Natural Essential oils: Holistic Treatment to Improve Physical, Mental and Emotional Health
Essential oil is a natural substance obtained from the plants with healing and therapeutic properties. It is used universally in medicines and skin care products. It comprises the essence of the plant and has been used in cosmetics, perfumes, food and aromatherapy. Using essential oils develops your physical, mental and even emotional health with this all rounder treatment. Essential oil should be taken in a proper way as they are strong and can cause side effects. It provides various health benefits and helps to fight many diseases including cancer, HIV, asthma, bronchitis heart attacks and many more. It is a cause of many phytochemicals and some essential oils need to be diluted with an unscented “carrier oil� to be used safely on the skin. Adding some common oil essentials like lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint and tea tree oil to your natural medicine that can help you in healing skin conditions, cures common cold, improves digestion and relieves pain.
There are more than 90 essential oils on the market today with their own benefits and usage. Hence, we are sharing the properties and health benefits of some significant types of essential oils that you must know this season.