The Essential Cleaning Guide

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THE ESSENTIAL CLEANING GUIDE using young living essential oils + products BY JESS ANDERSON


s g n i h t l l A s e v e i h T

Find out what is lurking in your cabinets and how to make easy affordable swaps to live above the wellness line.

Does all natural mean it's safe? As health and wellness are on the rise, you will see many more companies put products on the shelf that appear to be safe and read “all natural,” but are they really all that safe? This eBook will break down some of the misleading information out there and give you alternatives you can feel confident using at an affordable price!

Before you start reading, go to your app store and download the app called “Think Dirty.” Sign in and let it take you through the tutorial on how to use the app. The Think Dirty app is an application you can use to scan products and see how they rate in terms of safety. If anything rates a six or higher, I don't touch it with a ten foot pole. If it rates between a 3-5, I check out the ingredient/s that are making it rate that high and also look them up on The Environmental Working Group website to see why that ingredient is given a higher rating. If that ingredient is the LAST ingredient listed on the product label, I know there is only a small amount in the product. Then I make my own judgment call on whether I want to use the product or not. Products rated 1-2 are completely safe and are my top picks. I want you to collect one product from your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room. For example, all-purpose cleaner, shampoo, and laundry detergent. Have them within reach as you go through this eBook.

Household Makeover Let's chat about one of the number one things we all use for a clean home: household cleaners. The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization focused on environment and public health, recently came out with their Cleaners Hall of Shame list. The list includes common products you use to clean your home. These products contain ingredients containing carcinogens, asthma instigators, and poisons, which mean some sparkly cleaners might come at a high price. Here is a snapshot of the list's number one offender, Simple Green. Check out the rest of the list here. Many of the generic cleaners contain Phthalates which interfere with hormones and are carcinogens. Thieves cleaner does NOT contain those big bad Phthalates. Instead of Phthalates, Thieves Cleaner by Young Living contains two different sulfates that are derived from coconut oil and sugar. These all-natural and safe sulfates that are considered surfactants, which contain a molecule that loves water and a molecule that hates water. That means the Thieves Cleaner sticks to the surface and grabs the oil and then washes away easily with water. Science is amazing, right? It can be used on many different surfaces: counters, bathrooms, floors, toys, clothes, carpet, mirrors, windows, and more. Spot check a small area before you use your Thieves cleaner on a new surface. This cleaner is also insanely cost effective. It is highly concentrated so you only need about a capful of this all-purpose cleaner in about one cup of water. With this ratio, one small bottle will yield you about 29 16 oz spray bottles of safe all-purpose cleaner. That means it's under $1 for one spray bottle. Can't beat that price! Time to ditch + switch all your household cleaners for the Thieves all-purpose cleaner. Living above the wellness line and saving money at the same time. Double bonus! The Thieves cleaner comes in a small or large bottle and you can even get a convenient spray great for shopping carts, public tables, and so much more.

Soft Scrub Cleaner INGREDIENTS: 3 cups Baking Soda ¾ cup of Thieves household cleaner 1 Tbs of Distilled White Vinegar 30 drops of Young Living Lemon essential oil

DIRECTIONS: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. It will be the texture of a paste. Using a soft brush or scrub cloth, clean surface. Rinse with water. Finish with soft, dry cloth. Store in an air-tight container or jar. Best if used within three months.

Foaming Hand Soap INGREDIENTS: 3 Tbs Castile soap 6 drops Young LIving Thieves essential oil 3 drops vitamin E Filtered Water

DIRECTIONS: Combine Castile soap, Thieves essential oil and vitamin E in 8 oz foaming soap container. Swirl around. Top with filtered water.

When life gives you lemons, you make an all-natural whitener. Skip the harsh chemicals and make this safe and effective whitener. Use it in your laundry, the bathtub, and any other surface that needs a little brightening.

All Natural Whitener INGREDIENTS: 3/4 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide 1/4 cup lemon juice 10-15 drops Young Living Lemon essential oil 3/4 cup baking soda 7 cups water

DIRECTIONS: Combine all ingredients in a container capable of holding 1/2 gallon or more. Shake well before use. Use one cup per load and wash with hot water for best results. Or any surface that needs a little brightening.Â

Stain Remover INGREDIENTS: 20 drops lemon essential oil 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar

DIRECTIONS: Combine all ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray idrectly on stains and let sit for at least 20 minutes before washing.

Bathroom Makeover What are you putting in your mouth? The FDA “has not defined the term ‘natural’ and has not established a regulatory definition for this term in cosmetic labeling.” That means it is a very loose term when used on your personal care products. Long story short, don't be fooled by cleaver marketing. KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR PRODUCTS! The FDA has banned the chemical Triclosan from hand soaps. This chemical was not proven to be effect or safe in antibacterial hand soaps. However, this chemical is still being used in toothpaste and teeth whitening products, antiperspirants/deodorants, shaving products and creams. Explain that one!? If it wasn’t proven safe to use and it can be known to cause an interaction with hormone receptors along with other health concerns, then WHY is it still in our products? I can guarantee you, that harmful chemical is NOT found in ANY of Young Living products. Young Living oral care products are also designed with the technology to clean and freshen breath throughout the day. Here are some YL favorites for your bathroom makeover. Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste Thieves Dental Floss Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash 8 oz Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste 4 oz Toothpaste hack: The Thieves Toothpaste can also double as a deodorant. Take a pea size amount on your finger and run it on your pit. Avoid applying immediately after shaving.

Kitchen Makeover You may think, “Why do I need to worry about the soap I use to wash my dishes? I am not eating them or putting them on my body.” That is correct, you aren't eating the plate for lunch; however, you do put food ON your dishes, the food picks up the detergent residue on the dishes and then you ingest the food. That means that you ARE ingesting the detergent. You also inhale the chemicals as the dishwasher releases them during washing. AHHHHH time to use the Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Powder. The fact that the entire family uses dishes makes it very important to make sure your kitchen products are safe for everyone. Easily swap out your not so safe dish soap with Thieves Dish Soap - This is a powerhouse cleaner infused with Jade Lemon, Bergamot, Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, and Rosemary essential oils. It contains one of the most gentle surfactants around, often used in baby shampoo, called Decyl Glucoside. Perfect for the most sensitive skin. Don't be fooled by few bubbles while washing. That means they didn’t add that harmful chemical that makes bubbles! Still can't get over washing dishes without bubbles? I am going to share some ninja dish soap tips with you. Young Living makes so many of their products as highly concentrated substances. That means a little goes a long way! To make your Thieves Dish Soap last longer and give you all kinds of bubbles, put 2/3 Thieves dish soap in a canning jar leaving 1/3 in the squeeze bottle. (Once you have a spare Thieves dish soap bottle, you can use that.) Add 1-3 tsp of baking soda into the Thieves bottle that contains 1/3 of your Thieves dish soap. Fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake. The Baking soda will add all kinds of bubbles and you just got THREE bottles of dish soap in one! So much more affordable. Other kitchen favorites are: Thieves Fruit & Veggie Spray - for easy on-the-go fruit & veggie washing. Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

Laundry Makeover Why is it important to use safe laundry detergent? Why should laundry detergent and dryer sheets be one of the first things I replace? For starters, just like everything else, using safe laundry detergent means one more step to living above the wellness line. It is one of the first things to replace because it affects the entire family. Replacing toxic laundry detergent and dryer sheets with toxinfree products means that there is no more wearing clothes or rolling in sheets that are filled with chemicals 24/7. These chemicals are transferred onto your skin and absorb into your body throughout the entire day. Scan your Laundry Detergent or your dryer sheets with your Think Dirty app. What score did you get? Now check out one of the ingredients that was rated a four or higher. Are you surprised? It is common to see harmful chemicals like Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) in detergents. It is a foaming agent that has been linked to irritation of the skin and eyes, organ toxicity, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, and biochemical or cellular changes, possible mutations, and cancer. There is some controversy over whether SLS is safe or harmful, but to be honest, if there is any question that it could cause the things listed above, I'm going to avoid it. What about you? Ditch those dryer sheets for wool dryer balls. Simply add your essentials to the wool ball and toss them in the dryer with your clothes. So fresh!

Scented Wool Dryer Balls INGREDIENTS: Wool dryer balls 5-7 drops of your favorite essential

DIRECTIONS: Add 5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil (try lavender or lemongrass). Toss in the dryer.

Air Fresheners Let’s visit that "Hall of Shame" list. Air fresheners can be some of the worst culprits. The term “fragrance” can be composed of hundreds of “ingredients” but under U.S. regulations, those hundreds of ingredients can be listed simply as “Fragrance.” That means when you see the ingredient “Fragrance,” you don’t really know what you are getting. No wonder so many people get a headache when they are around air fresheners and perfume. Be courteous to not only your own health but your visitors' health as well and replace your unsafe air fresheners and candles with a safe diffuser and pure Young Living essential oils. Not only are Young Living essential oils safe, but they are effective as well. You can use a scent like lavender to not only fill your room with a fresh aromatic bouquet, but you can also use it to calm your mood and help you get a restful night sleep. You can diffuse Thieves, Lemon, or Purification essential oils to eliminate odor and provide a safe uplifting scent. Here are some of favorite diffuser blends:

Mood Boost // 4 drops Stress Away + 4 drops Peppermint Sleepytime // 4 drops Lavender + 4 drops Cedarwood Breathe Easy // 4 drops Lemon + 3 drops Peppermint + 5 drops Lavender Meditation // 4 drops Bergamot + 5 drops Frankincense

Air Freshener/Linen Spray INGREDIENTS: 10 drops essential oil (lavender, lemon, citrus fresh) 1/2 tsp alcohol (rubbing or vodka)

DIRECTIONS: Add essential oil and alcohol to 2 oz. spray bottle and fill with water. Spray on linens or any area that smells stale.

THE AVOID LIST There are so many chemicals in our everyday products that are harmful to our health and bodies without us even knowing. What we want to do is empower you, our people, and educate everyone on what to avoid and how to avoid it. Here are a few to keep on your radar: FRAGRANCE: Short term toxicity can include coughing, skin irritation, rash, wheezing, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and irritability. Long term toxicity can include cancer, lung disease, heart disease and reproductive disorders. Found in: scented candles, perfumes, lotions, and more. TRICLOSAN: Used in many formulations as an antibacterial agent to prevent or reduce bacterial contamination and registered as a pesticide by the EPA. Topical absorption of triclosan has shown disturbances to the endocrine system, and is believed to lead to birth defects and uncontrollable cell growth Found in: soaps, deodorants, cosmetics, shave gel, first aid spray, kitchenware and children’s toys. PHTHALATES: A low cost endocrine disrupting chemical that in lab studies has shown to interfere with hormone production in rats and mimic estrogen in human studies. Found in: plastic food packaging, lotions, skin moisturizers, fragrance, cleaners, glues and nail polish. FORMALDEHYDE: This is a known carcinogen and recognized as such by the Cancer Institute. Exposure can cause eye irritation, asthmatic response, skin irritation, headaches and nausea. Long term effects include cancer and possibly leukemia. Although products generally contain small amounts, when this chemical is used in many common everyday household items in addition to being present in our wood, sheetrock and furniture, our exposure adds up. To make things even more alarming, this isn’t an easy ingredient to find. The ingredients is often listed as its fragmented name. Found in: baby shampoo, pet shampoo, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, sun blocks, cosmetics, baby wipes, toothpaste, and more. There are also many ingredients to be aware of due to carcinogenic properties: Alcohol, Aluminum, DEA/TEA, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, TALC, Parabens and more. These are found in so many common household products and should be avoided as much as possible for more healthful alternatives.

I have one question for you... Are you ready to ditch the toxins and start living radiantly? Become a Young Living Member with the Thieves Premium Starter Kit. While you may not be able to control the other environments you are find yourself in, YOU are the gatekeeper to your home. YOU control what comes in and what goes out. Now you KNOW better, so are you going to DO better? I am going to give you a SUPER EASY ninja tip: Ditch and switch with the Young Living Thieves Premium Starter Kit. You can literally throw out BAGS AND BAGS of harmful products in your cabinets and use a few life-changing products instead. When you are ready to take your health into your own hands and make over your home, use my personal link to order your very own Thieves Premium Starter Kit. I promise your life will change for the better and you will be a part of a community that will support you every step of the way. Once you order your Thieves Premium Starter Kit, let me know and I will send you your very own welcome pack and get you connected to resources. Thank you! xo


What products do you use in your daily life? Personal Care o Toothpaste o Dental Floss o Mouthwash o Throat Lozenges o Breath Mints o Deodorant o Bath & Shower Gel o Bar Soap o Body Lotion o Sports Gel o Aloe Vera o Shaving Cream o Aftershave o Beard Oil o Massage Oil o Hand Sanitizer o Moisturizing Shampoo o Moisturizing Conditioner o Daily Shampoo o Daily Condition o Shampoo for Fine Hair o Conditional for Fine Hair o Hair Growth Products o Perfume o Cologne

Facial & Skin Care o Facial Cleaner o Facial Masque o Facial Wash o Facial Scrub o Lip Gloss o Facial Serum o Toner o Brightening Cream o Moisturizing Cream o Eye Cream o Lip Balm o Wrinkle Cream

Babies & Children o Fluoride-Free Toothpaste o Diaper Cream o Diaper Wipes o Baby Oil o Linen Spray o Digestive Enzymes/Probiotics o Shampoo o Body Wash o Vitamins o Lotion

Nutrition & Vitamins o Protein Powder o Digestive Health/Probiotic o Multivitamins o Immune Support Capsules o Joint Care o Energy Support Capsules o Antioxidants o Calcium Supplements o Vitamin B o Multigreens o Vitamin C Chewable o Vitamin C Tablets o Omega 3 Fatty Acids o Aging Resistance o Prostrate Health Products o MSM Supplements

Weight Management o Snack Bars o Chocolate Coated Snack Bars o Natural Appetite Suppressant o Chewing Gum o Weight Management Supplement o Meal Replacement Shake o Shaker Bottle

Pet Care o Pet Shampoo o Ointment o Dental Chews o Thunder Jacket

Health & Wellness o Healthy Water o Energy Shot o Energy Drink o Cough Drops o Pain Cream o Dietary Cleanse o PMS Hormone Support o Massager

Cookware o Frying Pan o High-Rim Frying Pan o Sauce Pan o Steamer

Young Living can provide natural plant-based alternatives to each of these products. You ready, now?

Healthy Cooking o Sweetener o Pancake/Waffle Mix o Gluten Free Pancake/Waffle Mix o Wheat Flour o Syrup o Rotini o Wheat Spaghetti o Granola o Protein Bars o Dried Fruit Snacks o Fruit + Veggie Wash o Cookbook o Spice/Herb Seasonings

Household o All Purpose Cleaner o Laundry Detergent o Stain Treatment o Dishwashing Liquid Soap o Automatic Dishwasher Detergent o Oven Cleaner o Surface/Hand Wipes o Sink/Tub/Tile/Toilet Bowl Cleaner o Carpet Cleaner o Window Cleaner o Surface Spray o Furniture Polish o Deodorizer o Plug-Ins/Candles o Diffuser for Essential Oils o Potpourri o Incense Burner

Makeup o Foundation o Mascara o Bronzer o Eye Shadow o Lip Stick o Blush o Eyebrow Filler o Eyeliner o Brushes o Lip Scrub

r o f p u n g Si s d r a w e R Essential ese h t e v a h and d e r e v i l e d products y r e v e r o o to your d month.


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