Newsletter 2022-2023 Volume 11.8

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"Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience."

Kangaroos can not walk backwards. True or False Hey all! Quick True or False Question! If you want to know the answer, read this newsletter to the end! ;)
Editor's Note Board '22-'23 Committee CoHeads '22-'23 Service Progress Member of the Month November Events Recap November Fundraiser Key Club Week Recap Thanksgiving Week Recap Answer to the True or False Table of Contents 5 6 7 9 11 13 25 28 32 40

Editor's Note


Did you guys like my Light the Night-themed cover page? �� This newsletter is by far the longest one I’ve ever made. �� So many things happened in November. We had Light the Night, two advocacy weeks—Key Club week and Thanksgiving week— , and a lot of leaf-raking events! Also, a lot of you guys submitted articles last month. The Light the Night event itself had five articles!�� I really appreciate all of those who submitted one! I also interviewed some members at a leaf-raking event, so definitely check them out on page 30. :)

I love November because it is the month everyone shows their love and gratitude to those who mean the most to them. For Thanksgiving week, I thanked my teacher for working hard every day to help us learn, and I thanked my friend for introducing me to Key Club. Their replies made me almost tear up. Even though I was always grateful for the people around me, I realized I never expressed my gratitude enough. I am so thankful for everyone in Key Club, who always inspire me with their kindness and dedication. While I was making the Thanksgiving Week recap for this newsletter, I saw our members’ thank-you letters and messages to their friends, families, and teachers. They were SOO sweet and heartwarming. You guys should check out the Thanksgiving week recap on page 45. I almost cried seeing how kind our members are. I hope you enjoy this newsletter, and I’ll come back next month with a winter-themed newsletter for December! Stay safe and enjoy the holiday season! :)

Warmest Regards, Jeongwon Lee '23

Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

Hey Key Clubbers~~
Board '22-'23 Shiya Lin '23 Mandy Lim '23 Chrissy Jung '24 Melody Jiang '24 Jeongwon Lee '23 SECRETARY PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER WEBMASTER/BULLETIN EDITOR
Darien Lu '25 Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PROJECTS FUNDRAISING SOCIAL MEDIA Jessica Lin '25 Malika Toregeldiyeva '25 Emily Xia '24 Eric Leem '25 Emily Zheng '25
SCRAPBOOK AWARDS PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 Sumaya Suma '24 Ena Lu '24 Junjin Tan '24 Stacy Qu '25 Emily Guan '25 Kevin Fu '25
New Service/ Fundraising Goals! Service Goal: 20,000 hours Fundraising Goal: 16,000 dollars
Service Update GOAL: 20,000 HOURS 13968 HOURS
GOAL: $16000 $10877 RAISED Fundraising Update


November Edition


I first met Daniel at our mini golf fundraiser where him and his lovely parents were playing a game together. They were all so polite and happy to be a part of Key Club. Daniel has been a consistent presence at our meetings, and this past weekend, he handed me a $100 check to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at Light the Night. I can tell that him and his family are truly dedicated to making a difference and supporting their communities.

I was there when Daniel handed Shiya a check for $100. Spending such a big amount of money as a high school student is not easy at all, so I really appreciated his willingness and dedication to making the world a better place.

- Shiya Lin '23
CONGRATS DANIEL! You deserve this position so much.:)
11/5/22: Light the Night
NYRR Marathon NYC
Brooklyn Book Bodega
Leaf Fest
Flushing Meadows Corona Park Clean Up
Hike & Pick Yellow Trail
New York City Turkey Trot - Half Marathon 5K 11/27/22: Post-Thanksgiving Leaf Rake-up and Cleaning 11/28/22: Karmafy - Right to Play November Events

Light the Night

Light the Night was the first event I went to in over a month! What made it so fun was how many volunteers were there. It was also cool how every volunteer who went was given one free lanturn. I remember getting goosebumps when everyone lit their lanterns at once and we began walking. I never took so many photos in a while and commuting all the way from Manhattan was so worth it! I recommend any one who has not been to an event to go! Especially events like Light the Night where there are a bunch of other new volunteers who you can meet and become friends with.


Light the night was a very popular and exciting event!

This event was the first key club event some of my friends were going to and they all thought it was a wonderful experience. We all got free lanterns which were really pretty when lit up in the dark. We walked around the area with our lanterns in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). First, we walked around looking at all the festival activities which included making glow-in-the-dark bracelets and necklaces, eating free pretzels, and more! Afterwards, we turned off our lanterns to listen to the opening ceremony. My friends and I learned a lot about other people’s journeys about how they fought cancer through LLS. At the end of the opening ceremony we took a moment to honor the survivors of leukemia and lymphoma. While the survivors held up their lit white lanterns, we held up our red lanterns. After the opening ceremony, the walk began. The walk felt very relaxing because we were walking with a group of people who were all there in support of LLS. The lanterns looked so pretty especially when there was a group of people who all lit up their lanterns and held them high. It was a beautiful sight to see and I’m glad I didn’t miss it! I would definitely come to this event again next year!

On 11/5 I attended the Light The Night Event. This event was so relaxing. After we got the lanterns we got to just walk around and get freebies, including pins, glowsticks, snacks, and water. Later during the opening ceremony we got to listen to different people’s experience with cancer. We held our lanterns to support the fight against cancer. This was really touching and heartwarming to see how so many people are able to unite and support each other. We then walked around the unisphere with our lighted lanterns. This may seem boring but it was actually super fun because you get to just talk with your friends and take pretty pictures. This event was super popular and many people came as their first Key Club Event. I think this was a great way to start off some people’s Key Club experience and I hope I get to meet more new Key Clubbers in future events!!

I was a little nervous about visiting this large of an event– but I’m so glad I did! The day began when Bronx Science students started streaming into the stadium. We were given lanterns, pamphlets, and free reign to wander around with friends. We had fun touring the various stands as we waited for the main part of the event. Some had activities like coloring pins or creating slogan designs– and a few even offered free snacks! The students then gathered around the stage to listen to various speeches and raise lanterns in solidarity. When the speeches ended, we began walking around the Unisphere, keeping our lanterns high. I met a lot of wonderful people at the event– even just offering to take a photo of someone turned into exchanging contact info, and then touring the park together! I’m absolutely returning to Light The Night next year if I have the chance.

- Mia Ortiz '25

I went to the Light the Night event on November 5th. It was an event in support of cancer patients and their families. It was very fun because we were given the choice of three different colored light up lanterns: red to represent a supporter, yellow for a family member of a patient, and white for a survivor of cancer. There were also many tents where they gave out things like glow sticks and pins. There was also a tent where you could make your own pin which was super fun! It was also night time, so the lit up lanterns looked really cool in the night sky when we walked in the park; it was just a long trail of red, yellow, and white lights. Also, thanks to Emily Guan for giving me some of her chocolate croissant. It was really yummy! ��

- Emily Xia '24

NYRR Marathon NYC 11/6/22

In this event, volunteers were able to assist the NYRR marathoners by providing them with their bags as they entered through manhattan. This event was memorable because of how long it lasted, spanning for around the entire afternoon till night. There were also a bunch of volunteers there so we were able to take lots of breaks and take turns. Personally, my favorite part of the event was just the atmosphere and being able to see all the marathoners going at it. We also got a free jacket and pin!

Brooklyn Book Bodega

This event turned out to be way more enjoyable than I expected mainly because of all the new people I met! At the event, I mainly stamped and sorted all the books into different categories for the entire time. Categorizing and organizing books just felt so satisfying to me. One memorable moment was when Kevin played his playlist (he has great music taste). Another memorable moment was when my friend and I rode the train home with several other people. It allowed us to socialize more with other members and get to know each other! I got to learn a lot more about Key Club and some of its members which was great. Overall, I have no regrets going to this event because it was so chill and fun!


Hike & Pick Yellow Trail

Leaf Fest was actually a lot more fun than I expected! I didn’t think raking leaves would actually be fun, but since I was with a bunch of my friends, it turned out great :). There were so many leaves to rake, it was pretty insane haha. At first, we were putting the leaves into paper leaf bags, but they later had us put it on some mat to dump into a truck. Originally, we had a huge mat, so everytime we were getting ready to dump it into the truck, it would be soo heavy to carry haha. Sadly, we had to replace it with a smaller mat :(. Other than that, I was able to make a new friend which was pretty cool! After the event, I went with my friends to get boba B). Then, we went to Flushing to eat some food and explore which was nice!




Hi, my name is Michael Liao. On November 19th, I volunteered at the Go Nuts for Donuts marathon.

At first, I was sure that volunteering would be extremely painful and boring. I also had difficulty finding other Bronx Science students. However, it was actually not at all that bad. Even though it was cold, I got to hand out colorful medals and watch people run. Most importantly, everyone in my group participated in tasks such as handing out heat sheets, preparing medals, and making sure every runner received a medal. Overall, I enjoyed volunteering at the Go Nuts for Donuts marathon.


Corona Par

The event I went to is the Flushing Meadows Corona Park Clean Up. I went with a group of friends who I hadn’t gone out with together before and it was nice to hang out with them! Half of us decided to meet up in Flushing and walk to the park from main street, which we regretted because it was long and cold, but regardless we did it and saw seagulls along our way there. When we met up at the event we walked to the lady in charge and she was super nice and gave me a rake to clean up the weeds that volunteers were pulling out. Midway through the event, I was also pulling the invasive plants and Elena (a very dedicated volunteer) ended up throwing a worm at me. That was a very traumatic, but funny experience (DON’T THROW


PLEASE)! After the event, I visited my friend's house and I got to pet many, many cats in her apartment lobby. Overall, I enjoyed the experience and got to hangout with my friends! I definitely recommend going to events like these!

Stacy Qu '25


Meadows rk Clean Up


Hike & Pick Yellow Trail

The tike and Pick Yellow Trail event was my first key chub event with Bronx Science, and though it was cold, I had a lot of fun clearing up the park! My partner and I were raking leaves and we filled about 6 bags for composting With everybody's bags together, I think we collected forty something bags of leaves. I also met a new person named Joey (who was my project captain), and a fellow sophomore who has the same English teacher as me. This event was memorable to me because after collecting four bags of leaves, we went to the corner where there was a giant pile of leaves that reached to our waists. Kevin and Darien were also there, Kevin belly flopped into the leaves and Darien full on threw himself into the pile (which was really funny) in the end we ran out of bags and weren't able to clean up all of the huge pile, but it was really fun and satisfying to put forty-something bags of fallen leaves together and send them off for composting I would recommend this event for other key clubbers because you are getting a workout and having fun (so it doesnit feel like you are just exercising). And even though it was cold temperature-wise, we didn't feel it at all because we were all moving around Also, we were a small group, so we were widely dispersed around the park. if more people came, then everyone could play and clean with each other.

11/20/21 Erica Zhang '25



key Trot thon & 5k

I actually had so much fun at this event. First, I knew a lot of people from either other key club events or just school in general and it made the event so much more fun because I knew people. Secondly, we were handing out donuts and it was really fun to give the runners their “reward” after running so much and the volunteers even got to eat some of the donuts, which were really good. Since this event was a 5K and a half marathon, there were essentially two batches of runners so we were waiting for the half marathon runners to finish, we all just hung out and had a lot of fun. We actually got to leave the event a little earlier and a lot of us went to eat and it was so funny to see the reactions of the restaurant workers because we were a group of around 15 teenagers walking into a sort of small restaurant and it was something that probably didn’t happen a lot.

- Emily Guan '25

Post-Thanksgiving Leaf Rake-up and Cleaning 11/27/21

Wanna hear more vivid experiences from our members?!

I (your editor, Jeongwon) went to this event and interviewed some of our members right after the event! Go to the next page to see how our members were feeling at the moment!

What was your job at the event?

I raked leaves and helped people put the leaves in garbage bags.

Did anything funny happen?

Darien was holding a speaker and weird music was playing. Kevin got really creative with the songs.

Did you like the event?

Yes, The event was pretty cool except the fact that it was cold.


was your job at the event?

I stole leaves from others and carried around Kevin's portable speaker.

Did anything funny happen?

A lot of people got lost on their way to the event (including me).

Did you like the event?

Yes! I got to meet a lot of new Key Clubbers, and the event coordinator thought we were funny.

Eric Shiya Lin '23

What was your job at the event?

My job was to pick up leaves and tree branches and put them into a bag.


anything funny happen?

Ella and joey adopted babies (huge tree branches). Also, there were a lot of dog poops hidden under the leaves.

Did you like the event?

Yes, It was pretty cool. I was on Key Club hiatus so it was my first event in a while., and I really liked it. :)

What was your job at the event?

Kevin kept playing the gummy bear song.

Did anything funny happen?

Jason He went inside a giant garbage bag. And we almost covered him with leaves.

Did you like the event?

Yes, it was fun and there were a lot of people. My friend from Townsend joined us!

KarmafyRight to Play

Swim dash has become one of my favorite pastimes since Key Club introduced it. At first, it was hard to get the hang of when to turn my fish, but I soon realized that aiming for the next pearl made the game much easier. I loved the different animals that come up as you go farther and how the screen gets visibly darker the further you go as well, While you start off only encountering rocks, you eventually see pufferfish (called blowfish in the game), then jellyfish, then octopuses, then lobsters, then electric eels, then sea urchins. The farthest I have gotten to see are the piranhas. It was great to know that by playing a game I was helping others. A few tips for anyone struggling: turn as few times as possible (if you need to go in a straight line, tap as fast as you can), stay towards the edge of the screen at the beginning but steer towards the middle afterward (the eels come in from off-screen), follow the pearls, and play as the dolphin (just my preference but while all skins have the same hitbox the dolphin looks the skinniest so it’s easier to tell if you will die while passing an obstacle), and have fun :D.


October Fundraiser: Black Panther

Movie Fundraiser

We collaborated with our bestie Brooklyn Tech Key Club to hold the Black Panther Movie Fundraiser!<3 Members brought their friends and familiies to enjoy the movie -- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever!
We raised a total of $1586! All proceeds were donated to the Kamp Kiwanis!
Key Club Week 31 OCT 1 NOV 2 NOV 3 NOV 4 NOV Show Your K Kudos to The Key Players Dare to Share Random Acts of Kindness Connect the K's
Show Your K 31 OCT We spread the word by wearing Key Club merchandise!
Malika T. '25 Shiya Lin '23 Kudos to the Key Players We personally thanked other Key Club supporters! 1 NOV

Dare to Share

Our members shared Instagram stories about their Key Club journey! 2 NOV

Random Acts of Kindness

Stephanie Zhao '26
shared our little acts and words of kindness! 3 NOV Even if they are something trivial, acts of kindness can mean a lot to those receiving them!

Connect the K's 4


We shared

One Kiwanis event I attended was Kiwanis Governor Jim Mancuso's visit to the Bronx Westchester Kiwanis Division on Sunday, May 15th. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet many Kiwanians directly (including

I attended a Key Club dinner with the board members once, and it was such an amazing experience. I didn’t realize there were so many adults who cared about Key Club as much as I did. They have dedicated tens of years of their lives for as a member of Kiwanis family. I heard amazing speeches from them about their journeys and had such a nice boardbonding time. The food they prepared was really good too!

I haven’t attended a Kiwanis family event. But when my friends go they post images and I’m able to see it. The events seem really fun and they look like there having a lot of fun. I hope I’ll be able to attend an event next time though.

our experience at an event with the Kiwanis Family!
Thanksgiving week Recap 21 NOV 22 NOV 23 NOV 24 NOV 25 NOV Thank the Key Players Help Your Friends/Family Answer Trivia Nice Thank You Letters Kind Donations
Thank th Key Pl We thanked someone who to join Key Club! 21 NOV


/ Family Our members lent their hands for their friends and families, whether it be washing the dishes, cleaning their rooms, or cooking a meal for them. 22 NOV Abigail Choi '24
Timothy Yung '26 Mymoon Nakiba '24
Answer Trivia We solved trivia questions on Free Rice to donate food! 23 NOV Abigail Choi '24
On Thanksgiving day, our members sent messages or emails to their teachers to express their gratitude for their hard work!
Letters 24 NOV
Nice Thank You
It wasn't just Black Friday that day. Our members donated to The Lenape Center rather than spending that money on clothes or other products! Kind Donations 25 NOV Abigail Choi '24 Kevin Fu '25
Thank you to all those who participated in our Key Club week and Thanksgiving week! You guys are the ones who make our club shine and valuable!
Announcements/ Reminders Check Out Upcoming Events! Sign the Petition Sets! Click on bucky to see more events on our Events Doc! 12/10/22: Welcome to Winter! 12/10/22: 9 Million Reasons Evangel Food Pantry 12/11/22: NYCRUNS BIG APPLE HALF MARATHON & 5K 12/17/22: Season of Love Toy Drive 12/17/22: NYSoM Holiday Mania 12/18/22: Kehilat Food Pantry 12/24/22: Emergency Food Program Petition Set #9: Benefits & Accessibility for the Disabled This month's petition set will focus on making the education system more accessible for all backgrounds. Learning should be made for everyone and schools should be a place where students feel comfortable and accepted. Often times, due to discriminatory systems, education is not an option for some of those seeking to learn around the globe. Signing petitions for causes that you believe in is one step to make change. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!
Check Our Youtube! - Watch the Light the Night Recap and November Recap created by our social media Coheads Eric and Emily! Check our Website! You can check all the upcoming events, fundraisers, and even petition sets on the main page of our website! (Click the bucky on the right) Link:
Set #8:
Adolescence is a critical time for
habits that are necessary for mental
to safeguard adolescents
learning, and psychological
and ensure
health care. By signing these petitions, you can
adolescents come
deserve. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!
Global Climate Change Awareness
forming social and emotional
from harm, foster socio-emotional
access to mental
help many
one step closer to receiving the help they
Check Previous Newsletters! Click on the cover pages to view the newsletters!
I look forward to seeing you all at the fun events and fundraisers during the upcoming winter break! In the meantime, see you all at the club meeting on Thursday!

True Answer to the True or False Quiz

Kangaroos can not walk backward.

Kangaroos hop off their feet and use their tail to balance. That combined with muscular legs make it easy for them to move forward effectively but those appendages stop them from going in reverse.

The answer was True!
THE KIWI: November 2022 Thanks for reading and see you next month! VOLUME 11.8 BRONX SCIENCE KEY CLUB

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