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Drawing & Painting


BEEKEEPING with Steve Fowler This workshop introduces potential bee keepers to the delight and fascination of this rewarding hobby. The session covers safety, myth busting, hands-on bee keeping (Steve will bring along a beehive), legal requirements and the most important thing - how to get started! Sun, 24 Oct | 10 am - 6 pm Mullum Concession: $122 Full Fee: $136

OPEN GARDEN with Heather Stevenson Visit a thriving urban food garden. Interested in growing your own backyard fruit and veggies, maybe incorporating a couple of chooks? You know a bit about it, but would love to see how someone else is actually managing it, warts and all. Spend a morning having a good old stickybeak at Heather’s small kitchen garden. Wander around, ask questions, and get some great advice and ideas for your own food-based garden. Sat, 30 Oct | 9 am - 12 pm Mullum Concession: $44 Full Fee: $49


NEW Partnering with worms to create healthy soil makes good eco-sense. In this workshop, you will learn how to make a worm farm, how to care for the worms and how to work with worm leachate (juice) and castings. The tricks of hot and cool composting will be shared so you have endless food for your worms. Sat, 6 Nov | 9 am - 1 pm Mullum Concession: $89 Full Fee: $99 NATIVE PLANT IDENTIFICATION AND BUSH TUCKER with Joey Venables Join us for an introduction into the wonderful world of plant identification and become familiar with some of our local rainforest species and unique bush tucker. In the spirit of fun and inquiry, we will cover some basic and intermediate level botanic terminology, identify rainforest species, plant families, and discover what edible fruits, shoots and roots that are available in this area. Sat, 6 Nov | 10 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $101 Full Fee: $112

NATURAL BUILDING INTRODUCTION with Dani Wolff Come along to learn about various earthen building materials such as Strawbales, Cob, Mudbricks & Lightearth, and learn how to use them in your project. Sat, 13 Nov | 9 am - 3 pm Mullum Concession: $162 Full Fee: $180


NEW Learn how to make green cleaning products with simple ingredients that are easily found in your kitchen pantry. In this hands-on course you will create low tox products for different occasions and areas of your house. Helping to reduce the toxic load within the environment and improving everyone’s health. Fri, 26 Nov | 9 am - 1 pm Mullum Concession: $99 Full Fee: $110

GROWING OYSTER MUSHROOMS with Mikaela MacPhail & Bryan Firestone

NEW Connect with the alluring world of fungi through the creation of your own take home 10L oyster mushroom bucket! Learn simple low tech methods for home cultivation and the integral role fungi play in this worlds ecology! Sun, 7 Nov | 9 am - 12 pm Mullum Concession: $100 Full Fee: $111

ANIMALS - INTEGRATED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS with Sharon Gibson Learn how to incorporate animals into the design of your garden or food production system to increase its overall abundance, simplify management and optimise the health and productivity of your chickens, cows and other animals. This workshop includes a field trip exploring local animal production systems where we can experience successful integrative animal systems that can be implemented at various scales from the backyard to commercial. Fri, 8 Oct | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108

SETTLEMENTS - SUSTAINABLE HOUSING AND APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY with James Nash Explore some of the latest innovations in green building techniques and materials, site layout, biophilic design, home ecology, house and village design, including tiny houses. Learn how to apply design methods to preserve foods, generate energy and heat, provide domestic drinking water, treat grey and black water, composting toilets and more. Sat, 9 Oct | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108

WATER - SYSTEMS FOR THE HOME AND LANDSCAPE with James Nash Learn how to work with water in the landscape, exploring theoretical and practical examples of water harvesting, catching, storing and irrigation, changing our mindset from draining to ‘sponging’ water INTO the landscape. We will investigate and visit a range of local and global examples of swales, keylines, earthworks, wicking beds, dams, aquaponics and water biofiltration methods. Sun, 10 Oct | 9 am - 5 pm Byron Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108 BACKYARD PERMACULTURE LIVING LABORATORY with Lucy Legan

NEW Your backyard may be the most essential learning space your family can have. In this course, you will learn how to use whole-systems thinking strategies to create a livinglearning laboratory where children can play, eat healthily and understand nature. Learn how to apply permaculture principles within curriculum guidelines to support homeschooling, naturebased learning or caring educators. 2 Sat, 16 - 23 Oct | 9 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $170 Full Fee: $189

SOILS - ORGANIC MANAGEMENT - PDC with Joey Venables Get to know your own soil - what is it made of, what will grow well in it and how you can improve your soil to make the most of what it has to offer. Delve into the world of compost, soil nutrition and microbiology as we explore some of the myriad of ways you can build a healthy, fertile, robust soil through organic practices that will help you to grow food packed full of life force. Fri, 29 Oct | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108

ECOLOGY - WEEDS, PESTS AND DISEASES IN THE GARDEN - PDC with Joey Venables Learn to identify and control a range of common weeds, pests and diseases of food crops through holistic, ecologically sensitive management techniques. This course will build an appreciation of the importance of soil management to nurture crop health for natural pest and disease resistance. Sat, 27 Nov | 9 am - 5 pm Mullum Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108 SUSTAINABILITY

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