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Diversity in the Classroom Essay examples

I believe it is important to first analyze the word diversity when examining the need for diversity within a classroom. According to Webster's New Pocket Dictionary, diversity means variety, a number of different kinds. I often discuss and read about diversity in terms of cultural backgrounds; the unification of histories and stories from people from all over the world. Although, I believe that in a higher–educational setting, diversity can also be discussed as the acceptance of the various minds within a classroom. I believe that it is important to recognize the thoughts and experiences of others in a learning environment. Collectively, students learn from teachers, teachers learn from students, and students learn from their peers. By...show more content...


In higher education, this relationship should not exist. In a school like Columbia, where the faculty is still active within their field of study, students should be seen as equal participants within that field. A teacher may have more familiarity, but a student's experience should not be compromised within the learning environment. That is why diversity is important within the classroom. An acknowledgement of diversity allows for students and teachers to feel free to question and observe the learning at hand. In a media arts/liberal education, this type of learning should be foundational in order to achieve supposed goals promised to the student when he or she applied. In a recent class I took at Columbia, I found that diversity was forgotten. The class consisted of students from various racial and ethnic backgrounds, each with a story different from my own. The class often had conversations about race, ethnicity and racism throughout the world. Each discussion was played out by the students, while the teacher acted as the mediator. After each debate, the teacher would finalize the argument. Often with an opinionated statement, that I believe could be further questioned. Although, there was never chance to examine the response and students were encouraged to accept the answer as correct. I believe in this situation, diversity was overlooked. The classroom was physically diverse, in race, Get more content

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