1 minute read

Editor's Note


Hi guys… I can’t believe this is my last newsletter�� The day that seemed too far away when I started my term in April 2022 has finally come. Looking back at my years in Bronx Science, I don’t know what I would’ve done without Key Club. Key Club is where I made friends, found opportunities, and received unwavering love and support from such genuine people. I included this in my farewell speech, but I really want to say thank you to our coheads who made my experience as a board member so fun and fulfilling. I am confident that the bond we share among the boards and coheads this year is stronger than any in the past. I am so lucky to have met each and every one of you, and I am excited to see the amazing paths each of you will take in the future.

To be completely honest, there were times I felt stressed out while making newsletters or exploring the complicated squarespace features. But to think that now I will never be emailing members for articles, going on Canva to make newsletters, or going on squarespace to update news anymore, I feel like an empty can. :( I already miss this job and all the memories that came with it.

I included some photos from LTC in this newsletter along with my own article for it. LTC was such an amazing experience, and I have too much I want to talk about it. I hope you check out what I wrote about my experience at LTC towards the end of this newsletter. I am sad that I won’t be a part of the Bronx Science Key Club community anymore, but I promise I will continue my service journey in college and hopefully join Circle-K. I will always support you all wherever I am. Please don’t forget me even after I leave for college. I hope you enjoy my final newsletter, and I TRULY LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH! ❤

Warmest Regards,

Jeongwon Lee '23

Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

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