11 minute read
M a k e u p • h a i r • b a r b e r i n g EST. 2018
M a k e u p • h a i r • b a r b e r i n g EST. 2018
At Envy and The Barber Shop, we are much more than just another hair salon or Barber shop. Not only do we produce the very best in quality and traditional barbering in Byron Bay, but our knowledge and expertise in women’s colour, styling and cutting speaks volumes. With a qualified makeup artist on hand, we’re also the perfect choice for all special event styling, including weddings. We welcome new clients to experience all that we have to offer.
YOUR BUSINESS HERE FROM $17 Advertise your business from as litt le as $17/week. For more info and full rates please visit byronbazaar.com/businessclassifi eds or call our helpful sales team on 0487 003 765
Byron Bazaar supports local businesses, creatives and communities. We are providing an opportunity for new and emerging businesses and talented individuals to advertise their product or service for FREE

Send in your advertisement titled "Watch This Space" to hello@byronbazaar.com The dimensions of the ad should be 92.5mmW x 128.5mmH (the size of this box) saved out as a B&W high resolution .jpg or .pdf fi le..
Dear Keenwa Mother Grain FRO M THE Ancient Wisdom
DEAR KEENWA, If I'm always att racting the mirror image of myself in others, what is the point of partnership or lovers? Isn't it dangerous to be looking for what we perceive as missing in ourselves in another? Aren't we all just looking for our mum or dad, and what they never gave us? I mean why relate at all? - Twin Blame DEAR TWIN BLAME, The path of partnership is not for everyone. I myself know how incredibly perfect I am when single, yet majorly smacked down when faced with said mirrors. Lets be clear. Oh, he hits me I must be an abuser, is not the mirror we talkin' about. This guy believes I am worthless enough to speak so badly to me, then I must believe the same about myself, could be a truth. As is, OMG this fella is soooo damn fi ne, then I too must be a honey. Not sure if there is any point apart from occasional pleasure and occasional pain depending on which way the light hits the glass.
DEAR KEENWA, Dogfi shing. Those that use photos of their pets on online dating apps to att ract suitors. I've always wanted a red dog. I recently matched with a dog mum, and imagined driving off into the sunset for a family outback Australian road trip, and bush coff ee. Instead I got an inner city woman who would not let us eat on the couch. It was an unfair and misleading experience. - Doggy Style DEAR DOGGY STYLE, As a germaphobe, I myself put the online dog kissing candidates on the red fl ag list. Along with the token gym pic, the surfi ng sequence - I accept singular shots but anything more than that I know I am dealing with someone who wants to wake me up for the early or worse sit on the beach and hold his camera, or worse still thinks bedroom talk is, “and did you see that one?!”
byronbazaar.com/dearkeenwa HAVE A QUESTION FOR KEENWA?

BOARD Notice Community
What’s Happening In Our Community
MAYAN ELDERS MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: Free Movie night, On 6.30pm Saturday 28 March, at 37 Cowper st Byron bay. Everyone Welcome. Put on by Byron Gnostic Society 0412 020 234 AUTUMN FEDERAL EXCHANGE - SAT 2ND MAY Save the Date! 10am, Federal Park, all-weather, family-friendly, cash-free event. Bring along fruit, veg, herbs, cuttings, seeds, eggs, bulbs etc to swap and share. see FB group @The Federal Exchange
LIBRARY OF STUFF MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE The Library of Stuff has over 400 items available for our members to borrow. Avoid contributing to consumption created emissions. #Borrow-dont-buy. See libraryofstuff.org.au for details.
BALI GIVE BAGS- DONATION BAGS FOR MUMS Are you travelling to Bali and would like to donate essential items directly to mums and newborn babies , for more information and a free donation pack please email baligivebags@gmail.com
WANT AN OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY LOCALLY AND OVERSEAS? Rotary has some amazing projects for you to get involved in. Find out more at Rotary Club of Byron Bay. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm for 7pm at the Byron Services Cub. All welcome. www.byronbayrotary.org.au/
SCRABBLE PLAYERS. New to area and would like to join local scrabble group or start a new group . Contact fidgetbriget@gmail.com OUT THERE WOMEN FOR NEW GROUP Are you fun? love adventure? live in the Nth Rivers? Group to meet for lunches, live music, theatre, art & travel. 45 - 60 yrs approx 0428 446 550 FREE SALSA/LATIN SOCIAL DANCE NIGHT monthly all weather event, every first Wednesday of the month, 8-10.30pm, at Guzman Y Gomez, 52 Jonson Street, Byron Bay. Donations go to charity. Check FB Byron Barrio Latino / call Esther 0431 130 456 BE CONNECTED WITH FREE TRAINING We're providing free training now in Byron Bay to give you the skills to be a digital mentor for seniors, helping them to get online and be connected. Takes 1 day, free lunch included. Call 6621 7397 BYRON LANGUAGE EXCHANGE CLUB Every 2nd Friday. Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, Japanese & more. To join our free club, send a short introduction about yourself to byronbaylanguages@gmail. com. Find us on fb! BYRON AREA BOOK CLUB Love reading? Want to meet like minded people? Our book club is looking for new members. Visit the Facebook Page or text 0451 638 844 for information. BYRON YOGA PHILOSOPHY CLUB Always free meditation classes every Monday evening @ 7pm 1 Korau Place Suffolk Park, Byron bay www. wisdom.yoga if you need a ride from Byron Ph Kris 0435 300 743 CHIN WAGS @ MAIN BEACH Casual discussion group! This is a judgement free, compassionate evening open to everyone. Fridays 6.30pm, Main Beach - Right side of Surf Club when looking at the beach: FB GROUP- Chin Wags CHOOSE FROM 40 ORGANISATIONS at the volunteer hub at Byron Community Centre. Make a difference, have fun, learn new skills and meet new people. volunteers@byroncentre.com.au
LEARN TO MEDITATE For those who think they can't meditate or who would like to expand their consciousness naturally. An effortless technique that will enhance all levels of your life. By donation 02 6684 7630
SOCIAL TABLE TENNIS at Bangalow Bowling Club now starts at 3 - 5pm.
DOING GOOD IN OUR COMMUNITY? Submit your info on events, fundraisers or meetings via our website: byronbazaar.com/community Deadline Monday prior to publication date. Reserved for community groups, free / charitable events & not-for-profit only. Not for business or profit based organisations.
Farmers Markets

We are blessed to live in some of the greenest most lush landscapes in Australia and with that comes fantastic growing conditions. With a number of fresh food markets across the shire, local, organic and all round delicious food is only a short distance away. Here are some of the amazing weekly locations where you can fill the pantries and your belly.
TUESDAYS New Brighton Farmers Market 8am - 11am
WEDNESDAYS Murwillumbah Farmers Market 7am - 11am Newrybar Eats and Produce Market 4pm - 7pm
THURSDAYS Byron Bay Farmers Market 7am - 11am Note: location now Cavanbah Centre
FRIDAYS Mullumbimby Farmers Market 7am - 11am
SATURDAYS Bangalow Farmers Market 7am - 11am Lismore Farmers Market 8am - 11:30am
Tricky Trivia Answers PG 15
1. Which of the following continents is Portugal on? A. Europe B. Asia C. Africa 2. The classic old-school science experiment, the paper mache volcano explodes by demonstrating the reaction between what two substances? A. Baking powder and hydrogen peroxide B. Yeast and lemon juice C. Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar 3. Goldie Hawn has been in a relationship with famous actor Jeff Bridges since 1983. True or false? 4. The rise of the style Art Deco started in which decade? A. 1900's B. 1920's C. 1940's 5. It is the curd content in fresh milk that is eventually devoured by bacteria, causing the sour taste when it is going off/bad? True or false? 6.The two primary ingredients in a traditional green bean casserole are green beans and what? A. Cheese B. Mayonnaise C. Cream of Mushroom Soup 7. Which of the famous painters named below is the oldest? A. Vincent Van Gogh B. Edouard Manet C. Gustav Klimt 8. Which book starts with the famous line "Call me Ishmael?" A. Moby Dick B. The Iliad C. Treasure Island 9.What is the total number of dots on a pair of dice? A. 22 B. 32 C. 42 10. A tetrahedron has how many sides? A. 4 B. 9 C. 17
OUR WEEKLY DINING GUIDE WILL BE CHANGING OVER THE NEXT FEW WEEKS TO MAKE SURE YOU STAY IN THE KNOW. Many restaurants have been forced to close down their dining areas, or amend their services, due to the coronavirus. Some have been working on alternatives. We want to support our local businesses in the best way we can, so for any that are continuing to operate, we will give them a space to tell you about that here. Home Deliveries, Take-aways, In-home dining, even home cooking – this is the place we will pull it all together for you.
FOR MORE INFO CALL 0487 003 765

MAZDA 323 2000 AUTO WAGON auto exc mech. Drives great new tyres perfect runaround economical new tyres good sound system $2000 0421 865 737
JACKED UP 4WD Raised, All terrain Dual cab 90's Manual Petrol - rego May 2020. Road test, offers and trades welcome $4k Call Clem 0413 470 775
URGENT/MUST SELL - PRICE REDUCED! - PEUGEOT 1984 505 SDN Silver only 126.000k genuine. Full NSW Rego Air-con New Tyres Spotless in & out. Classic Car! Great to Drive. $4650.00 ONO. 0427 217 040
NATURAL HEALTH BOOKS Naturopathic text books incl homeopathic, herbal, nutritional and more. Package of over 50 books for $50. Call Sue 0403 507 651
SONY BRAVIA 40” LCD DIGITAL TV with manual, no longer needed; v. good cond. $100. Can text photos. Phone: 0403 033 263
NEW H20 WEBBED SURF GLOVES $25, Maddog unisex wetsuit top medium $60, Flippers extra small hot buttered $20, New Manta clone flippers large $50, Peak wetsuit top large new $60, LA Lakers basketball ring/ backboard $20 call or text 0478 008 232
CLASSIC GALACTIC GAME 60IN1 console coffee table size 60 classic arcade games quality graphics as new perfect family fun/ teen den or gift $650 0421 865 737
QUALITY 2 SEATER SOFA BED, very heavy, will need reupholstering depending on your expectations, 215x88x90 $50 Jenny 0420 476 126 neg SKATEBOARD SMOOTH STAR Hardly used, comes w/ helmet /full set safety gear set/ graphite powder/etc. 0459 338 909 for photo. $300 ono
COUCH, 3 SEATER, Exc con, beige in colour, double stitched. Have had cover over it, so very clean. $300, you need to collect. 0459 338 909 for photo ,etc
BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC BARN FOR RENT in ewingsdale. Fully furnished. Two bedrms, use of pool/ grounds Pet ok.. Connie 0476 134 901 avail April
ROOM ON FARM STAY 6 MTH LEASE Stunning fully furnished room I ewingsdale. 6 mth lease available. Avail April 1. Call Connie 0476 134 902
ROOM AVAIL FROM 16TH MARCH for 2wks perfect spot nice room avail for non smoker single female thoughtful house private $235pw 0421 865 737
FULLY FURNISH HOUSE TO RENT IN MULLUMBIMBY. 3 bed,2 bath plus seperate bed studio w bath.salt water pool,outdoor entertain area,woodburner, dbl car port,new appliances. Minutes walk to town.Lovely large private home.$1100.00 per week. 0416 430 969
HOUSE FOR RENT IN FEDERAL Three bedroom, two bath house with pool and garage. Available immediately. Rent $2,500 per week. 0460 500 001 WORKSHOP SPACE A&IE Workshop space available in a shared warehouse. 0413 470 775 - No shop front/craftsperson or artist preferred - no engagement!
ROOM TO SHARE with one other in 2 bed, 1 bath unit in ocean shores. Avail 15 Feb, no pets! $220 per week, Call Steve 0407 105 832 after 2pm
WANTED LANDCRUISER & TRUCK Hi I'm currently looking to buy a Toyota hilux land cruiser or truck to make camper no rego needed please call me :) 0403 118 534
57YO WORKING LADY WITH SMALL DOG, NEW TO MULLUM. Looking for friends M or F any age, Coffee, lunch, dinner, etc. Susan 0427 035 121
WANTED ANY CONDITION! PLEASE Hi we can buy vehicles for learning project no reg ok! Trucks vans Utes car 4x4s bus's machinery call anytime please 0403 118 534
WANTED HOMES TO BUY OR RENT Hello lovely people we do property management with very high rental return . We need a house to buy totally any condition preferably Gold Coast area 0403 118 534 WANTED COLLECTABLE OLD BOTTLES Old glass & stoneware bottles such as soft drink, motor oil, milk, stone ginger beer, soda syphons, embossed chemist bottles etc. Ph 0439 779 577