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Middle Tennessee Hereford Association Scholarship


Please fill out the application below. You may use your own paper to complete the essay questions. Essay must be one page minimum. Please include transcript from school counselor and an up to date resume. MUST BE TURNED IN BY APRIL 1st FOR ELIGIBILITY!!!

• Applicant must be Hereford affiliated.

• There will be two $500 scholarships awarded: 1 to a female and 1 to a male student

• Scholarship will be awarded at the MTHA annual meeting.

• You will be asked to be at the event to be awarded the scholarship but not mandatory.



Gender: ______Female ______ Male

Where do you live: City Rural (non-farm) Rural farm Other

Years in agricultural education: _________

Colleges or vocational/trade schools you are interested in attending:

Fields of studies you wish to fulfill while in college or vocational school: ______________________________________________

What are your hobbies in your spare time:


Years in activities:

Awards received:

Offices held :

List events and activities you have participated in:


Do you have extracurricular activities either at school or outside of school:


Please answer the following questions in your one page essay. More than one page will not be held against you. How would you say the FFA, 4-H, Hereford activities has helped you in leadership, career path, and agricultural education?

How do you plan to pay for college or vocational school?

If you are to be awarded the scholarship how would you use the money towards your education?

You may apply for this scholarship by completing this application. Once completed, please mail or email to the following contact information: staneast3@gmail.com or Stan East, 241 Old Lebanon Road, Carthage TN 37030.

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