1 minute read
from The Veseyan - Spring 2023
Dear All, How this term has flown by!
When I reflect on the last term, I feel very proud of our school and our students. I am so pleased that we are offering an ambitious curriculum, in line with the English Baccalaureate, which seeks to not only develop scholars, but also pupils of excellent character, who are global citizens, committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. I do think the way the school focuses on developing character is exemplary and is worthy of being shared with others e.g., a vast number of pupil leadership roles, the promotion of volunteering, the annual pupil-led Giving Tree project, pupil-led projects to reduce knife crime in Birmingham, Outreach work delivered by pupils to primary schools, especially those with high levels of disadvantage, in Art, Primary Sports, PSHE, and through Medical Minds We have also undertaken a pilot with Y9 pupils, teaching sustainability through History. Some of these projects have been recognized and commended at a regional and national level.
I hope you enjoy reading some of the snapshots of this term. Thursday March 30th marks our annual Speech Day at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall with our guest speaker, Dr Rahul Dubb OV We will be welcoming back our ‘A’ level leavers (and our GCSE subject prize winners) and their parents. This cohort were a record-breaking year. All groups performed well at GCSE and A level, and in terms of destinations.
However, the Governors, my colleagues and I are not complacent. We need to continue to ensure every student achieves in line with their potential and has a positive school experience.
We have plans to build a new Learning Resource Centre, including a 6th Form Centre, library and additional dining, for 2025.
Wishing all our examination candidates a purposeful Easter break!
Best wishes
Mr Robson Headteacher.