Hitler Essay

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Hitler Essay

History a) Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister during the 1930's and was known as an "appeaser" in regards to Hitler's foreign policy. In September 1938, during the Czechoslovakian crisis, the appeasers appeased to Hitler's taking of the Sudetenland due to the threat of war. On October first 1938 in the Daily Herald Newspaper, the headline stated that Mr. Chamberlain declared that "It is peace for our time". Some people say that the appeasers, such as Neville Chamberlain, were the indirect cause of World War two. b) The main point that Mein Kampf reveals about Hitler's foreign policy in the 1920's is Hitler's plan to expand in territories in the east. "It will be the duty of the foreign policy to provide large spaces for...show more content... His motive was to put blame on "Britain and France" for helping Hitler achieve his aims. In his opinion "they wanted to direct German aggression eastward toward the U.S.S.R". The fact is that they did "...reject the idea of a united front proposed by the USSR" leaving them to face alone the pact of steel between the two fascist countries. His bias against the Munich agreement is clear in his selection of language, "...total defeat" and "awful milestone", and the omission of the possible benefits of appeasement. This source is not reliable for Hitler's intentions but for his opinion on the intentions on Britain and France. Churchill (source 7) offers opinions only about the Nazis; at least Kukushkin mentions Hitler by name, though not his intentions in 1938. So we must choose Hitler's own declaration at Munich (source 4 as being the most reliable for what he wanted people to believe were his intentions. e) There is evidence in some sources that Hitler was planning military action in Europe, not all over the world. According to Hitler's Mein Kampf (source one) "when we speak of territory... Russia and the border states subject to her" we need it "for the nourishment and settlement of a growing population" and "all our strength is needed to raise up our nation". The soviet Historian Kukushkin states, that Hitler's wanted to "direct German aggression eastward toward the USSR". According to an isolated British politician, Winston Churchill stated that "you will find a

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Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler 1889 – 1920 Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in the small Austrian village of Braunau Am Inn. Hitler would one day lead a movement which would leave it's mark in history. To understand him better, we must study his early life and roots. Family Information ================== Hitler's father, Alois was born in 1837. He was the son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber whose mate was unknown, but could have been Jewish. When Alois Hitler was about five years old Maria Schicklgruber married Johann Georg Hiedler. Five years after marriage Maria died of natural causes and Alois Hitler went to live on his uncle's farm. After many years at his uncle's farm, Alois Hitler...show more content... At this time the Hitler family decided to move to the town of Lambach. Adolf Hitler attended school at the town monastery and joined the boys choir. Hitler admired the pageantry of the church and enjoyed catholic ceremonies and considered becoming a priest. At the age of nine, Hitler was caught by one of the priests smoking a cigarette but was forgiven. The Hitler family, moved once again, now to the village of Leonding, which was close to Linz. Adolf Hitler changed schools but found this no problem to his work, as he was able to achieve good grades with little effort. At this time he found he had a talent for Art. Adolf Hitlers schoolboy days were drawing to a close as soon he would have to go to classical or technical school. His father, Alois forced him to go to technical school despite his wishes to go to classical school and continue his skill at Art. At the technical school at Linz he did quite badly but after being held back a year he managed to get better grades.

Hitler enjoyed the music of the famous German composer, Wagner. Where Hitler grew up was very near to the German Border and people living in the area considered themselves German Austrians. This, coupled with his enjoyment of Wagner's music led to him being fond of Germany and eventually German Nationalism. After the death of his father in January 1903, Hitler was free from

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Biography of Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler Introduction Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful rulers. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939. He made anti–Jewish culture a top priority of his lies and policies and built the Nazi Party into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He founded sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the deaths of millions of Jews, Roma (Gypsies), Slavic people, and many others, all of whom he considered inferior. Early Years Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn,...show more content... Life in Vienna Hitler wanted to become an artist but was rejected because he was unqualified by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in October 1907. His mother died in 1908. Hitler mostly wandered about the city admiring its public buildings and often attending operas. When he had lost all his inherited money, Hitler, unwilling to take a job, ended up in an orphanage. It was there that he was first exposed to his political ideas. At the same time Hitler acquired a hatred for communism and came to equate it with the Jews. Between 1910 and 1913 Hitler?s life improved when he began to paint and sell postcards and pictures for a living. He copied famous paintings and drawings of public buildings. He talked about his ideas in a hostel, where he lived figuring out the beginnings of his public speaking style. Failure to register for recruitment in Austria led him to run for Munich, Germany, in 1913 to escape the Austrian police. He was handed over to Austria but was found physically unfit to be a soldier. So he then returned to Munich. World War I The outbreak of World War I in 1914 came as an opportunity for Hitler. He volunteered for a Bavarian unit in the German army and served the whole war. Though repeatedly decorated for bravery, he was never promoted beyond private first class. In a war of very high deaths, this is

difficult to explain why this happened. At the same time, his anti–Jewish feelings were growing extreme. When Germany was defeated in 1918. He decided

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Essay on Hitler

INTRODUCTION Hitler was an incredibly gifted person. He was an intelligent speaker, as he managed to sway 14.7 million people to vote for him even though his ideas were unpopular. Hitler was able to take over half of Europe with a country that was heavily in debt and had poor morale. He even negotiated to surpass all levels of government and declare himself dictator. Hitler was a gifted painter although most, if not all, of his works were never published. His paintings were done in watercolors and mostly of landscapes. He was painting even after the year of 1919 when politics became his overwhelming concern. Hitler was an extremely bright child. He even said, "The...show more content... On January 21, 1896 Klara gave birth to a daughter Paula, so Hitler was "thereby pushed farther out of babyhood and along the road which would make him a miniature adult." The five children in the house became more and more of a strain on Alois Sr.; his moods became more irritable and he was constantly angry at everyone. Alois Jr. was the first one to snap, then leave home. He moved around a lot but was never very successful. When Adolf became famous, Alois Jr. opened up a cafe in Berlin which was a regular hangout for Nazi party leaders, although Adolf wouldn't even allow the mention of Alois' name in his presence. When Alois left home, Hitler became the man of the house and therefore received the brunt of his father's anger. Although Alois Sr. never struck Adolf, his anger was a tremendous emotional strain on him. In July 1897 the Hitlers moved out of Hafeld and into Lambach where they stayed for a little over a year and then moved to Leonding, a small district outside of Linz. Alois Sr. was finally happy and stayed there until his death in 1903. This was Adolf's true home, "Even in March of 1945, I have seen Hitler stand for endless periods in front of a wood model representing the rebuilding and extension of the city of Linz. In such moments Hitler forgot the war; he lost the marks of tiredness, and for hours he told us of the

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Adolf Hitler Essay example

Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was one of the worst dictators that the world has ever seen. Some people called him the devil, because of what he did to the Jews during WWII. Hitler was a dictator that ordered the execution of millions of Jews and other people, during his reign of Nazi Germany. As a teenager Hitler served in WWI and years later was thrown in jail, where he wrote his book Mien Kampf. Hitler soon became the dictator of Germany and started WWII. At the age of twenty five, Hitler enlisted in the German army. Some say that this was the beginning of Hitler's reign. He volunteered to be a soldier in WWI, and in his first battle about 3000 of his regiment were killed (Spielvogel 97). Hitler was lucky during the war,...show more content... Throughout the book Hitler refers to Jews as parasites, liars, dirty, maggot, repulsive, and the mortal enemy of Aryan humanity. When the book was originally released it was not a big hit, but after Hitler become Chancellor of Germany, millions of copies were sold. In 1929 Hitler and the Nazi party came to power by the vote of ordinary people. Because of stock market crash in 1929 the message of the Nazi party appealed to Germans more than ever. The Nazi propaganda was very easy to accept by offering hope, and its provision of a scapegoat, the Jews, and Communists. Although Hitler lost to Hindenburg he became a much more popular as a result and the Nazis came to hold more than one third of the seats in the parliament. Hindenburg disliked Hitler, but he advised that Hitler could be kept under control, so he named him chancellor. Once Hitler had a position of power he used the Nazi majority he declared a national state of emergency. Germany soon became a one party police state as all non–Nazis were forced out of office and freedoms were taken away. All opposing parties were banned and their leaders were jailed. On March 23, 1993 the Enabling Act was passed (Jackel 56). This law would hand over the constitutional functions of the Reichstag to Hitler, including power to make laws, control the budget and approve treaties

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Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler "The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again" –George Santayana Adolf Hitler is known for having the greatest impact on Europe in all of history, especially Germany. Although the majority of people look down on him for his mass murder of about 6 million Jews in a short time period, his story of influence on a whole country is incredible. He started out as a boy from a little town in Austria with nothing more than a paintbrush and a dream; a dream to become an artist and study at the Vienna Academy of Art. Although this infamous man is one of the most hated people in history, his story is one that must be told. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the little town of Braunau–am–Inn, Austria....show more content... A FГјhrer is a German leader or guide, which is now related often to Hitler. Hitler's rise to power was based on long– term affects for Germany. The decade of depression left by the First World War, which left Europe in great debt and starving. There was so much resentment in the Germans, which they wanted a leader that could help them out of the state of depression that lasted so long. Hitler's Nazi's, men who followed and helped Hitler to his rise of power, also had a reign of terror that scared Europe and thus leading to Hitler's rise. Adolf Hitler was a very profound and persuasive public speaker. He would make public speeches about how if he got into power, that he would guarantee food and health for every person in Germany. One of his mottos was "A Chicken In Every Pot, A [Volkswagon] In Every Garage". This was a very promising statement for Germany; after all they had been through. The Holocaust is the most infamous mass murder throughout all of history. It went on from January 30th, 1933 to May 8th, 1945 (V–E Day). It was a plan to murder all people of the Jewish religion in Europe. This was a very highly thought through plan created by Hitler to achieve his "perfect race". Hitler's anti–Semitism acts were because he thought that it was a Jewish professor that turned Hitler down from being able to study at the Academy in Vienna and also thought that it was a Jewish doctor that could not help Adolf's mother live. When

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Essay on Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler, to some, was a great ruler, but to others he was a murderer. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and was the dictator of Germany. He ordered to have millions of Jews murdered or thrown in prisons. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889, in a small town in Australia called Branuan. His dad's name was Alios Hitler and was a customs official. He was 51 years old when Adolf was born. Klara Polz, Adolf's mother, was a farm girl and was 28 when Adolf was born. Klara and Alios had 6 children , but only Adolf and his sister Paula survived childhood. Adolf was a good student in elementary and got good grades. When he reached high school his studies dropped, and he dropped out of school when he was...show more content... Hitler was chosen as the leader because he was a skillful politician and organizer. In 1923 German workers went on strike against the government. Germany's money value decreased to about nothing. Hitler proclaimed a Nazi revolution or a "putch." While Hitler and 2,000 troops were protesting, the police shot into the crowd, killing 16 troops. Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in jail. While Hitler was in jail he wrote the Mein Kamph which means "My Struggle." The book revealed his beliefs and ideas for Germany's government and his plans on taking over Europe. He believed that Germans were superior humanity and Hitler wanted to keep Germany "pure." He said Jews and Slavs were the evils of the world. In December 1924, Hitler was released after serving only nine months. The economy's recovery was very slow, but now most people had work, homes, food, and hopes for the future. After the revolt, the government decided to outlaw the Nazi party. Hitler argued against the government to lift the law. The government later decided to lift the law.

The depression hit Germany in 1930. Hitler spoke many speeches promising to get rid of the communists and other "enemies." In 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany. There were two other Nazi in the cabinet, Goering and Wilhelm Frick.

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Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler. A highly influential man, a dictator, an individual who cause immense pain and suffering. Adolf Hitler was the mastermind behind Nazi Germany. According to the World of Criminal Justice, Gale, Hitler triggering World War II because of his expansionist foreign policy. Hitler caused monstrosities towards Jews and other minorities and completely changed Western Society in many ways. According to "Adolf Hitler" by History.com, Adolf Hitler rose to power after World War I in the National Socialist German Workers Party. He was Political leader of theNazi Party, Hitler implemented government policies based on "anti–Semitism and racism". These policies became more severe over time and lead to the mass torture and extermination of Jews and other minorities. When one thinks of genocide, usually the word Nazi might come to mind. The Nazi were the creators of the genocide because the Germans felt superior to the jews. According to"The Killing Machine" by Project Aladdin, the Nazi began the genocide because of "eugenics and racial segregation" in other words they wanted to purify their race. Project Aladdin states that the Nazis wanted to keep the Germans "free from abnormalities and illness", this falls under the category of eugenics because of this around 200,000 mentally and physically disabled Germans were killed. The Nazi also wanted to keep the Aryan race closed to other "inferior" races, this falls under racial segregation and extermination. This lead to

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Essay about Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 in Braunau, Austria. He was the fourth child of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Hitler. The couple's first three offsprings died as children, but more two more were born later, in addition to Adolf's half siblings from his father's previous marriage. A housemaid described Adolf's father as a strict but comfortable man, and his mother was known to give Adolf much love and affection. As a child, Adolf was very skilled at artwork, and even went to a special school for awhile, but he didn't do well there. His father died in 1903 of a pleural hemorrhage, and his mother died in 1907 of breast cancer. Hitler spent six years in Vienna, Austria, the center of anti–Semitism. He was...show more content... http://remember.org/Facts.root.hitler.html Hitler's Early Life. 2. http://remember.org/Facts.root.hitler.html Mein Kampf Picture: "And so I believe to–day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord." ~Mein Kampf Hitler made many famous speeches during his rise to power. A few are quoted in certain areas of this report. His goal was to create a new empire that would last for one thousand years. He ran for president in 1932 and became chancellor in January, 1933. In November, 1937, he outlined his master plan as described in Mein Kampf at "FГ…hrer Conference." World War II began in September of 1939, when Germany attacked Poland. By then, Germany had already taken over Austria and Czechoslovakia. In 1940, Hitler conquered Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, and almost Britain. His next move would be attacking the Soviet Union, even though he had recently made a non–aggression pact with them in 1939. His attempt took place in June of 1941, but the Soviet armies were ready for attack, and turned the momentum of

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Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler played a huge part in World War II and was one of the major reasons the war happened at all. World War II was a devastating war where millions of soldiers and civilians died. Hitler started to take over countries like Austria with little or no resistance. When he later tried to invade Poland, Britain declared war. Even though there was very little fighting at the time Britain declared war, Hitler's ideas and goals for Germany were what initially caused World War II and later led to the holocaust. Hitler argues that the human race was very similar to species of animals and we should behave as such. His basic ideologies explain why he was looking for war and his goals for Germany. Hitler believed that each race should mate with a similar race and get rid of races that were not the same. This prejudice he had explains why he would want to go to war with nearby countries. Ideally, Hitler would demolish every single race that was not his own. It would be impossible for him to get rid of every single race, so he picked the one that was least like the Aryans which were Jewish people. Hitler borrowed a lot of the ideas from Charles Darwin when developing his own ideology. Like Darwin, Hitler believed that social good was influenced by major forms of politics and the fittest would ultimately survive. These animalistic views show why Hitler was so adamant about fighting against others. Like any species, Hitler believed that the Aryans needed to fight in order to stay

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Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, he was serving as a dictator and he was also the leader of the Nazi Party. He took control of the german government in 1933. He established camps for the jews and other groups he believed to be a threat to Aryan supremacy, More than 6 million died in the Holocaust. On 1939 he attacked Poland and that started World War II by 1941 Germany was controlling most of Europe and North Africa. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau, Austria. He was the fourth child of alois Schickenelgruber and Klara Hitler. By 1900 Adolfs talents as an artist gained attention. He did good enough in school to join a university preparatory. His father enrolled him to a university but did not do so well. Adolf's father died in 1903 after he suffered a pleural hemorrhage. Adolf also suffered from a lung infection. He quit school at the age of 16 because of the lung infection and also because of poor school work. In 1906, adolf went to go visit Vienna but he couldn't get into a prestigious art school. His mother developed breast cancer and was treated by a Dr named Edward Bloch. He was a jewish doctor who served the poor. After a operation that was painful with very expensive treatments with dangerous drugs she passed on December 21, 1907. Hitler moved to vienna and worked as a casual laborer and watercolor painter. He applied to academy of Fine Arts twice but was rejected both times. He was homeless due to lack of money, he

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Adolf Hitler Essay

Having the skills to be a leader is probably one of the hardest of skills that people have to learn to run a country. However, this does not apply for Adolf Hitler due to him having the skill of giving excellent speeches as well as having the proper evidence to back up his claims. These events happened after WWI so Germany was in a total economic collapse due to the Treaty of Versailles and the people were desperate to be saved from the rules they had to abide by. Hitler was a Corporal during WWI after being promoted due to his whole squad dying from an explosion, he started telling other soldiers during and after the war that there were no people of the Jewish religion on the battlefront therefore turning him against them and into a anti–semitic dictator. Some could say that his leadership was not as/or of significance compared to the treaty or that he was getting help from policies. Hitler's leadership was of excellent significance at this time and could be seen as having many events leading to this such as how the Weimar Republic failed to satisfy the people due to the depression therefore causing it to collapse, he could put the blame for Germany's problems on specific social groups such as the Jews, and how he promised to solve Germany's problems by doing what the people wanted. Was he really that significant? Others that protest against Hitler's may use excuses such as or that relate to the fact that he basically had problems occur at just the worst time for Hitler to

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Adolf Hitler Research Paper

Adolf Hitler "Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all." (Hitler 137) Hitler was driven by his hunger for power, causing the death of millions of innocent people. No one could have known the dramatic effect this man would soon have on the world. Adolf Hitler's life began in Austria on April 20, 1889. Born at the Braunqu–am–inn. Hitler had four siblings Gustav Hitler, Ida Hitler, Paula Hitler, and Edmund Hitler. Gustav and Ida Hitler died in their infancy, while his brother Edmund Hitler died at the age of six. Ida Hitler was the only one to live to her adulthood. Hitler also had a half brother and sister, Alois Hitler Jr. and Angela Hitler Raubal. Adolf Hitler was the fourth child of six. His father was Alois...show more content... (5) The organization Hitler was a member of was popularly known as the Nazi Party. Originally was a small group of people under the name of German workers party. Adolf Hitler attended the meetings and joined it in 1919. Soon after he became leader of the party and changed the name to National Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler increased the Nazi party's political power steadily. Then in 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. (3) Before in 1923 Hitler and others of Kampfbund tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This was known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Ruler of Germany from 1934 to1945 and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party were trying to take control. Hitler took advantage of Germanys economic hardships and of the citizens after world war I to get followers, then finally just taking control of the country. Hitler had a very useful skill he was a persuasive speaker and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. (1) The Nazi conducted an election campaign across Germany. Hitler traveled and spoke around the country receiving more than six million votes. (1) Adolf Hitler's last name was originally Schicklgruber. He had taken his mothers last name but decided to change it to Hiedier, or Hitler because the name Hitler sounded rich and was easy to remember. He thought

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Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler was one of the most feared and cruel men in world history, but how did he come to power? Hitler was one out of a few men to be feared by thousands of people. Hilter was responsible for killing millions of innocent people, mostly of the Jewish religion. He was the chancellor of Germany for 12 years and the leader of the Nazi party. He was a very important person in history, most notably during World War II. When Hitler was young he moved to a town named Vienna, this is where he acquired his anti–Semitism beliefs. On worldhistoryproject.org states, "Vienna at that time was a hotbed of traditional religious prejudice and 19th century racism. Hitler may have been influenced by the writings of the ideologist and anti–Semite...show more content... He believed once he was this powerful everyone would believe him and follow his beliefs. This was the beginning of Hitler's rise to power. After World War I Adolf Hilter was arrested for treason. This was due in part for speaking out against the German politicians that he felt ended the war early. Aided by the Nazi party his charges were dismissed. This boosted the number of people in the party. "Many inGermany saw the Nazis as the wave of the future. After the stunning success of the 1930 election, thousands of new members had poured into the party, stated the author Jabril Faraj". This lead to Hitler winning the 1932 Germany presidential election. Little did they know this is what would start Hitler to ruin thousands of people's lives. In March 1933 Hitler's first concentration camp was opened in Dachau. This were Hitler sent over 200,000 prisoners to live in this camp. Around two–thirds of the prisoners were innocent Jewish people. Around 25,000 died in the camp due to disease, sickness, starvation, etc. Hitler ruined many innocent people's lives for little to no reason at all. He took random people and put them into concentration camps. This was the first of many concentration camps to be opened by Hitler. A few years later

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Hitler Essay

Hitler The year was 1929, the Great Depression had hit hard all over the world. People were losing their jobs, and their way of life was changing drastically right before their eyes; the people needed money fast. They needed to rebuild their lives and get back on their feet again, economically, politically, and socially. They needed a way out of this slump fast, and Hitler was there for the rescue. In 1933, Germany was facing a high unemployment level, leaving people to fend for themselves on the streets, Hitler took advantage of the peoples low moral and made them big promises of the dawn of a new era for Germany. The social classes lost their meanings. The middle–class was ruined by the Depression: they...show more content... He would say things that made the country's future look optimistic. His followers would applaud him after he spoke, and they would leave holding the same ideas as Hitler and his men followed. Even though people knew Hitler's ideas were wrong, they listened just to be part of such a powerful crowd. People wanted to be included and be part of the happy cheering crowd, so they followed his ideas and cheered him on. They placed Hitler on this high pedestal, showing him loving children, and women. He brained washed his people into thinking he was going to bring them glory; instead it brought them misery and shame. In March 1935, Hitler created, formed and organized an army during peacetime. He made this public news. People around the world saw that he developing a strong army, and did nothing to stop it. It's purpose was so the SS would create a superior race. It was the duty of their army to feel as if they are defending their country at all times. This occurred again when Hitler marched into took over and made it a province. Czechoslovakia, an ally to France, Britain, and the Soviet Union. People gave Sudetenland to Hitler and left Czechoslovakia bare. They were ready to fight but Britain and France helped Hitler, due to his cunning ways. The nation's of Europe just closed there eyes to Hitler's rein of terror, and gave him control of their ally country without a fight. On March 15, 1939, Hitler took over Prague and destroyed the democratic government. People

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Adolf Hitler Essay

From 1923 until his death in 1945, Hitler fostered extremist ideas that contributed to his oppressive, totalitarian regime. On April 20th, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler, an Austrian couple living near the German border. Growing up, his father was abusive towards his mother and him. Adolf was unpopular with the local children and was considered lazy by his father. Adolf's school reports exemplified an average student. After Klara died of cancer, Adolf dropped out of school and was all alone. His dream of attending art school was crushed when his application was rejected, and he was left with nothing. Adolf became convinced that the Jews were responsible for the way his life turned out. He believed that it was a Jew who denied him from art school and that a Jewish doctor killed his mother. He also believed that the people for whom he was working were Jewish and gave him menial, humiliating jobs. Everything wrong in his life was blamed entirely on the Jewish population (Trueman 2). It was from this hatred that his genocidal nature emerged. Hitler slowly built his political platform and soon became powerful throughout all of Germany and Europe. Adolf Hitler gained popular support from German citizens and supporters through his autobiography Mein Kampf, programs combating the effects of the Great Depression, and his rhetoric. In 1923, after Hitler's failed attempt to gain political and governmental power in Munich, he wrote his political manifesto called

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Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler On April 20, 1889, the world was changed forever when Adolf Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler in a little town named Braunau–am–Inn, Austria. Alois worked as a customs officer on the border crossing near their hometown. Adolf was the third born in his family, but first to survive. Later would come Edmund, who would live to the age of six, and Paula who would live to out survive Adolf himself. With a poor record in school, Adolf Hitler dropped out with ambitions of becoming an artist. Alois passed away when Adolf was thirteen, so Klara raised Adolf and Paula on her own. Between the ages of sixteen and nineteen is when Adolf Hitler began to become interested in politics. Then, in 1909, Klara Hitler died of cancer and...show more content... He used his trial itself to gain publicity for his theories and himself. It was during this time when Adolf began dictating his thoughts and philosophies that developed into the book "Mein Kampf", which translates to "My Struggle." Released after serving only six months of his five–year sentence, Adolf Hitler was forbidden from making public speeches by the government. The numbers of support fell from approximately 2 million to 840,000 thousand people. During this time was when Hitler formed his infamous SS (Schutzstaffel); this group was formed to be Hitler's bodyguards. After the stock market crash in 1929, German industry slumped which caused millions to go into unemployment. This unfortunate swing for the country of Germany, was very beneficial for Hitler and his Nazi party when President Hindenburg was forced to call for new elections the coming September. Hitler promised a way out of the countries current hardship. So after gaining the support of millions, Adolf Hitler decided to stand against Hindenburg in the upcoming elections. Hindenburg won the election despite Hitler's hard campaign pushes. By July of the same year, the Nazi party gained dominance and became the largest party in all of Germany. After becoming Chancellor and President Hindenburg's death in 1934, Adolf Hitler took over the role of President and keeping the role of Chancellor, to become "Fuehrer." During the years to follow, the Nazi party began to


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Adolf Hitler Essay

Adolf Hitler Born in the Austrian town of Braunau on April 20, 1889, Adolf was the fourth child of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Hitler. By 1900, young Adolf's talents as an artist surfaced. He did well enough in school to be eligible for either the university preparatory school or the technical/scientific Realschule. Because the technical/scientific Realschule had a course in drawing, Adolf enrolled in there. Adolf suffered from frequent lung infections, and he quit school at the age of 16, partially the result of ill health, but mainly the result of poor schoolwork. In 1906, Adolf traveled Vienna to seek his fortune, but he wasn't able to get admission to any prestigious art school. Hitler spent six years there, living on a ...show more content... Hitler escaped death in battle many times, and was awarded two Iron Crosses for bravery. He rose to the rank of corporal but no further. In October 1916, he was wounded by an enemy shell and taken to a Berlin area hospital. After recovering, and serving a total of four years in the trenches, he was temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack in Belgium in October 1918. Following the war he lived in war–torn Germany and attended many political gatherings. The turning point of Hitler's mesmerizing oratorical career occurred at a Nazi party meeting held on October 16, 1919. Hitler's emotional delivery of an impromptu speech captivated his audience. Through word of mouth, donations poured into the party's coffers, and subsequent mass meetings attracted hundreds of Germans eager to hear the young, forceful and hypnotic leader. With the assistance of party staff, Hitler drafted a party program consisting of twenty–five points. This platform was presented at a public meeting on February 24, 1920, with over 2,000 eager participants. After hecklers were forcibly removed by Hitler supporters armed with rubber truncheons and whips, Hitler electrified the audience with his masterful demagoguery. Jews were the principal targets of his speeches. The Nazi party began drawing thousands of new members, many of whom were victims of hyper–inflation

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Argumentative Essay About Hitler

Hitler is most commonly a man who is known to be the instigator of World War II and the driving force behind the attempt to exterminate European Jewry, otherwise known as the Holocaust. Hitler is also a leader who has never had the privilege of being a respected across the globe. The work of historians , who found the bright side of the Fuhrer , were never accepted by the society and thus Hitler remains as a 'black sheep' in the world history among others .Adolf Hitler was and still remains to be one of the cruelest rulers the world has ever seen. Hitler, according to texts, promoted the ideas of Pan–Germanism, anti–Semitism, and anti–communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda , he denounced international capitalism and communism...show more content... Only a handful of people have ever pointed out the good side of his life. What people have not recognized is how he was a real good friend and leader towards his most trusted comrades and historians have always turned a blind eye towards two of his stronger characters; his strength and goodness. It is quite unknown that Hitler did not drink alcohol or smoke, or that he was a vegetarian. (Schirach "Introduction to The Hitler no one knows"). "After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived." – John F. Kennedy After being elected, the first thing Hitler did was to fix the corrupt, debt–creating financial system. Another forgotten fact is how unemployment was slightly washed away from the society. Hitler's ultimate goal was the establishment of a greater Germany than had ever existed before in history. (Jackel 1984:24). The importance given to women and families were also highly commendable. The measures taken to protect nature and its resources are sights that are not common in daily life today. But these facts are not accepted or included in an ordinary book of history. "[It is] useful to know the laws of nature – for that enables us to obey them. To act otherwise would be to rise in revolt against heaven." – Adolf

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Adolf Hitler Essay 20

INTRODUCTION Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators. Hitler converted Germany into a fully militarized society and launched World War II in 1939 (see Federal Republic of Germany). He made anti–Semitism a keystone of his propaganda and policies and built the Nazi Party (see National Socialism) into a mass movement. He hoped to conquer the entire world, and for a time dominated most of Europe and much of North Africa. He instituted sterilization and euthanasia measures to enforce his idea of racial purity among German people and caused the slaughter of millions of Jews, Sinti and Roma (Gypsies), Slavic peoples, and many others, all of whom he considered inferior....show more content... Hitler saw trench warfare as a form of the struggle for survival among races, a struggle that he was coming to see as the essence of existence. At the same time, his anti–Semitic feelings were growing extreme. When Germany was defeated in 1918, Hitler was lying in a military hospital, temporarily blinded by mustard gas. He decided Jews had caused Germany's defeat and that he would enter politics to save the country. Hitler returned to Munich after the war. He was selected to be a political speaker by the local army headquarters, given special training, and provided with opportunities to practice his public speaking before returning prisoners of war. His speaking successes led to his selection as an observer of political groups in the Munich area. In this capacity, he investigated the German Workers' PartyВ—one of the many nationalist, racist groups that developed in Munich in the postwar years. CBeginnings of the Nazi Party The German Workers' Party, later renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (abbreviated NSDAP or Nazi Party), became Hitler's political focus. Here he found an outlet for his talents in political agitation and party organization. The party espoused essentially the same ideas Hitler had picked up in Vienna: violent racial nationalism and anti–Semitism. He also shared the Nazis' opposition to the liberal democracy of the German

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