Government Essays

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American Government

Each type of government holds different views as to the role the leaders and citizens should perform in their country .Different types of government include, oligarchy where the government is run by the best leaders, Tyranny, where they believe those in power should have complete control over its people. In the United States of America, we believe indemocracy, rule by the majority. The main problem with our type of government is maintaining it. Our government and its citizens have lost sight of their roles and responsibilities, in government.

The role of the government in our country is defined in our Constitution as to, "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote more content...

Although I myself do not wish to participate in theses activities, I do not think that is my duty or that of the governments to tell others that they cannot do these things. The government is crossing the line from being a democracy to becoming a combination of Oligarchy and Tyranny type government by telling its people what they can and cannot do in their private lives.

The private citizens seem to have lost sight of their role in government as well. The people have forgotten that they are just as part of the government as the people that hold positions in office. Citizens of this country sit around and complain about what the governments does or doesn't do. They complain about the government running their lives. What they seem to have forgotten is, they have elected theses people. When it comes to voting, the people should look into the person that they are voting for. They need to ask themselves, What does this person stand for? Does this person believe in the things that are important to me? Will this person make the right decisions? The problem is,too many people just vote for whom ever is affiliated to the party of their choice. It is the duty of the citizens of America to vote and vote wisely. We need to remember our role in government, if we want the government to remember theirs.

How perfect would It be if our government was run according to Lao–tzu and his teachings in Tao–te Ching? Lao–tzu believed in the unseen

American Government Essay example
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Government Control

The current state and future of our planet is a widely discussed topic with numerous viewpoints, possibilities, and problems that have been discussed. Often times, these hypothesized futures are discussed with analogies in an attempt to warn against the outcome of a certain event or certain ideals. Famously, this has been done inBrave New Worldby Aldous Huxley as well as 1984 by George Orwell. While both books independently explore differing alternate realities, they have one common theme among them, government control. Both novels differ from one another wildly, yet have that singular theme in common, and end in the same way, with the government winning in the end. Clearly, both authors intended their books to act as warnings against this outcome, and, as such, are effective in doing so. more content... This is perhaps due to the fact that World War II had ended only a couple of years prior. No matter the influence, it too contains an all–powerful government in which the populous has no control over anything, but using a very different method. Rather than chemically induced happiness, it uses fear and supervision as primary means of control. It implements things like telescreens and thought crime to observe people in an attempt to catch anyone who may attempt to overthrow what they have built. In addition to this, they destroy all traces of the past to keep people from learning. If you control the way the past is perceived, you control the way people think, and, as such, the people themselves. The government lies to people constantly to get them to keep following along with what the government wants them to believe. In fact, they even went so far as to alter the language people speak to eliminate the possibility of people even being able to conceive of rebellion. The government looms over everything that happens, and nothing happens without them knowing. This is a severe form of government

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What is government? Government is a person or group of people who control and make decisions for a country. It has a number of particular roles to help make a country survive and function successfully. I believe that without the roles a government provides a country would not function and would eventually fail. Therefore, I think government is necessary because without it there would not be any provided protection, resources, and regulations. Protection is something that keeps a person or group of people safe from harm. A Government provides protection to help keep people in a country safe and secure from potential threats outside the country. For example, if a country did not have a government then anyone from outside the country more content...

I think that without the regulations a government provides everyone would be doing what they want causing the country to turn into chaos and eventually there would not be any people left living. My view on government and the protection, resources, and regulations it provides has a lot to do with my political typology. Political Typology is a name given for the combined views a person has on political issues. When I took the political typology test, I was assigned Main Street Republican, which is on the right or republican side of the political spectrum. It is also not as conservative or as far on the right side of the spectrum as the Stanch Conservatives. I do agree with many of the issues that Main Street Republicans believe in, however, I do not agree with one of the political issues. For example, according to a survey, 72% of Main Street Republicans believe that government is wasteful and inefficient ("Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology"). I, however, do not agree with the statement. I do believe that government is sometimes wasteful on some things however, I do not agree that government is inefficient. I strongly believe that government is necessary to create peace and order in a country. That is one of the main reasons why I sided on the having government is necessary side because without it I do not believe a country would last very long. Therefore, other than the view on

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Why a Government is Necessary for a Country


Government and state is like a two sides of a coin. Some political thinkers do not make any distinction between state and government. As a state Bangladesh has experienced different types of government since 1971 including democracy and military government. None of the experience is good for the people of the state. As a form ofgovernment democracy has some advantages and also some disadvantages. But in a country like Bangladesh you mostly have to suffer the demerits of democracy. Many political thinker defined "State" in different ways. State is mainly a organized unit of a particular portion of mankind (Burgess, 1890). On the other hand government A group of people that governs a residential district or unit. That sets and administers community policy and workout routines executive, political in addition to sovereign power as a result of customs, institutions, and laws in just a state. A government is usually classified into several types–dictatorship, monarchy, democracy, aristocracy are only a few. Bangladesh is a small country with huge population. So the needs and rights of people of country is can be reflected best by the democratic government system. It insures participation of every legal voters and give them the opportunity to choose their own government. But the problem is that relationship between public and MP's had always been bad and it always has effected development of our country. Democratic governments in our country often act as a pseudo

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Government And State And Government Essay

Students will write an essay, 500–750 words in length, on a topic selected from the list below. The purpose of the project is to give students an opportunity to discuss a key political science concept, and to show a basic understanding of academic research and reporting skills. The project consists of producing a 500–750 word essay on one of the provided topics (see below), as well as a works cited page for sources containing information used in the essay. The assignment is to be formatted according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. Papers not formatted properly will not receive a passing grade.

Students should use Courier or New Courier 12 point as the paper's font, double space the text, and create one inch margins more content...

Discuss the major eras in American history as they relate to federalism, and describe which level of government appeared to be dominant at each time.

Describe what you believe is a proper distribution of powers between the national and state governments.

3. In Chapter 6, "Congress," the authors state, "the bulk of work on legislation consists of what members do in committees." Include the following: Provide a thorough understanding of the committee system in Congress.

Explain the various types of committees that have been developed.

Describe the leadership and partisan nature of the committee system.

Discuss the work that lawmakers perform in committees, and explain the role of committees in the lawmaking process. Explain why Congress established committees.

4. Even though the President, as discussed in Chapter 7, has very few constitutionally enumerated powers, the duties of the President have become quite substantial. Include the following:

Describe the express powers and responsibilities of the President, as provided for in Article II of the Constitution. Explain the roles and functions of the President, including head of state, head of government, chief diplomat, commander in chief, and chief legislator.

Discuss the implied and inherent powers (and roles) of the President.

Submission Instructions:

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Madison Cissell MSU 176 Symposium

Primary: United States Government

Secondary: Tourism

The United States government is the federal government of the America's fifty states, as well as one capital district, and several other territories. The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose powers are settled by the U.S. Constitution in Congress, our President, and the federal courts (including the Supreme Court). The powers of these branches are defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of the executive departments and of the courts secondary to the Supreme Court. The outline of the government of America is laid out in the Constitution. The government was formed in 1789, making theUnited States one of the world 's first modern national republic. The United States government is based on the different principles of federalism and republicanism, in which the power is shared between the federal and state governments. The interpretation and execution of these principles has been debated ever since the adoption of the Constitution. Some are in support of extensive federal powers while others argue for a more limited role in relation to individuals.

One of the theoretical pillars in the United States Constitution is the idea of "checks and balances" being found among the powers and responsibilities of the three branches. Congress is the legislative branch and is bicameral, comprising the House of Representatives and

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Overview of the Issue

Socialism is the social and economic theory that promotes the public control and ownership of property and natural resources. This socialist view claims that individual does not live and work in segregation and seeks collaboration with each other's (Ball & Dagger). Furthermore, government has power and right to exercise specific social and economic theory in the society. In other hands, government with a set of moral principles also has moral obligation towards every citizens for providing good governance. As a result, a guiding philosophy of government is subject to scrutinize in socialist government (, 2009).


According to Merriam Webster, Government is an agency, machinery more content...


According to Merriam Webster, "ethics is a theory or system of moral values." It is drawn from the philosophy and also a guiding philosophy. The method of ethical theory must correspond with good action and consider that it holds facts only for the most part. The study of ethics is done to progress human lives and thus the set of principle and values must comply with the environment of human well–being (Kraut, 2010). Additionally, the process of standardizing, guarding and advocating concept of right and wrong bearing is within the field of ethics. The contemporary school of thought views ethical theories into three spectrums: meta–ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. Meta–ethics spotlight on the issues of universality of truth or the absolute truth which may resembles the natural law. Normative ethics is about the determination of the moral course of actions which is to arrive at moral practical standard of task that police right or wrong deeds. Lastly, applied ethics involves probing of the moral outcomes in explicit controversial situations such as capital punishment, nuclear war, and environmental concerns etc. These are the conceptual tools of ethical judgment in ethical dilemmas (Fieser, 2009).

Ethico–political Discussion

Ethical foundation is guiding philosophy of any political believers who are the charge of the government. The quest is about the kind of life that is good for the every people. Most of

Ethical Theories Of Government
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What is the purpose of government? When looking up the definition of a government it says, "the governing body of a nation, state, or community"( This helps to understand it a bit more, but what is the purpose of a government. Government has many purposes that keep its people safe and protected, this includes to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. There are so many ways that thegovernment is use and there are so many sub categories and even those have categories. So when one is faced with a question like this there any number of responses, and but the main purpose of more content... government ensures the right of the people are protected by having the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights has many other articles that protect the people's rights however, this is not the only way the government protects our right. Another way the government protects our rights is by the justice system. The justice system includes creating and passing laws that protect the rights of people. There has been a lot of conflicting feelings about equal right among everything, but what hold the most controversy is the LGBT becoming equal with the rest of the world and recently laws have been passed to try and equalize the LGBT community with the rest of the citizens, in 2015 the Supreme Court's announced "States cannot keep same–sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. "(Chappell). This means all 50 states must allow same–sex marriage no matter how the states feel about the issue, in order for the law to pass it had to go through the Justice System. This proves that the Justice System helps to protect the right of citizens because everyone has the right to marry even if it is the same–sex, by it becoming law it further protects this right that citizens are entitled to. This isn't the only case of the the Justice system has helped to safeguard people's rights. In California a law

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Purpose Of Government Essay

The relationship between States and their localities in many cases is strained. State government gives their local governments life, they create the laws for them. However, throughout history, state governments have not treated their localities as they suppose to. That is why the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) stated on the state–local relation "Legislators should place a higher priority on state–local issues than has been done in the past. The time has come to change their attitude toward local governments." They want the state governments to see localities as partners in the federal system. It is the state that can decide the amount and type of authority a local government could have to operate effectively and efficiently. The state government holds all legal powers, and the amount and type of authority are varied. Some states give their localities the power to restrain themselves, but other more conservative states force them to wait for the legislators to approve so more content...

When a big problem happens in the local officials, states tend to come up with a solution. For example, in Florida, they saw the problem with solid waste management, so they legislate a new law requires counties to set up a lot of recycling programs. Not only that, but also counties were required to achieve at least 30% recycle rate. I do not see how this tension between state and local governments can be healthy for our political system. It creates problems and sometime people will start losing their trust in their governments. In my opinion, I think the local government should have the ability to set their budget. In addition to that, they need to be empowered by their state governments to legislate new laws, without waiting for the state legislators to approve it. It also depends on the importance of that law if it will help improve the life in that jurisdiction or

Federal Government Vs State Government Essay

How does learning about government and our America help you become a future guardian of the liberties of our country. In our world we talk about our government and America being better. Yet, there is more to it than just the government itself. We as citizens hold up the responsibility of being the guardians of our country's liberties. It's not about just being a citizen alone but, being able to realize the opportunities that we have in laws themselves. Court of law, immigrants earning their citizenship, and our military system are all topics that will be covered in this essay. First, we have our court of law. This is meaning that you have many rights in the court room itself such as, the right to remain silent. In our case we the people are given these right to give us our chances to prove ourselves innocent. If we choose we can have a lawyer given to us to help. In a court room it's also know to be open–minded to show that more content...

So many kids now look up to the people that run our country and want to become war heroes. What I understand about this is that people think it's a masculine thing to join the military but, the way I see it as men can do what women can and vice versa. Women are usually seen in the medical portion of the military because we have that motherly instinct that men don't have. There has been a lot of controversy about this but women are equally as strong men and I'm going to prove that as being a future guardian in protecting our liberties. In conclusion, each and everyone of us have the rights of everybody else. We just need to realize that even though it may seem unfair in cases, we are the future of America. We will determine the faith and with this we need to protect what is right. Our liberties are the most important part that. Being in the court of law, being an immigrant earning their citizenship, or even being apart of our military systems. You are protecting our liberties, as aUnited States

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Government Vs Government Essay

The Purpose Of Government

What is the Purpose of Government?

Government, the thing that makes our lives function everyday has countless roles they play in running a country. Some of these roles consist of listening to the citizens, providing safety and controlling the money aspect of the country. The purpose of government is to provide safety, control the money of the country and listen to the citizens because throughout history it has been proven that they have been the most crucial and effective parts of a government. Throughout history the way of government has been perceived very differently, from John Locke toAdolf Hitler everyone has their own opinion of how government should work. John Locke said that government needs to provide services and offer protections which has been known as the social contract. (Why Government 1). Another philosopher, Thomas Hobbes also stated that he thought that one of the government's main purposes was to provide protection for the citizens' rights. (Why Government 2). Adolf Hitler's idea of government on the other hand was way more diverse than any other philosopher. His idea was to eliminate all Jews and communists from his country (Germany), then build up a military to try and restore Germany which required him to basically turn Germany into a dictatorship. (Nazi Germany). From having a Military to having laws, one of the government's main purposes is to protect and ultimately keep the country safe. One way the

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The Purpose of Government The purpose of government was designed to protect the citizens rights of that country. It is necessary to have a government to make sure that force is used the right and lawful way. It must state clearly, objective laws to show where force can be used properly. Thegovernment must also have the ability to enforce the laws where needed. The government is made up of three branches of power.

It is done this way to make sure that the power is separated evenly that way one group does not gain more power than the rest. The three branches that make up the government are Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. To make sure that the government works and the citizens' rights are protected each branch is given its own responsibilities and powers. In order for all of this to work tho more content... Locke's political philosophy stresses a citizens individual consent as a must in order for that individual to truly join society. The main problem with this is that very very few people actually gave their consent to their government. Locke's solution to this problem is stated in his doctrine of tacit consent. It Basically has him stating that "simply by walking along the highways of a country a person gives tacit consent to the government." By doing this they agree to listen to the government while living in its domain. Locke also believes that this is why Resident Aliens should also have to obey the laws of that country while residing there. Resident Aliens are anybody who are not a citizen of that country but are staying there legally. Punishment is another reason that government is able to work may not be the prettiest side to it but it is one of the most effective. "John Locke defined political power as "a Right of making Laws with Penalties of Death, and consequently all less penalties"". He believed that there must be law in order to have

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Purpose Of Government Essay

The role of government has developed throughout the years changing the way we view and act in society today. For example, the national government ensure that the citizens of the United States are all treated equally, applies law and order, and provides opportunities. The government has changed dramatically since we now have social media, newspapers, and the radio. However , not only has the government provided a strong impact in society in a positive way, but it has also impacted the society in negative ways. As a nation the public has found many imperfection in our government that they want to change. Public opinion has caused negative feedback through media and political participation .

The government is trying to help the people more content...

The creation of law and order has made it possible to keep everyone safe and maintain a balanced government. For example, in the United States people under the age of twenty–one are not allowed to drink. This law was created to establish safety for minors and create a safe environment. Law and order has created a respect for the laws made by the government. Currently the laws being enhanced are gun control laws. Gun control laws are keeping a limitation on who can posses a gun due to attacks towards innocent people. Law and order has helped the nation with stability and safety, instead of living in the state of nature. In addition, the national government has provided opportunities for the people such as offering grants, medicare, and food stamps. These opportunities are offered to citizens to establish a healthy and working nation. For instance, grants are offered to students so they can continue their education. The grants can be used to pay their college expenses like they tuition or school supplies. Giving these grants help students finish their education ,and they can later give back to the government, such as paying taxes and providing a role in the government . Correspondingly , medicare is health care provided to senior citizens by government funding. Medicare has helped senior citizens receive health care since they cannot afford it. Food stamps are also offered by the Get more content

Of Government Essay

The Governments: The Three Types Of Government


A government is a group of people who govern or manage a city or state. Governments are usually related to the word 'corruption' no matter what type of government it is. The three types of governments that are widely known and are the most popular are Monarchy, dictatorship, and democracy. These three forms ofgovernment can either be good or bad depending on the group of people who govern the city or state. In my opinion; however, I believe that the ideal government for Iraq would be a democracy. It's important, though, to know the characteristics of the three types of governments without straight up finding a government corrupted.

A monarchy is aform of government where a monarch is ruling and usually, they are referred to as a king or queen. Also, a monarchy is hereditary. In history, the ancient Egyptians saw their monarchs as gods. Beginning in 1500, many European monarchs claimed that their power came from gods; also known as the divine right of kings. The World War I ended many important monarchies; however, there are still 26 monarchies around the world some of which are the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Morocco, Jordan, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Swaziland.

One of the cons of a more content...

A dictatorship is a form of government where a dictator is ruling usually with full authority and force. A dictatorship, in my opinion, is one of the harshest types of government because most of the time there is barely any freedom and the dictator rules by force. A dictator is usually elected when the government is in its democracy form and at that point, they are referred to as a president. However, they start prohibiting opposing organizations and canceling free elections. A dictator is basically the government where he or she acts as a whole for the entire political

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Government! You can't live with it! You can't live without it! It is the "common cold" that everyone dreads. The American Heritage College Dictionary, Third Edition defines government as, "The exercise of authority in a political unit in order to control and administerpublic policy."

Webster's DeskDictionary of the English Language defines government as, "The political direction and control exercised over a nation, state, community, etc." The common individual might define government as the root of all evil. The thing about government is that no one stops to think about how government came about.

Government falls into two categories; monarchy or a republic. A monarchy is a form of government that is always headed by more content...

King Fahad has complete control over it's citizens in all aspects pertaining to their country. Laws, punishments, and regulations are in the hands of King Fahad.

If the government of a country does not fall into any of these categories, it is a republic. A republic is defined in Webster's Desk Dictionary of the English Language as any government in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. There are three types of republics; dictatorship, oligarchy, or democracy.

A dictatorship is a republic ruled by one individual. Cuba has a dictatorship. Fidel Castro is the main contributor to Cuban society. He oversees his people yet allows his people the right to vote him in or out of office.

An oligarchy is another type of republic. This type is ruled by a select few. An example of an oligarchic society would be France. King Louis XV is king but he has a complete parliament to assist him in the law making procedure of France.

The third type of republic is a democracy. A democracy is defined as a society ruled by the majority. An example of a democratic republic would

Essay on Government

be the United States.

There are four theories that coincide with government; divine, natural, social compact, and force.

The divine theory was developed out of religion. The theory states that government ordained itself from God, and its main purpose is

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A lot of thought and consideration was given into the creation of our three branches of government by our Founding Fathers. The checks and balances set forth by the Constitution helps to ensure that none of these branches becomes too powerful. If any of these powers were to be transferred from one branch to another, I believe other powers would also have to be adjusted. The legislative branch has the power to make laws, the executive branch has the power to carry out laws, and the judicial branch interprets these laws. These are the basics functions of the three branches of our Government. The checks and balances of the legislative branch include the power to override presidential vetoes with a two–thirds vote, the power over the purse strings, approval of treaties more content...

Judicial review is the power of the courts to declare acts made by the executive and legislative branches unconstitutional. Could this power be moved to one of the other branches of government without throwing the balance of power out of whack? Let us imagine that Congress had this power. What could be the downfalls from elected officials having the power of judicial review? The first problem that comes to mind is that these people are elected. This would result in a lot of laws that benefited only the majority. We all know the majority is always right, right? Another problem could arise from special interest groups donating funds to officials for the return of favorable laws. An additional reason that this power does not belong in the hands of Congress is the ability of more than 500 people to come to a decision. The Supreme Court is sometimes slow at making decisions, but the current Congress' record is baffling. Now let us look at the executive branch having the power of judicial review. The main problem I see is that this power would lie in the hands of one single person. I would rather Congress have this power than one

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Three Branches Of Government Essay

Government Argumentative Essay

"Painting, writing, orchestra, band, choir these programs are the so–called money wasting according to the government. Some governments believe that if they take these programs away their budget will be more. They said they have done tests and evidence that shows how it does effect of course there is statistics and finances that show that. However, you cannot really base something we are born with based on a test. The Arts is a compelling thing some people are born with it some are not. It would not be fair to the kids who struggle in the core subjects like math and reading the kids who do not well let me tell you, you are lucky. Those kids are confident in the math and reading the kids who are not they feel ashamed of themselves that they cannot get a certain concept. "We as humans are designed to be well–rounded; we have two halves of the brain. We are not ignoring that right side of the brain, but we are certainly underserving that side of the brain. Says Lance eagled an art teacher at Churchill whose budget was recently cut. According to psychology, you have two parts of your brain. Some people have stronger sides than other for instance, if you are more left brained you have more analytical thinking, you think logically , are good at language in addition to math and science . If you have a stronger right, you are very imaginative; you are good at understanding something immediately, plus having creativity, in addition to Art and

Government Argumentative Essay : Government
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United States Government

The United States has a deeply rooted and embedded tradition through the Constitution of having a federalist style of governing as its structural framework for operating and guiding the government of the country. The form of governing is best described as a balance between powers of the central government and the powers of each independent and autonomic state. "Federalism is a system in which the power to govern is shared between national and provincial (state) governments, creating what is often called a federation" (Wikipedia 1).This style of governance has not been the only structure instituted in American history in order to implement civilized law and order among the people of the land. Prior to the more content...

The decision by a nation of people to implement one of the three main forms of government, confederacy, unitary, or federalism, is an important aspect in defining the nature and role of government in the lives of its citizens. Confederacies exist as a group of autonomous individual states, regions, or member components who form a national body, or centralized government, to represent their independent interests at a more regional and international level. The existence of the national government is derived from the consent of each governed autonomous state or region. The entities that submit to this central ruling authority are able to withdraw from the compact that binds them together. The national authority created is only bestowed with the powers, authority, and privileges which the independent components in the confederacy allow. If any member component feels its interests are no longer being served or the compact has interfered with its autonomy, then that entity of the confederacy can sever its ties with the national body. This can occur because the state, region, or member component has the supreme ultimate authority over its own affairs. As further examination and analysis will demonstrate there is no inherent authority invested into the national government as is the case of a federalist system. The most relevant examples of a

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United States Government Essay

Many different forms of government have existed throughout civilization. Theocracy, dictatorships, democracy, and many others have all had periods of time where they reigned as the government of choice. Arguments could be made in favor of each form of government. The key to finding the most viable form of government is to consider this: which form of government provides the most stability for the state? The stability of the state is based upon the foundation of the government. Shaky foundations lead to short–lived or miserable nations. Governments based upon religion, birthrights, or one man generally do not have solid foundations. The greatest foundation a government can have is the support of its citizens. Governments which cater more content...

The two dominant forms of government are democracy and authoritarianism. The two socio–economic policies are capitalism and communism. Democracy is a form of government which dominates the western world. In democracy, every person is given equal input into matters of the state, although this does happen to varying degrees. There exist many different types of democracy. Absolute or direct democracy occurs when each citizen personally participates in all decision–making processes. This system is difficult to maintain due to the vast number of people and the necessity for all people to be informed, logical, and educated when making many decisions. This form of democracy has not existed in significant sized populations. Representative democracy is a type of government in which the people elect government officials to make decisions concerning the state. The two most prevalent types of representative democracy are democratic republics and parliamentary democracies. In a democratic republic, such as the United States or Canada, the people elect both their representatives in government and their head of state. In a parliamentary democracy, such as the United Kingdom or Australia, the people elect their representatives and their representatives elect their head of state. Authoritarianism is a form of government in which the leader or leaders have exclusive power concerning matters of the state. Although these Get

of Government Essay
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1.The author gives many reasons as to "why" work for the government. Choose 5 reasons given and explain what they are and whether or not they appeal to you. (3 pts)

Here are five of the reasons the author gives for working in the government. Stable employment. This is one of the major perks of working for the government, mostly for the federal government. Government employees keep their jobs in many occasions until is their time for retirement. Even though is not something that happens to everybody, in cases where the government has reductions in personnel or change in departments their employees may go find a job in another agency or department. As many government employees that I know would say. "there's nothing like knowing that your paycheck will be there every 1st and 15th of the month.

Pay and benefits. As mention in the book, the pay government employees get is usually less than the one for employees in the private industry. Mostly in the management level, but the benefits given by the government are what makes up for the gap in payment. When taking the benefits under consideration, the government employee may earn more than people in the private sector. I used to be in the military and the pay was not that great, but the benefits make so much for it. If I ever consider working for the government, benefits would be one of the biggest factors for making that decision.

Variety of Career Opportunities. There are many different agencies in the government, and the Get

The Work For The Government Essay
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