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Contact Information
Address: 16200 Antioch Rd, Overland Park, KS 66085 Phone: (913) 239-3700
Email: bvwspotlight@gmail.com
Policy Statement
Spotlight is printed at least six times per school year for BV West students and the community. Its goals are to inform, entertain and interpret through bylined articles, opinions and editorials, while providing an open forum of communication for the diverse student population. Spotlight aims to be fair, accurate and impartial. The content of the print publication, online news site and social media accounts is determined by its student editors as determined by the Kansas Scholastic Press Act and may contain controversial subject matter as the staff exercises their First Amendment rights. (Spotlight does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty adviser, the administration of BV West or USD 229.)
Our Cover
Highlighting an important holiday for some in our community. senior Nargis Suleman is illustrated to represent National Hijab Day. Read her story on pages 19 and 20.
Staff Alyssa Haynes
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Nargis Suleman
Writers | Designers
Navya Bandaru Aubree Bowsher
Mallory Love Alexis Reeder
Megan Walters
All staffers write and design the print edition. Spotlight media personnel also maintain a website, bvwnews.com and post to social media accounts as @bvwspotlight.