5 minute read
Contents Directory
The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.
Diary Page 4
Gift of Happiness Pages 16-20 Directory Page 2
Book Club Pages 10-12 Chairman’s message Page 3
Birthdays Page 14
British Women’s Group. bwgbangkok@gmail.com
PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.
Chairman’s Message
It can’t be August already. Next week will be my last ever birthday, next year it would be an unbelievably large number, so I’ve decided to stop here. In a fit of madness last week, I decided to check out flights to the UK and attend that family barbecue that no one expected me at. Now I sit here realising that tomorrow is a holiday so I need to do any banking today and that my UK bank card expires on Sunday. Is the new one on its way here or perhaps at my mother’s? I won’t be at either place on Sunday. Hey Ho, the joys of expat life. Hope you are having a better organised trip if you are away. I’m only going for two weeks after nearly three years so I hope I’ll see some of you at the August lunch.
1 2 Book Club 3 4 5 6
7 8 Mahjong
14 15 Mahjong 9 Bridge Golf Book Club
16 Bridge Golf
10 Mah-jong Art Group
17 Mah-jong Art Group 11 Coffee morning at the British Club 18 Lunch at FCCT 12 13
19 20
21 22 Mah-jong Jackie Reynold’s games afternoon 1pm
28 29 Mah-jong
23 Bridge Golf
24 Mah-jong Art Group
30 31 25 26 27
Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders
Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Contact Petra Gordon rsvpbwg@gmail.com 0839919041
Bridge - Audrie Sill Golf - (morning) Ami 0971851834 Book Club - 1st Tuesday (10am) Laura Smith 0859667580 Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr
Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Contact Elizabeth Bryans Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 10am
Our very own Shout Outs!
The BWG supports many Thailand based charities and in particular those that are education based – helping youth today to help themselves and their community tomorrow.
Thailand Hilltribes Education Project
BWG sponsor at least one student (15,000 Baht pa) through high school and university. www.thepthailand.com
Human Development Foundation
BWG sponsor 2 students in Klong Toey (8,000 Baht each pa) through high school and university. www.mercycentre.org
Imagine Thailand Foundation
BWG sponsor 2 students (12,000 each pa) through High School and University www.imaginethailand.org
Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok
Known as the ‘Milk Run’, BWG donates towards the weekly milk runs and cost of baby milk powder and rice in Rung Moo community, Klong Toey.
New Life Centre, Chiang Mai
BWG sponsor a child through high school and university (12,000B pa) www.newlifecenterfoundation.org
BWG sponsors a student with additional needs (20,000B pa) to be trained and supported to find employment in the catering trade. Steps run three coffee shops/training centres in Bangkok – please visit and support! www.stepscommunity.com/about-us
Fatima Centre
Empowering women and children living in poverty. The Fatima shop (near Villa Sukhumvit 33) sells a wide range of exceptionally well made embroidered goods that are fun, educational and unique. These goods are handmade and give women dignity as well as a fair price for their quality work. BWG offices are here and we pay rental to the centre for rooms and storage as well as supporting with further donations. www.goodshepherdthailand.org As well as our continued annual support to the above we are constantly making donations to other charities that need help. We recently donated 10,000B to Rejoice in Chiang Mai for milk powder for feeding mothers with HIV and also to Little Birds, helping support young orphans with HIV. Thank you for your support of BWG and our events, enabling us to support all of the above and more.
Shout Out! Bistro 33
Bistro 33 is a long-term supporter of BWG. They give us space for mahjong and art groups and always contribute to our raffles. Please support them! They have space and catering for special events or parties and do an excellent Sunday lunch. www. thebistro33.com
Shout Out! Varuna Sailing Club
The Royal Varuna Yacht Club (RVYC) sponsor our raffles and donate prizes. RVYC is situated in Chonburi, only 2 hours away. If you want to get away from the air of Bangkok why not take a trip here? It is a family friendly place with accommodation, club house, private beach and more. www.varuna.org
The Elephant Parade regularly support the BWG with donations to raffles. This Elephant Parade is a social enterprise with each elephant uniquely painted with @0% of profits going to elephant welfare and conservation. Support them if you can as they support us and don’t forget to mention BWG if you visit! www.elephantparade.com/shop/elephants