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ButterfLies dOn’t eVer liE
It’s just like non-literal butterflies — the ones you get in your stomach when you start to get feelings for that special little someone. Those silly feelings are scarier than actual bugs, which is saying a lot, because I am terrified of bugs.
O is for being Open about your love. Love can bring so many good things, and it can have so many positives, but some still hate it. Crushes are a good thing, and even though the good doesn’t always show, it is. Crushes are normal — healthy even — even if your mindset says the opposite of that.
I’ve heard time and time again about how bad crushes are — butterflies feeling like a sinking in your stomach, the fear of a heartbreak or being afraid that something negative in the past will happen again, or maybe, you’ve accepted that love isn’t real, and how you’ll be alone with your 20 cats for the rest of your life.
That fear of love shouldn’t hold you back — you have to accept when you’ve fallen in love because you won’t get away from it just by pushing it away. You can try to convince yourself you can’t fall in love, try to build walls to gaslight yourself, but when you get butterflies, it’s already over — you’re in love, so let that love in. Anything can happen.
“But what if I get hurt?” Well, V is for being on the Verge of crying. Love isn’t easy, it brings joy and sadness, the happy and the heartbreak. Everyone’s seems to look at love through rose-colored glasses when it comes to love, but love itself is HARD. It’s not just a Disney movie where you’ll end up with the first man you ever meet.
Love has challenges — everyone knows that — but I think that’s the fun part. It’s like your heartbeat, or a graph of one. Your heartbeat needs to go up and down for your heart to function, just like your love story needs those ups and downs. There WILL be good parts and there WILL be bad parts, but if it was always good, it would just be a flatline — dead, boring, lame, and not worth your time. If love was always sunshine and rainbows, it would get repetitive. Love wouldn’t mean anything.
E is for not Everyone will love you back. I feel like that’s obvious, but it is something I’ve seen a lot.
Let’s say you’ve gotten your crush, you’ve figured it out, you know you like this person, but they don’t seem to love you back, and that sucks — it does.
From there, you can do two things, try and pursue them and see if they will fall in love with you or accept they don’t like you like that. You can try to make them love you, and it might work out for you, but it also might not.
That’s when you have to acknowledge they don’t love you. It sucks, but don’t keep chasing someone who won’t give you the love you deserve, and don’t become delusional either.
I’ve witnessed people create entire imaginary relationships with others in their heads, convincing themselves that this other person is head over heels for them when that person wants nothing romantic with them.
I’ve seen it where you’d buy the world for them if it meant they loved you, but you can’t force someone to love you, and that’s just how it is. It’ll hurt, but that hurt will go away soon enough. You’ll find someone who appreciates you for you someday. It may not be now, but there will always be someone who loves you for you because you are gorg.
I love love, and LOVE was made for me and you.
You might roll your eyes at that, but trust me, love was made for everyone.
Love is an amazing feeling. When you really love someone, it’s like nothing can get you and your special someone down. Love is waiting for you — you just have to let it in.
It might take a second — it might take two seconds even — but whether you believe in love or not, it was made for me and you.
Yes, love was made for me and you.