8 minute read
Summer Food Bucket List
from Summer in the SBC.
by SB Magazine
Summer time
Food AND Drink Bucket List
Summer is the best. The days are warmer, longer, and just happier. In addition to family vacations, summer is also one of the best seasons for eating and drinking. There’s ample produce ripe for ing and drinking. There’s ample produce ripe for the picking (and cooking), and it’s prime patio season the picking (and cooking), and it’s prime patio season for restaurants, bars, and breweries. Here are some for restaurants, bars, and breweries. Here are some food-related activities to add to your food bucket list food-related activities to add to your food bucket list and complete before Labor Day.
1. MAKE ICE CREAM. Everyone loves ice cream! But did you know you can easily make this summertime dessert at home? You don’t need an ice cream maker to do it, either. You can keep it simple with a strawberry soft serve or a kid-friendly cake batter ice cream or get creative with PB&J-inspired or a unique goat cheese ice cream. 2. PERFECT YOUR GUACAMOLE RECIPE. Guacamole is a go-to party food any time of the year, but there’s something especially satisfying about this creamy, cold dip in the summertime. Learn the basics of making a great guac and then play around with the flavors. Mix in tomatoes or jalapenos, or get more creative with roasted garlic, bacon, or beans in your avocado dip.
you know you can easily make this summertime dessert at home? You don’t need an ice cream maker to do it, ei ther. You can keep it simple with a strawberry soft serve with PB&J-inspired or a unique goat cheese ice cream.
le is a go-to party food any time of the year, but there’s something especially satisfying about this creamy, cold 3. EAT AT A FOOD TRUCK. There’s a special kind of joy dip in the summertime. Learn the basics of making a in eating at a food truck, especially when they have niche great guac and then play around with the flavors. Mix in and unusual offerings. Waffle sandwiches, Mexican tomatoes or jalapenos, or get more creative with roasted street corn, and outrageous burgers all make for perfect summer eats.
3. EAT AT A FOOD TRUCK. There’s a special kind of joy in eating at a food truck, especially when they have niche and unusual offerings. Waffle sandwiches, Mexican street corn, and outrageous burgers all make for perfect summer eats.

4. PICKLE SOMETHING. Nothing goes with chargrilled burgers or hot dogs quite like pickled veggies so pickle burgers or hot dogs quite like pickled veggies so pickle something yourself this summer using your garden’s boun-something yourself this summer using your garden’s boun ty! Bread and butter pickles are a classic option, but if you aren’t feeling cucumbers, you can pickle green beans, jalapenos, onions, or cauliflower. penos, onions, or cauliflower. 5. GO FRUIT PICKING. 5. GO FRUIT PICKING. You may associate picking your own fruit with apples in the fall, but you still can head to own fruit with apples in the fall, but you still can head to an orchard in the summer and get any number of berries an orchard in the summer and get any number of berries straight off the vine. Of course, nothing is better than a straight off the vine. Of course, nothing is better than a sun-kissed strawberry or blueberry you picked yourself. 6. HOST A POTLUCK. HOST A POTLUCK. Everyone loves a dinner party, but Everyone loves a dinner party, but few love preparing every last thing themselves. The solution: few love preparing every last thing themselves. The solution: A good old-fashioned potluck. If you’re hosting, supply an en-A good old-fashioned potluck. If you’re hosting, supply an en tree and an impressive dessert. Let your friends bring the rest. tree and an impressive dessert. Let your friends bring the rest. 7. DRINK OUTSIDE. There’s a particular pleasure in drinking outside in the summertime. An ice-cold beer or freshly ing outside in the summertime. An ice-cold beer or freshly made cocktail tastes better on a back deck. It’s even better if made cocktail tastes better on a back deck. It’s even better if you’re drinking something frozen. 8. PICK THE PERFECT WATERMELON. 8. PICK THE PERFECT WATERMELON. Summer is the best season for fruit, and refreshing, sweet and hydrating watermelon season for fruit, and refreshing, sweet and hydrating watermelon is the best kind of summer eat. But before you buy this big ol’ fruit, is the best kind of summer eat. But before you buy this big ol’ fruit, it’s important to know how to pick the perfect watermelon. it’s important to know how to pick the perfect watermelon.
Make this the summer of perfect s’mores by building a fire in your yard, sitting around with skewers, and toast-fire in your yard, sitting around with skewers, and toast ing your marshmallows to perfection. Then, build a classic ing your marshmallows to perfection. Then, build a classic treat with a milk chocolate bar and a graham cracker. If you don’t have a yard for a fire, don’t worry, you can make toasted marshmallow s’mores in your oven. 10. EXPERIENCE SOUTHERN BBQ. Barbecue just tastes better in the summer. If you can, smoke some Texas-style brisket at home. But if you’d rather leave it up to the pros, brisket at home. But if you’d rather leave it up to the pros, we don’t blame you. Just make sure you know all the BBQ we don’t blame you. Just make sure you know all the BBQ styles before diving into that pulled pork! styles before diving into that pulled pork! 11. ENJOY A BOTTOMLESS BRUNCH. 11. ENJOY A BOTTOMLESS BRUNCH. For many, especially after a late Saturday night, brunch is the most important meal of the day, and a bottomless brunch is the best portant meal of the day, and a bottomless brunch is the best type of brunch you can get. 12. EAT RAW OYSTERS. Trust me—raw oysters are actually quite tasty. But if you’re straddling the fence and don’t ally quite tasty. But if you’re straddling the fence and don’t want to commit, settle for some fried or charbroiled oysters. Just remember, the world is your oyster. 13. MIX UP SOME MARGARITAS While you’re indulging in some summertime sips, make sure to add “learn how to in some summertime sips, make sure to add “learn how to make a marvelous margarita” to your summertime to-do list. After you master the basics, you can level up to flavored margaritas and spicy margaritas. 14. EAT A MANGO WHILE TAKING A BATH. 14. EAT A MANGO WHILE TAKING A BATH. Nothing—I repeat, nothing—is quite as pleasing as drawing a bath with a perfectly ripe mango. What better place to eat a mango a perfectly ripe mango. What better place to eat a mango than while taking a bath? Refreshing and tasty, with the than while taking a bath? Refreshing and tasty, with the ability to wash off all the messiness.
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7 PM

Starring Peter Noone

7 PM
Celebrating the music of Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins.

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⭐ Stay hydrated! ⭐ Don’t drink and drive a car, boat, or operate heavy
⭐ Supervise children and never leave them unattended. ⭐ Children under 12 should wear helmets while biking. ⭐ Don’t leave kids or pets unattended in vehicles. ⭐ Make sure pets always have clean water and limit their
exposure to extreme temperatures.
⭐ Buy fireworks only from reputable sellers and follow
local laws.
⭐ Light fireworks only on flat, even surfaces away from
buildings and don’t aim at people, animals, or plants.
⭐ Beat the heat by wearing cool clothing, staying indoors,
slowing down outside and drinking water.
⭐ Wear a life vest while boating and fishing. ⭐ When swimming, have life vests for children and
inexperienced swimmers.
⭐ When out in the sun, use sunscreen with at least SPF 30. ⭐ Keep hand sanitizer in your car, backpack, or handbag. ⭐ Use mosquito repellant when spending time outdoors. ⭐ Wear long sleeves and pants in the woods or doing yard
work to avoid poison ivy, poison oak, and ticks.
⭐ Motorcyclists should wear a helmet and eye protection. ⭐ Make sure to have a First Aid kit and fire extinguisher
at home.
⭐ Protect your eyes with sunglasses that block UVA and