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Supporting Clients During Construction
ByrneLooby staff have provided construction support on over 100 waste management development projects over two decades. Our team’s practical experience and design expertise allow us to deliver high-quality solutions from initial scheme concepts to construction for clients. Our principal staff members have extensive experience in the field, providing a range of services, including site supervision, auditing, quality assurance, environmental monitoring and testing support. We also provide ongoing construction services to our clients during the operation, restoration and aftercare phases. In some cases, we have provided continued support on waste management facility sites for over 20 years. Our project portfolio has sites located throughout the United Kingdom, the EU, Middle East and North Africa (MENA), West Africa, Central and Southern Asia.
Our consultants offer expertise spanning all phases:
• Pre-construction • Contract procurement and project management • Site supervision • Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) and works verification
Construction Support Services
• Site investigations • Environmental monitoring • Discharging pre-construction permit conditions
• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • Stability Risk Assessment (SRA) • Hydrogeological Investigations and Risk
Assessment (HRA)
• Earthworks design • Geosynthetics design • Infrastructure design (roads, buildings, lagoons, surface water drainage) • Leachate and landfill gas system design • Earthworks pad trials
• Provision of tender and contract documentation
• Construction cost advice
• Cost-benefit analysis • Management of the tender process and award of contract
• Construction project management • Supervision of works / resident engineer • Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) • Cost and payment control during the construction stages • Construction stage progress and programme management • Verification reporting and regulatory approvals management • Auditing waste facility construction works for quality and financial control purposes
• Soil sampling and specification/management of geotechnical testing • Environmental monitoring (Gas, groundwater, surface water, air quality) • Audits of leachate and gas management systems • Design of gas generation pumping trials • Installation / retro-installation of leachate and landfill gas extraction and treatment systems • Leachate pumping trials • Design and construction support for wetland treatment systems for leachate • Expert investigation of slope failures • Health & Safety support • Supervision of waste facility pollution cleanup and remediation works • Topographical surveying
The Jameson Road facility is a major regional landfill in Lancashire, UK accepting a range of MSW, Industrial and Commercial wastes. It was formerly a local council operated site, now owned and operated by multinational utility company SUEZ. For the past 20 years the Byrne Looby team have provided comprehensive multidisciplinary construction support, master planning, design and permitting advice on this site to SUEZ. The site initially required extensive remedial works to bring it up to modern standards, including the design and installation of over 40 hectares of capping and isolating the older part of the site with a major engineered separation bund. Over 20 years the remaining area of the site was progressively developed with new engineered containment cells, constructed to the standards required by the EU Landfill and Groundwater Directives. Extensive landfill gas and leachate management systems have been installed.
We initially project managed the remediation of the former council operated part of the site, designing and supervising an 800,000 m3 translocation of wastes, construction of a 1 km long engineered separation bund and installation of 40 hectares of geosynthetic capping. For over two decades ByrneLooby have periodically designed, supervised and verified the construction of multiple new landfill cells and associate capping works as landfilling has progressed across the remaining 60 hectares of the site. The landfill is lined with a composite mineral clay / HPDE liner and capped with an LLDPE geomembrane. For each new, separate cell construction and post infill capping contract we have assisted the operator to procure the contract and supervised the works. This starts with the detailed design, securing approval from the regulator (UK Environment Agency), preparing the contract specification and issuing the tender pack to contactors. We then supported our client through the tender evaluation process, contractor appointment, management of the contract works and by providing site-based supervision of the works. On completion of the works, we provided the regulator with the necessary CQA verification reports. Location: Fleetwood, UK Capital Value: >£25m Project Name: Jameson Road Landfill Country: UK Client: SITA Suez UK
The site is a 45-metre-deep hard rock quarry with over 15 million m³ of void space. ByrneLooby designed and project-managed extensive remediation works to the older, former local authority landfill for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), industrial and hazardous wastes. ByrneLooby also designed four new landfill cells. Remediation works included the excavation and translocation of 300,000m³ of waste and construction of a 40m high engineered separation bund. A risk-based design approach was undertaken in accordance with PPC/EPR regulations and Environment Agency guidance. This included quantitative hydrogeological, landfill gas and stability risk assessments.
ByrneLooby have provided the lead engineering design role on this site for over 20 years covering both the Phase 1 remediation works and the Phase 2 development of multiple new engineered containment cells. We have also provided extensive construction contract support, site supervision and CQA validation of the earthworks and containment liner installation works. In 2019 Suez commissioned ByrneLooby to design the leachate treatment system upgrade, commencing with a process design commission. In support of the design works we have undertaken extensive hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations, Environmental Impact / Risk Assessments, input to planning applications and provided extensive Environmental Permitting support. Location: Accrington Capital Value: GBP >30m Project Name: Whinney Hill Landfill Country: UK Client: SITA Suez UK
This project was part of the major clean-up of oil contaminated soils which were a legacy of the 1991 Iraq war. When retreating from Kuwait, the Iraqi army destroyed hundreds of oil wells contaminating over 25 million m3 of soil. Under the auspices of the United Nations, a clean-up programme was initiated which involved a mix of bioremediation, thermal treatment and landfilling. ByrneLooby was the lead design engineers for the construction of a 1 million tonne landfill repository, located in the oilfields to the south of Kuwait City. The contract was let by the Kuwait Oil Company under the Kuwait Environmental Remediation Programme (KERPS) scheme, as a design and build project.
ByrneLooby provided tender support to our D&B client which was successful in the face of stiff international competition. Our role included a site selection study, design and supervision of borehole investigations, environmental monitoring, hydrogeological studies, geotechnical studies, earthworks and landfill engineering design, leachate management design, surface water design, construction supervision and CQA, and preparation of the operational, monitoring and post closure plans. The work was undertaken in two phases, the first to construct the base of the repository and then following infilling, to cap and restore the site. Location: South East Kuwait Capital Value: GBP 14m Project Name: Kuwait Contaminated Soil Repsitory Country: Kuwait Client: NBTC