7 minute read
from The Veseyan - Summer 2023
Mr Lavelle
I would like to thank Mr Lavelle for his help and support when arriving at BVGS in 2019 and helping me understand the unique culture at Vesey. The department will miss his enthusiasm for Computing and introducing the next 'big thing' in the curriculum. The students will miss him, and many have already expressed sadness at not seeing him again in September. Good luck and best wishes for the future both professionally and for your family.

-Mr Kirk
Miss Jarvis
I remember watching Claire for her 1st job lesson observation and it was clear to see she was going to make a fantastic teacher. Needless to say the school offered her a job. Claire was an excellent NQT and our mentor meetings were fun. Despite totally losing her voice and driving round with her resignation in her car for half a term, she came through the other side and started to enjoy her classes.
I’ve known Claire since the start of her teaching journey and we started as colleagues but have definitely become friends. She has always had such a calm approach with students. She delivers well- planned and engaging lessons and cares about her classes. I think the fact her classes have all sent her lovely cards and will miss her is testament to the great relationships she formed with them.
Not only will she be missed by the students but by her colleagues as well. She has supported and helped all of us at various times and the office won’t be the same without her. Claire has done all 3 of my maternity covers at different schools, and there are definitely no more to come, so it is time for her to go and do the role full time which I know she will be amazing at. Claire is going to be Head of Department at the school she was educated herself: Sutton Girls.’ Our loss is definitely Sutton Girls’ gain. Good luck and we will see you soon I’m sure.
-Mrs Sanders
Miss Xu
Miss Xu has been our Hanban teacher since September 2022. We are grateful for her contribution to our school and we wish her well for the future

-Mrs Wang
Mr Hussain
We poached Dil from Fairfax back in January 2018 and it’s one of best decisions I ever made. In very little time he became a key member of the team and throughout his journey grew his technical competence and attributes. When the Senior IT position came up we took a calculated gamble of appointing Dil and have never looked back. Dilwar in his time here has been a huge positive energy and invaluable member of the team. The impact that the school will feel once Dilwar leaves for the last time will be felt for a long time to come. A highly sought of member of staff will no longer walk these corridors. What the legendary IT team did to keep this school operational and supported during the pandemic deserves its own paragraph in the BVGS history books.

I’m grateful to Bishop Vesey for setting up the school. The school that allowed me to cross paths with Dil and build an incredible life long bond. Who says this is just a work place? It’s been a pleasure and a huge honour!
-Mr Baglee
Miss Mellor
Carolyn Mellor joined us in January 2020 and quickly became an invaluable member of the Languages Department. Her wealth of experience is vast (she has undertaken nearly every job in a school!) and knowledge of and love for the French language shines through in her lessons. She is meticulous with her work and her high expectations ensure all her students make progress. Carolyn has also been a very welcome addition to the Technology Department and has enthused many Year 8s with her flair for cooking! Merci, Carolyn, vous allez nous manquer!

-Mr Grant
Mrs Harris
We were delighted to recruit Natalie in the summer of 2021 as our Communications Lead and as Executive Assistant to the Headteacher. Natalie has brought fresh energy and enthusiasm to the role. To ensure the newsletters reflected the views of the student body, Natalie established ‘Vesey Voices.’ However, my favourite initiative has to be the December 2021 end of term assembly, which included a video of staff and students ‘singing’ Mariah Carey’s festive classic, ‘All I want for Christmas is you.’ It was a very funny and inclusive piece of work, which gave everyone a huge morale boost as we set off for our holidays!

Above all, we will miss Natalie’s sunny disposition and positive energy. She is a great team player and has built excellent relationships with staff and students alike. She will be very much missed. We wish her the very best with her re-location to the south! Felices aventuras!
-Mr Robson
Mrs Majid
Saima has taught a range of students during her time at Bishop Vesey's Grammar School. She has enthused Key Stage 3 students with her love of Geography. She has also prepared a Year 11 group to face their GCSE examinations. Her enthusiasm and infectious positivity have been a great credit to the school and department. We wish her every success as she moves to Cockshut Hill School in September.

Mr Kiani
Zeshan joined the Mathematics department here at BVGS in September 2021 as an ECT and over the two years that he has been with us we have watched him develop his confidence and abilities in the classroom. He has supported his year 12 form through the start of the UCAS process, run a successful Sudoku club and made a difference to the wider community in his support of Friday prayers. Having now completed the ECT framework we are disappointed that we are losing him to his new career as a data analyst. We wish him well.

-Miss Green
Mr Golden
Terry has provided some excellent service to Key Stage 4 and 5 Geographers in his short time at BVGS. His insight into GCSE and A Level examinations has proved invaluable for students facing public exams. He has given freely of his time to prepare students, hosting a range of revision and intervention sessions. His knowledge of architecture was also a source of great interest on the Year 9 trip to Oxford. We thank him for his work at BVGS and wish him every success in the future.

Mrs Guo
Mrs Guo joined us in September 2020. She has inspired a number of pupils to excel in Mandarin, including success in national competitions. We are very grateful to her for her hard work and commitment. We wish her well as she takes up a new role as a Mandarin teacher at the Ecole Jeannine Manuel, London.

MS O'neill

Suzanne O’ Neill only joined the Languages department this February, but her passion for teaching and dedication to her students will leave a lasting impact. Suzanne quickly became an essential part of the team and students took to her warm nature immediately. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and the doors of the French department will always remain open!
miss Muchena
Munashe has had an excellent year with us at Bishop Vesey’s – we congratulate her on the completion of her ECT and we wish her all the best. Her passion for English has benefitted so many of our students. She has been a caring and compassionate form tutor and supported our students both academically and pastorally. We will miss her positivity, her calm demeanour and constant enthusiasm.

Liz has been an incredible asset to the English department. We would not have coped without her expertise during the lockdown period - Liz quickly adapted to online teaching and led the way in the delivery of our online curriculum. Her passion for Literature and engagement with the latest teaching approaches has greatly supported the department's development. We know she will detest the fuss of a leaving tribute, but we are truly grateful for her dedication and we wish her all the best in her new school and role.

Dear Old Veseyans, Welcome Old Veseyans to the Summer 2023 edition of The Veseyan. I hope you are well.
As you will have seen earlier in the Veseyan, the School is investing in brand new learning spaces to bring the School environment up to the same standard of excellence as the education it has been delivering for centuries, and one that we OV’s have all experienced personally.
A new Learning Resource Centre will provide dedicated Sixth Form space for both private and collaborative working, along with a new library and dining room, new classrooms and social space. This is great news for current students, but it also means the School can open its Sixth Form to a wider intake, creating more opportunities for talented disadvantaged students, ensuring the gender balance is sustained and building the School’s social capital. Once the Learning Resource Centre is open, it will free up tired areas in the old school for refurbishment – the first of these will be two classrooms which will be upgraded to a state-of-the-art Computer Suite – Computer Science now being one of the fastest growing subjects at the School.
OV and parent, Geoff Fletcher said: ‘It’s great to see the School’s commitment to progress and excellence. As an OV and a parent, I can attest that the School’s facilities have hardly changed since I was there back in the ‘90’s. The announcement of brand new learning spaces including a state-of-the-art Learning Resource Centre and Computer Suite, is an exciting and muchneeded development. This investment will undoubtedly enhance the learning experience and provide students with the contemporary environment they deserve to facilitate their learning.’
As Chair of the OVA, I am supporting an event at the House of Lords on 11th October when Head Teacher, Dominic Robson and some of the current students will be sharing plans for the development. Do let me know if you would be interested in attending. We are building in plenty of networking time too!

Ed Pitt Chair, OVA