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wizard, triggers the most difficult part of the current astro climate which is the stellium (= conglomeration of several planets) of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. The whole stellium is retrograde, therefore gains that have been made throughout this year, and in particular since May, might be lost. In the best case scenario the path ahead must be reconsidered and reformed. Mercury in Cancer is extremely concerned about safety, security and stability. His worries are difficult to soothe while facts, goals and right process are shrouded in a mist of deception or disillusion (Mercury trine Neptune). Nevertheless if you find a way to extract yourself from all the ills of this world and dive deeply into the creative realms, you may find this week quite inspiring and constructive. Writing, mindfulness and mental health are also related to Mercury. In combination with a Sun/ Chiron trine (exact on Saturday) and a Sun/Uranus square (exact on Sunday) some surprising, exciting or plainly weird ideas might actually bring a new perspective and promote alternatives. Be careful to not overreact to all the different stimuli, fears and opinions, and remember kindness when others don’t agree with you. This is especially important during the Aquarian Full Moon on Tuesday which coincides with a Mars/Jupiter square. It may well mark a make-it-or-break-it point. Overconfidence and risk-taking might lead to new trouble; at the same time nerves are raw, making it easy to over-react. There is also a danger of feeling morally superior and therefore super-judgemental! On Wednesday Mercury moves into playful, fun-loving and at times a bit bossy Leo. He is very fast right now and takes only two weeks to traverse this sign. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.
Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: giselasunshine@gmail.com.au or text 0431 894 408
g ARIES The Death Tarot card appears when profound change is knocking at the door of your consciousness and you have no choice but to open up. Deep inside you may be quite aware of the fact that you are ending a major phase of your life and that it is time to reinvent yourself, but you still might resist which makes your pain persist.
h TAURUS The 6 of Cups symbolises goodwill expressed in kind and charitable acts, which could also be directed to random people you don’t know. You experience great pleasure when you are giving and you also love to receive. Right now you have the uplifting ability to see the silver lining in otherwise hopeless situations and you can inspire others.
i GEMINI The 9 of Cups is often called the wish card. Try a little meditation and visualise your biggest wish coming true. No matter whether it is about love, family, health, money or security, if you can tap into the feeling of receiving what you wish for, you have already elevated your spirit and you are getting closer to the manifestation of what you want.
j CANCER The Princess of Cups represents your enormous sensitivity to everything around you – people, vibes and your environment. She nudges you to cast aside old, overprotective behaviour patterns, e.g. shyness, and let others see and feel you. No need to try to control or manipulate any situation, just be true to yourself and be just that… k LEO The Devil Tarot card points out that it is time to deal with your own shadow. Which situations trigger you into reactive, obsessive or dysfunctional responses to a loved one? Now you have a chance to free yourself and adopt a new, creative attitude to solving problems regarding relationships.
l VIRGO The 5 of Wands represents strife, anxiety and frustration. You may be arguing with yourself or with others, and the more entrenched it gets, the more you get bogged down feeling limited and disempowered. Give yourself some space, take time out in nature and let the wind blow away the cobwebs of your mind.
a LIBRA The Empress is the archetype of feminine leadership expressed in tender care and nurturing. She lovingly conveys her wisdom and insight to everyone, and she has great compassion for the nature of human beings, while keeping a clear focus on the bigger picture. She assists you to establish clear boundaries, so you can say yes when you mean it and no when you have to.
b SCORPIO The 6 of Wands brings acknowledgement and recognition. You may even feel a little proud about the fact that if you follow your inner guidance, it usually leads to triumph and success. Remember, when you create win/win situations your own satisfaction multiplies. c SAGITTARIUS The Ace of Swords offers great insights into the workings of the mind. This week you feel switched on, alert, ready to think outside the box and implement creative ideas. Your main power is to cut through your own confusion and doubt, and as you do that you help others find clarity as well.
d CAPRICORN The Hermit Tarot card suggests you focus inward and give up distractions as often as you remember to during this week. Spend some time alone in contemplation; it helps you to get back on track with the things that are most important for you. Introspection and soul-search bring you all the answers you are looking for.
e AQUARIUS The 8 of Swords symbolises a hyperactive and overanalytical mind that keeps thinking in circles and pays too much attention to other people’s opinions and convictions. To regain inner peace you may have to slow down, get in touch with your own feelings and allow yourself to be guided by your intuition.
f PISCES With the 3 of Cups drawn your heart is full and overflowing; so much to give, so much to share and so many good vibes that come straight back to you! This is the perfect week to celebrate life with friends and family, but it also works wonders with business contacts because you radiate openness and trust.