How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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Are you interested in the easiest way to lose weight? Are you a man or woman concerned with your appearance, your health? Weight loss is an issue that many of us have to deal with. While few are able to lose weight “naturally,” through diet and exercise, many simply have not been able to shake the weight off. In this ebook we will address why weight loss has been tough for you AND what simple solutions are available, when combined, which will finally pave the way for fast weight loss. This ebook will concentrate on key tips that will assist YOU in dropping 3 to 5 pounds per week. It begins with a short story. My background is in the health and wellness industry that spans a decade. My team includes personal trainers, wellness coaches to nutritionists. We see hundreds of clients each month and every one of them is looking for a solution for weight loss. The famous words we hear all the time are, “I need to lose weight fast”. So we give our clients super easy rules to follow to get started. These are our magic bullets for getting their metabolism in fat burning mode. I highly recommend you follow these same rules for the next 30 days (No, not for the rest of your life. Just for the next 30 days.) You will amaze yourself with your results. I promise, you do not have to do all of these tips for the long term in order to lose weight and keep it off but I do know that this is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism and see the weight come off a lot faster. Ok let’s get started. What is the definition of a calorie? A calorie is the amount of heat required to warm 1 gram of water one degree centigrade. So the answer is energy that is required to heat up 1 gram or 1 ml of water is equal to 1 calorie burned. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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Why is this important to so many weight loss seekers or calorie counters? Why do we ask ourselves how many calories to lose weight or how to burn more calories? If you consume too much food and the amount of energy needed to be burned (calories) is not used up the result will lead to weight gain. That is the most used definition out there today and so many people have bought into it. So it sounds easy right? Just eat less, humm ... why are there people we know, friends, even family members who eat TONS OF FOOD and they remain forever thin??? There are key factors as to why some people gain weight, and others can consume TONS of food and never put on an ounce of weight! Let’s take a look at why some people can consume lots of food and not put on weight. The majority of people that try various diets and exercise to lose weight fail. Why? Because they are missing out on the most important reason that they can’t lose the weight or prevent the diet yoyo. The standard line you get is that you need to diet and exercise to get results, and for some people, especially the younger generation, this works. But for a huge number of the population this is just not going to work, try as they may. Are you aware that due to toxins in our environment, water and food supply bloating weight gain is simply the result? Do you realize that if your body is polluted with toxins it stalls weight loss and creates all those bulges that won’t budge? Let’s examine 5 areas that you need to be informed of that if not addressed your quest for weight loss will result in failure. Let’s start with your metabolism.

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Tip#1: Kick Start Your Metabolism, Not The Way You Think… When it comes to ensuring that your metabolism is functioning properly, it can all come down to toxins we are exposed to. “When your body is toxic, toxins hide and embed themselves in your body fat. This causes your cells and organs to become sluggish and lose efficiency. The heavier you are, the more toxins you can store. As your organs and body systems lose their ability to function properly, they lose their ability to metabolize and process fat effectively. This is one reason why some of you find it difficult to lose weight - your body is not functioning properly.” “What are toxins and where do toxins really come from? They come from the food you eat. The meat you eat. The vegetables you eat. The air you breathe. The thoughts you have. The activities you have.” “Toxins are chemicals that the liver does not recognize as useful for the body. These toxins are destructive to your body cells and other body tissues. They create an acid body that attracts fungus, bacteria, parasites, worms, viruses, and many other pathogens. Why doesn’t the body get rid of toxins through its 5 elimination channels – the colon, the kidney, the skin, the lungs, and the lymphatic system? It does but as you get older the body becomes over whelmed with toxins and is unable to eliminate them completely through your elimination channels or neutralize them through your lymphatic system.” “So what does the body do with all of these toxins? It stores them in your body cells and fat cells. When the five elimination channels can no longer push toxins out of your body, they themselves start to get clogged. Toxins, minerals, fibrin, and other body debris combine to form layer upon layer of material that causes narrowing of the elimination tracts.” Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. He writes a newsletter called “Natural Remedies That Work.” Therefore the missing factor in a successful weight loss program MUST begin with cleansing your colon. If you are not familiar with colon cleansing then this may sound like an odd statement to make. But, consider this; a backed up colon will not only prevent weight loss, but will also cause a whole host of other symptoms such as:

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-Always tired and sluggish -Interrupted sleep -Weight gain -Aches and pains -Premature wrinkling of the skin -Unexplained skin rashes -Constipation or diarrhea -Bloating and gas -Menstrual cramping -Headaches These are only some of the symptoms of a clogged toxic colon. What does this have to do with weight loss? In a normally functioning colon, the food we ingest gets broken down. Nutrients are absorbed in the small and large intestine. The friendly flora produce b-vitamins and nutrients are sent to the rest of the body where all the cells are fed. This normal function produces the hormones we need and keeps the metabolism high and allows for weight management. The problem with today’s environment is that it is toxic from all the chemicals, pesticides and pollutants we are bombarded with on a constant basis. Another huge factor is man’s craving to change things all the time and that includes food. In the name of profit, the food industry is reinventing food and changing them from their natural wholesome form and adding preservatives, dyes and coloring which dramatically alter the foods we eat. It creates great profit, and the shareholders are happy, but this is at the expense of our health.

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Ok let’s dig deeper. Most experts will tell you lack of exercise and a high calorie diet are the primary causes of weight gain. Great, so exercise more and eat less. Problem solved, right? Not necessarily. Exercise is an essential part of maintaining optimal health and keeping your weight down. And eating too much can lead to weight gain. But, this forgets an important element: Digestive Health. The Chinese believe that all illness starts in your gut, and digestive health determines how well you feel both inside and out. It also plays a role in weight gain. Three major factors contribute to poor digestive health, which translates to excess weight gain. These three factors are yeast overgrowth, high gluten consumption, and a diet high in processed sugars. If you don’t control these three factors, no matter how much exercise you perform, and no matter how much you lower your caloric intake, you WILL still carry excess weight. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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Yeast, gluten, and sugar buildup in the body largely contribute to weight loss plateaus. All you need to do is look around you in North America around the world and the answer is there for all to see. We are an obese, overweight tired species. Foods such as white flour, rice, pastas, dairy products, hormone filled meats and sliced meats full of sodium nitrates and processed food wreak havoc with our digestive system. The food we eat should be digested and eliminated in 2 to 3 days, but with processed food it can take 5 to 6 days. Undigested food starts clogging in your large intestine making it difficult for it to absorb the nutrients you need. As you get further backed up this material becomes toxic making it very difficult to eliminate. You could literally have 4 to 20 pounds of old fecal matter in your colon with a narrowing passage so future eliminations become difficult and constipation sets in. When you eat the typical American diet you may feel full but may be starving for real nutrients. If the diet remains poor, the intestines remain clogged and the body becomes desperate to eliminate toxic buildup. It puts tremendous stress on the liver and kidneys and can even manifest itself by trying to get rid of toxins through the skin and odd unexplained rashes appear. Premature wrinkling can occur and metabolism slows making it difficult to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, start with a good colon cleanse first. Tip #2: Look After Your Liver And Lymphatic System‌ Due to chronic abuse of the liver with heavy alcohol use, using medications, drugs, and bad eating habits, the liver can become overloaded and irritation can result. The result is an inflammatory response in the abdominal cavity, which creates an accumulation of fluid (called ascites). As the retained fluids collect in the stomach area, the stomach will often begin to protrude outward, producing the appearance that is sometimes called a "beer belly". In women, the problem can get bad enough that the protruding belly makes them look pregnant when they are not. For people with this water weight How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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deposition, weight loss can be frustrating because exercise will not "burn it off" because it's not fat. Since natural weight loss approaches fail to get results in these situations, it creates frustration. Are you aware there are more fluids in your lymphatic system then in your blood supply? Why is this important? Your liver acts as your detox center. All toxins in the body travel to the liver to be filtered out to the lymph system. If your lymphatic system is operating properly the toxins in your lymph pass through the urinary channel. If your liver and lymph are clogged toxins remain in your body, which results in weight gain. “New research reveals that 80% of overweight women have sluggish lymphatic systems and that getting them running smoothly again is the key to easy weight loss and feeling great!” Dr. Anne Louise Gittleman, World Renowned Nutritionist So what is the solution to reducing the burden on your liver and lymphatic system? Tip#3: Drink Ice Cold Water Because… A smart strategy to lose weight or to maintain your weight is to keep your metabolism levels raised, liver squeaky clean and lymph flushed. Drinking ice cold water is one of the quickest ways to lose weight. By consuming ice cold water daily especially during the summer will compel your body to cool it down and boost your metabolic rate. Have you ever asked yourself what celebrities consistently do to keep weight off? Please do not say that they starve themselves ... they crave food just like us. The difference is they use secret tips to lose weight fast that most of us do not implement on a daily basis. So say hello to ice cold water, why? Do you remember what the definition of a calorie is? A calorie is energy that is required to heat up 1ml of water to 1 degree celsius. Therefore if you were to consume 70 ml of ice cold water you will burn 70 extra calories. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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Let’s get into the science to explain further why this works. When we consume food it requires energy to digest it. Therefore, when you drink ice cold water your body will expend more energy in raising the temperature of the water which results in more calories burned. Drink water! The benefits are proven: drinking water increases metabolism, reduces hunger, burns fat, and flushes toxins from your body via your kidneys and lymphatic system. Ok quick tips.

Fruit Many people get their water from fruits, such as apples, watermelons and berries. One piece of fruit, depending on the size, can count for as much as half of a glass of water. The added benefit of fruit is that in addition to helping to hydrate you, fruit can add healthy amounts of vitamins and minerals to your core diet. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

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Fruit also fills the stomach and energizes you. Because fruit contains very few calories, it is a good food to fill up on. However, fruit does contain fructose, which is a type of sugar. Fructose will spike the level of sugar in your blood stream, which will give you energy. Yet, if that energy is not consumed readily, the fructose will turn to fat (if only a small amount of it.) The Dehydrators There are beverages and activities that dehydrate your body quickly so that your essential amount of water intake needs to be increased. Beverages that deplete water from your body include sodas, coffee, tea and alcohol. In order to ensure that you stay properly hydrated, drink one glass of water for every glass of soda or other dehydrating beverage. Also, for every halfhour of sweat-inducing exercise, you should drink at least one cup of water. If you are exercising in a particularly humid environment, you may have to drink more water in order to avoid headaches, illness and overall dehydration. Like many other bodily functions, the metabolism is dependent on water to work properly. Without enough water, the process of breaking food down and converting it to energy slows down dramatically, which means that too few calories are burnt and that too little weight is lost. Not drinking enough water can be compared to “running off of fumes” and if you’re dieting and you seem to have hit a plateau, then you are probably not drinking enough water. When the metabolism slows down, weight loss slows down even more dramatically, especially since exercising becomes less effective as the body’s energy levels diminish. Water also plays an important part in the process of digestion and elimination of residues. Not drinking enough water is a one-way ticket to constipation and a host of other problems of the intestines. Poor digestion means that you will not get enough energy from the food you are eating. This will prompt the body to ask for more food and this is how the weight loss process stops and the weight gain process begins. A dehydrated body sends out fake hunger pangs, thus tempting you to forget about the diet and eat more food than you should. So without a doubt, if you are looking to lose some weight, fill up on water and keep yourself well hydrated because water is the ideal drink when you're looking to lose weight. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy Page 10

Water truly can aid your weight loss process if you are diligent about consuming generous portions of it. Many people find that carrying a water bottle with them everywhere they go is the best way to remain tempted to treat your body right. Tip#4: Do Not Eat Anything That Is White… Ok, we have touched on digestion. Let’s expand upon it. Experts tell us we are what we eat. Do not eat anything that is white. Think about most foods that are white and chances are you should not eat it. We are referring to white bread, pasta, sugar, white rice, and most milk products. A disturbing thought when we consider how much sugar, fat and white flour is consumed daily, hidden in ready-made meals and fast foods. It’s time to change the bad habits we have developed over the last three decades and start eating to improve health, not destroy it!

A vital area of life that requires our attention is this….learning to answer hunger pains appropriately. If we neglect this, weight can increase and wellbeing may suffer. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy Page 11

Whether you need to lose weight, maintain weight or tone up your body; inappropriate eating habits can jeopardize your best efforts. This ebook will help you start to understand how to manage hunger in a busy lifestyle. If it’s sticky and sweet, made with sugar and saturated fat, then you must only eat it as a rare treat. Can the same be said for a delicious bowl of strawberries, or a juicy sweet orange? That is the problem here. Why do we choose cakes and chocolate over nature’s best offering? Guard yourself from the sweet snack attacks by being prepared and planning your day's food patterns. Tip #5: Eliminate Whole Wheat… Do not eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredient list. Whole wheat and white foods have essentially the same impact on blood sugar. You might as well be eating a big spoonful of sugar. Go for natural gluten free grains such as amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, brown rice to name a few. Go with a natural diet.

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Tip #6: Warp Speed Your Results With This…! One of the many weight loss products that you may want to consider investing in is that of fat burner pills. Weight loss pills or diet pills, also commonly referred to as fat burner pills, have been used by many women and men, for years, to burn fat FAST. Although not all fat burners are the same, you will find that most work by suppressing your appetite. Ensure you look for a superior weight loss product that has multiple benefits such as:        

Burns stored fat Appetite suppression Increased metabolism and energy Increased calorie burning Releases water retention Prevent further storage of excess body fat Increased toning and muscle building Fat burners for women and fat burners for men (a product for both sexes)

If you would like to use fat burner pills to help you lose weight, you will find that you have a number of different options. There are a large number of weight loss pills sold over-the-counter and then there are ones that are available by prescription only. One of the many things that you need to take into consideration, when looking to buy fat burner pills is that of cost. Fat burners, as you will soon find out, are sold in a wide range of different prices.

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Although it is important to make sure that you can afford the cost of fat burner pills, it is also important that you do not compromise quality for cost. Do the proper research, before you buy fat burner pills, should you decide to do so. Weight loss diet pills are not all created equally; therefore, they have varying results. The manufacturer of the fat burner in question is another factor that you should take into consideration. The manufacturer in question and their history can give you great insight into a fat burner pill, like if it is one that truly works or not. If a company regularly has a bad reputation of selling the fat burner pills that do not work, there is a good chance that you should stay away from that manufacturer. As previously mentioned, there are many fat burner pills that work great and others that do not work at all. To save yourself time and money, you will want to try and find fat burner pills that have been proven successful. One of the best ways to go about doing this is by visiting online weight loss websites, How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy Page 14

message boards, reading product reviews, or by first consulting with a healthcare professional. Furthermore, you should consider the ingredients of the fat burner before you make your final purchase. Most importantly, check to see whether or not you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Check to see if any of the ingredients in your preferred fat burner are dangerous or if they have been recalled. You may want to perform an individual standard internet search with the name of each ingredient. Another factor that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy fat burner pills is your point of purchase. Fat burners are sold by a number of different retailers, both on and offline. If you are shopping online, it is important to make sure that you are doing business with a reputable and trustworthy retailer. If you are shopping locally, it may be a good idea to avoid buying fat burner pills from dollar stores or discount stores. The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when looking to buy fat burner pills. Generally speaking, fat burner pills are a great way to help you lose weight fast, as long as you know exactly what you are buying. Check out fat burner pills for additional information for in-depth product reviews, ingredients, research on ingredients, question and answers, cost and more. Let’s put this all together to outline a simple program for you: Tip #1: Kick start your metabolism and weight loss with a colon cleanse. Tip#2 & #3: Cleanse liver and lymphatic system with WATER. Tip #4: Avoid sugar, white flour, white rice, white pasta, you get the idea. Tip #5: Avoid whole wheat and go with natural gluten free whole grains. Tip #6: To speed up your results combine diet and exercise with a highly effective fat burner. Look for a superior fat burner program that combines diet and exercise. How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy Page 15

Just by following the simple instructions outlined for you above for 30 days, you will experience amazing results. When you want to learn how to lose weight fast and easy, knowing how is key to your success. Whether you decide to change your diet or to incorporate serious exercise workouts into your daily routine, you want to see the weight come off quickly. Sometimes there's an event or outfit that you want to wear for a specific date or time and knowing how to lose the weight quick is paramount. Sometimes the pressure of trying to lose weight quickly can be traumatic. Try to avoid the pressure of short term weight loss ordeals. You can do this by practicing good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle on a regular basis. Then when those special occasions come around, you'll be in your best shape for them. Don't beat yourself up if you can't maintain optimum weight at all times because there are ways available that can help you to lose weight quickly when you need to. The most important aspect is that you treat your body with respect. It's important for you to understand that you only get one body, which you need to care for as best as you can. It doesn't matter if you are starting a diet or exercise plan for the first or 100th time. The point is that you want to know how to lose weight quick so that you can get rid of the unwanted pounds that you have gained. The good news is that there are many ways that you can learn how to lose weight quick. The key is to find the right program for your lifestyle, body type and metabolism. Once you find that key, knowing how to lose weight quickly will be the result. It is important for you to understand that while there are lots of programs that teach you how to lose weight quick without exercise, however the real good ones will tell you to include exercise along with your lose weight fast plan. Why is it so important? When you include exercise in your weight loss goals it will help you to kick your metabolism into a higher gear. This in turn means you will burn fat faster How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy Page 16

and more regularly. It also means when you reach your ideal goal, you will keep the weight off and have a much healthier body. But there is more. Remember hydration? As much as 70% of your body is comprised of water including 83% of your blood, 22% of your bone, and 75% of your muscle tissue! If you are dehydrated, your water levels in all areas will decrease, which means it will be difficult to lose weight and build lean muscle mass. Furthermore, the more lean muscle tissue you gain from exercise the more hydrated you become the quicker your body fat percentage will drop. What I am suggesting is do not just diet and think you will get results. Do not just exercise. To successfully achieve the results you are looking for you should follow the 5 tips and include the 6th tip to accelerate the results along with exercise. Learning how to lose weight fast and correctly is a lesson that provides benefits and rewards that can last a lifetime. Important: If this ebook has helped you in ANY way please click the link below and opt in to my subscriber list. If you have a FACEBOOK account, log into your FACEBOOK account first, then, ‘Click Here To Subscribe’ link below. The page will automatically upload your name and email. Just click REGISTER, click CONTINUE on the next page it’s that easy! If you DO NOT HAVE A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT I only require that you give me your first name and email, to receive additional WEIGHT LOSS TIPS to assist you further with your weight loss goals. Please share the subscriber link on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Digg with your friends.

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