a p at t e rn co l l e c t i o n b y
meet lakeHOUSE lakehouse is about adventure and finding your calm in the nature that surrounds you
Hi there. I’m Hope, a textile and surface designer and printmaker from a small town in south Louisiana. The gentle application of the touch of the hand greatly influences my work. My artwork naturally blends into my days from my backyard studio space and home, where my native surroundings and ebb and flow of life and motherhood inspire me and my passion for creating beautiful spaces to live and thrive within. Lakehouse is about the calming walks in the woods with my children and the inspiration born from that time with them in this early season ...where adventure always awaits - and may it remain that way. Enjoy.
I N S P I R E D BY WILDFLOWER PICKS and seasons on the lake
field in dusk
wildwood in dawn
lake swim in dawn
lake swim in blue waters
basket weave in harvest
basket weave in pink sky
azaela in blue sky
azaela in blue sky
SWEET FLORALS with a touch of both tradition and comfort
seeds in grass
seeds in grass
A NOD TO the arts and crafts era
windblwon in cloud
windblwon in cloud
vine in harvest
vine in harvest
blue buds in blue
blue buds in blue
seasonal in emerald
seasonal in emerald
WRITTEN WORDS from the hand of my grandmother
sunflower dance in mustard
sunflower dance in mustard
dammask in blue
dammask in blue
A PAINTERLY FEEL of flower fields
summer picks in dusty rose
summer picks in dusty rose
I’m Hope.
I’m inspired by modern touches of nostalgia, life n e a r w a t e r, & a l l t h e f l o w e r s . W i t h m y l i t t l e o n e s by my side, I design textiles and patterns that give you that familiar “feel good” feeling ...which is what we’re all after right? The feel good feeling.
@byhopej ohns on hi@by hopej ohns byh opej ohns
© a l l wor k i s c o p y r i g h t e d 2 0 1 9 b y h o p e j o h n s o n