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Personality Profession Quiz


Personality to Profession


An interactive way to see how personality plays into profession.

By Maddie Austin


1. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? A. Extrovert B. Introvert

2. How do you typically make decisions? A. Based on facts B. Based on emotions they are

3. Do you think through your thoughts before you say them or say what’s on your mind? A. I think things through first B. I say what’s on my mind

4. Do you feel like you have a realistic mindset or have a big imagination? A. Realistic mindset B. Imaginative mindset

5. Do you have problems agreeing with others? A. Yes, sometimes B. No, I rarely disagree with others

6. Do you enjoy analyzing and looking deeper into many things? A. No, I like perceiving things as they are B. Yes, I like doing further analysis

7. Do you typically plan ahead or depend on improvisation? A. Plan ahead, often in detail B. Improvisation

8. How do you spend your free time? A. Socializing with friends B. Trying to find a new hobby C. Spending time outside D. Having some alone time, maybe read for leisure

9. When working in a group project, what role would you consider yourself? A. Driver: keeps the group on task and efficient B. Stabilizer: Keeps spirits up and smooths over disagreements among group members C. Adventurer: encourages the group to take risks D. Perfectionist: makes sure the project is done precisely

10. How do you gain knowledge the best? A. Reading and interpreting information B. Hearing the information and then talking about it with others C. Hands-on experiences D. Processing and connecting ideas independently

11. What do you feel your strengths are? A. Strong willed and assertive B. Able to communicate with others proficiently C. Observant and keen to detail D. Logical and strategic; good at problem solving

12. How do you respond to criticism? A. Indifferent; someone has to convince me I’m wrong B. Overwhelmed; I respond better to positive reinforcement C. Hurt by it at first, but I learn to accept it D. I appreciate it and listen

*Using data from the Jung Typology Test and based on C. Jung and I. Brigg Meyer’s Personality Test


*If you chose mostly A for #’s 1-7

Business Majors: - Often extroverted - Tend to have lower levels of agreeableness and openness - Know how to take control of a room and are able to craft convincing arguments - Natural leaders that enjoy organizing a group

*If you chose a mix of As and Bs for #s 1-7, and B for 8-12

Education/Social Science/Communication Majors: -Often extroverted but also enjoy their alone time - High levels of openness to everyone; enjoy working with others - Willing to step outside of their comfort zone - Overall engaging individuals

*If you chose mostly B for #s 1-7, and C for 8-12

Art/Humanities and English Majors: - Often more introverted - Enjoy analyzing a subject for deeper meaning and seeking out patterns - Creative and enjoy originality-are in their own thoughts frequently - Able to convey thoughts effectively and passionately

*If you chose mostly B for #s 1-7, and D for 8-12

Engineering Majors: - Often more introverted due to their trait of being independent - Don’t like feeling controlled -Logical and intuitive in their work and life in general - Enjoy analyzing complex problems and being inventive, focused on the future and thinking ahead.

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