty Farm Terry Burns 2974 Co. Rd. 816 Nacogdoches, TX 75964 Oakley Cattle Co. Robert Oakley 64753 Lycick Rd Quaker City, OH 43773 Old Fashioned LLC Jason Uncapher 7450 Chapman Hwy. 328 Knoxville, TN 37920 Ben Olsen 29369 451st Ave. Irene, SD 57037 Hope and Kim O’Neill 9354 Co. Rd. 311 Silt, CO 81652 Orchardlawn Cattle Sam Casper N6118 330th St. Menomonie, WI 54751 Pamela Osborne 16539 Bridle Oak Dr. Cypress, TX 77433 Ramona Paine 1327 Cheyenne Ave. Enid, OK 73703 Painted Hills Farm Geoffrey Lingerfelt 77 High Ave. Valley Head, AL 35989 Parr Cattle Co. LLC Blane Parr 4860 S. Juniata Ave. Juniata, NE 68955 Teresa Perry 26172 R Ave. Eldora, IA 50627 Pittman Farms Frankie Pittman 8660 Vildo Rd. Whiteville, TN 38075 Pitts Farm Robb Pitts P.O. Box 166 Hermitage, MO 65668 Pond View Farm Shannon Sims 16512 Alden Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Barry Prather 2318 S. Farmville Rd. Guys, TN 38339 Jared and Corinne Prestwich 710 E. 600 N. Firth, ID 83236

| January 2018

Putman Farms Mike and Dianne Putman 852 Springhill Airport Rd. Springhill, LA 71075 Quad H Farm Stacy and Robert Adams 1682 Deerfield Rd. N. Dalton, OH 44618 R&R Hereford Matt Ruppe 359 Lower Rockwood Rd. Rockwood, TN 37854 John Ramsay 218 Concord Rd. Pelahatchie, MS 39145 Rancho Moreno Caleb Moreno 4049 E Crosswinds Circle Springfield, MO 65809 RAR Cattle Co. Andy Reid 23700 Perdernales Canyon Trail Spicewood, TX 78669 Grant Rasmussen 709 S. 400 E. Nephi, UT 84648 Jon Ray 4397 Perkins Ridge Rd. Brooksville, KY 41004 Red Oak Herefords David Wilson 1614 Christopher St. Johnstown, PA 15905 Replacement Genetics LLC Regina Scharff 10140 S. Hwy. M Dunnegan, MO 65640 Resurrection Ranch Kirk and Ashlie Darnell 19491 N. 4020 Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006 Jim and Dena Rice 14720 Waldo Rd. Waldo, FL 32694 Rich and Kathy Richards 10514 Mulecreek Rd. San Angelo, TX 76901 Ridgefield Farm Roy Carter 1010 State Rd. AA Fair Grove, MO 65648 Helen Riggle 285 Ackley Creek Rd. Graysville, PA 15337 River Front Cattle Co. William Rohr 572 Buckboard Ln. Buckhannon, WV 26201 River Hills Farm Norman Baucom 7417 Hwy. 205 Marshville, NC 28103 Rockin G Ranch Robert Gay 6608 S. Manning Rd. El Reno, OK 73036 Charlie Robbins 2996 New Salem Rd. Climax, NC 27233 Robinson Farms Lucs and Tiffany Robinson 9165 Old 21 Rd. Haworth, OK 74740 Rudy Robinson 13865 Brown Rd. Fredonia, KS 66736 Rock Creek Acres Tyler Evans 1090 390th St. Osage, IA 50461 Rocking G Farm Terry Gaddy 4012 Frankfort Rd. Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Rock N Ro Christina Roberts 4585 S. Farm Rd. 253 Rogersville, MO 65742

Rocky Ridge Herefords Roger and Liz Pinkham 13112 Beatty Dr. Richland Center, WI 53581 Royal Crown Show Cattle Michelle Ramsey Neagle 8063 U.S. Hwy. 27 N. Fountain City, IN 47341 Runamucka Ranch Nancy and Cliff Marks 574 Sweathouse Creek Rd. Victor, MT 59875 Running O Livestock LLC Terri Harder P.O. Box 22 Hooper, WA 99333 S&M Livestock Scott Axtell N3932 NS-1 Dr. Wallace, MI 49893 S&T Angus and Hereford Bobbie Severance 81727 Lost Creek Rd. Dexter, OR 97431 Salt River Ranch Herefords Anthony/Mischell Cooley P.O. Box 67 Santa Fe, MO 65282 Sampson Herefords William Sampson 2203 200th St. Red Oak, IA 51566 Sand Hill Farms Jesse and Reshia Knops 900 90th St. Downing, WI 54734 Kylee Sauceda 811 E. Argyle St. Jackson, MI 49202 SC Farm Sherrie Moratalla 517 White Oak Ln. Kingsport, TN 37663 Schneider Bros. Show Cattle Brent Schneider 202 Schnoebelen St. Riverside, IA 52327 Jared and Laurie Schinzel P.O. Box 91 Pine Bluffs, WY 82082 Schoenbauers Country Corral Marcus Schoenbauer 24435 Drexel Ave. New Prague, MN 56071 Daniel Schoenecke P.O. Box 994 Hollister, MO 65673 GM Miniature Hereford Thomas Miller 22668 393rd Ave. Woonsocket, SD 57385 Seim Ranch JS Jed Seim 19512 Foster Rd. Meadow, SD 57644 Serenity Hills Farm Vincent or Janell Wine 575 Wine Haven Rd. Roanoke, WV 26447 Shady Acres Jeanelle Jimenez 2519 C.R. 62 Rosharon, TX 77583 Shaw Ag LLC Kevin Shaw 8966 S. 800 E. Amboy, IN 46911 Shea T Acres Tim Shea 403 Co. Rd. N. Stoughton, WI 53589 Sheldon Farms Marshall Sheldon 5731 Rescue Rd. Gagetown, MI 48735 Shawna Shuffett 267 Hidden Valley Rd. Greensburg, KY 42743

Luke Simons 11509 27th St. SW Dickinson, N.D. 58601 Hank Sims 2624E 1700 N. Rd. Windsor, IL 61957 Shannon Snyder 12830 Waverly Rd. Olathe, KS 66061 Sisson Farms Michelle Sisson 1633 Jaybird Ln. Springtown, TX 76082 Ryan Slater 2411 Fremont Ave. Shenandoah, IA 51601 Claude Smith 408 Lakewood Ln. Anderson, SC 29625 SoDak Cattle LLC Jeff Boer 27145 477th Ave. Harrisburg, SD 57032 Solek Farm Kevin Solek 230 Granville Rd. Southwick, MA 01077 Michael Smitherman 94 Eagle Ridge Rd. Roundup, MT 59072 Smokey Hollow Farms Trevor Corboy 13705 Corboy Rd. Sardinia, OH 45171 Robert Sorensen 12995 Co. Rd. 2919 Eustace, TX 75124 Starr Ranch Gary Starr 400 Summertown Hwy. Summertown, TN 38483 Gary Steverson 3463 Bevis Rd. Frankin, GA 31217 Brigham Stewart 400 E. College Washington, KS 66968 Layton Strate 2827 S. 162nd St. Fairmont, OK 73736 Stratton Farms Stephen Stratton 936 C.R. 4320 Whitewright, TX 75491 Heath Sumrow 22022 Buescher Rd. Tomball, TX 77377 Sunset Ranch Jonathan and Lisa Bowman 1240 C.R. 240 Morton, TX 79346 Peter Supple 611 5th Ave. S.W. Cascade, IA 52033 Sustainable Genetics LLC Bill Hodge 3267 Tyus Carrollton Rd. Carrollton, GA 30117 Sweeting Family Cattle Co. Keith Sweeting 3104 130th St. Riverside, IA 52327 T&L Mini Herefords Terry Gudenkauf 1840 275th St. Manchester, IA 52057 T-A Cattle Co. Tina and Amos Troester 1681 Austin Rd. Platteville, WI 53818 Taylor C Farms Cameron and Suzannah Taylor 1908 Plainfield Rd. Chester, GA 31012 T Bar T Cattle Co. Gene and Machelle Tatsch 155 Halliburton Ct. Bertram, TX 78605


Texas Miniature Hereford Youth Organization Dee Lynn and Allison Braman P.O. Box 1037 Refugio, TX 78377 Jennifer Thoennes 17150 Old Yorkville Rd. Union Grove, WI 53182 Thomas Farms Steve Thomas 781 McGraw Run Rd. Sandyville, WV 25275 Joe Thomas 194 Austin Rd. Dalton, PA 18414 Jeremy Thomason 7617 N. 142nd E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Tim and Barbara Thornburg 360 Hwy. 133 Riverton, WY 82501 Three Arrow Farm Wells Shealy P.O. Box 476 Flat Rock, NC 28731 Three Cow Cattle Co. Robert and Mary Kyle Inks 101 Co. Rd. 133 Mullin, TX 76864 Tillman Acres Anthony Tillman P.O. Box 1836, 5187 F.M .1753 Denison, TX 75021 Tippin T Ranch Edward and DeAnna Torres 25539 Macedonia Rd. Hockley, TX 77447 TNT Farm Troy Lohman 16158 Wards Trail Butler, IL 62015 T.Q. Herefords Todd Quednau 10456 Steffas Maybee, MI 48159 Trantham Farms Bryan and Kala Trantham 13652 C.R. 7390 Caulfield, MO 65626 Traynham Ranches Buckley Cox 1881 Brophy Rd. Eagle Point, OR 97524 Triple S Cattle Co. Clayton Stevens 12624 N. 2020 Blvd. Allendale, IL 62410 Tucker Cattle Co. Justin Tucker 619 Duckett Rd. Silex, MO 63377 Twin Cedar Farms LLC Webb Dulin Jr. 31440 Blades Rd. E. Cordova, MD 21625 Clint Vancise RR 4 6486 Collingwood Airport Rd. Stayner, ON L0M 1S0 Ronnie Vincent P.O. Box 2497 Onalaska, TX 77360 Brandon Vines P.O. Box 855 Glenwood, AR 71943 Wagner Ranch John Wagner 1023 Lange Rd. Johnson City, TX 78636 Walking P Ranch Paul Young 1096 Chalupnik Rd. Brawley, CA 92227 Delbert Wallin 835 Brow Rd. Trenton, GA30752 Wallin Family Cattle Trent Wallin 15020 R57 Hwy. Indianola, IA 50125 Hereford.org

Waltons Farm Jonathan Walton 18299 Walton Mount Ln. Georgetown, DE 19947 Jeff and Nikki Watson 2376 Airport Rd. Bridgewater, VA 22812 Wedig Cattle Kim Wedig 15482 Dublin Rd. Darlington, WI 53530 Whispering Pines Farm John Schraft 1801 Hancock Chapel Rd. N.W. Depauw, IN 47115 Whispering Springs Farm Rodney Stambaugh 3691 Middleburg Rd. Union Bridge, MD 21791 Chris and Kelsey White 12555 Hwy. 69 N. Adair, OK 74330

White Oak Farms Nate Kuehl 5786 White Oak Rd. Martelle, IA 52305 Laurie Holdner-Wilson 53043 N.W. 14th St., Scappo, OR 97056 Windy Hill Farm Lorenzo (Tony) Chrestman 132 Old Lane Rd. Shelbyville, TN 37160 Windy Knoll Herefords Andy Asher W5003 U.S. Hwy. 10 Durand, WI 54736 Windy Valley Miniature Herefords Tom Nissen 1200 Cottonwood Dr. W. Point, NE 68788 H.E. Wise & Son Farm Harry Wise Jr. 646 Wise Ridge Rd. Dillwyn, VA 23936

WiTri Acres Jennifer Stastny 4741 F.M. 1685 Victoria, TX 77905 Wolff Farms Kermit Wolff 501 C.R. 245 Gatesville ,TX 76528 Nicholas Wolters 28118 S. Walker Rd. Harrisonville, MO 64701 Jay Wolverton 1431 252 Rd. Seward, NE 68434 Xenikis Double A Farms Tony Xenikis 3395 Spring Valley Rd. London, OH 43140 Craig or Michelle Yergen 425 W. Pavillion Rd. Pavillion, WY 82523

January 2018 |


Ostgaard Cattle Co.

Powerhouse Maternal Genetics!

KCL 13P Cataline 48S ET

MF 54N Sophie 242 6003 ET

Donor Battery: DBLL DCC P606 Abby 6267 ET H DelHawk Lady 9801 ET H DelHawk Lady 9807 ET (Full sisters to NWSS Champion, H Poetic Justice 8042) KCL 13P Cataline 48S ET (Daughter of Online’s full sister and Remitall Patriot ET 13P) Elm-Lodge Marvel 9M MF 54N Sophie 242 6003 ET (Full sister of MSU TCF Revolution 4R) DSUL Bunny 011X ET SULL Shelby 6158D

DSUL Bunny 011X ET

SULL Shelby 6158D

Sires: AHA JDH Cracker Jack 26U ET • NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W TH 60W 719T Victor 43Y • H W4 Pure Country 0109 H W4 Grizzly 0146 ET • H WCC/Wb 668 Wyarno 9500 H H Perfect Timing 0150 ET • CL 1 Domino 955W MSU TCF Revolution 4R • CRR About Time 743 SULL TCC Custom Made • CHEZ Divergent 505C ET

Cows, calves and embryos for sale Tom, Angie, Tucker, Tanner and Tripp Ostgaard

John and Sandra Ostgaard 4921 Tanner Dr. Dayton, Ohio 937-233-9712

7602 Pleasant Chapel Rd. Newark, Ohio 937-475-9625



2265 S. State Rt. 741 Lebanon, OH 45036 Norman Starr, M.D., Owner Jim and Beth Herman 216-312-4999 • starrn42@att.net 6753 C.R. C75 Gene Steiner, Management Edgerton, OH 43715 513-616-4086 419-212-0093 Jim cell jimbethherman@metalink.net gsteiner@zoomtown.com

HEREFORD ASSOCIATION www.buckeyeherefords.com

10708 Main Rd. Berlin Heights, OH 44814 Lisa Finnegan Keets, Secretary 440-320-6193 ohioherefordlady@yahoo.com


Polled Hereford Association

41st Annual Sale Spring 2018

Rick Van Fleet 740-732-4783 21989 Woodsfield Rd. Sarahsville, OH 43779 rick_vanfleet@yahoo.com



Eaton, OH 937-456-6842

Doug and Jane Banks 513-726-6876 Brian Banks 513-200-4248 5590 Wayne Milford Rd. Hamilton, Ohio 45013 dbanks3878@aol.com

Heifers and steers for sale

Polled Hereford Farms

“Where Legends are born.”

8570 Shannon Rd. Dresden, OH 43821

Jerry and Mary Ann Berg 16821 Withrich Rd. P.O. Box 224 Dalton, OH 44618 330-857-7967 330-465-6185 cell jwberg@bright.net

Cecil Jordan 740-828-2626

Paul, Marsha, Luke, Sarah, Jacob and Noah


Polled Herefords

| January 2018

Polled Herefords

Banks Polled Herefords

Jeff Jordan 740-828-2620 or 740-704-4807 cell

Conard and Nancy Stitzlein 4551 State Rt. 514 Glenmont, OH 44628 330-378-3421 stitz@mohicanfarms.com Matt Stitzlein 330-231-0708 cell

Cattle Services Jeff, Lou Ellen and Keayla Harr 334 Twp. Rd. 1922 Jeromesville, OH 44840 Cell 419-685-0549 jlcattleserv@aol.com Hereford.org

TRIPLETT POLLED HEREFORDS James and Doris Triplett 254 Hallmark Rd. Statesville, NC 28625 704-872-7550 704-902-2250 triplettmarble@bellsouth.net

Mike Rogan 1662 McKinney Chapel Rd. Rogersville, TN 37857 423-272-5018 Cell 423-754-1213 roganfarm@yahoo.com

Burns Farms 12733 Old State Hwy. 28 Pikeville, TN 37367 David 615-477-5668 Fax 423-447-2023 Dr. Phillip Burns 423-886-1325

Jim O’Mara 3600 Ludlow Rd. Good Hope Community Lena, MS 39094 601-654-3584 omaraj@phelps.com


243 Horseshoe Neck Rd. Lexington, NC 27295 terracefarms@gmail.com Registered Herefords Since 1938

Jim Davis 336-247-1554 Linda Davis 336-853-8019 Chad Davis 336-479-2009

Double J Farm LLC John Wheeler, owner 918-489-0024

P. O . B o x 280 C h a t s wo r t h , GA 30 70 5 Sh e r ma n a n d Pegg y Le onard Home 706-695-2008

Sherman cell 706-280-9490

Seth Ridley 706-463-5331

Matt McCurdy 706-280-9002

herefordswindstream.net www.lphfarm.com


4134 County Hwy. 30 Horton, AL 35980 Glynn Debter 205-429-2040 Perry Debter 205-429-4415 Fax 205-429-3553

Woolfolk Farms

131 Hallie Anderson Rd. Jackson, TN 38305 Scott 731-571-7399 John 731-225-2620 Matt 731-571-3265 woolfolkfarms@yahoo.com Facebook – Woolfolk Farms www.wfherefords.com

doublejfarmllc@yahoo.com Home: 775 Clacton Circle Earlysville, VA 22936 Office: Fayettevelle, N.C. Farm: N. Lomax Rd. • Trophill, N.C. “Quality Cattle for Quality People”

January 2018 |


HELBLING HEREFORDS 4785 Co. Rd. 83 Mandan, ND 58554 Jim 701-663-7123 Fred 701-663-0137 Wayne 701-471-4391 Helbling95@msn.com

Craig, Kayla and Kain 40 93rd Ave. N.W. Halliday, ND 58636 701-548-8243 Cell 701-260-0058 craigp@ndgateway.com


| January 2018

Duane, Joana, Taylor and Thomas Friesz 4465 34th St., P.O. Box 67 New Salem, ND 58563 joana@northlandinsuranceagency.com

www.frieszlivestock.com Selling bulls and females private treaty Breeders of polled Herefords, Corriedale sheep and Boer goats.

Rollie, April and Jake 4260 127th Ave. S.W. Belfield, ND 58622 701-575-8292 701-290-3469 www.baumgartencattle.com

Carl, Lindsay, Casey, Dru and Stetson Olson 16068 24th St. S.E. Argusville, ND 58005 Cell 701-361-0684 Edward Olson 701-238-3601 www.olsonredpower.com olsoncandc@aol.com

Cattle Company Steve Wolff 122 N. 12th St. Oakes, ND 58474 701-710-1574 Hereford.org

Building On Each Generation Greives Herefords Bob Greives 7591 N. Armstrong Chapel Rd. W. Lafayette, IN 47906 765-583-3090 Cell 765-491-6277 Gary Duncan 765-366-6000 greivesgranite@yahoo.com greivesherefords.com

204Z 405B P43713593 — Calved: Dec. 19, 2015 — Tattoo: BE 531C






1.7 2.9 69 110 22 57 4.1 125 1.20 1.10 1.2 64 0.026 0.24 0.14 26 23 24


Indiana Breeders EVERHART FARMS

Green Meadow Farms Mark and Diane Brescher 4336 W. 150 N. Jasper, IN 47546 812-482-7797

Lawrence and David Duncan 1264 N. Mountain Rd. Wingate, IN 47994 Lawrence cell 765-918-2297 David cell 765-366-0295 davidandjilld@aol.com www.ableacres.com


Bruce, Shoshanna, Blake, Ashley, Jordan and Brian 4072 E. 500 S. Waldron, IN 46182 765-525-9864 317-407-3618 cell

Clinkenbeard FARMS & SONS

201 W. S.R. 58 Edwardsport, IN 47528 812-328-6258 Gordon Clinkenbeard 821-881-8988 cell


Stuckey Brent Stuckey 2540 Grandview Vincennes, IN 47591



7157 N. C.R. 500 E. Bainbridge, IN 46105 Gene and Alice Beck 765-522-3235 home 765-720-6601 cell Andy, Betsy and Cody Beck 765-522-3396 home 765-720-1696 Andy cell 765-719-1622 Cody cell abcbeck@tds.net

Terry, Susan, Lillian and Hayley Hayhurst 14477 S. Carlisle St. Terre Haute, IN 47802 812-696-2468 812-236-0804 cell HayhurstFarms@aol.com

R.W. DaVee

Polled Herefords

Good Doing Cattle Since 1953

Polled Herefords

1471 S. 675 E. Greenfield, IN 46140 Ralph 317-498-2443 Ray 317-727-4227 Ryan 317-501-6448 rayramsey77@gmail.com


Clayton, Ind.

Randy, Robin and Desiree DaVee 10454 N. Mann Rd. Mooresville, IN 46158 317-513-5572 Cell 317-831-4747 rdavee@yahoo.com

Dale, Lesli, Chandis, Emilee and Dylan 317-752-1523 www.kottkamps.com Find us on Facebook

January 2018 |


KLINE HEREFORDS Randy and Sue Kline 113 S. Hemlock St. LeRoy, IL 61752 Randy 309-824-9937 Mary 309-846-2687 Sue 309-824-7291 klineherefords@mchsi.com

FARMS 12526 N. Weldon Rd., Rockford, IL 61102

Rick Garnhart Family 6372 E. Edwardsville Rd. German Valley, IL 61039 815-238-2381 garnhart@gmail.com www.mudcreekfarms.com

A den Family Farm

Ray Vandeveer 6261 Brubaker Rd. Salem, IL 62881 618-780-5153 or 618-547-3164 ravan52@hotmail.com 96


Producing Functional Hereford Cattle

| January 2018

Rick, Teresa, Jared and Lindsey Aden 1970 C.R. 2400 E. St. Joseph, IL 61873 RTIllini@aol.com 217-841-1116

Larry Moffett 3345 Southland Rd. Decatur, IL 62521 217-428-6496 Cell 217-972-2367 larrymoff@comcast.net

Burns H F


ereford arm

10124 Michael Rd. Coulterville, IL 62237 Sherwood Burns 618-443-2007 618-521-3678 Kent Burns 618-443-6279 618-521-3199

Cattle for sale at all times

www.perksranch.com Tom and Tammy Boatman, managers 404-372-6754 or 770-354-4195

Doug Perks 815-505-1289 FALL CELEBRATION SALE October 13, 2018


Hereford Outlet Dr. Mark and David Sturdy 5200 Sturdy Rd. Rochester, IL 62563 217-498-9756 or 217-498-7755 Dave’s cell 217-725-2154 Mark’s cell 217-899-3542

402 S. West St. Carlinville, IL 62626 Ron Hallbauer 217-825-6559 217-825-6559 cell Jim Hallbauer 217-854-8690 217-825-6233 cell

Monte Lowderman Auctioneer, CAI, Owner 309-255-0110 monte@lowderman.com Cody Lowderman Auctioneer, Owner 309-313-2171 cody@lowderman.com Watch for our upcoming sales at www.lowdermanauctionoptions.com Hereford.org

Our Junior show days may be over‌ But a New Chapter begins. Calves out of powerful cows like these available next summer and fall

E05D EF 6Y Lacy 14U

2018 Calves sired by: Hometown Mason Leader Undisputed Hutton Perfect Timing Right Track Womanizer

EF5B LF EF5U Chanel JDH 33Z


BH Roxy 09Y ET

Family Farm

Owned with Benedict Herefords

EXR Hannah 483 ET Owned with Lorenzen Farms

Farms Dave, Janice, Anthony and Megan Roome 19574 E. 1500 St. Geneseo, IL 61254 309-944-8143 309-945-8400 cell djam@geneseo.net

Benedict Herefords Larry and Julie 34227 E. C.R. 1000 N. Mason City, IL 62264 benherf@yahoo.com 217-482-5606 Chad, Becky, Noah, Caleb and Faith chad@benedictherefords.com 217-246-5099 www.benedictherefords.com

CRANE HEREFORDS Floyd, Annette and Brittany 815-223-4484 Chad, Erin and J.W. 815-712-5739 LaSalle, IL 61301 C_herfs1@yahoo.com

Tom, Mandy and Jess Hawk, Managers 815-739-3171 Cell Robbie Duis, Herdsman 815-858-4129 www.delhawkcattle.com thawk@delhawkcattle.com September 15, 2018 DelHawk Cattle Company Steak and Egg Sale

Lonny, Kim (Carney) and Riley Rhodes 18736 Cross Creek Rd. Carlinville, Il 62626 217-899-4104 Cell rhodesfarminc.kim@gmail.com

Cattle and Embryos for sale at all times

35073 E. C.R. 1550 N. Mason City, IL 62664 bhrnds@speednet.com Brent, Cell 217-971-5897

Plainview Stock Farms Dave, Marcia, Mike and Elise Hackett 1170 E. U.S. Hwy. 36 Tuscola, IL 61953 217-253-4900 Dave.Hackett@cell1net.net


David and Marcia DeLong, Owners 608-756-3109 delcoph@aol.com

1764 US Rt. 136 Penfield, IL 61862 Buddy 217-649-0108 Bailey 217-714-4955 edenburnfamilyfarm@gmail.com

Samantha, Todd, Rachel and Zach Parish 618-926-7386


LORENZEN FARMS Steve Lorenzen 17696 E. 1825th Rd. Chrisman, IL 61924 217-269-2803 www.lorenzenfarms.com

Jack and Sherry Lowderman Monte, Carrie and Rhett Brent, Kris, Blake, and Morgan Cody and Abby P.O. Box 488 Macomb, IL 61455 Office 309-833-5543

www.lowderman.com January 2018 |


Understanding Your Hereford World Subscription T 1 2 he American Hereford Association (AHA) proudly offers the Hereford World, a publication for progressive, profitminded Hereford breeders and commercial cattlemen who make their living in the beef industry. Here are a few tips and tricks to make sure you don’t miss the next Hereford World. The magazine is published 11 times a year with May/June being a combined issue, and includes seven glossy issues and four

Paid subscription advantages Paid subscriptions and the free subscription with the $100 member service fee also includes: • Hereford AI Book with the March issue • The Hereford Register and the Hereford Handbook in the July Herd Bull and Reference Edition of Hereford World • The American Hereford Association Annual Report in the November issue • All sale catalogs that ride along with Hereford World


| January 2018

tabloid issues. There are three ways to receive the Hereford World.

call the AHA or visit Hereford.org for a form.

Paid subscription

Hereford enthusiasts may receive the Hereford World through a paid subscription, which is $35 a year for second class mail. This subscription is not included in the annual adult or junior dues. An individual can be a member of AHA or National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) and not receive the Hereford World. Please note that Missouri residents must pay sales tax, which is currently $3.36 for second class. A first class subscription is $70 per year and Missouri sales tax will be $6.72 cents on a one-year subscription. A foreign first class subscription is $110 and second class is $60. Paid subscribers receive all 11 issues and may choose a one-year subscription up to a three-year subscription. There is no discount offered to multi-year subscribers. To subscribe to the Hereford World,

Free full subscription

AHA members paying the $100 member service fee receive a free 11-issue subscription to the Hereford World. Contact the AHA records department at 816842-3757 for more information on the member service fee.


Free tabloid subscription

The AHA offers a free tabloid subscription for the January, February, August and October Hereford World issues. A subscription card must be received by the AHA office in order to subscribe. Simply fill out the postage-paid card and drop it in the mail for a free three-year subscription to the four tabloid issues. The card can be found on cover wraps of the four issues or by contacting AHA field staff or the AHA office. To re-subscribe, send in another card. This card will not suffice for

renewing any paid subscription. Please note a free tabloid subscription is not available outside the United States.

Additional notes To know when to renew, take a look at the mailing label. At the top of the mailing label is your member/ account number. To the right of the member/account number is the expiration date of your current subscription. If a renewal is in place (for example, if you paid your member service fee) the date that shown will be the expiration of the current year’s subscription. Also, watch for stickers on the Hereford World received. Two stickers will remind you that your subscription is nearing expiration. The first sticker will state, “Renew now, next to last issue,” and the last sticker will read, “Renew now, last issue.” If you are unsure of your subscription status or have any other questions, please call the AHA office.


ULRICH 12th Annual Tuesday,


BULL SALE Feb. 20, 2018

at Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB, Canada Sale Bulls


GCC Pete 203Y ET

We greatly appreciate the support of both the American and Canadian buyers and bidders at our wonderful 2017 sale! ~ Dedicated to performance, ultrasound and RFI (Residual Feed Intake) testing ~


AGA 60W Banner Sport Zeal 28Z


AGA 18Y Zoom Standard 18Z

AGA 20J Stanmore 21M AGA 114L General Wiley 24W WH 9A Rust Tempest 372A KGA 125R Lad 48A among others…


See www.ulrichherefords.com

Peter Ulrich 403-625-1036 peter@ulrichherefords.com Ulrich Hereford Ranch Inc.

Hans Ulrich 403-625-2237 www.ulrichherefords.com Alberta, Canada

Box 843, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 • From Claresholm: 8 mi. east on Hwy. 520, 4 mi. north on RR 255 and ¼ mi. east on Twp. 132.

The Deadline for the 2018 AI Book is Fast Approaching!

Reserve your space today! Deadline for ad materials is January 25, 2018 Two or more pages — $1,100 per page Full page, four color — $1,150 A half page, four color — $725 First photo of the bull is free; any additional photos after are $20 each. Ads are placed in book according to the date all ad information is received in the AHA office.

Contact your field representative or Alison Marx at 816-218-2284 or amarx@hereford.org Hereford.org

January 2018 |


O 22 Quinn, South Dakota

Annual Production Sale

Selling 35 Range-Ready 2-Year-Old Bulls Feb.13, 2018 • Noon (MST) • Philip Livestock • Philip, S.D.


43129984 • Sire: CL 1 Domino 555R BW WW YW MM M&G REA MARB 2.8 46 79 29 52 0.20 0.04

Consistency you can count on. Not overfed, efficiency is a must. Moderate BW out of good udder females because

“IT STARTS WITH THE COWS” Doug and Nancy Thorson • 605-859-3538 Visit us at www.thorsonherefords.com

“THEProduction BRAND THAT WORKS” Sale — February 27, 2018 HEREFORD ANGUS


20635 Hessdale Rd., Alma, KS • millcreekranch@embarqmail.com • www.millcreekranch.com Chad Breiner 785-564-2091


| January 2018

David Breiner 785-449-2841 (h) 785-456-4790 (c)

Ryan Breiner 785-207-3070



January 2018 |


Thank You to our 2017 buyers Charles Volenec, Montfort, Wis. Don Langmeier, Cuba City, Wis. Chris Hauptli, Waterloo, Wis. David Allen Skaar Cambridge, Wis. 2018 Bull calves and heifers sired by: Churchill Manhattan 428B R Leader 6964 MSU TCF Revolution 4R SK 934S Time Capsule 30Y

(Beckley Ontime x SHF Phoenix M33 P68)

SK T227 CUTTIN EDGE 8Z (SB 122L Git-R-Done x SH 612 Mo Magic 1S)

SH 10Y Hometown Boy 1C

SH 10Y Hometown Boy 1C • P43615953

( Junior herd sire by Hometown 10Y )

Calved: Jan. 17, 2015
















7% 10% 17%




120 1.10 1.10

20% 10% 15%



69 0.026 0.47 0.23




35% 10% 30% 25% 5%

• We have a nice, uniform group of heifer calves for sale private treaty sired by 1C. • He has a CE EPD near the top 1% of the breed.

Watch for our consignments to the 2018 Wisconsin State Sale in Lancaster, Wis., on March 3rd. Yearling bull SK 1C Hometown Hero 18E (Sired by SH 10Y Hometown Boy 1C, picutred)

Yearling heifer SK 30Y Tanya Timecapsule 11E

Spruce Hill Polled Herefords Dean Fedkenheuer Cell 608-513-2112

4248 Gotzion Rd. Deerfield, WI 53531

d_fedkenheuer@hotmail.com www.sprucehillpolledherefords.com


Dalton Tod, Sondra, Blake and Bryce Brancel W7842 Hwy. 23 Endeavor, WI 53950 608-981-2409 608-235-3881 cell 608-697-9026 Ben and Gail Brancel 608-981-2003 brancel@nextgenerationgenetics.com



Polled Herefords Jerry, Maryann, Michael and Karl Huth W9096 County Trunk AS Oakfield, WI 53065 920-583-3223 Fax 920-583-2068 Cattle always for sale at the farm huth@wildblue.net www.huthcattle.com


OTTER CREEK Polled Herefords Chuck and Tracy Badertscher 4313 Cannonball Tr. Dodgeville, WI 53533 608-574-2002 Chuck 608-574-3858 Tracy ctbad2@hotmail.com

| January 2018

Polled Herefords

John and Jeannie Dalton 2279 160th Ave. Emerald, WI 54013 715-338-1729 dphereford@yahoo.com

Kevin L. Stork 715-381-3770 Kody L. Stork 715-220-0021 1569 Co. Rd. A New Richmond, WI 54017 kody.stork@gmail.com

Herefords Since 1966

BROS. POLLED HEREFORDS 1547 75th St. New Richmond, WI 54017 715-247-5217 Gene 715-781-3239 Brent 715-760-1727 Lance 715-377-6876 Matt 717-760-1771

For club calves, call Matt! Watch for our consignments in the Lamb Bros. Beef Sale!

289 Hwy. 128 Wilson, WI 54027 Andy Lamb 715-308-1347

N8494 110th St. Spring Valley, WI 54767 Fred, home 715-772-4680 Fred, cell 715-495-0837 Easten, cell 715-495-6233 Jerry, home 715-772-4566 www.larsonherefordfarms.com

Windy Hills Herefords Mark, Angie, Jessica, Kimberly and Kelly Friedrich

Lance Wirth, Farm manager

1454 70th Ave. Roberts, WI 54028 lambchop33@hotmail.com 715-760-2350 www.lambbrosherefords.com markfriedrich@yahoo.com 715-377-6876


CHECK OUT OUR CONSIGNMENTS IN THE Wisconsin State Sale — March 3, 2018 At Grant County Fairgrounds — Lancaster, Wis.

PF Mr Timefecta

Calved: Feb. 24, 2017 Sire: H H Perfect Timing 0150 ET • MGS: MSU TCF Revolution 4R BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 0.5 47 71 20 44 0.046 0.43 0.02

PF Miss Barbie Doll PF8E

Calved: April 15, 2017 Sire: NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET • MGS: TFR Cyrus 225 ET BW WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 4.2 61 105 30 60 0.016 0.52 0.19

PF Miss Halley Jane PF4E

PF Mr Perfect Legend PF3D

Calved: March 19, 2016 Sire: H H Perfect Timing 0150 ET • MGS: Feltons Legend 242 BW 2.3

WW 50

YW 75

MM 21

M&G 46

PAULSON FARM Registered Polled Herefords

FAT 0.036

REA 0.38

MARB -0.03

BW 3.2

Calved: March 2, 2017 Sire: MSU TCF Revolution 4R • MGS: Feltons Legend 242 WW YW MM M&G FAT REA MARB 61 95 23 53 0.036 0.67 0.12

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!

Virgil and Holly 1754 Rinden Rd. Deerfield, WI 53531

Virgil 608-381-0246 Holly 608-358-3805 paulsonfarm04@gmail.com


GARI-ALAN Whiskey Run Farms


Lininger Farms Chester and Kathy Lininger W1018 Spring Prairie Rd. Burlington, WI 53105 262-763-8846 clininger@wi.rr.com

Joe and Amy Starr and Family

E5198 N. Water Dr. Manawa, WI 54949 920-596-2580 Fax 920-596-2380 starr@wolfnet.net

Gary, Marilynn and Nathan Reinke Harold and Connie Lietzau N6060 Hilltop Ln. 7477 Iband Ave. Johnson Creek, WI 53038 Sparta, WI 54656 Home 920-699-3126 608-269-3627 Nathan 920-988-3631 Tammy and Dan gafcattle@tds.net Kiara and Austin www.garialanfarm.com Troy and Michelle Polled Herefords Since 1960 Jaydon, Devon and Jocelyn Performance Tested Since 1968 Taylor and Ty

BOETTCHER’S BROOKVIEW ACRES Ken and Sandy 608-356-2578 Travis 608-434-2843 Jim E10645 Hatchery Rd. Baraboo, WI 53913 U.S. Hwy. 12 S., 1/2 mile from McDonald’s, west on Hatchery Rd., 1 mile to farm sign. ken254@centurytel.net www.piercesherefords.com


Butch and Maryellen W16163 U.S. Hwy. 10 Fairchild, WI 54741 715-597-2036 Brandon 715-533-2470 Garritt 715-586-0033 Michael 414-339-2516 Ryan, Tiff and Andrew Timm 507-433-1183 cmboettcher@centurytel.net www.brookviewacres.com

MGM East Steve Merry 1840 Hwy. CC Hartford, WI 53027 262-628-3649 262-628-4946 Fax

hjh@whiskeyrunfarms.com www.whiskeyrunfarms.com Hank and Charlotte Handzel & Family 2791 Sime Rd. Cottage Grove, WI 53527 608-839-5207 Main 608-235-9417 Cell


MGM West Gordon Merry 6488 Hwy. C Sun Prairie, WI 53590 608-837-4919

Marvin Espenscheid Family 12044 Hwy. 78 Argyle, WI 53504 608-543-3778 608-558-3445 cell osf@mhtc.net

Improving Polled Herefords Since 1932 January 2018 |


Sales Digest Burns Farm

Combined Excellence

Pikeville, Tenn. | Nov. 4

Lebanon, Ohio | Nov. 4

Auctioneer: Dustin Layton Reported by: Tommy Coley

Auctioneer: Gene Steiner Reported by: John Meents

Lots Gross Average 91 bulls $429,100 $4,715 83 comm. females $158,400 $1,908

Lots 1.75 bulls 23 females 24.75 total 1 flush 9 comm. females

TOP BULL LOTS $60,000 — BF 1310 Rocket Man 629 DOB 3/28/16, by DPH LH BF Launch 1310 ET, sold to P&R Herefords, Leedey, Okla.; Southern Star Polled Herefords, Riceville; and Rocket Man Syndicate, Edmond, Okla. (½ interest).

Gross Average $5,600 $3,200 $39,900 $1,735 $45,500 $1,838 $2,500 $2,500 $11,950 $1,328

TOP FEMALE LOT $6,000 — LHC Marti 718E DOB 4/10/17, by TFR KR Sundance Kid 1448 ET, consigned by Long Haul Cattle Co., Hillsboro, sold to J.W. Cox, Flemingsburg, Ky.

$8,500 — BF Cash Value 5189 ET DOB 11/16/15, by DKF RO Cash Flow 0245 ET, sold to Greg Matthews, Clarksville. $7,700 — BRF 1310 On Target 603D DOB 3/27/16, by DPH LH BF Launch 1310 ET, sold to ZWT Ranch, Speedwell. $7,500 — BF AN 3165 Reno 616 DOB 3/5/16, by BF TMG 485T Redemption 3165, sold to River Taw Farm, Shelby, N.C.

Nelson Hirsche Purebreds Del Bonita, Alberta | Nov. 4 Auctioneer: Bob Balog Reported by: Lander Nicodemus Lots 52 bulls 9 females 61 total

SALE INDEX Able Acres _____________________________ 106 Barber Ranch ___________________________ 104

Gross Average $418,050 $8,039 $66,750 $7,417 $484,800 $7,948

TOP BULL LOTS $150,000 — GH 377X Eclipse 27E DOB 1/12/17, by GH Adams Nitro Design ET 377X, sold to Kurt Sanburg, Montrose, Colo.; Wade Carol, Colo.; and Jason Dahl, Utah.

Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch _________________ 106 Brillhart Ranch Co. ______________________ 106 Burns Farm ____________________________ 104 California-Nevada Hereford Assn. ___________ 105

$13,500 — GH MVP Lucky Lad 39D DOB 1/16/16, by GH 8052 MVP 67Y, sold to Sandy Warburton, Ft. Macleod.

Combined Excellence ____________________ 104 Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc. _______________ 106 Great Lakes Hereford Roundup ____________ 104 Heart of America Hereford Assn. __________ 106 Iron Lake Ranch _________________________ 105 Largent and Sons ________________________ 105

Mohican West ___________________________ 105

Nelson Hirsche Purebreds ________________ 104

Rees Bros. _____________________________ 104 Show-Me Polled Hereford Classic __________ 106 South Dakota Hereford Assn. ______________ 105 Virginia Hereford Assn. ____________________ 105 White Hawk Ranch/Barnes Herefords _______ 104

Gross Average $7,900 $2,633 $88,175 $2,151 $96,075 $2,184 $925 $925 $300 $30

$8,500 — BR Sooner 5572 ET DOB 12/28/15, by DM BR Sooner, sold to Doug Mezger, Granite Shoals. $7,750 — BR Hometown 5535 ET DOB 9/17/15, by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET, sold to Johnson Farms, Cleveland.

TOP BULL LOT $3,500 — KLB Kylees Mr Blaster 6309 DOB 3/14/16, by STAR Osteoblast 286Y ET, consigned by KLB Cattle Co., Gladwin, sold to Don Benchley, Sterling. TOP FEMALE LOTS $5,000 — MF DF R505 Camilla 2059 1C ET DOB 1/2/2015, by C Stockman 2059 ET, consigned by McDonald Farms, Byron Center, sold to David Genaw, North Street.


Consignment Production


Lots Gross Average 35 bulls $132,550 $3,787 17 comm. females $34,600 $2,035

$3,400 — KLB Kyler Lola 0304 DOB 3/11/10, by STAR 68M Kyler 88S ET, consigned by KLB Cattle Co., Gladwin, sold to Matt Blatt, Mayville; and a March bull calf, by KLB Kylees Star Blaster 5513, sold to Mark Buning, Falmouth.

White Hawk Ranch/ Barnes Herefords

$21,500 — BR Distinction 641D DOB 8/2/16, by UPS Distinction, sold to GKB Cattle, Waxahachie.

Auctioneers: Eddie Burks, Dustin Layton Reported by: Tommy Coley

$10,000 — BR Catapult 632D DOB 7/9/16, by CRR 719 Catapult 109, sold to Hidden Oaks Ranch, Hamilton.





















Month Total

















| January 2018

Cedartown, Ga. | Nov. 10

Lots 59 bulls 87 females 146 total 1 flush

Gross Average $247,800 $4,200 $347,450 $3,994 $595,250 $4,077 $10,500 $10,500

TOP BULL LOTS $50,000 — Innisfail WHR X651/723 4013 ET DOB 9/10/14, by EFBeef TFL U208 Tested X651 ET, sold to Mohican West, Laurel, Mont.; and ST Genetics, Navasota, Texas (1⁄3 interest). $15,000 — Whitehawk 4013 Rooster 284D DOB 12/2/16, by Innisfail WHR X651/723 4013 ET, sold to Lynn White Farms, Monterey, La.

17/18 YTD


$7,000 — RB Romeo 8D DOB 3/2/16, by Perks 0003 Romeo 4011, sold to Doc Jensen.

TOP BULL LOTS $25,000 — BR Hutton 6014 DOB 2/16/16, by BR Hutton 4030ET, sold to Jeremiah Malone, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.

$9,000 — GH Overdrive Gala Eve 10E DOB 1/4/17, by JKF 41X Overdrive ET 1C, sold to Oakridge Farms, Aldergrove, British Columbia.


TOP BULL LOTS $7,500 — RB Prime Cut 3D DOB 2/28/16, by NJW 78P88X Steakhouse 187Z ET, sold to Doc Jensen, Boulder, Wyo.

$5,500 — RB Exxon 10D DOB 3/3/16, by Pennells Pugh Exxon 1306, sold to Kelly Burch, Olathe, Colo.

Gross Average $505,148 $5,181 $103,100 $2,644 $608,248 $4,456

$12,500 — BR Catapult 6681 ET DOB 4/14/16, by CRR 719 Catapult 109, sold to S&B Cattle, Brenham.


Auctioneer: Butch Booker Reported by: Mark Holt

$5,750 — RB Exxon 22D DOB 3/7/16, by Pennells Pugh Exxon 1306, sold to Stan Lewis, Lehi.

San Saba, Texas | Nov. 8

Lots 97.5 bulls 39 females 136.5 total

Morgan, Utah | Nov. 10

$6,000 — RB Romeo 18D DOB 3/7/16, by Perks 0003 Romeo 4011, sold to Doc Jensen.

$10,500 — GH 4185B Shadow Maiden 28E DOB 1/12/17, by RG 406X Houdinis Shadow 4185B, sold to Kym Jim, Red Deer.


$7,500 — BR Bold Gold 609D DOB 6/1/16, by BR Bold Gold 4012 ET, sold to Raul Martinez, Laredo.

$3,500 — PCR Ida Shelli 106Y DOB 3/16/11, by RPH PCR Idaho 80U, consigned by McDonald Farms, sold to James Cornillie, Byron; and a March heifer calf, by PCR 3X Chief 507C, sold to Sarah Knust, Richmond.

Auctioneer: Dustin Layton Reported by: Juston Stelzer



$7,500 — BR Nitro 5559 ET DOB 12/12/15, by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET, sold to Corporron Acres, Schulenberg.

Rees Bros.

SALE SUMMARY (Sales reported in this summary occurred during the 2017-18 fiscal year.) SALE TYPE

$7,500 — BR Sooner 5544 ET DOB 11/15/15, by DM BR Sooner, sold to Murphy’s Circle M Ranch Ltd., Meredian.

$4,000 — Grand Queen 1012 DOB 3/12/10, by Lagrand Reload 80P ET; and an April heifer calf, by Grand Gamechanger 32B ET, consigned by Rock’ N’ R Farm, Rockford, sold to Kristian Kreh, Hemlock.

$9,250 — GH Kilo Dash 220D DOB 3/15/16, by MJT Total ET 332W, sold to Parkview Farms, Falun.

TOP FEMALE LOTS $11,500 — GH Overdrive Elise 5E DOB 1/1/17, by JKF 41X Overdrive ET 1C, sold to Kevin Fraser, Chochrane.

Oklahoma Hereford Assn. ________________ 106

Lots 3 bulls 41 females 44 total 1 steer 10 semen

Barber Ranch

$7,750 — GH Arrow Standard 168D DOB 3/2/16, by MW Arrowwood 35A, sold to Morton Ranch, Cardston.

Nebraska Hereford Assn. _________________ 106

$9,000 — About Time 6703 ET DOB 6/9/16, by CRR About Time 743, sold to Jim McCauley, Silver City, N.M.

Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Reported by: John Meents

$9,500 — GH Houdinis Excel 83E DOB 1/25/17, by RG 406X Houdinis Shadow 4185B, sold to Chris Roppel, Saskatchewan.

$8,500 — GH MVP Britisher Express 66E DOB 1/20/17, by GH 8052 MVP 67Y, sold to Sandy Warburton.

LeForce Herefords _______________________ 105

$10,000 — BR Hutton 603D DOB 5/13/16, by BR Hutton 4030ET, sold to Lawrence Krause, Canyon Lake.

St. Louis, Mich. | Nov. 5

TOP BULL LOT $3,800 — NS SG Dakota D45 ET DOB 9/24/16, by MSU TCF Revolution 4R, consigned by NS Polled Herefords Ltd., Shaker Heights, sold to O’Diam Polled Herefords, Farmersville (¾ interest).

$10,500 — BF L1 Domino 6180 DOB 10/9/16, by H L1 Domino 3053 ET, sold to White’s Hereford Farm, Scotts Hill.

Great Lakes Hereford Roundup

(½ interest).

$10,000 — WHRBOT Beefmaker 372/945 055DET DOB 1/20/16, by Whitehawk Paramount 372Z, sold to Randy Eaves, Louisville, Miss.


TOP FEMALE LOTS $30,000 — Choice of four full sisters DOB various, by Whitehawk Paramount 372Z, sold to Whaley Polled Herefords, Dalton (½ interest).

$20,000 — Whitehawk X51 Beefmaid B773ET DOB 8/25/14, by KCF Bennett Revolution X51, sold to Whaley Polled Herefords (½ interest). $9,500 — RMB 100W Southern Bell 080E ET DOB 1/26/17, by NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET, sold to Jernigan Farm, Columbia, Tenn.; Walker Polled Hereford Farm, Morrison, Tenn.; and Ken Smith, McMinnville, Tenn. (½ interest). $9,000 — Whitehawk X51 Beefmaid 738B DOB 9/10/14, by KCF Bennett Revolution X51, sold to Pelton Polled Herefords, Halliday, N.D. (½ interest).

$9,500 — Grandview CMR Miss Vic X221 DOB 2/14/10, by Grandview Vic H132 23G 4003 ET, sold to Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, Idaho; and a heifer calf, sold to Jernigan Farm; Walker Polled Hereford Farm; and Ken Smith. $9,000 — WHR Beefmaid 4020 Z298 390E DOB 3/2/17, by Innisfail WHR X651/723 4020 ET, sold to Messi Hart Farms, Waukomis, Okla. $8,150 — Gerber 46B Rosy Lane 027Y ET DOB 2/15/11, by Remitall Boomer 46B, sold to Vermillion Oaks Ranch, Abbeville, La.; and a March heifer calf, by Gerber Anodyne 001A, sold to Forrest Polled Herefords, Saluda, S.C. TOP FLUSH LOTS $10,500 — Innisfail 723 U208 4015 ET and Innisfail 723 U208 4010 ET DOB 9/12/14 and 9/8/14, by EFBeef TFL U208 tested X651 ET, sold to Sandhill Farms, Haviland, Kan.

Iron Lake Ranch Grand Saline, Texas | Nov. 11 Auctioneer: Dustin Layton Reported by: Joe Rickabaugh Lots 13 bulls 44.66 females 57.66 total 23 embryos

Gross Average $84,050 $6,465 $329,050 $7,368 $413,100 $7,164 $20,850 $907

TOP BULL LOTS $15,500 — ILR Smiles U201 5137 ET DOB 12/19/15, by C Miles McKee 2103 ET, sold to Guy Bros. Farms, Castlewood, Va. (½ interest, ½ possession). $20,000 — ILR 1L Sooner 6119 ET DOB 11/26/16, by DM BR Sooner, sold to Tondra Hereford Stud, Australia (¾ interest, full possession). $7,500 — ILR U201 Sooner 6112 ET DOB 11/10/16, by DM BR Sooner, sold to Six Mile Creek Cattle, Yukon, Okla. (½ interest, ½ possession). TOP FEMALE LOTS $42,500 — ILR Sooner 1L 5150 ET DOB 12/27/15, by DM BR Sooner, sold to Sierra Ranches, Modesto, Calif. (½ interest). $25,500 — ILR 156T Lady Beth 6111 ET DOB 11/9/16, by CMR GVP Mr Maternal 156T, sold to Pablo Martin y Herrera, Argentina. $25,000 — ILR 357 Lady Smiles 725 DOB 2/28/17, by C Miles McKee 2103 ET, sold to Guy Bros. Farms. $21,000 — ILR U201 Lady Sooner 6115 ET DOB 11/13/16, by DM BR Sooner, sold to Guy Bros. Farms.


$21,000 — ILR 3196 Lady Regal 6121 ET DOB 12/10/16, by C CJC ILR Regal 3174 ET, sold to Ground Zero Farms, Siloam Springs, Ark. $13,500 — C Hereford Lady 2088 ET DOB 1/10/12, by TH 71U 719T Mr Hereford 11X, sold to Champion Industries, Huntington, W.Va. $10,500 — ILR 72C Lady Vicky 762 ET DOB 3/21/17, by NJW 79Z 22Z Heavy Duty 72C ET, sold to Six Mile Creek Cattle. $10,000 — ILR 319 Lady Regal 6123 ET DOB 12/14/16, by C CJC ILR Regal 3174 ET, sold to Knox Bros. Herefords, San Angelo. $9,250 — ILR4239 Lady Kickstart 715 DOB 2/22/17, by Churchill Kickstart 501C ET, sold to Burns Farms, Pikeville, Tenn.; and Layton Cattle Co. $8,000 — LF ILR 52 Ms 4140 227E DOB 2/2/17, by ILR H Miles 4140B ET, sold to Ehlke Herefords, Townsend, Mont. $7,500 — ILR 3174 Lady Beth 761 ET DOB 3/21/17, by C CJC ILR Regal 3174 ET, sold to Rafter M Herefords, Woodville. $7,500 — ILR Iron Lady 4302 ET DOB 3/5/14, by RST Times A Wastin 0124, sold to Six Mile Creek Cattle.

$3,800 — Church View Red Velvet 224B DOB 1/17/14, by NCF P07 11X Redbull 8Z, consigned by Church View Farm Inc., Millersville, Md., sold to Buck Hill Ranch, Mt. Solon; and a March heifer calf, by THM 100W Kelso 2084 ET, sold to VHA Heifer Donation Program. $3,800 — FSL Miss Dury 44U 50A 33C DOB 1/21/15, by NJW 98S Durango 44U; and a January heifer calf, by SHF Rib Eye M326 R117, consigned by Flat Stone Lick, Marianna, Pa., sold to Fogle Land & Cattle, Palmyra. $3,600 — CHF TTF 719T Pearl 4500 ET DOB 4/1/14, by TH 122 71I Victor 719T, consigned by Triangle T Farms LLC, Petersburg, W.Va., sold to Zeb Gough, Aroda; and a March heifer calf, by DR MW Trask Grassmaster W02, sold to VHA Heifer Donation Program. $3,450 — Church View 271S Lady 918Z DOB 2/10/12, by Church View Headliner II 271S, consigned by Church View Farm Inc., sold to Rika Mist Farm, Westminster, S.C.; and a February heifer calf, by NCF 743 On The Rocks 4A, sold to Diamond M Farm, Elkton.

Mohican West South Dakota Hereford Assn. Brookings, S.D. | Nov. 11 Auctioneer: Chisum Peterson Reported by: Levi Landers Lots Gross Average 28 females $82,500 $2,946 20 steers $42,600 $2,130 TOP FEMALE LOTS $6,750 — ECR WF Gabbie 7527 ET DOB 4/3/17, by BR Nitro Aventus 3116 ET, consigned by Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, Ree Heights, sold to Reed Prickett, Parkston. $5,750 — ECR WF Gabbie 7632 ET DOB 4/16/17, by BR Nitro Aventus 3116 ET, consigned by Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, sold to Will Freking, Alpha, Minn. $5,250 — Sleepy Rita 708 DOB 2/12/17, by RV Thunderstruck 4239, consigned by Sleepy Hollow Farm, Centerville, sold to Dakota Border Boys, Herreid. $4,750 — SPH OCC Miss Sensation 58E DOB 4/8/17, by UPS Sensation 2296 ET, consigned by Springwater Polled Herefords, Garretson, sold to Easton Williamson, Pipestone, Minn. $4,000 — ECR WF Gabbie 7547 ET DOB 4/4/17, by BR Nitro Aventus 3116 ET, consigned by Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, sold to Dakota Border Boys.

Laurel, Mont. | Nov. 13 Auctioneer: Joe Goggins Reported by: Lander Nicodemus Lots 43 bulls

Gross Average $166,000 $3,860

TOP BULL LOTS $6,000 — Mohican Shelf 126D DOB 3/17/16, by Mohican Top Shelf Z1, sold to Smith Ranches, Melrose. $5,500 — Mohican Print 98D DOB 2/25/16, by Mohican Blueprint 69B, sold to Smith Ranches. $5,250 — Mohican Taken 200D DOB 8/1/16, by Mohican Take Charge 417A ET, sold to Warren Dunn, Buffalo, S.D. $5,250 — Mohican Taken 216D DOB 8/31/16, by Mohican Take Charge 417A ET, sold to Breeden Ranch, Ten Sleep, Wyo. $5,000 — Mohican Blue 56D DOB 2/13/16, by Mohican Blueprint 69B, sold to Keltner Ranches, Terry. $5,000 — Mohican Taken 207D DOB 8/22/16, by Mohican Take Charge 417A ET, sold to Herzog Farm, Rapelje. $5,000 — Mohican Taken 217D DOB 9/1/16, by Mohican Take Charge 417A ET, sold to Keltner Ranches.

Largent and Sons Kaycee, Wyo. | Nov. 16

Virginia Hereford Assn. Harrisonburg, Va. | Nov. 11 Auctioneer: Dale Stith Reported by: Tommy Coley Lots 4 bulls 58 females 62 total 3 embryos

Gross Average $5,600 $1,400 $123,325 $2,126 $128,925 $2,079 $1,050 $350

TOP FEMALE LOTS $4,600 — HHF Miss Supreme Z311 2216 DOB 8/21/16, by KCF Bennett Encore Z311 ET, consigned by Hereford Hollow Farm, Wytheville, sold to Bay Brook Farm, Dabneys.

Auctioneer: Joe Goggins Reported by: Lander Nicodemus Lots 77 bulls 17 females 94 total

Gross Average $318,000 $4,130 $35,600 $2,094 $353,600 $3,762

$7,500 — L3 347 Desert Comfort 631 DOB 3/27/16, by L3 King Comfort 347, sold to Don Meyers, Hamilton, Colo. $6,750 — L3 405 Desert Gear 700 DOB 7/1/16, by L3 Desert Gear 405, sold to Dyer Ranch, Crawford, Neb. $6,250 — L3 229 King Comfort 629 DOB 3/25/16, by L3 King Comfort 229, sold to Diamond S Ranch LLC, Hyattville. TOP FEMALE LOT $6,250 — L3 508 Queen Comfort 742 DOB 3/16/17, by L3 Desert Comfort 508, sold to Karla Blom, Modesto, Calif.

LeForce Herefords Pond Creek, Okla. | Nov. 17 Auctioneer: Justin Stout Reported by: Joe Rickabaugh Lots 49 bulls 11 females 60 total 30 comm. females

Gross Average $174,500 $3,561 $56,550 $5,141 $231,050 $3,851 $52,000 $1,733

TOP BULL LOTS $6,000 — LF Domino 609D DOB 2/10/16, by CL 1 Domino 215Z, sold to Larry Cochran, Cherokee. $6,000 — LF Domino 605D DOB 2/8/16, by CL 1 Domino 215Z, sold to Groendyke Ranch, Enid. $6,000 — LF Domino 604D DOB 2/8/16, by CL 1 Domino 105Y, sold to Larry Cochran. $5,500 — LF Domino 633D DOB 2/22/16, by CL1 Domino 465B, sold to Larry Cochran. TOP FEMALE LOT $20,000 — LF Dominette 6004D ET DOB 2/3/16, by CL 1 Domino 215Z, sold to Loyning & Waylen Cattle Co., Absarokee, Mont.

California-Nevada Hereford Assn. Roseville, Calif. | Nov. 18 Auctioneer: Kyle Colyer Reported by: Mark Holt Lots Gross Average 20 females $57,560 $2,878 TOP FEMALE LOTS $5,500 — 4M Honey Rye 711 DOB 3/5/17, by SCC Cash Advance 3102, consigned by 4M Livestock, Redmond, Ore., sold to Josh Albrecht, Oroville. $4,700 — M AB 109 Salley Sue 1693 ET DOB 12/10/16, by CRR 719 Catapult 109, consigned by Morrell Ranches, Willows, sold to Alexa Alto, Bayside. $4,500 — MCA Red Doll 718E DOB 3/11/17, by Churchill Red Bull 200Z, consigned by Allison Hay & Herefords, Boardman, Ore., sold to Joanne Arrata, San Gregorio.

TOP BULL LOTS $8,000 — Desert Explosion 728 DOB 2/10/17, by L3 Direct Vision 485, sold to Chad Ledbetter, Okmulgee, Okla. (¾ interest,

$4,300 — Genoa Miss Trust 100W 17058 DOB 3/4/17, by NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET, consigned by Genoa Livestock LLC, Glenbrook, Nev., sold to Harlee Burtschi, Ione.

½ semen sales, full possession).

$3,400 — HHR 100W Kaylee 89E DOB 3/3/17, by NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET, consigned by Hacklin Hereford Ranch, Redmond, Ore., sold to Courtney Ferrari, Lincoln.

$8,500 — SH Mr Trust 622 DOB 9/14/16, by NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET, sold to Stroh Hereford Ranch, Killdeer, N.D.

continued on page 106... January 2018 |


...Sales Digest continued from page 105

Fenton Hereford Ranch Inc.

consigned by Roth Hereford Farm, sold to Cecil Jordan & Son, Dresden, Ohio; and a January heifer calf, by PRF 743 Tank Time 312A, sold to Iron Lake Ranch, Athens, Texas.

Irma, Alberta | Nov. 18 Auctioneer: Bob Balog Reported by: Lander Nicodemus Lots 47 bulls 41 females 88 total 97 comm. females

$7,800 — CSR Master Lady 62A DOB 2/4/13, by Boyd Masterpiece 0220, consigned by Reed’s Farms, sold to Cecil Jordan & Son; and a January heifer calf, by MPH Z3 Box Top C16, sold to Feerer & Feerer Inc., Fargo, Okla.

Gross Average $294,300 $6,262 $154,900 $3,778 $449,200 $5,105 $229,675 $2,368

TOP BULL LOTS $15,000 — ZZB 78A Red K Lad 92D DOB 2/1/16, by RUT 10X Amigo Lad 78A, sold to Parkview Farms, Falun.

$7,500 — RHF 200Z Lady In Red 5087C DOB 9/1/15, by Churchill Red Bull 200Z, consigned by Roth Hereford Farm, Windsor, sold to Wooden Shoe Farms, Blackfoot, Idaho.

$15,000 — ZZB 78A Red K Lad 95D DOB 2/2/16, by RUT 10X Amigo Lad 78A, sold to Jo Nomn Hereford Ranch, Clyde.

Heart of America Hereford Assn.

$13,000 — ZZB 78A Red K Dandy 78D DOB 2/2/16, by RUT 10X Amigo Lad 78A, sold to Parkview Farms.

Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Reported by: John Meents Lots 12 bulls 45 females 57 total 3 comm. females 4 steers

$12,500 — E 78A Golden Amigo 50D DOB 4/19/16, by RUT 10X Amigo Lad 78A, sold to Crone Herefords, Hardisty; and Rutledge Herefords, Hardisty. $9,400 — FE 28Z Royal Ribstone 301D DOB 5/5/16, by FE 96U Royal Ribstone 28Z, sold to Bryden Cattle Co., Manitoba.

Gross Average $25,450 $2,121 $88,300 $1,962 $113,750 $1,996 $4,650 $1,550 $4,350 $1,088

TOP BULL LOTS $3,200 — W W Hometown Hero 45D DOB 3/3/16, by NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET, consigned by White Willow Polled Herefords, Morris, sold to Shannon Webb, Ewing.

$9,250 — FE 28Z Royal Ribstone 55D DOB 4/16/16, by FE 96U Royal Ribstone 28Z, sold to Mark Hooper, Ore.

$3,000 — KBS Stud Muffin 391 DOB 3/18/16, by NA Dealer 320, consigned by Schrumpf Farms, Highland, sold to David Matheny, Farina.

$9,100 — FE 28Z Royal Ribstone 169D DOB 4/25/16, by FE 96U Royal Ribstone 28Z, sold to Edmond Russell, Ashern, Manitoba. $9,000 — FE 33A Silver Amigo 329D DOB 5/11/16, by SGC 324U Silver Amigo 33A, sold to Clinton Brost.

TOP FEMALE LOTS $5,900 — /S Lady Beneficial 5097C DOB 2/2/15, by CB R294 4Y Beneficial 304A, consigned by Logan and Connor Rhodes, Paris; and Lorenzen Farms, Chrisman, sold to Derrell Heselton, Shelbyville; and a May bull calf by LF PMH 78P Ribeye 4080 ET, sold to Nature’s Acres, Salem.

$8,500 — FE 279A Ranch Standard 266D DOB 5/1/16, by FE 114T Ranch Standard 279A, sold to Webb Alta, Veteran. $7,500 — FE 33A Silver Amigo 86D DOB 4/19/16, by SGC 324U Silver Amigo 33A, sold to Anquist Hereford Ranch, Irma.

$4,200 — RHS Kaitlyn 141 DOB 11/29/11, by Patton AA Major Payne 868, consigned by Split Oak Farm, Danvers, sold to Brad Krumholz, Eureka; and an April heifer calf, by Elm-Lodge Bang On ET 61B, sold to Double M Farm, Altamont.

$7,500 — FE 279A Ranch Standard 221D DOB 4/27/16, by FE 114T Ranch Standard 279A, sold to Fullerton Ranch, Pincher Creek.

Show-Me Polled Hereford Classic

$3,000 — 2M C01 B84 Naomi E70 DOB 3/1/17, by 2M 43Y Chibs C01, consigned by Miller Cattle Co., Oblong, sold to Dennis Kusterman, Highland.

Windsor, Mo. | Nov. 18 Auctioneer: Dale Stith Reported by: Joe Rickabaugh

$3,000 — MWT 3053 Claire 1D DOB 5/18/16, by H L1 Domino 3053 ET, consigned by Barron Road Herefords, Maple Park, sold to Manlee Knobloch, Fults.

Gross Average $40,500 $5,400 $229,500 $3,957 $270,000 $4,122 $11,800 $5,900

$3,000 — SOF U19 Marilyne 231Z D02 DOB 1/2/16, by SOF 29F Kaboom 9M U19 ET, consigned by Split Oak Farm, sold to Nature’s Acres.

TOP BULL LOTS $7,500 — RF 60T Stay With Me 57E DOB 1/16/17, by MPH Z3 Box Top C16, consigned by Reed’s Farms, Green Ridge, sold to College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout.

Nebraska Hereford Assn. Grand Island, Neb. | Nov. 19

TOP FEMALE LOTS $9,000 — RHF 719T Apricot 3005A DOB 1/13/13, by TH 122 71I Victor 719T, consigned by Roth Hereford Farm, Windsor, sold to Joseph Skrivanek, Caldwell, Texas; and a January bull calf, by MHPH 521X Action 106A, sold to Prairie Creek Farms, Melvern, Kan.

Auctioneer: Tracy Harl Reported by: Levi Landers Lots Gross Average 26 females $56,108 $2,158 18 steers $36,342 $2,019 TOP FEMALE LOTS $3,600 — VCR 38C Bree 742E DOB 2/23/17, by JDH MRD 2Z Jack 26U 38C

$8,000 — RHF 220 Bell Star 4032B DOB 1/27/14, by Boyd Masterpiece 0220,


| January 2018

an April heifer calf, by CHEZ Divergent 505C ET, sold to Clay Maddox, Zionsville.

$3,600 — DJ Miss Easy Money 705 DOB 4/12/17, by Perks 0003 Easy Money 4003, consigned by Kracke Herefords, De Witt, sold to Cody Brown, Dwight, Kan.

$6,300 — HB/AA Ms Teresa 5335 DOB 5/8/15, by AA Thorton 370, sold to Crestview Farms, Syracuse; and a May heifer calf, by Grassy Run Super Sport 5032, sold to Kyndall Williams, Mt. Gilead, Ohio.

$3,200 — NH BN 8051 Miss Excel 725 ET DOB 2/19/17, by H Excel 8051 ET, consigned by Nelson Herefords, Burwell, sold to Annette Renken, Bertrand. $3,000 — WS Salsa 709 DOB 1/30/17, by UPS Spartan 3310, consigned by Whitney Steckel, Taylor, sold to Riata Stryker, Olmitz, Kan. $3,000 — DR Miss Husker 719 DOB 3/4/17, by TH 71U 719T Mr Hereford 11X, consigned by Diamond Ring Herefords, Taylor, sold to Upstream Ranch, Taylor.

$5,800 — AA SHO Chonda 703 DOB 1/14/17, by ECR RO Chosen One 424 ET, sold to Nora Cave, Elkin, N.C. $5,700 — AA Molly 157 DOB 2/10/11, by Lagrand Moler 86S ET, sold to Rob Hurford Family, Argos; and an April heifer calf, by AA HRD Excalibur 2142, sold to Sarah McRae, Sellersburg.

Bar Pipe Hereford Ranch Okotoks, Alberta | Nov. 28

Greenville, Ill. | Nov. 19

$12,750 — FE 33A Silver Amigo 42D DOB 1/15/16, by SGC 324U Silver Amigo 33A, sold to Clinton Brost, Consul, Saskatchewan.

Lots 7.5 bulls 58 females 65.5 total 2 flushes

ET, consigned by Valley Creek Ranch, Fairbury, sold to Maddie and Wiley Ziegler, Bloomfield.

Oklahoma Hereford Assn. Marietta, Okla. | Nov. 20 Auctioneers: Matt Sims, Dustin Layton Reported by: Juston Stelzer Lots 31 bulls 29 females 60 total 5 semen

Gross Average $112,750 $3,637 $79,950 $2,757 $192,700 $3,212 $925 $185

TOP BULL LOTS $7,000 — LPH 315W Denali 668Z 333D DOB 3/4/16, by KJ 968R Polled Solution 668ZET, consigned by Sam Littau, Balko, sold to Mitchell Ranches, Sanderson, Texas. $6,500 — LPH 885A Dollar 416 387D DOB 3/17/16, by 4B Solution 416, consigned by Sam Littau, sold to Mitchell Ranches. $5,300 — BF 200Z Caviar’s 635D DOB 2/6/16, by Churchill Red Bull 200Z, consigned by John and Janna Boyer, Stillwater, sold to John Dorman, Jones. TOP FEMALE LOTS $7,250 — CJC KS 89T Gemini Time 5E ET DOB 3/17/17, by CRR About Time 743, consigned by Curtis and Jackie Castle, Crawford, sold to Bobby and Vicky Mouser, Stigler. $6,300 — SFCC Magic’s Touch 1513 DOB 3/20/15, by AH JDH Cracker Jack 26U ET, consigned by Evan Sims, Edmond, sold to Bobby and Vicky Mouser.

Able Acres Wingate, Ind. | Nov. 25 Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Reported by: John Meents Lots 3 bulls 44 females 47 total 7 steers

Gross Average $11,700 $3,900 $157,550 $3,581 $169,250 $3,601 $10,050 $1,436

TOP BULL LOT $5,700 — AA JD Down Home 720 DOB 1/18/17, by BF BAR1 10Y Down Home 4111 ET, sold to Bowman Farms, Crawfordsville.

Auctioneer: Bob Balog Reported by: Lander Nicodemus Lots 35 bulls 41 females 76 total

Gross Average $207,650 $5,933 $93,850 $2,289 $301,500 $3,967

TOP BULL LOTS $13,000 — BP 78B John Wayne 126D DOB 4/21/16, by BBSF 465Y Boyd 78B, sold to Holloway Farms, Castor. $8,000 — BP 247 Kootenay 37D DOB 4/5/16, by DCR 713 Kootenay 247, sold to Lievaart Land & Livestock, Nanton. $7,500 — BP 78B John Wayne 23D DOB 4/2/16, by BBSF 465Y Boyd 78B, sold to Rainy Creek Herefords, Bentley. $7,500 — BP 78B John Wayne 17D DOB 3/31/16, by BBSF 465Y Boyd 78B, sold to Peter King, Fort St. John, British Colombia. $7,500 — BP 78B John Wayne 93D DOB 4/14/16, by BBSF 465Y Boyd 78B, sold to Vegerville Colony, Vegerville.

Brillhart Ranch Co. Columbus, Mont. | Nov. 29 Auctioneer: Roger Jacobs Reported by: Lander Nicodemus Lots 40 bulls

Gross Average $103,750 $2,594

TOP BULL LOTS $4,500 — BRC 175W Ribstone Dandy D11 DOB 3/11/16, by FE 34R Ribstone Dandy 175W, sold to Ron Boltz, Grassy Butte, N.D. $4,500 — BRC 70A Western D05 DOB 2/27/16, by SNS 40W Western Lad 70A, sold to Jenni Ranch, Lewistown. $4,500 — BRC 21Y Incinerator D42 DOB 3/9/16, by SNS 12R Incinerator 21Y, sold to Carl Kimmel, Roundup. $4,500 — BRC 70A Western D24 DOB 3/4/16, by SNS 40W Western Lad 70A, sold to Jenni Ranch. $4,000 — BRC 70A Western Lad D52 DOB 3/12/16, by SNS 40W Western Lad 70A, sold to Karles Klebba, Sheridan, Wyo.

TOP FEMALE LOTS $9,500 — AA Divine 765 DOB 2/19/17, by CHEZ Divergent 505C ET, sold to Ross Foxworthy, Crawfordsville; and Greg Armuth, Columbus. $6,400 — AA Fee Lady 1115 DOB 5/2/11, by SHF Rib Eye M326 R117, sold to Clinkenbeard Farms & Sons, Edwardsport; and



January 2018 |


Fountain Valley Farm

Featuring Cows Sired By: NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET MSU TCF Revolution 4R Hyalite On Target 936 Churchill Sensation 028X SHF York 19H Y02

Feature Herd Sire Glenview 100W Troix C4 ET Sire: NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET {CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF} Dam: Stonewood Yoplait 2Y

Randy and Susan Bachtel 1439 Old Taneytown Rd. • Westminster, MD 21158 410-857-4105 • Cell 443-340-4418 rbachtel@bprsurveying.com

Brooks and Angie Bachtel 1744 John Shirk Rd. • Taneytown, MD 21787 443-340-4419 brobachtel@hotmail.com

Join us the first Saturday of October at The Breeders Classic at Stone Ridge Manor in Gettysburg, Pa.

BEARDANCE The Baldwins 2 Church View Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 443-871-0573 webald@aol.com

Bob and Pam Rhyne 3700 Peach Orchard Rd. Charlotte, NC 28215 Bob’s cell 704-614-0826 Kim, Alexis and Courtney Eudy 10945 Hickory Ridge Rd. Harrisburg, NC 28075 Kim’s cell 704-589-7775

George, Tammy, William and Andy Ward 3404 Shady Grove Rd. Providence, NC 27315 336-388-2177 Cell 434-251-3637 gwwardjr@centurylink.net


Dan Snyder, cell 240-447-4600 Seth Snyder, cell 240-405-6049 654 Cold Spring Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325-7335 717-642-9199

J. Paul and Bette Slayton 2272 Dibert Rd. Bedford, PA 15522 814-623-0772 717-805-1376 Cell




Meadow All Ridge Seasons



Slaytons’ Hereford and Angus Performance Seedstock


“Serving the beef industry since 1944” 17659 Red House Rd. Red House, VA 23963 Office 434-376-3567 • Fax 434-376-7008 James D. Bennett 434-376-7299 Paul S. Bennett 434-941-8245 Jim G. Bennett 434-664-7935 Brian R. Bennett 434-664-8309 Dalton G. Bennett 434-664-7946 Scott R. Bennett 434-660-7268 knollcrest@knollcrestfarm.com

| January 2018

Farms Inc.

Douglas and Melissa Harrison 2184 Hillyard Dr. Broadway, VA 22815 540-896-5004 harrisonmeadow@aol.com


Harry and Karen Taylor 10402 Stewart Neck Rd. Princess Anne, MD 21853 443-880-1614 allseasonsfarm@gmail.com

VIRGINIA HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Interested in consigning bulls to the Virginia Hereford Bull Test Program? Contact Bob Schaffer at bob@deertrackfarm.com or call 540-58289234 for more information! Hereford.org


Registered Herefords & Angus

Barry, Carrie and Bailey Morrell Carrie Cell 530-218-5507 5640 Co. Rd. 65 • Willows, CA 95988 Barry Cell 530-682-5808 530-934-2047 morrellranches@aol.com

Mrnak Herefords West Glynn Debter, Perry Debter or John Ross Debter 205-429-4415 or 205-429-2040

4134 County Hwy 30 • Horton, AL 35980 debterfarm@otelco.net www.cattletoday.com/debter


Morrell Ranches

Loren, Terrie, Hunter and Tanner 9728 Blue Mt. Ranch Rd. • Whitmore, CA 96096 775-848-0160 • 530-472-6431 lorenmrnak@aol.com www.mrnakherefordswest.com

Greenview Farms , I. nc. T G he oldest established herd in

Ken and Suzanne Coleman 1271 C.R. 115 Westcliffe, CO 81252-9611

www.colemanherefords.com 719-783-9324 Fax 719-783-2211

Total Performance Based on a Strong Foundation of working mothers

Coyote Ridge Ranch

Polled Hereford 1942 Jonny and Toni Harris 334 K-Ville Rd. Screven, GA 31560 912-586-6585 greenviewfarms@windstream.net

Ernst Herefords

Cooper J. Hill 423-618-4304


Red, White, and Black: Randy & Kelly Owen Dixieland Delight Angus, John & Randa Starnes Hereford Production Office: 256-845-3936 Sale, 1st Sat. in May John: 256-996-5545 Roland Starnes: 706-601-0800 Close Enough to Perfect Online Sale: September 553 Randy Owen Dr. NE Fort Payne, AL 35967 High Cotton Bull Sale www.tennesseerivermusic.com 1st Sat. in Dec. cattle@tennesseerivermusic.com

Ron and Cathy Tobin • 530-833-9961 • 530-526-8195 P.O. Box 2336 • 14400 Weston Rd. • Flournoy, CA 96029 Tracy Bjornestad 530-339-0165 • okherefs@gmail.com

High Altitude

PAP Tested 1975 E. Roosevelt Rd. • El Nido, CA 95317 Gino Pedretti 209-756-1609 Mark St. Pierre 209-233-1406 Gino Pedretti Jr. 209-756-2088

Mountain View Grace Wystrach

Jim, Marcia, Bobby, Heidi and Jamie Mickelson 5174 Sonoma Mountain Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707-481-3440 Jim 707-396-7364 Bobby JMMick@sonic.net

ARKANSAS 10821 Hwy. 19 S Emerson, AR 71740 Buddy 912-429-8827 Laurie 870-696-3596


Jack James 116 N. Gintown Rd. Mulberry, AR 72947 479-997-8323 • 479-997-5302



Tom and Cindy Weimer P.O. Box 1197 • Susanville, CA 96130 530-254-6802 • 530-260-0416 mobile weimercattleco@citlink.net www.weimercattleco.com


AL TO Herefords 3545 Bayschool Rd. Arcata, CA 95521 Karl & Gail Blagg Graham & Kasey Blagg P. O. Box 1645 Grass Valley, CA 95945 Karl 916-531-3443 Graham 530-913-6418 Ranch 530-265-9395

Steve Lambert Family 2938 Nelson Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 Cell 530-624-5256

HEREFORDS Jim McDougald, Manager


McDougald Family 559-822-2289

James 912-863-7706 912-690-0214 cell

IDAHO qualityis@canyongemlivestock.com

106 W. 500 S. Jerome , ID 83338

Registered Herefords

T im Dolcini

1634 M Rd. • Fruita, CO 81521 970-985-2938 • doughallfamilyherefords@aol.com www.hallherefords.com Selling bulls at the U.B.I.A. Performance Bull Test Sale – Salina, Utah, the third Saturday in March Performance Testing Since 1978 • Females for sale at the ranch.

R egistered Polled, Horned Bulls and R eplacement H eifers


31058 Colyer Rd. • Bruneau, ID 83604

Guy, Sherry, and Katie Colyer - 208-845-2313 Guy cell - 208-599-0340 Kyle & Bobby Jean Colyer - 208-845-2098 Ray & Bonnie Colyer - 208-845-2312 www.hereford.com Bulls for Sale at Private Treaty Excellent Replacement Heifers

KUBIN HEREFORD RANCH George Kubin • 970-323-6249 4535 Hwy. 348 • Olathe, CO 81425

Polled Herefords 1968 Burton’s Ferry Hwy. Sylvania, GA 30467


Robert and Rita Weitzel 16662 Rd. 25 Dolores, CO 81323 970-882-2286 www.hangingwherefords.com

Commercial Cattle Hugh Bragg 870-918-0659


Since 1980 at 8,000 ft.

Doug Hall and Family

HC 1, Box 788 • Elgin, AZ 85611 520-456-9052 Located 7 miles west of Hwy. 9 on Hwy. 82

Larry and Susan Alto

Matthew Murphy 4360 Bronte Ln. Douglasville, GA 770-778-3367 Keene Murphy 770-355-2192

Annual Sale • Dec. 2, 2017

R a n c h

Ashley H. Hogg 757-621-0176


3673 Co. Rd. 14 Practical Del Norte, CO 81132 Proven Mike 719-657+2519 Real World mikefuchsherefords@gmail.com Cattle

ARIZONA H e r e f o r d

Bull Sale • March 31, 2018 at Shamrock Auction Barn in O’Neill, NE

Cameron S. Hill 423-653-6148

1159 Deep South Farm Rd. • Blairsville, GA 30512

Marshall Ernst Family Windsor, CO 80550 970-381-6316

Seedstock source for the purebred or commercial breeder.

Line breeding Neil Trask Plato Dominos for more than 45 years with a blend of Felton. Thick muscled. Grass performers. Complete program. Full records.

Hampton and Kay Cornelius 970-284-0927


Braford 1983 Square and Round Bermuda Grass Hay

Performance and Quality From Grazing Since 1942.

18300 C.R. 43 LaSalle, CO 80645

Jane Evans Cornelius 970-284-6878


Winton C. and Emily C. Harris and Family

DANIELS HEREFORD RANCH Commitment to Quality since 1915

Follow us on Facebook Dan 208-339-2341 DanielsHerefordRanch Teresa 208-339-2340 danielsherefordranch@yahoo.com Rex 208-766-2747

1350 N. 2100 W. Malad, ID 83252

Line One Breeding

Ranching in the Colorado Mountains for Over 100 Years! Registered Hereford and Angus Bulls • Replacement Heifers Mike, Ann, Laura and Daniel Leroux, Owners


Don Shrieve, Manager 2351 Vineyard Rd. • Roseville, CA 95747 916-397-7661 cell • 916-771-0175 Fax djshriev@gmail.com www.wintunranch.com

239 Cattail Bay • Windsor, CO 80550 Office 970-686-7231 • Ranch 970-653-4219 Cell 970-222-6005 mike@lerouxlandandcattle.com • www.lerouxlandandcattle.com

“Profitable Real World Cattle”

Tom Robb & Sons P olled H erefords Registered • Commercial


34125 Rd. 20 N. • McClave, CO 81057-9604 719-456-1149 • robbherefords@gmail.com

Keith Elkington 208-523-2286 • Summer 208-523-6478 Layne 208-523-8508 • Mobile 208-681-0765 Brent • 208-523-6461 Range Ready, Performance Proven Visitors always welcome.

ELKINGTON POLLED HEREFORDS 5080 E. Sunnyside Rd. • Idaho Falls, ID 83406

James T. Campbell High Altitude Registered Horned Herefords

Our Goal


Q uality — Not Q uantity

850 Meadow Ln. • Guffey, CO 80820 719-689-2047 or Cell 719-650-4929

Clark Anvil Ranch Registered Herefords and Salers Annual Sale • Second Wednesday in April

Sale, April 11, 2018

La Junta, Colo. Clinton Clark 32190 Co. Rd. S • Karval, CO 80823 719-446-5223 • 719-892-0160 Cell cclark@esrta.com • www.clarkanvilranch.com

54286 W.C.R. 27 • Carr, CO 80612 Bryan and Linda Sidwell 970-381-0264 Cell

Polled Herefords that calve easily, milk and grow in a working environment. Jack and Colleen Filipowski 208-263-7264 1078 S. Center Valley Rd. Sandpoint, ID 83864

PRODUCTION SALE 2nd Monday in March Sale in Bliss, Idaho

JBB/AL HEREFORDS Bev Bryan / James and Dawn Anderson 208-934-5378 • 208-280-1505 1998 S. 1500 E. • Gooding, ID 83330 jbbalherefords@hotmail.com Since 1967

Registered Herefords 46089 Rd. 208, Friant, CA 93626


January 2018 |




Bruce and Linda Sharp


Cattle for sale anytime at the farm, private treaty. Call or stop by to check them out.

556 Birch Creek Rd., P.O. Box 446 Ririe, ID 83443 208-538-7154 Bruce 208-569-7465 Linda 208-569-8931

Knott Farm

Shaw Cattle Co.

22993 Howe R d., C aldwell, ID 83607 www.shawcattle.com greg @ shawcattle.com

9235 E. Eagle Pass Rd. • Ellisville, IL 61431 Ruth Knott 309-293-2313

Greg 208-459-3029 Sam 208-880-9044 Tucker 208-899-0455 Ron Shurtz - Cowherd 208-431-3311

Angus Hereford Red Angus

Chris and Janell Happ 23817 Meridian Rd. Mendota, IL 61342 Chris’s cell 815-823-6652 happ84@yahoo.com www.happherefords.com

Robert Knott 309-778-2628 Home 309-224-2628 Mobile

Enough cattle to have breeding stock for sale at all times!

Pete Loehr, owner 113 W. Northgate Rd. • Peoria, IL 61614

Neal Ward 673 N. 825 W. • Blackfoot, ID 83221 208-684-5252

309-692-6026 • 800-937-BEEF Office • 309-674-5513 Fax

Herd Sires: Remitall Online 122L • MC Ranger 9615 • Trail Boss

McCaskill Farms


1597 E. 3050th St., Clayton, IL 62324

Randy 217-242-1262 Ron 217-430-8705 Matt 217-779-0775

Baker Farms 1278 E. 20th Rd. Streator, IL 61364 Fred • Debby Sarah • Susan • John 815-672-3491 • Cell 815-257-3491 Fax 815-672-1984

Family Agri-Business Since 1933

Since 1919

Good Doin’ Genetics

Eric, Cindie, Cassie and Krista Allscheid 8052 Andy Rd. • Waterloo, IL 62298 618-939-5376 • Cell 618-593-9642 soph@htc.net www.ShingleOaksPolledHerefords.com

Stephens Hereford Farm

Dan Bixler 7115 E. 1000th Ave., Newton, IL 62448 618-783-3888 • 618-783-2329 office 618-562-3888 cell • insman542002@yahoo.com

11109 N. 50th St. Oblong, IL 62449 Mark Newbold 618-592-4590 • 618-562-3401 Cell


Darrel and Anna Behrends Jim Behrends & Leonda Markee • Kim & Liz 29014 E. C.R. 1000 N. • Mason City, IL 62664 217-482-5470

Farm is 1.5 miles west of Sharpsburg, Ill.

Mark, Katie and Kayla Stephens 217-825-7913 Cell mckks91@consolidated.net Danny Stephens, Trailers • 217-824-2815

HEREFORDS Glen and Kathy Sweatman 15628 Orchard Rd. • Virginia, IL 62691 217-370-3680 auction@casscomm.com

West Wind Herefords

Jeff and Kelly Yoder 2356 N 1230 E. Rd. • Edinburg, IL 62531 217-623-5790 • Cell 217-827-5796 jwyoder62@gmail.com



Linebred King Dominos

John Alexander Family 2756 S. Donmyer • Gypsum, KS 67448-9414 785-643-6364 • alexfarmed@gmail.com www.facebook.com/alexfarmsbeef

Breeding stock, semen and flushes for sale

Brannan & Reinhardt Polled Herefords 2204 CR 310 • Bison, KS 67520 785-387-1846 Kent • rhinos@gbta.net www.kansaspolledherefords.org/bandr/

AI sires: EFBeef TFL U208 Tested X651, Loewen C&L 33N Apollo A42 ET, R Leader 6964 and SHF Zane X51 Z115 Herd Sires: Sons of SHF Vision 117 and SHF Kennedy 502R X36 Cow herd: Combination of Tradition 434V and Felton bloodlines

Brock Nichols 785-346-6096 Jim Nichols 785-476-5842 www.carswell-nichols.com

Bulls and heifers for sale.

Kent Burns 618-443-6279 618-521-3199

Todd, Samantha, Rachel and Zach Parish 3395 Harco Rd. Harrisburg, IL 62946 Cell 618-926-7388


Double B Herefords LLC Chase and David Brown 9879 Hackney Rd. Warrensburg, IL 62573 Chase 217-620-9133 cdbrow2@gmail.com

Prairie Meadow Herefords

Randy and Jamie Mullinix 997 Twp. Rd. 150E Toulon, IL 61483

26455 N. 2300th St. • Chrisman, IL 61924 www.efbeef.com • efbeef1@aol.com

309-995-3013 Randy 309-853-6565 • Jamie 309-853-7674 purplereign76@gmail.com • www.purplereigncattle.com

Eubank FARMS

Curtis, Tobie, Erica and Ethan Kesling 1918 W. Delaware Rd. Logansport, IN 46947 574-753-3193

Nate and Courtney Wirtjes


Andy, Bryar & Emersyn Fleisher Knoxville, IL 309-351-3507

Tim and Tracie Sayre Seely, Kendi and Kira Sayre 13188 Virginia Rd. • Arenzville, IL 62611 217-473-5143 sayreherefords@gmail.com

Gen-Lor Farms

600 S. Lorraine St. St. Francis, KS 67756

Margo Douthit

785-332-2323 Cell 785-332-4240 4vranch1@gmail.com 4vranchdouthitherefords.com

Walter, Megan and Chuck Douthit Downey Land & Cattle LLC Megan 785-332-8575 Chuck: 785-332-4034

G ale L audeman F amily

3629 5th Rd. Bremen, IN 46506 Gale, Connie, Todd, Jason, Jennifer, Bryan and Cassie Laudeman Jason’s cell Gale’s cell 574-298-6470 cjlaudy@fourway,net 574-209-6470 www.laudemanfamily.com


Grant and Linda McKay and Family 1226 8th Rd. • Marysville, KS 66508 785-619-6086 • 308-470-1190 cell glmherefords@bluevalley.net • www.glmherefords.com


Brent Stuckey 2540 Grandview, Vincennes, IN 47591 812-887-4946 • bstuckey@hartbell.com


Jon E. Herbel 785-324-2430 herbelxp@gmail.com

Since 1944… A respected cow herd and premier Hereford performance bull breeder.

2271 C.R. 74 • Quinter, KS 67752 Gordon Jamison 785-299-0441 • Daron Jamison 785-650-9639 Devin Sweitzer 785-299-0663 www.jamisonherefords.com


STREAM CATTLE CO. Rod, Sue, Lisa and Sarah Stream 51590 St. Hwy. 14, Chariton, IA 50049 641-774-8124 streamcattle@hotmail.com • www.streamcattle.com Just north of Chariton on State Hwy. 14

“Straight Station Line Ones”

20161 Saline Rd. Lucas, KS 67648



1805 RS 115 St. Francis, KS 67756 megan@douthitherefords.com www.douthitherefords.com


Rob, Kristie, Kylie and Logan 7477 E. 825 N. • Otterbein, IN 47970 765-491-0258 kristielm2001@yahoo.com SHOW STEERS AND HEIFERS FOR SALE!

Good Doing Cattle Since 1953

9272 Freeport Rd. • Durand, IL 61024 815-629-2441 • Cell 815-871-9118 • wirtjes2@msn.com Visitors always welcome • Member of The Offense


Cows for sale at all times.

Polled Herefords

Eric, Kenin and Kelby Eubank P.O. Box 11 • Oblong, IL 62449 618-562-4211 Cell eeubank@monteaglemills.com

Located 13 miles west of Topeka on I-70, Keene/Eskridge exit then 3 miles south

Bob Greives

11268 Hobbs Rd. Rochester, IL 62563 Office 217-529-8878 Greg 217-725-7095

Joe and Lauri Ellis 765-366-5390 Matt and Lisa Ellis 217-712-0635 Phil and Joyce Ellis 765-665-3207

Dean and Danny 29111 B Keene Rd. • Maple Hill, KS 66507 785-256-4643 • 785-256-4010

7591 Armstrong Chapel Rd., West Lafayette, IN 47906 Office 765-583-3090 • Cell 765-491-6277 greivesgranite@yahoo.com greivesherefords.com

PERFORMANCE HEREFORDS • Visitors Always Welcome

Cattle for sale at all times


Alexander Farms Polled Herefords

Douglas E. Gerber 5324 State Rd. 227 S. • Richmond, IN 47374-9425 765-935-5274 Cell • 765-220-1070 douglas@gerbercattle.com • www.gerbercattle.com

10124 Michael Rd., Coulterville, IL 62237

Gene and Lori Stumpf 473 Gilmore Lake Rd Columbia, IL 62236 618-281-6378


Eby Aluminum Livestock

P.O. Box 168 • Taylorville, IL 62568

dab3741@cassblue.com • www.ohfherefords.com

Burns Polled Hereford Farm

Rich & Michelle Fleisher Knoxville, IL 309-208-8826

Stephens Trailer Sales

Robert 815-562-6391 James 815-562-4946 Malcolm 815-562-5879


Gary and Debbie McConnell Box 253 Kincaid, IL 62540 217-237-2627 Gary’s cell 217-827-2761


Bulls, Females, Semen and Embryos P.O. Box 305 • Manning, IA 51455 712-653-3678

Kings, IL 61068

rr HEREFORDS e e l l x B Biix

Sherwood Burns 618-443-2007 618-521-3678


Bull Sale

March 1, 2018 Online Heifer Sale October 2017

Kevin and Sheila 785-374-4372 Kevin Cell 785-243-6397 Sheila Cell 785-262-1116 Box 197 • Courtland, KS 66939 jensenks@courtland.net

Alex and Mariam Mih P.O. Box 2, Chanute, KS 66720 620-431-3917 • albear76@yahoo.com Doug Pearish 620-473-3179 • 620-212-0038 mobile Dale Beecher

618-407-8374 Gene’s cell 618-407-0429 Lori’s cell glstumpf@htc.net

Breeding cattle for economically relevant traits and performance.

| January 2018



Straight Line One Cooper Holden Genetics BULLS AVAILABLE AT PRIVATE TREATY.

Gene: 785-658-5612 meitlercattle@gmail.com 785-658-5208 d. Darris: R 3th 48 Clint: 785-658-7028 1 . 6 7 N KS 67 3 2 1 as, Luc

Jerry and Shelly Delaney & Family 2071 C.R. 101 • Lake Benton, MN 56149 507-368-9284 • 507-820-0661 Jerry Cell jdh@delaneyherefords.com • www.delaneyherefords.com

Harding Bros. Herefords Marvin and Everett Harding Rt. 2 • Ridgeway, MO 64481 660-872-6870


Annual Sale 4th Monday in March

Larry and Donna Clemons Cody and Colt 78255 Hwy. 1077 Folsom, LA 70437 Farm: 985-796-5647 Fax 985-796-5478 hornedherefords@msn.com

Jan R. 785-482-3383 Arden 785-466-1422 Box 8 • Dwight, KS 66849 jakoleenbros@tctelco.net www.oleenbrothers.com

Registered Herefords FALUN, KS 67442 Glenn C. Oleen 10272 S. Forsse Rd. 785-668-2368

Chuck Oleen 6944 Thorstenberg Rd. 785-668-2454 Kevin and Vera Schultz 620-995-4072 Cell 620-546-4570

2048 280th Ave., Haviland, KS 67059 www.sandhillfarms.com

MARYLAND EAST SIDE FARM Club Calf Sales Jay and Shelly Stull eastsidehereford@comcast.net Visitors welcome!

10718-A Liberty Rd. Frederick, MD 21701 301-898-8552

Stop by for a visit anytime.


367 Hwy. 40, Lecompton, KS 66050 • 785-887-6754 brycegina@sunflower.com


508 Rockfence Pl., Lawrence, KS 66049 • 785-843-5986 schular@sunflower.com

David & Delores Stump 1128 Hwy. 9 Blue Rapids, KS 66411 785-363-7410

Les Krogstad Darin Krogstad 3348 430 th St • Fertile, MN 56540 16765 Welch Shortcut 218-945-6213 • kph@gvtel.com Welch, MN 55089 www.krogstadpolledherefords.com 651-485-0159

1616 John Shirk Rd. • Taneytown, MD 21787 Ray 443-871-4917 • ray.howes64@gmail.com Cyndy 443-871-6657 • clhowes@aol.com Herdsman: Billy Widerman 410-984-2961 • widermanwilliam@yahoo.com

Michelle and Jacob Wolfrey and Melissa Grimmel Schaake 3859 Federal Hill Road • Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084 410-692-5029 • GGSC@grimmelfarms.com www.grimmelgirlsshowcattle.com


Marty D. Lueck, Manager Rt. 1, Box 85G • Mountain Grove, MO 65711 417-948-2669 • Cell 417-838-1482

Roth Hereford Farm Since 1976

2477 N.W. Main St. • Coon Rapids, MN 55448 We welcome your visit! Doug and JoAnn Bryan and Marytina Bradley and Brigitte

1146 N.E. Hwy. J • Windsor, MO 65360 Ed and Carol 660-694-2569, 660-351-4127 cell Eddie, Mary, Lane and Levi 660-351-4126 croth745@earthlink.net www.rothherefords.com

763-755-4930 763-389-0625 612-720-1311

Registered Polled Herefords

Annual Production Sale 1st Friday in April

Schu-Lar Herefords, LLC

Journagan Ranch

• 71 Years in the Business •


Lester and John Schafer 64664 170th St. Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 320-833-2050

For Sale: Bulls Females Semen

Visitors Welcome

SCHNEIDER FARMS 2374 Hwy. K • Hermann, MO 65041

Reuben 573-943-6489

Proven Genetics www.woessnerfarms.com


Troy Williamson 110 161st St. Garretson, SD 57030 507-597-6221 605-254-7875 Cell twilliamson@alliancecom.net

Chad Williamson 339 91st St. Pipestone, MN 56164 507-825-5766 507-215-0817 Cell springwater@svtv.com

Harvey 573-943-2291

Private Treaty Offers Available Woessner Farms 11975 County Rd. 3450 St. James, MO 65559


Mike Woessner 573-578-4050 mike@inv-rel.com

Matt Woessner 573-308-7006 matt@inv-rel.com


Brillhart Ranch Co.

Registered and commercial Herefords that will qualify for CHB Program.

Registered Polled Herefords


Kevin and Marsha Wiles Farm 301-371-4652 Cell 301-788-1147 paintedviewfarm@comcast.net Middletown, MD 21769

Polled Herefords

John Towner 320 E. 47 Hwy., Girard, KS 66743 620-249-6636 www.townerfarm.com Herd Sires, Show Prospects and Cow-Calf Pairs

Umberger Polled Herefords


Greg Umberger 3018 U Rd. • Rozel, KS 67574 620-527-4472 Cell: 620-923-5120 gregumberger@yahoo.com www.umbergerpolledherefords.com

Virgil Staab 785-625-5275

Hays, Kansas “Bulls and heifers for sale”

Brian Staab 1962 220th Ave. 785-628-1102 785-623-1701 Cell vjspolledherefords@yahoo.com



KENTUCKY Robert, Carol and Susan Botkin

1999 Walnut Hill Rd. Lexington, KY 40515 859-271-9086 859-533-3790 Cell shane4413@windstream.net

Ronald and Thelma Mills

Herman Nunely and Family 204 Co. Rd. 994 • Iuka, MS 38852 Cell 662-279-5136 Home 662-423-3317 leaningcedarherefords@gmail.com

Wes & Linda Schuman 443-496-0946



SCH Polled Herefords Samuel C. and Linda Hunter • 301-824-4771 13651 Newcomers Rd., Hagerstown, MD 21742 Herd Sires: LJR 95N Wallace 63W, ASF Kellys Choice 2B and SCH Revolution Z72 C12

Joe McGuffee 601-672-0245 103 Earl McGuffee Rd. Ryan McGuffee 601-668-1000 New Hebron, MS 39140 ryanmcgu@bellsouth.net www.mcguffeeherefords.com Bobby Singleton 615-708-1034 Typeface — Medici Script Medium




Howard Moss


DUTTON HEREFORDS 190 Sunnyside Ln. Gold Creek, MT 59733 Dean 406-288-3330 Cory 406-288-3563 Registered bulls and commercial heifers for sale.

Mark, Della, Lacey and Jane’a Ehlke

P.O. Box 178 Townsend, MT 59644


W7048 C.R. 356 • Stephenson, MI 49887 Glenn Hanson, Sr. 906-753-4684 Glenn Hanson, Jr 906-630-5169 “Cattle made for the North in the North”

406-266-4121 Cell 406-439-4311 info@ehlkeherefords.com • Registered Hereford Bulls • Replacement Heifers • Market Calves www.ehlkeherefords.com

Feddes Herefords Modest Birth Massive Meat 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, Montana 59741


Marvin Dan 406-570-1602 drfeddes@msn.com Tim 406-570-4771 tfeddes@msn.com www.feddes.com

Holden Herefords

D K David, Lorie, Matthew, Michael and Mason Kitchell 3471 State Hwy. 200 • Ada, MN 56510-9260 218-584-8283 Eight miles east of Ada on U.S. 200 Visitors always welcome.

26 Years Line 1 Genetics

Bulls for sale in the spring.

M.D. and Al Bonebrake

Steve Greene, Manager 417-693-7881 • Springfield, MO

Randy, Nina, Amy, Adam and Kailey 385 Chrisman Spur Danville, KY 40422 Randy 859-583-6586 Adam 859-583-9372 gordoncattleco02@hotmail.com

CURLEW Cattle Company


Cattle for Sale at All Times

6077 Helena Rd. Mays Lick, KY 41055 Charlie 606-584-5194 • Blake 606-375-3718 www.boydbeef.com

Wayne • Ben

Walt and Jil McKellar 7775 Hwy. 310 W. • Como, MS 38619 662-526-5520 • Cell 662-292-1936 jilmckellar@yahoo.com

11339C Liberty Rd., Frederick, MD 21701 301-304-0612 • Cell 240-575-8637 rtacres@comcast.net • www.rtacres.com

28589 Brick Road Dr. Oxford, MD 21654 Come visit anytime.

P.O. Box 185 Musselshell, MT 59059 406-947-2511

Hwy. 28 W. • P.O. Box 753 • Hazlehurst, MS 39083 Ann Zimmerman 601-894-2755 Dayne Zimmerman 704-906-1571 daynez@mindspring.com • www.cranch.com


Painted View Farm

info@springhillherefords.com • www.springhillherefords.com

“The Best in Line 1 Breeding” Rod Findley

2.4 mi. E of 7 Hwy

32505 E. 179th St. Pleasant Hill, MO 64080 816-540-3711 • 816-365-9959 findleyfarms@gmail.com

Jack and Tresha Holden 3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd. • Valier, MT 59486 406-279-3301 406-279-3300 Ranch • 406-450-1029 Mobile www.holdenherefords.com

January 2018 |


Jay-De Lorrie

Art and Jean Linton 77414 Hwy. 183, Miller, NE 68858 308-457-1127 • Cell 308-293-5816 ajlinton@frontiernet.net www.lintonpolledherefords.com REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORDS Genetics for Certified Hereford Beef®


C O.

Vince Bickel 2821 630th Rd. • Gordon, NE 69343 308-282-0416 • vmbickel@gpcom.net www.vinmarcattle.net

Squaw Creek Ranch 20 miles east of Billings 406-348-2303 www.mcmurrycattle.com mcmurrycattle@mcn.net

Lilla and Woodie Bell P.O. Box 48 Paradise Valley, NV 89426 775-578-3536 Herefords bellranches@gmail.com Dan and Theresa Bell Excelling from range to 775-304-2157 bull test across the West! www.bellranchherefords.com

Don, Skeeter, Kari, Brooke and Bryce P.O. Box 239 • Orovada, NV 89425 775-272-3152 Home • 775-272-3153 Fax 209-479-0287 Cell orovadaherefords@aol.com brumleyfarms.com

P.O. Box 306 • Hyannis, NE 69350 James 308-458-2406 Bryan 308-458-2865 • Bob 308-458-2731

Wichman Herefords


Registered bulls and females for sale by private treaty. Proven bloodlines, longevity, performance, functional justin@wichmanherefords.com Justin and Carmen Wichman P.O. Box 29 406-350-3123 cell Moore, MT 59464 406-538-8997 home

CHRIS BECK 618-367-5397 BOB AND CAROL COKER: 916-539-1987 OFFICE: 775-782-3336 640 Genoa Ln., Minden, NV 89423 www.genoalivestock.com

3680 Q Rd. • Cook, NE 68329 Robert 402-864-2031 • Randy 402-864-2741 www.niedermeyerfarms.com


Cattle for sale private treaty. Annual sale in March. Watch for consignments in North Platte and Kearney.

Registered Polled Herefords

NEW MEXICO B&H Herefords

Blueberry Hill Farms

Phil Harvey Jr. P.O. Box 40 • Mesilla, NM 88046 575-524-9316 • Cell 575-644-6925 philharveyjr@comcast.net www.bhherefords.com

Doug Bolte, Manager 1103 S. Grandview Dr. • Norfolk, NE 68701 Mobile 402-640-4048 dbolte@telebeep.com

Jim Bob Burnett 205 E. Cottonwood Rd. Lake Arthur, NM 88253 Cell 575-365-8291 jbb@pvtnetworks.net

1417 Rd. 2100 Guide Rock, NE 68942-8099



Galen Frenzen and Family

43500 E. N. Loup Rd. • Brewster, NE 68821

spencerhereford@neb-sandhills.net spencerhereford@nebnet.net • www.spencerhereford.com

Galen Frenzen 50802 N. Edgewood Rd. Fullerton, NE 68638 Galen 308-550-0237 Eric 308-550-0237


Annual Bull Sale - First Saturday in February

Females and club calves for sale private treaty.

45060 Upstream Rd. • Taylor, NE 68879 Brent and Robin Meeks • 308-942-3195


upstreamranch@gmail.com www.upstreamcattle.com

Line 1 Breeding LARRY AND KAREN GIBSON 35570 W. Gibson Rd. Wallace, NE 69169 308-387-4580 • 308-530-6435 kgibson@nebnet.net


127 Roseman Ln. • Statesville, NC 28625 704-876-3148 (evening) • 704-872-7550 (daytime) Visitors welcome Bulls and females for sale private treaty

cornerstone@plateautel.net www.cornerstoneranch.net



575-355-2803 • 575-355-6621

616 Pecan Dr. Ft. Sumner, NM 88119


LaMoyne and Opal Peters Leslie and Glenda Armstrong Kevin and Renee Grant

Bill King 505-832-4330 505-220-9909 Tommy and Becky Spindle 505-832-0926 P.O. Box 564 • Stanley, NM 87056

14503 91st St. S.W. Wayne 701-523-6368

Polled L1 Dominos

Gene Eric 402-729-5866 402-239-9838 56095 715 Road • Fairbury, NE 68352 henkelhereford@hotmail.com

Van Newkirk Herefords www.vannewkirkherefords.com


★ Oshkosh, NE 69154

Andy 701-206-1095


Michael Pérez - 575-403-7970 Kyle Pérez - 575-403-7971 Drew Pérez - 806-640-8340 Info@PerezCattleCo.com



Joe Van Newkirk and Family 308-778-6049 Quality Herefords Since 1892


Modern, stout, functional Denny and Dixie Hoffman • 406-425-0859 Jason and Kaycee Hoffman • 530-604-5096 P.O. Box 287 • Thedford, NE 69166 jason@hoffmanranch.com • www.hoffmanranch.com

| January 2018

Bowman, ND 58623

www.mrnakherefords.com Terry Brent 701-523-6368 701-206-0604

9767 Quay Road O Nara Visa, NM 88430

Pure Station


312 Elmwood Rd. • Statesville, NC 28625 704-450-1958 • Fax 704-871-9997 harrymyers1226@att.net • www.myersherefordfarm.com

Located 5 miles north of Moriarty on Hwy. 41, then 1.5 miles east.

Henkel Polled Herefords


ers Hereford Farm y M Harry Myers & Son

James Triplett

48979 Nordic Rd. Spencer, NE 68777

Dale Spencer Family 308-547-2208

Headquarters John Wheeler 775 Clacton Cr. 910-489-0024 Earlysville, VA 22936 doublejfarm@yahoo.com Office located in Fayetteville, N.C.

Triplett Polled Herefords



Cattle in Traphill. N.C.

"Quality Cattle for Quality People"

Line 1 Herefords

Ron 402-756-3462 rnschutte@gtmc.net

Quality Cattle That Work


240 Upper Flat Creek Rd. Weaverville, NC 28787 828-645-9127 cpcfarm@msn.com • www.claxtonfarm.com

Double J Farm, LLC

From I-80 exit 48 west of Sidney, Neb., south 1 1/4 miles, west 1 mile, south 3/4 mile Herd sire: BB 1065 Domino 6081 • Cow herd: Mark Donald and Line 1


C. Porter Claxton Jr.

Ten miles north of Asheville, N.C., on future I-26 West, Exit 17, left at stoplight, follow signs. Herd sires: CPC WC 10H R31 Cattleman, KCF Bennett Revolution W599, KCF Bennett Proficient X563 Cow herd: Mostly Victor and Felton

AJ Stahoski -Herdsman-

7 Mill Iron Ranch



Top Performance Hereford Genetics


Ken McMillen 2230 Rd. 93 • Sidney, NE 69162-4216 308-254-3772 Ranch 7milliron@bbc.net


LLC 585-798-4088 SK Herefords Office Between Buffalo and Rochester 8 miles off I-90 716-560-4480 Phil Keppler Private Treaty Sale 585-798-4309 Dave Schubel Commercial Bred Cows and Bulls



Annual Bull Sale Fourth Tuesday in March

Dave Schubel • Phil Keppler 11021 Ryan Rd. Medina, NY 14103

“The Best of Both” Horned and Polled Genetics

Cattle for sale by Private Treaty and at Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic

P.O. Box 330012 • Gold Creek, MT 59733 Richard and Shirley Thomas • 406-288-3459 Bruce, Tammy, Kurt, Amber and Heather Thomas 406-288-3458 • 406-544-1536 Bruce cell 406-239-5113 Kurt cell thomasfamily@blackfoot.net


Home of F Building Trust 335


7582 S Engleman Rd Grand Island, NE 68803 308-384-0979

Fred, Doreen and Rebecca McMurry

Lowell and Carol 402-589-1347

Timothy Dennis 315-536-2769 tdennis@trilata.com 3550 Old County Rd. Penn Yan, NY 14527

Albert Moeller & Sons


2027 Iris Ln. Billings, MT 59102 406-254-1247 406-254-1247 Fax



Polled Herefords Milk, Muscle, Performance and Weight Females that Outcross Pedirees Produce Bulls and femlaes always for sale. Visitors always welcome! Jack and Bev Beeson Prolific Disposition Wayne, NE 68787 402-375-3404 Cell 402-375-9027

Farm LLC

Arvid and Linda Eggen 406-895-2657 Box 292 • Plentywood, MT 59254 jbare@nemont.net


J BarSinceE1898 Ranch

Private Treaty

Selling: Coming 2-year-olds and Yearling Bulls Sheldon Wilson 575-451-7469 1545 SR 456 • Folsom, NM 88419

Tom and Nikki Morrison 5321 TR 59 • Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338 419-946-6977 • Cell 419-560-0280 Quality Herefords for sale by private treaty Hereford.org

Mohican Polled Hereford Farm 4551 S.R. 514 Glenmont, OH 44628 Conard and Nancy Stitzlein 330-378-3421 Matt Stitzlein 330-231-0708 stitz@mohicanfarms.net

Mohican West

3100 Sportsman Park Rd. Laurel, MT 59044 Phone/Fax 406-633-2600 Terry Powlesland 406-670-8529 mohicanw@yahoo.com www.mohicanpolledherefords.com

Glen and Jean Britton, Owners 20850 E. 850 Rd. • Leedey, OK 73654 580-488-3529


GRAY Land & Cattle Charles and Karen Gray 317 S.E. 33rd St. Edmond, OK 73013 405-341-6861 405-341-7446 Office

Ralph & Stephanie Kinder, Owners 790250 S Hwy 177 Carney, OK 74832 (405) 714-3101 ralph@headquartersranch.com headquartersranch.com


Bob Harrell Jr. 541-403-2210 Registered Hereford Cattle

Don Schafer 541-403-0008 and

Quarter Horses

Annual Sale First Monday In March


541-477-3816 M.T. 541-377-0030 Cori 541-377-3347

M.T. and Cori Anderson 48380 Izee Paulina Ln. Canyon City, OR 97820

Leon and Watson Langford 918-733-1331 • 918-706-7028 • Okmulgee, Okla. www.langfordherefords.com



LeForce Herefords

“Breeding with the Commercial Cattleman in Mind” 79337 Soto Lane Fort Rock, OR 97735 ijhufford@yahoo.com

Ken cell 541-403-1044

Randy LeForce • 580-984-1480 Paul Koffskey, Ranch Manager • 580-984-0015 cell 84999 Garvin Rd., Pond Creek, OK 73766 info@leforce.com

Home 541-576-2431


Oregon Hereford Ranch RR 1, Box 350 Laverne, OK 73848 Milton 580-273-9494 Van 580-552-1555 messner1@ptsi.net

Raising Straight Miles City

Line 1 Dominos

39722 State Hwy. 34 • Freedom, OK 73842 Sandy Darnell • 580-589-2667 • Cell 580-430-9254

Registered Horned Herefords CRP Grass Seeds


Rt. 2, Box 146-B • Vici, OK 73859 580-922-4911 Phone/Fax • 580-334-7842 Cell amoss@vicihorizon.com • www.allenmossherefords.com

Doug Bennett 541-564-9104

Don 541-567-2480

76707 Hwy. 207 • Echo, OR 97826


Q M Bill Vandermolen and Family

20016 S. White Ln. • Oregon City, OR 97045 503-650-4613 • Cell 503-789-5713 bill@quickmillfarms.com www.quickmillfarms.com • Registered Polled and Horned Herefords • Performance Tested • Consistent Quality

Cell 541-990-8038 451 N.W. Quarry Rd. Office 541-926-5640 Albany, OR 97321 vollstedtfarms@comcast.net

Paul Laubach

Rt. 1, Box 69 • Leedey, OK 73654 Cell 405-664-7743 • paul@pandrherefords.com


100 Bonita Dr. Elk City, OK 73644 580-497-6162

Registered Herefords


Mike and Lotsee 19402 W. Hwy. 51 P.O. Box 434 Spradling

Sand Springs, OK 74063


Gerald and Janette Bischoff 20025 399th Ave., Huron, SD 37350 605-352-5530 • Cell 605-350-0979 Garrett 605-461-1555 • Matt 605-350-0980 ravinecr@santel.net • www.ravinecreekranch.com

George and Karen Sprague 85777 Vilhauer • Eugene, OR 97405 541-465-2188 gks@bar1ranch.com • www.bar1ranch.com

Tim and Philip Eggers 25748 476th Ave. • Sioux Falls, SD 57104 605-338-0794 • 605-351-5438 Phillip’s Cell

Breeding stock available private treaty.

FAWCETT’S ELM CREEK RANCH Keith and Cheryl 21115 344th Ave. • HC Box 45 Ree Heights, SD 57371-5901 605-943-5664

Frederickson Ranch Mark and Mary Kay Frederickson 19975 Bear Ridge Rd. Spearfish, SD 57783 605-642-2139 Cell 320-808-6691


First Saturday in December

Nate and Jayna Frederickson Cell 605-254-4872 Shawn and Sarah Tatman 307-673-4381

Horned & Polled Herefords

Don and Madeline Hennon Sewickley, PA 15143 412-741-2883 Fax 412-741-2883 Robert Glenn, manager 724-748-4303 www.barhfarm.com

David and Lynda Bird 45863 Crow Rd. • Halfway, OR 97834 541-742-5436 • Cell 541-403-2828 • bird@pinetel.com

Eggers Southview Farms

Hoffman Herefords



njdurhamranch@gmail.com Total Performance Breeder.




3719 S. Coyle Rd. Stillwater, OK 74074 Norm and Jane Durham 405-372-7096

Bischoff’s Ravine Creek Ranch

Hereford breeding stock and club calves for sale private treaty.

Linda Sims

Located 12 miles east then 2 miles north of Vici


P.O. Box 166 • Caddo, OK 74729 Bill Dufur — 580-367-9910 Alan Dufur — 580-775-3830

Homozygous Polled Herefords

Don, Peg and Seth Zilverberg 18542 326th Ave. Holabird, SD 57540 69th Annual 605-852-2966 Production Sale www.barjz.com Feb. 20, 2018 cattle@barjz.com

Gordon and Thordys Michael and Becky 39462 178th St. 605-224-4187 Frankfort, SD 57440 605-870-0052 605-472-0619 blumeherf@yahoo.com


It’s a Family Tradition

Herd Bulls & Donor Females For Sale Don Moler



Darnell Hereford Ranch

SINCE 1916 22990 E. 2090 Rd. • Terral, OK 73569 REGISTERED AND COMMERCIAL HEREFORDS 580-662-9211 • 580-757-2515 • Cell 940-704-9682

P.O. Box 1057 • Seneca, SC 29679 864-882-1890 • Deryl Cell 864-324-3268 deryl@keeserealtysc.com • Trask Breeding


CNB Polled Herefords



Annual Production Sale - 1st Saturday in March


Charles and Nancy Buckminster Performance Program Breeder 13914 W. Fox Dr. Lahoma, OK 73754 580-796-2554 • Cell 580-541-6655 Fax 580-796-2554

Alvin, Luke and Charlie Vogel 148 Spithaler School Rd. Evans City, PA 16033 724-538-8413

Bar JZ Ranches

“Your Eastern Oregon Range Bull Source” Registered Herefords and Quarter Horses

Performance Cattle Certified and Accredited


BAKER CITY, OR 97814 George Chandler – 541-403-0125 Duane Chandler – 541-403-0124 Office – 541-523-2166 www.chandlerherefords.com chandlerhereford1889@yahoo.com

42590 Salmon Creek Rd. • Baker City, OR 97814

Practical, Profitable Polled Herefords Calving-ease genetics with added performance 7530 S.R. 314 Bob Karen Lexington, OH 44904 419-565-0032 419-565-3939 419-362-4471

Earl and Cynthia Arnholt oakridge@zoominternet.net

Registered Polled Herefords • Freezer Beef • Trucks and Parts Custom Farm Toys • Century Bale Feeders

Registered Herefords


763 W. River Rd. Valley City, OH 44280 330-483-3909


Graft•Britton Ranch

11341 357th Ave. • Leola, SD 57456 Colin 605-439-3623 • Dorothy 605-439-3250 cmbhoffman@msn.com www.hoffmanherefords.com

JBN Livestock Registered Herefords

Jim and Jeannine Bockwoldt 22370 152nd Place, Box Elder, SD 57719 605-923-2366 jbnlivestock@rushmore.com • www.jbnlivestock.com



17309 322nd Ave. Onida, SD 57564 Ken Bieber Family 605-973-2351 bedrock842002@yahoo.com

Private Treaty Hereford and Angus Bulls - Year Round Contact Brooke 605-769-9992 or Kirk 605-769-9991

918-640-7711 918-245-8854

Registered Polled Herefords Pecans flyinggranchss@aol.com Hereford.org

January 2018 |



Woodard Hereford Farms

Lance Pankratz, owner Office 605-925-7611 Angus and Hereford Ranch Cell 605-359-9221 Home 605-925-4283 Fax 605-925-4354 44130 279th St. lagrand@gwtc.net Freeman, SD 57029 www.lagrandranch.com

Winn Woodard 615-389-2624 • Phil Spicer 615-351-2810

4948 William Woodard Rd. Springfield, TN 37172



47229 232 St., Colman, SD 57017


Consignment sales and private treaty

RANCH Barber Ranch 806-235-3692 Justin Barber 806-681-5528 Brett Barber 806-681-2457

Terri Barber 817-727-6107 Jason Barber 817-718-5821 Dale Barber 806-673-1965 Mary Barber 806-930-6917


10175 F.M. 3138 • Channing, TX 79018

www.barberranch.com • barberranch@wildblue.net

Hereford Ranch

Bill and Paula Thorstenson 30491 131st St. • Selby, SD 57472 605-649-7940 • Cell 605-845-6108 wpthorstenson@venturecomm.net paulathorstenson@yahoo.com


P e t e a n d A ng e l a C a se P.O. B ox 1218, E l dor a do , TX 76936 325-650-6209 pete@caseranch.com • www.caseranch.com


Located between Mertzon and Eldorado on F.M. R d. 915

140 head of Registered Hereford Cows


Jim and Kay Coley and Family

“Genetics of today’s leading performance families”

oyle ifference


1100 Corum Hill Rd., Castalian Springs, TN 37031 615-804-2221 • coleyherefords@gmail.com www.coleyherefords.com

P.O. Box 73, Wolfe City, TX 75496 Mike Cell 214-240-4538 www.doyleherefordranch.com mdoyle0326@yahoo.com

Sale Date: March 17, 2018


Cattle Co.

Office 325-356-2284 • Fax 325-356-3185 John 325-356-3767 Tom R. 325-356-3918

695 Nashville Pike, #195, Gallatin, TN 37066 615-594-2229 trainone53@hotmail.com

john@dudleybros.com www.DudleyBros.com

Registered Herefords Since 1938

Jackson Farms Registered Polled Herefords

“Stressing Excellence In Polled Herefords”

Larsons' Polled Herefords

Ken and Carolyn Larson, owners 972-223-6450 Office • 972-223-8955 Home 254-435-6063 Ranch office • 972-230-0629 Fax

Larry Woodson

Lee Larson, executive manager 2793 F.M. 1991 Clifton, TX 76634

www.LARSONSpolledherefords.com runLranch@aol.com

Massey Hereford Ranch Sam and Kila Massey P.O. Box 518 • Wickett, TX 79788 P.O. Box 691 • Stephenville, TX 76401 432-940-7720 Samhereford@yahoo.com www.masseyherefordranch.com

214-491-7017 larrywoodson@gmail.com www.stillriverranch.com

le Marb! Up

Sunny Hill Ranch Horned and Polled

Pete Johnson, owner

Hwy. 94 W. • Lufkin, TX 75904 936-465-1672 pljmhj@yahoo.com • Serving East Texas Hereford needs since 1957 Southeast Texas Bull Sale Headquarters

METCH POLLED HEREFORDS Don, Ann and Barbara Metch 1259 V.Z. C.R. 2506 • Canton, TX 75103 903-848-8614 • 903-848-7366 Fax 903-848-9064 Certified herd #5526 Dams of Distinction breeder

Mockingbird Hill


Jack & Lyn Chastain 3924 Burkett Dr Ft. Worth, TX 76116 817-821-3544

4609 Airport Freeway Ft. Worth, Texas 76117 817-831-3161 texashereford@sbcglobal.net www.texashereford.org

Williams Family Herefords Herb and Susan Williams, Owners

P.O. Box 567, Decatur, TX 76234 Herb Cell 940-393-1651 • Office/Ranch 940-466-3381 Fax 940-466-7237 Williamsfamilyherefords.com • herbsusan@msn.com

Since 1891, family owned and operated for five generations! Hwy. 51 north, 10 miles from Decatur, Texas

Registered/Commercial Hereford Cattle

Stop by for a visit. You will not be disappointed!

Noack Herefords 116 E. Bell Ave. Rockdale, TX 76567 Cell 979-218-0065 Office 512-446-6200

Bulls out of good milking females for sale

at all times.

8103 Bill Moss Rd. White House, TN 37188 615-672-4483•615-478-4483 Cell billymjackson@aol.com


Mike Fuston 806-423-1303 Cell 940-867-7336


“Farming the same land since 1834”

Home 423-346-7304

Denny Fuston 806-423-1118

Harry and Cheryl Grett 512-303-5714

314 Letory Rd. Wartburg,TN 37887 mudcreekFarms@msn.com Johnny, Tanuja, Jonathan & Justin Dagley Bulls

Paul and Sheila Funk 525 Co. Rd. 51 • Copperas Cove, TX 76522-7004 • 254-289-7657 butchfunk@gmail.com • www.spearheadranch.net

BOX 10, COMANCHE, TX 76442

Doug Le Tourneau

Jonathan Cell 865-803-9947

Nine miles east of Caldwell on Hwy. 21 or 15 miles west of Bryan-College Station on Hwy. 21


Bill or Chad Breeding 1301 N. Lions • P.O. Box 186 Miami, TX 79059 806-868-4661 or 806-570-9554




Joey and Susan Skrivanek, owners 407 W. Mustang • Caldwell, TX 77836 Cell 979-224-4698 • Home 979-567-3857 • coatty@burlesoncounty.org

Cattle Co.

America’s #1 Dams of Distinction Cow herd • Private Sales Year-round • Bull and Female Sale Third Monday in February


Raising cattle in Texas since 1855


14831 Hereford Rd. Hoven, SD 57450 605-948-2375 Vern • Jerry • Shannon • Joel rauschherf@rauschherefords.com RauschHerefords.com

605-997-2594 • Cell 605-530-6002 Cody Williams, Cell 605-695-0931

923 Hillside Ave. Canadian, TX 79014 806-323-8232 lee@indianmoundranch.com

Since 1945 • Quality Line 1 cattle for sale!

Rausch Herefords

Dave Stenberg

Lee & Jacqui Haygood

Ellis & Lovalene Heidel

and Females Available


Scott, Alise, Ilissa, Bethany and Audrey 1950 Skylark Rd. • Gilmer, TX 75645 nolanherefords@aol.com Res. 903-797-6131 Cell 903-738-5636

UTAH Phil Allen & Son P.O. Box 74, Antimony, UT 84712

Phil 435-624-3236 • Shannon 435-624-3285

P.O. Box 969 Elgin, TX 78621 g3ranch@aol.com

Herd sire prospects, females and a large selection of range ready bulls available. Breeding Polled Herefords Since 1948.




Bill and Linda Johnson 3350 N. St. Rd. 32 Marion, UT 84036 435-783-4455 bjohn@allwest.net

Gary and Kathy Buchholz

615-633-1913 Martha Dixon Julie Chapin 550 River Rd. Hartsville, TN 37074

P.O. Box 2807 • Waxahachie, TX 75168 Gary cell: 214-537-1285 Kathy cell: 214-537-1306

gary@gkbcattle.com www.gkbcattle.com

Cattle for sale at the ranch


Cherokee Trace

Jerry Roberson 615-325-1883

P.O. Box 949 Gilmer, TX 75644 glazehereford@juno.com

P.O. Box 492 Portland, TN 37148

Andy and Sandra Glaze 903-797-2960

Jordan and Kaitlin 903-843-5643

Mike Rogan 1662 McKinney Chapel Rd. 423-272-5018

“ALL THINGS CONSIDERED” 423-754-1213 Cell



h2ranch@rodzoo.com Steven Lee Wallace Lee


5121 Bedford Creek Rd., Franklin, TN 37064 615-799-2823 • Fax 615-799-2274 triplelranch@msn.com • www.lllranch.com


Herd Sires: MW LLL Farley 24F, DJB LLL Benchmark 26P and LLL Special Class S09


Polled Herefords

Maynard and Sandi Warnken Kevin Warnken, manager P.O. Drawer 29 • Schulenburg, TX 78956 979-561-8846 • 979-561-8867 fax Kevin cell 979-743-0619

| January 2018

Raising quality Herefords since 1985

rockinw@cvctx.com • rockinwranch.net

Rogersville, TN 37857



Gary Ekker Jim Ekker 801-489-7530 435-839-3454 1004 Ekker Ln. • Vernon, UT 84080 ekkerherefords@aol.com

From Madisonville, go S on I-45 to Exit #136, go E 2 miles to H2 Gates.

Randy Wood, manager

325-396-4911 5749 Rocking Chair Ln. Ft. McKavett, TX 76841 www.rockingchairranch.com

Jonathan and Craig Johansen P.O. Box 199 Castle Dale, UT 84513 435-650-8466 or 435-820-8490 johansenherefords@gmail.com • www.johansenherefords.com Line One Performance Breeding Since 1979





Donald and Keri Pallesen P.O. Box 548 • Manilla, UT 84046 435-880-8062 cell • 435-784-3101 • kpallese@union-tel.com


Jake Rees 801-668-8613 Scott Rees 801-949-8960 Roger Rees, DVM 801-913-5747 Herefords & Angus



2235 E. Rees Ln. • Morgan , UT 84050

Sandrock Ranch Herefords Kevin and Janice Bennett 3752 Ollie Bell Rd. 608-778-8685 Benton, WI 53803 kevinjanicebennett@gmail.com www.sandrockranchherefords.com

Barbara and Jason Knabe


Hereford Cattle Since 1902 P.O. Box 66 • Kaycee, WY 82639 307-738-2443 or 307-738-2297 Sale Date – Nov. 2017 largentandsons@yahoo.com www.largentandsons.com


Eddie Burks, Auctioneer 531 Rick Rd. Park City, KY 42160 270-678-4154 Home 270-991-6398 Cell endburks@hotmail.com

Bill and Terrilie Cox 688 Pataha St. Pomeroy, WA 99347 509-566-7050 cell cxranch@live.com

307-730-7424 Chase Lockhart • 307-730-2639 Cody Lockhart



MICHELI HEREFORDS Selling Herefords for 80 years.

SINCE 1943


“The great feedlot performance cattle” The McIrvins Box 99 Laurier, WA 509-684-4380

Annual Sale — Fourth Wednesday in October P.O. Box 15, Ft. Bridger, WY 82933

Dale 307-782-3469

Winter Headquarters

Ron 307-782-3897

P.O. Box 197 , Courtland, KS 66939 785-373-4372 • 785-262-1116 Cell jensenks197@hotmail.com


Joel Birdwell, Auctioneer 5880 State Hwy. 33 Kingfisher, OK 73750 Home: 405-375-6630 Cell: 405-368-1058

LATHROP LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION USDA Approved Quarantine Center Serving O’Hare Field and All Export Points 35W090 Lathrop Lane, Dundee, IL 60118 Randy Lathrop 847-426-5009 or 428-5806 Fax 847-428-3788

Box 521, Fletcher, OK 73541 580-549-6636

The sound of your success

C.D. “Butch” Booker Auctioneer

41452 S.R. 195 • Colfax, WA 99111 509-989-2855 • cartha@colfax.com

Cody Lowderman Auctioneer


646 Lake Rd. Burbank, WA 99323 509-545-5676

Polled Herefords and Angus

Raising Herefords since 1967 PRIVATE TREATY SALES AND ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE IN APRIL Jim and Jerri McClun and Family 1929 Rd. 60 • Veteran, WY 82243 • 307-837-2524 Cell 307-534-5141 • jkmcclun@wyomail.com

Proudly representing American Live Stock Insurance Inc.

O: 630-945-3483 • F: 630-945-3584

P.O. Box 2812 Jackson, WY 83001



Jensen Live Stock Agency

518 Brownstone Dr. • St. Charles, IL 60174-2843

Featuring Polled Descendants of J215

McClun’s Lazy JM Ranch

Rob Schacher 817-219-0102

Sheila Jensen, agent


Linda Lonas • Leonard and Jo Lonas P.O. Box 187 • Purcellville, VA 20134 703-850-5501 Cell • 703-368-5812 Office

American Live Stock, a division of Markel Service, Incorporated Featuring livestock mortality insurance covering death from accident or disease. Contact for rates. 1910 Madison Ave. #530 Memphis, TN 38104 901-276-2855 office 901-276-0758 fax 901-458-2880 residence

P.O. Box 10 Lowndesboro, AL 36752 334-462-4004 Cell

Jim Bessler 815-762-2641

255 China Road Macomb, IL 61455

Torrington, Wyo.

Jay, Marsha and Jessica Middleswarth 307-532-5427 Ashley 307-575-1082 6mbulls@hughes.net ANNUAL PRODUCTION www.middleswarthherefords.com




Jay and Janice Berry 3049 C.R. 225 Oct. 16, 2017 Cheyenne, WY 82009 307-634-5178 • www.wherecowmenbuybulls.com

Thistle Tree Farm

Tommy Barnes


VIRGINIA 2074 Gravel Hill Rd • Dillwyn, VA 23936 434-983-3110 barbaran2teeth@gmail.com



7579 W. US Highway 136 Waynetown, IN 47990


WEST VIRGINIA Westfall Polled Herefords Jim Westfall, owner 304-927-2104 John Westfall, herdsman 304-927-3639 1109 Triplett Rd. • Spencer, WV 25276 Bulls for Sale by JW 11X Y23 Mr Hereford LT A46 80-cow certified, accredited herd. • Bulls and Females for sale.


Steven, Jill, Nicole, Curtis, Alison and Austin Folkman N. 250 Highview Rd. • Ixonia, WI 53036 920-474-7403 • 262-617-6346 Cell cnlfarm@hughes.net www.cnlfarm.com Home of Vaquero, Doubletime and M326.


307-532-5892 Blake 307-532-3282 Rodney 307-532-2457 Steve Roth 307-532-7191 ochsnerranch@gmail.com

www.qualitybulls.com 10672 Van Tassell Road • Torrington, WY 82240 Selling over 100 bulls annually at private treaty.

Perkes Herefords Bulls for Sale Private Treaty 307-886-5770 or 307-883-2919 Afton , WY 83110 ANNUAL BULL SALE 3RD WEDNESDAY HEREFORDS FOR IN MARCH TODAY’S CATTLEMAN Ned, Jan & Bell Ward 307-672-3248 Ned (c) 307-751-8298 • Jan (c) 307-751-9470 27A Decker Road • Sheridan, WY 82801 njwardherefords@gmail.com



Your complete, one stop shopping center for all your semen and AI certificates.


Call today for your free brochure

R.R. 1 Indian River, ON Canada K0L 2B0 705-295-2708 • ircc@nexicom.net elmlodgeherefords.freeyellow.com

Jerry and Maryann Huth W9096 Co. Trunk AS Oakfield, WI 53065 920-583-3223

Your Source For Success MEDONTE HIGHLANDS Polled Herefords Jack McAughey 905-625-3151

Kevin Brown 705-327-1808

Farm • Orillia, Ont. 705-326-6889 Business Office: 3055 Universal Dr., Mississauga, Ont. L4X 2E2

Serving breeders since 1979

For Prompt, Jim and Linda Reed Personalized P.O. Box 126 • Green Ridge, MO 65332 Service, Call: 660-527-3507 • Fax 660-527-3379 reedent@iland.net

Billy Elmhirst

Polled Herefords


Matt Sims • 1019 Waterwood Pkwy., Unit D • Edmond, OK 73034 405-840-5461 Office • 405-641-6081 Cell • www.mcsauction.com

EMMONS UGC Certified

Jim Reed, Box 126, Green Ridge, MO 65332 Office 660-527-3507 • Cell 417-860-3102 www.reedent.com • reedent@iland.net Serving breeders since 1979. Semen and Certificate Brokerage Service Available

Happy New Year!

Clay Emmons

254-716-5735 clayemmons@hotmail.com

541 State Hwy. 75 N. Fairfield, TX 75840 January 2018 |


Bauer Hereford s Annual Bull Sale • April 14, 2018 Offering ready to work bulls out of these top sires:


Eddie Sims


AUCTIONEER C: (580) 595-1626 O: (580) 492-4590 P.O. Box 170, Elgin, OK 73538 Serving America’s Cattlemen Since 1968




5239 Old Sardis Pike Mays Lick, KY 41055 918-760-1550 dalestith@yahoo.com

121 Jackson St. Plain City, OH 43064 Phone: 614-403-0726

CL1 Domino 5118C Additional Sires: CL1 Domino 7110T • L1 Domino 07407 FH L1 Domino 023 • FH L1 Domino 261 ET GB L1 Domino 321

Please visit www.bauerherefords.com for pictures, pedigrees and EPDs.


*Jan. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. 27 *Feb. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec. 26 March 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 25 AI Book 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 25 April 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 26 May/June 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26 July 2018 Early bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 28 Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 26 *Aug. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 25 Sept. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25 *Oct. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. 25 Nov. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25 Dec. 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 25 *Indicates tabloid issue Send ad copy, pictures, etc to your field representative or to Hereford World Advertising Coordinator Alison Marx 816-842-3757 • 816-842-6931 Fax amarx@hereford.org

Sale Management #4 3342 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 7G9 306-933-4200 • 306-934-0744 info@tbarc.com • www.buyagro.com

Offering all 2017 spring born females for sale by private treaty. Gabe Bauer 608-333-6192 La Valle, WI

IOWAt Selec

HEREFORD SALE Thursday, February 15, 2018 11:30 a.m. (CST) Iowa State Fairgrounds — Des Moines, Iowa


BULLS — 2-year-olds, 18-month and yearling bulls. A stout selection of older bulls are an annual feature of this sale. BRED HEIFERS — some of the bred heifers will have calves at side OPEN HEIFERS — show heifers and brood cow prospects

Top selling bull 2017

LF 0128 Victor 5113 Consigned by Lorenzen Farms

Top selling female 2017

Pick of the 2016 spring born heifer calves Consigned by Wiese & Sons

ALL ANIMALS IN THIS SALE HAVE BEEN HAND-PICKED FROM THE HERDS IN IOWA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI AND MINNESOTA. SELECTED FOR PHENOTYPE AND EPD QUALITY Watch for consignors list and more photos in our February Hereford World ad Auctioneer: Monte Lowderman • 309-255-0110 Cody Lowderman • 309-313-2171 • Joe Rickabaugh • 785-633-3188 See our catalog online at: www.iowahereford.org • www.herefordmarketplace.com • lowdermanauctionoptions.com


| January 2018


Breasbois Farms

Johnston Brothers Show Stock

BF 26U Samantha 1408 FSL Miss Ribeye R117 3W

BF 26U Ruby

with bull calf BF 10Y Samuel 1710 (for sale)

Sires in Use:

Owned and shown by Andrew Johnston

About Time Catapult 109 and 322 Times A Wastin Time Traveler C Double Your Miles 6077 ET

Larry and Margaret Breasbois Heather and Matt

310 E. Freeland Rd. • Merrill, MI 48637 989-835-6748 • mbreasbois1@gmail.com

BF 225 Audi ET Owned and shown by Cole Johnston

Please check Breasbois Farms Hereford Cattle on Facebook for more information and pictures of these heifers and BF 10Y Samuel.

Paul and Christie Johnston Cole and Andrew

Please look for our consignments to the Michigan Beef Expo April 6-8: An April NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y daughter and a May HH Perfect Timing 0150 daughter.

3162 S. Five Mile Rd. • Merrill, MI 48637 989-859-1131

Longcore Herefords Randy Longcore and Family 5110 Indian Lakes Rd. Cedar Springs, MI 49319 616-696-2364 616-644-4516 Cell longcoreherefords@sbcglobal.net www.longcoreherefords.com

Maple Lane Farm Group LLC Jim, Karen, Clint and Kelsey Steketee


maplelanefarmgroup@gmail.com 616-437-3338 7237 Kraft Ave. SE • Caledonia, MI 49316

12967 N. Cochran Rd. Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Ron’s Cell 517-230-7431 Jill’s Cell 517-627-4327 jilllemac@aol.com Hereford.org

Castle Cattle Co.

Carney, MI Bryan and Shannon Castle www.castlecattle.com 906-399-7871

Phil and Chris Rottman 2148 S. Croswell • Fremont, MI 49412 231-924-5776 • pcr@ncats.net www.pcrherefords.com Performance Bred Bulls


• grand meadows farm • Dave, Jill and Kristin Bielema Ben and Lindsay Gandy Reed and Kara Loney 616-292-7474 greatlakesherefordbeef@gmail.com


beefssr@gmail.com January 2018 |


Calendar of Events “Calendar of Events” is a listing of Hereford sales and events known to our staff. Italicized dates denote shows and events. Non-italicized dates denote sales. To make the calendar concise we have used the following abbreviations: association, assn.; international, int’l; junior, jr.; mountain, mtn.; national, nat’l; northeast, NE; northwest, NW; performance tested, PT; southeast, SE; southwest, SW; and university, Un. JANUARY 2 Great Midwest Hereford-Influenced Feeder Calf Sale, Carthage, Ill. 7 Pennsylvania Farm Show Jr. Hereford Show, Harrisburg 8 Pennsylvania Farm Show Hereford Show, Harrisburg 10 Nat’l’ Western Stock Show Jr. Hereford Show, Denver 11 Mile High Eve Frozen Genetics, Denver, Colo. 11 Nat’l’ Western Stock Show Hereford Bull Show, Denver 12 Mile High Night Nat’l Sale, Denver, Colo. 12 Nat’l’ Western Stock Show Hereford Carload and Pen Show, Denver 13 Nat’l Western Stock Show Hereford Female Show, Denver 15 Van Newkirk Herefords, Oshkosh, Neb. 18 River Run, Mobridge, S.D. 20 Wisconsin Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells 22 Delaney/Atkins, Lake Benton, Minn. 23 Churchill Cattle Co., Manhattan, Mont. 25 Ad deadline for March Hereford World 25 Sioux Empire Farm Show and Sale, Sioux Falls, S.D. 27 Buckeye Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting, Bellville, Ohio 27 Carswell-Nichols, Alton, Kan. 27 Indiana Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting, Indianapolis 27 Red Bluff Bull Sale, Red Bluff, Calif. 28 Texas Hereford Assn. Whiteface Replacement Female and Cowtown Invitational, Ft. Worth 29 Southwestern Exposition Nat’l Hereford Show, Ft. Worth, Texas 31 Black Hills Stock Show Hereford Sale, Rapid City, S.D.

FEBRUARY 1 Stroh Herefords, Killdeer, N.D. 1 Ridder Herefords, Callaway, Neb. 2 Dvorak Herefords, Lake Andes, S.D. 2 Baumgarten Cattle Co., Belfield, N.D. 2 Elkington Polled Herefords, Idaho Falls, Idaho 3 JM Cattle Co., Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 3 Klamath Falls Bull Sale, Klamath Falls, Ore. 3 Messner Herefords, Laverne, Okla. 3 Upstream Ranch, Taylor, Neb. 5 Pelton’s Polled Herefords, Haliday, N.D. 9 Topp Herefords, Grace City, N.D. 10 Baker Herefords/Amdahl Herefords, Rapid City, S.D. 11 Dixie National Hereford Show, Jackson, Miss. 11 Mrnak Herefords, Bowman, N.D. 12 BB Cattle Co., Connell, Wash. 12 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, Ree Heights, S.D. 12 Logterman Family Herefords, Valentine, Neb. 13 Holloway Farms Ltd., Castor, Alberta 13 South Mountain Ranch, Melba, Idaho 13 Thorson Herefords, Phillip, S.D. 14 Friedt Herefords, Dickinson, N.D. 15 Iowa Beef Expo, Des Moines 15 Lowell Fisher Family Herefords, Spencer, Neb. 15 Olson Hereford Ranch, Argusville, N.D. 16 Durbin Creek Ranch, Thermopolis, Wyo. 16 Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, Neb. 16 Lambert Ranch, Alturas, Calif. 16 White Hawk Ranch/Barnes Herefords, Cedartown, Ga. 17 Carmichael Herefords, Meadow, S.D. 17 Fallon All Breeds Bull Sale, Fallon, Nev. 17 Magnolia Hereford Assn., Magnolia, Ark. 17 Southern Opportunity, Lexington, Tenn. 19 Rausch Herefords, Hoven, S.D. 20 Bar JZ Ranches, Holabird, S.D. 20 Ulrich Herefords, Lethbridge, Alberta

Sire: Mohican BAR Star Revved Up 78A MGS: E 4L Schatzee ET Z712 BW 3.1

WW 55

YW 96

MM 25

21 Nebraska Cattleman’s Classic Show and Sale, Kearney, Neb. 21 Shaw Cattle Co., Caldwell, Idaho 23 Illinois Classic, Springfield 23 Jamison Hereford Ranch, Quinter, Kan. 23 Gant Polled Herefords, Platte, S.D. 24 Illinois Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting, Springfield 24 Kreth Herefords, Mt. Vernon, S.D. 24 TS Ranch, Cottonwood Falls, Kan. 24 Woolfolk Farms, Columbia, Tenn. 26 Ad deadline for April Hereford World 26 Colyer Herefords, Bruneau, Idaho 26 Hereford and Angus Heritage, Perkins, Okla. 27 Mill Creek Ranch, Manhattan, Kan. MARCH 1 Calgary Bull Sale, Calgary, Alberta 1 Jensen Bros., Courtland, Kan. 1 Northwest Hereford Breeders, Hermiston, Ore. 2 Kentucky Beef Expo Show, Louisville 3 Bischoff’s Ravine Creek Ranch, Huron, S.D. 3 Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville 3 McIver’s Happy Acres, Farwell, Minn. 3 Mead Farms, Versailles, Mo. 3 Wisconsin Hereford Assn., Lancaster 5 Harrell Hereford Ranch, Baker City, Ore. 6 Schutte & Sons Polled Herefords, Guide Rock, Neb. 7 L Bar W Cattle Co., Columbus, Mont. 9 Tennessee Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting, Lebanon 10 Boyd Beef Cattle, Mays Lick, Ky. 10 Ft. Keogh Livestock and Range Research Lab, Miles City, Mont. 10 I-29 Bull Run, Sioux Falls, S.D. 10 Tennessee Hereford Assn., Lebanon 11 Snyder Livestock Bull Test, Yerrington, Nev. 12 Holden Herefords, Valier, Mont. 12 JBB/AL Herefords, Gooding, Idaho

Sire: Mohican BAR Star Revved Up 78A MGS: STAR Stroke Ogenius 91X ET

M&G FAT REA MARB 53 0.046 0.45 0.03

BW 3.2

WW 59

YW 100

MM 25

M&G FAT REA MARB 55 0.036 0.48 0.08

12 Tegtmeier Polled Herefords, Burchard, Neb. 13 Cooper Hereford Ranch, Willow Creek Mont. 14 Udy Cattle Co., Rockland, Idaho 14 Vin-Mar Cattle Co., Rushville, Neb. 15 Engelhaupt Herefords/TKR Herefords, Butte, Neb. 16 Buckeye Hereford Assn., Columbus 16 Ohio Beef Expo Hereford Show, Columbus 16 Starmak Cattle Co., Tea, S.D. 17 Buckeye Hereford Assn., Columbus 17 CES Polled Herefords/Predestined Cattle Co., Wadley, Ga. 17 Doyle Hereford Ranch, Wolfe City, Texas 17 Falling Timber Farm, Marthasville, Mo. 17 On Target Bull Sale, Blue Rapids, Kan. 19 B&D Herefords, Claflin, Kan. 19 Grimmel Girls Show Cattle Online Sale, Jarrettsville, Md. 19 K7 Herefords, Lockridge, Iowa 19 Kester Herefords, Burwell, Neb. 19 Wagner Herefords, Redfield, S.D. 20 Flying S Herefords, Paluxy, Texas 22 McCabe Genetics, Elk City, Kan. 23 North Carolina Hereford Assn. Annual Meeting, Statesville, N.C. 24 Arkansas Bull Sale, Heber Springs 24 Candy Meadow Farms, Lexington, Tenn. 24 Cross Timbers Polled Hereford Assn., Salado, Texas 24 North Carolina Hereford Assn., Statesville, N.C. 24 Sandhill Farms, Haviland, Kan. 26 Ad deadline for May/June Hereford World 26 Oleen Bros., Dwight, Kan. 27 Frenzen Polled Herefords, Fullerton, Neb. 27 Harrison Cattle Co., Arapaho, Okla. 28 Washington Cattlemen’s Assn., Eltopia 31 DaKitch Herefords, Ada, Minn. 31 Heart of America Hereford Assn., Wayne City, Ill.

Sire: BPF Happy Hour 525B ET MGS: ERNST 719T Victor 910 BW 1.1

WW 56

YW 85

MM 24

M&G FAT REA MARB 52 -0.034 0.61 0.15

Chad and Stephanie Murnin

These bulls and others for sale private treaty. Contact us for a select group of females for sale.


| January 2018

Loma, Montana Chad 406-399-7811 Stephanie 406-399-7815 barstarcattle@hotmail.com www.barstarcattle.com www.facebook.com/barstarcattle


11th Annual Production Sale • March 19, 2018 Selling 30 bulls — two-year olds, fall yearlings and spring yearlings Choice on 26 heifers and yearling and fall yearling heifers Sires represented:

CL 1 Domino 314A • B&D L1 Domino 45 ET K7 3136 Domino Chip 1501 • SHF Access Y90 A216 CL1 Domino 553C • NJW 73S W18 Homegrown 8Y ET HH Advance 5044C ET

Exhibiting at the Iowa State Fair, American Royal and National Western Stock Show. Come see us in the Yards in Denver! Exhibiting a pen of spring yearling bulls and a pen of fall yearling heifers. Selling a 553 fall yearling heifer out of a 3027 daughter in the Iowa Beef Expo, Feb. 15 in Des Moines, IA.


HEREFORDS Lockridge, Iowa

Tom’s cell 608-574-2309 k7herefords@gmail.com www.k7herefords.com


Amos This ad Hereford space is Farm available!

Call Joe Rickabaugh 785-633-3188

Craig and Denise Amos Indianola, Iowa 515-961-5847 515-238-9852 Cell cdamos@msn.com www.amosherefordfarm.com

Steve Landt Herefords Steve, Jinny, Erin and Adrienne Landt 33848 W. Ave. Union, IA 50258 641-486-5472

Mike Sorensen and Family Box 221, Greenfield, IA 50849 Mike 641-745-7949 mikelpi@yahoo.com www.mikesorensenfamily.com

Jackson Hereford Farms Anthony, Katie and Wyatt Monroe 515-689-5275 amonroe81@gmail.com www.baja-cattle.com Cattle located in Truro, Iowa



10 Indian Ave., Mechanicsville, IA 52306 LeRoy 319-480-2528 cdj@netins.net FOR SALE – BULLS, FEMALES, SHOW STEERS AND HEIFERS (HORNED AND POLLED) Registered Herefords Since 1890

David Trowbridge Tabor, Iowa 402-740-7033 david_trowbridge@msn.com Mike England Adel, Iowa 712-251-5494

Petersen Herefords Brent, Robin, Dylan and Nicole 2169 290th Ave. DeWitt, IA 52742 563-357-9849 bapete@iowatelecom.net

John and Joell Deppe with boys Montana, Chance, Austin and Nick 21938 — 150th St. Maquoketa, IA 52060 home phone: 563-672-3531 John, cell 563-599-5035 Joell, cell 563-599-5038 josiedeppe@gmail.com webcowsdeppebros.com

GOEHRING HEREFORDS Bill and Becky Goehring 2634 Clearwood Ave. Libertyville, IA 52567 Bill’s cell 641-919-9365 keosalebarn@netins.net


January 2018 |


Advertisers’ Index ALABAMA

Debter Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . 93, 109 Tennessee River Music Inc. . . . . . . . . . 109 ARIZONA

Mountain View Hereford Ranch . . . . . 109 ARKANSAS

Bragg Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 James Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 CALIFORNIA

Alto Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Blagg Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Lambert Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 McDougald Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Morrell Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Mrnak Herefords West . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Oak Knoll Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Pedretti Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Red Bluff Bull & Gelding Sale . . . . . . . . 48 Sierra Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Sonoma Mountain Herefords . . . . . . . 109 W6 Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Weimer Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Wintun Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 COLORADO

Campbell T., James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Clark Anvil Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Coleman Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Coyote Ridge Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 109 Ernst Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Fuchs Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Hall and Family, Doug . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Hanging W Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Kubin Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Leroux Land & Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Robb & Sons, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Sidwell Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Strang Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 GEORGIA

Barnes Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC CES Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Greenveiw Farms Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Hill-Vue Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 HME Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Leonard Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . 93 MTM Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Predestined Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Smith Angus Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Thompson Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 White Hawk Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC IDAHO

Canyon Gem Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Colyer Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31, 109 Daniels Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Eagle Canyon Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Elkington Polled Herefords . . . . . . 35, 109 Fern Ridge Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 JBB/AL Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 109 OJJ Cattle Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Shaw Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51, 110 South Mountain Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Udy Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Wooden Shoe Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 ILLINOIS

Aden Family Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Baker Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Behrends Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Benedict Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Bixler Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Bob-O-Lou Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Burns Polled Hereford Farm . . . . 96, 110 Crane Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 DeLHawk Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 DJR Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Double B Herefords LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Edenburn Family Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Ellis Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77, 110


Eubank Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Fancy Creek Farm of the Prairie Cross . 96 Fleisher Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Gen-Lor Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Hallbauer Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Happ Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Kline Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Knott Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Loehr Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Lorenzen Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Lowderman Auction Options . . . . . 57, 96 Lowderman Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 McCaskill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Milligan Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Moffett Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Mud Creek Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Nature’s Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Newbold Farms Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Northfork Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Oak Hill Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Parish Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97, 110 Perks Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Plainview Stock Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Prairie Cross, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Prairie Meadow Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 110 Prairie Rose Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Purple Reign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 RGR Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 River Ridge Ranch & Cattle Co. . . . . . . 110 Sayre Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Shingle Oaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Stephen’s Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Sturdy Hereford Outlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Sweatman Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 West Wind Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 INDIANA

Able Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Beck-Powell Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . 95 Clinkenbeard Farms & Sons . . . . . . . . . . 95 DaVee Enterprises, R.W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Everhart Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Gerber Land & Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Green Meadow Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Greives Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95, 110 Hayhurst Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Kesling Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Kottkamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Laudeman Family, Gale . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 McFatridge Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Ramsey’s Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Stuckey Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . 95, 110 IOWA

Amos Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Baja Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Beef Resources Partnership . . . . . . . . . 119 Deppe Bros. Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Goehring Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Iowa Beef Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Jackson Hereford Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 K7 Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Landt Herefords, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Petersen Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Sorensen Family, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Stream Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Wiese & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 110 KANSAS

4V Ranch Douthit Herefords . . . . . . . . 110 Alexander Farms Herefords . . . . . . . . . 110 B&D Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Beran Brothers Angus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Brannan & Reinhardt Polled Herefords . . . 110 Carswell-Nichols Herefords . . . . . . 17, 110 Davis Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Douthit Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 GLM Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Herbel Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Jamison Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 110 Jensen Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Malone Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

| January 2018

Meitler Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Mill Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 MM Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Oleen Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Oleen Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Sandhill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 111 Schu-Lar Herefords LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Springhill Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Towner Farm Polled Herefords . . . . . . 111 Umberger Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . 111 VJS Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

McMillen’s Toothacre Ranch . . . . . . . . . 87 Miller Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Mueller Polled Hereford & Angus . . . . . 86 Reed Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Reynolds Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Roth Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . 44, 87, 111 Schneider Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Steinbeck Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 WMC Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Woessner Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111


Bar Star Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Brillhart Ranch Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Churchill Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26, 27 Cooper Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . 39, 111 Curlew Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Dutton Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Ehlke Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Feddes Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Holden Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 21, 111 J Bar E Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 L Bar W Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98, 112 McMurry Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Mohican West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Sidwell Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Thomas Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Wichman Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Botkin Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . Boyd Beef Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dogwood Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gordon Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hopper Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JMS Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laffoon Family Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

111 111 122 111 122 122 111


5C’s Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 MARYLAND

All Seasons Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ChurchView Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Side Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foggy Bottom Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fountain Valley Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grimmel Girls Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . Painted View Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R&T Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Oak Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCH Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

108 108 111 111 108 111 111 111 111 111


Behnke’s Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . Breasbois Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Castle Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cottonwood Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Meadows Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hanson’s Double G Herefords . . . . . . . Longcore Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MacNaughton, Ron and Jill . . . . . . . . . Maple Lane Farm Group LLC . . . . . . . McDonald Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rottman, Phil and Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . Sugar Sweet Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

117 117 117 117 117 111 117 117 117 117 117 117


DaKitch Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Delaney Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 111 Krogstad Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 111 Lawrence Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Schafer Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Springwater Polled Herefords . . . . . . . 111 MISSISSIPPI

Broadlawn Farm Polled Herefords . . . . Caldwell Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . CMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leaning Cedar Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . McGuffee Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . .

93 111 111 111 111


AbraKadabra Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Bellis Family, Jim D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Biglieni Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Blue Ribbon Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Bonebrake Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 111 Butler Polled Hereford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Cattle Visions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Doss Hereford Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Duvall Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Falling Timber Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Findley Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Glengrove Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Harding Bros. Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Journagan Ranch/Missouri State University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87, 111 Kaczmarek Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 LIII Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86



7 Mill Iron Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Blueberry Hill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Fisher Family Herefords, Lowell . . . 32, 33, 112 Frenzen Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Gibson Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Henkel Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Hoffman Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 112 JB Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Linton Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Logterman Family Hereford & Angus . 28 Moeller & Sons, Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Monahan Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic . . . . . . . . 83 Niedermeyer Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Ridder Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . 61, 112 Schroer Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Schutte & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Spencer Herefords Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Upstream Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 112 Valley Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Van Newkirk Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 5, 112 Vin-Mar Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 NEVADA

Bell Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Brumley Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Genoa Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 NEW JERSEY

Grass Pond Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 NEW MEXICO

B&H Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Copeland & Sons Herefords LLC . . . . . 112 Cornerstone Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 King Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Perez Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 112 West Star Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 NEW YORK

Glade Haven Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 SK Herefords LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Stone House Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 NORTH CAROLINA

Brent Creech Taylor’s Mill Farm . . . . . 112 Claxton Farm LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Double J Farm LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93, 112 Myers Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . 112, 122 Prestwood Beef Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Rhyneland Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Terrace Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Triplett Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . 93, 112 W&A Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Will-Via Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 122 NORTH DAKOTA

Baumgarten Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 94 Boehnke Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Friedt Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 94 Friesz Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Helbling Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Mrnak Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . 15, 94, 112 North Dakota Hereford Assn. . . . . . . . . 94 Olson Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Pelton Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 79, 94 Wolff Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 OHIO

Banks Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Berg Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Buckeye Hereford Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Durbin Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Farno Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Hot Iron Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 J&L Cattle Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Mohican Polled Hereford Farms . . 92, 113 Morrison Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 NS Polled Herefords Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Oakridge Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 113 Ostgaard Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Sunny Side Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Sunnyside Stock Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Switzerland of Ohio Polled Hereford Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 OKLAHOMA

Beacon Hill Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 CNB Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Darnell Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Dennis Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Dufur Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Durham Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Flying G Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Graft-Britton Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Gray Land & Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Headquarters Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Langford Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 LeForce Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Loewen Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Messner Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75, 113 Moler, Don . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Moss Herefords, Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 P&R Herefords LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 OREGON

Bar One Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Bird Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Chandler Herefords Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Harrell Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . 53, 113 High Desert Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Hufford’s Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Klamath Bull & Horse Sale . . . . . . . . . . 78 Kudlac Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Oregon Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Quick Mill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Vollstedt Farms Polled Herefords . . . . 113 White Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 PENNSYLVANIA

Bar-H Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Deana Jak Farms Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Flat Stone Lick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BC Slaytons’ BearDance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Stone Ridge Manor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Vogel Valley Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 SOUTH CAROLINA

Forrest Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . Fowken Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keese Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White Column Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

122 122 113 122



Amdahl Angus & Hereford . . . . . . . . . . 56 Atkins Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Baker Herefords, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Bar JZ Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Bischoff’s Ravine Creek Ranch . . . 69, 113 Black Hills Stock Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Blume Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Cane Creek Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Coffin Butte Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Dvorak Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Eggers Southview Farms . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch . . . . . . 49, 113 Frederickson Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Hoffman Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 JBN Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 K&B Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 LaGrand Angus and Hereford Ranch . 114 Mettler Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Rausch Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 114 Sioux Empire Farm Show . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Stenberg Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Stuwe Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Thorson Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Thorstenson Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . 114 TENNESSEE

Burns Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 93 Candy Meadow Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Coley Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 DLL Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Jackson Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 JM Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Mud Creek Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Parker Bros. Polled Herefords . . . . . . . 122 River Circle Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Roberson’s Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . 114


Rogan Farms Herefords . . . . . . . . . 93, 114 Triple L Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Woodard Hereford Farms . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Woolfolk Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 TEXAS

B&C Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Barber Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Case Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Cowtown Invitational Sale . . . . . . . . . . 45 Doyle Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Dudley Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Fuston Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 G3 Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 GKB Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Glaze Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 H2 Ranch and Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Indian Mound Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Iron Lake Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Larsons’ Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 114 Massey Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Metch Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Mockingbird Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Noack Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 114 Nolan Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Powell Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Rockin’ 4H Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Rockin’ W Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . 114 Rocking Chair Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Skrivanek Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Spearhead Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Still River Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Sunny Hill Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Texas Hereford Assn. . . . . . . . . . . 101, 114 Texas Stardance Cattle LLC . . . . . . . . . . 12 Williams Family Herefords . . . . . . . . . . 114 Willis Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114


Allen & Son, Phil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circle BJ Polled Hereford Ranch . . . . . Ekker Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johansen Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pallesen Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . Rees Bros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

114 114 114 114 114 115


Knabe, Barbara and Jason . . . . . . . . . . 115 Knoll Crest Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Meadow Ridge Farms Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 108 Quail Hollow Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . 108, 115 Thistle Tree Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Virginia Hereford Assn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 WASHINGTON

BB Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CX Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diamond M Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ottley Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IFC 115 115 115



Collins Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cottage Hill Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goff & Sons, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grassy Run Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Law & Sons, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McDonald Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . Westfall Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . .

Gari-Alan Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Huth Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . 102, 115 Kegley Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 KLS Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Lamb Bros. Beef Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Larson Hereford Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Lietzau Hereford Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Lininger Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 MGM Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Next Generation Genetics . . . . . . . . . . 102 Otter Creek Polled Herefords . . . . . . . 102 Owego Stock Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Paulson Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Pierce’s Hereford Haven . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Sandrock Ranch Herefords . . . . . . . . . 115 Spruce Hill Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . 102 Starr Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Whiskey Run Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Windy Hills Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Wirth Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Wiswell Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

10 10 10 10 10 10 115


Bauer Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Boettcher’s Brookview Acres . . . . . . . . 103 C&L Hereford Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Christ the Rock Creek Farm . . . . . . . . . 102 Dalton Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Berry’s, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Durbin Creek Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23 Largent and Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Lockhart Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 McClun’s Lazy JM Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Micheli Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Middleswarth Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 NJW Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Ochsner Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Perkes Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 CANADA

Calgary Bull Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Elmlodge Polled Herefords . . . . . . . . . 115 Medonte Highlands Polled Herefords . 115

Nelson Hirsche Purebreds . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Ulrich Herefords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 SERVICES

Barnes, Tommy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Bessler Inc., James F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Biozyme Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Birdwell, James M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Birdwell, Joel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Booker, C.D. “Butch” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Burks, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Carper, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 CattleMax Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Circle H Headquarters LLC . . . . . . . . . . 115 Clark Cattle Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Conover, Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Emmons Ultrasounding . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry . . . . . . 115 Genex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Hereford Prep Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Jensen Live Stock Agency . . . . . . . . . . 115 Lathrop Livestock Transportation . . . . 115 Layton, Dustin N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Lowderman, Cody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Lowderman, Monte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 MCS Auction LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Midwest Cattle Service Inc. . . . . . . . . . 115 Reed Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Ritchey Livestock ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Safety Zone Calf Catchers . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Schacher Auction Services . . . . . . . . . . 116 Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Sims, Eddie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Stith, Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Stout, Justin B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 T Bar C Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Wendt, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

January 2018 |




P43715308 — Calved: Jan. 13, 2016 — Tattoo: LE 665

CE 0.1

BW 3.0

WW 61

YW 93

DMI 0.1

SC 0.4

SCF 16.1

MM 31

M&G 62

KIM PRESTWOOD JMS logo BW 40% Blk typeface - Niamey


Danny Miller 4850 Caldwell Ridge Rd. Knifley, KY 42753 270-465-6984 jmsfarm@msn.com www.jmsvictordomino.com

312 Elmwood Rd. • Statesville, NC 28625 Harry Myers 704-872-7155 (h) 704-450-1598 (c) 704-871-9997 (fax) www.myersherefordfarm.net harrymyers1226@att.net Annual Sale: 2nd Saturday in December Herd Sires: Jamison Herefords, Quinter, Kan. AI Sires: Cooper Hereford Ranch, Willow Creek, Mont. and Holden Herefords, Valier, Mont. Since 1962

MCE 0.4




CW 76

FAT REA MARB BMI$ -0.014 0.67 0.25 27

BII$ 23

CHB$ 35

390 Pleasant Hill Road • Lenoir, NC 28645 (828) 728-8920 or (828) 320-7317 • kimprestwood48@hotmail.com


101-103 N. Main St. Saluda, SC 29138 Earl B. Forrest 864-445-2387 864-445-7080 Office 864-445-3707 Fax Brad Forrest 864-445-7633 Herd Certified and Accredited

385 Sweetwater Rd. N. Augusta, SC 29860 Dr. John L. Williams Ashley Williams, manager 803-279-0641 or 803-279-0049 Herd Certified and Accredited Located: 3 miles northeast of I-20 off U.S. Hwy. 25

Toby and Debby Dulworth 2492 S. Kirkman Rd. LaCenter, KY 42056 270-224-2993 dogwood@brtc.net



Polled Herefords

704-664-1947 704-663-1466 Farm


MCW UDDR TEAT 80 1.20 1.10


Lavette and Brenda Teeter 2075 Landis Hwy. (NC Hwy. 152) Mooresville, NC 28115


David and Paula Parker 129 Banks Rd. Bradyville, TN 37026

565 Candy Meadow Farm Rd. Lexington, TN 38351 Rob Helms 731-968-9977 Randy or Steve Helms 731-968-2012 Heath Helms 731-614-3979 Fax 731-967-1445

| January 2018

Chris Hopper 606-584-7842 3554 Tuckahoe Rd. Maysville, KY 41056 Hopperherefords.com

615-765-5359 615-765-7260 Fax David cell 615-464-7008 dplp@dtccom.net www.dkmfarms.com

328 Fowken Farm Rd. Jonesville, SC 29353 Norris Fowler nrfowler@brecwb.com 864-674-5147 Farm Office/Fax 864-427-3330 Office Rogers Fowler 864-426-3281 Greg Fowler 864-674-6837 864-426-7337 Cell Raising Herefords for the past 62 years Hereford.org

As we congratulate Nancy Midla, the Pennsylvania Outstanding Woman in Agriculture for 2017, we reflect on the impact of high performing females at FLAT STONE LICK. Because Nancy does the calving… our heifers calve low birth weight, low problem. Our cows have ideal udders and strong maternal instincts… or Nancy won’t let them stay. Because Nancy does the AI breeding… our cows cycle and calve within 365 days. Because Nancy does the harvesting… our cows are good foragers who need minimal added nutrition during the cold months. When Nancy says it’s time… the boys fall into line.

At FLAT STONE LICK, we know the necessity of easy doing cattle and we respect the folks who manage them.

We believe:

• that selection and breeding can improve successes • that the opportunity for success is critical to young people who have an interest in farming • and that our collective future depends on these young people We applaud Nancy’s efforts over the last 30 years to educate non-farm people about where their food comes from. The challenge now is to educate breeders about the advantages of our Hereford cattle.


Les and Nancy Midla & Family


34 Cranberry Marsh Marianna, PA 15345 724-267-3325 nmidla@pulsenet.com Documented cattle that are right for today’s industry.

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