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Ancient Egyptian Weapons

April 30


This paper is about Ancient Egyptian weapons.


Table of Contents

Introduction…………………………………….2 Egypt weapons…………………………………2 Egypt leaders for war……………………….3 Egypt war boats………………………………..4 Egypt types of armor………………………..5 Glossary……………………………………………7 Bibliography……………………………………...8


Weapons and war played an important role in ancient Egyptian history. Egyptians always had to use these weapons for battle and to win so they could succeed in life accomplishments. These weapons were very important for them.

Egypt weapons Egyptians had many types of weapons. One type of weapon was a dagger. They had traditional daggers which had strong, fine copper blades and some had stripes on them. A dagger, if you wanted to, could be carried in a belt, kilt and or a wooden sheath covered in gold layer. The Egyptians had flint heads for weapons and they were very hard like a rock. Another type of weapons they had were flint heads which were made of flint or a harder type of wood, and these things were very deadly and were meant to kill. Axes were common to use in a battle, too. They had two kinds of axes which were ceremonial axes and regular battle axes which were used commonly. In the Middle East the axe was used all the time for battle. The war axes were simple so they made sickles and other axes that were bigger, and then they were covered in bronze the larger ones. Sickles were like axes, too. Some sickle swords have a shape of a traditional axe blade would have. They had bows, too. Then they started using composite bows then simple bows because they shot much farther than the normal bows did. A king bow could shoot an arrow a distance of two foot-ball fields. They also had swords. They got the idea for having smoother handle bars for the sword to be easier to hold from the Middle Eastern who thought of it first back then. These were the weapons that they used in battle.

This is an Axe. 2 This is a Dagger.

This is a Sickle.

Egypt leaders

Their pharaoh was at the very top of the warriors that fought at battle with soldiers and other high ranking people. Pharaoh Thutmose the III (1479 through 1425 B.C.) was the greatest of the generals in Egyptian history back then. He fought 7 wars with different kings. He also had campaigns for them to join. There were still more people that fought in the war. One of them was a general in ancient Egypt. Next the general of ancient Egypt military was after the pharaoh for leaders. They had lieutenants, too. The lieutenant commander was in third command of the pharaoh and after the general. Then the garrison troopers came and were under the lieutenant commander. The next most important person was the troop commander who looked over their place. Finally the soldiers did most of the fighting, but they were at the bottom of the whole group of fighters. King Tut was a pharaoh and a great fighter for war. They found something very special in King Tut’s tomb. One of the most famous things in his tomb was a picture story of him riding into a battle. This means he probably was a great leader also for war in Egypt. These were the people who fought in the war.


This is a picture of a pharaoh riding into battle on a chariot. He has a bow with him so he can get his enemies. This is how a pharaoh could fight if he chose to fight this way.

Egypt war boats The Egyptian boats were simple for war but were not very strong for impact. If their boats crashed into another boat their boat would fall apart. The Egyptians tried to strengthen their boats. They had one part of the boats that was stronger. The Egyptian’s had the front of the boat strengthened so it was like a battling ram, and it was too week to ram into enemy’s ship by the side or if the enemy attacks by the side. They tried to improve the boat strength so it would function better and move faster. It had storage rooms in some places. Their boat had a second layer under the top of the boat where some of their storage was that they took. The boat had men with weapons on board. They had men on the boat so they could jump onto the enemy’s boat. Some boats had archers on them to help get their enemy on land or on boat dead or make them retreat. Their boat had small things called ores at the back of the boat that would make it move from side to side. Oars men on ancient Egyptian war boats were protected from enemy’s arrows by bulwark. They fought on boats. The early Egyptian army fought at Palestine against one of their worst enemies, the Hitties, and other enemies on boats and also on land. These are how they used their boats and how they improved on them for storage and battle. This is the Nile River that the Egyptian’s used for transportation for goods and for war when they needed to travel to the place.


Egypt armor

They had types of armor that they would use. Most likely pharaohs were the only ones in the army to wear scale armor for protection on their chests. Archers also could wear some armor too. They would sometimes wear finger guards for protection that were made of bone to protect their finger from the bow’s string wiping back. They would only wear a simple bronze or leather helmet to protect their head. These are shields that the Archers could also wear a Egyptians used for battle to special glove on his left hand protect themselves. There was so that when the bow fired the also a cap that archers wore. wiping of the string coming back wouldn’t hurt him. They had horses that they rode on. They rode on a horse as a protection for them too. Men in Ancient Egypt first fought on foot so soon riding a horse in Ancient Egypt came around in 2100 B.C. in between the old and Middle kingdom, and they used a yoke to steer the horse and this was like a protection for them when they rode on a horse. They also had shields for protection. Their first shield was as tall as man and made out of a wooden frame and also animal skins such as cow, chaeta and antelope. They would have a large wooden shield instead of heavy armor to move faster and stealthier, but it could also slow them down sometimes too. Also their weapons were used to help protect them. They could also use a sword to protect them from arrows if they got lucky to block them from hitting the person. These are they types of armor and how they were used to protect the people who used it.


To succeed war they had to use all these things to make it through battles and war to claim victory. It would be very hard to win without these tools, weapons and the boats for them that they used in the war. I hoped you learned a lot from this!



Archers are men with a bow and arrows ready to shoot at the enemy. Bulwark is something serving as a defense or safe guard. Ceremony axe is a special axe that kings and pharaohs would use for battle instead of a normal axe. Composite bows are advanced bows made from wood, and animal horns. Flint is a stone shaped rock or wood that could kill someone in certain places. Hitties are ancient people who lived in parts of present day Turkey and Syria from around 1750 to1180 B.C. Sickle is a crescent shaped tool with a cutting edge(usually made of flint) on the inside, used for harvesting grain. Soldier is a person who is ready for battles and attacks the enemy. Yoke a binding around a horse’s neck allowing it to pull a chariot or other load.


Bibliography Boyer, C. (2012). Kids Evertthing Ancient Egypt. Washington D.C.: Schoolastic. Hart, G. (2004). Ancient Egypt. New York Hudson street: DK Eyewittness books. Jestice, P. G. (2010). Ancient Egyptian Warfare. PleasantVille: GS Learning LIbrary. Structure, H. (2012). Retrieved 3 22, 2013, from Ancient Egyptian military Hierarchy:


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