DEADLY SIMPLE ANT CONTROL WITH THE ALL-NEW SUMARI SYSTEM By Ryan Neff, PhD, MGK Technical Field Specialist haviors make them difficult to control. Ant management can be divided into two types of treatments: preventative and curative.
id you know that ants are consistently one of the top pests for which PMPs would like better control? They are also the number one household and nuisance pest in the United States. While they are beneficial to the environment, they also pose health and property risks such as food contamination and structural damage. Although small, their vast numbers, complex colony structures and be-
Preventative treatments involve applying materials around the structure or known nesting sites early in the season to either eliminate ants before colonies become too large or as a barrier to keep ants out of a structure. For example, a preventative treatment might involve a barrier application of a repellent product like Onslaught® FastCap Microencapsulated Insecticide or OneGuard® Multi-MoA Insecticide, which provides quick kill and long residual while keeping ants from trailing indoors. Another type of preventative treatment is a broadcast landscape application with a prod-