62 minute read
Top Realtors
by SB Magazine
This year, we asked SB readers to submit nominations for the Top Realtors in our northwest Louisiana community. The list below was compiled from your responses. Happy Buying and Selling!
June Alexander Lisa Liggin Allen Melissa Anderson Thelma Babers Karen Baker Eric Bates Lori Beeman Karyn Bodden Samantha Bradley Deb Brittan Kristen Buckingham Marian Burks Pam Burnside Debbie Carter Ashley Chance Evette Clark Dee Davidson Desirée Davis Gerod Durden Sage Easter Sarah Easter Annalisa Giddens Beth Graham Joel Hall Leslie Hankins Raylie Hardy Lisa Hargrove Nancy Harner Chessica Harville Brooke Sweeten Huff Debbie Hutches Jodi Hutto Rhalanda Jackson Kristi LaNette Jones Heather Kreamer Christi Lang Ebony Ragland Layton Angelina Matranga Sara McCoy Chaunta Mero Theresa Miller Lee Nugent Andy Osborn Cassie Pearson Faith Pinkley-Payne Mike Powell Katelyn Roan Grace Rogers
Michelle Savage Brittany Shepherd Jeannette Sibley Zondra Spikes Jenny Spivey Gabrielle Stevenson Chris Stokes Karyn Bodden Tammy Szecak Ragan Terzia Kristen Buckingham Rosemary Tingle Michael Villalpando Mindy Wardlaw Ebony Williams Kalette Wilson-Haley Rodney Yoakum
Dee Davidson Desirée Davis Gerod Durden Sage Easter Sarah Easter Annalisa Giddens Beth Graham Joel Hall Leslie Hankins Raylie Hardy Lisa Hargrove Nancy Harner Chessica Harville Brooke Sweeten Huff Debbie Hutches Jodi Hutto Rhalanda Jackson Kristi LaNette Jones Christi Lang Ebony Ragland Layton Sara McCoy Cassie Pearson Faith Pinkley-Payne Katelyn Roan Grace Rogers Michelle Savage Brittany Shepherd Jeannette Sibley Zondra Spikes Jenny Spivey Gabrielle Stevenson Chris Stokes Tammy Szecak Ragan Terzia Rosemary Tingle Michael Villalpando Mindy Wardlaw Ebony Williams Kalette Wilson-Haley Rodney Yoakum

Pam & Eric Bates
Century 21
“T he Bates Team” was formed in April 2020, just about the time the pandemic hit. Eric had been a REALTOR for 21 years and talked his new wife, Pam, into joining him in the just about the time the pandemic hit. Eric had been a REALTOR for 21 years and talk ed his new wife, Pam, into joining him in the business. Detail oriented, organized, and computer savvy, business. Detail oriented, organized, and computer savvy, Pam’s background includes over Pam’s background includes over 25 years of working in church and medical offices. “Going into this business with church and medical offices. “Going into this business with him was one of the best choices I ever made,” Pam says. him was one of the best choices I ever made,” Pam says.
After months of little movement, the housing market started booming. Interest rates were low, and people were suddenly buying and selling homes faster than the market could keep up. But Eric had experience and was ready for such a unique and changing market. Eric started in the real estate business after graduating from LSU with a degree in Finance, helping his family develop land they owned at Cypress Lake into the subdivision Water’s Edge. Eric, his mother, Helen Bates, and brother, David Bates, are planning to develop another 100 acres of family land on Cypress Lake and the Bates Team has been entrusted to handle these transactions. Pam and Eric both bring unique qualities to the Real Estate Business. Many couples want time apart, but this couple enjoys working together. “Maybe it’s because we’ve only been married for two years, but we really feel we complement each other,” Pam states. Pam likes to find out all the details about the homes we are selling or buying. “It is very time consuming, but I want my clients to know what they are buying or what we are selling. I keep things organized and on target,” she says. Eric uses his finance background and negotiation skills to get the client the best price he can, and stays in close contact with the lender, the inspector and the closing agents. “This has become especially important during this fast-paced market.” Pam and Eric stay in close contact with their clients throughout the entire process. “After all, this is a great financial investment for our clients, and we want to keep them involved so they know what is going on at all times. Even if it seems minute, we like for them to know.” “Sometimes, the client doesn’t want to hear that their house may not sell for the amount they thought or to be advised to walk away from a house they do want because of adverse conditions. But we tell them. We feel that the only way to succeed in any business is to be totally honest with your client.”
The Bates Team wants each client to find the perfect location and right price to suit them. “We do not want to see a client overextend themselves.” One of the biggest joys for Pam and Eric is helping friends and clients find their forever homes. Attorney Ross Owen said about the experience: “Simply the best! Knowledgeable. They know the area. They listen to what you want. They hear your concerns and your priorities. They have the experience. They know the pitfalls to tell you when started booming. Interest rates were low, and people to watch your step. Kindness matters and they are kind. were suddenly buying and selling homes faster than the It shows and you get the benefit of their practicing this in market could keep up. But Eric had experience and was their daily lives. The relationships they have are strong because of this.” They love making friends through the real estate business. from LSU with a degree in Finance, helping his family “We fall in love with our clients and they become like exdevelop land they owned at Cypress Lake into the sub tended family,” states Eric. Donna Olsen moved to Benton, division Water’s Edge. Eric, his mother, Helen Bates, and LA from Chicago to be closer to family. “I am new to the brother, David Bates, are planning to develop another area, and I couldn't have picked better realtors. They lis100 acres of family land on Cypress Lake and the Bates tened to my needs including price range. Most importantTeam has been entrusted to handle these transactions. ly, they made me feel like family and welcomed me to the area! I would definitely use them again.” Pam and Eric both bring unique qualities to the Real Es tate Business. Many couples want time apart, but this When John Sabrowski retired from the military, he couple enjoys working together. “Maybe it’s because and his wife, Mary Circe, moved to New Mexico. They asked the Bates Team to sell their Haughton home which we complement each other,” Pam states. housed renters. “Pam and Eric have been wonderful to work with. We especially appreciate their prompt rePam likes to find out all the details about the homes we sponses to questions and keeping us informed throughare selling or buying. “It is very time consuming, but I out the house selling process. They have taken the stress out of selling our house and we are incredibly grateful. we are selling. I keep things organized and on target,” We would certainly recommend them to anyone needing to buy or sell a house.” tion skills to get the client the best price he can, and stays in close contact with the lender, the inspector and the The Bates do many community projects together with their congregation at the University Church of Christ. Eric currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Bridge House, which helps men in recovery improve their lives. throughout the entire process. “After all, this is a great Pam and Eric Bates are excited about helping others buy financial investment for our clients, and we want to keep and sell their homes and look forward to meeting you and your Even if it seems minute, we like for them to know.” family. Choose the Bates Team and get two REALTORS for the price of one! house may not sell for the amount they thought or to be advised to walk away from a house they do want because of adverse conditions. But we tell them. We feel that the only way to succeed in any business is to be totally honest The Bates Team wants each client to find the perfect lo cation and right price to suit them. “We do not want to One of the biggest joys for Pam and Eric is helping friends and clients find their forever homes. Attorney Ross Owen said about the experience: “Simply the best! Knowledge able. They know the area. They listen to what you want. They hear your concerns and your priorities. They have the experience. They know the pitfalls to tell you when to watch your step. Kindness matters and they are kind. It shows and you get the benefit of their practicing this in their daily lives. The relationships they have are strong They love making friends through the real estate business. tended family,” states Eric. Donna Olsen moved from Chicago to be closer to family. “I am new to the area, and I couldn't have picked better realtors. They lis tened to my needs including price range. Most important ly, they made me feel like family and welcomed me to the area! I would definitely use them again.” When John Sabrowski retired from the military, he Mary Circe, moved to New Mexico. They asked the Bates Team to sell their Haughton home which housed renters. “Pam and Eric have been wonderful to sponses to questions and keeping us informed through out the house selling process. They have taken the stress out of selling our house and we are incredibly grateful. We would certainly recommend them to anyone needing The Bates do many community projects together with their congregation at the University Church of Christ. Eric currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Bridge , which helps men in recovery improve their lives. Pam and Eric Bates are excited about helping others buy forward to meeting you and your and get two REALTORS for the
8575 Fern Ave, Suite 105 8575 Fern Ave, Suite 105 Shreveport, LA 71105 318.868.3600 www.bateshomes.net
Gerod Durden
The Durden Property Group, LLC

When Gerod Durden got his real estate license, listed his first house, and received several offers on it the first day, he knew he was meant to be a realtor. The Green he was meant to be a realtor. The Greenwood native and Huntington High School graduate wood native and Huntington High School graduate watched his grandparents invest in real estate while he was young, and he’s been hooked on the profession ever since. It’s always been a top goal for me to be a super-since. It’s always been a top goal for me to be a super star agent,” said Durden. “I love helping change people’s lives through real estate.”
Gerod’s wife, local attorney Lori C. Graham, is his biggest fan. Durden enjoys spending time with his wife, Lori, and children, Joshua Gerod Durden, Brooklynn Nycole Durden, and Jeremy Ryan LaCour, cooking and traveling. With his success, Gerod gives God all the glory and holds a special place in his heart for his family and friends for always supporting him. Gerod was very proud to have his son, Joshua, join his team last year. Joshua Durden is a finance major and now a commercial lender at Carter Credit Union. Harold Petteway, a great showing and buying agent who is excellent at working with first-time buyers and investors, has accomplished win-win real estate solutions since 2014. Gerod’s team is one of the top teams in this area and is highly committed, knowledgeable, loyal, and passionate to everyone they encounter. Now, not only is Durden a top producing agent, but also he is a broker with his own brokerage company. “We are equipped to assist new agents with the necessary knowledge and technology with the latest systems that have proven to work,” says Durden. “We welcome new agents to add to our firm where you will stand apart from the rest and be prepared to conquer and complete any deal.”
gest fan. Durden enjoys spending time with his wife, Lori, and children, Joshua Gerod Durden, Brooklynn Nycole Durden, and Jeremy Ryan LaCour, cooking and traveling. With his success, Gerod gives God all the glory and holds a special place in his heart for his family and friends for always supporting him. Gerod was very proud to have his son, Joshua, join his team last year. Joshua Durden is a finance major and now a commercial lender at Carter Credit Union. Harold Petteway, a great showing and buying agent who is excellent at working with first-time buyers and investors, has accomplished win-win real estate solutions since 2014. Gerod’s team is one of the top teams in this area and is highly committed, knowledgeable, loyal, and passionate to everyone they encounter. Now, not only is Durden a top producing agent, but also he is a broker with his own brokerage company. “We are equipped to assist new agents with the necessary knowledge and technology with the latest systems that have proven to work,” says Durden. “We welcome new agents to add to our firm where you will stand apart from the rest and be prepared to conquer and complete any deal.”

Recently Durden purchased a Maverick Land Buggy for his clients so they can get a closer look at their prospective clients so they can get a closer look at their prospective property investments to help them in their decision-making. property investments to help them in their decision-making.

Meet the Durden Property Team: Joshua Gerod Durden, Harold Petteway, and Gabrielle Stevenson. Gerod’s team is one of the top real estate teams in this area and highly committed, extremely knowledgeable, loyal, and passionate to everyone they encounter.

Joshua Durden, Durden’s son, is a finance major and now a commercial lender at Carter Credit Union. His strong financial background is a plus in assisting clients with their real estate needs.
Harold Pettaway is our great showing and buying agent who has excellent communication skills and works well with first-time homebuyers and investors. He has been accomplishing win-win real estate solutions since 2014.
Gabrielle Stevenson, also known as the major and now a commercial lender at “Dream Catcher,” has over 15 years of experience in the banking industry and background is a plus in assisting clients has a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and passion that helps individuals buying and/or selling capture their dream real estate deal.
and buying agent who has excellent He has been accomplishing win-win real
Gabrielle Stevenson, also known as the “Dream Catcher,” has over 15 years of experience in the banking industry and has a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and passion that helps individuals buying and/or selling capture their dream real estate deal.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ally Real Estate
Welcomes New Agents Welcomes New Agents
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ally Real Es-erkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ally Real Es tate proudly welcomes individual real estate agents and top producers Brittany Shepherd, agents and top producers Brittany Shepherd, Ashley Chance, and Annalisa Giddens to the
BHHS team. Launched in November 2017 by Leighton
Allen and Adam Lytle, BHHS Ally Real Estate was the largest start up in the history of Berkshire Hathaway largest start up in the history of Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices and is the only BHHS brokerage in the area. “We are always looking to add agents that make our company better. These three ladies embody the characteristics of our culture: ambitious, professional, and always willing to serve others,” says Allen. and always willing to serve others,” says Allen.
Shepherd stresses that the BHHS culture is primarily the Shepherd stresses that the BHHS culture is primarily the reason the three decided to join BHHS. reason the three decided to join BHHS. “As agents, we loved the marketing, tools, and support staff that BHHS offers to help us grow our business. We feel like BHHS is ahead of the game when it comes to feel like BHHS is ahead of the game when it comes to helping the next generation of agents take their business to the next level. As working mothers, the lead generation and background support enables us to be top performing realtors while still being the kind of mothers we want to realtors while still being the kind of mothers we want to be to our young children. We are so excited about our fu-be to our young children. We are so excited about our fu ture at BHHS,” says Shepherd. ture at BHHS,” says Shepherd. kerage. To us this means that we provide our agents with the best and latest technology, automated tools, expert have these elements in place to be successful,” says Allen. cess for agents that join our company,” says Lytle. BHHS assimilate new agents into the company while rebrand ing them for the public to see. “It has been historically said that a transition will hurt an agent’s business, but we have seen the opposite. Most of the agents that join us see BHHS Ally Real Estate has a mission for every agent in and development are geared towards helping agents learn all the technical aspects of the industry so they
What Makes Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ally Real Estate A Next Generation Brokerage?
“We consider ourselves to be a next-gen real estate brokerage. To us this means that we provide our agents with the best and latest technology, automated tools, expert coaching, and leads to build a pipeline for future business. As our industry evolves, real estate agents need to have these elements in place to be successful,” says Allen. “We know first-hand that changing to a new brokerage can be overwhelming. We have created a stress-free process for agents that join our company,” says Lytle. BHHS Ally Real Estate has dedicated staff members that fully assimilate new agents into the company while rebranding them for the public to see. “It has been historically said that a transition will hurt an agent’s business, but we have seen the opposite. Most of the agents that join us see a spike in business immediately,” says Allen. Training/Coaching BHHS Ally Real Estate has a mission for every agent in their company to be expert real estate advisors. Training and development are geared towards helping agents learn all the technical aspects of the industry so they have the
confidence to help their clients succeed. By leveraging technology, agents can attend training in person, stream technology, agents can attend training in person, stream it live, or watch recorded sessions. “We understand that our role as brokers is to support our agents and their busi-our role as brokers is to support our agents and their busi ness. This is why we have invested in world class training programs that are custom-designed around the unique personality of each individual agent in order to help them meet their business and financial goals by harnessing the meet their business and financial goals by harnessing the spiritual gifts they inherently have,” says Lytle. spiritual gifts they inherently have,” says Lytle. Leads In order to be successful in real estate, agents need contin-In order to be successful in real estate, agents need contin uous business in the pipeline. Last year alone, BHHS Ally uous business in the pipeline. Last year alone, BHHS Ally Real Estate agents made over $198,000 net in their pockets. Real Estate agents made over $198,000 net in their pockets. “We provide our agents with a continuous pipeline of leads to help them grow their future business so they don’t stress about where their next deal will come from,” says Wanda Gertin, Director of Marketing & Relocation at BHHS Ally Gertin, Director of Marketing & Relocation at BHHS Ally Real Estate. In 2021, the agents at BHHS Ally Real Estate Real Estate. In 2021, the agents at BHHS Ally Real Estate are on pace to net over $300,000 from these leads. are on pace to net over $300,000 from these leads. Tools and Technology BHHS Ally Real Estate provides agents with the latest and greatest in automated tools and technology. “It is very important that agents have tools that makes their job easier portant that agents have tools that makes their job easier so they can focus on serving their clients,” says Allen. Every so they can focus on serving their clients,” says Allen. Every agent at BHHS Ally Real Estate gets access to a suite of tools agent at BHHS Ally Real Estate gets access to a suite of tools that leads the industry for real estate professionals. BHHS that leads the industry for real estate professionals. BHHS Ally Real Estate is also planning a new facility for agents. Ally Real Estate is also planning a new facility for agents. “We have partnered with world-renowned architect, Mike “We have partnered with world-renowned architect, Mike McSwain, to design our 26,000 square foot state-of-the-art office complex that will be built in the East Bank District in Bossier City beginning in 2022, says Lytle. Bossier City beginning in 2022, says Lytle. BHHS Ally Real Estate agents have access to world-class programs, support and services, and the backing of the nationally-renowned Berkshire Hathaway brand. Brittany Shepherd was a practicing attorney for 8 years before becoming a Realtor, but her heart has always been before becoming a Realtor, but her heart has always been drawn to real estate. Her grandmother was a successful Realtor/Broker and her grandfather was a very prominent developer/builder in the Shreveport/Bossier area. nent developer/builder in the Shreveport/Bossier area. Her uncle and two cousins are also brokers, so real estate is in her blood. Brittany grew up in South Shreveport and is in her blood. Brittany grew up in South Shreveport and has lived in the Bossier City/Benton area for 11 years. Her favorite thing about the area is the sense of community, favorite thing about the area is the sense of community, and she hopes that her children will return one day to and she hopes that her children will return one day to raise their families. Her favorite part of the business is the wonderful people she gets to meet along the way and connecting with those who may have different person-connecting with those who may have different person alities, stories, and backgrounds. Brittany is passionate about real estate and has a genuine love for helping others achieve their goals. As a former practicing attorney, she is a gifted mediator and skilled negotiator. She has a unique a gifted mediator and skilled negotiator. She has a unique understanding of contracts and of Louisiana mineral and land law that sets her apart from most Realtors. Outside land law that sets her apart from most Realtors. Outside of real estate, Brittany is passionate about her faith, being a wife to her husband of nine years, Wes, and being the best mother she can be to her children, Charlie (6) the best mother she can be to her children, Charlie (6) and Murphy McRae (4). She strives to help others reach and Murphy McRae (4). She strives to help others reach their full potential by encouraging them to accept their their full potential by encouraging them to accept their unique God given talents to help build a better commu-unique God given talents to help build a better community as a whole. She credits Ansley Rimmer, her skilled nity as a whole. She credits Ansley Rimmer, her skilled buyers’ agent, with being a major part of her success. buyers’ agent, with being a major part of her success. Brittany firmly believes that God brought Ansley into Brittany firmly believes that God brought Ansley into her business because of her strong desire to help others her business because of her strong desire to help others and her unique love for the Shreveport/Bossier commu-and her unique love for the Shreveport/Bossier community. You can depend on Brittany and Ansley who truly nity. You can depend on Brittany and Ansley who truly enjoy educating, encouraging, and assisting others enjoy educating, encouraging, and assisting others with the home buying and selling process. with the home buying and selling process. Ashley Chance is a native of the Bossier/Benton area and Ashley Chance is a native of the Bossier/Benton area and has developed many friendships and trust within the lo has developed many friendships and trust within the local community. Her father, Greg Williams, has been in cal community. Her father, Greg Williams, has been in real estate development and construction for many years real estate development and construction for many years so real estate is in her genes. Her favorite part of being a so real estate is in her genes. Her favorite part of being a Realtor is becoming lifelong friends with her clients that Realtor is becoming lifelong friends with her clients that she has helped along the way. Her husband always gives she has helped along the way. Her husband always gives her a hard time and says her clients become her “best her a hard time and says her clients become her “best friends” and he’s right! Ashley knows that communica-friends” and he’s right! Ashley knows that communication is key and she takes pride in making sure that her tion is key and she takes pride in making sure that her clients fully understand the process whether they are clients fully understand the process whether they are buying or selling. Ashley loves people and provides a high buying or selling. Ashley loves people and provides a high level of local knowledge and confidence. Outside of real level of local knowledge and confidence. Outside of real estate, Ashley enjoys spending time with her husband, a estate, Ashley enjoys spending time with her husband, a financial planner for Citizens National Bank, who also financial planner for Citizens National Bank, who also has real estate endeavors and helps her out in her busi-has real estate endeavors and helps her out in her business. She enjoys spending time with her son Townes, the ness. She enjoys spending time with her son Townes, the greatest joy in her life, and her cute dog, Tucker. greatest joy in her life, and her cute dog, Tucker. You can You can count on Ashley to always do what’s in your best interest. count on Ashley to always do what’s in your best interest. Annalisa Giddens Annalisa Giddens chose a career in real estate because chose a career in real estate because she has always been very intrigued by the real estate in-she has always been very intrigued by the real estate industry. Nothing is more gratifying to her than the feeling dustry. Nothing is more gratifying to her than the feeling she gets from helping people meet their real estate needs. she gets from helping people meet their real estate needs. She enjoys every step of the process from house hunting She enjoys every step of the process from house hunting all the way to the closing table. Annalisa is focused on her all the way to the closing table. Annalisa is focused on her client’s best interest. She prides herself on being honest, client’s best interest. She prides herself on being honest, trustworthy, and knowledgeable in the real estate mar trustworthy, and knowledgeable in the real estate market. Outside of real estate, Annalisa enjoys spending time ket. Outside of real estate, Annalisa enjoys spending time with her amazing family. with her amazing family. Whatever your real estate Whatever your real estate goals are, Annalisa will make it her responsibility to goals are, Annalisa will make it her responsibility to help you achieve them. help you achieve them. We are a full-service brokerage with a company culture We are a full-service brokerage with a company culture that promotes integrity, trust and stability. When you that promotes integrity, trust and stability. When you work with one of our agents, you can expect highwork with one of our agents, you can expect highquality service throughout your real estate journey. quality service throughout your real estate journey. We value relationships over transactions and our We value relationships over transactions and our agents will be with you every step of the way. agents will be with you every step of the way. Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is a worldwide holding company Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is a worldwide holding company headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. Chairman and CEO headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett guides the Berkshire Hathaway approach: Warren Buffett guides the Berkshire Hathaway approach: to acquire companies with great brands, great products to acquire companies with great brands, great products and strong leadership. and strong leadership. 700 Ogilvie St. Bossier City, LA 71111 700 Ogilvie St. Bossier City, LA 71111 318.231.2000 • www.allyrealestate.com 318.231.2000 • www.allyrealestate.com
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Katrina Patrick Rachel Pacheco Rhonda Alexander Rhonda Alexander Christine Dowdall Jennifer Burrus

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Our Bossier Office is the #1 RE/MAX in the state of Louisiana and the #1 office by sales in Shreveport/Bossier City. Our Bossier Office is the #1 RE/MAX in the state of Louisiana and the #1 office by sales in Shreveport/Bossier City. Meet our top agents that are dedicated to making your real estate experience memorable and enjoyable and have Meet our top agents that are dedicated to making your real estate experience memorable and enjoyable and have the experience to get the job done in today’s market.
9242 Ellerbe Road, Suite 300 Shreveport, Louisiana 318-862-3560 2323 Old Minden Rd, Suite 600 2323 Old Minden Rd, Suite 600 Bossier City, Louisiana (318) 459-7870

Brooke Huff
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Ally Real Estate
My name is Brooke Huff, and I am currently on my second year of Real Estate. I completed my classes for Estate. I completed my classes for Real Estate and waited years before Real Estate and waited years before gaining the courage to actually become licensed. There are so many Realtors out there I felt initially; why would people pick me? After many, many talks with God and the constant push I had coming from him, I decided to take the leap of faith.
I left a normal 9-5 job where I knew my income I left a normal 9-5 job where I knew my income would be stable to jump into a commission-only field. Needless to say, it was a HUGE leap of faith, field. Needless to say, it was a HUGE leap of faith, but I trusted in the process and jumped in head-but I trusted in the process and jumped in head first. I had so much support from my husband who first. I had so much support from my husband who seemed never to doubt my abilities, my two beautiful babies who think their mom can do it all, my tiful babies who think their mom can do it all, my parents who raised me to be driven and goal-oriented, and my friends who have cheered me on ented, and my friends who have cheered me on from the beginning. I truly felt like I could take on this huge life change. this huge life change. When my business started, I would have never imagined the backing I would receive from my imagined the backing I would receive from my hometown of Blanchard. My community has hometown of Blanchard. My community has shown up and shown out for me. They seemed to shown up and shown out for me. They seemed to have never doubted me either. I am beyond blessed to have grown up in a community that has shown to have grown up in a community that has shown me so much love and support. Without my hus-me so much love and support. Without my hus band, children, family, friends, and community, I could not have accomplished the things I have ac-could not have accomplished the things I have ac complished in this industry thus far. I would have never dreamed of receiving a Rookie of the Year, Rising Star, and Top Producer awards of the Year, Rising Star, and Top Producer awards within my first year. I am so excited to be a part of an industry that recognizes each agent’s success and celebrates it. I plan to continue in this indus-and celebrates it. I plan to continue in this indus try by serving my clients in the best ways possi-try by serving my clients in the best ways possi ble, providing services that will assist them in obtaining their goals, expanding my knowledge and sphere of influence, and working to get my clients the best possible outcome. I thank God for every the best possible outcome. I thank God for every single client he has blessed me with and hope he single client he has blessed me with and hope he continues to bless my business. Thank you to SB continues to bless my business. Thank you to SB Magazine for this opportunity, and thank God I am able to pursue my dreams daily.
700 Ogilvie St. Bossier City, LA 700 Ogilvie St. Bossier City, LA 318.489.8462
Rhalanda R. Jackson & Jeremy Robinson

For a Different Approach to Real Estate…

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Chaunta Mero
Real Estate Broker
Chaunta Mero is a Shreve haunta Mero is a Shreveport native and has over 16 years of real estate experience. She believes in developing an extended family relationship with her clients by providing unparalleled service. She has gained respect from her colleagues and clients by displaying commitment, dedication, and negotiating skills, resulting in recent successes through referral recommendations. through referral recommendations. Her favorite statement is, “For me— Her favorite statement is, “For me— it’s the passion for real estate—not the money.” She is a multi-million dollar producing agent with sales to diverse home buyers, including community leaders and physicians.
She received her real estate license in 2006, and in 2008, she became an in 2006, and in 2008, she became an Independent Real Estate Broker. She considers herself a life learner, mentor, and coach. In addition to continuing education courses, she stays on top of trends, technology, and innovative strate technology, and innovative strategies to ensure all clients (particularly first-time homebuyers) experience the joy of the process and success of receiving their ownership keys. Chaunta serves on the Northwest Lou-Chaunta serves on the Northwest Louisiana MLS Board, the Northwest Lou-isiana MLS Board, the Northwest Lou isiana Association of Realtors, and the isiana Association of Realtors, and the National Association of Realtors. She is National Association of Realtors. She is also an MD Preferred Agent. Additionally, she is a Civil Law Notary Public. She has been married to Joe for 22 She has been married to Joe for 22 years, and they have one son PJ. Together, they enjoy and take pride in giv-gether, they enjoy and take pride in giv ing back to the community. She formed ing back to the community. She formed the Mero Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides youth and seniors with essential supplies.
318-617-6685 chauntahbr@gmail.com
It Makes A Difference: Why Work with a REALTOR®
The Shreveport/Bossier residential real estate market is on fire, which means the available inventory is low. Whether you are a buyer or seller, especially in this climate, real estate transactions can be time-consuming and complicated. It’s worth your time and money to hire someone who knows real estate inside and out and engages in the business full time. Only licensees who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) can market themselves as REALTORS®, and they must uphold a strict Code of Ethics to remain in good standing. Louisiana REALTORS® (LR) is the statewide trade association of 15,000+ residential and commercial practitioners. Its mission is to provide optimum resources, like professional development and networking opportunities, while serving as an advocate for the industry. There are 10 local associations across the state under the LR umbrella – each one provides location-specific resources to its members. Visit larealtors.org/consumers to find a REALTOR® today. What makes a REALTOR® the right one? Real estate transactions involve one of the biggest financial investments you will ever experience. Here are four ways to ensure you are wellrepresented:
Save the drama. A great REALTOR® will make the process feel seamless, shielding you from the internal drama that can occur during negotiations, inspections, the mortgage process, etc. Using a REALTOR® also gives you access to their extensive contact list – this means expert recommendations on professionals to help you navigate the above with ease. More importantly, they commit to maintaining regular communication from day one to closing so that you are always in the loop on your transaction. Plus, REALTORS® aren’t emotionally invested in your property, which is great because letting go of memories can be an emotional process. REALTORS® are better equipped to handle difficult negotiations for you.
An advocate looking out for you
and only you. REALTORS® are part of an association to keep a pulse on the ever-changing rules and regulations governing property sales, which can directly affect the market. Remember, this is a legal transaction with a lot of moving parts. You need someone who fully understands the entire process - CMAs, EIKs, and FSBOs. Amortization, appraisals and assessments. If, like most people, you don’t understand this lingo, having a REALTOR® can help you translate. Furthermore, REALTORS® are often pillars of their community, serving as a collective voice in protecting homeownership and property rights. Select a REALTOR® that understands your needs and puts your interests at the forefront. Get the inside scoop. Your REALTOR®’s knowledge of the community and information about specific neighborhoods and future plans is invaluable. They know the market and have the tools to watch like hawks and connect great opportunities for buyers and sellers. REALTORS® also receive a constant flow of National Association of information from NAR & LR on issues that impact housing - items like market trends, economic factors, and flood insurance. Work with a REALTOR® that understands and keeps up with what is going on and has good relationships with others associated with residential and commercial practitioners. Its mission the transaction. Leveraging to get the best deal. If you’re selling a home, it’s tempting to accept an offer out of pure exhaustion. A good REALTOR® keeps you focused on your negotiating position, especially in multiple offer situations, which are the norm for the current market. This is a delicate process that takes experience to successfully navigate. A trusted REALTOR® goes beyond minimum licensing requirements to seek out continuing education opportunities, like nationally-recognized designations Real estate or certifications. Taking this additional step better prepares agents to handle tricky transactions with poise. Leveraging a will ever experience. Here are four ways to ensure you are well- REALTOR® to mediate your transaction can save you thousands represented: of dollars and unnecessary stress.
Save the drama. A great REALTOR® will make the process feel seamless, shielding you from the internal drama that can occur during negotiations, inspections, the mortgage process, etc. Using a REALTOR® also gives you access to their extensive contact list – this means expert recommendations on professionals to help you navigate the above with ease. More importantly, they commit to maintaining regular communication from day one to closing so that you are always in the loop on your transaction. Plus, REALTORS® aren’t emotionally invested in your property, which is great because letting go of memories can be an emotional process. REALTORS® are better equipped to handle difficult negotiations for you.
An advocate looking out for you
and only you. REALTORS® are part of an association to keep a pulse on the ever-changing rules and regulations governing property sales, which can directly affect the market. Remember, this is a legal transaction with a lot of moving parts. You need someone who fully understands the entire process - CMAs, EIKs, and FSBOs. Amortization, appraisals and assessments. If, like most people, you don’t understand this lingo, having a REALTOR® can help you translate. Furthermore, REALTORS® are often pillars of their community, serving as a collective voice in protecting homeownership and property rights. Select a REALTOR® that understands your needs and puts your interests at the forefront. Get the inside scoop. Your REALTOR®’s knowledge of the community and information about specific neighborhoods and future plans is invaluable. They know the market and have the tools to watch like hawks and connect great opportunities for buyers and sellers. REALTORS® also receive a constant flow of information from NAR & LR on issues that impact housing - items like market trends, economic factors, and flood insurance. Work with a REALTOR® that understands and keeps up with what is going on and has good relationships with others associated with the transaction. Leveraging to get the best deal. If you’re selling a home, it’s tempting to accept an offer out of pure exhaustion. A good REALTOR® keeps you focused on your negotiating position, especially in multiple offer situations, which are the norm for the current market. This is a delicate process that takes experience to successfully navigate. A trusted REALTOR® goes beyond minimum licensing requirements to seek out continuing education opportunities, like nationally-recognized designations or certifications. Taking this additional step better prepares agents to handle tricky transactions with poise. Leveraging a REALTOR® to mediate your transaction can save you thousands of dollars and unnecessary stress.

Michelle Savage

Realtor, Keller Williams NWLA Realtor, Keller Williams NWLA

My story is actually pretty simple, and my success has been compounded by a supportive family and the drive to become the very best version of myself. Sometimes it takes a while (and a lot of trial and error) to find your purpose, which is certainly the case for me. My passion for real estate has very personal origins. It took my husband and I years to purchase our first home because, like so many consumers, we were uninformed on how the actual home-buying process works. It always seemed too far out of reach and too complicated. We weren’t even sure who to talk to. When we decided to get serious about achieving our dream of homeownership, we finally met the right professionals to guide us. Learning about and experiencing the home buying process piqued my interest so much that I decided to take the plunge into a real estate career myself. And what a plunge it has been! I was awarded Rookie of the Year in 2018 for the entire Gulf States Region (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida) and have sold over $35 million in real estate, putting me in the category of Mega-Agent every year since.
cess has been compounded by a supportive family and the drive to become the very best version of myself. Sometimes it takes a while (and a lot of trial and error) to find your purpose, which is very personal origins. It took my husband and I years to purchase our first home because, like so many consumers, we were uninformed on how the actual home-buying pro cess works. It always seemed too far out of reach and too complicated. We weren’t even sure who to talk to. When we decided to get serious about achieving our dream of homeownership, we finally met the right professionals to guide us. Learning about and experiencing the home buying process piqued my interest so much that I decided to take the plunge into a real estate career myself. And what a plunge it has been! I was awarded Rookie of the Year in 2018 for the entire Gulf States Region (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida) and have sold over $35 million in real estate, putting me in the category of Mega-Agent every year since.
2021 is such an exciting time in our local real estate market, and I love to share my insights with just about anyone who will stand still and listen! While the events of 2020 caused a major decline in available homes for sale, historically low-interest rates have kept the market moving, and it has been a boom for both buyers and sellers. As a result, now is a great time to sell your current home and move up into your dream home, and incentives for first-time homebuyers are bringing more and more new homeowners to the table. I just celebrated my 20th anniversary with my high school sweetheart, and our son just graduated from Loyola College Prep here in Shreveport. Becoming homeowners changed our lives for the better and introduced us to so many new avenues of personal and financial growth. My biggest thrill is sharing the skills and knowledge I have obtained to help others finally become homeowners themselves! I work hard for my clients to make sure the home buying or home selling process is smooth and as stress-free as possible. I want everyone to walk away from the closing table happy!
2021 is such an exciting time in our local real The hardestestate market, and I love to share my insights w with just about anyone who will stand still and listen! While the events of 2020 caused a major decline in available homes for sale, historically low-interest rates have kept the market moving, and it has been a boom for BUYING ~ both buyers and sellers. As a result, now is a great time to sell your current home and SEL move up into your dream home, and incentives for first-time homebuyers are bringing more and more new homeowners to the table. I just celebrated my 20th anniversary with my high school sweetheart, and our son just graduated from Loyola College Prep here in Shreveport. Becoming homeowners changed our lives for the better and introduced us to so many new avenues of personal and financial growth. My biggest thrill is sharing the skills and knowledge I have obtained to help others finally become homeowners themselves! I work hard for my clients to make sure the home buying or home selling process is smooth and as stress-free as possible. I want everyone to walk away from the closing table happy! Michelle Sav 318-402-6788 michellesavage@
795 Brookhollow Dr. 795 Brookhollow Dr. Shreveport, LA 71105 Shreveport, LA 71105 318-402-6788 Direct 318-402-6788 Direct 318-213-1555 318-213-1555 Each office is independently owned and operated. Each office is independently owned and operated. Licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. HomeSavage.com HomeSavage.com Stats taken from the NWLAR MLS from January Stats taken from the NWLAR MLS from January 2017 to present. 2017 to present.
Zondra Spikes
Realtor, Z. Spikes Property Group, LLC Keller Williams Realty, NWLA

working agent in town!Zondra Spikes has only been in the real estate business for 2.5 years and has already shown record producing results. She ondra Spikes has only been in enjoys being a part of the buying or enjoys being a part of the buying or selling of a real estate transaction selling of a real estate transaction because she knows this is the largest because she knows this is the largest investment anyone can make. She be investment anyone can make. She beLLING ~ INVESTMENTlieves everyone deserves a piece of the American Dream. lieves everyone deserves a piece of the PROPERTY Ms. Spikes works with home buyers, Ms. Spikes works with home buyers, especially first-time home buyers, by especially first-time home buyers, by educating them throughout the en- ® tire process, from education on credit tire process, from education on credit vage, REALTOR to recommending lenders, and help-to recommending lenders, and help ing with negotiating contracts, and ing with negotiating contracts, and ensuring the clients are well educated and taken care of during the process. and taken care of during the process. Ms. Spikes is Keller Williams NWLA 2020 Rookie of the year, a member of the Regional Social Equity Task Force the Regional Social Equity Task Force for Keller Williams Realty, a member of the Young Professional Network for of the Young Professional Network for the Northwest Louisiana National As the Northwest Louisiana National Association of Realtors, a Certified Short Sale and Foreclosure Specialist, and a member of the Delta Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Outside the joys of working in real estate, Ms. Spikes spends time with her three-month-old son Zachery, enjoys spending time with family and joys spending time with family and friends, and traveling.

Shreveport, LA | 318-213-1555 Each office independently owned and operated. Licensed by Louisiana Real Estate Commission
Keller Williams Realty, NWLA Shreveport, LA 71105 Independently owned and operated. Licensed in Louisiana. Cell: 318-519-7574 Office: 318-213-1555

Jenny Spivey Team
RE/MAX Real Estate Services
As a RE/MAX® agent, Jenny is dedicated to help-s a RE/MAX® agent, Jenny is dedicated to help ing her clients find the home of their dreams. ing her clients find the home of their dreams. Whether you are buying or selling a home or Whether you are buying or selling a home or just curious about the local market, Jenny would love to offer her support and services. She knows the local love to offer her support and services. She knows the local community — both as an agent and a neighbor — and can community — both as an agent and a neighbor — and can help guide you through the nuances of our local market. help guide you through the nuances of our local market. She started in real estate over 14 years ago and learned ear-She started in real estate over 14 years ago and learned ear ly that real estate is her passion. While working for another ly that real estate is her passion. While working for another brokerage, she wanted to branch out and become larger. In brokerage, she wanted to branch out and become larger. In late 2018 she went with a world-renown company, Remax. late 2018 she went with a world-renown company, Remax. The tools that Remax had to offer were so innovative and The tools that Remax had to offer were so innovative and would help her clients on a whole new level. Two years ago, would help her clients on a whole new level. Two years ago, she decided she wanted to form a team and went out and she decided she wanted to form a team and went out and picked the best of the best.
First to join was someone she could train from the beginning, Brooke Stevens. Brooke is amazing and has a genuine love for helping others and making sure all is in perfect order. Brooke will be on the go rain or shine. She is always up and willing to help. Organization is key to her, and Brooke can tell you from start to finish of each
transaction where you are. “My main drive is the satisfaction of helping people through the major milestones in their lives, such as relocating for a job, bigger home due to a growing family, building or searching for their dream home, the first time home buyer, the list goes on. This experience needs to be as stress-free as possible for them. I strive for a stress-free transaction.” Marc Vagrin was the second team member to join. Marc is a go-getter and never stops. He forms long-lasting friendships with his clients and never fails to find precisely what the homebuyer is looking for. Marc has so much drive and determination, and he searches day in and day out for the perfect home for his buyers. Marc has a lending background, so the knowledge that he has for the financing side of it is a true help to not only his clients but also all his teammates, it helps them all find the loan that fits their clients perfectly. Together the Jenny Spivey Team are a tight-knit group and have become a family. With access to top listings, a First to join was someone she could train from the be worldwide network, exceptional marketing strategies ginning, Brooke Stevens. Brooke is amazing and has a and cutting-edge technology, Jenny and her team work hard to make your real estate experience memorable and enjoyable. Their goals are their client’s goals. her, and Brooke can tell you from start to finish of each transaction where you are. “My main drive is the satisfaction of helping people through the major milestones in their lives, such as relocating for a job, bigger home due to a growing family, building or searching for their dream home, the first time home buyer, the list goes on. This experience needs to be as stress-free as possible for them. I strive for a stress-free transaction.” Marc Vagrin was the second team member to join. Marc is a go-getter and never stops. He forms long-lasting friendships with his clients and never fails to find precisely what the homebuyer is looking for. Marc has so much drive and determination, and he searches day in and day out for the perfect home for his buyers. Marc has a lending background, so the knowledge that he has for the financing side of it is a true help to not only his clients but also all his teammates, it helps them all find the loan that fits their clients perfectly. Together the Jenny Spivey Team are a tight-knit group and have become a family. With access to top listings, a worldwide network, exceptional marketing strategies and cutting-edge technology, Jenny and her team work hard to make your real estate experience memorable and enjoyable. Their goals are their client’s goals.
Marian Claville Burks
Keller Williams Northwest Louisiana Keller Williams Northwest Louisiana
Marian Claville Burks, a Shreveport native and arian Claville Burks, a Shreveport native and LSUS graduate, began real estate investing in LSUS graduate, began real estate investing in 2014 and purchased her first investment prop-2014 and purchased her first investment prop erty. Then, in 2016, she decided to get her real erty. Then, in 2016, she decided to get her real estate license. She became a realtor because she wanted estate license. She became a realtor because she wanted to show her family, specifically her mother and daughter, a to show her family, specifically her mother and daughter, a better life. Marian’s mission as a realtor is to see the Shreve-better life. Marian’s mission as a realtor is to see the Shreve port/Bossier City area thrive through homeownership. port/Bossier City area thrive through homeownership. “Through the vehicle of real estate, I have been able “Through the vehicle of real estate, I have been able to buy my mom two homes, show my daughter a life I to buy my mom two homes, show my daughter a life I dreamed of as a kid, build an investment business with dreamed of as a kid, build an investment business with my husband, and change the community. Real estate has my husband, and change the community. Real estate has changed my life,” said Marian. Burks specializes in residential homeownership and Burks specializes in residential homeownership and strategic real estate investments. She helps small business owners hedge their income using real estate invest-ness owners hedge their income using real estate invest ment income. Marian also helps those who believed they ment income. Marian also helps those who believed they could never own a home become homeowners. What could never own a home become homeowners. What drives Burks to be a great realtor is that many people are drives Burks to be a great realtor is that many people are misinformed about the real estate process. So she gets an misinformed about the real estate process. So she gets an opportunity to inform them of their real estate options opportunity to inform them of their real estate options that make it easy for them to understand and empowers them to take educated action. Whether it is buying a home or investing in real estate, Marian wants her clients to know all their options to make the best decision for themselves and their families. Marian has helped hundreds of homeowners and investors. Her knowledge base and accomplishments help her clients navigate the investment and homeowner world with facts and a strategy that will work for them. In 2017, Burks received the Keller Williams Realty NWLA Rookie of the Year and the Keller Williams Realty Gulf States Rookie of the Year. Marian is very involved in the community and is the current President of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) Shreveport Chapter. She also loves to teach real estate investing. Outside of real estate, Marian loves to travel, read, and spend time with her daughter, Leevah, and her husband, Ledell. 795 Brook Hollow Dr., Shreveport, LA 71105 Office: 318-213-1555 •Cell: 318-780-2302
that make it easy for them to understand and empowers them to take educated action. Whether it is buying a home or investing in real estate, Marian wants her clients to know all their options to make the best decision for themselves and their families. Marian has helped hundreds of homeowners and investors. Her knowledge base and accomplishments help her clients navigate the investment and homeowner world with facts and a strategy that will work for them. In 2017, Burks received the Keller Williams Realty NWLA Rookie of the Year and the Keller Williams Realty Gulf States Rookie of the Year. Marian is very involved in the community and is the current President of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) Shreveport Chapter. She also loves to teach real estate investing. Outside of real estate, Marian loves to travel, read, and spend time with her daughter, Leevah, and her husband, Ledell. 795 Brook Hollow Dr., Shreveport, LA 71105 Office: 318-213-1555 •Cell: 318-780-2302

Ebony Layton
Realtor, Keller Williams NWLA Realtor, Keller Williams NWLA
I've been selling real estate for the last three years. Prior to real estate, I worked in healthcare as a therapist. That to real estate, I worked in healthcare as a therapist. That is where my passion for serving others began. After sev-is where my passion for serving others began. After sev eral years of working in healthcare, I began to desire to eral years of working in healthcare, I began to desire to serve others in a different capacity. That desire led me to serve others in a different capacity. That desire led me to real estate.
Since becoming a realtor, my goals in this profession have expanded beyond what I could have ever imagined in the beginning. When I first started practicing real estate, I wasn't sure how or where I would fit in, in this business. However, I knew that as long as I focused on my purpose to serve that everything else would fall into place. Being a part of such a significant moment in someone's life and helping guide them to achieve the goal of home ownership is the most rewarding feeling. Each experience fuels me to want to continue learning as much as I can, to better help as many families as I possibly can. My number one priority is and will always be to put the needs of my clients first and to provide them with exceptional customer service. It's something that I pride myself
in doing. Whether my client is buying or selling a home, I want them to know that they can rely on and trust in me wholeheartedly. I'm most proud of all the families I've been able to help thus far and how much my business has grown in just three short years. To go Since becoming a realtor, my goals in this profession have expanded beyond what I could have ever imagined in the beginning. When I first started practicing real estate, I wasn't sure how or where I would fit in, in this business. However, I knew that as long as I focused on my purpose to serve that everything else would fall into place. Being a part of such a significant moment in someone's life and helping from not knowing my own potential in this scope of practice and to have had my business quadruple since starting is something that I don't take for granted. It has given me confirmation that this is absolutely what I'm purposed to do. To lead, grow, and serve to be the best realtor to all of those who need me is what I'm committed to doing. most rewarding feeling. When I'm not working, I love spending time with my family, Each experience fuels me to want to continue learning as much as I can, to better help as many families as I possibly can. My number one priority is and will always be to put the needs of my clients first and to provide them with excep traveling, and shopping. I absolutely love what I do and feel so blessed to do this on a daily basis. I'm excited about the future, the families I have yet to meet/help, and the beautiful moments that are to come. Buy and Sell with Ebony! tional customer service. It's something that I pride myself in doing. Whether my client is buying or selling a home, I want them to know that they can rely on and trust in me wholeheartedly. I'm most proud of all the families I've been able to help thus far and how much my business has grown in just three short years. To go from not knowing my own potential in this scope of practice and to have had my business quadruple since starting is something that I don't take for granted. It has given me confirmation that this is absolutely what I'm purposed to do. To lead, grow, and serve to be the best realtor to all of those who need me is what I'm committed to doing. When I'm not working, I love spending time with my family, traveling, and shopping. I absolutely love what I do and feel so blessed to do this on a daily basis. I'm excited about the future, the families I have yet to meet/help, and the beautiful moments that are to come. Buy and Sell with Ebony!
Theresa Miller
Century 21 Elite
Theresa is currently a licensed realtor and Business heresa is currently a licensed realtor and Business Manager with Century 21 Elite. She obtained her Manager with Century 21 Elite. She obtained her real estate license in 2007 and is presently a Top real estate license in 2007 and is presently a Top Producer with over 3+ Million in Sales. Addition-Producer with over 3+ Million in Sales. Addition ally, she has earned her ABR (Accredited Buyers Repre-ally, she has earned her ABR (Accredited Buyers Repre sentative) Designation, MRP (Military Relocation Profes-sentative) Designation, MRP (Military Relocation Profes sional) Designation, MRS (Military Residential Specialist), sional) Designation, MRS (Military Residential Specialist), and ePro (electronics proficiency) PSA (Pricing Strategies and ePro (electronics proficiency) PSA (Pricing Strategies Advisor) Designations. Currently a Sterling R, LRPAC political supporter.
She spent over 20 years in the Human Resource-Personnel field, working with both Fortune 500 Companies and Civil Service. Making the change to Real Estate was a perfect fit, especially in the people side of the business. Her background helped her navigate during the pandemic recently to still assist her clients and agents to remain calm and get through the storm. Theresa is very active in the community, and she currently serves on the Northwest Louisiana Board of Realtors as Past-President for 2021. In 2020 as President, she and her fellow realtors were deemed essential personnel during the pandemic and were able to assist home buyers
and sellers in continuing the American dream of homeownership. She and her husband love Mardi Gras and are very active in both the Krewe of Atlas, currently serving as King and Queen. They are longtime members of the Krewe of Centaur since 1999 and joined the Krewe of Gemini this year. Theresa was born in GerThank you to the Thrash’s for use of their home at 1045 Erie in Shreveport. many while her parents She spent over 20 years in the Human Resource-Person were stationed overseas with the US Air Force. She is nel field, working with both Fortune 500 Companies and an alumni of Parkway High School and earned a Liberal Civil Service. Making the change to Real Estate was a Arts Degree from LSU-S. perfect fit, especially in the people side of the business. Theresa has traveled and lived both stateside and overHer background helped her navigate during the pandem seas while her family proudly served in the Air Force. She returned home to Bossier City in the late ’90s to be closer calm and get through the storm. to family. In her spare time, she loves riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle, spending time with her grandchildren (all 8 of them), traveling and cruising, along with her favorite pastime of bowling. Cell (318) 422-4150 • Office (318) 868-3600 during the pandemic and were able to assist home buyers www.CaddoBossierHomes.com
and sellers in continuing the American dream of homeownership. She and her husband love Mardi Gras and are very active in both the Krewe of Atlas, currently serving as King and Queen. They are longtime members of the Krewe of Centaur since 1999 and joined the Krewe of Gemini this year. Theresa was born in GerThank you to the Thrash’s for use of their many while her parents were stationed overseas with the US Air Force. She is an alumni of Parkway High School and earned a Liberal Arts Degree from LSU-S. Theresa has traveled and lived both stateside and overseas while her family proudly served in the Air Force. She returned home to Bossier City in the late ’90s to be closer to family. In her spare time, she loves riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle, spending time with her grandchildren (all 8 of them), traveling and cruising, along with her favorite pastime of bowling. Cell (318) 422-4150 • Office (318) 868-3600 www.CaddoBossierHomes.com

795 Brookhollow Drive, Shreveport, LA 71105 795 Brookhollow Drive, Shreveport, LA 71105

Kalette Wilson-Haley
CENTURY 21 Elite
As a child, Kalette Wilson-Haley was introduced s a child, Kalette Wilson-Haley was introduced to the world of real estate by a family member to the world of real estate by a family member who owned a realty company. Kalette knew who owned a realty company. Kalette knew that she wanted to use her knowledge to chart that she wanted to use her knowledge to chart a path in helping others in Mansfield/DeSoto Parish and a path in helping others in Mansfield/DeSoto Parish and the surrounding areas. the surrounding areas. “I am passionate about guiding my clients through one of the biggest investments of their lives. Mansfield was pretty much an untapped market that needed to have a different approach to real estate,” that needed to have a different approach to real estate,” says Haley. “My niche is working with buyers. I give them says Haley. “My niche is working with buyers. I give them my undivided attention and expert knowledge of the my undivided attention and expert knowledge of the local market.” In the last two years, Kalette was a rising star at Century 21 Elite. She has received Top Producer star at Century 21 Elite. She has received Top Producer Awards and her proudest moment was being named an Awards and her proudest moment was being named an Individual Top 25 producing agent across Louisiana with Century 21 Elite. Her passion for Real Estate is what Century 21 Elite. Her passion for Real Estate is what drives her to be a good realtor. Kalette feels incredibly drives her to be a good realtor. Kalette feels incredibly blessed to work with amazing clients who become her blessed to work with amazing clients who become her friends and a vital part of her community network. friends and a vital part of her community network.
8575 Fern Ave, Suite 105, Shreveport, LA 71105 8575 Fern Ave, Suite 105, Shreveport, LA 71105 Phone: 318.868.3600
Dee Davidson,
REALTOR, is a wife, mother, community leader, US Veteran, and Christian with core values of Integrity, Experience, and Service. Knowing the dream of homeownership has always been at the very heart of the “American Dream.” She works tirelessly to ensure families achieve that foundation.

318.820.9750 4320 Parkway Drive Bossier City, LA 71112

Katelyn Hedges Roan
Diamond Realty & Associates LLC - Louisiana Century 21 A Select Group - Texas Century 21 A Select Group - Texas
Katelyn Hedges Roan is a young, driven, and energetic atelyn Hedges Roan is a young, driven, and energetic realtor that has been in Real Estate for a little over two realtor that has been in Real Estate for a little over two years. She was born and raised in Shreveport, gradu-years. She was born and raised in Shreveport, gradu ated high school from Captain Shreve, and graduated ated high school from Captain Shreve, and graduated college from LSUS. She started her real estate journey be-college from LSUS. She started her real estate journey be cause it’s her passion to help others, and she wanted to help cause it’s her passion to help others, and she wanted to help people navigate the largest transaction of their life. people navigate the largest transaction of their life.
Roan loves seeing her work reflect onto others to bring Roan loves seeing her work reflect onto others to bring them a better life as they turn a new page. She strives to them a better life as they turn a new page. She strives to make every transaction seamless, memorable, enjoyable, and stress-free. Katelyn is licensed in two states and finds herself helping people mostly in rural herself helping people mostly in rural areas of Northwest Louisiana and East areas of Northwest Louisiana and East
Texas. Outside of real estate, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, going on adventures with her friends, going on adventures with her husband, riding horses, and taking care of her farm. 315 E Texas Street Bossier City, LA 315 E Texas Street Bossier City, LA 71111. 318-402-6983
Chris Stokes
Walker Alley & Associates

Chris puts his legal education, corporate real estate, marketing, and sales experience to good tate, marketing, and sales experience to good use as a Commercial Realtor. He has success-use as a Commercial Realtor. He has success fully represented Buyers and Sellers of Vacant fully represented Buyers and Sellers of Vacant Historic Buildings in Downtown Shreveport. Loves Truck Stop in a recent land purchase from Chesapeake Energy in Desoto Parish. The Lofts at 624 Texas in leasing office space to TFG Financial and several other tenants. North Caddo Hospital in buying property in the Blanchard area for a new Medical Clinic. The Landowner in selling property to Willis Knighton for a Medical Clinic in Blanchard. Industri-Clinic in Blanchard. Industri al building owners, industrial buyers, and tenants. Chris has a passion for economic development and putting historic properties back in the stream of commerce. Email Chris atchris@walkeralley.com or call him 318-585-2094.

4330 Parkway Drive Suite 208 Bossier City
O: 318.200.0552 M: 318.455.7110 318.REALESTATE BETHGRAHAM318@GMAIL.COM