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fourseniorsreflectonreceiving theclasskeyinkindergarten
jackie chang |staff writer
In 2011, two kindergarteners from each of the four Blue Valley High School feeder elementaries were given a Class Key. Those kindergarteners have grown up and are now Class of 2023 seniors. Of the eight given a key, four are still here at BVH. Those four are seniors Stella Clinton, Paige MacDonald, Anthony Johnson and Ryan Marquardt

Although it was 12 years ago that the four received their key at Blue Valley High’s Class Day, they still at least vaguely remember the moment.
“I remember getting up on the stage and taking a picture [and also I remember] the scenery,” MacDonald said.

While MacDonald remembered taking the pictures, it was only through those photos that Clinton recalled the moment of receiving the key.
“I remember the day, but [not] the actual ‘giving me the key,” Clinton said.
“I just remember from pictures and stuff like that.”

Marquardt thought back to how happy his little self was.

“I remember being excited to go into the high school and walk past all the seniors to get the key,” he said.
Those tall and really cool seniors that Marquardt and the others walked by are who they have grown to be. And so, continuing tradition, these four seniors will soon be passing down their keys to the kindergarteners of the class of 2035.
Johnson was amazed at how time flew by.
“It doesn’t feel like it was that long ago that we received the key and now we’ll be giving it to another class–– it’s just weird,” he said.

MacDonald also thought that the relationship between receiving and now giving the key was bewildering.
“It’s crazy because [that on class day this year] we’re going to look down on them and think that they’re so little,” she said. “[But] at that age getting the key, you’re like ‘oh my gosh’ [the seniors] are so old — but now we’re them.”
The key represents 12 years in the district. How has that been?

I’ve liked always being with some of the same friends I’ve had since elementary school. It’s nice also having other schools feed into our high school [which makes] it not constrictive.

In my classrooms, there’s people I’ve gone literally since elementary school with — [that’s a] nice familiar. You just feel like you know those people.
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