Blue Valley West Senior Magazine 2019

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Class of


trip throguh memory lane

days until graduation ::


Class of 2019,


The time has finally come for us to graduate. Through the four years of our high school careers, we have learned countless lesson both in and out of school, forged friendships which will last a lifetime and shared memorable moments as the Class of 2019. For most of us, the last few months have been filled with bittersweet “lasts.” From attending the final sporting events to going to senior prom, cheering during the last pep assembly to taking the last round of finals, these events have led us to our final countdown to graduation. In these final days,


we say goodbye to our classmates and teachers who shaped our high school experience and made us who we are today. Like every year, the senior staff members of the Spotlight put together a map showing each senior’s destination for this fall. While some will stay close to home, others will travel across the country (and the globe) to write the next chapters of their lives. Though we will make new friends and find new interests throughout our future endeavours, it is paramount we remember BV West and the incredible opportunities it

provided us. Our days as “kids” are numbered. Before we set off on our own individual journeys into adulthood, take the summer to enjoy the familiarities of home. Go to a party. Hang out with friends. Do the things that make you happy. When fall rolls around, inevitably, we will have much more responsibility, but also much more freedom. We should make the most of our time here before we become “adults”. Thank you, Class of 2019, for the memories. Best of Luck, Spotlight Seniors

Jonah Park United States Military Academy at West Point Biomechanical engineering

Chelsea Park University of Denver International Studies

Lauren Prehn University of Nebraska-Lincoln Speech-Language Pathology

Spotlight SENIORS

Jaden Dudrey Kansas City Art Institute Illustration or Animation

design by Chelsea Park

s d r o o f W


You have made your mark on West and left it a better place. I look forward to seeing the positive impacts you will continue to have on the world after graduation. Enjoy the journey that lies before you and take every opportunity to not only make a difference, but to have some fun! - Dr. Hall

thank you s! cher


Do not lose track of who you are inside and attempt to change to fit in. I worry about how easily any one of you could be influenced— trying to please others by not being true to oneself. Know yourself and your limits - Mrs. Legrotte

There is a sign in my classroom that says “The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics”. I also believe that the only way to be successful in life is to “do life” … be present and participate. Live it to the Fullest … Believe in Yourselves … Know that you are loved and cared for by a variety of people in a variety of ways. I wish you all the best … success, happiness, and a life filled with love and special people because you deserve it. -Mrs. Grospitch

Get outside of the U.S. Find a way to study abroad - even if it’s only two months in the summer. Live in another culture and enrich your global citizenship. - Señora Tritt

No one in this world is responsible for your happiness except you. Choose joy. Choose love. Work hard. If you find yourself feeling empty shift your focus and energy and try again. Your life is a remarkable gift. Live it well. –Mrs. Garcia

For a long time I have kept a little piece of paper that has a quote from Albert Schweitzer. I love it and know it to be true, so I will pass it on... "You must give time to your fellow man even if it's a little thing, do something for others something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." Good luck and many blessings to this class of graduates. -Mrs. Waldorf

design by Chelsea Park

Have you ever vaped in school?

YES: 32.9% NO: *Based on the responses of 142 seniors

Have you ever slept in class?

YES: 58.6% NO:


Have you ever faked sickness?

YES: 65.0% NO:


Has high school prepared you for college?

YES: 57.9% NO:


Have you ever been drunk?

YES: 61.3% NO:



Have you ever tried marijuana?

YES: 40.7% NO:


Have you attended a…


92.8% 74.6% 88.4% 82.6%

How much sleep do you get a night?

26.1% 6-7 HOURS: 62.0% 8-9 HOURS: 9.9% 9+ HOURS: 2.1%

4-5 HOURS:

What party do you align with?


Have you ever violated the honor code/cheated on a test?

YES: 73% NO:


Are you sexually active?

YES: 46.1% NO:


Have you been in a high school relationship?

YES: 68.1% NO:


Do you have any tattoos?

YES: 10% NO:


Have you ever skipped class?


48.9% 51.1%

Which year of high school was the most enjoyable?

5.7% SOPHMORE: 20.6% JUNIOR: 17.7% SENIOR: 56% FRESHMAN:

Are you content with your future plans?


89.4% 10.6%

Do you regret it?


51.8% N/A: 29.8%

Did you lie on this survey?

YES: 18.4% NO:


5.3% 94.7%

Thank you


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